BG2: Did Chapter 3. Well that was fast.
Bodhi has a very nice swimming pool.
Elminage Original: Wizardry-like for the PSP
Rarely have I seen a game live a lower amount of fucks about the player in any way.
There are like 20 classes and no explanation about any of them in the game. Pretty much everything else is the same and there's no balance and obscure mechanics are everywhere.
The manual is all "Uuuuh if you're having trouble go to the inn I guess? KTHXBYE"
Also it is hard as hell.
I played 7 hours nonstop.
I went with a Fighter/Valkyrie/Hunter/Bard/Bishop/Alchemist.
- Fighter (Yattaf) gets the Flamberge early on, and goes do 2x the damage of everybody else combined right away. This is the most unbalanced weapon since that crazy shit in Dragon Slayer Gaiden. Best HP and AC too.
- Valkyrie is dual wielding for decent damage, plus she gets to learn some priest spells.
- Hunter can hurt the back row, and sometimes gets a random double attack at the end of the turn. Good early, starting to lag now. Also he's a dumb lizard.
- Bard is pretty subpar but every party needs a bard. I made mine a 50 year old werebeast that looks like a lion. He does the thief stuff like opening chests, and can use his harp to put one enemy to sleep.
- Bishop gets mage and priest spells at an absolutely appaling rate. I turned him into regular priest and gave him two shields because this just wasn't cutting it. He has a cool hat and his nickname is "Boss"
- Alchemist's spells are ALL about status. I don't think I've ever seen status effects being more useful in a game? Spellcasters get spells at a crazy rate in this game, so the alchemist gets access to stuff like MT paralysis pretty fast. Lately though she's gotten a Flame Rod, which item casts Flamberge level damage on a whole row for free. (The fuck?) I maybe should give the rod to the Bishop and continue to status things.