Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 186643 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #900 on: April 11, 2013, 04:52:26 PM »
"And Iunno, enemies usually didn't fail at their AI in that map (of all things >_>) and I still could manage just fine."

Well in the same battle there was:
- Enemies not attacking until PCs were in their own range
- *Mage 1 uses Fire on Berserker. 161 damage. Mage 2 gets a turn ... He moves next to Berserker and does a 3 damage physical*
- Sentinels moving up to Tony and then not doing anything.

I looked at artwork.
No, Edna is wearing a dress, not the most ignominious corset on earth.
Yes, Seymour is showing his belly. He doesn't have weird hair on his belly like I always thought, but some kind of rune. Disappointment.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #901 on: April 11, 2013, 04:55:30 PM »
Egads, XF AI never failed as hard as that for me.

Also, your horror towards Edna amuses me so much. It's kinda great.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #902 on: April 11, 2013, 05:08:01 PM »
C: Fuck Nightmare in OMD1. Three seconds to set up!? Fail.

I liked that element of it. "No setup time, you must build and defend simultaneously" was the core of OMD1 Nightmare to me.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #903 on: April 11, 2013, 07:12:28 PM »
It feels like a way of encouraging rote memorization of the levels rather than building on the fly. I'd be more tolerant of it if there weren't serious problems with getting barriers down in time/how strapped you are for coins early.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #904 on: April 12, 2013, 01:40:54 AM »
Fire Emblem 8: Eph Hard Mode.

Feels a lot harder than it did when I played it on NM, so I guess it works. Enemies are moderately threatening...

Except to Tana and Ross. Who destroy motherfucking worlds. The second time Ross turned out Godly for me.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #905 on: April 12, 2013, 04:54:14 AM »
Star Ocean 4 - Finished. Final levels in the low 60's, around 45 hours or so. I expected this game to be worse than SO3 but by the time the dust settled I realised it really wasn't. SO3 at its best > SO4, to be sure, but SO3 spends too much time not at its best, which is why I haven't yet replayed the game any time in the past 8 years. SO4 fixes so many Tri-Ace problems, it's great. The start is pretty fast! (The first 15 minutes still suck, but you quickly get multiple PCs to play around with and things get good.) The PCs are available instead of being hidden behind stupid unintuitive split-paths! Nobody starts ridiculously underlevelled! Similarly, on writing, I think SO3 at its best does better than this game, but then it decided to go and have almost no plot at all lategame. Past that they are somewhat similar, with a mix of a few surprisingly good characters (Edge, Faize, and Myuria for me, though Reimi and Bacchus are also decent) and a few gimmicky support characters who range from vaguely amusing (Adray/Meracle) to obnoxious kid characters (Roger/Lymle). Antagnonists aren't much (except the main one), NPCs occasionally have badass scenes out of nowhere though. Scenes do tend to be a bit longer than necessary, but I have a hard time being too bothered by that (I survived Xenosaga, SO4 actually has a cast). They do sometimes fall victim to goofy Japanese tropes and questionable translation (Edge uses the word "evolution" to apply to things which... aren't evolution, and does so quite a lot), too, but there's also lots of good stuff. Private actions also help, this is certainly the SO I did them most in. Fully animating and voice acting a lot of that is a huge help; I know most games don't have the budget for this but goodness, character work just isn't the same with text alone. I have particular love for Bacchus' and Myuria's plotlines which are exposed through these.

Gameplaywise it seemed easier than the average SO, but certainly not piss-easy or anything, and has higher difficulties for replays. I have a lot of good things to say about the different PCs; they controlled differently and were almost all pretty fun to use. Character balance was pretty solid overall too, although Reimi/Bacchus/Myuria felt a bit better than the rest while Meracle definitely felt like the LVP. I'm really appreciative of how the mages felt in this game, I probably controlled Myuria more than anyone else after she joined and I think Lymle would have been fun too, I just hate her. Obviously this is a ridiculous improvement over SO2's mages, and I feel unqualified to comment on 3's because of aforementioned acquisition/level issues. <.< Back on topic, I miss the fury system, certainly, but they did a good job of keeping some of its crucial anti-stunlock features (combos are inherently limited, rush mode exists, key solo enemies have no-guard). I don't think four PCs helps the game either (harder to switch to one person on a dime, more AI PCs is meh). So the overall battle system of 4 is worse, yes, but avoiding those aforementioned pitfalls probably made me like it more in the end. Targetting system could be better but didn't hurt the game as badly as I expected, if you really need to change targets you can do so via moving the camera.

Game gets an 8/10. If it is indeed better than SO3 like I am currently thinking, then it now ranks as my favourite ARPG. It can get a golfclap for that.

Dark Souls - Mmm. To some extent the game is weighing on me now. I still like it, certainly, but it feels like it has gone on a bit too long. I'm nearing 40 hours which is just too long for the type of game this is (it wants to be a NES Zelda/Castlevania/Mega Man pretty clearly), I figured it'd be a fun one to replay but getting less and less sure of that. Anyway I avenged the Fire Keeper (I have nooo clue who "Lautrec" is, I didn't recognise him, DARK SOULS PLOT!!!) and mercifully got a lot of Humanity for it, since I was feeling like the game was starving me of it needlessly. Currently dying to Ornstein and Smaugh, though I've come very close at least. Hardest boss since the Bell Gargoyles, definitely.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #906 on: April 12, 2013, 05:01:09 AM »
FE13 Lunatic Chrom Semi-solo:  Semi because actual solo is completely impossible.  Used Frederick teamup up to the point where wireless features are unlocked, then it's full solo from there.  No grinding on random Risen or Outworld gate, anything else is pretty much legal.

Early levels are hell.  Got lucky with a Tiki Tear random item found which let me solo Donnel's paralogue, then I was strong enough to solo the corresponding Chapter.  Gets progressively easier until around Chapter 18 where enemies start damaging you again.  Went Lord 20->Cavalier 20->Paladin 20->Great Knight 18ish->Great Lord 20 and now back to Paladin for the balanced defenses.  Should have gone Great Lord much earlier, Aether is so much better than Luna.  Great Knight is damned strong until you get to the chapters where enemies use special weapons because it's weak to everything.

And now I'm on Chapter 22, which I expected in advance to have problems with.  And hoo boy I was right.  This is the one with the 12 Risen with A rank weapons, each of which has comparable stats to (capped) Chrom.  And they gang up on you so there's no way to fight them one at a time.  Gonna have to play around with this one a bit, but it may be a complete stopping point since there's very little I can improve upon.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #907 on: April 12, 2013, 05:40:55 AM »
Fire Emblem 5: THE GAME IS DONE! IT'S FUCKING DONE!  I completed it technically yesterday but whatever, I FINALLY FINISHED IT.  I had to do massive save state scumming too because seriously, THIS GAME HAD A MAP THAT TOOK 93 TURNS.  There are people who actually watched me play this too...

That said, I dunno how to rate this game.  I had more fun with it than I expected BUT I did cheat the system with saved states, and I know I would have found the game exceedingly annoying and frustrating without that.  Guess I have to rate it based off what it was like playing without saved states, and it's...not good.  I still probably respect it more than FE4 because it's far more traditional style and it did invent a lot of ideas that later FE games would use or modify.  Honestly, that's the game's big problem is that it's rough around the edges across the board.  If they were to make an FE11/12 style remake for the game, it could be really good.  Note that the base game FE5 has more to work with than FE11/12 so keeping things the same but adding in modern mechanics might actually be enough.

Things the game added on near as I can tell that later games incorporated/modified/etc. that started here:

-Legitimate Speed Threshold for doubling (4 points)
-Con stat to deal with weight (hey, Axes aren't laughable now!)
-Rescue Mechanics (WHY DID FE11/12 NOT ADD THIS IN AT ALL!?  True, FE13 didn't have this, but it had Pair Up instead so I view that as a lateral extension)
-Conventional item trading.  FE1/3 might have had this, I don't know, but FE4 did not.
-Weapon Ranks based upon usage of said weapon

Probably others but yeah, at least the game took steps in the right direction.  Skill System helped keep some diversity for cast members other than stats, though ALL STATS CAP AT 20 (but HP) was a very poor decision.  The only good thing that comes from it is that understatted Prepromos can keep up with legitimately raised units better but meh.  Fatigue overhated.  It's not a GOOD system, but I don't feel it ruined the game and it does have work arounds if you need a crucial unit for a specific map (just make sure you have S Drinks and you're fine.) 

Dismounting was neat but god damn did they fuck it up for indoors when they made a grand total of TWO PCs capable of using Lances on foot and they both have an E in them (one of them only gets it on promotion to boot),  and there's a ton of PCs who use ONLY Lances when mounted and can only use Swords when unmounted, so you need to go out of your way to dismount them just to get some sword levels (and there's at least 2 Axe Knights that can't use Axes on Foot, despite there being on-foot Axe users throughout the game)

Capturing was a cool mechanic.  Could be really good if it was fine tuned at that!

Anyway,thoughts on characters I used throughout the game for significant enough time; due to Fatigue, there's a lot more than normal:

Leaf: Sucky Lord Syndrom.  Not particularly strong, hits a level cap and can't promote for a while (though nowhere near Roy level), relies heavily on his Prf Weapon (which is good but one of the lesser Prf weapons), and his promotion SUCKS.  How much so?  +1 to most stats (most people get at least a few +2s), no boost to Con, no new weapons or skills.  At least Roy had legitimate stat bonuses and got a Super Sword to go with it!  Especially insulting because he had like the best promotion ever in FE4, and apparently THAT'S IN THEG AME'S DATA.  He does get the Blaggi Sword but there are other arguably better users of it (Fergus mostly)

Finn: Really damned good.  His Prf Brave Lance is amazing, he's got good stats, and mounted.  The one issue is the Sword thing I mentioned earlier but he joins early enough that usage of him in early indoor maps will probably get his Sword Ranking good for end game.

Othin/Halvan: The Fighter Duo AND THEY'RE ACTUALLY GOOD.  Othin's Pugi is ridiculous, Halvan gets a Brave Axe early, both have good skills and stats, high build makes them good at capturing, etc.  How did later Fighter duos fuck this up so much?

Saphy: I used her a decent amount early on because she was one of the only staff users (Fatigue system and all that), and she's the only one who can use Hammerene.  She got an A in Staves early too, which was damned handy, though stopped being significant...until the final chapter where I realized I needed as many Staff users as possible to make it sane and several of my staff users were Fatigued, so yay!  Never promoted though.

Dagda: Jeigan Warrior!  He's about what you expect.  To his credit, he makes a theoretically good unit to bait out Ballistaes due to usually being able to survive 2 shots and Duel will make them fire twice at him, s they run out of charges faster.  Did I mention the only sane way to deal with distant ballistaes is that way?

Fergus: Being a Sword Knight, he never has to worry about Mounted vs. Unmounted for weapon purposes which is a nice boon.  Beyond that, just a solid overall unit who can use the Beo Sword for a nice late game boost and can even wield the Blaggi Sword.  Additionally, he gets the least penalties unmounted, only losing 1 Str and Def (and that Strength loss disappears after promotion).

Lara: Because I missed Lifis, she was my only Thief for a while.  This made her automatically useful for most indoor maps so she never was used outdoors just to keep her Fatigue down.  Then she became a Dancer out of nowhere and...became useful as a Dancer because seriously, getting extra turns on your staff users is a HUGE deal in this game.  She could still steal from enemies as a dancer but AHAHAHAH no to that.  Awesome when she'd get a Double Action.  ONly reason to keep her with a Sword on I felt was to avoid an enemy instantly capturing her; otherwise she's free inventory space on the map or something.

Karin: Unimpressive Peg Knight.  She has that Unmounted Issue and joins during several indoor chapters with an E Rank in Lances so she can't even get a good weapon when she finally can be a flier.  Runs risk of being killed by Bows, etc.  To be fair, she is mounted so good at capturing, and she's mobile so good for rescues and just reaching certain areas.  More of a utility than a combat unit.

Asvel: I used a lot of Grahf Calibur early on, his Prf Wind Tome with high Might and 50% Crit, but managed to hold onto it just long enough that he could fry a scary Wyvern Boss.  Took him a while to get that A in Wind for Tornado too.  There was a time where I was afraid I was running out of legitimate Magic though found a spot with a lot of Thunder Mages, so he at least had that much, and later shelled out a lot of cash on Wind when it was storebought.  Good Mage in any event.

Nanna: Mounted Healer outdoors, indoors she's basically a healer who isn't auto-captured because she can use Swords.  The Earth Sword is really good to be fair, and made a lot of use out of it in a pinch and kept her alive.  She has a rough beginning in any event, especially due to low Staff levels, but she works her way into a competent unit.   The most important thing she has, though, is Charisma.  Adding 10% Hit/Evade to all units near-bye is a godsend in a game like this, especially since after a point, Evade Tanking is the only thing that works as your defense doesn't get high enough to deal with raw damage.

Shiva: The game's Navarre.  He's about what you expect, which is to say, good at the fast, evasive swordsmen thing.  He also has Sol so he's a little more durable, and even capped Defense without me realizing at one point (might have been the scroll I used on him); since I gave him the King Sword, he was another Charisma user, but that's not him so much as the weapon, so doesn't count.  Still, extremely good and reliable unit.

Selfin: Mounted Archer who has Duel...ok, that works.  The only problem is duel can bite her in the ass against people she can't counter giving them extra turns.  Nothing special outside of the early Brave Bow she gets, and hey, being a Bow Knight means she keeps her weapon ranks on foot because they're functionally Archers indoors.  That's SOMETHING at least.

Pahn: Lara turned into a Dancer, I lost my Thief...but I gained this guy at the exact same time, whose a Thief Fighter, so he basically filled in for her role.  He was basically Thief Lara who didn't feel like a complete liability in combat, so he could occasionally sneak in a kill, or bait out a hit or something.  Again, mostly a utility, but he worked.

Eda: The game's Minerva!  She has a shaky start, being basically Karin who can do damage but less evasive.   Her main problem, however, is her god awful sword levels from start; she starts with a D, and joins a little too late to salvage that so she's pretty much a pure Outdoor unit.  I did do some Elite Sword abuse with her late, and she actually capped Defense without me noticing (due to Mounted gains), and ended up being a solid late game unit.  she's also a flying mounted unit, so she's good for capturing, rescues and general mobility.

Dean: BEST MALE WYVERN EVER! ...ok, that's a blatant lie because FE10 Haar exists, but he's still pretty damn good.  He's a Prepromo with passable stats for his level, so he's strong out of the gate, and they even give him a good Prf Weapon.  Good Attack, Brave Effect, and Ambush, so he can legitimately tank out enemy swarms.  Also has Movement stars so he randomly gets extra turns, making him great for covering ground.  To top it all off, he joins with an A in Swords, so he can work for indoor missions too, though Wyverns take a significant stat penalty on foot unlike most.  One thing I learned late was that he and Eda get a Hit and Avoid bonus when next to each other, which would have been nice to know.  The Dragon Lance is a pain in the ass to get granted, but it's also extremely important.  Naturally, usual Flying Unit utilities go here.

Linoan: Resire Tank, can use staves (and decent rank to start with),  free Promotion later in the game so she doesn't steal a Knight's Crest, Lightning is a good spell...yeah, solid unit.

Mareeta: She's the game's token Female Myrmidon (ala Marisa,Fir, Mia, etc.) and she's...arguably the best ever?  How you may ask?  Well, let me explain all her benefits.  First off, a movement star, albeit only one, she can still get random double turns.  Secondly, Pursuit Critical ratio of 5...which means the second hit on her attacks is almost always a critical hit.  She starts with Luna, which is 100% ITD in this game and can stack with Crits.  She also joins with the Mareeta Sword, which is a nice broken weapon, and has good stats.  If that wasn't enough, she can learn Astra later in the game...which can stack with LUna and crits...yes, she can randomly hit a guy 5 times for ITD damage, each hit making a separate check.  THIS HAPPENED ON THE FINAL BOSS TOO.  I literally warped her to the final boss, threw her at him with the Mareeta Sword, and well, hilarity ensued.  Excellent unit, in any event.

Fred: Sort of just used him as a sub if I had free space, because he had the stats to not totally fail mid-game.  Not much to say about him, other than I guess he could use Magic swords better than most fighters but meh.

Olwen: So the FAQ said to not get her (or let her die) and use the alternative guy instead.  That FAQ gets RoR'd because yes, Olwen's stats are iffy for her level, but hand her a decent scroll (Fala works well I found), and she'll even out well enough, and stats is all that guy had.  What does Olwen have?  Divine Thunder, a Brave Spell with high Attack.  This was such a nice trump card I can't stress it enough. That's not all she has though; when that was running out, the game hands her the Holy Sword, a SECOND Prf Weapon that is pretty much the best Sword in the game.

How good is that weapon?  Here are stats:

Holy Sword: 17 Might, 65 Hit, 20 Crit, Hits Twice, Effective vs. Mounted Units, grants Prayer, +10 Magic, 60 Uses, 11 Weight
Brave Sword:  15 Might, 75 Hit, Hits Twice, 60 Uses, 14 Weight

I was tempted to show off a few others, but you can Serenes Forest that crap if you're really curious.  In any event, that weapon is amazing and she can use it on foot too, making her great at slaughtering mages.   So between having 2 great Prf Weapons, joining earlier and the game gives tools to offset the stat edge, I can't imagine the other guy is better.  Ok, his immediate stat edge is significant, but frankly, Divine Thunder is such a huge boon, and later the Holy Sword. Stat differences can be made up for, unique weapons like that cannot.

Sleuf: Pure Staff Bot.  He kind of completely replaced Saffy later on due to the Movement stars and all that, whenever I needed a pure staff both, and he's good for that reason alone.  No seriously; joining with A in Staves is immediately a character worth considering.  I can't stress this enough; Status Staves, Warp Staves, Restore, etc.  are a HUGE deal in this game.

Sarah: What the hell is wrong with her?  I recruited her, saw the FAQ hype her to hell, was going "She can't be that good" then next thing I know she's constantly double acting, murdering things on counters with Critical hits, and STILL capable of using Staves.  I look into why and well, the reasons?  5 Movement Stars, has Prayer, Wrath AND Elite so she's very good at getting levels, weapon levels...kind of suck, but this was after I farmed a number of Thunder Tomes and she can use Light Magic too.  Sarah's an absolute Monster who can use staves, and is the only character who can use the Kia staff (...really, fan-translators?  Couldn't call it Cure?) to get Evayle in your team.   Great character, etc.

Amalda: Sort just a character I subbed in when I had characters who were fatigued, because she's mounted and could use staves.  She worked passably enough for this role.  Not-amazing, but she was never a primary character.

Delmud: He joins late and is a worse Fergus who has Charisma.  This is strangely more useful than it sounds because Charisma is great.  Mostly used him for late game filler but he got the job done.

Sety: So...the overpowered Wind Mage God of Death that Luc only DREAMS he could be on this remote level of amazingness returns from FE4 in this game...and he's still broken.   First off, A in Staves, see the usual things about that.  Secondly, decent stats out of the gate for his level.  Most importantly?

Holsety: 20 Might, 90 Hit, 30 Crit, 1-2 Range, 6 Weight, 50 Uses, Effective vs. Fliers, +20 Speed, +20 Skill

Yep, his broken weapon of "no, fuck YOU Fire Emblem 4" returns in this game.  Fatigue meant I couldn't use him in the last map (sadness...), but he more than pulled his weight in the chapters I deployed him.  I guess he's comparable to Athos because he's ludicrously overpowered but gained late enough that he almost feels fair.

Galzus:  As if Mareeta wasn't good enough, she's also the only one capable of recruiting this guy, whose really good. At first glance, he looks like a normal Prepromo Hero who joins late...ok, whatever...

Then you look closer at him, and see he's got legitimately very good stats, notably caps 3 stats, high build, good HP, and A in both Swords and Axes.  Then yo look again and see he has both Astra and Luna just like Mareeta.  To top it off, he also joins with actually good weapons, so you can literally use him the instant he's recruited and he'll pull his weight.  He's kind of like FE6 Karel, only in a game where you're more likely to use him due to the Fatigue system.

And there you have it, FE5 is done and I don't think I'll ever touch it again!  I think I respect this game more than FE11/12 because it at least tried to take the series in the right direction and the following games definitely followed suit just fine tuning what FE5 up with, while FE11/12 sort of conveniently ignored a lot of the good ideas FE5 established that other games incorporated (like, oh, rescuing), but at the same time, I can't claim it is a better game, because, well, it's not.  It's a 1999 game that has the polish of a 1992 game, and it has aged about as well as you expected (ie not at all), and I don't think I could have played it if not for saved state abuse.  The game's difficulty is not an exaggeration; it's basically Rom Hack level hard, and as snow said, DEMANDS THAT YOU ARE PSYCHIC to play it.

Unsure what i give it, kneejerk says 4/10, but might be too generous, though I do think the game deserves serious props for at least trying to fix a lot of the issues of the earlier games, even if it didn't quite pull it off.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #908 on: April 12, 2013, 06:19:30 AM »
Dark Souls - Mmm. To some extent the game is weighing on me now. I still like it, certainly, but it feels like it has gone on a bit too long. I'm nearing 40 hours which is just too long for the type of game this is (it wants to be a NES Zelda/Castlevania/Mega Man pretty clearly), I figured it'd be a fun one to replay but getting less and less sure of that. Anyway I avenged the Fire Keeper (I have nooo clue who "Lautrec" is, I didn't recognise him, DARK SOULS PLOT!!!) and mercifully got a lot of Humanity for it, since I was feeling like the game was starving me of it needlessly. Currently dying to Ornstein and Smaugh, though I've come very close at least. Hardest boss since the Bell Gargoyles, definitely.

Yessss delicious O&S deaths.

In a something Laurtec's a guy you can spring from a jail cell in the Undead Parish.  Doing so will allow you to summon him for the Bell Gargoyles.  He'll hang out next to the Firelink Keeper until he murders her.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #909 on: April 12, 2013, 06:28:33 AM »
I keep mentally going over the Undead Parish in my mind and can't picture a jail cell, nor do I recall anyone hanging out next to the Fire Keeper except crazy dude #1. I think I'd recall anyone in an outfit as stupid-looking as that boss I just killed, but nope, nothing. <.<

edit: FAQed where he appears. Y'know, I don't actually recall finding that room... I remember the corpse in the barrel near the Bell Gargoyles and the mage, but I can't picture this prison cell described. Oh well, maybe my memory is just shot.

Also, you need to be in human form to summon, apparently? Well I guess I should be glad it does -something-. Feels like a pretty hard to sell to use humanity on anything but kindling bonfires to me, though... the Dark Souls risk/reward system does not encourage human form -> summon because if you die, good lord that's a big resource down the drain for nothing. There's probably a way to get humanity that I haven't discovered though. (In that the best I'm aware of would be farming rats.)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 06:36:27 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #910 on: April 12, 2013, 06:36:16 AM »
I keep mentally going over the Undead Parish in my mind and can't picture a jail cell, nor do I recall anyone hanging out next to the Fire Keeper except crazy dude #1. I think I'd recall anyone in an outfit as stupid-looking as that boss I just killed, but nope, nothing. <.<

The jail cell's hidden on the second floor behind a breakable door.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #911 on: April 12, 2013, 11:02:28 AM »
NEB: I still think O&S are the hardest fight in the game (possibly excepting the final), so...good luck with that! There is an NPC summon in the hall outside the fog gate, though, and I do find that having a distraction makes that fight vastly easier.

Personally, I found the game more fun on replays. Understanding how the system works/knowing generally where things are/how to approach the game in general. There's a surprising amount of flexibility to the kind of characters you can make that you don't necessarily notice at first when it's all oh god oh god I'm going to die. You can play around with different builds and you die a lot less so the game's much quicker (I can bash through it in about twenty hours now; my first run was three or four times that). You're about halfway through, for reference.

The best humanity farming spot is in the DLC. Prior to that, getting yourself summoned is probably less painful than farming rats. And yeah, being human = you can summon/invade/get invaded. Otherwise it's just cosmetic. I stay human all the time just because I tend to dress light I'd rather not look at a withered corpse if I don't have to.

No sniper hate?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 11:04:51 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #912 on: April 12, 2013, 11:04:27 AM »
And the best place for humanity farming in the normal game is still upcoming.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #913 on: April 12, 2013, 11:07:51 AM »
I could never stomach fighting Jim Henson's Skeletor Babies though.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #914 on: April 12, 2013, 01:48:15 PM »
Game gets an 8/10. If it is indeed better than SO3 like I am currently thinking, then it now ranks as my favourite ARPG. It can get a golfclap for that.

Did not expect this. High praise from the Elf indeed. Maybe the game isn't quite as bad as I remember it being after all, might be worth seriously considering a replay  :) Might even go for the PS3 version since that's the console I feel most comfortable/am most active on now, heard Reimi was sort of nerfed on that one though. 

I don't even actually hate Lymle (the dog rocks), I used her in my original team Meracle/Bacchus/Lymle/Serah, it's just the FaizeXLymle stuff I was uncomfortable with =/

Meracle definitely felt like the LVP

What makes you say that if you don't mind me asking? =) I started using Meracle right from when she joined and she was doing some serious damage right from the start. Comet Impact is serious beast. Easily received her 50'000, 70'000 and 99'999 damage trophies without breaking a sweat and this was with no item creation. Also she absolutely destroys Armaros Manifest/the insect boss with her Hurricane Claws from the cave with her Blindside > skill spam combo  :) Speaking of which she has one of the best Blindsides in the game with it's invincibility frame. She's a Beat S kind of girl  :) I can't remember if she ever does really well with Rush or not but she is powerful and like Reimi she also gets the Berserk + Focus combo with mad critical hit rates so she is a serious power/crit machine. Drill Spike and X-Claw are crazy good too~


What did you think of Arumat and also any thoughts on the game's Item Creation system? =)

Did you get any character endings/the full/extended endings?

Oh yeah are you doing post game?

Thanks  :)
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #915 on: April 12, 2013, 02:38:47 PM »
Fire Emblem 13 (Or How IntSys Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love The Endless Siege Tome Rush Kekekekekeke) - See title. Two resets so far on Five Gemstones, who is an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasshoooooooooooooooole of a map. Constantly rising reinforcements of Mire Sorcerers make for such a dick move and the chipping adds up pretty fiercely. Then, there are the reinforcements who show up to eat Anna's face every time you open a chest. I think I reflexively pressed L+R+Start the minute I saw two Generals, two Sages and two Heroes at the ready uniformly in her range. Also, Assassins are a Peggie's worst nightmare. Alas.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #916 on: April 12, 2013, 03:12:20 PM »
Bioshock Infinite: Arrived at Comstock house. Door was locked by fingerprints, but that's fine! We have a plan!

Then things got weirder.

On that note.

I know there isn't anything particularly revolutionary about this literary connection (they pretty much hit you on the head with it early game) but I feel the need to quote something amusing Ashley and I found last night.

GUIL (tired,  drained, but stilt an edge of impatience; over the mime):
No... no... not for us, not like  that. Dying is not romantic,  and death is
not a  game which will  soon be  over... Death is not anything ... death  is
not... It's the absence  of presence,  nothing more ... the  endless time of
never coming back ... a gap you  can't see, and when the wind blows  through
it, it makes no sound...

Just an amusing phrasing. I'm probably reading a bit too heavily into it. Also, of course,

GUIL: Our  names  shouted  in  a certain  dawn  ...  a  message  ...  a
summons... there must have been  a moment,  at the beginning, where we could
have said-no. But somehow we missed it.

Honestly, Bioshock Infinite is largely reminding me I should reread/rewatch Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Which is always a good call by games.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #917 on: April 12, 2013, 03:53:01 PM »
Quick response time before work.

El Cid: Cool, and I figured as much, with regards to replayability, but I guess 60-80 hour first playthrough + 20 hour replays is much more than I would be willing to sink into this game, which ranks as good but not great to me. Ah well.

Snipers? You mean the guys with greatbows? They weren't too bad since they <Futurama alien>shoot where you are, instead of where you are going to be!</Futurama>. I had a couple resets against the one who was on a narrow ledge, one from realising that you shouldn't shield him and a second from plumetting to my death as I attacked him just after he tripped over the cliff himself. Whoops!

CT: Meracle felt like the LVP because her range is very poor, and she doesn't actually do more damage, or have more speed, than the other melee fighters. She also has less crowd control. Considering I would already lean towards Edge and Arumat near the bottom as well, but they have numerous other advantages (HP, better AoE, healing in Edge's case), that's not very good. Compared to Reimi, she may get Focus but her crit multiplier is 1.2 instead of her monstrous 2.8, and the reason Reimi is so good is because of her range.

Arumat? As a character he's mostly a dumb stereotype but the game calls him on it periodically so he ends up okay (also the scene where Edge tries to kiss him is great). As a PC he actually does have noticeably good damage (unlike Meracle) but it's not really enough to make me care.

I got all the endings except Meracle's and Crowe's. I thought I was going to get everyone's but I guess I screwed something up.

Postgame maybe later, have to do stat topic work first.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #918 on: April 12, 2013, 04:05:01 PM »
The best glitchless Dark Souls speedrun is under one hour!

Winning conditions:
- Make sure nobody dies, cross the bridge with every character, activate the three switches, make sure no enemy has crossed the brige, find the six hidden gems on the map, solve the three riddles of Ram'Un'kar, resurrect Teta and Aeris. While juggling four flaming torches. You have three turns.
- Alternatively, kill Tarasque

*kills Tarasque*

I really don't get why we had to disarm the big bomb in the city twice.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 04:18:59 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #919 on: April 12, 2013, 04:50:20 PM »
I don't really get the big bomb plot at all!  (But I've already had this debate with Elf/Ciato/Jo'ou/etc.  I pretty much think these events make Charlton a RAR I EAT BABIES villain with a bit of plot ludicrousness on the side since nobody, not the Martial Guard nor the civilians seem to care very much nor notice the whole nuclear bomb in the central park / king saying Charlton sucks / etc. things.)

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #920 on: April 12, 2013, 05:14:41 PM »
XF plot and ridiculous, pick ninety-two.

Winning conditions:
- Make sure nobody dies, cross the bridge with every character, activate the three switches, make sure no enemy has crossed the brige, find the six hidden gems on the map, solve the three riddles of Ram'Un'kar, resurrect Teta and Aeris. While juggling four flaming torches. You have three turns.
- Alternatively, kill Tarasque

There's an alternative to killing Tarasque in that map? Well, spank my ass and call me Paprika.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 05:19:47 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #921 on: April 12, 2013, 10:23:58 PM »
No.  Not again.

FF5 - Garula wipes because I was using thief and Monk as my frontline.  One Monk changed to Knight with old gear and stuff is easy.  Knight 2 stronk.  Trying not to use one this time, so now Lenna is Magic Knight and I need to work put what to do with Faris after she gets Learning.  I think I am lower level than normal thanks to Dash working on maps now (8 at Garula, so probs over levelled by Elf standards).
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #922 on: April 12, 2013, 10:36:32 PM »
No.  Not again.

You just haven't earned it yet, baby. Not that you ever would.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #923 on: April 12, 2013, 10:57:25 PM »
Dark Souls alone justified the cost of a PS3 for me.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 02:06:16 AM by Fudozukushi »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #924 on: April 13, 2013, 07:10:50 AM »
Dark Souls - Fuck yes, the bastards are dead.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.