When I was looking up track listings in their catalogue to determine which albums to get first, it came to my attention that a box set of their entire discography* had recently been released. In a moment of striking financial irresponsibility, I purchased this thing. Secret Treaties/Fire of Unknown Origin/Imaginos squarely the best albums in the lot. ST/FoUO each have like one song I could do without but are otherwise consistently great. Imaginos is shockingly high-quality work for a band in its death throes and it makes me sad that no one was listening anymore by the time it came out.
Veteran of the Psychic Wars is probably their best song (I am particularly fond of this live version, which is on one of the concert albums I wound up with:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrd2xf5DIlU) but depending on what day it is I could possibly be argued into Astronomy.
Give Black Blade a listen if you haven't. It is glorious cheese.
(*excluding the post-80's couple that came out on an indie label)
EDIT: Jesus Ciato when did you officially become Luther Lansfeld.