Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 202702 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1725 on: July 08, 2013, 10:20:46 AM »
Re: Meeple's Latest Rant


I see you're finally putting your powers to good use!

Suggestion: Earthbound
Well... Mother 3's adult PCs would certainly fit in, though the iconic Lucas or Ness or Mr. SATURN are less likely.

Can't speak for the adults in Mother 3 but the characters in Earthbound clearly have a stylized look that prevents them from working well without changing them drastically.  The Adults aren't much better than the kids in this regard.

Best example I can use to illustrate this is Brawl:

Lucas is standing right next to the Pokemon Trainer here, and is like half his height.  Remember that Pokemon Trainer is suppose to be young boy himself (though, I wouldn't buy the fact that he's 10 like the Kanto Trainer he's based off of is suppose to be, so we can assume he's a little older.  Still clearly not an adult due to his voice.)

Plus he's got things like a big head + small body combo. 

Look at the other characters I chose for this list from Brawl meanwhile.  Link, Zelda, Samus, Cpt. Falcon and Pit offhand.  All of them resemble normal humans, or need minor tweaks that don't really compromise the look.  In Earthbound (dunno about Mother 3), the stylized appearance is a big part of the look.

There's definitely something lost transferring from the Mother stylized style to PXZ's more realistic anime style.  For a similar case, I skipped over Ice Climbers.  Yeah, you could make Nana and Popo look realistic, but there's definitely something lost from the characters in doing so, they'd just be a boy and a girl in colored parkas with hammers...ok, I'll be fair, that is a unique looking design thinking on it.

(yes, I am totally overanalyzing this because it is SUPER SERIAL IMPORTANT and such)

I even specified that Lucas or Ness wouldn't work... and my thoughts were precisely -because- of everything you just said!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1726 on: July 08, 2013, 11:21:00 PM »
Project X Zone: Half a stage of obnoxious battle quotes and I'm already ready to strangle T-ELOS. Argh, couldn't Monolithsoft have picked anyone else to be KOS-MOS's partner?

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1727 on: July 08, 2013, 11:47:25 PM »
Rest assured, there are several other terrible choices for a KOS-MOS partner.

SO4 Universe - Has been largely clear sailing (outside TREES) until Tamiel. Tamiel is ow.
FE13 - Chapter 16. Also kid recruiting. Kid PCs are so weird.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1728 on: July 09, 2013, 01:25:10 AM »
Project X Zone: Half a stage of obnoxious battle quotes and I'm already ready to strangle T-ELOS. Argh, couldn't Monolithsoft have picked anyone else to be KOS-MOS's partner?

I think the T-elos logic stems from the fact that she was in Extended Frontier, so natural progression?  I don't much defense beyond that.  She's the least tolerable character in the game in that regard, and it's not even close.

I guess the other defense is KOS-MOS = Mega Man, T-elos = Bass.  Granted, neither are in the game as we have X and Zero who are effectively the upgrades of those two characters but shh!!!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1729 on: July 09, 2013, 03:21:56 AM »
If you want a character as poorly-conceived as KOS-MOS to look good pair her with a character who is even worse. Like when an averagely-ugly girl goes to bars with a fatty who has one eyebrow.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1730 on: July 09, 2013, 03:35:39 AM »
I'm not even complaining about her terrible design, which is about on par with several others in PXZ *cough*Saya*cough* or her XS3 plot which is beyond terrible but not relevant at to this game, thankfully.

I'm complaining about the fact that she has essentially the same personality as Devilotte except played 100% seriously, so she spends every single pre- and post-battle dialogue gloating and cackling obnoxiously. Normally you'd expect this sort of character to get her comeuppance at some point in the game, either seriously or comedically (i.e. Devilotte at the end of her attack sequence), but the way T-ELOS is being written I don't expect it to happen in the remainder of this game now that she's a PC.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1731 on: July 09, 2013, 08:15:56 PM »
Okami HD- Beaten. Great game 9.5/10, thoroughly enjoyed, would play again.

Stuff I didn't do, since that's less than I did -

*Didn't defeat Blockhead Grande
*Didn't complete Bestiary
*Didn't completely fill treasure book
*Didn't fill completely fill fish book
*Didn't defeat the three Devil's Gate trials
*Didn't collect all Stray Beads
*Didn't obtain all the trophies related to the above
*Didn't get the Barking Up the Cherry tree trophy (didn't get a cherry tree for max money obtained in the final results screen)
*Didn't get the No Furball on the menu trophy
*Probably didn't find every single clover, smash every rock, dig every hole, scale every heights, etc
*Didn't figure out the thing with the gravestones

I have 72% complete/trophies, I will probably do New Game+ or something and do the rest for everything in the future  :)

(yes I teared up at the Issun stuff outside the Arc/during the final fight/ending/etc, also at Ammy getting knocked down/stripped of her powersI'm a CT, what do you expect~)

« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 08:19:43 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1732 on: July 09, 2013, 08:26:26 PM »
The whole final dungeon sequence outside of the Celestial stuff (which I feel is introduced too late to really be effective, so you have this "ok, I don't care" least I did) of Okami is pretty spectacular as a whole.  Starting with the tear jerking scene with Issun up through...well, the moment you mentioned.  Ending is kind of humble overall, but they pretty much used all firepower for the final boss sequence itself, I can deal with a humble moment.

...ok, to be fair, I didn't break down crying at the Issun Scene outside the Ark the way a lot of people did, though my little sister did say "That was so sad!!!" the first time she saw it.  Issun's just a fine example of how you can make an annoying little brat of a character yet still grow attached to him.

Anyway, if you're wondering CT, Okamiden is mostly a lot of the same as Okami, though toned down because DS vs. PS2/Wii/(PS3), what'd you expect?  If you're curious about how a story can continue, or just want to see another story in the same world, it wouldn't hurt to try it, but at the same time, you aren't missing anything...

THEN AGAIN, Chibiterasu is probably one of the most CT Bait protagonists of all time.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1733 on: July 09, 2013, 08:36:28 PM »
Rogue Legacy: Beat the final boss. Had a few failed attempts with Hokage, then rolled an Archmage and daggerspammed him until he exploded. 146 deaths before the fateful victory. Good times. Started NG+, which is a total bitch but has great rewards. So far I've killed the first boss, who is a total joke on any difficulty.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1734 on: July 10, 2013, 01:29:11 AM »
Project X Zone: The villains have committed the apparently unpardonable crime of stealing a girl's dessert.  Better than the main plot/10.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1735 on: July 10, 2013, 01:55:28 AM »
Hotline Miami:

Beaten. This game crawled up it's own asshole real quick. Fun gameplay at least, but I have no desire to try to A+ everything.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1736 on: July 10, 2013, 07:41:27 PM »
Rogue Legacy: Last boss! And now I know that if you kill his first form while standing on the extreme right of the screen, his second form spawns on top of you. Nice.

That happened to me too.  Fatally.

When I beat the game, used Barbarian King.  I invested heavily in weapon damage, crit rate, crit damage, and armor, and pretty much ignored magic damage and MP entirely.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1737 on: July 11, 2013, 01:05:47 PM »
The Last of Us

Fun game! It had my gf jump out of her chair a couple times, which made me chuckle. Best survival horror game in a LONG time. Potential GOTY? It's getting tons of praise.


YES! A game with EF mechanics and more bouncing boobies! It even has some characters from games and animes I know. Score! plot be damned, this game is fun. I'm somewhere around chapter 6, the cast is getting hella large, but it's not that bad due to the pairing system. Should have a lot of fun with this one.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1738 on: July 12, 2013, 06:16:14 AM »
FE13 - So let me tell you the story of Albert Silverburg, Chrom's tactician and the saviour of Ylisse's armies. While many of Albert's comrades quickly found love on the battlefield, Albert was more picky. Albert, master tactician, demanded someone who synergised with his magical nature for optimum combat performance to be his partner. The very... odd Miriel was rejected, as was Ricken because he was just a kid. The beautiful Tharja, though... she could provide what Albert needed. Magical power, durability, the ability to take care of herself and pronouce her enemies dead before she even attacked... and maybe even a little more? She was a creepy and sinister individual, but she won Albert's heart, and the two were wed.

Time passed. Zany hijinks ensued. Due to events it is best not to think too closely about, Albert's daughter Morgan joined the team. As Morgan was also a dark mage like her mother, Tharja decided to take care of her daughter on the battlefield, lest Morgan decide to intentionally hit her head against a rock at an inappropriate moment. Which left Albert free to allow his eyes to wander to... the exotic swordmistress Say'ri. One look at those thighs and there was no going back for Albert. He babbled something about "well her stats are really good but she can't support anyone except me right now" and as tactician none had the right to contradict him, but wiser men and women knew the truth. Say'ri and Albert fought battle after battle together. Tharja never gave any sign she noticed, but we can infer that she did, given that she decided to turn her other daughter with Albert, Noire, into a nervous wreck, a battered shell of a human being.

Albert, however, is not called the finest mind in Ylisse. He must have known that his behaviour would lead him cruising for a 1-HP, Vengeance-enhanced, Anathema-allowed critical hit from Arcthunder when he least needed it. Could Ylisse afford this in their struggles against Valm and its mighty conquerer-king? No, no it could not. "Go over there", he said to his wife. "My sources tell me that no reinformcents appear there this turn, so you can safely keep Wind equipped, rather than your immortality-granting Nosferatu". And Tharja, her mind plotting hundreds of hexes, agreed to follow her tactician's orders in the heat of battle.

And that's when four of Valm's finest warriors appeared from the forts without warning, and took Tharja's life, cutting her down as Morgan could only watch, weeping, as she finally understood why she couldn't remember her mother.

Meanwhile, Albert learned that a cruel god had dictated he could only achieve one "S support" per lifetime, while the player controlling him learned that one should never place too much trust in GameFAQs.

The end.

Star Ocean 4 Universe - Tamiel fell after a 3 failed attempts, and it was a close thing where I learned to manage my healing better, mostly. Now I'm at the Phantom Soldiers gauntlet boss fight. These guys are seriously rough on this difficulty, which is to be expected (though to be fair I am somewhat underlevelled). I do really like this fight, at least... feels like one of the few times in RPGs that they managed to capture correctly the feeling of taking on a large number of enemies at once and how scary it should be. (Contrast every Suikoden ever and its chain fights of "Soldier x6" which you can beat on auto-battle.) It kinda has it in for any fighter PCs not controlled by the player but so it goes. I do wish the difficulty in this game were a bit less uneven, but Star Ocean (nay, Tri-Ace) and a spiky difficulty curve, pick two.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1739 on: July 12, 2013, 03:49:56 PM »
BL2: Beat the pirate DLC! Leviathan was a complete pain in the ass until I realized that the weird duck-down-then-straighten-back-up move throws rocks at you, and those rocks can be dodged. Up until then I had no idea what was killing me, and that got old fast. Once I got a clue, it was just a matter of playing it extra careful because the game decided not to spawn any sandworms for a while so I couldn't get second winds until the queens showed up.

Now: EXPLOSIONS! Mr. Torgue is the best.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 03:54:18 PM by Shale »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1740 on: July 13, 2013, 05:10:58 PM »
XCOM: started.  Some annoying woman keeps coming on the radio and telling me NOT to blow things up with rockets.

Hmm, Terror mission.  Okay, lots of enemies, but I can deal with this.  Huh, they make zombies.  Okay the zombies don't look too threatening - I'll ignore them and concentrate on shooting the aliens.  Huh this zombie looks sick, poor guy... AAAAAHHHHH!!!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1741 on: July 13, 2013, 06:23:06 PM »

Can someone tell me what the letters next so certain attacks stand for? I think S and D are by some attacks, but I am not sure what they reference.

I don't think the Limited Edition also came without a manual and none of the faqs online seem to mention them either.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1742 on: July 13, 2013, 09:55:56 PM »
Check the in-game tutorial section, it has all the mechanics explanations.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1743 on: July 13, 2013, 11:01:20 PM »
Etrian Odyssey 4: In the 4th Stratum maze. The game has proven to be a lot of fun. I am especially fond of the shortcut system, which lets you take on the dungeon in bits and pieces and pick up where you left off even though you're not actually starting further in the dungeon. It creates a sense of accomplishment whenever you make a forray into the dungeon even if you don't make it to a new floor.

I need to respec my team. I respec'd my Sniper into a more damage-oriented build and it worked marvelously (as opposed to her old Bind-oriented self which was not very useful now that randoms pose little to no threat). I could respec my medic to ditch the LIne Heal in favor of party heal, the Nightstalker to favor a skill-damage system instead of an attempt at a Swords Dance game, and... my Dancer and Fortress are mostly all right, though the fortress could use a better secondary than Medic (which ain't working too well for her, though auto-revive should be nice once I remember to put it on). Two people with Auto-revive promises to be cool.

PA4 stat topic'ing continues. A few bugs to note but the cast is neat enough, albeit weak by DL standards. A few infinite healers and at least one fast damage dealer or so.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1744 on: July 13, 2013, 11:03:09 PM »
Fallout New Vegas: ~People let me tell you about my Anti-Material Rifle, he's a big-barreled gun that'll kill Deathclaws to the end~

Because saying, "and then I used my anti-material rifle to reduce the target into its base components" every other day would have gotten tiresome--for you not me--I instead waited until I was done with all the DLCs.  Next update will be to the endgame and then back to the Pacifist playthrough to finish stuff there.

So, since the AMR is one of my One True Loves, I rather meticulously planned out my stat build because that's what I want to do with my life.  AMR's don't show up until level 16, so I planned everything around that.  Little did I know that with GRA installed the GRA AMR acronymfest! is available at level 1(because I ran to the clinic at level 1 again).  With the whole of my planning ruined, I went and did some lowbie quests(Primm, killing ants) to earn enough scratch for supplies so I could face Lonesome Road at level 6.

It was... well at 10 Charisma EDE was useless but at level 6 with 1 he isn't!  Which was good because I was hitting enemy DT a hell of a lot.  The initial Silo stuff was doing that, and all the Marked Men outside were hella dangerous even with weak weapons.  And then one of them had an Assault Carbine and my fortunes changed rapidly from there.  I cleared out everything in Hopeville that wasn't behind a warhead and headed back to the Mojave because Lonesome Road showers you in way too many caps.  I got my AMR at around level 10.

After that I went and grabbed This Machine and All-American.  Two guns I've really wanted to use but could never fit them in.  This Machine was useful for clearing Vault 34, but when I went back to Lonesome Road, I needed the firepower of my other guns too much so it eventually fell into my Novac Room(also got the First Recon Beret because I need crit).  Anyway, High Road Deathclaws felt the righteous power of the Anti-Material Rifle and all was right in the world.  I tried Courier's Mile immediately, but everything rushed me at once so I was like NUH-UH after dying three times. 

Going further in, I was really impressed with just how robust Ulysses's dialogue trees were.  I'm still getting things I've never seen.  So, after Anti-Materialing so very many things, including Rawr, I make it to the Temple.  Now, this is gonna be an NCR run, so I'm gonna launch the nuke at the Legion, so I don't need to free EDE and having the 10% damage boost would be decently helpful.  But this is also the first time on PC I'll be really using companions, so I free him--and hell, might as well see his ending eh?  Anyway, as usual I spare Ulysses, this time using the Enclave logs since I had no rep to convince him.  I loot everything from the Marked Men rush because I just get teleported next to a commissary anyway and now I get to be heading back with much caps.

Straight into OWB because I need my spine upgrade.  Even as low a level as I am the Robo-Scorpions are still obnoxiously bullet spongy when being hit by AMR rounds of all types.  I also run out of rounds for nearly all my guns by the end because the Sink so rarely refills its inventory.  On the other hand, OBW gave me inspiration for a magic trick.  Now you see the LOBOTOMITE.  NOW YOU DON'T!

a magician must never reveal their tricks, but can you figure it out?  Here's a super-slow mo replay.  Now you see the LOBOTOMITE.  Now you don't!

Anyway, with the actual abiliity to kkiiiilll things I went through things lickity split.  Also I leveled up a ton because cripes do the DLCs vomit EXP on you.  The Giant Robo-scorpion went down before Mobius even completed his speech because Turbo is a hell of a drug.  And speaking of drugs at this point I was pretty much downing any and all alcohol I got my hands on immediately because letting it all sit in my inventory taking up 30 pounds was a pain.  So with Klein's giant stash I was sloshed for the whole of OWB and Dead Money when I got to it.

Which was next!  Because I could break down .308 rounds from the vending machine to get hand-load for other rifles.  Automatic Rifle is a lot better than I remember it being, but 20 rounds is still an obnoxiously low and I have my Assault Carbine for fast shooting anyway.  I also think I might be able to do Dead Money as pacifist if I really abuse saves because Ghost People seeing me immediately when I open a new door is bullshit.

Finally on to Honest Hearts where I can indulge in my SNEERING IMPERIALIST roots.  Shortly thereafter Graham's threat of me not getting a second shot proved prophetic.  I only needed one.  And then this guy here jumped off a cliff.

So with Honest Hearts ended I lamented not being able to use Light Shining in the Darkness.  But got over it.  I grabbed Boone and EDE and took my AMR to its destiny of clearing out Quarry Junction.  It was almost too easy despite Boone's bizarre insistence of randomly switching to his Machete and me KOing EDE at one point.  On my way north I got ambushed by a Legion assassin squad, which sent me over to Forlorn Hope to get the ear quest.  I go and clean out the Raid Camp, get ears there.  I kill Vulpes, but his group doesn't have ears for some reason.  So, that means Searchlight and Cottonwood Cove is next.

Unlike my Explosives/Energy run, this time I get involved in the hunt the last dogtag run.  Seeing this almost made wasting an hour in Searchlight worth it.  Eventually I find it on a ghoul that I never killed because Astor and his crew did it.  I resist my impulse to kill them with Explosives.

After that it's the Cottonwood Cove shuffle.  During my Recon into Cottonwood Cove, I noticed that the Legion had let one of their captures walk loose.  Really, if they can't keep someone locked up they all deserve to die a radiation-based death.  And the officers deserve to be reduced into more parts than actual Legionnaires at the cove.  It was actually difficult to find Canyon Runner because he'd been blasted into the river.  Before I finished up there I ended over to the Nuked spot to clean that out.

Anyway, with things complete I have enough history points for Boone.  But first, I needed to find Manny for Boone's Comp quest.  Little did I know that he was entertaining a guest that day.

Anyway, over to Bitter Springs.  Do the quests there because I can.  I also have the perk that allows me to see VATS target HP and DT and the troopers only have 50 HP.  Giles is the only one above that at a grand total of 55 HP.  And at this point, I'm in my mid-40s of level, so they aren't scaling at all.  No wonder they got plastered by the Legion so easily.  And then at the end of Boone's comp quest I noticed a bit of Fire Gecko was chilling out in Bitter Springs.  Despite me only using All-American, its head had flown clear over two mountains to get here.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 03:53:18 AM by Fudozukushi »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1745 on: July 14, 2013, 12:26:51 AM »
XCom:  Oh, so the game doesn't auto-save.  Oops.  Okay well now I can start over and I actually kind of know what I'm doing now.  Started in S. America because I want to torture the green out of some aliens.  For some reason nearly every one of my soldiers is female.  I do not envy the aliens when their menstrual cycles have all aligned.

Also, an operation named "Morbid Hero" should have been a tipoff.  Had to reset on that one.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1746 on: July 14, 2013, 03:02:33 AM »
Also, an operation named "Morbid Hero" should have been a tipoff.  Had to reset on that one.

OR you could keep going and put fresh bodies on the line to replace the fallen.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1747 on: July 14, 2013, 03:57:25 AM »
Unlike my Explosives/Energy run, this time I get involved in the hunt the last dogtag run.  Seeing this almost made wasting an hour in Searchlight worth it.  Eventually I find it on a ghoul that I never killed because Astor and his crew did it.  I resist my impulse to kill them with Explosives.

This happens to me every fucking time. (The "Goddammit I've searched the town four times and there's still one missing" part). I hate Camp Searchlight so much.

Fudo what the hell is going on in that picture.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1748 on: July 14, 2013, 04:02:13 AM »
Unlike my Explosives/Energy run, this time I get involved in the hunt the last dogtag run.  Seeing this almost made wasting an hour in Searchlight worth it.  Eventually I find it on a ghoul that I never killed because Astor and his crew did it.  I resist my impulse to kill them with Explosives.

This happens to me every fucking time. (The "Goddammit I've searched the town four times and there's still one missing" part). I hate Camp Searchlight so much.

Fudo what the hell is going on in that picture.

I Bloody Messed that ghoul.  After entering every building in town its parts contorted back to where the corpse was and where they'd be if it was standing upright again.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1749 on: July 15, 2013, 04:10:10 PM »
The Walking Dead: Beat Episode 1 & 2

Yeah, basically this game. Also is the asian kid from Ep 1 supposed to be the same guy from the show?

A lot of the choices seem a lot more superficial than the game would like them to be, honestly. Specifically talking about Episode 2, where I sided with Kenny on basically everything up until the big end-of-episode decision, and the following dialogue trees seemed to only really be weighted by that final decision. Which is honestly to be expected, but it would have been nice to have a more nuanced reaction from Kenny with regards to that final choice.  Oh well. 

That aside, this game is pretty great. That's basically all there is to say on the matter.