Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 186617 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2525 on: December 05, 2013, 05:43:52 AM »
That is one shitass party. No red mage and a thief? at least you have access to Temper, that still rules the world.

As long as there's at least one fighter in the party, the rest of the team could all be Ramus and you'd still make it through.

Yeah I have to say, the Cid's party is above average, thanks to fighter/someonewithLife/whatever/whatever. Heck, the only reason fighter/anything isn't an above average party automatically is because technically 52% of possible parties include at least one fighter. <.<

Also yes, for the record, the Int stat does nothing. Same with the Luck stat (although it was at least was supposed to do something, running is just bugged). Poor FF1 stats.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2526 on: December 05, 2013, 05:47:51 AM »
So what is FF1 magic damage based off of?  Is it just static?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2527 on: December 05, 2013, 06:01:48 AM »
Interestingly it is based on Dex.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2528 on: December 05, 2013, 06:17:30 AM »
Clearly the INT stat tells us how good the PCs are at solving puzzles and deciphering ancient texts! DnD rules, yo.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2529 on: December 05, 2013, 06:40:53 AM »
For the srs answer: FF1 magic is based entirely off the target's magic defence and elemental affinities; caster stats have no effect. The game shows you Int but makes MDef a hidden stat because :ff1:.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2530 on: December 06, 2013, 12:23:55 AM »
FF7- Finished. Short: Gameplay still some of the best work Square has done, even with the utter lack of challenge. Parts of the story are excellent and there's tons to like about the cast. All the minor polish issues and dumb PSX era artifacts are irritating beyond belief, but it doesn't lessen how good the game is.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2531 on: December 07, 2013, 04:25:56 AM »
Radiant Historia Abridged:

Episode 2: Giving Reality the Finger!

Rosch: So, Stocke, have you made up your mind?
Stocke: (I must think about this carefully.) ...yeah, I'm going with you.
Rosch: Excellent!  You can take your two subordinates with you as well.  I'll deal with the specifics.
Stocke: Ok.

*in the city*
Audience:  Yay us!
Hugo: It is a sad thing that Noah cannot speak for us...BUT IT IS NO WAY SUSPICIOUS!  Trust me, this is what he says!

*in an office*
Lt. General Raul: What a beautiful speech ;_;.  Such passion! Such poetry! Such...
Rosch: Um, sir, I kind of need to talk to you about something...
Raul: Such-...damn it, don't interrupt me when I'm getting sentimental!
Rosch: Sorry, but the speech you were talking about happened 3 hours ago...
Rosch: ...anyway, about Stocke joining my crew, will him being part of Heiss' Specinct of Special Intelligence gathering be a big deal?
Raul: Well, actually, thinking on it, that's not even an official group.  Heiss just sort of made it and no one really cared because it was useful, so we just shrugged.
Rosch: And Stocke just kind of joined, right! 
Raul: Yeah, so using simple logic we can transfer him without Heiss having much of a leg to stand on, because officially, Stocke is not really a member of any group right now!
Rosch: Oh, thank you!
Raul: By the way, why do you want Stocke?
Rosch: Because SOMEONE thought it was a great idea to make my team nothing but new recruits who have never fought on the battlefield and I need someone whose actually experienced enough to set an example and well, you know...Stocke is those things...
Raul: ...and?
Rosch: ...and he also has a styling red cape which would raise the appeal value of my team by about 22%...
Raul: HA! I KNEW IT!

Rosch: So, men, we are having our first meeting here!
Stocke: Men? Those look like boys to me.
Raynie: Yeah...Rosch, is there something you're not telling us?
Rosch: They're new recruits, I'm pretty sure I DID tell you this off screen.
Marco: I think he did, but we just weren't paying attention because seriously, who cares?
Stocke: I was listening, I'm just pointing out the oddity of his statement...
Rosch: Anyway, so all I ask is none of you die.  That's my one command.  My one goal is to make sure everyone lives!
Stocke: Gee, that sounds original...
Rosch: QUIET YOU!  Oh yeah, by the way, this is Stocke, he's kind of the ace on our team, and a good friend of mine.  PAY ATTENTION TO HIM BECAUSE YOU WILL LEARN A THING OR TWO ABOUT FIGHTING!
Stocke: ...can we just fast forward this part to something actually relevant, like...I dunno...the mission?
Rosch: Oh, right, our first mission is to GO TO ALMA MINES!  By the way, Stocke, meet Kiel, he's a Blade Dancer.
Kiel: Hi! I'm a Blade Dancer!
Stocke: Umm...ok?
Kiel: Yeah, I'm really good with a sword...just not at combat purposes, BUT IT WILL BE AN HONOR TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE YOU AND LEARN HOW TO STAB THINGS!

*one uneventful trip later*
Rosch: Here we are, so what's going on here?
Contact: Well, we're blocked off and the guy sending the explosives didn't come.  NOW I MUST GO BECAUSE I AM JUST AN INFO DUDE TALK TO THE WORKERS INSIDE!
Stocke: ...yeah, let's do what he said.
*into the mines*
Mining Soldier: Um, yeah, see...explosives didn't get here.
Rosch: Anything else?
Mining Soldier: ...and they were suppose to be here?
Stocke: We could send scouts out to find him...just saying...
Rosch: We could but it'd take too long for it too happen.
Kiel: I Know! We could ambush the enemy coming down this way anyway!  We're in a good position to do so, they don't know the way!
Rosch: While that is true, we don't have the man power to do it...still might be our best chance, anything else we should know?
Mining Soldier: Oh yeah, Selvan of Ganborg is said to be in the area...
Rosch: Oh, well...uh...that changes everything.  Stocke what do you think? AMBUSH OR SCOUTS!?
Stocke: (I must think carefully about this!) ...ambush?
Rosch: Ok, let's do it!


*White Chronicle*
Lippiti: Ambush, smart idea, but too late!
Teo: Uh, yeah, what she said.  Do you know what you're suppose to do?
STocke: If I say yes, can I get a second chance at this?
Teo: ...I...guess...

*back tot he mines, repeat the sequence Stocke chooses Scout*
Kiel: They're taking too long...
Marco: I know! Maybe we should have ambushed.
Stocke: NO THAT IS A HORRIBLE IDEA TRUST ME! Wait, was there a right answer here?
*Teo and Lippiti appear out of nowhere*
Teo: You are stuck between a Rock and a Hard place, seems there is no right answer here.
Lippiti: HA! FOOLED YOU!
Stocke: You two are jerks, you know that? You said there is always a right answer!
Teo: ...ignoring Lippiti again because seriously, what I mean is that someone else has a Chronicle like yours...THE BLACK CHRONICLE!
Grimoire Weiss: A Black Book and a White Book? Oh come on!  We did that before it was cool.
Stocke: Who the hell are you?
Grimoire Weiss: Someone not from this game.  Now if you excuse me, I'll be taking my leave from this game forever!
Stocke: ...anyway...if someone can undo whatever I do, how can I make this timeline right.
Teo: Go to the other timeline, and do events that correspond with this.  Something you do in that timeline can perhaps make the Merchant delivering the explosives make it here.
Stocke: How does that work? It's an alternate timeline!
Stocke: It's a different timeline! THAT MAKES NO SENSE!
Teo: What my sister means is that doing something in one timeline allows some of those events to "bleed over" into the other one, so things can change in subtle ways.  Remember, it's the same world, so they're interconnected.
Stocke: Oh, so...basically...reset, try again, come back after stuff is done?
Teo: That's one way to put it, yes.
Stocke: RIGHT! I know what to do!
Raynie: Um, Stocke, who the heck are you talking too?
Stocke: NO ONE I SWEAR! Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to jump into this book!
Raynie: What the hell are you talking about?
Stocke: Something you aren't going to remember because I technically never said it from your perspective GOOD BYE!
*Stocke jumps back to the decision making with Rosch*

Stocke: Yeah, sorry Rosch, I gotta stay with Heiss on this one.
Rosch: Oh, well, if that's your decision, I support it! I wish you the best of luck! (...jerk...)
Stocke: So...yeah...let's see what Heiss wants me to do!
*at Heiss*
Heiss: Stocke, I want you to beat up this Anti-Noah guy named Vlad.  He's a jerk and causing problems, go talk to the item shop for details!
Stocke: Why can't you give me details?
Heiss: Because reasons.
Stocke: Fair enough!

*at item shop*
Stocke: please?
Item Shop Guy: They're in the Pub, the guy is dressed in a dark hood, can't miss him...ALSO BUY SOMETHING NOW HEISS SAID YOU WOULD!
Stocke: Fine *Buys an herb just to shut the guy up*
*at Pub*
Stocke: *whistling nonchalantly*
Generic NPC: We get it! You're Nonchalant!
Black Hooded Man: Hey, do you have the ANTI NOAH STUFF!?
Bartender: DO I!? OF COURSE I DO!
Stocke: ...gee, THAT ISn"T OBVIOUS!  Now to stalk them for about 10 feet so I don't create a commotion!
*Stocke does exactly that*
Stocke: So...going to do something bad are we?
Black Hooded Man: YOU'LL GET OUT OF HERE ALIV-*is stabbed mid conversation*
Stocke: Well, that was disappointingly easy.
Raynie: Stocke! We're here to-*notices dead guy on ground*
Stocke: Already done, let's go tell Heiss! *at Heiss* DEED IS DONE! BRING ON THE NEXT!
Heiss: Ok, there's problems with the Sand Fortress, it got taken over, go do stuff like meet a contact to tell you what's going on there because IT'S IMPORTANT AND SO IS ALMA MINE!
Stocke: ...ok...let's go gu-...Where the hell are Raynie and Marco?
Heiss: Getting drunk?
Stocke: ...*sigh*
*one collecting spree later, the group heads to the rendezvous spot*
Raynie: Where's the person we're suppose to meet?
Marco: Maybe we're suppose to go to the OTHER side of the river and meet them there?  There's a cave, makes logical sense.
Stocke: DAMN IT!
*one river crossing later*
Stocke: OK, are we in the right spot NOW!?
Marco: I think so?
Raynie: This is taking forever.
Stocke: We've been here for 5 seconds...
Raynie: THAT'S FOREVER! Maybe they're lost, LET'S GO FIND THEM AT THE MINES!
Marco: That's stupid! Let's wait here and give them the benefit of the doubt!
Raynie: No! You're stupid! Right Stocke!?
Stocke: (I have to think carefully about this) ...let's try to catch the person at the mines, because I'm bored.
Raynie: HA! I WIN!

*They get to mines*
Stocke: Um, there seems to be a major Grangor force here...
Marco:'s the 3 of us vs. all of them, we have the element of surprise...does anyone here know how to play Dirges?
Raynie: No, why?
Marco: Because we're basically screwed.
Stocke: Whatever, you guys go ahead and take care of it, I'll cover the rear ( which I mean I'll take a quick trip to the White Chronicle...)

Narrator: So Stocke deciding that Raynie was the smarter one was a stupid decision and so he goes to choose Marco as the right one! BAD END!!!
Stocke: HEY!  That almost sounded insulting!
Narrator: Oh just get back to your game.

*back to the rendezvous point*

Stocke: So Raynie...shut up, we're waiting here.
Raynie: Damn it!
Contact Guy: I know you?
Stocke: No, you don't (BUT I KNOW YOU!)
Contact: Whatever, anyway, HERE'S THE DETAILS! ALMA MINES HAS FALLEN! SO HAS THE SAND FORTRESS!  YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO ATTACK GRANGOR HEAD ON!  Also, Palomides was there but he isn't so you won't get killed.
Stocke: O...k?  I guess we can't take it over, but we can sneak in and work on some espionage mission, right?
Contact: Hell if I know, I'm just the messenger, GOOD DAY SIR!
Stocke: ...ass...
Marco: So...we're going to try and sneak in?
Stocke: Yeah, let's head over to that area!
*Part way down*
Hertz: Why are we killing him again?
Bram:'s fun?
Stocke: Hey! Get away from him!
Raynie: Do you have to act all hero like?
Stocke: Yes?
Bram: That was a bad move!
Hertz: You will regret this.
Stocke: Do you seriously think you can beat me? We even have you outnumbered 3 to 2...well, ok, Marco isn't exactly useful, but that's irrelevant!
Marco: HEY!!!!
Hertz: OK! LET'S DO THIS!!!
Stocke: fight?
Bram: Boss fight.
*one boss fight later*
*they run*
Merchant: You saved me! Now I can deliver these explosives! Except I'm too late, you take them!
Stocke: Wait, you were the guy with the explosives?
Merchant: Yes, and now I'm alive, thank you!
Stocke: ...I wonder if these explosives can get through the mine in that alternate timeline!
Raynie: What the hell are you talking about?
*Stocke goes back to alternate timeline to deal with Alma Mines, tells Rosch to send scouts*
Kiel: HEY! The scouts are already back!
Merchant: Yeah, we met along the way! Sorry, I tripped and couldn't get up!
Marco: Really now?
Merchant: YES! Anyway, HERE ARE BOMBS!
*they blow up rocks*
Rosch: Ah, good, let us head into the mines and find out what the enemy is up too!
*Bunch of goblin slaying later*
Kiel: Say, is it just me, or have we been only fighting Goblins?
Rosch: It's just you, WE MUST FIND THE ENEMY!
*Earthquake happens*
Raynie: ...:(
Rosch: Is there something wrong, Raynie?
Raynie: No! Nothing! I swear!
*Cave in happens, Rosch, Stocke and Co. are split from the other guys*
Stocke: Well, this sucks, guess we have no choice but to head further in?
Rosch: Pretty much.
Stocke: Wait what do you mean!?
Raynie: Oh nothing ^^;

*end of the cave*
Rosch: Well, there seems to be a bunch of Grangor soldiers with explosives, they're clearly trying to break their way into the cave and use this to attack us.  Any ideas?
Stocke: Well, we could use their explosives against them.  I have these weaker explosives that are enough to blow that stuff up, not to cause a cave-in.  Even Weaker Explosives are dangerous.
Rosch: Wait, is it really that simple?
Stocke: Yeah, pretty much.
*STocke, Rosch and Marco facepalm*
Rosch: Anyway...we have a plan.  Stocke, you know what to do.
Stocke: Yep!
*Stocke jumps into he middle of enemy foray*
Rosch: Not...what I had in mind...but we can make the most of this! Kiel, now!
*Kiel sets off the bombs, half the enemies are knocked down*
Stocke: NOW I'M AN ENEMY! *beats up a bunch*
Raynie: So Stocke, why did you let about 7 live?
Stocke: Because...Boss Fight?
Marco: Boss Fight.
Raynie: Oh ok!
*one Boss fight later*
Rosch: We did it! We succeeded in our first mission despite having mostly inexperienced boys!
Kiel: Yay us!
Raynie: Let's get out of here please ;_;
Rosch: Hold on, think we can use this against the enemy?  We can attack now!
Stocke: Actually...not really.  While yes, we can attack, don't you think they'd be watching this exact spot?
Rosch: RIGHT! A plan I come up with is stupid, good call! Lets' just blockade the thing but leave some forces here to patrol the area then.
*They do exactly that, back at town*

Marco: Man, a successful mission is awesome.
Raynie: Yeah, glad to be out of there!
Marco: Tell me, Raynie, why were you REALLY afraid of being in there?
Raynie: I just don't like that place OK!?
Marco:'s because our old group was killed in a cave-in too, wasn't it? You're still not over that/
Raynie: ...yes.  It's all taht monster's fault.  MONSTERS ARE SMART I TELL YOU!
Marco: No, they're stupid! It almost killed itself!
Raynie: That was all a cunning plan, I swear! THEY'RE SMART!
Marco: Nuh-uh! Monsters are stupid!
Raynie: You know what? YOU'RE STUPID!

Narrator: As Raynie and Marco get into a slap fight of...stupid...what will become of our heroes in the next adventures of...
Grimoire Weiss: Psst! Do you know the way back to Nier?
Narrator: Oh, yes, it's down the right, to the left, go into Cavia, then explode in a trainwreck.
Weiss: Ah, thank you!

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2532 on: December 07, 2013, 11:19:02 AM »
Dark Souls Bow only:
Right before O&S.

At close range, bows are even worse than fist weapons (dodgerolls + shoot only gets you so far), but you get to trivialize a few enemies + do a lot of cool stuff if you know the game well.

DPS is so low I upgraded the Composite Bow super early (+15 before Sen's Fortress early) and put every stat point into damage at first. And it is definitely the best bow and all.

Build is:
27 STR
40 DEX
Everything else into vit

But I mostly buy arrows instead of levels now.
I am almost tempted to go through NG+ just to use all these expensive cool arrows (poison arrows, dragonslayer arrows) on earlygame enemies.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2533 on: December 07, 2013, 06:33:19 PM »
That is about where bow damage maxes out, yeah. Toss on large arrows and I think you hit like 430 attack power? Which is more respectable than I thought it would be.

Surprisingly the hardest fight in this mode is freaking Nito. After the first attempt I just caved and summoned someone (the only time in that run where that felt necessary). It just looked logistically impossible solo. And I ran the same stat build as you, so I had plenty of HP to spare! You do such pitiful damage to skeletons, especially considering you have to switch to a divine bow (which is presumably not the composite bow because that's your main weapon and there's only one and you want it +15) that you can have no realistic expectation of killing the goons before he closes in on you. I think my partner basically soloed the boss in the time it took me to kill the initial skelemob. Must have been a pitiful sight on the other side (it certainly was on mine).

I also had an unexpected death from Centipede Demon when he chose this time to demonstrate (after me sinking hundreds of hours into the game) that he can in fact chuck fireballs at you from across the room. What in the fuck?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2534 on: December 08, 2013, 01:21:15 AM »
Toejam & Earl, made a fixed world run. I don't particularly like fixed world, but the trophy for it was the only one I hadn't got, so. I got randomized five times over the course of the game. The fact that two of those occurrences were immediately consecutive (meaning I did not practically lose anything) was small consolation considering three of the other times were immediately followed by (re)discovering the total bummer.

I don't know what I did to anger the RNG gods so. Someone please tell me, I will never do it again.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2535 on: December 08, 2013, 03:12:19 AM »
I don't know what I did to anger the RNG gods so. Someone please tell me, I will never do it again.

Not being more vocal about your Toe Jam and Earl Playthroughs to the point of spelling them out in gruelling detail to the game justice maybe?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2536 on: December 08, 2013, 07:26:11 AM »
Pokemon Y - Caught 'em all, as the kids say.

Phoenix Wright Duel Destinies - Just completed the first case. Pretty fun, even if the defendant is kinda annoying.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2537 on: December 08, 2013, 07:13:53 PM »
Pandora's Tower: 4 Down, 9 to go!

...this game is starting to get tedious...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2538 on: December 09, 2013, 05:07:44 PM »
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Finished. Game's writing quality is better than I remembered. The whole cast is relatively well handled. Game is a bit annoying for not having a text skip function.

There are issues where (either due to localization or writing) the actual thing you're supposed to do is rather unclear at a given moment, which leads to some annoyed wandering and presenting of all of the options.

Dunno why everyone thought case 1-5 was so bad when I brought it up in chat. Mostly filler, but it works. It does have some annoying, shoehorned in DS things, but they weren't too egregious. *shrugs* Not the best, but not the worst. Certainly didn't feel a strong case to skip it. iOS version has a bug where you have to make the strokes to write Ema's name in a specific order and direction. That was annoying.

PW: Justice for All: Onto this now. Lulz present the glasses. That one felt off.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2539 on: December 09, 2013, 05:39:04 PM »
There's a local DL sphere of hate for 1-5.  At actual PW fansites it's erratic and unusually mixed.  (Some people love it, some people like it, some people hate it.)  I thought it was great at the time myself, and while I've cooled a bit on it (most notably the narrative slant is WAY THE HELL TOO LIGHT ON LANA), it has its moments.  Also Ema is a way better sidekick than Maya.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2540 on: December 09, 2013, 07:00:30 PM »
Mmm. I dunno. I didn't feel too much for Ema. She struck pretty much all the same chords to me that Maya did.

Honestly, the only real problem I had with the case was some of the time waster stuff that the DS created (lulz fingerprinting) and that the case had a couple more headscratchers than 1-4 (one of which I'm pretty sure was a localization error?). I thought the narrative was solid and better explored the relationship between the police and the prosecuters, as well as better explained who stuff like Von Karma happened, as well as better positioning Edgeworth.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2541 on: December 10, 2013, 12:05:09 AM »
(spoilers I guess, hahaha like spoilers could ruin the serious "plot" of 1-5)

Since I wasn't in chat at the time I don't think, I will definitely have to take my time to add my voice to the 1-5 team. While I like aspects of the case - I agree with Snowfire that Ema is better than Maya (though I find everyone PW has slotted into that shtick better than Maya), and I find Jake Marshal hilarious - overall my opinion on it is very negative. Damon Gant's murder plot is mind-numbingly stupid and the confrontation with him is far too drawn out (I tend not to enjoy the parts of the case when the killer is reduced to a quivering mess grabbing at any lifeline he can, in 1-5 that felt like it went on for ages; I really don't need to hear about PW-verse evidence law which has never been brought up before and never will be again), Lana is really awful and this is kinda glossed over, etc. As a serious plot case it's absolutely bottom-tier to me. As a final case of PW1 it ruins the tone and narrative arc of the game which cases 1 through 4 had going (especially since it brings back Edgeworth, whose character arc was nicely closed in 1-4; his presence in 1-5 both contradicts the sequels' timeline and adds nothing to his character). As a comic case it has its moments but they are too far between.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2542 on: December 10, 2013, 11:13:20 PM »
Pandora's Tower: Tower #5 down!  Also, the game randomly decided to acknowledge that Aeron doesn't talk much and seems to abruptly decide he's the "Strong Silent Type."  Ok, fair, but still doesn't change the fact that while these are more "Action louder than words" people, they still respond when it's appropriate with verbal cues when your hot girlfriend talks to you. Or just say "As you wish."  That works too!

Radiant Historia Abridged:

Dias: So, Selvan...the queen is annoyed we failed?
Selvan: Pretty much, but ehy, we still have THAT SPY THAT IS TOTALLY NOT HEISS in the enemy.
Dias: Ah good good!

Stocke: So let me get this straight, Raul, you're sending us to the frontlines with rookie soldiers outside of me, Rosch, and my 2 subordinates because...
Raul: Because Hugo demanded it.  Look, I don't like it either, and frankly I think he just wants you guys dead because you're getting too popular to the point of stealing attention from him...but I DID NOT SAY THAT OK!? THIS STATEMENT NEVER HAPPENED.
Rosch: But you DID just say.
Raul: NEVER. HAPPENED! Anyway, go meet with the Valkyrie, someone who suffered a similar fate to you.  You know, became Popular, suddenly was sent to frontlines to die but hasn't actually died yet?  Yeah you're to help her.  AGAIN. THESE ARE NOT MY ORDERS!
Stocke: Can we say no?
Raul: No.  You can however look into Heiss.  I think he's trying to screw you guys over.  Make sure you meet the messenger along the way.

*they meet messenger*

Messenger: Yeah, Heiss is totally trying to screw you the way, I'm totally suppose to stop you guys as well.  MWAHAHAHAH! ENGUA-OH GOD MY SPLEEN!
Marco: Man, I hate evil nameless NPCs *pulls sword out*
Stocke: ...did Marco just do something offensive related?
Raynie: Yes, yes he did.
Stocke: Ok, good thing he's dead.
Messenger: I'm not quite dead.
Stocke: Yes you are.
Messenger: No I'm not.
Stocke: You'll be stoned dead in a moment.
Messenger: I'm getting better!
Stocke: Oh don't be such a baby.
Messenger: I feel HAPPY! I feel HAPPY!!! I feel *Sand Plagued*
Stocke: ...well, didn't see THAT coming.  Well, let's wait for the right moment to tell Rosch we're being betrayed.
*Next Scene*

Stocke: Yo Rosch, Heiss is totally betraying us.
Rosch: Well that sucks...anyway, we're here, I'm starting a war meeting with...what's your name again.
Viola: Viola.
Rosch: Right! This Valkyrie chick!  GOOD BYE EVERYONE FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES!

Narrator: Will something significant happen?  Will Marco ever do something competent again?  Will the game remember Kiel exists?
Kiel: HEY! I was totally in this sequence in the game!
Narrator: Shut up, you're just a useless guy with a name!
Kiel: ...jerk...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2543 on: December 11, 2013, 12:35:56 AM »
That is about where bow damage maxes out, yeah. Toss on large arrows and I think you hit like 430 attack power? Which is more respectable than I thought it would be.

Surprisingly the hardest fight in this mode is freaking Nito. After the first attempt I just caved and summoned someone (the only time in that run where that felt necessary). It just looked logistically impossible solo. And I ran the same stat build as you, so I had plenty of HP to spare! You do such pitiful damage to skeletons, especially considering you have to switch to a divine bow (which is presumably not the composite bow because that's your main weapon and there's only one and you want it +15) that you can have no realistic expectation of killing the goons before he closes in on you. I think my partner basically soloed the boss in the time it took me to kill the initial skelemob. Must have been a pitiful sight on the other side (it certainly was on mine).

I also had an unexpected death from Centipede Demon when he chose this time to demonstrate (after me sinking hundreds of hours into the game) that he can in fact chuck fireballs at you from across the room. What in the fuck?

I was prepared for Nito because of this post, and took a Divine Bow +10 and some magical arrows from the giant blacksmith. Completely pathetic. Everytime I nearly killed the skeletons, Nito did that big black wave which semi-killed them to full life.

I stayed at the start of the area to only attrack him + two skeletons, and beat him with regular Composite Bow and regular arrows by just ignoring his pals.

Surprisingly all the DLC bosses were very easy this time. Gwyn's obviously still kind of a bitch, but I nearly beat him with the freaking dragonslayer bow. (my other one broke)
Most resets yet? Iron Golem. Srsly.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2544 on: December 11, 2013, 11:30:34 AM »
Pokémon X - up to 580 obtained, 600 seen

Those seem like auspicious amounts to stop on. I guess I could get Weavile if I felt like boring myself to death with Battle Maison/Institute battles but then I'd have 581/600 and it wouldn't be as natty. (Ignoring Mountain being 150/151 being less natty than Mountain being 151/151.) I could probably dredge up an extra 9 monsters (I'm waiting on 5 from my brother as it is) but would the seen amount line up? Unlikely.

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies - played through dlc episode

For a couple of reasons, it feels like it would have been better to play it before finishing the maingame. Oh well. Still pretty good.

Does anyone know if there are any further DLC episodes planned?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2545 on: December 12, 2013, 03:18:13 AM »
Pandora's Tower: You know those towers I've been completing? ...yeah, that's another one down, shock and awe!

Also, a scene where Aeron actually was responsive.  Yeah, his lines were generic, and few word answers, but it actually came off like "a man of few words!" and not a silent protagonist.  See, it's not that hard to sell the "Strong Silent" type without making him actually silent.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2546 on: December 12, 2013, 09:30:09 PM »
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness- More or less done. I'm right before the final boss chain. It's an interesting enough game. It's much better than Lament of Innocence, and  features some really excellent music. The Innocent Devil system is neat as well- think of it as an expanded version of the familiars in SotN.  Combat is mostly easy, though it spikes some at the end of the game if you don't use the steal system/forge the ultimate gear.  The backgrounds in the stages are okay. They're a little on the bland side (I prefer 2-D castlevania graphics) and the levels themselves are very linear. I didn't mind the levels beign linear, but it certainly isn't replay friendly the way SotN or the handheld games are.  It's worth a spin for the PS3 price, but don't go in expecting miracles. The plot/writing is Castlevania/10, so the cheese is to the max.

That said, I'm not at all a fan of 3-d action games and this game reminded me why. Too visually distracting and reflex reliant. (The same reason I detest most every RPG with timed hits, for that matter)
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2547 on: December 13, 2013, 12:08:55 AM »
Played the game earlier this year, generally agreed on most stuff. Yeah, I didn't steal a goddamn thing and consequently the last few bosses took a notable upswing in durability due to my inability to craft top-tier weapons. Final Drac was a particular nuisance, but that's also partly due to awkward design (in the fine "What the fuck is happening in this fight" tradition of SotN). Drac round one was actually a pretty satisfying fight! (Mostly for the music.) I would've been okay with it ending there.

Captain K.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2548 on: December 13, 2013, 01:02:43 AM »
Onechanbara:  So this seems like a pretty brainless game, you just slash zombies repeatedly.  Then you run into some enemies that you can't hurt then your sword starts sticking in enemies then you go berserk and your life starts draining and WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?

So I start looking at Gamefaqs and apparently this is one of the most poorly documented games in gaming history.  To the point that the publishers of the game had to make their own (high quality!) FAQ just so people could understand how to play.  So now it is a pretty deep game if you know what the hell you're doing.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2549 on: December 13, 2013, 01:08:47 AM »
Also: Curse of Darkness did one thing very well- it made hearts and candles *really* matter. It's just a neat touch, makes it feel more like a traditional castlevania. I was hitting candles in the final dungeon for the meat healing (Which ruled), because potion healing was so limited.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...