Turn 23 -
Current BoardAn anonymous bomb threat was delivered to the fleet. In the middle of all the other issues plaguing them, nobody paid much mind to what was clearly just some madman's prank. Unfortunately for them, it was much more than that.
Politics/Leadership/Tactics/Engineering Skill Check, Target=13
Two cards are added to the check from the Destiny Deck.
Cards played:
Politics-1 Consolidate Power
Politics-5 Investigative Committee
2xLeadership-1 Executive Order
Leadership-2 Executive Order
Leadership-3 Declare Emergency
Engineering-2 Repair
Engineering-3 Scientific Research
Piloting-2 Evasive Maneuvers
Piloting-5 Maximum Firepower
18-7=11 FAIL!
-1 Morale, the ship drawn and destroyed had 1 Population
Fleet Status
Distance Traveled: 4
Food 05/08 Vipers 0 Active, 7 in Reserve, 1 Damaged
Fuel 04/08 Raptors 3 in Reserve
Morale 05/10 Jump Prep 5/5 (Can risk 1 Population)
Population 08/12 Cylon Boarding None
Galactica (1 Damage)
FTL Control
Weapons Control
Research Lab
Hangar Deck - Occupied by Admiral Apollo(Lady Door)
Armory - Occupied by Chief Tyrol(AndrewRogue)
Colonial One
Press Room
President’s Office - Occupied by President Baltar(Nitori)
Cylon Locations
Caprica - Occupied by Starbuck(Sir Alex) and Helo(Stelas)
Cylon Fleet
Human Fleet
Resurrection Ship
Turn Order(current player in bold, skill card hand size in parentheses, play order with checks starts with the player after the current player)
Nitori - President Gaius Baltar(4)
Stelas - Karl "Helo" Agathon(4)
Lady Door - Admiral Lee "Apollo" Adama(7(after variable draw))
Sir Alex - Kara "Starbuck" Thrace(3)
AndrewRogue - "Chief" Galen Tyrol(3)
Action Queue
==> Lady Door: Choose Variable Draw
Lady Door: Move/Action