Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 186665 times)

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2625 on: December 23, 2013, 01:34:42 PM »
the same way WA3 intended it, by making you talk to random NPCs and making you hope one of them coughs up directions

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2626 on: December 23, 2013, 04:15:22 PM »
Or it is interpreting it as the same tone as the sequences that this happens in and it is completely 100% serious. 

No, he is trying to tell someone who played the game how a scene is played in-game, which shows that not only is Rob wrong (as he is so often it is a running RPGDL joke), but he has no respect for the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with him. Nothing really new here.

Literally saying that the game with bad writing, that we all are pretty much agreeing with, has bad writing is what he is doing.  Now can we all go back to leaving it alone again?

Just for the record: we aren't all agreeing, we just aren't arguing because it is fruitless. Good freaking lord, you realise that aside from myself and Meeple (and Super sometimes, if he counts for this) none of the other FF13 defenders even bother to respond about it any more because the venom Rob and to a lesser extent you will spew about it at the drop of a pin is infuriating? Also, "go back to leaving it alone again"? Don't even try to pretend you weren't the one who started this; Dhyer voiced an opinion (tangential to the main point of his post!) but you just had to get a snarky response in on the subject. Please don't tell me you were thinking "I'm sure everyone will take this in a good humour and it definitely won't lead to any conflict" because I know you're much smarter than that.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2627 on: December 23, 2013, 04:56:42 PM »
However you feel about FF13 plot, it's pretty clear that the writers took it seriously. It isn't TAY where the characters are breaking the fourth wall and commenting on how this all felt familiar.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 04:59:27 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2628 on: December 23, 2013, 04:59:34 PM »
It's not fourth-wall breaking, but nor is it completely "serious", as per Hope's eye-roll reaction to the line. I already offered my actual opinion on the scene a page ago if you're actually interested in debating that, but I don't think anybody is.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2629 on: December 23, 2013, 06:54:17 PM »
Had a post before, but was noted that I was missing the argument because bad vocabulary, go me!

The line itself...I wouldn't say it's a joke, but it doesn't come off as deep, or anything like that.  It comes off as trying to illustrate Lightning being sympathetic and being bad at it.

If it was completely serious, then the scene would have had Hope respond in a way that isn't just blowing off Lightning's line.  The entire thing is just a set up for Lightning going off on a definition of her name.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2630 on: December 23, 2013, 07:58:38 PM »
edit 1billion - Actually no.  I don't want to try and babble stuff trying to explain things it isn't worth the personal strain on nonsense for it.  Ignore it.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 09:11:37 PM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2631 on: December 24, 2013, 02:31:47 AM »
If you experience actual fury because someone makes fun of your video game, you should probably reassess your life because you might be Toriyama.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 02:37:09 AM by Anthony Edward Stark »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2632 on: December 24, 2013, 03:53:13 AM »
Radiant Historia Abridged:

Narrator: And so we join Stocke when...
Stocke: Hey Bergas, what's the plan?
Bergas: We can either attack immediately, or wait for my men and completely out number them and win!
Stocke: (I have to think carefully about this.) I'm bored, LET'S CHARGE IN!
Bergas: Ok!

Narrator: So Stocke charged in head on and...
Stocke:'d I do?
Narrator: It was a SPECTACULAR FAILURE! It's a shame none of you were around to see it.
Stocke: ...technically, I was...
Narrator: But most of it was off screen...
Stocke: ...touche...

Lippti: Personally, I thought you should have just kept going! Even if your friends are all dead, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE WILL TO LIVE!
Stocke: In otherwords, I can go back in time, be patient, and win WITH my friends not dying, is that right?
Stocke: path...gotcha...

Stocke: Let's wait for your comrades.
Bergas: Ok.
Narrator: So the Gutral arrived, they attacked Granorg only to find the resistance army, which by the way was key to this plan, mostly wiped out.
Eruca: NO! Without OTTO and WILL and PIERRE, there was no sense of unity! WE NEED ALL OF THEM ALIVE!
Stocke: ...crap, I think know where this is going...
*Time elves appear*
Stocke: I DEFINITELY know where this is going.
Teo: Just so you know, you only need to save Will and Pierre; them living will probably lead to Otto living.
Stocke: ...or I can jump Timelines and help out on that side.  Got the Beast Mark and all that...
Teo: Well, I GUESS you could do that too...
Stocke: Yeah, ok, I'll be going down that one path another timeline...might be forks in the road...
*Stocke jumps to alternate timeline*
Stocke: Yo, Gafka, I got the Beast Mark!
Gafka: Aha! Now we might be able to actually head into Forgia and form an alliance.
Stocke: Awesome, let's do this!

*a long trip across canyons and such later.  Oh yeah, Skalla is taken over by Alistel*
Gafka: And this forest will lead to Forgia.
Stocke: ...didn't this lead to the ruins that I got the Beast Mark from?
Gafka: You didn't have me to show you the way through.
Stocke: True.
*One Forest Trip Later*
Gafka: We're at Forgia!  Oh yeah, EVERYONE HATES YOU let's just go straight to the chief.
Chief: Aha, Gafka, and you've brought humans, no doubt they have the Beast Mark?
Stocke: It's right here, see!?
Chief: ...I said no doubt didn't I?
Stocke: I suppose you did...
Bergas: Bah, humans are worthless and foul creatures.  They kidnapped our kin!  Why should we help them?
Gafka: That will be explained in a jump cut!
*One Jump Cut later*
Bergas: ...ok, I understand now but I still don't trust them.
Bergas: No one has gotten that in years!  Not enough proof for me! Maybe if you save my comrades I might consider...
Chief: Hey, that's a great idea!  Stocke, we'll join you if we save our comrades.
Stocke: Ok, sounds fair, where are they?
Chief: Skalla.
Stocke: ...WE WERE JUST THERE! *^@()*) (^@)* ( #)^)$( *(&@ %&(@!!!
Raynie: ...I think my vocabulary just got expanded in ways I didn't know was possible...and probably not for the better too...
Rosch: Someone WAS covering Aht's ears during that, right?
Aht: Marco, what's a #)^)$(?
Marco: There are somethings best left unknown, TRUST ME.

*Jump cut to Skalla*
Rosch: Ok, so our mission is to rescue the Gutral by any means necessary, though ideally with as few casualities as possible to show we are not a blood thirsty ra-...PUT THE SPEAR DOWN NOW RAYNIE!
Raynie: Awww! But that was going to be my 100th impaling!
Rosch: Tough! Just so happens I have a plan!
Stocke: ...wait, since when are you good at strategy?  Heck, that was always your weak point; you usually had me do all the thinking.
Rosch: Plan. Have one. NOW! TO INN. GO!
Stocke: YESSIR!
*at inn*
Rosch: Ok, here's my plan.  Step 1: Get Alisten uniforms.  Step 2: Cause mayhem.  Step 3: ??????.  Step 4: Profit!  Any questions?
Aht: Can you go over step 3 again?
Rosch: NO! Anyway, We'll split into two teams.  Seeing as 2 of us are way too big and one of us has the physique of a 5 year old girl, that means Stocke, Raynie and Marco will cause mayhem while the 3 of us get the Uniforms!
Stocke: ...wouldn't it make more sense to do it the other way around considering the first half?
Stocke: you really want to help Aht get dressed in an Alisten Uniform?
Rosch: ...when you put it that way, ok, the teams are swapped.  NOW GO GET THOSE UNIFORMS!
Marco: Now where are we going to find 3 convenient uniforms for us to steal from soldiers...
*3 drunk soldiers happen to walk outside*
Marco: ...that'll do!
Stocke: Hey, guys...can we have your clothes?
Drunken Soldier: Huh? *hic* Ok, sure.
*they strip and hand the clothes to Stocke and co.*
Raynie: Ignoring the fact that I had to see them naked, I'm not going to complain about the means at which we got this...
Marco: What? It's not like they have nothing that you never saw before!
Marco: It's just that....oooh, right! You're a woman! I keep forgetting that!
Raynie: WHAT?!?!?!?!
NOTE: He actually makes a crack about "needing to remember Raynie is a woman" here.
Stocke: Er...before-you-kill-marco-remember-we-have-work-to-do!
Raynie: ...damn it!
Stocke: *phew*  Anyway,let's go tell Rosch we succeeded.
*Back in the Inn*
Stocke: We succeeded.
Rosch: Good...NOW GET DRESSED!
Stocke: Ok! Let's do this!
Raynie: OUT!
Stocke: What?
Raynie: OUT! NOW!
Stocke: I...uh...huh?
Stocke: could just throw the uniform over your rather light armored clothes you know and not expose anything...
Raynie: OUT!!!
Stocke: Fine, sheesh.
*Jump cut later*
Gafka: So what's the plan.
Rosch: We cause mayhem.
Gafka: How do we do that?
Rosch: We start a riot of course.
Aht: Well, can we do that?
Rosch: Watch me!
*Rosch side checks a grunt*
Grunt: Hey, what did you do that for?
Rosch: Doesn't that...make you angry?
Grunt: Huh? No! I've been getting therapy specifically to not get angry at these things.
Rosch: Come on, just a little?
Grunt: You are forgiven.
Rosch: ...get angry please?
Grunt: No can do.
Gafka: So...that didn't work obviously...
Rosch: We really need to start a riot.
Gafka: Leave that to me then!
*Gafka grabs a totally different soldier, raises him over his head and bouncing him up and down*
Gafka: Hey everyone! RIOT! RIOT! RIOT! RIOT! RIOT! RIOT! RIOT!
*Riot ensues*
Aht: Hey, that was pretty awesome!
Rosch: we got company.
*9 Grunts appear*
Gafka: Pretty unfair odds, huh?
Aht: Yeah, they don't stand a chance!
*one ass kicking by our heroes later, we jump to the other 3 in uniform*
Stocke: THIS OUTFIT SMELLS! Can we please trade Marco?
Marco: Hey! Mine's just as bad!
Raynie: can you two stop complaining?  It's not like you had problems fitting your chest into this outfit!
Soldier: HEy, we need help!
Stocke: No you don't.
Soldier: I don't?
Marco: Uh, yeah, see, we need you to run away, and get everyone out of here.  The super weapon Hugo has? He's going to aim it here because the Rebellion is coming and it will KILL THEM ALL!
Soldier: Oh, ok, we will evacuate everyone then!
Stocke: Wow, nice job Marco.
Raynie: Let's release the Gutral!
Stocke: I have a Beast Mark?
Gutral: Oh, ok, then we will allow you to set us free!
Stocke: Well, that worked out better than I hoped!

*Back at Forgia*
Bergas: Ok, you guys can be trusted.
Chief: Yes, we will join your cause!
Elder: Aha, Chief of Forgia, it's been awhile!
Chief: 150 years eh?
Stocke: guys are old farts...
Stocke: YES SIR!
Raul: It seems everything is in place, should we launch our first offensive on Alistel?
Stocke: ...well, since I see no reason to second guess this, yes, let's do it!

Narrator: The Gutral are big guys and they KICK ASS. Lot's of ass! So much ass is kicked, you could not believe how much ass being kicked!  This is awesome ass stuff!

Bergas: Sorry sir, but some of our troops have chased the enemy.  I guess they're getting overconfident with our success.
Stocke: We have to get them back here, no sense losing more men than we have to-...
*Watches allies and enemies turn to stand from a distance*
*They run back*
Raul: Well that explains how Cygnus was beaten so easily.  That damn Flux!
Stocke: (The Flux AGAIN!? Why does that always keep coming up!? ...wait, this is the first time I'm mentioning it in this series, isn't it?)
Voice of Lippti: Time is in flux! History can be rewritten!
Raul: I have a contact in Skalla, hold on, I'll be right back!
*Stocke twiddles his thumbs for about 5 hours*
Stocke: God damn it, that's the last time I'm doing that to kill time!  Why can't I jump forward through time when we're just sitting around waiting?
Voice of Teo: Because it hasn't happened yet?
Stocke: ...stupid time and your logic and your *Grumbles*...
Raul: I'm back, and here's my contact.
Eruca: Greetings, I am princess Eruca of Granorg and *sees Stocke* OMG! BROTHER! IT'S YOU!
Stocke: it's not...
Eruca: But it's like you know me and aren't surprised to see me!
Stocke: ...long story, and no I cannot explain it.
Voice of Lippti: *from a distance* KILL THE BITCH!
Rosch: From what I can tell, this weapon is related to all the people turning into sand in other areas, right?
Eruca: Yes, it's all because of THE FLUX!!!
Stocke: More Flux nonsense?  Damn it, I'm going outside, good bye!
Stocke: Finally, peace and quiet and...
Eruca: Hi!
Stocke: I thought I could...actually, you know what?  Just tell me what the FLUX is.
Eruca: Something passed down in the Royal family that shouldn't be used as a weapon.  Dunno how Hugo is using it.
Stocke: It's Fennel's fault.  All that blabbering about SCIENCE finally paid off I guess.
Eruca: Oh, well, we do need to stop it if we stand a chance.
Stocke: And we do that by...?
Eruca: Getting the Etherion!
Stocke: And that is...?
Eruca: In the posession of my step-mother...who is now dead...yeah getting this is going to be tough...
Raul: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! A messenger of Hugo's has come asking for an Armistice!  Says he'll end the war entirely if we agree!
Stocke: He can't be trusted, can he?
Raul: I SAID "GOOD NEWS" Didn't I?
Stocke: (I have to think carefully about this one.)  Umm...ok, let's accept?

Narrator: So Stocke and Co. feel for a BLATANT TRAP THAT GOT EVERYONE KILLED!  Well, no, Stocke didn't die because he was lucky to be in the Sand Fortress.  GOod thing too, this would be a game over if so.

Teo: I thought you said you couldn't trust Hugo.
Stocke: Well, he did say the war would end which I thought meant...look, I figured he deserved the benefit of the doubt.
Stocke: Yes, yes it did. Now excuse me, I have an Armistice to reject.
Stocke: Hugo cannot be trusted and he'll kill us all.
Raul: Oh, ok, we'll tell the messenger then.
Stocke: So...about that Etherion...
Eruca: Yeah...Hugo probably has it...
Stocke: ...god...damn it...
*Time Elves appear*
Stocke: I know, I know, go to the other timeline and get it there where I'm better friends with Eruca.  You don't have to spell it out to me...
Teo: Except of course when we do...
Stocke: BUT THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES OK!?  Now, what was it I had to do in that timeline again?
Teo: Get Pierre, Otto, and Will not dead?
Stocke: Oh, right...
*Stocke jumps back to Will*
Will: AAAAAAAH! I mean...thank you!
*Stocke checks will off the list*
Stocke: Now...Otto needed both alive so...Pierre is next...he was about his sister, right?
*Stocke saves a little girl from a well*
Stocke: Would you kill your OWN SISTER THOUGH!?
Pierre: Oh, Claire's alive? I SUDDENLY FEEL BETTER THANK YOU!
*Stocke checks Pierre off the list*
Eruca: Otto, you're wounded!  Even though Marco did just heal you...
Otto: Yes, but I must fight Palomeides head on!  Even though I don't stand a chance, THIS IS VITAL!!!
Stocke: Why not ask us for help?
Otto: Oh? Will! My identical looking life-partner! Yay, let's work together to beat him!
Stocke: ...wait, those two were gay lovers?
Eruca: This is the first I've heard of it...
Voice of Lippti: That's the power of...LOVE!~

Narrator: And so Stocke has succeeded in saving all 3 Resistance dudes.  Then he went to take a nap in the White Chronicle...
Stocke: Saving the world is tiring and this is the only place I can do it without screwing up the Space Time Continuum alright?
Narrator: ...I didn't say what you were doing is WRONG, sheesh.
...yeah, I couldn't remember his name either, so he's just "Chief."  Distinguishes him from "Elder" of course.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2633 on: December 24, 2013, 06:52:06 AM »



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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2634 on: December 24, 2013, 08:09:06 AM »
Fallout New Vegas: I've grown so used to being nigh invulnerable that I forgot the Giant Roboscorpion could kill me.  Twice even!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2635 on: December 24, 2013, 12:29:22 PM »
I dunno what even happened when I fought that thing. I shot it in the tail from across the room and it pretty much immediately exploded.

FONV: Like so many things, this is Fudo's fault. I'm picking up an old file between maingame and DLC content. Figure I will run the expansions in order because that strikes a balance between giving me time to play with the coolest toys (from Dead Money and Old World Blues) while not leaving my least favorite entry for last (Honest Hearts; the Survivalist journals are outstanding, but I've never been impressed with the rest of the expansion).

Anyway, now I have a holorifle. Ho ho ho.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2636 on: December 24, 2013, 12:45:34 PM »
Dark Souls Archer: Dead Gwyn

So I want to see dark magic in action; I grabbed my old mage and am going through NG+.
40 vitality, 50 intelligence, 35 attunement so far
Jesus Christ, he looks exactly like James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2, is wearing a silly dress and is killing bosses in 2-5 hits. Also doing monster damage with a silly dagger. Can't wait to see the new way better spells.

Super Hexagon: Hexagon/Hexagoner cleared, 36 seconds in Hexagonest.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2637 on: December 24, 2013, 05:16:22 PM »
I dunno what even happened when I fought that thing. I shot it in the tail from across the room and it pretty much immediately exploded.

FONV: Like so many things, this is Fudo's fault. I'm picking up an old file between maingame and DLC content. Figure I will run the expansions in order because that strikes a balance between giving me time to play with the coolest toys (from Dead Money and Old World Blues) while not leaving my least favorite entry for last (Honest Hearts; the Survivalist journals are outstanding, but I've never been impressed with the rest of the expansion).

Anyway, now I have a holorifle. Ho ho ho.

Something I am proud to take the blame for.

EDIT: Went and fought all five Legendaries.  Bloatfly was a hardcore greenman-to-greenfly fight where I took like seven hits but would not die.  I expended over a thousand rounds of 5mm ammo killing him.  The other four combined took less ammo to take down, including shooting every Deathclaw in Dead Wind with the Avenger.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 02:16:14 AM by Fudozukushi »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2638 on: December 25, 2013, 10:04:06 AM »
It's Christmas morning and I'm sitting here debating LoD because nobody else is up yet~
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2639 on: December 25, 2013, 01:00:07 PM »
Paper Mario Sticker Star - I bought this a year ago for Christmas and started playing it a year later. How timely of me!

Past that, not having played the preceding games in the series might've done a good thing for my appreciation of the game, but mostly it solidifies itself in very good bases: the turn-based, more pool-centric battle design makes for some intriguing choices in battle, and the game's system also forces your hand into high-profile efficiency and specific setup dismantling. Tying your offensive strength to card-like items may be annoying for some, but when you get as much choice and agency over your stickers like you do here, it's all good. Also, making coins a plentiful, yet valuable resource both in inventory/skillset management -and- battle proficiency is an oddly cool idea. Currently on world 2-2.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2640 on: December 25, 2013, 09:29:40 PM »
Merry Christmas RPGDL. :)

Civ 5 - Mongolia used the power of the science to achieve interstellar space flight by 1950. Chieftain difficulty, so very easy. Late in the game I even wiped out Japan which was about as strong a civilisation in the game as any (edit: which I didn't even have to do, but I did it because they spent the first 2/3 of the game randomly denouncing me and sneak-attacking me for no real reason besides "waaah you're settling cities near us waaah", so they had it coming)... cities were way, way easier to take lategame but that's probably because on this difficulty the enemies fail at advancing technology quickly and the game expects you to build good wall-style upgrades to compete militarily or something.

Fun game, really is a lot like Civ 2 in the ways that matter. Seems to carry over the drawbacks a bit too, like the lategame feeling sluggish (I really didn't need to watch every enemy exchange fire with each other lategame... I should check if there's a way to turn that off come to think of it) as there's just more and more stuff going on. Will play again of course.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 09:55:18 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2641 on: December 25, 2013, 09:37:20 PM »
Set Quick Combat on in the settings, yes.  There's also Quick Movement but I find that less necessary.  (Also always check the advanced options when starting a new game.)

Are you playing vanilla, G&K, or BNW?  (Just got BNW from a certain laggy source, as a side note.  Time to get some trade caravans pillaged.)

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2642 on: December 25, 2013, 10:11:22 PM »
Vanilla; I highly doubt the differences between vanilla and the expansions would be worth spending money on for me.

Oh yeah, a couple minor things that bugged me:
-The recommendations seemed to want me to build workers, workers, lots of workers! It kept telling me I needed more... even long after I had improved every land tile in my territory. This is mostly just a detail but it felt weird; I do like the AI recommendations as a tiebreak when I'm ambivalent about what to build so it's a touch annoying when they're wasting time recommending things which are obviously bad ideas.
-Also on the worker note, when I would hit end turn the game would sometimes interrupt one or more of my workers who were in the middle of projects to make me give them orders again, then hit end turn once more.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2643 on: December 25, 2013, 11:06:53 PM »
Gods & Kings is pretty awesome, I must say.  I really like most of the additions it has - new civs, religion, espionage, some social/culture tree rebalancing, better city state quest system, etc.  (Okay, there is one thing that is annoying: coups.  But oh well.)

The end turn applies to anything on automatic movement, actually, surprised that came up with workers though.  Usually comes up for me if a unit was told to move an odd number of spaces, arrived at their square, and now wants a new order.  Just got used to end turn = perform remaining automovement myself.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2644 on: December 26, 2013, 01:06:21 AM »
Were there barbarians or enemy troops around when the prompts started showing up? The game will stop whatever they're doing so you have the chance to move them out of harm's way, even if there's no way they can actually reach your dudes.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2645 on: December 26, 2013, 02:17:03 AM »
That sounds possible. Especially if allied troops were activating it as well? I'll have to watch for it on a replay.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2646 on: December 26, 2013, 03:39:35 AM »
Pokemon X: Welp, finally started it. Somehow, I got a Hasty Froakie, a Hasty Torchic, a Hasty Pidgey, a Mild Pikachu, a Naughty Bunnelby, and a Sassy Azurill. Then came the fun part. Everytime I tried to capture a Burmy, it will Struggle on itself and suicide. I know I need to move on but god **** I want to at least ATTEMPT to complete the pokedex this time.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2647 on: December 26, 2013, 05:18:43 AM »
FONV: Trapped Elijah in the vault this time! Then I reloaded and shot him in the head for Christine.

I can never seem to meander through God/Dog's dialogue tree enough to trigger the "You heard his entire story" challenge flag. Dunno what I'm missing there! First time through the game I thought it was just because I never put Dog in charge (it felt like a dick move), but I talked through all his available dialogue this time too, so bwuh.

I am seriously inclined to run the rest of the game in Vera's dress.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2648 on: December 26, 2013, 07:44:54 AM »
FONV: Trapped Elijah in the vault this time! Then I reloaded and shot him in the head for Christine.

I can never seem to meander through God/Dog's dialogue tree enough to trigger the "You heard his entire story" challenge flag. Dunno what I'm missing there! First time through the game I thought it was just because I never put Dog in charge (it felt like a dick move), but I talked through all his available dialogue this time too, so bwuh.

I am seriously inclined to run the rest of the game in Vera's dress.

Apparently you need to have Low Intelligence to get Dog's story.

Looking sharp is greater protection than any armor.

Fallout New Vegas: Cleared out the Deathclaw promontory.  Couldn't shoot fast enough to kill the final rush and died.  So then I sucked down 4 Turbo and cleared it no problem.  Except I completely ran out of ammo!  Well whatever, that's what the Great Khans are for.  I also had enough Sunset Star Caps to finally make one last grasp and finish Legend of the Star.  Whoopee.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2649 on: December 26, 2013, 06:18:17 PM »
Marvel Puzzle Quest: Started this because I wanted to save Ashley from Candy Crush. Fun. F2P model is a bit annoying though.

Justice For All: Day One of the final trial drove me up a wall and I ended up FAQing it a little more than necessary. Actually thought of the point about the button way at the start of the trial, but, since it wasn't relevant until a few RL days later, totally forgot it. Derp.

World of Warcraft: I've been slacking. Almost have a level 25 pet of every family, now need to expand my collection.

League of Legends: Showdown is weird. Played it a bunch as Ziggs as the 1v1 nature of it makes it really bizzare. Things I'd normally consider advantages don't always work out right because I can't count on map pressure or the like. I've been caught off guard a couple times by someone diving me out of the blue.