ME3, I want to say, was where they finally found the happy balance for powers + shooting? ME1 it was WAAAAAAY skewed to powers being amazingly stupid, ME2 shifted a bit too heavily for shooting (particularly on higher difficulties), and ME3 hit that sweet spot?
Honestly, for raw gameplay, I think I'd be hard pressed to argue 3 wasn't flat out the best game? Just got all the elements to come together right (shooting, powers, use of cover, mobility, flanking, etc).
Anyhow, my default party trended towards Shep, Tali, who the fuck cares (more seriously, rotated between most PCs, but did generally use Mordin or Garrus the most).
League of Legends: 5 game winning streak! Followed by 4 game losing streak! I dunno. Still having trouble with decision making, I think. My general mechanics are improving pretty well, but I'm still not that hot at determining what I should be doing when, especially come midgame. I'm also still a little prone to not vary my item builds enough.
Bioshock: Decided to play this and then replay Infinite to really look at the two next to each other. Up past Steinman. He is very pretty now.
Fun fact: Infinite uses a completely different (read: more natural) control scheme on console then Bioshock does. Fuck Bioshock's control scheme.