
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 186844 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1675 on: June 30, 2013, 12:06:22 AM »
VtMB: "Venture Tower," huh? Very subtle, Lacroix.

Downtown quests, most of 'em done. Vick was a jerk. I should probably invest more in not-dying-related skills. And shotgun shells.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1676 on: June 30, 2013, 12:10:41 AM »
Okami HD- Just reached the first village in the snowy region. I have now learned two more "secret" brush skills in Thunderstorm and Deluge, I also have the plot related brush skill Thunderstorm. In the snowy region little snowflakes appear when jumping 'n stuff. Pretty~
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1677 on: June 30, 2013, 03:24:48 AM »
Some of the chapter names in Project X Zone are fantastic. "Arisu in Wonderland" had me in stitches when it first popped up on screen.

Not far enough to really comment on the gameplay much yet.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1678 on: June 30, 2013, 04:34:55 AM »
The Nerfing of Maria R. (previously known as Symphony of the Night): So yeah, I also finished this thing. I think PSP Maria was basically a practice run for the awesome incompetence more spectacularly displayed in Harmony of Despair. To some extent I don't mind this? SotN was a fun but stupidly easy game, so I can't be all that bothered if it's actually somewhat difficult for once, but when your damage plummets to 1-2 per bird against certain enemies it just reaches the point of what the fuck is wrong with you Konami (ten minutes of stunlocking Galamoth to death, god why). That's a minority of the time though, and she plays differently enough from the other characters that I enjoyed it anyway. She's supremely mobile but has ass for damage; you can't tank everything out like Alucard or OHKO everything in the game with Hydro Storm like Richter. You actually have to dodge and be careful for once! So yeah, playing one of my favorite games in a different way, decent enough way to pass five hours or so.

I guess this is what happens to you after you show up a Belmont in his own game, though.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1679 on: June 30, 2013, 09:14:13 AM »
FF5 - Beat my second fiesta this year: Blue Mage, Time Mage, Monk, and White Mage. Blue + Time crush every boss so horribly, I figured white mage would help with the breaking bosses (Curaga is more than the game can typically handle) but it ended up largely superfluous. I decided not to use the Magic Lamp, Dark Spark, or Level 5 Death to give the final boss more of a chance, it didn't help. Mighty Guard is pretty much all that's needed to reduce Neo Exdeath to the complete chump I remember him being in normal playthroughs.

Randoms were more interesting. Since this team annihilates bosses but not randoms I decided to turn this into a no-run playthrough. Most randoms still aren't super-hard with the blue magic swiss army knife, but figuring out how to efficiently deal with them was fairly good fun. (Time Magic also had a definitely role to play here of course). Some thoughts on the blue spells, now that I've played through the game with them...

Goblin Punch - At first it's pretty great, use a physical... from the back row, against the back row, doesn't matter. It's even ITE! Pretty great. Basic physicals don't scale well in FF5 though, not even Excalipoor could save this. Basically useless after the fire crystal.
Vampire - Great healing move in W1 (even does decent damage!), remains cost-efficient healing forever though you have to pick your targets because MEvade messes with it. On a side note, as cool as FF5 is, I'm not really a big fan of the MEvade mechanic, especially since it's a hidden stat in the bestiary.
Aero - Okay elemental move early, tends to slightly outdamage Goblin Punch and can also be used MT. Costs MP though and nothing amazing, hardcore outclassed later.
Flash - Good against Garula. Low accuracy means that's about it.
Pond's Chorus - Almost nothing in the game can be hit by toad it feels like. Garula and Twintania I guess. I don't bother (Garula can heal from it so whatevs, just use Flash).
??? - Generally considered useless because Vampire is it, only it heals. It did have some use in Karnak escape though (one of the roughest patches in the game due to low offence of Blue + Time at this point), as once at low HP I could spam it while Vampire would send me back to low damage. (Mainly against Gigases who absorb wind.)
Aera - 10 MP for a 50 power spell is okay, remains serviceable for MT even later. Nothing special though it's obviously the peak damage for a time after you get it.
Aqua Breath - At 38 MP it's pricy. But 75 power MT is really good (second only to summons and scrolls for a long time). Even after it is eclipsed by the cheaper, more damaging Aeroga, it maintains uses due to being non-elemental and ignoring barriers. Also it overkills Sandworm and some other desert creatures.
Moon Flute - Full-party berserk! This was useful in the library where you can face thousands of monster HP which is relatively easy to cut through and Barehanded (due to Monk) and Main Gauche meant my physicals were actually pretty good! Then I never used it again. The ATB reset of inflicting berserk seriously hurts this.
Magic Hammer - I dunno. In theory this probably hoses some things since nothing immunes it, but accuracy meh whatever, never found a use.
Level 5 Death - Adamantoise, Launchers, Atomos, and certain randoms. Potential further abuse with Level 2 Old which I didn't really bother with this playthrough. We all know the abuses of this, it's good.
Self-Destruct - Ignores everything, but this is still crap.
Dark Spark - Level alteration allows for some evil with the associated spells, and hey it also decreases status evade and in many cases magic damage, so that's something. Highly situational though, with that accuracy.
Missile - Now this is more like it. Even with Time Magic cutting into its niche a bit, gravity spells are pretty cool as you can hit lots of things with them. It's also got a very low MP cost. Plus, who doesn't like killing giant plant bosses with Missiles?
Flame Thrower - Bread and butter offence move for late W1 and early W2, though time magic served up Comet as competition. With the Flame Rod this is a respectable 75 power for only 5 MP. Retains some use against fire weaks even in W3.
Transfusion - Makes your MP supply endless, particularly with Raise. In practice I didn't find this a huge issue and find Transfusion a bit cumbersome, though. Still saw use on occasion, although realistically just being more liberal with Elixirs would replace it.
Death Claw - Uh it's Missile except way more expensive and less accurate. In exchange for this it lowers enemy HP even further and briefly stuns them. I find that a losing trade in general but there may be exceptions.
Level 4 Graviga - Low-cost MT move. It only works on targets of a certain level who are ALSO gravity-suspect, but it's actually not bad anyway due to perfect accuracy. Really helps wreck some formations at a low cost, particularly in the pyramid and the rift.
Time Slip - 90 accuracy sleep. Old may hurt this more than it helps I find, since if the enemy immunes either the whole attack whiffs. Anyway sleeping enemies never wake up against mages so they are sitting ducks.
Off Guard - Nice if something has high defences but low status evade. ... this doesn't happen often. Worth it against Gil Turtle though, and uh I guess Azulmagia.
Aeroga - The skillset's signature attack spell. Air Knives make it quite potent, the best generally applicable ST and MT offence. Air's even a good element overall, which is nice. 24 MP's a touch costly but not too bad, and you get Gold Hairpins to help out the spamming of this. Would have been even better if I hadn't drawn the only two non-knife classes.
White Wind - Nice stuff, MT healing! Pretty easy to parlay it into near-full either from using the highest-HP caster or healing them first.
Level 2 Old - Weird little spell. Slows and destroys the magic of various enemies. Can be comboed into Level 5 Death if you really want. I don't make extensive use of it but it certainly has its place. Completely annihilates any boss foolish enough to have an even level, but that's probably why almost none do (castle Exdeath is the notable one).
1000 Needles - Kinda costly. Is great if you get it in world 1, but by world 3 it's just a more reliable Comet which costs four times more. See Omega for more, that's the main place I used it.
Level 3 Flare - Pretty decent in the Phoenix Tower's desert and the Rift (desert and castle), where quite a lot of enemies get hit by it. It's a low-cost Bahamut against those enemy types.
Mighty Guard - Hello, bosses. You lose, have a nice day. Better than halving all damage in a game where almost nothing dispels? Sign me up. Oh yeah it also floats because why not. The capstone broken ability of a broken skillset.
Mind Blast - I dunno, it probably has some uses (magic evade ignoring status) but none I really found.
Doom - I used it once against... King Behemoths, hoping they wouldn't counter it (they do). No real use for this, although I could have used it to kill Neo Exdeath's back piece if I'd remembered it. Perfect accuracy gives it a niche, at least.
Roulette - Is shit. For some reason you get it super-late.
Lilliputian Lyric - I didn't get it. Its main use is probably mini-ing your own shield user for insane evade, since enemies almost uniformly immune it.

Omega's the one interesting point of note on the playthrough. First of all, I have Quick, so it is possible to beat him with "inflict HP Leak, cast Quick, let HP Leak work for hours". (Poison Rods and Mind Blast both let me inflict HP Leak.) But honestly that bores me, so I tried to win legit. The problem with that is my offence is horrible. Against Omega's 150 MDef, perfect magic evade, and absorption of non-lightning elements, almost everything I have is hosed (Meteor, status, Aeroga, Aqua Breath, you name it). 1000 Needles is the sole exception here. The problem is that Omega will counter every attack, 1/3 of the time with Encircle, which erases a PC around 40% of the time (less if they have an Aegis Shield). This would slowly wear me down. So instead, I dig in. Reflect Rings on everyone stops most of his skillset (exceptions: all his counters, as well as Flame Thrower, Earthquake, Maelstrom, Rainbow Wind, and Wave Cannon). Wave Cannon just removes half of max HP, White Wind that nonsense. Earthquake can be dealt with by Float. Rainbow Wind (silence) can be stopped by Sage's Surplices on the mages (the Monk gets unsilenceable blue magic). Flame Thrower is survivable in shell, and I also have a Flame Shield. So I can stall forever. People only die if (a) Flame Thrower hits someone unshelled or not at full HP or (b) Wave Cannon + Maelstrom doubleact means HP Leak can kill someone if I'm unlucky and don't react quickly. Also dead people come back with no shell or float, so (c) Earthquake if I don't reapply one. All my reflect rings means I have to bounce haste/shell/float off Omega and hope they hit the right things.

Regardless yeah, I'm fine defensively. Offensively... every so often Omega casts Search, which causes him to target the target of Search with -everything- for one round. This includes his counters. And Search is reflectable! So yeah, wait for him to cast Search, unload 1000 Needles. Quick can also be used. 1/3 of the time (it feels like less grr) he'll even counter with Mustard Bomb and hit himself for a further 1500 + some HP Leak, the rest of the time he uses attacks which fail against himself. Still, this lets me win. ... in theory. In practice, reflected Atomic Rays (heal for ~1500) and post-Search Flame Throwers on self (heal for ~1100) eat into my offence. I eventually run out of Elixirs from restoring MP and lose. What's weird is I feel like I did way, way more than his max HP in this time even with the healing... but I guess I could be wrong. That or he heals off some weird mechanic I'm not aware of, but I can't see any thing in the BMG which would make this the case. Oh well! Still pretty happy I came up with a way to stall against Omega indefinitely and even get some perfectly safe damage in.

Gil Turtle (Blink + Off Guard a bunch, then Comet spam) and Shinryu (blink + berserk with Quick to help out) are painless by comparison. Berserk + Blink also allows me to own Omniscient hard. And King Behemoths, the game's attempt at magic spoilers (although in normal games, they are magic spoilers with no defence against Odin). Ultimately this may even have been White Mage's main purpose in this playthrough, though they did help out in some other ways.

Good times.

Other gaming:

I haven't been able to get into Valkyria Chronicles 2. Don't hand me 20 PCs at once, I am overwhelmed. (This is probably just an excuse. I guess I'm just not in the mood for the game at the moment.)

Instead I am replaying the two best games I have played this year, which are Fire Emblem 13 and Star Ocean 4. For FE, just doing Hard Mode again since it's about where I like my FE challenge. I'll probably have a FAQ for the reinforcements though. :( Going without Fred this time (well after chapter 3 anyway), using pair up more than last time to get a better feel for it. I definitely find Pegasus Knight + Knight pairup do a great job of negating each other's weaknesses, but this is old news. For Star Ocean, playing on Universe Mode, up to Cardianon, which is definitely where the game picks up I feel. The first area of the game is kinda weird, item resource limits you never have to deal with anywhere else in the game. It's fun in its own way just feels like a different game.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1680 on: June 30, 2013, 10:21:00 AM »
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance: This is my new favorite furniture collecting game
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<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1681 on: June 30, 2013, 08:07:18 PM »
Oh god lobotomites can talk.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1682 on: June 30, 2013, 10:21:47 PM »
And wiggle their hand-penises. (That's the scary part.)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1683 on: July 01, 2013, 01:14:23 AM »
VtMB: So Malk mansion was pretty great. Best part of the game so far. Not so much the game going, "'sup, it's totally cool if I spawn enemy reinforcements behind you, right? I thought so," but hey, we got by. Jacked by four flaming psychos, left with a barely visible sliver of health left. Solution? Wander off for snacks while HP regens. It's not like the building's on fire or anything, right? Come back a few minutes later, check if fire's advanced any. Nope, it was polite enough to wait for me. Gameplay!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1684 on: July 01, 2013, 04:14:38 AM »
Fallout New Vegas or how I learned to love the lobotomite.

I did more Mojave stuff but frankly it was uninteresting.  In my glorious planning I ended up going into OWB because I wanted the Perks.  This was... interesting.  Enemies were everywhere so I was barely fast traveling.  Lobotomites apparently have the eyesight of the Gods because they see me Sneaking when they're a dot on the horizon.  Thankfully I'm only mid-level so I'm not being obliterated by Anti-material rifles.  Robo-scorpions have less awareness but their tail-lasers do a lot more damage.  Everything else isn't really important.  The dog test I guess, since the howl attacks hurt a bunch but since the chemistry sets actually work I end up with over 200 stimpacks.  Not that this helps against One when I try and get his Sink upgrade.  But more on that later.  The addition of robo-scorpions to the stealth test makes for some weird times since reconfiguring the tripwire IFFs apparently makes the turrets go berserk on them.  And me but what else is new.  The school tests with the nightstalkers were piss-easy because of animal friend.  And speaking of animal friend, and getting back to the mad securitron One, my attempts to... pester? him generally involved me being chain-stunned by his rapid-fire missiles and incapable of opening my pip-boy to overdose on stimpacks.  And I'm too lazy to set hotkeys.  So after enough putzing and finding out he has a melee so he won't kill himself from splash damage, I make like scooby-doo and get out of there.

And he and two others follow me.  Greaaaaat.

And then a Cazadore attacks!  I'd gone through their lair earlier to grab the implant tape.  Through the fortune of the gods I didn't get hit once then.  Well that certainly rectified itself post-haste!  Luckily heartless kept me from being poisoned.  But the cazadore gave me an EVIL idea.  To lure One and his entourage to the nightstalker station and let them destory him!  It was hard and limp-breaking journey, but they eventually made it to the outside rubble only to be too large to fit inside.


EXCEPT!  The follow through doors mechanics are unsually forgiving/punishing!  And they magiclly follow me inside and procede not to be attacked by the nightstalkers at all.  Even when the nightstalkers are caught in splash damage.  Well, dammit!  Most animals are natrually hostile anyway so rank 2 in animal friend felt like a waste.  BUT!  I'm but a scant couple EXP off a new level and new perk.  I desperatly comb the lab and find only one skill check, but all the robot-kiting has left me just close enough to get some stimpack and chem challenges done.  LEVEL!  26!  Sure I'll be putting off another EXP booster perk, but THINGS!

Except even with Animal Friend 2 the Nightstalkers refuse to attack One.


As my final comment, the final dialogues are much less satisfying using speech checks instead of quest-bullying.  Even if it is hilarious.

Pacifist Rules more than Tunnel Snakes
Rule 1: Don't kill things.  Obviously.  I'm counting Companion kills into this as well.
-Disables don't count.  They totally dooooon't.
Rule 2: Complete the Caeser's Legion questline.  Since this Questline unavoidably involves killing people, my actions to complete those Quests will be solved by not directly murdering people.
-Well, now I'm up to 6 Perception.  Once I'm 30 things will be silver!
Rule 3: Complete as many Caeser's Legion Quests as possible.  (This includes taking out Forlon Hope through what I'll describe as a hair-brained scheme.)
-I still don't have it...
Rule 4: Complete as many Companion Quests as I can.  (With some trickery it should be possible to get everyone but Lily)
-Raul's quest complete.
-Part 4 of the X Amount of Parts needed for Boone completed.
Rule 5: Complete the DLCs I can; figure out if Dead Money is actually possible.
-Old World Blues completed.  No kills, but 5 Robot Disables.
Rule 6: Get the maximum amount of Idolized factions I can.
-Completing Ranger Andy's quest got me Idolized in Novac.  Now if only something got me to Liked for NCR...
Rule 7: Get every Ending Slide group.
-18/29.  We're getting there!
Rule 9: Kings Rule Freeside.
-I got the Roxie ending without doing anything Rex-related.  Ehhhh.

Somewhere along the way a lobotomite staring yelling at me.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1685 on: July 01, 2013, 05:19:49 AM »
Project X Zone: Chapter 30 and such.  Chapter 29 is awesome if only because of the stuff it references.

God Eater Burst: So given it was free on PSN Plus, and there are characters from it in PXZ, I figured why not?

...well, unexpectedly, the game involves playing as a SIlent Protagonist Avatar Mary Sue style character.  Great, and here I was hoping for something kind of story/character driven.  I mean, yeah, there's supporting characters, but so far it seems like Monster Hunter (with way more intuitive controls, thus much lower learning curve) in a post apocalyptic scenario with AI Partners similar to you or something.  WIll reserve judgments on gameplay.

I can say, however, that PXZ got Lindow and Soma spot on, in that the former is a pretty cool guy who seems to somehow actually enjoy his life despite the hell hole the world is in, and the latter is just an emo punk.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1686 on: July 01, 2013, 05:18:58 PM »
Man blue magic would be cool if it wasn't that much of a pain to get.
As it is I only ever get the uber earlygame costly MT spell (Aquabreath/Beta) and Big Guard if I can find it / care enough.

The malk mansion in Bloodlines is great yes. Everyone only ever talks about the hotel!
I really like ventrues but you never get to feel like a ventrue in the game, as you... kinda start the game as a disgrace (because your boy/girlfriend broke the masquerade and all that) and stay Lacroix's bitch the whole game.

Hotline Miami: Got the A+ trophy before getting A+ in every level. Huh. Other trophies are bugged anyway. Whatever.
There are two levels left with "only" an A ranking!
Combos are the best way to get a high score, so Zack (Longer combo window) has been my best personality/mask for my first A+ rankings. I've found that Brandon (Higher running speed) eclipses it later though. Especially when he gets a knife and kills an entire floor with it.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1687 on: July 01, 2013, 09:11:30 PM »
The hotel was cool but I think suffers in comparison for not really having a second act (it did come first though, so I'd guess that's why it stands out more for people). Once you've found what you were looking for in the hotel, you leave. Once you've found what you were looking for in the mansion, everything is fucked, dude, everything is fucked. Also monologues > headlines as far as background flavor goes.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 09:13:08 PM by El Cideon »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1688 on: July 02, 2013, 12:13:06 AM »
The mansion also introduces a new antagonist, which is another point in its favor. It really gave me an extra push in the next part of the game, because I wanted to get those fuckers who set me up.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1689 on: July 02, 2013, 12:21:27 AM »
F.E.A.R. 2: I'd figure there'd be more jump scares.

Home: Interesting little experiment that doesn't quite work, IMO.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1690 on: July 02, 2013, 03:55:51 PM »
Rogue Legacy: This game is pretty awesome. It's a roguelike Metroidvania where you carry over skills, stat-ups and equipment from playthrough to playthrough but start with a randomized character class and subweapon every time. The controls are really tight, the various character quirks really affect how you play from session to session, and the exploration is good fun. The only real thumbs-down so far is that I'm not big on having to go through the hub area from scratch every time - although there are ways around that, for a price.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1691 on: July 03, 2013, 01:38:43 AM »
VtMB: Boss tells me, "Sneak into this museum, steal the sarcophagus, don't kill people." It is not explained to me how I am intended to pickpocket a sarcophagus without anyone noticing on the way out. So as soon I'm in the basement and there are cameras everywhere, I just murder the everliving fuck out of everybody.

Fortunately my boss had bigger things to worry about by the time I got back.

In Hollywood now. Good times. Highlights!

-Josef K's computer password is Kafka. Naturally.
-"Margaret Tang." So somebody watched Rushmore I guess. (I enjoy reading all the computers, yes.)
-But of course the stripper is the nicest vampire in town!
-Freddie Mercury, hostile food critic.
-I gave up on the zombie quest after a couple tries and just hired a hooker instead. I gather successful completion of the quest gets you the dude's gun, but whatever, I've got plenty of those and most of my combat is still unarmed anyway. Bullets cost money, fisting is free. I only have Celerity at rank 3 and it still wrecks everything.

Mansion #2 looks like it's going to be a lot less pleasant than the first one. Which is saying something.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1692 on: July 03, 2013, 02:52:41 AM »
FF6- Just replayed Vanilla. Had a few resets, all of them in the world of ruin. Had a fluky one that involved incredibly bad luck (L90 Magic) and one that involved idiocy (Guardian).  Anyway, it's fun but it makes me appreciate how much effort was put into ET to both balance the cast and give enemies some bite. Most of that was increasing enemies HP.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1693 on: July 03, 2013, 06:36:23 AM »
God Eater Burst: So I killed a demonic gorilla thingy...

Lindow remains a cool guy, Soma remains an emo dick.  Not much else to say.

PXZ: Chapter 34, HERE I COME!

Also, I had one reset embarrassingly enough.  It was entirely avoidable but I got cocky, a unit that wasn't allowed to die got swarmed, then hit with a super and, yeah, ow.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1694 on: July 03, 2013, 01:10:12 PM »
Rogue Legacy beat.  180 lives or so.  Fun little game, with a neat concept and solid gameplay.  What strikes me about the game is how well-matched the levels, obstacles, and enemies are to your range of motion and control.  Nothing too complicated - spike traps and projectiles and the like - but when you get the hang of it, it is poetry in motion.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1695 on: July 03, 2013, 09:58:15 PM »
Star Ocean 4 Universe Mode - Roak, about to head to Tropp and meet cool people. Hm, Sahariel was easier this time, knowing what to do > stats I guess.

Fire Emblem Awakening - Beat the first ten chapters. So far this has been much easier on a replay. I am checking guides for reinforcements wherever I have forgotten them though, which helps! It's not a joke or anything, but it's definitely easier than Hector Hard Mode... probably than FE10 too? Then again Chapter 11 is right around the corner and it may change my tune. Still not sure what I think about Pair Up. I do think switch and transfer help make it less vapid an option, but only somewhat. I think it would be much better if the stat boosts were a bit smaller and Separate didn't take up the entire action, maybe?

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1696 on: July 04, 2013, 05:39:50 AM »
Fallout New Vegas, it's not murder if someone else kills them even if I directly led them into conflict.

Went and completed Cass's companion quest.  Nice and quick and easy and painless.  Ranger Jackson gave me a NCR HOO RAH conversation choice and that's when I realized I'd somehow been bumped up to Liked by NCR.  ABUSE GO.  Got Forlorn Hope and McCarren(also got the Ranger safehouse yay) to get troops to Bitter Springs with that and delicious EXps are mine.  This bumps up Bitter Springs Troopers to 9 from 5 which will be useful for Boone's quest later on.

After that I felt the burning need to become bros with the Brotherhood of Steel.  I grabbed the Vault items I needed.  Vault 11 turned into a civil war between rats and mantis' because of animal freind.  At first the mantis carved a bloody swathe of victory, but near the end Jimmy the Super Rat went on an undefeated streak and claimed the Vault for all of ratkind since.  Seriously, one rat killed like, four mantises and two bark scorpions near the entrance.  Vault 22 was ASS though since the carriers move like fucking lightning and broke my space suit like jerks.  Still, got what I needed and completed the quest as well.  Yay and stuff.

Back to the BoS.  Or rather here for the first time.  I go shoo off the Ranger since there's Speech EXp there and I need to check something.  And yep, this is the only possible time I can get away with killed the Elder with the turrets since he'll come to floor 1 for a debrief on that route.  If he makes i back to floor 2 he won't chase you back to floor 1.  Looks like another Bunker self-destruct later.  Probably the better idea since literally every paladin now has a guass rifle.  Also for some baffling reason the firing range paladin felt like sleeping 24/7.  How I envy him.

Anyway, with me being a Paladin and all I finally have enough resources for what I call: the most convoluted plan I've ever executed that I can remember!

The whole of my planning and... let's say dancing has been solely for the express purpose of completing Boone's Quest.  Boone needs 5 HISTORY points to unlock his quest.  There are a total of 13 points available.  8 of those points involve killing someone.  2 of the remaining five I've already mentioned, freeing the Powder Gangers at the Legion Raid Camp.  The remaining 3: 1 point involves a somewhat buggy quest I'm saving for last.  The other 2 are part of the nexus of interconnected bullshit I have to do.

The 2 points come from freeing NCR hostages in the middle of another Legion base, Nelson.  The problem with this is, this causes the base commander to become permanently hostile, and he's the one who gives and ends the Quest to wipe out Camp Forlorn Hope.  And since I'm doing all the Legion quests I can I have to do that before rescuing the guys.  So, to wipe out Forlorn Hope I actually have to start the quest to save it.  Then, I have to strategically pickpocket all the officers, who I have to kill, along pickpocketing with half the troopers.  During the Restoring Hope quest, a gang of Legion Raiders will attack me, so I have to lure them over to Forlorn Hope.  THIS FAILS.  The melee Legionaries won't cross a certain threshold for some retarded reason, and the one gunner will just get mobbed by the one Trooper who pulls three cattle prods out his ass.  So no hope of him taking four officeras as well.  So I mix things up, I throw on Legion armor and drag half of Camp Forlorn Hope to the ambushers.  It's a brutal, no holds barred contest as the ten or so NCR get cut down by three Legionaries, but I do it.  I complete We Are Legion without killing a single person!

So for my next magic trick, saving the NCR guys right outside the door!  I need to have Boone with me to get his History Points, but the hostages are right in the middle of the settlement.  So, I need to copy my above plan.  There's a little NCR checkpoint up the road, manned by a Ranger and two Troopers.  And I just so happen to have a load of stuff to give them as ~PRESENTS~ including an Anti-Material rifle with Explosive rounds and power armor.  When I lure Legionaries up to them, the Troopers decide the fancy weapons I gave them are for other people.  One dies trying to punch things to death while the other plicks away with a 10MM pistol.  And then the Ranger explodes dudes.  A LOT.  He barely takes any damage and more-or-less clears the whole base himself.  I grab Boone, save the Hostages and things are gravy.

When I was giving ~PRESENTS~ I got caught and died in one Explosive AMR shot.  This makes me drool for my AMR run.

After that I go get the last buggy point and it's off to Bitter Springs!  Which comes under Legion attack!  This is why I did the Bitter Springs quest.  Since Boone and I can't fight, I have to rely on Troopers.  And well, my first attempt without tipping things in my favor starts up with 11 NCR vs 4 Legion and ends with 4 NCR vs 0 Legion.  Then the Legion's second wave spawns and the Quest fails because everyone dies.  SO RUN 2!  I ~PRESENT~ away my power armor to the NCR Officers and some Troopers.  I fully kit out Captain Giles, power armor, better weapon, two auto-inject stimpacks and have another go because damn is it annoying reverse-pickpocketing things.  So, the first fight goes better, and ends with only 4 casualties on the NCR.  Second Wave hurts bad though, and cuts them down to about 3.  Troopers just have no damn health whatsoever.  Luckily Giles was kinda beastly, she probably killed off half the Legionaries herself, including a somewhat nice snipe from half the camp away.  VICTORY!  I now have a repentant Boone who I'll never use.

And then I went and got Arcade who killed the Silver Rush crier goddammit.

Pacifist Rules more than Tunnel Snakes
Rule 1: Don't kill things.  Obviously.  I'm counting Companion kills into this as well.
-Sure things may have died before I reloaded...
Rule 2: Complete the Caeser's Legion questline.  Since this Questline unavoidably involves killing people, my actions to complete those Quests will be solved by not directly murdering people.
-Or maybe 32?  34?  Or 50 at this rate.
Rule 3: Complete as many Caeser's Legion Quests as possible.
-Forlorn Hope has fallen to my hair-brained scheme.
Rule 4: Complete as many Companion Quests as I can.  (With some trickery it should be possible to get everyone but Lily)
-Raul's quest complete.
-Cass's quest complete.
-Boone's quest complete.
Rule 5: Complete the DLCs I can; figure out if Dead Money is actually possible.
-Old World Blues completed. 
-Loansome Road's probably gonna be endless Stealth Boy abuse.
Rule 6: Get the maximum amount of Idolized factions I can.
-Somehow I got Liked with NCR.  Legion is also finally on my faction list whooo.
Rule 7: Get every Ending Slide group.
-23/29.  Now that's progress!
Rule 9: Kings Rule Freeside.
-When I got attacked by Thugs a Kings came to my defense as usual.  The Thugs knocked his magnum aside and he went and hid.  When I dragged the magnum to him he vanished.

Somewhere along the way I exploded.  Multiple times.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1697 on: July 04, 2013, 07:10:56 AM »
I should probably use Animal Friend sometime. It sounds hilarious.

What the heck is an AMR?

VtMB: Sewer levelllllllllll. Why did I think this was a good thing to do at midnight. Glad I was saving up my bullets, so many vagina monsters down there. Clan Tzimisce = worst clan.

I'm pretty sure the number of Arcanum references in this game cracks double digits.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 07:12:46 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1698 on: July 04, 2013, 08:12:00 AM »
Anti Materiel Rifle.  Giant sniper rifle to snipe armoured vehicles.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1699 on: July 04, 2013, 10:23:33 AM »
Anti Materiel Rifle.  Giant sniper rifle to snipe armoured vehicles.

Additionally, it is the rifle from the opening video that the guy is sniping bandits with from the New Vegas city walls.