The ME1 DLC is very Mako oriented. I wouldn't recommend it.
I found all three main ME2 DLC pretty good, Kasumi's is indeed very short though.
I didn't really find the one liners in ZHP very funny.
Anyway SRS POST. I'll talk some more about my dislike for ZHP's story (and the typical NIS story in general) because I realize I wasn't really clear.
ZHP didn't really percieve society as terrible. Most characters were awful at the beginning but Table Flipper's sheer qualities made them ultra nice and happy.
Note: I gave the main character the name "Table Flipper", one of the random selections NIS gave me. As it turns out it was an incredibly poor choice, because Table Flipper is always turning his other cheek.
Anyway ZHP is overly mean to Table Flipper, then it goes on lengths about Table Flipper's determination despite everything, and then it praises Table Flipper endlessly.
The repeated nature of this narration made me think of that autistic guy blaming himself constantly for ridiculously minor things, saying that he needs to change, saying that he is changing, saying that he has changed and it's awesome, over and over. (He's pretty brilliant otherwise but yeah, as expected, social interaction and self reflection are not his thing)
The game forces unreal expectations upon Table Flipper and constantly bullies him (he's supposed to be you, because silent main) Then Table Flipper fulfills these expectations because it's a videogame. But what about you, who just played a videogame for 20 hours? WHAT ABOUT YOU!!??? You saw the main character becoming awesome and lauded, but you're still the same guy that everybody finds pathetic!
- You find a new motive and are ready to tackle real life with newfound determination. But then the real world is a harsh place and you could fail for reasons entirely out of your control. And you realize that you can't actually just throw yourself repetidely at something to succeed.
- You become depressed because you're still a failure and can't motivate yourself at all.
- You reject the game's dumbness entirely
- You just don't give a fuck (this is most likely)
ZHP is trying to say "Anyone can be awesome and special! Yay!" and instead is saying "What are you doing with your worthless life?" It could have made younger me depressed without me realizing it, and sent me in the worst possible direction compared to now.
ZHP: It could be a danger to society that should be kept away from impressionable minds.
I give it a 6/10.
There's a good reason why ZHP is this insane.
ZHP begins with the world ending and literally no one giving a shit about it. Why? Because uh... It might be funny? And because we all saw the world being threatened in billion other medias anyway. BORING.
There's a distinct difference between comedies like the Simpsons and NIS games. NIS games are buried so deeply into a sub-culture of tropes of mangas, videogames and animes often self referencing and out-crazying each other that they don't have the slimmest connecion to the acts and emotions of people in real life.
They are nearly as abstract as the story of L block in Tetris. It's also why I very rarely find them interesting or genuinely funny.