
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 202704 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1825 on: August 17, 2013, 05:45:33 PM »
ToX as well

Man, this game is fun, right?

I miss side stepping from Graces, but then again i think I enjoyed Graces battle system a little more.

Anyways, this game rocks regardless.

Jude is bland, but fun to use in fights.

Milla seems fun. I haven't played her much, but she has aerial combos and is a close and distant fighter.

Alvin is the man. He might win the award for most flip flopping, double triple quadruple agent. Who knows!

Elize is useful, but utterly annoying. I can't stand Teepo either. I wish these Tales games would steer away from these young characters. Or at least give me a LULU (suikoden 3) scene or something!

I don't mind Leia actually. I like her fighting style and she is the thief, so that's a plus.

Oh, and this whole Ivar thing. I agree he should have been a party member. But wow, do the cast of ToX treat Ivar like shit or what? I mean come on, he is annoying, but they don't have to be that mean to him.

I power leveled a bit in that one mine that had the gentlegnome mobs. 2k experience when the regular mobs were giving me 80ish? Yes please. granted I am over leveled, but who cares. Hard mode is easy, and I've fought enough to figure a harder mode will not unlock ala the Graces route. I am a whore to node grinding.

I agree that linking is great and all, but it really does take away from the co-op experience. they want you to link combos with every teammate, but when you do that you force other people playing to be a spectator for that time. Kinda lame, but ah well. Two players can work through that.

I have two games. Me and my girl are playing through Milla's story. We are at some military camp site about to go after that death ray. I am also doing Jude's story on my own. I started some time after we bought the game and only recently got all the characters. In that game I am around level 42...I think you are supposed to be around the 20s when entering Xian Do. Ah well.

Fun times! I can't wait until I unlock the arena again and get knocked out of the ring! UGH!

« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 05:59:41 PM by Scar »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1826 on: August 17, 2013, 05:47:40 PM »
Star Ocean 4 - Completed on Universe Mode, party was Edge/Faize/Myuria/Bacchus. The phantom army ended up as the hardest boss fight, followed by Tamiel, the final boss, and Armaros Manifest, probably in that order. Bit of a grain of salt needed since I was probably somewhat underlevelled midgame. The more battles one can skip before benching Lymle, the better. The big surprise was how competent the first form of the final was, which I found roadkill on Galaxy but was about as scary as the real fight this time, aside from lower HP. I'm now planning to tackle some aftergame stuff, though not sure how much before I get bored. I usually do enjoy some Tri-Ace aftergames though... often better than the maingame! But I have less patience for such things than I used to. Not sure if I'll start using different PCs now or what.

Edge - He has Healing, which is good. Pretty damn unimpressed with him as a fighter though. Most of his better moves knock enemies around in weird ways which is bad for team play; the ones that don't are weak. And in general the game doesn't like melee fighters much. He's somewhat durable which is nice but not really enough to notice. I'd probably be better off benching him for Lymle or Sarah.
Faize - Yay! So Faize is a pretty bad PC, think we all knew this. Basically, take Myuria, and (a) drop her Magic by a bunch, (b) take away all her support spells and replace with Antidote, and you have Faize. I think his casting speed might be slightly faster but if so it's subtle enough I'd have to test it to be sure. Fortunately ice spells are the best, and Stone Rain's not bad either. His real problem is his weapon selection; double-digit INT at most from everything in the maingame except one weapon from the colossem. This puts him way behind the other mages until you get that, and I foolishly assumed I'd be able to get something better from IC or whatnot so I didn't get it until the final dungeon. In the final battle, and only the final battle, I gave him the Laser Weapon, because Myuria was needed for heals which left him as the best candidate to deal damage with Mindflare Ice Needles. Once the boss picks up Divine Wave and particularly Dawn of the Cosmos it just gets too punishing to fight at melee. (spoiler) Also Faize dealing the final blow to himself is kinda meta.
Bacchus - No new revelations on Bacchus, but he's very good. Great set of moves, even if every one of them has a problem or two. Tanky as hell. Emergency Healing is nice. Black Hole Bomb is sooo good at controlling randoms even on this mode where it fills up their rush gauge quickly. I also ran into the Kokabiel refight in the last area and that move destroys her which is good because in the real fight I had no particular counters to the fight (she resists all non-dark elements, dark symbols are bad and Bacchus' best weapon by far at that point was lightning) and was thus forced to use Edge which is an awkward/slow process (fortunately it's not a fight that's too powerful offensively). Galvanic Shock is really good what it does, a bit cumbersome but piles out loads of damage (makes Armaros Manifest explode). It's the best way to deal with the early stages of the final boss because of the random stun, later on it just gets too difficult to set up though. I also got good milage out of Termination as an area-of-effect crowd control move, particularly after picking up Berserk, although it gets largely shelved once Black Hole Bomb Sphere shows up.
Myuria - Again, nothing new, she's good. She's mostly about firing off Ice Needles spam off great casting speed (also Deep Freeze freezehax, or lightning crowd control) but then she picks up Fairy Healing and Restoration for no real reason and is arguably the best healer because Sarah is so much slower. Freezing is even more useful in Universe, the rate didn't seem to drop much. Final dungeon has a decent number of freeze-immunes but who cares.

Compared to last time when I used Sarah and Reimi... Reimi was certainly missed for Kokabiel and the final boss, but otherwise I think I may have overrated her somewhat in the past? The stat topic kinda taught me there's not much she does that Myuria and Faize-with-real-weapons (and perhaps even Arumat?) can't beyond that extra elemental control. Still that long-range damage niche is one you can never have too many of, and she's the best PC at it for a while. Sarah... I've noted before that generally I think the game gets easier if you use more healers. Even on this playthrough I used her in a few fights (Phantoms because lol AI-controlled fighters there, so I subbed out Edge, and Armaros Manifest I subbed out Faize, and I used her for an underlevelled quick sub-in-and-heal in a few other places, particularly bosses) which says some good things about her, even if she has her problems (no Fast Cast means she falls behind as a healer late).

So yeah. Current plans are to open a bunch of treasure chests for aftergame skills, pick up Fairy Star (though I'm not sure who to give it to), then tackle the Cave of Trials the Seven Stars.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1827 on: August 17, 2013, 06:39:51 PM »
No sidequests are missable either, and a skit telling you when a new one opens up.  Does this count as hand holding? Maybe, however, it's better than having to switch to text documents after every major event to make sure I don't miss anything.

Maybe there are no missable in-depth sidequests, but there are plenty of missable small one-scene sub-events that get no warning whatsoever.  Too many people were straight wrong about this and I almost missed the highest sub-event completion because of it.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1828 on: August 17, 2013, 06:45:19 PM »
Ivar deserves everything he gets. Every scene he's in grates on me and takes me out of the game.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1829 on: August 17, 2013, 07:48:44 PM »
Nah, I agree with Scar on that. Yeah he makes mistakes but he was being used/manipulated by Alvin and just brushed aside by everyone else especially Milla. He's also only just the same age as Jude (well a year older, 16) and has received a sheltered upbringing. Given his age, well once I found out about that his friction/beef with Jude over Milla made sense to me. Besides he eventually actually does some things to help the party/saves them from some pain albeit in a bumbly sort of way. I mean he did spare/prevent the team from eating (Fezebel Marsh spoilers) Gauis's Mystic Arte for one thing and later took out and managed to get soldiers to stand down during a battle and flew the flying ship Also at the end even Jude says things might have been different if they'd actually taken the time to be nice to him to sit down and have a proper talk explaining just exactly what was going on etc.  Not saying Ivar's completely blameless or anything just the team, especially two characters in particular have a lot to answer for as well.

Not to mention Ivar's no Agria or Muzet =P
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 08:20:33 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1830 on: August 17, 2013, 08:39:39 PM »
Oh I'm not even far into the game yet. I just hate the normal Japanese WACKY OVERREACTION body language attempts at humor when it sticks out so badly like that. It's painful to watch at this point.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1831 on: August 17, 2013, 10:00:11 PM »
Hey at least Agria's intentionally psychotic that's something right?  No, no it isn't.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1832 on: August 17, 2013, 11:53:35 PM »
My god, Cosmic Mario's voice is annoying in Super Mario 3D Land. I now hate it more than the baby penguin from SM64 and baby Mario from Yoshi's Island combined.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1833 on: August 18, 2013, 04:23:59 AM »
Oh I'm not even far into the game yet. I just hate the normal Japanese WACKY OVERREACTION body language attempts at humor when it sticks out so badly like that. It's painful to watch at this point.

Are you implying that there is a time where Japanese body language humor isn't gratingly unfunny and painful to watch? Because that would be a lie.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1834 on: August 18, 2013, 05:43:33 AM »
It hasn't been too bad in Yakuza 4. Largely because the only chars that do it are ones who are very clearly massive dorks you are supposed to find endearing like a friendly village idiot at best. Or ones you are supposed to want to punch in the face and often get to! The serious characters all avoid that stuff. That's about the only way I can think of it make it not :eyeroll: though.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1835 on: August 18, 2013, 06:24:11 AM »
Oh I'm not even far into the game yet. I just hate the normal Japanese WACKY OVERREACTION body language attempts at humor when it sticks out so badly like that. It's painful to watch at this point.

Are you implying that there is a time where Japanese body language humor isn't gratingly unfunny and painful to watch? Because that would be a lie.

I've seen it happen, but usually the poses are singular, low-key and overlap with ones that exist in other cultures. Like the ol' thumbs up + bright shiny smile

Plus, Isaac and Miria.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1836 on: August 18, 2013, 07:55:46 AM »
ToXXX: Beat it two days ago and just cleared out the Bonus Dungeon.  Golden Mage Knight is a douchebag what a surprise.  Watching the Devil Arms unlocking double Jude's Attack Power over his best weapon was worth it.  Will throw down... uhhhh let's say final Jude thoughts later I guess.  Right now is other things time.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1837 on: August 18, 2013, 10:06:42 PM »
inFamous: Second island, saved all my XP for basic Lightning 3.
Bus escort took some resets out of me, intense
Screw Trish, I want more crazy tar Sasha
I think I'm about to go kill the old man who throws cars with his mind
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<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1838 on: August 19, 2013, 01:04:57 AM »
Oh I'm not even far into the game yet. I just hate the normal Japanese WACKY OVERREACTION body language attempts at humor when it sticks out so badly like that. It's painful to watch at this point.

Are you implying that there is a time where Japanese body language humor isn't gratingly unfunny and painful to watch? Because that would be a lie.

I've seen it happen, but usually the poses are singular, low-key and overlap with ones that exist in other cultures. Like the ol' thumbs up + bright shiny smile

Plus, Isaac and Miria.

Isaac and Miria just steamroll the world with the overpowering force of their combined stupidity. It is one of the very few instances I can think of where I actually liked the characters who behaved in this manner.


Dark Souls: The Bravery of Being Out of Range edition (alternately, the This Is Fenrir's Fault edition).

You know, I always thought bows-only would be one of the harder novelty runs to try, because they seemed like irredeemably low-damage weapons, but I'm actually astonished at how easy they make the game. I've died four times so far:

-Rolled off the church roof trying to dodge gargoyle fire breath.
-Rolled off Darkroot Basin trying to dodge a black knight halberd.
-Ornstein is an armored fucking ninja.
-Lautrec's asshole sorc bro.

It's like a sorcerer run except you can ignore endurance and attunement, so you're doing nothing but pumping your damage stats nonstop. I grabbed the composite bow as soon as it was realistically feasible to do so (post-gargoyles/butterfly, SL26). How have I never used this thing before? It is highly badass. +10 and large arrows = something like 350 attack power for O&S? That is extremely good for midway through the game. I guess like anything else bows just require a properly optimized character. Downside: they're hit and run weapons, not about DPS at all. I do not look forward to being unable to knock Artorias out of his casting animation. Or the Four Kings period. Or the catacombs/Nito because even a +5 divine bow gets me a laughable ~170 attack power, and skellies resist piercing damage. Ow.

Very large ember retrieval is next because bigger numbers.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1839 on: August 19, 2013, 01:46:24 AM »
Metal Gear Rising: Monsoon is a stupid, unfun fight that wouldn't have been so bad if not for a few quirks the game has that really don't support a fight like that.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1840 on: August 19, 2013, 02:52:12 AM »

Dark Souls: The Bravery of Being Out of Range edition (alternately, the This Is Fenrir's Fault edition).

You know, I always thought bows-only would be one of the harder novelty runs to try, because they seemed like irredeemably low-damage weapons, but I'm actually astonished at how easy they make the game. I've died four times so far:

-Rolled off the church roof trying to dodge gargoyle fire breath.
-Rolled off Darkroot Basin trying to dodge a black knight halberd.
-Ornstein is an armored fucking ninja.
-Lautrec's asshole sorc bro.

I died like 10 times against Armored Boar & Friends in the Burg.
I'm forever a scrub

It's like a sorcerer run except you can ignore endurance and attunement, so you're doing nothing but pumping your damage stats nonstop.
Honestly I found sorcerer to be easymode, especially compared to archer.

You need to spend souls on arrows and weapon upgrading. Mages only need to buy fancier spells. I don't really think they need endurance, just
vitality/att/int, and attunement doesn't have to be too high. Archer can go with two stats only but three seems better.

Magic can be considered pretty much unblockable in PVE (while every enemy with a shield easily blocks arrows) and does more damage. Homing Soulmass is a nice bonus, and there are lots of nifty spells like Magic Shield. And you get to turn into an urn.

Tales of Eternia Reid Solo: Beat Volt
Player trolling through weapons got to another level in this dungeon, as you get 2 cool different electricity weapons that obviously can't be used there, but then you get Freaking Excalibur immediately at the end and it's much better than both. So basically those two elec weapons will never get to be useful.

Celsius was the only hard Disc 2 boss so far, until I figured out her pattern.
Reid attacks -> Celsius dodgerolls behind him and smacks his face. (even if he tries to get away, guard or hit her then)
Solution: Reid attacks -> Celsius dodgerolls behind him -> Reid immediately jumps behind her and goes all gravity-ignoring-slapping on her.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 02:54:21 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1841 on: August 19, 2013, 03:08:40 AM »
Honestly I found sorcerer to be easymode, especially compared to archer.

Sorcerer is unquestionably easymode; I'm just amazed archer reminded me of it at all. (Everything feels easy to me after Indymode though; the terror of oh god I can't block anything is old news now.)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1842 on: August 19, 2013, 05:26:57 AM »
Beat ToX.  Impression: decent game that failed to excel in pretty much any way whatsoever.  Basically, take everything that is great about ToV and water it down until it's not great anymore and you have ToX.  Except Gaius.  He is probably the best Tales antagonist of the series.  Gaius is what Duke from ToV should have been.

Teleporting to anywhere you have been (plot permitting).  So convenient!
Viewing skits and the like in the menus.
In combat, each character can fill a niche or two, and non-controlled characters are more useful than pretty much any other game in the series.
Jude, Milla, and Elise are good characters.  Elise in particular is possibly the most believable little kid I can think of in an RPG.  Rowen and Leia are good but underdeveloped.
Gaius with his shirt off.

Where were the costumes?
What, no cameos in the arena?
Boring titles, no in-combat special challenges like ToV had.
Alvin plot.
Alvin sidequest plot.
That one scene (Jude side only).  Where, following Milla's apparent death, Jude goes catatonic and Alvin tries to murder him and Leia.  My god, what a crap piece of writing.  Unquestionably the most dramatic scene in the game - reminds me of TotA at its finest.  Artistically directed, genuinely suspenseful.  But what the characters are doing is just. so. stupid.  So stupid.  And it neatly encapsulates what is so stupid about Alvin plot.  First Muset tells him she'll spare him and send him home if he murders Jude and Leia for her.  Why would she ever do that instead of just murdering him and searching for them?  Because the writers needed to shoehorn in ANOTHER person Alvin could betray the party to is the only answer.  It makes no sense and is out of character for Muset.  Why would he ever believe that she would keep her end of that bargain?
There are plenty of NPCs who need to get punched in the face but for some strange reason pretty much no one ever punches them in the face.
Regarding the theme of the game...on its surface it's similar to ToV in that the message is "trust humanity to make the tough choices and save itself AND nature."  Except that ToX's version of saving humanity is that a Great Man needs to save it, and they're just squabbling over whose vision of humanity - Gaius' or Milla's - wins.  There's no sense that humanity at large has a seat at the table, or even that it should.  Contrast that to ToV, which shows as well as says that humanity has the potential to set aside differences, come together, and do the right thing in a time of crisis.  ToV is uplifting.  ToX is kinda a downer.  And AT THE SAME TIME in ToV everyone who ought to be punched in the face gets punched in the face!

TL;DR ToX is ok, but you should play ToV instead.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 05:30:35 AM by NotMiki »
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1843 on: August 19, 2013, 05:39:38 AM »
Gaius with his shirt off.

Damn straight.

Where were the costumes?

Under the price tag that says $2.99 of course!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1844 on: August 19, 2013, 01:59:48 PM »
In retrospect Wolverine mode was harder than SL1, Indymode is probably even harder than that thinking about it. The true Dark Souls starts there.
(But trust me fist weapons are terrible)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1845 on: August 19, 2013, 10:35:08 PM »
Where were the costumes?

Under the price tag that says $2.99 of course!

The Dhaos costume worth every penny I paid.
It fits Milla so well, and nothing beats having the uninspring ToX battle theme replaced with Conclusion.
Yes, they use Conclusion, not that subpar Decisive.

BTW, the Leon costume fits Jude so well to that point I was absolutely disgusted and horrified.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 10:39:49 PM by Niu »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1846 on: August 19, 2013, 11:45:03 PM »
Secret Agent - Played through

I'd only ever played the first episode in my youth, so I got to see the other two. It may not have been worth it!

Pretty much the only new thing in the second and third episodes was a couple of puzzles based on the behaviour of keys (in that picking up a key of the same colour as one you already have causes it to be lost).

Disappointingly you never get to actually fight Dr. No Body.

Reasonably entertaining, I kind of want to replay Crystal Caves now.

Project X Zone - Played through

Strikingly mediocre. Probably most of the problems I had with it have already been gone over by other people.

Not only is it overwhelmingly slow, but it also feels like you're barely ever making any progress, which just compounds that.

It's easily possible that I'm just forgetting everything since it's been a while since I played it, but I currently feel like PXZ actually managed to be more pandering than SRTOGSEF (despite SRTOGSEF having original characters designed for that purpose and PXZ not really having so). It may be due to the battle quotes being transcribed?

Whoever decided on the naming for EP, XP, and EXP needs to be chided.

Shantae - Played through

It's fine-ish?

I wish they had recorded the number of times you'd game overed, because that happened a lot. Mostly due to bottomless pits everywhere. Especially in places like the zombie swamp. I don't think that really works in environments you need to go back and forth through all the time! Especially horribly boring ones like the waterfall area where you constantly need to spend time climbing up and down, and you just want to jump from the top to skip part of the map and oh you fell in a conveniently placed pit and now you need to redo the area from the beginning

The dash attack is useless and appears to exist just to trap you into buying it, seeing as how it's triggered by you holding down the attack/run button without moving. So you're running through an area and jump onto a platform and are waiting for it to move, and then the dash attack finishes charging since you weren't moving. And there's no way to cancel it, or move while it's charged up. So you get to enjoy uncontrollably falling into whatever you were platforming above and starting over, and somehow remembering to unintuitively let go of the run button while you aren't moving.

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. - Played through

Pretty great all up. Not as good as Bowser's Inside Story, but that is kind of a high bar to meet.

A little disappointing that so much is brought back from the previous M&L games. Especially hammer crush/bury overworld mechanics, which I think we're all sick of by now.

Also disappointing to see that most of the Pi'illos aren't actual characters. I was hoping for something more along the lines of the slime population from Rocket Slime. Not the case. To be fair most of the population in M&L RPGs aren't actual characters, so I'm not sure why I was hoping for that.

I like the Expert Challenges mechanic, although I didn't manage to complete a good deal of the later ones. Ended up with 829 points, missed 6 Dodge challenges, 3 No Hitter challenges, and 1 Bros. Attack challenge.

What I don't like is the sorting. The default sorting (sorting by order of 'discovery') is fine for earlygame, but it's useless mid-lategame, and the list is always reset to the default sorting whenever you enter. The other sortings aren't that useful either! There's one that puts challenges you haven't beaten at the top, which sounds good, except it includes challenges you haven't 'discovered' yet as part of that, and things are ordered within the 'beaten'/'unbeaten' categories by challenge type, so you end up with heaps of blanks. It's fine at endgame once all of them have been discovered and presumably most beaten...

The music is pretty good, I especially like the boss battle music. Another track that I like, "Dream's Forbidden Depths", is very reminiscent of something but I cannot think of what (it's probably just some old Mario music anyway).

Something I don't like - the motion controls failing during the final giant fight, which caused an unavoidable loss as Luigi just went off in one particular direction regardless of how the console was moved. This was particularly galling as it takes an annoyingly long time to get to that point in the fight to begin with. Happily it didn't happen again the second time I got up to it. The end of that fight was pretty great but still not enough to make up for it.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1847 on: August 20, 2013, 12:05:24 AM »
Leia was awesome in that scene though.

Yeah not sure I understand that either NotMiki, I'm hoping it gets explained in Milla's story or something. Only thing I can think of is Alvin went to Muzet hoping to play her and she in turn was just playing him for the lols, because well toying with people and doing things for amusement doesn't seem out of character for Muzet to me, since she was toying with Jude, etc since she joined in the snow tundra. Basically Alvin was just trying to buy some time for himself trying to find a way to work the situation to his advantage as usual, don't think he really believed her or maybe he just wasn't thinking rationally at all, not sure exactly but I think that time frame along with everything that happened to Milla/the events on the ship and the aftermath is when Alvin's mum finally kicked the bucket either that her condition had seriously deteriorated to death's door then or something. I actually lost the dual to him on Hard mode because I was kicking his ass, had him down to 16'000 HP then bam he hit me with 4000~ HP damage out of nowhere >_> Afterwards he has the chance to finish a helpless Jude and Leia off but instead yells at Jude some about what he's supposed to do, what they are supposed to do, Milla, their missions, etc blah blah blah then fires scream yell fires his gun into the air then takes off, apparently the scene plays out differently if you win with Jude ;o Jude gains badass points or something. Well actually there's an NPC subevent that enforces the idea of Muzet doing things on a whim, so hmm

The writers probably had no idea what they were doing there might also be right probably but really they needed to address the Alvin thing properly and have a proper real confrontation over it, giving the player a satisfying chance to teach Alvin a lesson, I was waiting for that battle all game even if I didn't actually win  :P


There are costumes in game! ... For Jude, Milla ... and Alvin >_>
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 12:11:11 AM by Clear Tranquil »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1848 on: August 20, 2013, 12:12:50 AM »
Yes, it does go differently.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #1849 on: August 20, 2013, 01:24:23 AM »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!