In honor of the DL's third favorite Canadian, now departed from us forever, we hold this memorial tournament on, as he would have wanted, a completely random occasion.
In the interest of fitting the tourney into my usual update scheme, I'm going to be taking 32 total characters for weekly elimination. While there will probably be some events that are team-based rather than 1-on-1, each week we'll eliminate half the contestants until one champion remains.
Events will mostly be lifted directly from Excal's old topics, but if people have ideas feel free to toss them up.
What I'd like from everyone is Five Characters. Characters can be anything definable as a character, from any reasonable source. Games, movies, books, etc. Try to keep it fictional, or at least memetic. For example, Stephen Colbert or Teddie Roosevelt would be okay, Barack Obama or Grefter not so much.
I'll be getting back on the sunday schedule, so probably updating in 9 days time, although given the relatively small field I suppose I could get things started this coming sunday if the response is sufficiently overwhelming.