
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 186516 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2350 on: October 28, 2013, 06:38:22 PM »
You got told where the Timeless Isle was?

That and then some, actually.  I'll often kidnap him for helping him build up his gear and whatnot.

Frankly I just ride Magic around and let him do all the work while I surf the net. Most efficient gearing method.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2351 on: October 28, 2013, 08:49:14 PM »
AO: Copperhead wants you to know that she is very flexible. Gimmick fight where the game flat out tells you the gimmick (once you die); I ignored this and plowed through it like a regular mookswarm (except they all have knife-fingers and one of them can teleport and you are on drugs).

Also KillBane is an actual boss fight this time. Like, not just a Giant Mook that runs into walls! Design competence for the dramatic encounters on average above previous installments (although there's nothing so standout as Mr. Freeze in Arkham City yet). Flipside, game on numerous other fronts notably less polished than its predecessor, which is weird. I know, different development team and all, but still.

I have all the toys now, which pretty much means it's time for dedicated Riddler hunting.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2352 on: October 29, 2013, 02:39:07 PM »
Civ 5- Been playing a lot of tiny islands maps. They are glorious unbalanced but fun- you never need to build a road or an army, just ships. You get tons of gold from all the sea tiles as well.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2353 on: October 29, 2013, 09:07:13 PM »
I liked trying to make an island empire in older Civs just because the idea is neat conceptually, but the games were never really balanced for it. It handicapped you too much not being able to spread the effects of all your "[X] bonus to all cities on same continent" wonders and improvements. Also Civ 2&3 (mostly what I played) were really bitchy about corruption when you built cities in far-flung locations.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2354 on: October 29, 2013, 11:58:15 PM »
Tiny islands is insanely pro player. I played on immortal and found it to be about as difficult as playing Prince on a normal map. Sea tiles give food and gold and you only have to build a navy. Once you hit three range on your ships, you can take cities without getting scratched.

E: Civ 5 you rarely build wonders above emperor, the AI has too large a lead to start with tech and production for it to be viable.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 01:30:47 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2355 on: October 30, 2013, 05:12:25 AM »
Well, that's not entirely true, you just have to pick & choose your Wonders.  You WILL get beaten to techs you don't beeline, but even on Immortal, you can snag a Big Ben or a Notre Dame if you priortize it enough.  Especially true if you have a good production capital and/or a Great Engineer.  So it feels more like it's supposed to be - you get SOME of the wonders but not all or even close to all.

Cid, there aren't any corruption penalties based on distance in Civ5, and no wonders or effects that care about being on the same continent.  (Okay, not entirely true, Indonesia in BNW *encourages* you to be on multiple islands / continents.)  The only trick is that rather than roads, you need Harbors to get trade routes / railroad bonuses, which can be both good & bad.  (Good if you're Carthage or in the later game, bad for the early game where the effort to build a Harbor can be substantial compared to an army of road-building Workers vomited out by the Pyramids.)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2356 on: October 30, 2013, 02:11:26 PM »
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill

It is The Typing of the Dead. I am playing it. The main characters sadly do not have Dreamcasts strapped to their backs. There's really not much more you can say.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2357 on: October 31, 2013, 05:43:39 AM »
X:  Calem you probably shouldn't make your entire team weak to Bug.

Mr. Mime's idle animation is amazing.

This game has ridiculously easy gym trainers and ridiculously hard random trainers.  Nothing like getting your entire team soloed by 1 Hawlucha.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2358 on: October 31, 2013, 07:59:03 AM »
BBCP - Abyss mode suddenly becomes a dull grindfest after I got berserker....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2359 on: November 01, 2013, 12:18:50 AM »
Suikoden 3 - Lost to Sarah once, despite being hit almost entirely by magical attacks (I blitzed the Azzodesses). Second time I won, just had to put in someone with Clay Guardian and also not to get MT blitzed.

Pokemon X - Fun fun. I'm up to the second gym. Glad to see this game is at least decently paced. Holy crap saving doesn't take 10 seconds, is this for real. Anyway I picked Fennekin because cuteness, and Bulbasaur because Sleep Powder/general effectiveness or something. Current team is Blaixen, Ivysaur, Fletchinder, Vivillion, Sandile, and Absol. Holy shit Absol early in the game, actually a good jeigan. Speaking of good jeigans, I just got evolved Super Steelix who I may start using. I just got to the rock gym and my team sucks agianst rock so at the very least I should push one of them out for Steelix for the moment.

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies - Case 2 beaten! Hmm. I wasn't too big a fan of the first case in terms of plot construction, but the second was quite fun. Not a top-tier case by any means but more solid than any non-1 case in Apollo Justice so hey that's a step in the right direction. That must have been a terrible case to localise, though (and I don't think they did a great job of it, but oh well). New characters are pretty fun, my favourite is probably Fulbright who is kinda like Gumshoe with an injection of 20% more competence and 100% more JUSTICE. Athena's pretty fun as well, seems to be halfway between the "young female helper" and an actual lawyer/PC which is an odd mix and we'll see where they go with it, but it works for now. The prosecutor has a gimmick which is again mostly lost in translation but hey the hawk is awesome and I appreciate that he has far more contempt for his own weasely witnesses than he does for his proven defence attorney opponent (take notes Godot plz).

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2360 on: November 01, 2013, 12:50:36 AM »
DmC Vergil's Downfall: Beat! Last level was a pain in the ass until I realized how much offense Vergil gains in his Doppelganger/Devil Trigger mode. Then I stopped turtling and wiped the floor with the final boss. Unsure whether to replay this or the main game first. May leave it to Hatbot. I plan to go through both on Son of Sparda (roughly Very Hard from DMC3) and then tackle the Bloody Palace after I've got all the upgrades and moves.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2361 on: November 02, 2013, 12:51:26 PM »
Borderlands 2: So I started Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt so I could fight the boss that drops this week's big Loot Hunt item. Holy shit, fuck Giant Spores forever and ever. Skullmasher isn't worth that aggravation.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2362 on: November 02, 2013, 08:17:50 PM »
Phoenix Wright DD - Case 3! It was okay. The overall thrust of the case was kinda predictable and the unpredictable elements didn't add that much, though made for some decent enough character work. Athena has really grown on me, though; being playable brings out the best in her (but perhaps the same could be said for all AA playable characters). Blackquill continues to walk a fine line but generally pull it off.

Pokemon X - Beat the third gym! Captain K is generally right about this game, random trainers out of nowhere have been improved but gym leaders have been nerfed from previous games. It makes the game's challenge curve more consistent, which overall is probably a good thing? I miss the epic boss fights of Emerald but the game is more consistently engaging; it's a bit of a tradeoff. Did have some trouble against Korrina as I misplayed the fight once and got swept by Hone Claws x4 Flying Press.

Pokemon used recently:
Fennekin / Braixen: Currently going through a bit of a midgame slump, but not terrible or anything, the stat buid is certainly a good one.
Ivysaur: haxing the world with Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, and decent offence, especially now that poison is legit.
Absol: Oh yay they made you actually show up early. Solid jeigan, I'm probably about ready to drop him though.
Sandile: Really fragile but hits decently hard and fast. Ground is a niche I like to have though, much happier with it now that it has Dig.
Sigilyph: Great against the fighting-heavy part of the game, I'll probably ease off using it at some point since it won't evolve further and I'm planning on convering both the flying and psychic niches with other pokemon. Has Thunder Wave as well, which is nice.
Hawlucha: MVP right now, Flying Press hurts like hell, it's ridiculously fast, and has Roost. Yeah. It's a final evolution in a team of non-final evolutions.
Lucario: Just got this. Probably will be pretty close to Hawlucha level?
Lapras: Just got this. Something that can surf before I inevitably pick up Starmie.

Others used recently but probably now benched: Steelix, Fletchinder, Vivillion

Suikoden 3 - Beaten! Had one reset against the final boss because I brought out the wrong party to mess around with things, realised that Caesar immeditely vanishes and you can't change parties again without leaving the dungeon, said fuck it and gave the battle a shot anyway... might have won if the boss hadn't used nine of a possible nine actions on the first two turns, which I've never seen before. Second time, came back with a better team:

Chris (True Fire)
Hugo (True Water / Killer)
Emily (Killer)
Nei (Jongleur / Water / Skunk)
Yumi (Earth / Water)
Yuiri (Wind / Drain / Killer)

Even untrained, True Water's healing was fast enough to go before the boss. It wasn't quite full untrained, but was an improvement over the Shield Rune, and Yumi tossed in extra Kindness Drops as needed (after the opening Clay Guardian) while Nei sang and physical beatdowns were administered. Didn't even end up killing the Earth Crystal.

Anyway that was pretty fun, served its intended purpose pretty well of feeling like a bit of a hard mode without being excessive (only Water Dragon caused more than one reset) and rebalanced things a bit. I actually found myself choosing to go with fire over lightning if a PC had the same natural ranks in both (i.e., +1 in fire on this challenge) and I feel the challenge I went by did a decent job of balancing the runes, though there's no saving the fact that the individual spells on the runes themselves are unbalanced compared to each other (e.g. Wind of Sleep is so much better than other wind spells that Cyclone Rune is actually worse than Wind).

edit: Mostly for my own reference, kill counts! Note that improved fire!Joker sweeping up way too many slow kills in Geddoe's chapters and rising to #2 in the kill count as a result, I was amused.

146: Chris
89: Joker
86: Cecile
84: Emily
82: Hugo
77: Geddoe
64: Queen
63: Ace
62: Sgt. Joe
61: Nash
56: Jacques
55: Percival
50: Aila
48: Juan
39: Lilly
33: Estella
32: Borus
30: Watari
27: Fubar
26: Lucia
24: Belle
24: Piccolo
22: Hallec
21: Ayame
19: Reed
19: Roland
19: Yuiri
16: Thomas
14: Wilder
13: Elaine
13: Mua
12: Fred
12: Nei
11: Leo
11: Salome
11: Yumi
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 08:26:34 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2363 on: November 02, 2013, 09:58:23 PM »
Xenoblade Chronicles: Whew! Finished this! Did maybe 40% of the actual content in the game, but damn the game still feels long.

The story is long and drawn-out, but it justifies it well. It is pretty amazing.

Really, it's a 10/10 game for someone who has the time to give to it. Unlike say... Xenosaga, which only gets worse the more time you spend playing/watching/thinking about it.

It's just a bit too drawn out for my tastes, but I still highly recommend it. Despite how much I don't like long games, I -still- think it's a damn fine game, both story-wise and battle system. The exploration porn just gets a bit tedious to me.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2364 on: November 02, 2013, 10:06:48 PM »
Operation Togepi Breed has been a success, and I now have a whole box full of Modest Serene Grace Togepis with flawless HP/Defense/SpAtk/SpDef/Speed and Nasty Plot as an egg move to give away, not counting the parents or a hex-flawless Togepi that I'm keeping as a personal trophy.

Anyone who wants one, post your FC in the 3DS topic and then ask me for a trade when I'm online (Trainer name: Titania). I believe I have registered everyone who's already in the topic, but feel free to pester me in chat if I forgot your FC.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2365 on: November 03, 2013, 01:39:41 AM »
hex-flawless Togepi that I'm keeping as a personal trophy.


I've spent a lot of time breeding pokemon over the years and never had more than 4 perfect stats.  Six is unreal.

Defense Grid:  Got a gold star on all the Awakening missions.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2366 on: November 03, 2013, 02:16:46 AM »
Yay other Defense Grid players! Do you have the DLC levels/steam to compare high scores on?
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2367 on: November 03, 2013, 02:30:43 AM »
Destiny Knot lets you pass down 5 IVs instead of the usual 3, which makes multiple-flawless IVs exponentially easier to pass down than in past generations. That hex-flawless was "only" about a 1/192 chance with two quint-flawless parents.

More relevantly, I have about a 19% chance of getting another 31/x/31/31/31/31 Togepi from every egg, all of which are Modest thanks to Everstone and 80% of which have Serene Grace.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 02:39:26 AM by hinode »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2368 on: November 03, 2013, 03:09:42 AM »
@super, playing on Xbox, not Steam.

@hinode, all that breeding and you still haven't made a Trainer PR video?  Get your priorities straight!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2369 on: November 03, 2013, 03:48:01 PM »
Pokemon X: Beat this a while back and did aftergame.

Final Team:
Delphox: Starter.
Blastoise: 2nd Starter, also token Mega and Surf/Waterfall user.
Aurorus: Liked the design and special ability (even if I didn't use it much)
Noivern: Gotten late but whatever.  Also my Fly user.
Xerneas: Because I felt like be a jerk, that's why
Pangoro: Kung Fu Gangster Panda!

Others used:
Hawlucha: Used for Fly before getting Noivern; can't be used in Sky Battles sadly.
Sylveon: Fairy used before Xerneas
Vivillion: Basically a Butterfree variant
Honedge: Used it briefly, considered it entire game but didn't have room.  Might use on replay

There are a number of Pokemon actually I want to use like Talonflame, Pyroar or Florges, and possibly some earlier Gen Pokemon I never used much, but can only use so much in one playthrough and there's too many good options!

The only notable flaw for XY, ignoring EXP Share because you can turn it off, to me compared to other Pokemon games is the lack of aftergame.  2 aftergame legendaries with barely a dungeon attached to them (well, Zygarde has a dungeon just one you complete most of before the aftergame) and a sole runner do kind of suck.  Also, I question why they removed the ability to check Pokemon availability based on Habitat that BW2 had; it was a nice way to check "do I have everything in this area?" before moving on, rather than having to check everything individually.

The Pokemon options in this game are nothing short of amazing.  By the time you end the first forest, you have access to 2 Birds, token 2 early game Normal types, 3 Caterpillar Pokemon, Pikachu, and the 3 Elemental Monkeys.  The game never lets up either.  Every area has a good draw of Pokemon and generally a unique build as well, so you don't get a sense of "Oh great, more of these" like you do in other games.  It's a game that really emphasizes just how many Pokemon there are by Gen 6 and tries to use its diversity to its advantage, rather than try to limit your access to it.  It blows BW2 out of the water in this regard, and BW2 did a damn good job of its Pokemon draw as is.

 Xerneas' moveset doesn't make much sense thematically.  They talk about it being the Pokemon of Life, it has a strong association with forest and trees, and is a Fairy, thus association with the Moon...

...yet it does not learn any of Recover, Synthesis or Moonlight?  You'd think Pokemon of Life would learn a legitimate Healing move but Xerneas doesn't.  Heck, the fact that its offensively based at all is still kind of weird (dunno about you, but "Life" to me suggests it'd be more geared around "not dying" as opposed to killing.)

It also has a limited moveset for Grass moves.  Like why doesn't it get Energy Ball or Solar Beam?  It does get Grass Knot and Horn Leech, but still feels weird.

Speaking of Grass type, it has all this talk about being a tree, yet why is it not Grass/Fairy?  Honestly, I think that'd make more sense than being pure Fairy simply because it makes it an even playing field, type-wise, between it and Yveltal.  As it stands, Yveltal flat out loses to Xerneas (Fairy > Dark, Flying is neutral), type wise.  If Xerneas was Grass/Fairy, that'd make Xerneas' Fairy type beating Yveltal's Dark type offset by the Flying > Grass advantage.  Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I do feel it would have fit rather well (and Grass/Fairy is not a common typing, while we already have a number of Pure Fairies.  I think the only confirmed Grass/Fairy at the moment is Whimiscott?)

Ok, that's off my chest.  Dunno what I rate it; 8/10 at least.  I suspect Z-Version will improve upon everything because, well, when has the 3rd version in the series NOT done this (shut up Yellow version)?   This game already has a pretty damn strong argument for being the best game in the series, which makes me even more excited for the inevitable 3rd version as a result. 


Last Story: If you're expecting a major rant on this like you got with Xenoblade because Operation Rainfall game...WELL TOUGH! These two games have nothing to do with one another and just happened to suffer a similar fate because Nintendo of America are a bunch of jerks, and in the end all this means is a lot of Brittish Voice Acting and terminology/spelling in the dialog! Ok, that last part isn't a bad thing, at least in the Voice Acting part (the spelling part just leads to a number of "wait did they spell that wrong? ...oh, right, English Spelling =/= American Spelling" moments)

Anyway, game's decent enough, but wouldn't say its spectacular.  It's definitely a story and character work game above all else.  I wouldn't say the story is SUPER ORIGINAL, but it definitely felt fresh enough and not completely cliched either (even Arganan's being evil wasn't played entirely cliched.   Yes, you could see it coming a mile away, but the game doesn't really turn him into an antagonistic character outside of a brief stretch that gets interrupted by RANDOM GURAK ATTACK, and comes off more as an example for what Zael doesn't want to be. .)  Character work is really good just due to all the moments the game gives them to interact, between talking to party members during down-time, their mid-mission arguing/discussions/whatever, and all that.  Syrenne and Lowell easily have the most character of anyone in the game, between Syrenne being "A man in a woman's body" and Lowell being the narcissistic, self-centered lady's man with a heart of silver. 

Some funny gag moments with every character happens here and there; one that sticks out to me is when Mirania shouted "Let's blow them all up!" or something along those lines, and the party reacted more or less how the player would to that statement.

Also give props to Therius for not being quite what I expected.  He's introduced more or less as the SHONEN RIVAL, and ends up...not really being that.  Superiority complex over Zael, but gains respect for him over time, and for once its not because of strength but because of character.  The whole duel thing came off as a friendly competition and nothing more.  IOWs, they made a Bishie Rival character who subverts the tropes in general.  No real hatred for Zael, gains respect through means other than "This guy is strong!", and never actually stands in his way; at most he's more un-supportive and that's only early on.

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT PLOT! Gameplay  A little too gimmicky I guess.  Straight up fights are too easy, gimmick fights can get annoying because it's got the Zelda issue of "figure out what to do once, you know how to win and it's just a case of doing it 3 to 4 more times and win!"  Final Boss fight pissed me off because he had OHKO damage in a game where you have limited Resurrection, even when guarding.  Worse yet, my first fight with him I got him down to like a pixel and one more volley of spells by everyone (and Syrenne had a Shadow Stitch ready) would have killed him, but he got the hit in RIGHT BEFORE everyone shot it, and I had to redo all 3 forms (lost the 2nd time due to screwing up a lot in the first 2 forms, mostly Syrenne losing a lot of lives.)

Game is about 6-7/10 for me.  It's decent enough, but nothing amazing.  It's also short so it doesn't overstay its welcome, which is good seeing as it's a plot/character game more than anything else.  Oh and it is TOTALLY a rip off of Final Fantasy in every sense of the word! Except no it isn' all...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2370 on: November 03, 2013, 04:07:26 PM »
@super, playing on Xbox, not Steam.

@hinode, all that breeding and you still haven't made a Trainer PR video?  Get your priorities straight!

Aww. Defense Grid 2 isn't coming out on the 360, I don't think. Anyway, DG is a ton of fun- have you managed to gold all the Awakening missions?
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2371 on: November 03, 2013, 05:28:41 PM »
re: Last Story

Definitely an above-average game for the reasons you mentioned, Meeple. The only reason I brought up 'Final Fantasy rip-off' was because there are definitely some endgame sequences that feel like they were written by someone who worshipped FF4 as the ur-RPG and needed to rebundle its all of its tropes in the last hour of the game.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2372 on: November 03, 2013, 06:51:07 PM »
Actually, I wasn't thinking about you when I said the "FF Rip Off" thing; it's just a general mockery the game gets because of it's name + Sakaguchi (someone else in chat did accuse the game of being so, before I even started it, though several jumped on them indicating the name is where the similarities end)

That said, I don't see how TLS is FF4esque.  The last minute reveal I guess has parallels but only in the sense of main's best friend betrays because he's a total douche due to inner feelings he has kept held up the entire time.  Thing is, that parallel is kind of surface level only; the reasons and motives of the character in question and execution are completely different.  After all Dagran was sincere in his reasons for going against Zael.  He did it because that's how he really felt and Zael had reached a point of standing in his way that he eventually had to take him down and Zael also held the other half he needed for ABSOLUTE POWER!  Meanwhile, Kain is just lusting over a girl (oh yeah, that's another thing; Dagran was corrupt political idealism, Kain was just dickish jealousy) who is sleeping with his best friend AND had to be mind controlled in order to betray said friend

I don't see all the big tropes you're talking about popping up in the end.  The Final Boss was a twist, after-all (I was expecting Dagran to show up in the fight with Zangurak, being all FRIENDS STICK TOGETHER type thing.  Heck, he blatantly holds back from killing Zael earlier in the game in a way that suggests he doesn't have the guts to kill his best friend.), Zangurak was trope-tastic the entire way through, so this is not something they're pulling in the end game, and everything about Zangurak from start to finish, with his limited screen-time, is basically "The dude wants to kill all humans, we will spare you boring cliched rants by giving him limited screen time, only enough to get the point across that he is super strong and thus a threat!"

So really, I don't see what the last hour does that is massively tropetastic that the rest of the game didn't.  In fact, I was expecting the final boss to be The Outsider given all the hype behind it, and how these MYSTERIOUS GOD characters are regularly final bosses, yet the end of the game is more you saving the deity in question.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2373 on: November 05, 2013, 03:17:06 AM »
Actually, I wasn't thinking about you when I said the "FF Rip Off" thing; it's just a general mockery the game gets because of it's name + Sakaguchi (someone else in chat did accuse the game of being so, before I even started it, though several jumped on them indicating the name is where the similarities end)

That said, I don't see how TLS is FF4esque. Thing is, that parallel is kind of surface level only; the reasons and motives of the character in question and execution are completely different.

Actually, I agree with you! I don't really feel like it's a "Rip-off" and was just kinda casually using the phrase. I felt like there were a few important scenes towards the end that just kinda had an FF4 flavor to them, repackaged. You say it well yourself: The parallel is kind of surface-level, but that's what stood out and amused me. It kinda felt like they were almost trying to say "look, this trope doesn't have to suck! F*ck you, FF4 :)"

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #2374 on: November 05, 2013, 05:42:04 AM »
Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies: Beaten! Man, that final case. Good stuff.

Very solid game overall. Not a single bad case in the bunch; only the second game in the series I'm willing to say that about (first being JFA). Nothing great until the end and even then it's not flawless or anything. Still, overall, really good, how the fuck am I only the second DLer to play this go out and play it guys.

All the major characters are good. The new ones work really well. Athena's a lot of fun and the final case kinda highlights how much better she is than Maya etc., even when she is a defendant she manages to be capable and some nice character work there, this was by far the best "character thinks she murdered as a child" arc the series has ever tried. Simon has a personality kinda reminiscent of Godot but isn't an asshole and has character work that doesn't make me want to punch a wall. Phoenix, Apollo, and the Judge are their classic selves, which is good. Fulbright is pretty great! And a couple more... Edgeworth cameo isn't strictly -necessary- for the game but they handled it well and his role made a lot of sense with the game's themes. Pearl... is Pearl, gratuitous cameo but a Fey one was needed by now, although her new design feels kinda lazy; I have trouble buying her as 17.

Other stuff, mostly spoilers:
I was a bit disappointed with how predictable most of the killers were, and I also thought the gameplay was a bit too handholdy/easy until near the end, but I guess the latter in particular is just a consequence of being a veteran of the series. It'd be nice if there was a less handholdy hard mode, though. The former issue is somewhat a consequence of the rather limited number of supporting characters in each case, many of which could be easily dismissed as suspects. Of course the last case does turn this on its head! The game does have a few long sections without much gameplay, I felt, but it's hard for me to care too much when the series ultimately isn't about gameplay and the plot generally had me hooked during those sections. The game also may dial the drama/over-tthe-top factor a bit higher than I'd like, although this is really to be expected in PW... felt like they pushed it extra far this time? Breakdown animations were completely ridiculous and even non-evils had them (e.g Starbuck), some of the ridculous cheesy plot twists were ridiculous and cheesy (hey, BOTH of Juniper's friends have crazy secrets!), and a pivotal moment in the game's plot involves a bunch of killer robots holding people hostage. I don't really dock the game too many points for this, it is what it is though I don't think it would be my first choice.

I touched on the major characters already; my favourite case-specific characters were probably Mayor Tenma (caw-caw-caw!), Robin (hey despite previous comments I liked this plot twist / transformation), and Aura (kinda evil but fun anyway). Some comment along the lines of "LGBT? In MY Ace Attorney?" goes here.

Case ranking: (4 and 5) > 2 >= 3 > 1. Can't really separate 4 and 5, I actually don't think the game should have done so since you are primarily focused on the same murder throughout.

edit: Oh yeah, music in this game is certainly the best in the series save (probably?) AAI, definitely something I think the games have gotten better at of late.

Final verdict? Not sure. Probably a bit below 2 and AAI for me, but has a decent case to be the next best in the series... it versus 1 vs. 3 could depend on my mood (i.e. ask me when I'm more than a couple hours from finishing it). Not sure what that makes this score wise. 8/10? I'll think about it.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 05:46:48 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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