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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #925 on: April 13, 2013, 07:31:57 AM »
Dark Souls - Fuck yes, the bastards are dead.

Welcome to the harder half of the game.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #926 on: April 13, 2013, 11:21:48 AM »
Finished Lollipop Chainsaw.  A surprisingly effective satire of sexism in games given what it looks like at first glance?  I'll bullet some stuff.

-The main character has a sidekick who follows them around and occasionally does a thing at the behest of the main character.  Juliet is the main character, the sidekick is her boyfriend Nick, who becomes a disembodied head after the prologue.
-An enemy that illustrates the use of insults as weapons by throwing words at you in giant-ass letter form (weaponizing insults, if you will).
-Nick has all his agency stripped from him, has to participate even when he doesn't want to.  When he asks to be left Juliet just kind of ignores him and tells him that he ISN'T useless because he is there for moral support.  He only exists to make her feel better.
-At the end Nick realizes he DOES have a purpose and that purpose is to sacrifice himself for Juliet.  Then because of it he gets to return to life with a new body, but now he's shorter than her to physically underscore the unequal relationship between them that's run through the whole game.

Suda51 is gonna do what he does, and I'm gonna keep buying his games, is what I'm saying.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #927 on: April 13, 2013, 03:27:27 PM »
Quote from: Fenrir after I finished my Black Mage No Attack Magic run
Well done, Super. Now, thief solo??

Goddamnit it Fenrir! :( This gave me the idea to do a Thief SCC.

Thieves suck. Dawn of Souls did a lot to make thieves less absolutely awful.  They have much better equips from the bonus dungeons (haha, like anything in DoS is remotely a challenge normally, let alone after bonus dunegons). They were given really high HIT, which makes their physicals reasonably competent. IE they're no longer the fourth best physical fighter for 90% of the game.  But god. They suck.

Garland wasn't bad. I just had to not get unlucky with evasion to win the fight. Pirates... pirates were hell. I had roughly two dozen resets at level 8 before giving up the ghost. You can beat them at that level with a single thief, but it requires midn bogglngly high amounts of evasion. I got another level and came back and beat them on the first try. 

Wizards slaughtered me. No ands, ifs, and buts. I can't really beat most of the randoms in the Marsh Cave as is, so getting to the Wizards is difficult. I average roughly 15 resets getting to them.  Thieves barely break the defense of the wizards at L12, and Wizards are quite capable of wiping the floor with a single thief in three attacks. On top of that, enemies do so much damage in the marsh cave that I keep running out of potions. Oh boy!
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #928 on: April 13, 2013, 04:13:28 PM »
Dark Souls - Fuck yes, the bastards are dead.

Which one did you kill last? You can get the weapon/armor of whichever one goes super mode. Both of their boss weapons suck, but given the choice between Ornstein's armor and Smough's armor...well, which one would you rather look like? (Yes this is my priority for armor in Dark Souls, and Ornstein looks fabulous.) Ornstein also drops a unique ring if you kill him second (not one I've ever had much use for, though).

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #929 on: April 13, 2013, 05:09:10 PM »
I killed Smaugh second, as I found he provided more openings to attack him than Ornstein Plus.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #930 on: April 13, 2013, 05:22:21 PM »
Quote from: Meeplelard
-Legitimate Speed Threshold for doubling (4 points)
-Con stat to deal with weight (hey, Axes aren't laughable now!)
-Rescue Mechanics (WHY DID FE11/12 NOT ADD THIS IN AT ALL!?  True, FE13 didn't have this, but it had Pair Up instead so I view that as a lateral extension)
-Conventional item trading.  FE1/3 might have had this, I don't know, but FE4 did not.
-Weapon Ranks based upon usage of said weapon

FE3 had a speed threshold of 3 to double, which sounds workable in theory with a 20 cap for everything. I'm 99% sure 1 and 3 both had conventional item trading, but I can't be bothered to download either to verify this, especially now that 11/12 exist.

Gaiden chapters with specific unlocking prequisites is another major series element that FE5 pioneered, unless you count FE3 part 2's frue final sequence. Fog of War and Escape missions are two other things that FE5 came up with, though you might not consider those improvements to the series, especially FoW. <_< The 6-10 version of Fog that at least let you see terrain was a clear improvement over 5's implementation, though.

FE3 honestly sounds like it's the most polished of the three SNES Fire Emblems, which is kinda sad considering it was the first released. If 11 and 12 didn't exist I'd actually try it out since it sounds reasonably non-frustrating, but as it is I don't see much of a reason to bother unless I really want to stat cap Feena via FE3's hilariously broken growth-boosting shards/orbs and stat boosters.

Speaking of FE12, I've been sporadically playing a Marth+females+unarmed thieves playthrough through the past few weeks on Hard/Casual, just beat chapter 10 today. I'm definately glad I picked Hard instead of Normal now, because the extra enemy deployments genuinely make things more interesting. Take C10 for example; since your fliers aren't forced to dismount like in FE3, they can easily move up and kill those two Bishops with siege tomes near the start of the map. On Normal, that pretty much reduces the rest of the map to just mop up duty, but on Hard and above they add a Sniper and 2 Mages with Shaver who can easily kill your fliers if you're careless. On the other hand, if you use Javs to kill the Bishops, you can safely stay out of the Sniper's range and only be exposed to one Shaver mage per Peg Knight, which is survivable. Alternatively, I've seen strategies for the stage that involve mass Snipers+Dracoknights clearing out pretty much every enemy in the central corridor on turn 1 with careful planning, even on Lunatic. Multiple strategies to handle a situation is cool, keeps the game from getting too puzzle-like (which is really bad in a game with randomized level-ups).

The drawback with FE12 and why I haven't played that much is that some of the maps ripped straight from FE3 end up being dumb and tedious. Like chapter 3, which requires you to take a long circular path with low enemy density if you want to actually recruit all the PCs. Or chapter 9, which was actually made worse than FE3 by adding an enemy whom only Marth can recruit to the left side of the map, one who starts moving if you enter the range of any enemy on the map, even the Dracoknights with huge move. I didn't want to burn a staff Rescue charge on the stage, so Marth needed dozens of turns just to recruit Etzel -> cross the desert to recruit Minerva -> cross the desert AGAIN to sieze the throne, one of the stupidest sequences in FE history. I don't really miss the Rescue command for any sort of combat purpose, but FE12 would be a much better game if you could have mounted units ferry Marth across the map, even if it didn't work on anyone else and completely killed the combat stats of the rescuer.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #931 on: April 13, 2013, 06:07:05 PM »
Thanks for the reply NEB  :)

I liked your comments about Arumat's character =), well done/good job on getting most of the endings, I remember that being quite a process with the bouquets and triggering the right specific private actions and all, especially for Faize~

Glad post game might be a thing later, and looking forward to the stat topic, I lost my notes for it so good luck with that  :)

For the IC/creation system I didn't really get into it much, I mean I did the stuffs for the bouquets and other odds and ends, but as far as equipment/synthesis/making uber stuffs go I didn't really touch that, not really a system I remember enjoying much on the whole~

Still formulating a reply to the Meracle stuff  :P Fun vids in the meantime (Meracle vs the arena/one of the top ranking battles (no item creation) - incidentally if you haven't done the arena yet and like cameos I recommend it since the No1# is a shout out to one of the earlier games, pretty fun stuffs~)  and one I found that sort of emulates the situation when I first started using her with outdated/less powerful gear for the times (only this is postgame with earlier main game equips)~

Edit - Hmm, yeah on Meracle we may have to wind up agreeing to disagree then =) She may not have Reimi's monstrous crit modifier but she does have monstrous strength/ATK power/growth, winding up with game best eventually, she will wind up with signicantly higher ATK than Edge, Reimi and Bacchus and while Arumat comes close/second best ATK he has lower luck and doesn't get Focus, and she has some of the highest skill damage % modifiers across the board so when she's criting a lot with Focus up and with the Critical Hit/Attack Boost combos she's criting off that ATK and DM%s and Berserk, she has range and crowd control in Drill Spike and X-Claw in addition to target control with her juggling skills, and once she picks X-Claw up and with max Beat S/double Blindside/Chain Exceed/etc she's a juggle machine able to keep targets juggled pretty much indefinitely with the right set up, X-Claw is pretty much her infinite, well Comet Impace, Drill Spike and X Claw are all great skills really in my books =)

(of course actual math with crit mods 'n stuff might prove numberically Meracle's high ATK and skill DM% modifiers don't matter as much as I think in which case fair enough I'll beat a graceful retreat/concede~) 

For the record I do think Reimi is great, I used her extensively in and out as well, she's definitely one of the best, I consider the eventual best team as Meracle/Reimi/Arumat with Serah for buffs or maybe Myuria for the fastest healing though I personally prefer Serah since with that level of blitzing/juggle/locking power the need for healing is significantly reduced in my experience~

In terms of power the mages seemed kind of lacklustre in my experience and the gap between them and the fighers seemed to significantly widen as things went on and just seemed to worsen significantly when all was said and done with the fighers ending significantly more powerful.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 11:45:35 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #932 on: April 14, 2013, 12:42:54 AM »
That wasn't my experience with SO4 at all. The mages were pretty badass the whole game and I ended up using Lymle in my final party. Because for as terrible as Lymle is, I can forgive a lot because :: puppy ::  :)

This is also the reason Rinoa manages not to be my most hated female character of all time. It works for characters I like too. Repede~ :)

Mana Khemia 2: needs more puppies. Otherwise I'm almost done with Ulrika's story. It's ridiculously fun to fight bosses and synth new equips. Most of the story sections are pretty lacking though. I feel like I should have played Razes story first to understand what the hell is going on. Chloe is now a yaoi fan girl and Goto tipped the creep o meter with the Enna scene. I'm scarred.

Flay is the best bad guy ever.

Do we ever find out what the hell Goto is?

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #933 on: April 14, 2013, 12:53:52 AM »
I found Myuria to be one of the best characters and one of the most fun to control to boot.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #934 on: April 14, 2013, 01:00:42 AM »
Do we ever find out what the hell Goto is?

Not really.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #935 on: April 14, 2013, 01:07:36 AM »
Yeah, I definitely think the mages are good, having spent a few hours levelling everyone and trying out different things. Range is so great in this game, much easier to find openings to attack and it's virtually impossible to get off melee combos if things have No-Guard or are in Rush Mode. Their Int is lower than fighter Atk, but they also don't face Def (which actually exists in this game, unlike SO3!) and Mindflare is a significantly better skill than Berserk or even Berserk+Focus (no defensive risks). Lightning Blast x3 locks down anything that lacks No Guard + isn't in Rush Mode and hits multiple people, Ice Needles is like Crimson Squall.. very long range, very powerful, self-combos easily, even randomly instantly kills things because why not. Toss in that MT healing spells are pretty great (battles get easier whenever I have two people with them, I found) and I'd definitely argue the mages > the fighters on average, although I'm generally inclined to agree with the consensus argument that Reimi is the best individual.

edit: For the most part, "mages" in the above paragraph refers to Myuria and Lymle. Sarah's much worse at running an offence than they are (limited offensive options, no Fast Cast, starts underlevelled + with no BEAT ranks which makes for a bad offensive start) but of course that's not her primary role, her spot on the team is due to Fairy Light + early Restoration + Cure Condition + Enhance/Sacred Pain. Sounds like Fairy Star kinda does bad things to her worth although she still retains some advantages, and nobody says you can't use Sarah + the Fairy Star mage.

Meracle does have higher Atk than non-Arumat PCs (except at endgame where Bacchus gets a weirdly strong weapon). I'm a little less impressed by her multipliers, since it's virtually impossible to use Comet Impact or Claws of Fury and then do anything useful after them, which leaves them as combo finishers. I can't comment on X Claw yet, having just gotten it, and Drill Spike's aftergame of course... range and crowd control are two things she badly needs, so I'll have to see them in action to comment.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 01:10:31 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #936 on: April 14, 2013, 01:53:04 AM »
XF plot and ridiculous, pick ninety-two.
I'm at that part where Edna is completely tense about her hidden badass trump card.
Then she tells about it to the rebels... And they use that info?
I laughed.

Winning conditions:
- Make sure nobody dies, cross the bridge with every character, activate the three switches, make sure no enemy has crossed the brige, find the six hidden gems on the map, solve the three riddles of Ram'Un'kar, resurrect Teta and Aeris. While juggling four flaming torches. You have three turns.
- Alternatively, kill Tarasque

There's an alternative to killing Tarasque in that map? Well, spank my ass and call me Paprika.
You have to know!
It's really great because you kill Tarasque and then Felius goes "OMG a bridge! We can use it to get past our enemies by activating the switches etc etc" then immediately after you get to the victory screen.
It's weird.

Ys Oath of Filgaia Nightmare Mode: Every boss is a major roadblock. Right now I'm dying against the ice dragon.
Great game but Nightmare mode really does take things way too far.

Super: Hahahah. I'd follow you, but I hate how you have to rely on reloading to get perfect level ups for FF1's hardest challenges.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 01:58:41 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #937 on: April 14, 2013, 04:13:55 AM »
Do we ever find out what the hell Goto is?

Kinda, but I think that reveal may be ending specific. Apparently he's a tall and devastatingly handsome bishie who only wears a fursuit because Gust hates you. I didn't enjoy MK2 much and the cast is basically 100% of the reason.


Bioshock Infinite: I just blew up a robot George Washington and Tears for Fears out of nowhere, man.

I wasn't planning to get this after the mediocrity that was Bioshock 2, but people kept making it sound awesome. People are accurate.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 04:15:42 AM by El Cideon »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #938 on: April 14, 2013, 05:08:07 AM »
Raze path cast is pretty great. Ulrika path cast... well, has Goto, who is just detestable. In some ways I get what they were going for with him; the MK2 cast is not shy about making humour out of pushing boundaries (Lily has some glorious stuff in this vein), but Goto was a big misfire.

FE7 Hector Hard Mode - So the last time I played this was in late 2004 and I thought it was whoamg insanely hard. Figured I should try it again now that I have way more FE experience, and... yeah, it's not really any harder than FE10 or FE13's middle difficulty modes. Funny. Just recruited the Caelin gang, current team is Hector, Matthew, Oswin, Lowen, Guy, Erk, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, and Sain. Used Marcus in every map up until C17, and I'm still thinking of using him over Lowen who doesn't have any supports on the current team. Oh well, Raven is about to kick someone out anyway.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #939 on: April 14, 2013, 09:09:01 AM »
I feel like I should have played Razes story first to understand what the hell is going on.

That wouldn't work.  Such as the game has a plot, it's all in Ulrika mode.  Or the bonus chapter.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #940 on: April 14, 2013, 04:18:23 PM »
Thief solo: Done. Final level: 99.  EXP focuses in dawn of souls, which would explain why I hit the level cap.

I had to retreat fromt the Marsh Cave. I couldn't beat most of the randoms in the Marsh Cave at L12, and it was pretty close to mathmatically impossible to beat the Wizards at the level I was at. I went back to Elfland, bought potions and came back. The extra levels I got from that made the Wizards tough but quite  beatable. I beat the Wizards at L14. Any fight iwth more than a couple of enemies will slaughter my thief at this point. Earlygame thief defense is wretched failure.

Astos. Holy shit. Thief MDef in Dawn of Souls is absolute crap, and the first spell Astos uses is Death.  The hit rate was over 90% against my thieves. To even have a prayer of winning, I needed to avoid that. Death was only the first problem though. Astos has defense. Thieves hate defense with a passion early, since they do their damage with low STR weapons/high hit. It takes a long while for my L15ish Thiet to slug down Astos thanks to that defense, which brings me to the next problem. Slow is just about as fatal as ID. Why you ask? Because it lowers Thief's physical to one hit. A single hit from Thief against Astos is lucky to break double digit damage, and after he uses Slow he starts using his attack magic. His L2s do way more than I can heal with potions. I finally won the battle. He didn't use death until several rounds into the fight and Slow missed. I also got reasonably lucky with critical hits, which boosted my damaage all the way to tolerably bad.

Marsh Cave/Astos was the high water mark for challenge by a mile. Several things came together right after that to make things much easier. The Silver Armlet/Buckler gave my thief an actual defense score, so he wouldn't be absolutely pasted by random monster physicals. The Wyrmkiller (HIS BEST WEAPON UNTIL MASAMUNE) is gained then as well. Hi potions being storebought means resource management isn't an issue either.  EXP gains also go way up at this point. I gained 20 levels between Astos and Lich, and that's without any grinding or doing anything besides running to Crescent lake for gear and potions.

Vampire gave me a reset, and I died a few times when I got careless against randoms in the Earth Cave. Lich was pathetic. Oh no! Don't spam your awful physical against me! I had gained enough levels at that point that I didn't really fear his magic either.   I attempted to fight Kary before the Air ship. It didn't work, her physical could 2HKO my thief and I had issues breaking her defense. I run to the ice cave instead. Had a couple of resets on large undead formations, but it wasn't too tough. I skip the class change dungeon, since I am staying as a thief the entire game.

After that, the game went from kind of tough to really easy. The Ruby Armlet/Pro Ring are a massive jump in defense. Even better, you get a Ribbon at this point! That handles the pesky problem of status. Kary is a cakewalk with the new gear. The sea shrine's not any harder. Kraken I had a bunch of resets on, but I forgot about the Defender's Blink effect and forgot to grab the Diamond armlet. Blink alone would have made him a joke.

There weren't any real difficult randoms in the Sea Shrine/Mirage Tower. My levels were absolutely nuts (L65 at Kraken) due to the EXP gain rate, and that was without any serious leveling. Tiamat died in one round, Razer worked the first time.  There were no real notable enemy formations in the Shrine of Chaos. Black Knights had enough defense to where they took some time to slug down, but that was it.  The Fiends revisited were a really bad joke, they couldn't break potion healing. Masamune comes and doubles my offense (43-80), which is just in time for dealing with Chaos. Chaos is cake. Blink to make you invunerabsle to physicals, potion healing, Strength/speed potions to give you enough offense to handle business. I didn't attack till I was proprely buffed, which was right after Chaos healed.

I am actually thinking that four thieves would have had a harder endgame than a single thief.   
Yes. I had more resets to VAMPIRE than I should have to all four elemental fiends and Chaos. That says it all about Dawn of Souls challenge.

Hardest fights:

1. Astos (50+ resets)
2. Pirates (20+ resets till I broke down and gained another level)
3. Anything that had fatal status early. Swarms of undead with paralyze, Pyrolisks with ID. (20+ resets)
4. Most of the Marsh cave randoms. Thief defense is appallingly bad early. (10+ resets and a lot of running)
5. Kraken (10+ resets, but if I had remembered the Defender he would've been beaten on the first try)
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #941 on: April 14, 2013, 04:22:02 PM »
FFD: Just finished Chapter 1 and got my first job levels! Heck yeah. The game in a few ways reminds me of putting FF5 and FF6 in a blender. Not sure if I will like it more than FF5 yet; job systems tend to get better with progress, so we'll see. The game seems to be attempting to have character work, not really too successfully in the way that SNES games tend not to, but whatever. :p

Mass Effect: Just got a better party. Garrus and Tali are now flanking my Adept Shep. I just finished dialoguing with folks on the ship; damn, Tali is very talkative! I still need to learn how to control my dudes better; during the club fight my NPCs died within like 10 seconds and my Adept had to solo like seven-eight enemies with a Pistol. Doesn't seem ideal. :p
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #942 on: April 14, 2013, 07:43:26 PM »
Good. Now do a White Mage magic-less solo!

WA XF: That moment where you realize how awesome Accelerate is.
I got the Nightstalker class at the same time. I have one with Atk up//mov up/Accelerate/Secutor equipment. He has Infinite Turns.
My new goal is giving everybody Accelerate.
Clarissa was LVP (Time spent in the Dandelion Shot class feels pretty much wasted and I gave her all the crappy gimmick classes like geomancer) (I'm not including Tony. Tony is wasting everybody's time), and she got a new terrible haircut. So I'm now just ditching her for Ragnar or Levin as the sole unique PC in my team. Ragnar's more fun but Levin would probably be an absolutely insane Nightstalker.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 07:53:38 PM by Fenrir »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #943 on: April 14, 2013, 08:06:58 PM »
The only reason you master Dandelion Shot is getting the +3 skill slots master bonus.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #944 on: April 14, 2013, 10:01:27 PM »
Ciatos you want to put points in to Barrier.  Makes it stronger and have a shorter cool down.  This is silly design.  Rough that early because everything wants points.  Hope you keep having some fun, the gameplay really is much better in later games.

Super, good.  Now go play Thief.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #945 on: April 15, 2013, 12:22:07 AM »
FE13 Lunatic Chrom Semi-solo:  Well I actually beat Chapter 22 right after posting about having problems with it.  Went towards the southwest, used Superior Lance to beat the guy with Gungnir, took out the Dark Knight and Bow Knight in that area, then lured everyone into the corner and ran away from them with my better movement speed and killed Aversa.  First map where I didn't kill every enemy!

Chapter 23:  Cakewalk.

Chapter 24:  Fuck.  This is hard.  Tons of Wyvern Lords. and they all have Lancebreaker.  After much trial and error I determine that I'm not beating this without access to axes, which means changing back to Great Knight.  But I'm not level 10 in Paladin, which means I can't switch.  So bascially involves running around and trying not to die long enough to Second Seal into Great Knight.  Finally managed to get it.

Chapter 25:  This basically involves climbing the mountain to the right of the starting area and slowly picking off the enemies one by one.  Hardest part is the Warriors who have Counter, they will run up next to you and let you suicide on them.  So you have to move away from them and kill them with the BOLT AXE.  Yes, this is true Fire Emblem!

Endgame:  Oogh.  Uh.  Yeah.  Let me get back to you on this one.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #946 on: April 15, 2013, 02:43:45 AM »
Man, FE12's difficulty really spikes when the dragons start showing up; those 12 move enemy wyverns are insane. Thankfully winged goddesses Palla and Catria could ORKO them with Silver Lances unpromoted, buying me time to reach the secret shop and buy Wyrmslayers/Dragonpikes en masse. After promoting they had the power to ORKO Ice Dragons with Steel Lances, which is just hax.

Best combat pegs in the series, aside from... well, FE2 Palla and Catria still win, I think, 3x attack power vs monsters is every bit as obscene as it sounds on paper. Also FE11 Wing SpearCaeda has a case, though mainly on warpskip where her crappy durability doesn't matter.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #947 on: April 15, 2013, 03:22:57 AM »
Bioshock Infinite: VAUDEVILLE R.E.M.

In less significant news, game finished. It's a good thing I wasn't expecting an ending that made any goddamn sense, or I might be pretty pissed off right now. Fortunately, this was not a thing I was expecting, so the big reveal provoked only laughter. I mean, I see what they were going for, but there's a world of difference between "Oh my god I have realized that I am horrible person" and "Everyone in the world is a horrible person and they should all die in flames, and in order to ensure that this happens I will build a city in the sky and invent time travel so I can go back twenty years and rescue my daughter from myself in order to properly raise her as an avatar of destruction who has magic powers for some reason." And you know, from what we saw of Booker as a PC, I just can't mentally make that jump. This isn't even touching the eternal question of time loops how do they start.

Oh well. Game is still fun, just better at building a world than at telling a story. Which really shouldn't be much surprise by this point. Art design is unsurprisingly fantastic, good use of period music (and the Creedence). The mad scientists were entertaining, existential confusion mom was the good and freaky kind of wow that came out of nowhere, little details like the way music echoes and distorts off of buildings during the introduction makes things feel off even before people get actively horrible...None of it has the impact the first 2/3 of Bioshock had (it just follows too many of the same beats), but at least it has the sense to stop when its antagonist is dead.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #948 on: April 15, 2013, 03:37:28 PM »
Shining Force 3: Finished Scenario 2, into Scenario 3. Insane difficulty is fun. Everything 2HKOs everybody. Level 20 promoted, abused save states for good level-ups, and equipped with a White Ring? Fuck you, you get 2HKOed by spellcaster physicals. And of course the bosses just rape, especially monsters since the difficulty level gives a bonus to base attack power but not weapons - so anything that has a naturally high attack power to compensate for not using equipment gets an enormous boost. The second-to-final boss was hitting for 75 damage on characters with 50 max HP.

S3 is good fun. I'd forgotten how much they screw around with party balance in the beginning of the game. Your healer can only cast Aura, so your only option for HP restoration is (a) items or (b) burning through MP like crazy. Plus his only attack magic drains his MP straight to 0, so if you need to play that card, it's items or nothing for the rest of the fight. And the only wizard you get for 3/4 of the game has two options for damage - a parasitic heal with 1 range and the MP-sucking, AOE-only Spark spell. You definitely can't play either of them like the spellcasters the earlier games hand you, especially with the "everything 2HKOs" rule in full effect. Plus I recruited Edmund instead of Produn, which on the plus side gives you an extra melee attacker and damage sponge early, but also means your second healer joins in chapter 3 (of 7) instead of midway through C1. Item healing it is!
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #949 on: April 15, 2013, 03:40:31 PM »
Bioshock Infinite: I also beat this over the weekend. I think my experience is a bit opposite of Cid's? I did have to do a bit of reading to clarify certain parts of the ending, but I found it actually worked quite well. I also feel the end of the game (the last 1/3?) had equal to stronger impact then the first 2/3's of Bioshock.

Agreed on knowing when and how to actually end the game, though.

I'm actually a bit hype to play it again. The game leaves just enough questions floating to be fun to get all Englishy with while explaining enough that, provided you have access to the Voxphones, that the game makes pretty solid sense.

That said, regarding the spoilers.

1. The Booker and Comstock thing is one of the harder ones to reconcile, but it does actually make some degree of sense if you consider it as a 12 year slide mixed with messages of power corrupts and unilateral forgiveness. It does require one of the bigger leaps in the game, but it works as a reminder for what we all could become. Also, he didn't intend Elizabeth to have magical powers. He just wanted a blood heir that he could no longer produce. Elizabeth's magic is actually a bit of a problem for him.

2. They do posit a decent theory re: Elizabeth's magic power. Her lost finger being in one world while she's in another. It is a bit handwavey, but it works well enough considering SCIENCE does it in the first place.

3. Time Loop start is actually handled pretty cleanly in this one, thanks to multiverse theory. Now, multiverse theory causes some other annoyances (I'm still working to come to grips with how the Comstock resolution actually occurs; the answers seems to be Constants and Variables! The universe is not as infinite as we think and there are still finite divergent choices to be made), but it handles the actual story arc fairly well.

So yeah. I dunno. I'd disagree. I found the story for Bioshock Infinite to be quite solid. Interested in more story based DLC. Will do a more thorough breakdown of the game at some point shortly.