
Author Topic: Miscellaneous Links from 2013  (Read 33967 times)


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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #125 on: March 12, 2013, 04:12:50 AM »
The terrible price of working the Chrom x Olivia marriage, which requires a truly crazy tactician out to cock-block Chrom at every turn.

Written by a friend of mine.  I have to say, she's got a point.  People would notice that Chrom's new friend seems to be sentencing any female who dares to flutter her lashes at Chrom off to an arranged marriage.  That would lead to some *weird* conversations.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #126 on: March 12, 2013, 07:11:47 AM »
I wasn't sure at first I'm pretty sure at this point that ChromxOlivia-as-a-good-idea is a joke foisted upon unsuspecting players by mischief-making fans.

Still an amusing read though.

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Lady Door

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #127 on: March 13, 2013, 03:44:31 AM »
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #128 on: March 13, 2013, 05:11:49 AM »
Mind: blown.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #129 on: March 13, 2013, 02:13:36 PM »
This is a really amazing game concept.  I can't wait for the finished version.  I'm going to try the print-and-play version with my friends this weekend!


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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #130 on: March 13, 2013, 03:16:33 PM »
Honestly, the more I think about the project, the more it kind of bugs me. I think Ash stated it best when she said that the problem with it is, no matter what the punchline is, it is on the people who don't get it, which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The distressingly easy to arrive at "English Major" conclusion that this is mocking Kickstarter in general is also a bit bothersome.

I'm curious to see what the actual punchline is, but the whole thing just doesn't sit well with me.


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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #131 on: March 13, 2013, 03:24:31 PM »
The first part of the punchline is parting people from their money.

The second part of the punchline is that when you do things ironically you're still in fact doing it.  Which is more of a life lesson than a punchline.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #132 on: March 13, 2013, 04:40:00 PM »
Honestly, the more I think about the project, the more it kind of bugs me. I think Ash stated it best when she said that the problem with it is, no matter what the punchline is, it is on the people who don't get it, which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The distressingly easy to arrive at "English Major" conclusion that this is mocking Kickstarter in general is also a bit bothersome.

I'm curious to see what the actual punchline is, but the whole thing just doesn't sit well with me.

If punch lines coming at the expense of the stupid makes you uncomfortable you must be squirming uncomfortably 24/7.

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #133 on: March 13, 2013, 05:31:43 PM »
Honestly, the more I think about the project, the more it kind of bugs me. I think Ash stated it best when she said that the problem with it is, no matter what the punchline is, it is on the people who don't get it, which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The distressingly easy to arrive at "English Major" conclusion that this is mocking Kickstarter in general is also a bit bothersome.

I'm curious to see what the actual punchline is, but the whole thing just doesn't sit well with me.

If punch lines coming at the expense of the stupid makes you uncomfortable you must be squirming uncomfortably 24/7.

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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #134 on: March 13, 2013, 09:47:34 PM »
The confusing part is that they explain the mechanics some.  Games are not clothes.  A complete description of a game amounts to the existence of a game; a complete description of clothing does not amount to jack shit.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

Lady Door

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #135 on: March 13, 2013, 09:56:57 PM »
Honestly, the more I think about the project, the more it kind of bugs me. I think Ash stated it best when she said that the problem with it is, no matter what the punchline is, it is on the people who don't get it, which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The distressingly easy to arrive at "English Major" conclusion that this is mocking Kickstarter in general is also a bit bothersome.

I'm curious to see what the actual punchline is, but the whole thing just doesn't sit well with me.

If punch lines coming at the expense of the stupid makes you uncomfortable you must be squirming uncomfortably 24/7.

Not at the expense of the stupid -- at the expense of the uninformed or uninitiated. Board gaming has a real elitism problem, and this project seems to enjoy poking fun at people who aren't "in the know" by writing a joke that is accessible only to those who are already in the know and understand the problem. Based on a few of the publicity articles I've read, the "idea" behind the "game" is for you and another initiate to go out and play it in the wild. And then... I don't know, laugh at the people who ask you what the hell you're doing?

I am not a fan of modern art, so it is safe to say I'm not the target market for this anyway. I am especially sensitive to things that prey upon trust, and Emperor's New Clothes seems hell bent on abusing the trust of people who want to support board games. All of the "thatsthejoke.jpg" rejoinders to the protest against what they're doing only infuriates me more, and I fully realize that my being furious about it only adds to their enjoyment. Fuck it.

They're exploiting Kickstarter, exploiting backers, exploiting gamers, and making a joke at the expense of people who have no hope to understand it and who, once they did understand, would have no interest in joining the community that left such a bad taste in their mouth. It has nothing to do with a sense of humor.
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #136 on: March 13, 2013, 10:21:16 PM »
Dude, you're not seeing the clothes? They're beautiful! What's wrong with you people?

To be fair, a set of blank everything for a board game seems a good starter kit for making your own board game. Just use markers and stuff to draw on them!

Lady Door

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #137 on: March 13, 2013, 10:25:15 PM »
Others have made that point. There are already places that exist to supply that market, too. Fun stuff for rapid prototyping.

But you're buying a story here, buying into a joke, not just buying materials.
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #138 on: March 13, 2013, 10:30:31 PM »
I don't see it that way at all.  To be "in the know" about the joke, you need to have some familiarity with the story of the emperor's new clothes.  But pretty much everyone does, and for those who don't, the youtube video at the top explains it.  I have trouble seeing how this is preying on the stupid - or the credulous - because it is hard to imagine anyone so stupid or credulous that they believe there is really content there that they somehow are unable to see.  I would venture to say that anyone who claims to have been fooled into believing that is a troll, or someone who funds kickstarters without even taking a cursory glance at the content.

I don't see this as mocking kickstarter any more than lo those many faked facebook pages explaining Downton Abbey through likes, unfriending and the like is making fun of facebook.  The joke is in transporting an existing piece of fiction into a new setting, to humorous effect, and talking about the subject matter in a way that iterates the subject matter's unique characteristics.  (There must be a term for that because it's a technique that is used all the time - One of my History teachers once left a comment on my paper, "Good writing, but you made to many spelling mistakes" - but I'm drawing a blank.)
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

Lady Door

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #139 on: March 13, 2013, 11:15:24 PM »
Yes, but take another step further: you know the joke, so what is it saying when it's applied to the board game in this way? And why use Kickstarter to do it?

Mocking Kickstarter is a stretch -- but they are exploiting it. Kickstarter is doing well, but it's still in a vulnerable balancing point (perceptual and functional) between legitimate way of funding a business too risky to be commercially viable in a traditional market; and as an easy front for con-men to fleece the unsuspecting. That's painting with broad, bold strokes, but you get the gist. A project like this, where the thing you are funding isn't the thing it says it is, where you are "paying" money to contribute to a joke and participate in a guerilla theater performance under the guise of contributing to the production of a new game, is precisely what Kickstarter does not need.

Kickstarter has a unique problem in that it is nothing more than a patronage system, but a lot of contributors complain when the product they paid for (not "the project they funded," mind -- the "product they paid for") does not appear, or takes longer to appear than what they were promised. If you have ever heard the word "scam" thrown about in conjunction with Kickstarter, you have seen this at work. They usually aren't talking about how that person took their money and ran away with it; they're talking about how that person took their money, tried the idea in a way they thought would produce results, then had nothing to give to their backers. It's inherent in the "backer rewards" system to expect the quid pro quo, but Kickstarter explicitly promises nothing. Kickstarter is modern patronage. You invest, you do not purchase -- or at least that's how Kickstarter wants to be. Kickstarter is fully aware that they make money because there are plenty of businesses willing to pay a premium to have proof-of-market with no risk.

In one way, Emperor's New Clothes is pretty clever at using Kickstarter in a most literal way: they are taking money in exchange for participation in a piece of art. In another, ENC is proving to those folk who want product they pay for that some things on Kickstarter take a lot more thought than just putting down some cash. As much as it may not be in tune with the idealist version of Kickstarter's purpose, it needs those people who are happy to drop money on every project that catches their fancy. Transparency and building trust are Kickstarter's keystones.

I do not dislike ENC as an idea. I dislike ENC in its execution on Kickstarter.
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #140 on: March 13, 2013, 11:52:54 PM »
Throw an unattainable goal (1 BILLION dollars) on there and I imagine the joke would be in better taste.
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #141 on: March 14, 2013, 12:54:29 AM »
In one way, Emperor's New Clothes is pretty clever at using Kickstarter in a most literal way: they are taking money in exchange for participation in a piece of art. In another, ENC is proving to those folk who want product they pay for that some things on Kickstarter take a lot more thought than just putting down some cash. As much as it may not be in tune with the idealist version of Kickstarter's purpose, it needs those people who are happy to drop money on every project that catches their fancy. Transparency and building trust are Kickstarter's keystones.

I do not dislike ENC as an idea. I dislike ENC in its execution on Kickstarter.

I just don't see this as an erosion of transparency or trust like you do.  Like pretty much every Kickstarter out there, whether a person who browses the page gives money or not is based on whether they like what they see, whether the pitch is effective.  The presentation is satire, tongue firmly planted in cheek, but at the end of the day they HAVE made a promise: you give us money and we'll give you a box full of blank cards - call it a gaming kit or a souvenir or a campaign t-shirt or whatever - and you get product updates sent to your email.  It's tangible, and it will take actual work on the part of the developer.  That is what they are selling.  I believe every single person who contributed money understands that that is what they're buying.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #142 on: March 14, 2013, 01:41:39 AM »
Honestly, the more I think about the project, the more it kind of bugs me. I think Ash stated it best when she said that the problem with it is, no matter what the punchline is, it is on the people who don't get it, which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The distressingly easy to arrive at "English Major" conclusion that this is mocking Kickstarter in general is also a bit bothersome.

I'm curious to see what the actual punchline is, but the whole thing just doesn't sit well with me.

If punch lines coming at the expense of the stupid makes you uncomfortable you must be squirming uncomfortably 24/7.

Not at the expense of the stupid -- at the expense of the uninformed or uninitiated. Board gaming has a real elitism problem, and this project seems to enjoy poking fun at people who aren't "in the know" by writing a joke that is accessible only to those who are already in the know and understand the problem. Based on a few of the publicity articles I've read, the "idea" behind the "game" is for you and another initiate to go out and play it in the wild. And then... I don't know, laugh at the people who ask you what the hell you're doing?

I am not a fan of modern art, so it is safe to say I'm not the target market for this anyway. I am especially sensitive to things that prey upon trust, and Emperor's New Clothes seems hell bent on abusing the trust of people who want to support board games. All of the "thatsthejoke.jpg" rejoinders to the protest against what they're doing only infuriates me more, and I fully realize that my being furious about it only adds to their enjoyment. Fuck it.

They're exploiting Kickstarter, exploiting backers, exploiting gamers, and making a joke at the expense of people who have no hope to understand it and who, once they did understand, would have no interest in joining the community that left such a bad taste in their mouth. It has nothing to do with a sense of humor.

Seems like you are the problem, then, because all that stuff you said is what makes it funny. It does, in fact, have everything to do with your sense of humor if you need to get all uppity about PREYING ON TRUST!!! when people make a game that is clearly 50% performance art. Nobody is going to get their fucking box and shout "BUT THESE CARDS ARE ALL BLANK! I WAS LIED TO!" Anyone who doesn't get the joke probably doesn't have control of their own bank account in the first place.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 01:45:08 AM by Nelson Mandingo »

Lady Door

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #143 on: March 14, 2013, 07:26:27 AM »
blah blah blah

I just don't see this as an erosion of transparency or trust like you do.  Like pretty much every Kickstarter out there, whether a person who browses the page gives money or not is based on whether they like what they see, whether the pitch is effective.  The presentation is satire, tongue firmly planted in cheek, but at the end of the day they HAVE made a promise: you give us money and we'll give you a box full of blank cards - call it a gaming kit or a souvenir or a campaign t-shirt or whatever - and you get product updates sent to your email.  It's tangible, and it will take actual work on the part of the developer.  That is what they are selling.  I believe every single person who contributed money understands that that is what they're buying.

You verify a physical product is being offered and are dodging the marketing of it, which you shouldn't ignore if you're also trying to make the point that the use of the story in this project -- the marketing -- is the point.

a different blah blah blah

Seems like you are the problem, then, because all that stuff you said is what makes it funny. It does, in fact, have everything to do with your sense of humor if you need to get all uppity about PREYING ON TRUST!!! when people make a game that is clearly 50% performance art. Nobody is going to get their fucking box and shout "BUT THESE CARDS ARE ALL BLANK! I WAS LIED TO!" Anyone who doesn't get the joke probably doesn't have control of their own bank account in the first place.

As I said, I am definitely not the "target market" for the joke.  This project obviously wasn't going to be one I would spend my money on. But I do regularly use Kickstarter and support projects, including board games.

And you're missing the core of it: it is not bad that they are selling a box of blank cards and some blank dice. It's not even about "getting the joke." It's about who the joke is on, and who it's aimed at, and what they're trying to accomplish by making it.


It's pretty clear I'm in the minority on this. Most people are plenty willing to go "Oh, the whole thing is like Emperor's New Clothes, but with a game! And I'm not fooled! Hahah! Look at the puns -- ROOS and Hoke's Games!" and move on, either pledging money or not as they see fit. So, fine. I asked!

I do not see it that way, though, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Hopefully I am in the minority.
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #144 on: March 14, 2013, 07:46:23 AM »
I see it as an unfunny joke that made someone a cool 4k on top of production costs.

It is a pretty douchey joke that is being made in a total dick way.  Bonus points to parting other douches with their money to do it.

So hooray for circle jerk of bland joke?

Edit - obviously if it was a dick joke it would be far more flavorful.  A good dick joke is always salty.
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #145 on: March 14, 2013, 07:50:02 AM »
I'm not missing the core of anything, you're just overreacting. Were you expecting everyone to say "oh but you're right, weird postmodern jokes dressed up as games are wrong and infringe upon the SACRED BOND OF TRUST that Kickstarter is based on!" or something? This board has an entire thread devoted exclusively to mocking strangers who are dumber than the poster. A game based on the idea of seeing how far people will go along with something that is patently ridiculous is not even going to register with most of us. You have to do a lot more than "gag disguised as a product" to trip my alarm. Let me know when someone is kickstarting sequels to Swap.avi and I'll get all up in arms.

Lady Door

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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #146 on: March 14, 2013, 08:24:37 AM »
I was hoping someone could explain that it was making a point I was missing. The answer seems to be no, it's exactly what it looks like. Which is impressively ironic.


I see it as an unfunny joke that made someone a cool 4k on top of production costs.

It is a pretty douchey joke that is being made in a total dick way.  Bonus points to parting other douches with their money to do it.

So hooray for circle jerk of bland joke?

Edit - obviously if it was a dick joke it would be far more flavorful.  A good dick joke is always salty.
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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #147 on: March 14, 2013, 09:20:20 AM »

Somehow, Drakengard 3?
- Same director as Drakengard 1/2/Nier
- Main character 1 is probably younger Kaine from Nier with a flower growing out of her eye
- Main Character 2 is Manah from Drakengard
- Graphics are terrible
- Hoping for: Babies, weapon stories, Nier music and a translation.


Not sure I mentioned this before.
Fully realized Mario 64 music
The video makes me laugh everytime:
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 09:34:30 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #148 on: March 14, 2013, 03:50:33 PM »
Drakengard 3 better come out on 360. Maybe after Nier the battle system will upgrade from being tolerable to good.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Miscellaneous Links from 2013
« Reply #149 on: March 14, 2013, 04:46:24 PM »

Discussion is vaguely interesting, to me, at least. How to best deal with the sticky issue of champ selection with 5 random strangers and minimize toxic behavior.