Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~  (Read 8622 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« on: January 01, 2013, 01:33:53 AM »

"So, the eve of a new year has come to this place. Well, let us see, if on this eve, we have the eve of your hopes and dreams to accomplish your goals. Haahahahaha!!"

Link to the Dungeon Wiki!

**Full Heals reset limit and other types of gauges when teams pass through them.

Team Djinn | Lenneth, Ivan, Jane, Sacred Slayer (Life), Marco
[Ivan: Forge, Fever, Scorch, Ember, Flash, Kite | Wind Mage] Ivan's Djinni
[Floor 9: Sealstone Revenge]
*Lenneth has been granted a Power Bangle!
*Sacred Slayer has been granted Emulator's Passive Skills! (But not Action Replay because fuck that noise)
*Sacred Slayer has been granted High Cavalier's OCs
*Ivan is to now be considered as GS2 Ivan.
Team Djinn vs. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Sabin, Celes, Edgar, Mog and Strago(Status Symbol Law)
Team Djinn vs. Tidus(Caladbolg), Raquel, Aeris, Gilder, Enrique and Marco (Violent Burst Law)
Team Djinn vs. Levin (Neo Speed), Felius, Labyrinthia, Alexia, RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT, Tony and Clarissa
Team Djinn vs. Ricardo, Purim, Artea, Marle, Yulie, Nina4, Yuna and Lucius (All with Life Sealstone)
Team Djinn vs. Yosuke, Yukiko, Teddie, Naoto, Kanji, Yukari, Ken and Aigis (Elemental Advance)
Team Djinn vs. Ephraim, Ryu1, Mewtwo and Aika (All with Body Charge)

Team MICHAEL | T260G, Mesarthim, Yulie (Body Charge), Raynie, Marco
[T260G: Type-8 Body [OmegaBody] [Pop-Knight, Magnify, PluralSlash, ShootingMastery CombatMastery & MaxwellProgram ]
Floor 7a: The Elemental Ties that Bind
Team MICHAEL vs. Sasarai, Delphie (WoZ), Tengaar, Golem (Pokemon) and Scarmiglione-Z (FF4DS)
Team MICHAEL vs. Barbariccia, Crono, Yukari, Tiamat (FF1) and Kanji
Team MICHAEL vs. Rubicante (FF4o), Yukiko, Ho-oh and Alen (S1)
Team MICHAEL vs. Lenus, Marle, Frog, Mao (SH3), Kraken (FF1) and Cagnazzo (FF4DS)
Team MICHAEL vs. Profound Darkness, Susano-O (SH2), and Lamington

Team Pyro | Bartz, Hilda, Eiko, Jean, Marco (Body Charge)
[Bartz: (Mime) !X-Magic !Mix !Time (Red Mage) (Chemist) (Ninja) (Monk)]
Floor 6a: Underachievers
Team Pyro vs. Hugo (RH) and Viola (RH)
Team Pyro vs. La-ilim 2, Crystal Skull and Undead Dragon 2 (G3)
Team Pyro vs. Augus, Habaruku, Aruhamel and Barubary (BoF2)
Team Pyro vs. Samille, El Jackson, Rupert (XF) and WA4 Tony
Team Pyro vs. Cid Raines (FF13) and Cid Bunansa (FF12)

Team Dhyer | [ Nina, Ursula, Scias ] (Ryu, Cray (Items) & Ershin) (Synergy)
Floor 3a: A Singlet
Floor 3b: Multiply
**Multitarget abilities (and those that can be multi-targetted) have their damage and effects increased to 1.5x on this floor. 
Team Dhyer vs. Dalton, Augst and Spherimorph
Team Dhyer vs. Citan, Billy, Bart and Rico
Team Dhyer vs. Nina4, Yukari, FFT Chemist and Artea
Team Dhyer vs. Fuse, Cecil (FF4 DS) and Guv (No Call Team)
Team Dhyer vs. Shadow Yukiko

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, however the healing also only revives characters with 1 HP. The healing received from spells that hit more than one target may be used as revival once per battle.

Neo Speed - The effective speed of one character is increased by 10% and increases 20% each time that character takes a turn, this effect caps at 2x base speed. The speed of this character cannot be increased in any way, nor can this character grant or be granted turns via any manner. If the character dies the speed is removed and cannot be regained.

Body Charge - Increases damage and effective speed of a character by 1.3x and decreases damage to them to .7x.

Synergy [BoF4] - Three PCs out at once, may switch on turns individually. Game over!!! if all PCs are incapacitated. Cray is allowed the use of storebought, consumable items within reason.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 04:20:08 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2013, 01:35:06 AM »
Team Djinn's stuff.

Ivan (GS2 Sorceror class, 8 Jupiter Djinni, 1 Mars)
GS1 Djinni:
Flash - MT -90% damage buff for one turn (Mars)
Breeze - MT Resistance buff +40
Zephyr - MT Agility buff (Agility set to 100% max possible Agility)
Kite - Target takes two actions on next turn
Squall - MT 140% Ivan's normal dmg Jupiter damage, 90% added Stun
Ether - ST 30% PP healing
Aroma - MT 10% PP healing
Haze - ST Invincibility (no damage or status) for one turn
Lull was removed by Executive Order.

Impact - ST 25% attack buff, stacks additively
High Impact - MT 12.5% attack buff, stacks additively
Ward - ST defensive buff +40%
Resist - MT defensive buff +20%
Sleep - GT 90% Sleep
Bind - GT 80% Silence
Spark Plasma - MT Jupiter DMG
Healing Gust - MT 70% healing (GS2 addition)

High Cavalier OC:
Quicken (20MP): Raises the target's Rfx to 150% the original value (speed buff that wears off on the number of turns taken. <_<)
Status Transfer (4 MP): High Cavalier transfers all status effects onto the target. Physical damage is dealt based on the number of statuses transferred. 31 base damage. +20% damage (6 damage) for each status transferred.
Intrude (64 MP): High Cavalier takes another turn. Can't be used after moving, but nothing prevents her from using it and then moving. Can be chained (so HC can take 5 turns if she burns all of her MP to start with)
Remain (32 MP): High Cavlier's target gains auto-life status. Upon death, they will revive with 1 HP. CT is reset upon revival (i.e. A faster opponent will get another turn to kill them with). Can not self-target. (can't be used after moving)

Emulator Passives:
MP Recovery: Recovers 2% (6 MP) at the start of Emulator's turn.
Emulator EQ
Exploit Weakness: If Emulator strikes an opponent's elemental weakness, she gets her damage multiplied by an additional 1.5x
Conserve MP: Reduces MP costs of originals by 25%. Already factored into Emulator's MP costs.

Sacred Slayer OC & Passives:
Heal (12MP): Heals 219 HP.
Sanctify (24MP): 12 magic damage. Instantly destroys undead (can't be used after moving) (43 magic damage after Fragile)
Fragile (20MP): Target's Def and Res is reduced to 50%. Effects on damage are shown in attacks. (can't be used after moving). Works on everything in the game.
Turn Shift (32MP): Sacred Slayer may target an ally (or enemy) and give that target her turn. Sacred Slayer gains the target's CT, and in addition her Rfx is doubled until her turn arrives.

Crisis Rfx Up: Increases Sacred Slayer's Rfx by 10% for each ally in critical condition AND 20% for each dead ally. Not including herself.
Damage Recovery: Random chance to recover HP after taking damage.
Res+25%: Increases Sacred Slayer's Res by 25%. This applies to both her base stats AND any equipment she may be wearing.
Widespread: Any of Sacred Slayer's magics (barring Turn Shift) can be made GT.
*Paladin: Increases status resistance

Marco Skillset:
Attack: 29 damage.
Push Assault (3): 29 damage. Pushes enemy to back row.
Spin Slash (10): 29 damage, 4 hits.
Grapple (3): 29 damage. Pulls enemy to front row.
Speed Break (4): 66% chance to reduce enemy speed. It is difficult to see a difference (i.e.  near worthless).
Sleep Cloud (10): 50% Sleep, GT
Super Heal (10): 500 HP healing
Greater Heal (6): 150 HP healing
Guard Boost (4): +20% Defense
Magic Boost (4): +20% Magic
All Recovery (7): Removes status, MT
Resurrection (7): 80% Revival.
Trans-turn (3): Give a free turn to an ally.
*Mana Burst: Angel's Guard: Full healing and slight buffing.
*Mana Burst: Turn Break: Cancel any enemy action, independent of using Marco's turn

Status Symbol Law - Team is fully status, debuff and ID immune, but has damage done to them increased by 1.1x and damage done by them decreased to .9x.

Violent Burst Law - Characters with system-specific gauges begin the floor with them filled. These gauges do not charge during the floor by any other means.

Neo Speed - The effective speed of one character is increased by 25% and increases by 25% each time that character takes a turn, this effect caps at 200% base speed. This character cannot grant or be granted turns via any manner. If the character dies the speed is removed and cannot be regained.

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing to 75%. (This means full healing is always 75%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP. The healing received from spells that hit more than one target may be used as revival once per battle.

Elemental Advance - Elemental weaknesses are removed for both the enemy and ally teams. Elemental spells may not be resisted, absorbed or nullified by the enemy team.

Body Charge - Increases the health, damage and effective speed of a character by 1.3x and decreases damage to them to .7x


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2013, 01:54:38 AM »
Team MICHAEL | T260G, Mesarthim, Yulie (Body Charge), Raynie, Marco
[T260G: Type-8 Body [OmegaBody] [Pop-Knight, Magnify, PluralSlash, ShootingMastery CombatMastery & MaxwellProgram ]
Floor 7a: The Elemental Ties that Bind
Team MICHAEL vs. Sasarai, Delphie (WoZ), Tengaar, Golem (Pokemon) and Scarmiglione-Z (FF4DS) - T260G is faster than anyone here, blows away Sasarai with Magnify. Or she can go with Pop-Knight and Mesarthim can follow up with Maelstrom and just kill pretty much everyone here.
Team MICHAEL vs. Barbariccia, Crono, Yukari, Tiamat (FF1) and Kanji - Oh no Crono and Yukari have revival???? Yeah no.
Team MICHAEL vs. Rubicante (FF4o), Yukiko, Ho-oh and Alen (S1) - This could be a problem if 1) Ho-oh gets off Sunny Day and 2) Rubicante gets a turn. Neither of those happen here.
Team MICHAEL vs. Lenus, Marle, Frog, Mao (SH3), Kraken (FF1) and Cagnazzo (FF4DS) - Uh... yeah... eliminate Marle, then Frog, leave Lenus for last.
Team MICHAEL vs. Profound Darkness, Susano-O (SH2), and Lamington - I can't really see how my team is threatened here at all.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2013, 05:22:08 PM »
So what can my team do:

Marco: 130% speed, status immune, MT status healing, Revival, healing, and an MT full-restore limit. Also the entire point of using him was so he can feed all his turns to any of the others, if their skillsets would work better in whatever situation he finds himself in.

Bartz: Ninja Speed, Monk HP, Summoner Mag/MP. X-Magic lets him double-cast and includes Revival, half-damage Protect, Sleep/Toad/Mini status which can be MT'd. Time Magic is also available for double-casting, and now includes Meteor, which is variable damage that averages awesome and can go up to insane, Hastega, which gives the entire party double speed, Slowga, which inflicts half-speed Slow on all enemies, X-Zone (ST ID), Reset, which allows the team to manipulate probabilities both it's own and the enemy's in it's favor as long as Bartz can survive to get a turn. And finally Quick, which grants two actions for that turn. How does that mesh with X-Magic? It grants up to 5 spells ( Spell -> Quick -> Spellx2 -> Spellx2). That last spellx2 can be a Mime to preserve MP for future Quicks if he's going for straight Meteor spam. Mix can also be used to restore MP, full revive with MP, grant a variety of buffs (everything from elemental nulling to Boss-status to Safe/Shell/Reflect simultaneously). For reference, if he blows an entire round Meteoring and gets a chance to Reset, he can put out up to 49000 damage... to an average of less than 3K.

Hilda: 100% ID, MT Full-healing, Full revival with CT, and rather good ST buffs like Entrance in addition to some magic damage. She's also got a nice array of status blockers and good durability.

Eiko: MT revival, MT healing, and a variety of useful things like status healing and dispel and such. Solid MT damage through summoning of course. Carbuncle isn't around yet unfortunately.

Jean: She's fast and she can hit things pretty darn hard. Has some MT damage. May or may not have gamebest damage on F6 pending when Triple Sword/Catastrophe became available.

Team Pyro | Bartz, Hilda, Eiko, Jean, Marco (Body Charge)
[Bartz: (Mime) !X-Magic !Mix !Time (Red Mage) (Chemist) (Ninja) (Monk)]
Floor 6a: Underachievers
Team Pyro vs. Hugo (RH) and Viola (RH): No mercy for the damned, no escape from the grasp of catastrophe!
Team Pyro vs. La-ilim 2, Crystal Skull and Undead Dragon 2 (G3): Yowsers. Undead Dragon and La-Ilim probably both go before my team (Undead Dragon would have to do his cancel move on Marco to delay his turn though?). La-Ilim can try to confuse or status people, but Marco just heals it off of everyone. Too much healing/revival even without the whole "Stop time and drop meteors on their heads till they die" thing. You'll forgive me if I'm not terribly sympathetic to this happening to endgame G3 bosses.
Team Pyro vs. Augus, Habaruku, Aruhamel and Barubary (BoF2): One helping of Meteor swarming won't kill them all. But it sure will put a dent in them if not KO one or two, and MT haste along with the mass of healing/revival makes the rest of it moot.
Team Pyro vs. Samille, El Jackson, Rupert (XF) and WA4 Tony: Rupert and Tony can't kill anyone crucial, so Rocks Fall and Everyone Dies.
Team Pyro vs. Cid Raines (FF13) and Cid Bunansa (FF12): Hi Cid's! I'd like you to meet my friend Hastega. Oh, you're already familiar with him from your home games where he stomped you into the ground? Well then. No introductions needed. Seriously though Cid 12 falls first, then Cid 13. The team is not hurting for MP/resources because Mix basically makes it nigh-endless for the whole team.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 02:47:43 AM by Pyro »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2013, 05:58:47 PM »
Raines has dispel on his best MT move so I dunno how much I'd hype Hastega there. That said knowing what little I do about FF12 bosses it doesn't seem like a fight your team will struggle with at all anyway.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 06:09:42 PM »
That's below his limit range, which he probably won't get a turn in all things considered.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 06:49:41 PM »
Team Pyro passes in a laugher.  I'm not sure why you say Eiko doesn't have Carbuncle yet - a quick Google says that the Ruby to learn Carbuncle with is a *required* gain upon entering the Iifa Tree before Soul Cage, that is, it's a Disc 2 pickup not too long after getting Eiko at all.  The Cids are at best a resource test, and Team Pyro has plenty of MP for healing & offense.

Team Djinn I'd be willing to look at but barely knowing GS from the first third of it, and now into GS2, and Ivan's MT magic damage being very very very relevant in a lot of these fights (giant hordes of opponents isn't where Lenneth shines, she's more about soloing a single tough boss), can someone give a range of what Ivan's MT options are?  How much damage, relatively, in terms of PCHP?  Is it spammable?  etc.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 04:55:26 AM »
Snowfire, Ivan has averagish Thunder MT. The cost is like 10% of his MP per spell.
Team Djinn | Lenneth, Ivan, Jane, Sacred Slayer (Life), Marco
[Ivan: Forge, Fever, Scorch, Ember, Flash, Kite | Wind Mage] Ivan's Djinni
[Floor 9: Sealstone Revenge]
*Lenneth has been granted a Power Bangle!
*Sacred Slayer has been granted Emulator's Passive Skills! (But not Action Replay because fuck that noise)
*Sacred Slayer has been granted High Cavalier's OCs
*Ivan is to now be considered as GS2 Ivan.
Team Djinn vs. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Sabin, Celes, Edgar, Mog and Strago(Status Symbol Law)- MT barrage
Team Djinn vs. Tidus(Caladbolg), Raquel, Aeris, Gilder, Enrique and Marco (Violent Burst Law)- No status here, as I see other initiative as beating Jane, so Aura of Denial is going off first. Enrique also gets to halve physicals, but Ivan MT barrage again.
Team Djinn vs. Levin (Neo Speed), Felius, Labyrinthia, Alexia, RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT, Tony and Clarissa- This Levin is listed as like 170% turn 1. This tends to be something I respect more than TB initiative. I...don't think this affects Djinn winning the match though due to enemy speeds curve and not being MT focused.
Team Djinn vs. Ricardo, Purim, Artea, Marle, Yulie, Nina4, Yuna and Lucius (All with Life Sealstone)- Messy headache.
Team Djinn vs. Yosuke, Yukiko, Teddie, Naoto, Kanji, Yukari, Ken and Aigis (Elemental Advance)-
Team Djinn vs. Ephraim, Ryu1, Mewtwo and Aika (All with Body Charge)- Sure, Mewtwo goes first, bye Jane. Aika swirlramangs Ivan. Ephraim can off SS or Marco. And then it comes around again. Yeah, this match seems troublesome. Lenneth and Marco get turns, but this seems a losing proposition overall.

Team MICHAEL | T260G, Mesarthim, Yulie (Body Charge), Raynie, Marco
[T260G: Type-8 Body [OmegaBody] [Pop-Knight, Magnify, PluralSlash, ShootingMastery CombatMastery & MaxwellProgram ]
Blah, looking at this, I am assuming that the equips are CyberGlove/Zero Sword, because don't Pop-Knight and PluralSlash just absolutely blow otherwise?
Floor 7a: The Elemental Ties that Bind
Team MICHAEL vs. Sasarai, Delphi (WoZ), Tengaar, Golem (Pokemon) and Scarmiglione-Z (FF4DS)- I see Sasarai tending to evade the first magic spell thrown at him, so Magnify wouldn't work as the first one to me (If it's hybrid Electric/Force, those are both magic elements in Saga). No idea on Pop-Knight damage (4000 guess?). Looks like it would not get Delphi turn 1 (obvious, 3 PC HP), Sasarai (evades the Maelstorm follow up) or Scar Z. Yulie can do a Sacrifice, but that would be ill advised because people are faster than her next match. Yulie can save one of Mesa/Raynie/Marco with Protect, but then Raynie must outspeed Scar and must be able to transfer her turn to Marco (of course, it's worth noting that MT healing on this team is not great, so Scar's turn will still get someone). So...Earthquake+Magic Focus+Earthquake from a different person at the least knocking out two. Of course, at worst Statis Rune can be blown and it may need to be.
Team MICHAEL vs. Barbariccia, Crono, Yukari, Tiamat (FF1) and Kanji- Ugh, is Saga multi element taking the worst? Obviously Yukari is easy to knock out regardless.
Team MICHAEL vs. Rubicante (FF4o), Yukiko, Ho-oh and Alen (S1)- Rubicant getting 0 turns? Well...I mean...Maelstorm 4x is not even OHKO damage. He should go before the RH PCs.
Team MICHAEL vs. Lenus, Marle, Frog, Mao (SH3), Kraken (FF1) and Cagnazzo (FF4DS)- Blowing more resources at least.
Team MICHAEL vs. Profound Darkness, Susano-O (SH2), and Lamington- To my knowledge, this team can not restores MP right? Although it's not evident at first, there may be woes here. T260g...50 WP. Unless she is giving up every first turn to V-Max, her cheapest item approaching passable damage is 5 WP and that's ST. Mesarthim has better MP, but...90 WP, middling damage is 8, healing is 4 (healing btw is limited to 8 uses even less if she ever needs to be revived. Raynie's damage is whatever, and can be used 7 times. Yulie can Sacrifice...but only if she knows that she can be healed prior to next enemy turns. PD, Lamington, Rubicant, Lenus. The tanks of some one: Delphi (3 PC HP), Rubicant (3 PC-4PC HP), Yukiko (evade for a few turns), Lenus (2 PC PH, halves magic), PD (HP of death), and Lamington (2 PC HP, halves physicals). So...match starts off with Susano-O statusing or MP busting, Lamington unleash some powerful ST physicals and PD unleashing powerful ST magic. To me at least, least tanky is Susano-O with 2 PC HP. I just don't see how this team is going to do all this damage without running out unless I am missing something. PD also starts out OHKOing Marco and maybe Mesa.

Team Pyro | Bartz, Hilda, Eiko, Jean, Marco (Body Charge)
[Bartz: (Mime) !X-Magic !Mix !Time (Red Mage) (Chemist) (Ninja) (Monk)]
Floor 6a: Underachievers
Team Pyro vs. Hugo (RH) and Viola (RH)
Team Pyro vs. La-ilim 2, Crystal Skull and Undead Dragon 2 (G3)
Team Pyro vs. Augus, Habaruku, Aruhamel and Barubary (BoF2)
Team Pyro vs. Samille, El Jackson, Rupert (XF) and WA4 Tony
Team Pyro vs. Cid Raines (FF13) and Cid Bunansa (FF12)

Team Dhyer | [ Nina, Ursula, Scias ] (Ryu, Cray (Items) & Ershin) (Synergy)
Floor 3a: A Singlet
**All abilities on the PLAYER team are single target, regardless of original conditions.
Team Dhyer vs. Narshe Kefka- Um yeah, not sure if I picked the right floor, but did not really like either of them too much. Nina picks up revival on this floor, but the question is when on the floor (could be start or early). If she starts with it, this fight is not a problem. It is picked up at 17.

Also helps if I can equip 1 found items in game (don't know what the rule on Synergy is with these. Logically since I'm running a full team that has access to them, I can see it. If so, I'll have 1-2 Life Sandals). But it's my team, so making the judgement call for the revival. Then have revival and status healing both on same people and Nina may also just be first and lay down Barrier on herself to stay well insulate.
Team Dhyer vs. Lenus- 2 revivers>this generally I would think. Also, it's Lenus, so have all the time in the world to buff. Now the revival should probably be picked up either way. I can spend the early time buffing...but man, my buff selection isn't great.
Team Dhyer vs. Shadow Naoto- She is not particularly good at killing
**Full Heal
Team Dhyer vs. Adramelk and Velius- This match is worrisome because 1. 100% status on two people 2. My specific status immunity sucks 3. 3 people out. The damage is negligible, but can't block Stone=ouch. This may just come down to a race. Is Scias fast enough to get a turn? If so, he can take out Adramelk with Nina (solo, post-Orlandu bosses are not durable). Oh, if Mute to shut off the status spells, that helps a little too (would be more if I actually had a remotely reliable way to do it prior to enemies acting)
Team Dhyer vs. Zog- If I get here, easy.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 05:02:12 AM »
Dhyer, Raynie has Mana Regen (12): Adds 7 MP Regen.  It lasts for a good while, I forget how long though and Maxwell Program restores 1 WP every round. Not sure it's relevant, but it's there.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, they can just stall before the final fight to get their resources back if that's a concern.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 05:04:02 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2013, 05:39:45 AM »
Finding a solid use for Raynie (note that I still think there are a lot of problems because neither of those are exactly very effective!). Some of the MP pools are shallow enough that I'm pretty looking at everyone on enemy matches because even leaving questionable people alive can just serve to draw things out too much). Of course, being able to have limited revival on the MT healer is also not fun and in turn having that limit that to the usability of the good MT healing makes it worse. There are just certain times that someone will be dying (Rubicant, Lenus's turn upon crossing the threshold). PD form 1 I guess it flat out OHKOing her the last fight (NEB said in the previous topic that it's 98% to average so...).
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2013, 06:00:35 AM »
Well, ultimately, I can stall forever by using StatisRune, can't I? It's a spell that takes all JP, so you can cast it even if you only have 1.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2013, 06:15:38 AM »
That really depends on it's effect at 1 JP (or 5% of max average JP, which is essentially what MP Regen restores a turn). I'm assuming that potency is based on how much one is putting into it. Of course, I suppose that even if 1 JP just effectively is "cancel enemy's next turn" it would be pretty solid. It could also correspond to "essentially nothing." I guess a question for NEB if anyone!
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2013, 06:38:38 AM »
Pyro passes, others fail.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2013, 06:41:45 AM »
Well, ultimately, I can stall forever by using StatisRune, can't I? It's a spell that takes all JP, so you can cast it even if you only have 1.

While it does take ALL the caster's JP, it does however enforce a minimum, it seems.

Quote from: ABrea's SaGa Frontier Skill FAQ at
Cost: ALL JP (minimum 8JP)        Target: User and one enemy
Type: Miscellaneous               Status: Stasis


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2013, 06:51:00 AM »
Well, even if it enforces a minimum, MP Regenerate should allow for that, assuming it lasts for more than... you know, a round.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2013, 06:57:35 AM »
Oh, it causes a status (as opposed to say Time Gate). Do most bosses immune this?
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2013, 07:21:40 AM »
Well, even if it enforces a minimum, MP Regenerate should allow for that, assuming it lasts for more than... you know, a round.

Question, though: does VitalityRune regeneration take effect on a character under the effect of StasisRune?  The effect of Stasis makes me wonder if that strategy would work.

Oh, it causes a status (as opposed to say Time Gate). Do most bosses immune this?

I don't think so, but I don't have any way of testing this, and everything I look for that talks about this doesn't say, aside from StasisRune being shield-unblockable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2013, 08:12:19 AM »
Dhyer: So is this the "Squall" listed?  What's GS Stun do again, and is it easily immuned, since it's claimed as a 90% hit rate?  Also out of dark curiosity, what's Lull do anyway, not that it's relevant here?

(FWIW, while the information in the stat dump is useful, it's not THAT useful since "140% of Ivan's normal damage" is ????????).

Also, came up in IRC chat, but heck no to BC Mewtwo > Jane's initiative from me.  As a rough guideline a character should be ATB 2x Average speed to defeat turn-based initiative, maybe with some squinting to be nicer in some cases (so I can SEE cases where 170% speed beats it) but not here where the BC boost is artificial.  2/1.3 = Mewtwo needs to be seen as 154% average speed in ATB terms to definitively defeat turn-based init, or to 3:2 average with some room to spare.  This potentially gets into Standard Deviation interp hax and TB speed caps and the like, but that sounds definitely too good - certainly the naive speed of Mewtwo is 150% (150/100) which isn't good enough, and I personally cap TB speed as far as getting doubles (Which is what's required here) at 120% anyway (=156% post-BC, not close to 200%), so it's easy for me, but seems like it shouldn't fly for other interps either.  Anyway, if it's even close, I'd have a very strong kneejerk against letting BC let Mewtwo get the drop here, since Pokemon has turn-based initiative moves in-game, and Mewtwo loses to them.

Team Djinn vs. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Sabin, Celes, Edgar, Mog and Strago(Status Symbol Law)- MT barrage, sure.
Team Djinn vs. Tidus(Caladbolg), Raquel, Aeris, Gilder, Enrique and Marco (Violent Burst Law) -
Pyro, as Dhyer noted Gilder's init should be >> than Jane's init (defensive initiative wins over everything in SoA).  That said Dhyer, as came up before I believe, Enrique's Justice Shield is just flat damage-halving to absolutely everything, so quite possible a Turn-Shifted MT storm from Ivan isn't enough here, so this is where knowing Ivan's damage more precisely matters...  if it's not good enough, Team Djinn is in huge trouble.  Sacred Slayer is faster than Raquel I guess but this team may have no way of avoiding Red Zone, Lenneth needs to kill Aeris, and if Tidus / Marco survive the MT barrage from Ivan the team is just beyond screwed against Tidus hax / Marco's Turn Break.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 08:38:02 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2013, 08:23:57 AM »
Squall is a Djinni Summon, and should be worse (not better) than his stuff running off MP (Each summon can be used once every couple of turns. Using them can sometimes drop you to a lower class during those few turns).

I don't believe Justice Shield halves all damage (for all that enemy magic damage in SoA is not very relevant)
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2013, 08:44:48 AM »
Hmm.  One FAQ on GameFAQs does indeed say "halves physical damage taken in the round" while the other FAQ just says "halve damage" as does Wikia (lol Wikia though).  On one hand, it's 2 on 1, on the other hand, as noted, Special Attacks are all you care about in SoA so telling the difference might be hard, implying it'd be easy to assume it was all attacks (as I did).  Bah.  Do we have a volunteer to investigate this?

Okay so Squall is out.  But what I mean more precisely is: how much damage in PCHP terms for Ivan's spammable MT damage?  .4?  .5?  I don't see any other damage spells listed in the set that Nephrite posted above...

EDIT: Also, is Scias slower on Floor 3 or something than the stat topic?  Adramelk is 10 Speed vs. endgame FFT setups, I'd call that barely above average speed at best, and the stat topic claims Scias is more solidly above average speed...  seems like that should fall in your favor.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 08:48:30 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 03:11:54 PM »
Pyro passes, abstain Dhyer, fail Djinn and Neph.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2013, 03:14:32 PM »
Well, even if it enforces a minimum, MP Regenerate should allow for that, assuming it lasts for more than... you know, a round.

Question, though: does VitalityRune regeneration take effect on a character under the effect of StasisRune?  The effect of Stasis makes me wonder if that strategy would work.

Oh, it causes a status (as opposed to say Time Gate). Do most bosses immune this?

I don't think so, but I don't have any way of testing this, and everything I look for that talks about this doesn't say, aside from StasisRune being shield-unblockable.

If the first is a concern, then I can just use Sleep on Mao in the water fight and not even have to worry about the StatisRune shenanigans.

No boss in Saga immunes StasisRune, though.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2013, 03:16:55 PM »
Team Djinn vs. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Sabin, Celes, Edgar, Mog and Strago(Status Symbol Law): This is a lot of people to cut through. Edgar has the MT confuse whoring... Shadow can do some MT damage, Terra has MT 2HKO, Celes has some more ITD MT damage, and so does Strago. Ivan's MT damage can be used to kill... everyone but Terra and Celes? That probably works, but MP draining. Status handles those two although they may resist it. It isn't the end of the world if one gets a turn. Sleep can be applied to regenerate resources before the next fight.
It looks pretty tough, but if necessary, Sacred Slayer can spam Intrude/Quicken a few times to get multiple TurnShifts off in a row. With enough TurnShifts, Lenneth can kill anything. Can't Sleep anyone due to Status Symbol Law, but I could keep Sabin alive (or revive him before I kill off the others) and spam Ivan's MP-restoring Djinni releases (slow process, but infinite) and let SS's innate regen (slower process) while Lenneth plays healer. Jane can spam Sucker to keep Sabin from doing anything dangerous (and Ivan's MT Djinni release should restore the pitiful amount of MP that uses). This is the basic strategy that I have for this entire floor.

Team Djinn vs. Tidus(Caladbolg), Raquel, Aeris, Gilder, Enrique and Marco (Violent Burst Law): Status probably works here off initiative. Leave one alive and Asleep to regen resources.
It probably requires I come into this fight at full MP, so that SS can Intrude->Turnshift spam to get rid of -all- the threats in this fight at once. Through Enrique's damn halve-damage shield. Status still works on most of them, so Ivan and Marco spam that on their turn while Lenneth does the heavy damage to the status-immunes. Ironically, best to leave Enrique alive for MP regen.

Team Djinn vs. Levin (Neo Speed), Felius, Labyrinthia, Alexia, RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT, Tony and Clarissa: Djinn's team can MT initiative cheese the Neospeed team. Then leave like Tony alive to restore resources.
Team Djinn vs. Ricardo, Purim, Artea, Marle, Yulie, Nina4, Yuna and Lucius (All with Life Sealstone): Lenneth needs to take out Nina4 (status immune, mocks wind)... Artea and Lucius also don't mind the status.  The Mdurability here makes it difficult to spam MT damage to win. This strikes me as a heck of a resource grind just winning this one fight. Could save Purim or Yuna for last while keeping them under sleep to regen resources.
Team Djinn vs. Yosuke, Yukiko, Teddie, Naoto, Kanji, Yukari, Ken and Aigis (Elemental Advance):  The elec mocking here along with lots of evade/phys durability shuts down a lot of what Djinn's team can do outside status, which admittedly is how he wants to approach this fight. Status everyone he can, kill Aigis with Lenneth... and leave one to restore resources.
What Pyro said.

Team Djinn vs. Ephraim, Ryu1, Mewtwo and Aika (All with Body Charge): BC Mewtwo beats TB initiative and KOs Jane. Aika confuses everyone with Swirlmarang (?) while Ryu1 either transforms or contributes damage with Eph to down Marco (who blocks Confuse).  Jane and Marco are KOd, Lenneth/Ivan/SS are statused? That is pretty much all she wrote, huh.

Well, I thought Swirlmarang was only ST? Regardless, GS2 Ivan should outspeed Aika naturally and so he can use the Haze Djinni Release for one full turn of Invincibility, which gives Sacred Slayer enough time to Intrude Spam -> TurnShift spam Lenneth, which hopefully takes out at least Aika and Ryu1. Marco Sleeps Ephraim. From there, I should have enough revivers to bring back whoever Mewtwo takes out once Haze wears off. SS is probably almost MPless, but might have the 8 MP needed for (Life Sealstone'd) Heal just from MP Regen? Anyway, once everyone's alive, Mewtwo has too many threats to deal with. Marco could have easily amassed a Turn Break limit by now, too.

This fight sucks, and it takes something like 25+ turns of stalling in 4 separate fights, but I think my team can pull it off. Pass!

@SnowFire: Lull's Djinn Release is a field effect that causes all actions that take place after Ivan's for that round to cancelled. Basically broken-as-fuck off of Ivan's normal speed. Even more broken in my team which can initiative Turnshift Ivan enough to spam Lull every round until my Turnshifters run out of MP.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2013, 03:51:47 PM »
Well, I thought Swirlmarang was only ST? Regardless, GS2 Ivan should outspeed Aika naturally

Swirlmerang attack is indeed ST.  If Ivan outspeeds body charge Aika then GS2 has a truly epic speed split, as Aika is game-best speed in Skies of Arcadia and that is being buffed.  That said it shouldn't matter as the question is really Jane's Follow Me vs. BC Mewtwo/Aika anyway.

Djinn: You're not going to explain Ivan's own damage though?  Blargh.  Nobody wants to say even a rough range of *what Ivan's damage is*.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week ~100~
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2013, 05:03:55 PM »
Well, I thought Swirlmarang was only ST? Regardless, GS2 Ivan should outspeed Aika naturally

Swirlmerang attack is indeed ST.  If Ivan outspeeds body charge Aika then GS2 has a truly epic speed split, as Aika is game-best speed in Skies of Arcadia and that is being buffed.  That said it shouldn't matter as the question is really Jane's Follow Me vs. BC Mewtwo/Aika anyway.

Djinn: You're not going to explain Ivan's own damage though?  Blargh.  Nobody wants to say even a rough range of *what Ivan's damage is*.

Oh right, Body Charge Aika. Potentially not. BC Aika is ~150% average Quick, GS2 Ivan is ~130% average Agility. Notably, when GS2 Ivan's Agility is compared to GS1's average, it DOES jump up to 190% average, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. Still, it seems like that was the intention with Ivan in Aftergame Dungeon, so if you're feeling generous there, Ivan outspeeds nearly everything even without Jane's initiative~

Damage hasn't changed much, though. Went from ~200 to a 128 average to ~220 with all Djinni.