I'm going to love Dragon's Dogma expansion and my commentary is going to be boring!
It's a reasonable price for newcomers, you get the entire game + the expansion for 30 dollars at launch on PSN. It's a shitty price for those who already bought the game (= Probably most of those who are going to get the expansion)
Anyway did they change healing in Dark Arisen?
Healing in Dragon's Dogma was particular, for an action game. Cyclops hits you with a club. Press start, time stops, you go into a menu, use a herb and instantly heal.
Involved risk and reward mechanics.
So, getting that no incapacitate title in a normal Tactics Ogre playthrough is pretty difficult, when there are bosses with near OHKO limits, and random dudes with Dark Weight.
My team adapted reasonably well, but Sylvie the Generic Vartan is no Canopus. Some days he seems to have half damage, half accuracy, one third less HP, less defense and magic defense. And none of these godly limit breaks of course.
My tactic for most battles is:
1) Form a massive wall with the 2 Terror Knights and 2 White Knights, with the 2 archers and priests behind.
2) Have the 2 Vartans and 2 Gryphons catch the enemy from behind.
3) Canopus hits someone with the Finishing Move Dullbind. Crap I forgot I had to aim this again.
3) Everything goes well then Sylvie dies. Again.
4) Restart and have Sylvie barely do anything.
Seriously, fuck Sylvie.
(Oh this was pretty hard to find, so I want to share the PSP TO artwork:
http://saloonrpg.blog67.fc2.com/blog-entry-27.htmlWarning: Legs)
I also finished Sine Mora.
The characters look like they're ripped straight from Blacksad. Amazing work.
It might even be more attractive as a shoot them up as Ikaruga, with an even more convoluted storyline. (I don't even know who's talking most of the time)
The actual game is pretty bad.
There are weapon upgrades. 0 upgrades = Pathetic firepower. All upgrades = God of destruction. Each time you get hit you lose a few upgrades and need to get them back immediately. (They disappear pretty quickly) Usually as you try to get them back you take another hit and lose a few others, and again and again. Misery.
Instead of a lifebar, each attack you eat hits some of your time instead of your lifebar. If the timer hits 0 you're dead. So you can make up from getting hit by killing enemies quickly.
On one left side of the screen there's you. You need to avoid the bullet hell.
On the right side there's the enemy. He's often very small so you need to aim.
How could you do both things at once? I guess the alien replicants who made the game thought "One eye concentrates on the left side of the screen and the other on the right side. Problem solved. Stupid humans."
There's a pretty rad slow mo gauge though.