Well, at any rate, I am enjoying the game immensely, and Ragnar has little impact on that.
It seems the game has some pretty favored classes. A good 5/6 of my party all have the same sort of setups involving Fantastica/Elementalist/Sacred Slayer/Enigmancer OCs and support abilities. If it weren't for the Story PCs having unique classes, they'd all be almost literally the same. Still, there's some pretty good class balance once the rest of the classes show up. Strider in particular FINALLY makes physical builds work.
Got to Clarissa's third outfit. Ugh. Now normally, I like pigtails for adding an interesting shape to character design and being cute and such, but holy crap these are terrible and do NOT suit her at all. Particularly with the artstyle, which already draws Clarissa as stick-figure-skinny and gives her this massive clump of hair... it's bad. Really bad. You win this round, Andy.
OH, and a list of Generic DLers that make up our Chevalet Blanc army. Snow and Hatbot chose the classes mostly at random, which makes it funnier to me. Some male DLers were made female to get a more even gender ratio so there'd be less overlap. (Some DLers were made girls because Snow and I thought it was funny har har)
Battle units:
Grefter - Enigmancer w/ time spent in Elementalist, Sacred Slayer, Fantastica
Djinn - Strider, w/ time spent in Secutor, Geomancer, Sacred Slayer
CT - Gadgeteer w/ time spent in Fantastica, Elementalist, Sacred Slayer
Search units:
Ciato - Sentinel
Idun - Nightstalker
Random - Berserker
Trancey - Female Fantastica
VSM - Female Excavator
Zenny - Female Grappler
Pyro - Gadgeteer
Aiel - Female Geomancer
Dhyer - Fantastica
Glen - Female Sacred Slayer
Sage - Elementalist
Elfboy - Female Enigmancer
Reiska - Female Excavator
Snow - Enigmancer
Celdia - Strider
Magic - Geomancer
SnowFire - Secutor
CK - Female Extremists
Laggy - Excavator
Nitori - Female Gadgeteer
Tonfa - High Cavalier
Tide - Grappler
Tally - Female High Cavalier
Soppy - Strider
Alex - Female Elementalist
Shale - Extremist
Cid - Sacred Slayer
Andy - Female Berserker
Ashley - Secutor
Fenrir - High Cavalier
Ephraim - Grappler
Excal - Emulator
metroids - Female Emulator
Gate - Sentinel
OK - Emulator
Neph - High Cavalier
Niu - Female Extremist
Meeple - Nightstalker
Dismissed units:
**Magey - Male Fantastica
**Eternal - Male Grappler
**dn - Female Fantastica
**Kurosu - Female Berserker
**Dune - Female Geomancer