
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 186646 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #500 on: February 17, 2013, 06:31:06 AM »
For example, if you let a "noble opponent" dude get killed (uh, by your own allies hand, so that was kind of the plan, but you're still not supposed to want this despite slaughtering hordes of other soldiers who don't have names, usual has-a-portrait bias) via not going shopping with his daughter earlier to get an accidentally life-saving gift, you can still change his daughter's fate by fessing up you helped kill daddy, for example.  Or letting one brother get killed means you have to worry about changing the fate of the other brother now to avoid him getting killed as well (the aforementioned NPC playboy Gary Stu, who is apparently the 2nd deadliest person in the world other than the final boss, and can fight off an army of 300 hundred guys single-handedly but still needs his medicine.  Right.).  Interesting stuff.  The political plot, while hamfisted (SUDDENLY WE MUST BACKSTAB OUR ALLY BECAUSE), is still passable largely because there's one character with a brain willing to make trenchant and realistic comments on it.

Uhhh... what? Unless they greatly altered the script, I am not following some of the stuff you are saying here.

RS 3 Hack - Who in their right mind would put the possessed elemental kings AFTER Death and Sherah? Elemental kings sucks whether they are possessed or not, and they really aren't needed after fighting Death, who actually runs on intelligent AI that spams the over-killing Death Hand.

Oh, and the sprite is so good:

On the other hand, Saruin's AI seems to be pretty stupid. He could have put up a fight if he actually spams God Hand. But he is too busy spamming elemental MT that I effectively walled.

Then Saruin's quest somehow tied into the goddess and the Final Defense System, and end up beating that too. So all the SaGa2 related quests are finished by this point. The reward is one of the two most broken equipment in the game, which has 30 on all defense, blocks all status and attack types, +2 to all states, and auto regain on hp, wp, and jp. Oh, it allows you to use shield when using two handed weapons too and amplify all magics!!

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #501 on: February 17, 2013, 06:49:59 AM »
FE13 - Done! Finished in about 26 hours, pretty quick-paced. The game has fun supports, dialogue is above FE average (lol), the music/graphics/art is good, the map design is fun and quick-paced, and it gives you tons of options with regards to how you want to play the game. Biggest complaint is that on Hard the reinforcements appear and move on the same turn. I love them bringing back the multiple paths for promotion and I like that there are a lot of people who can use both magic and strength stat. I also like the skill system; it adds uniqueness without most of them being overpowered.

The final boss was a dick. Captain K's avatar was also a dick.

Final death count, because I am a horrible person: Nowi, Gregor, Ricken, Tharja, Henry, Olivia, Severa, Virion, Stahl, Lon'qu, Gaius, Anna, Cherche, Basilio, Flavia, Miriel, Sully, Sumia, and Laurent.

MVPs were Robin/Miriel/Morgan, the mage wrecking crew from hell. Say'ri and Tiki also did a lot of good work late, and Cordelia is excellent. Chrom is also quite good; around Ike9 level?

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #502 on: February 17, 2013, 06:56:19 AM »
They probably greatly altered the script.  It was:
A) Muntzer / Latika - I didn't go shipping for daddy's gift because I didn't talk to Latika enough, so Muntzer died.
B) Alfonse / Christopher.  I did save Alfonse but you have to go do the medicine crap for Christopher if Alfonse dies.  Also  Saving Alfonse saves Christopher indirectly when he's guarding Ft. Eizenvant while you're fighting Bauer / Lumis / Ludwig inside.
C) The whole stupid excuse for Marquelay to fight Valkania.  Marquelay is allies with Valkania, Marquelay is attacked by Dulkheim, Valkania sends reinforcements to guard against another attack which appears to be *what Marquelay is requesting*, Marquelay gets pissy and forces you to go stab Valkania in the back (despite my attempting to refuse to do this).  This is sort of explained in that there's a line where Ludwig mentions that some dude in the Valkania army - the commander who went to Marquelay - "did his job" or something, which might mean that he knew the dude was a moron and would piss off the Marquelians, or that he was on Ludwig's payroll and intentionally stirring up bad feelings between allies, but it's still pretty hamfisted excuse to have a big 4-way war going on.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #503 on: February 17, 2013, 08:09:05 AM »
A/ That I noticed, but where did the part of the protagonists not wanting Muntzer dead came from? I don't remember any one from our side try to avoid fighting him. You say there is some sort of bias over Muntzer, but the only person who knows Muntzer that well that is on our side is Alfonse, but those two shows no mercy whenever in battle.

B/ I also notice you are referring to Chris and Al, but where did Chris being a Gary Stu and being an overpowered monster came from? He became a womanizer and throw everything behind because he has already given up hope in treating his wounded heart, Alfonse has to serve as both as the Lord of Ordinale and as a Royal Guard because Chris dump everything on to him. And in truth, Chris could die any time, that wound on his heart is like a time bomb waiting to go off, so Chris and Munzter never pushed on the subject of Chris's life style. (and Chris also still feel guilty over causing that wound).
And in power hierarchy he is weaker to both Hien and Muntzer.
Alfonse's death (or near death) is what really wake Chris up that he should start to take his life seriously.
Oh, also, what Chris was taking is not medicine but really strong painkiller.

C/ Marquelay was never Valkania's ally, rather it is a country subordinated to Valkania. In other words, at the very least, to Valkanians, they believe they have the power over Marquelay. And in truth, what Valkania truly interested in is Marquelay's resources alone and it has been taken away those resources against Marquelay's will. That is what really ticked Marquelalian off. Unless so they cut off a lot of script, this is all well explained.
Alfonse is the minority in regards to Marquelay, not even Muntzer is that against exploiting Marquelay if he finds necessary.
What Rudvich did is simply give a push on the back of Valkanians, that's all.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #504 on: February 17, 2013, 09:34:30 AM »
FE13- Did.

Mmm.  The plot is too straightforward, basically in the vein of FE1.  But supports are quality.  Broadly I feel like FE10 is clearly better, but FE13 comes out ahead of the rest of the series.  New/altered mechanics are fun to play with, all good stuff in general.  8/10.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #505 on: February 17, 2013, 01:52:19 PM »
FE13 - Lunatic/Casual beaten.  I still reset if anyone dies.  I mostly used the battle saves over non-permadeath feature for good level ups.  The peak of difficulty was chapter 2.  Myrmidons with steel swords and A rank means they oneshot everyone not Frederick.  The open field makes it hard to protect everyone at once.  Chrom/Avatar had to get good level ups or risk them getting useless quick.  The rest of the game is just abusing DLC to grind and dark mage Avatar soloing 90% of the map.  Counter is a stupid skill that cost me a few deaths but otherwise the increased stats and forged weapons isn't enough for S supports and Nosferatu.  Basilo and Flavia are remarkably good on Lunatic and likewise Anna, who I deem the worst character on Hard/Normal.

I can't get past chapter 2 on Lunatic+.  You have to gamble dodging 60% hitrates three or four times.  Vaike, Stahl, and Miriel are fed to the crows.  It's literally dicksucking the RNG or die.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #506 on: February 17, 2013, 05:28:15 PM »
Oh, the plot is pretty bad, very stock fare, but it has some good individual moments. I am a fan of Basilio of course. Worse than the last three non-remake games plotwise (no comment on 7).
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #507 on: February 17, 2013, 11:26:50 PM »
FE13 completed (Hard Classic). First playthrough is listed as about 36 hours in my game time, but I'm not sure what that counts (certainly doesn't count resets), actual time spent playing the game is probably in the 50-55 hour range. I hit 20/20 with most people right around the end, which felt deliberate.

The game was good fun overall. It certainly isn't perfect, but overall makes a strong case to be the second best game in the series, something I'll be weighing in the coming days.

Its story is overall usual FE, so not very impressive. It's at its strongest during the Plegia arc and then kinda loses its way thereafter, although the identity of the final boss was amusing. Characters are good though... the large majority are memorable and quirky. They don't lend themselves to serious writing too well, but it makes for some good interaction at least. Think a whole cast of people kinda like Kieran or Marcia or Matthew or Serra or L'Arachel. Frederick deserves note for being the best jeigan ever character-wise, too.

Aesthetics-wise, I'm not as big a fan of this game's art as some of the recent ones. But on the other hand, the music is better, and some of the other aesthetic work is good, such as the critical hit cut-ins/battle quotes.

New mechanics are hit and miss. I definitely approve of the multiple difficulty modes available, and the presence of casual mode even if I may not use it much myself. All of the actually good design decisions from 11-12 (inventory of dead PCs not being lost, enemy phase skip, mid-battle animation skip, weapon rank mattring) return. Branching promotions are great and good to see again. Reclassing is interesting, at least, for all that I didn't bother with it this playthrough. Not sure how I feel about the way this game does it compared to 11-12. For the game's actual new ideas, the new support / support attack system is neat. Made positioning more interesting for sure. Pair Up is less good... it's possibly a bit broken, and certainly strategically limiting as it reduces your number of units and "Separate" is a terrible command for action economy so once you're paired up you have no reason to stop unless there's a lull in battle. I definitely preferred rescue. Hands down the game's massive mechanical failure is the return of ninja reinforcements though. I could rant for a while about the negative effects these have on strategy. At least fog of war is gone.

Anyway, PC notes! More based on my general impressions of them than how mine turned out specifically, but here we go:

Robin (F, +Str -Res): Note that this is not a good build as Robin is more of a mage even with this, and res penalty also tanks speed a bit. Anyway she was still pretty cool. Veteran is evil on paper (I didn't really use it), Solidarity is nice, Rally Spectrum is super-awesome. Hitting both defences is nice, and at worst being a mage with good all-around stats (if unexceptional) is a good niche. Likely the best PC in the game.

Chrom: Solid lord. The comparison here is Ike9, they're quite similar. Chrom doesn't get the awesome avoid supports later, but he also has better unique weapons, promotes when he wants, and escapes the sword lock (and is in a game with better swords anyway).

Frederick: Jeigan, so best character for like the first ten maps. Falls off harder than most previous jeigans, but being effective pairup bait with whoever his A/S supports are saves him past that. Obviously great since this isn't 2004.

Lissa: I dunno, she heals and stuff. Staff exp is faster in this game and she doesn't die when sneezed upon, but her longterm potential isn't wonderful due to all her offensive options starting at E rank and shaky speed. Mine died very early.

Sully: Cavalier with decent overall stats. Solid.

Stahl: Sully with a worse overall growth set, meh at the lower speed. Kind of a Lowen/Kyle variant or something.

Virion: The archest archer. Those bases are a thing, channelling Wolt I see. He can avoid counters I guess, and there are a decent number of enemy flyers in this game and nobody else starts with bow rank until chapter 23, but still bad.

The Vaike: He's okay but feels like a bit of a return of the mediocre old fighter, str and HP and nothing else. Doesn't help that axes are kinda subpar due to -10/-20 hit, and none of his classes really appeal. Still better than the likes of Garcia and Dorcas/Bartre though.

Miriel: Yay, they fixed mages at last! Actual move stat! Lots of good tome options in this game, they aren't crippled by weight or terrible might, and Miriel's even moderately speedy! Def is bad but that's the only real complaint here.

Sumia: The physical durability is problematic, but the way she doubles everything in a game where this is often difficult (especially early) is wonderful.

Kellam: Serenes claims this guy was in the game but I have no idea who he is. I think he's an armour knight, at which point I'll say that Pair Up saves those more in this game than some previous. Past that, eh, armour knight, so didn't use much, I must have my biases.

Donnel: lol no. Ten levels of sucking, then you need a valuable item that could go to someone who doesn't suck, then you get an E rank in some unexceptional infantry class.

Lon'qu: Sumia minus pegasus. This is probably okay... swordmaster certainly ends up pretty solid. Didn't use too much, though.

Ricken: Miriel with like 5-6 less speed forever. Wait, this is kinda unimpressive.

Maribelle: Lissa who joins later but has a pony. Same flaws though. I was going to try to use her longterm but death happened to her too.

Panne: Somewhat myrmidonish. No 2 range, but decent speed and HP with nothing else terribly bad. Potential's kinda low without reclass. I'd like her more if she'd gained Beastbane before the cavalier swarm of C12 instead of right after. :(

Gaius: See Lon'qu with a rockier start but thief stuff! Unfortunately you have good prepromos for this role.

Cordelia: Kinda uber, looking at the stat topic nobody has that spd+str combo. More or less Chrom on a pegasus with different weapons. Being a pegasus isn't all win in this game (bows are more common and hurt) but overall still a positive, so Cordelia ranks as one of the best PCs in the game.

Gregor: Gregor is most fun character! Unfortunately Gregor is having forgettable base stats and not comparing well with Lon'qu who also got benched, so bench for Gregor too. (Nothing really wrong with him, but he didn't inspire.)

Nowi: Range 1-2 manakete, yay! Speed's kinda bad though, and like Panne the potential feels a bit limited. So she's mediocre. This saddens me oh so much given that design.

Libra: Prepromo healer the first. Very solid durability at join but this definitely decays. Still, he serves his purpose well enough. Unlike Lissa or Maribelle he can use the Bolt Axe with no grinding, which is a nice push lategame although by then his combat stats are too shaky to put it to great use.

Tharja: I do like dark magic in this game. Weightless Nosferatu is nerfed from 12 but still very good, Ruin is the long-awaited +crit tome, Waste has definite potential although my Tharja had trouble tapping it (speed- and skill-screwed). Tharja has above average def and speed to use with her magic, so good things to say about her generally here.

Anna: Prepromo healer the second, and very awesome. Also covers thiefy duties, has great evasion, and the Levin Sword is absolutely brutal (if limited) domination midgame. Lategame she falls off a lot like Fred/Libra but remains respectable, just have to watch out for her terribad def.

Olivia: Good work IS, you managed to make a dancer I couldn't be bothered to use. OHKOed by way too much (physical and magic alike), and in a game with ninja reinforcements.

Cherche: Haar! With a weakness which is a much larger concern. Amazing str, good def, speed is at least okay. Speed and the weakness keep her out of the "best units in the game" discussion but still very good.

Henry: Is awesome. And pretty good too, see Tharja and dark magic comments. Henry had the highest non-Tiki def in my army too, and this isn't even terribly unreasonable. Speed could be better though. His death was the most tragic. :(

Say'ri: I guess IS realised that sword-lock is a bit of a weakness, since SMs got a buff in this game. Innate avoid boost, Astra being the only skill besides Aether which gives a high damage boost (and only uses one weapon charge now, thank goodness), and an extremely powerful 1-2 range sword unique to the class. High offence and her durability manages to be acceptable. Lack of supports a weakness, but there is...

Tiki: Aside from not hitting weakness on the final boss like some, Tiki is an incredibly powerful manakete. Both defences are close to game-best, and she actually has some speed unlike Nowi. She was a PC I could put anywhere and never worry, while countering everything, and teamed with Say'ri they could kill lots of things, too. Offence isn't incredible at base besides being 2 range, though. Basically an armour knight on crack.

Basilio and Flavia: Basilio's another awesome character and Flavia's not bad herself. As PCs they have solid stats and Basilio's actual bow rank is certainly appreciated, though he's a bit fragile due to res. They join a bit underlevelled but not understatted, so they actually get notably better in their 3.5 maps.

NotMarth: Underlevelled but gets really good stats once she gets rolling, and having a nice weapon helps. Not sure what I think about her vs. Chrom; she starts out worse but ends up better.

Kids: My Morgan was decent but fought being underlevelled the entire game and never really closed the gap, though I can see how one would. The rest I used as promoted-at-10 terribly underlevelled filler. The one who inherited two rally skills at once by accident (Sevara) was the most useful until she met her untimely end. I only had four pairings so most of them I didn't even get, of course.

So yeah, good game. 9/10 almost certainly, just need to sort out where.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #508 on: February 17, 2013, 11:51:48 PM »
FE12: Completed!  Got every PC, and full ending, etc.  Having to gimp my team for the final chapter to include the 4 characters I didn't use much wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  Julian was completely useless, mind but otherwise?

I used all my stat boosters on the other 3 I had been whoring for a while.  See, most of my team (like everyone but MU and Jeorge in my main team got to level MU didn't I'm not sure, she had no lack of combat...) and were capping stats left and right, so yeah, then there's all the "+2 for one Map!" items which I just shoved on those 3 (Julian's stats are too low to be salvage-able); with Drill Grounds work (and a promotion to Merric), him and Minerva got barely enough speed  this way to avoid being doubled by anything on the map sans the Final boss himself...then merric leveled a few times on said Map and could hit him!  I later moronically forgot to use Starlight and went with Excalibur due to Auto Pilot, but whatever, totally not relevant as I won that turn anyway.  this left Sirius who after all his boosts was left with 17 I turned him into a Swordmaster, and he was good to go.

Game was fun, and I can't put my finger on it, but I had notably more fun than FE11 for some reason, but whatever, there's a bunch of minor little things that make this game better.  I played on Hard Mode, so NINJA REINFORCEMENTS exist, though at least once I figured out how they work (usually based off Map Triggers, scarcely turn ones), I could at least find ways of working around this, but then it is Hard Mode, even if this aspect is fake difficulty middle finger level.

Game still has issues though, like so many worthless late game prepromos.  Midia having just enough speed to avoid being doubled despite not being very good was a godsend in the one chapter I used her, and Michaelis being legitimately decent was a shocker too! 

Final Team, ignoring final mission was (all using their default jobs):

Chris (Paladin): What's to say?  Pretty much good at everything unless a Rider's Bane was in the area.

Marth: Workable, and he used the Starsphere once I got it (and naturally Binding Emblem after that), that worked as a Pseudo-Promotion of sorts.  Mono Weapon, no ability to reclass, and stats being merely above average instead of downright good hold him back.  Also, the game retains the moronic "Only Marth can go to towns!" thing but damned if there aren't far fewer towns in this game than FE11, so it didn't feel like too bad of a design flaw, if still an obvious one.  Also he could open chests!

Caeda: Is OP.  Do I really have to explain this one?

Malicia: Healer, never got much in Magic because she was too busy using staves like everyturn unless I desperately needed the offensive push to kill something.

Navarre: Typical Swordmaster, things just don't hit him late game.
Barst: Holy shit, a Warrior that's legitimately good!  Great Strength, Good speed (Though the cap hurts, but doesn't really come up until late game when enemies start actually getting 21 speed), Skill, high HP, etc.  He was actually causing hell with an Iron Bow when I needed a rnaged attack in a pinch.

Ogma: Good Hero all around, not much else to say.

Linde: Blows stuff up with magic.  Nosferatu makes her capable of actually tanking against some enemy swarms.  She did probably cause me the largest number of resets due to forgetting to equip Nosferatu, and typical Mage Frailty, but that's my fault.   She also used Starlight to blow up Gharnef because no one else could, and she thought it'd be cute to Critical hit him <_<

Jeorge: Subpar.  Being able to use the Parthia was cool, and I really wanted a genuine Archer just in case there were flying units to deal with, but turns out not as much as I was expecting given what the early game implied.  Kind of regret using him as a result, and when Barst could start using Bows (let alone got that D so he could use Gordin's Bow and Steel Bows), he really didn't do much beyond snipe kills.  Not horrible, but definitely lagged.

Feena: FE Dancer, what else do I have tos ay?  Oh right, absurd evasion score letting her dodge things when she was in range by accident; a number of "OH GOD!" moments occurred followed by major sighs of relief when she dodged.

Tiki: Her main issue was lacking speed a large part of the game but she slowly worked that away, and frankly, she's rarely slow enough to be doubled.  Come the end of the game...she's amazing, because Divine Stones cause hell to like everything given how Dragon-Heavy the final levels are, and the kind of defensive boosts she gets from it.  I swear they put GLower in the game specifically to avoid her just being tossed at sections of the map and eating things up.  Never found the Ice, Wyvern or Magic stones that allegedly exist though.  Had neough Flame and Divine Stones to last her thankfully (especally since Nagi basically comes as a "Here's a free Divine Stone for Tiki!")

Xane: Was a second Ogma, Chris, Navarre, Caeda, or Barst depending on circumstance.  As a result, I handed him a decent weapon of each type and a Javelin.

Game was fun but probably wouldn't play it again.  Thinking 6/10 or 7/10?  Game is still lacking in a whole bunch of conventions that FE6-10 established that FE11 thought was a good idea to remove (no rescuing, lack of Canto of ANY kind, removing skills, etc.), and I'd probably get frustrated if I replayed the game which strikes me as not a good sign, so yeah.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #509 on: February 18, 2013, 03:24:25 AM »
* My familiar, in the before-the-final-battle-and-prelude-to-date scene, was all reminscient about all the probably good people we killed, and included Muntzer in the list.  Furthermore you get the cheery "Fate changed!" thing if you save him, so clearly the incentive is for the player to save him at the very least, even if in-game, as you note, there isn't much reason.  (Not really a huge complaint here anyway, this kind of thing is bog common in games.)

* Chris is such a Gary Stu.  When someone is a playboy, and everyone KNOWS this, and the women are still falling all over him because he's clearly such a warm and good person including a princess, that's pretty Stuish.  (It can happen, so I'm not necessarily complaining, and I kind of like that not all the badasses are military types and some just want to do something else.)  As for power levels, dunno, Chris is at the very least implied to be as good as Alfonse, Alfonse does defeat Muntzer (with your help), etc.  Hien is a giant question mark and his plot is horribly phoned in, so maybe, impossible to tell on him.  I was mostly going on, as noted, the fact that the final 2v2 Arena battle has homonculus versions of all the game characters attack you, and it goes something like Silverneil / Muntzer -> Lumis / Ludwig -> Vester / Christopher.  My recollection could be off on the first 4, but that was definitely the last 2.  (Although Hien obviously isn't on this scale since he's in your party.)  Even if he isn't the world's most unstoppable badass, he's clearly among them.

* Don't get me wrong, there are ways to sell the Marquelay vs. Valkania plot as working.  Just you hear, very specifically, complaints from the townspeople about Valkania not helping out vs. Dulkheim's attack, and then when Valkania does its duty as an ally and sends some reinforcements, they get pissy and attack.  It'd be like Scotland asked England for help against some foe of England that also attacked Scotland, England sends some troops, and Scotland immediately declares war on England - and so does Wales.  Now, for sure, plenty of "allied" troops have enraged their host nations before, they just ran this plotline at maximum speed.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 05:35:49 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #510 on: February 18, 2013, 03:48:59 AM »
It'd be like Scotland asked England for help against some foe of England that also attacked Scotland, England sends some troops, and Scotland immediately declares war on England - and so does Wales. 

I did not get this far in GL4 yet, I was too turned off by the hentai tropes (yes yes, too ANIMU for Djinn). But this sentence is kinda hilarious and makes me want to see the trainwreck. Maybe after I've finished FE13, PA3, Endless Frontier, Xenoblade, BoF2, and ToG.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #511 on: February 18, 2013, 05:42:28 AM »
SnowFire, it seems you are overlooking a lot of things when the Valkania vs. Marquelay. You are assuming that Valkanian is treating Marquleay as equals, which is completely not the case. Especially when the troops that suppose to protect them are robbing their resource to transport back to Valkania mainland. Serious, that is not how you do diplomacy.
Also, Dulkheim aimed for Marquelay because it is an ally with Valkania. If Valkania is not treating us well, and we are attacked because we are allied with them, what's the point of maintaining this alliance?
Remeber Marquelay is in alliance with Valkania because they have to not they want to. They would immediately dump that alliance if it is no longer doing them good.
Unless they cut off this part of plot too, but I refuse to believe the translators are that stupid.

Also, the power scale by story and setting alone, excluding Vester, is this: Hien>Muntzer>Chris>Diana>Alfonse.
I might add, Hien was the coach of the Royal Guards on sword art and war tactics when he was still serving Valkania.

And I do not see how becoming a womanizer using money and family name, and his closer associates are still treating him nice, including the princess you mentioned because they pity him for his short life is... Stuish? His lifestyle is clearly disused and dispirited.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #512 on: February 18, 2013, 06:51:06 AM »
RS3 Hack - Decide to clean up all the SaGa Frontier 2 events, so I go ahead and fight these guys.

And they all suck, a lot. Being single element reliant means they are really easy to wall.
Stone is the only one that has has anything resemble to difficulty due to his immunity bypassing petrify. Outside that, none of the Edel Ritters lasted over 5 turns.

Then we get to the main dish:

This is a fight I cannot help but want to strangle the one who wrote the AI for Egg.
This is what happening repeatedly in the fight:

Dead Spore-Vortex-Ancient Curse-Deadly Driver-Vortex

So yeah, I was spammed by debuff and status only to get dispelled by Egg itself.
The stupidity continued until this:

Surprise, Shooting Star does not suck!! And Xenocide hurts, as expected. But I have Final Crusade behind me, so it is nothing that I can't handle. But eventually Murder Barrier (aka Fatal Mirror x 4) pops out.
And I literally went THE FUCK!?
Shouldn't only the SaGa 2 bosses have those? Why is Egg doing with that move!? So Rogue killed himself, so does Silver, and Sherah killed Bei Mei Nyung. Perfect, I did not tweak my speed and formation to deal with Murder Barrier, and Egg was spamming that for three consecutive turns.... I was forced to spam Final Crusade and Red almost ran out of LP. Lucky me that I pulled out that fight in one go without resets.

The reward for beating egg is less broken than the one from the SaGa2 quest. A full status and attack type blocker but only 18 MDEF.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #513 on: February 18, 2013, 05:52:55 PM »
RS3 - Stat topic is -so close- to being done. Biggest surprise of the topic: all mages but Undine being at least solid and versatile Middles (and giving us two strong Heavies, to boot). "Ciddy is the fancy new gateway drug" moment: the lobster ranking as one of the cast's top five duellers. "How the fuck you manage to completely botch Martial Arts!?" awards: Elephant and Snowman. I mean, really? 6HKOing with Tiger Break? Dragon Inferno having accuracy issues also -hurts-. I also don't think I've ever seen such a large swath of 3HKO machines.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #514 on: February 18, 2013, 08:47:05 PM »
FE13, Lunatic Casual - just beat Chapter 2. Fredrick, I am not worthy. *genuflects*
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #515 on: February 19, 2013, 12:21:55 PM »
2nd OG: Hah, they gave Gepelnich's durability to Perfectio. Had to have that fight in there somewhere, I guess.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #516 on: February 20, 2013, 02:21:23 AM »
Ni No Kuni: About to challenge The Dark Djinn's castle.

The game's plot is actually rather bad all things considered. The world is gorgeous and decently fun to explore, but the characters don't grab you. Combat tends to be a drag for randoms but bosses mix it up by requiring some strategy.

The story of Oliver's travels falls into two major problems: The game does not do proper build-up and it does not do long term character development. It fails to build up events because it will bring up problems that are fairly quickly fixed, often by magic, in a frankly episodic fashion. The cheery nature of the game prevents it from visitting the truly dark circumstances that surround the plot except in marginal ways. For example there is a town late in the game that has citizens who are being turned one by one into semi-emotionless 'heartbroken' beings, believing that it will male them able to withstand the terror of the Big Bad. This is ENTIRELY fixed within 4 minutes or so, discounting the time spent fighting one boss.

Character work is also lacking, with the PCs having one 'fixed by magic' arcs followed by becoming static. The interaction is not horrible but it lacks genuine charm outside of Drippy the fairy. Oliver is WAY too much of a straight man to be interesting.

The world remains charming and beautiful. Did I mention beautiful? Because GOD DAMN is Ni No Kuni gorgeous. I sometimes find myself just stopping in a town, even one I have. visitted many times, and just gawking for a minute. The art direction and work that went into making it live is awe-inspirimg. Some games have vistas that make your jaw drop, NNK just keeps it on the floor all the damn time.

Combatting randoms is tedious but can sometimes prove challenging... especially if they pack ID. Bosses force you to fight defensively as the game actively rewards you for blocking their attacks with MP restoration and the occasional super move. Also switching to a fefensive pattern and not taking big damage from the MT move with a charge time is good practice by itself. Rhe first familiar served me really well through the whole game due to swords being awesome. I went through an entire arc where one cire sword smacked weakness on several major bosses and almost all randoms...

But now Oliver has his +100 stat sidequest bonus (think Ness), his crazy powerful wand, and a bevy of new MT element damages that can be strengthened with equips. And now a massive Holy ST damage move. Guess what most bosses are weak to lategame? Smash.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #517 on: February 20, 2013, 04:01:25 AM »

Ahahahaha, I have been waiting for this moment ever since God trampled me back in the tournament. This time, I am prepared!!

But damn, this fight is still ridiculous that God has 80 spd in this form.....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #518 on: February 20, 2013, 11:16:13 AM »
ToGf - Side questing.  Got up to Bryce underlevelled for him.  He killed me quite thoroughly and it was almost always because the AI likes to sit in melee range of his Instant Death attack  with a charge time and eat it.

Threw it on Easy because A) I don't feel like running around that much and B) Bryce is not fucking worthy of giving 2 fucks about.  Seeing the scene afterwards just solidified this lack of fucks being given.

Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - I played this on DS and liked it well enough.  It was cheap on the iPaid.  It is straight up port of the game with completely redone graphics.  It is pretty cool and I still quite like the game (even if I forget the finer points of playing it).

Walking Dead - My brothers and I played this out in the lounge on our media PC taking turns (I played the least).  No one is shocked that this is good at this point I hope.  It really did hammer home the fact that I am pretty Zombied out at this point, which is super disappointing because I still love the genre and when it is done well with thought it is still fantastic (as someone that likes Land of the Dead).  If there is another Romero movie I will watch it, but otherwise kind of done with them as a thing for a while.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #519 on: February 20, 2013, 09:03:40 PM »
Walking Dead - My brothers and I played this out in the lounge on our media PC taking turns (I played the least).  No one is shocked that this is good at this point I hope.  It really did hammer home the fact that I am pretty Zombied out at this point, which is super disappointing because I still love the genre and when it is done well with thought it is still fantastic (as someone that likes Land of the Dead).  If there is another Romero movie I will watch it, but otherwise kind of done with them as a thing for a while.

Well at least you went out on top.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #520 on: February 21, 2013, 01:39:18 AM »
Replaying FE13 on Hard mode now.

The game's resident blue-haired, holy blood inheriting Lord has just taken in a amnesiac mage as his new tactician, a redheaded fellow by the name of Julius with a mysterious mark on his hand. I'm sure this totally isn't going to cause any plot complications later on.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #521 on: February 21, 2013, 06:51:31 AM »
KH 358/2: Day 277. I hope this isn't the plot I'm suddenly supposed to care about...

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #522 on: February 21, 2013, 06:57:13 AM »
KH 358/2: Day 277. I hope this isn't the plot I'm suddenly supposed to care about...

Does it have a bunch of ORIGINAL CHARACTERS DO NOT STEAL? If so, yes.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #523 on: February 21, 2013, 07:18:40 AM »
KH 358/2: Day 277. I hope this isn't the plot I'm suddenly supposed to care about...

Not exactly.  It's just when it first bothers to even show up.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #524 on: February 21, 2013, 07:29:00 AM »
KH 358/2: Day 277. I hope this isn't the plot I'm suddenly supposed to care about...

Not exactly.  It's just when it first bothers to even show up.

Nothing like a 25 hour intro before plot kicks in.