
Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104  (Read 3561 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:57:09 PM »

"I see I've made things too easy around here! For yet another to come so close... Very well! I will give you a fair fight... but I will take away that which would have allowed you even a brief respite!"

Link to the Dungeon Wiki!

**Full Heals reset limit and other types of gauges when teams pass through them.
**Characters that join after the start are locked into the relative stats they have at that time until they would officially join.

Team Pyro | Bartz, Hilda, Eiko, Jean, Marco (Body Charge)
[Bartz: (Mime) !X-Magic !Mix !Time (Red Mage) (Ninja) (Monk) (Samurai)]
Floor 10: Monad
"Ah, but this wouldn't be any fun if you just lost immediately, would it? Let's see your hopes dashed against the rocks."
*Bartz has Hermes Sandals and Jean has White Dragon Protect
***Ragu loses his first two actions and may not use One Trillion Degrees until the 10th average speed turn.
Team Pyro vs. Lady, Malice Gilbert and Malice Killer
Team Pyro vs. Ragu O Ragola (WA4)
Team Pyro vs. Laggy Fantasy Tactics Altima, Queklain & Hashmalum
Team Pyro vs. Margaret (P4)
Team Pyro vs. Nyarlathotep, Nyx Avatar, Erebus (P3:FES) and Izanami

Team Random | Yuna, Lucian, Shiho, Rune and Mew(MT)
Floor 2b: Magical Mystery
[Mew: Brick Break, Shock Wave, Water Pulse, Aerial Ace]
Team Random vs. FFT Wizard, FF1 Black Wizard, FF5 Black Mage and Vivi
Team Random vs. Nina1, Nina2 and Nina3
Team Random vs. Lemina, Mia, Ronfar, Jessica and Luna
Team Random vs. Sarah (S3), Cleo and Bernadette
Team Random vs. Lyon and Nergal

Team Dune | Tir, Orlandu, Maxim, BoF3 Nina and FFT Priest (SSL)
Floor 3a: Unified Strength
**On this floor, party and enemy HP is pooled together and increased by 2x. Status still works as normal in order to knock people out. If someone is fatally statused, likewise if a character is hit with gravity, that health should be removed from the pool.
Team Dune vs. Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo and Ayla
Team Dune vs. FFT Knight, Samurai, Time Mage and Chemist
Team Dune vs. Citan, Billy, Bart and Rico
Team Dune vs. Adramelk, Velius and Queklain
Team Dune vs. Zog and Sara

Team Super | Ted, Zerase, Chemist (MT), Ninja, Tia
Floor 3b: Divide and Conquer
**On this floor, any characters that lose their battles may not be used on the final two fights of the floor. Characters go to the final fights at whatever stats they were when their fight ended.
Ted vs. Guv (no Call Team)
Tia and Chemist vs. Krin and Karn
Zerase and Ninja vs. Rand, Ox and Momo
Team Super vs. Barubary
Team Super vs. Shadow Yukiko

Speed? - The effective speed of one character is set to 120% (1.2x) average speed. This number may be further increased by Haste effects.

Status Symbol Law - Team is fully status, debuff and ID immune, but has damage done to them increased by 1.1x and damage done by them decreased to .9x.

Multitarget - One person on the team's actions all become Multitargetted. However, the damage of regular attacks, the healing of all spells that restore HP or MP, the status rates of status spells or attacks and the effect of buffs or debuffs (rounded down to the nearest half point in the case of Pokemon) is reduced by 33%. (Deadly Fingertips has a 67% chance of inflicting ID for example) Moves that were originally MT are not affected by this. This sealstone may be moved. In the case of revival, this affects the amount of HP restored, not the chance of revival occuring. Moves that have two types of effects (healing + buffing) are both decreased.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 11:43:44 PM »
Team Pyro vs. Lady, Malice Gilbert and Malice Killer: A couple different ways to win. Bartz gets two turns before they move, Marco and Jean get 1 before any of them move. Either Meteo+Reset to kill Lady fast, Meteo Spam straight out to kill Lady (An X-Mag/Quick Meteo Spam averages without Reset 27K, even /4, that's *nuts*). Marco could also pass to Eiko for a Madeen summon to hurt them along with Jean's ST damage and some Bartz damage control to make sure Killer is the only one standing. Alternatively, Bartz can Giant Potion (which is not dispellable and hence does not trigger Lost Progress) -> Holy Breath to put ITD hurting on them to the tune of 4500 a pop before Quick is considered. Lots of options.
Team Pyro vs. Ragu O Ragola (WA4): Ragu's first two turns being cancelled means Bartz gets one, which is used to Haste the team, Slow Ragu (he's vulnerable to Slow!), and apply other buffs or start damaging him. Bartz can use Breaths to deal ITD damage to him or bust his defense with the Split Shell mix, or grant the entire team Fire immunity via common mixes and go in for the long haul. Hilda, Eiko, Bartz, and Marco can all provide healing as need be, while Ragu will be OHKOing no one after a buff or two is thrown around. Not a problem. Thank god for 2x Haste/Slow stacking.
Team Pyro vs. Laggy Fantasy Tactics Altima, Queklain & Hashmalum: Bartz Hastes the entire team to make sure they get plentiful turns before the enemy acts. They are all also vulnerable to his Slow! Between that, buffing, healing, and selective damage dealing the fight is very controllable. Eiko has Dispel for Altima's buffs.
Team Pyro vs. Margaret (P4): I may just blitz her to death? Hilda has MT healing and she's vulnerable to Slow (debilitations) too. Yeah.
Team Pyro vs. Nyarlathotep, Nyx Avatar, Erebus (P3:FES) and Izanami: Hastega, Slowga, Buff. Bartz gives ID immunity to the lowest-level person on my team (or Heavy status if you see Nyarly's ID trick as ignoring normal immunity!). None of these bosses has a Dispel in form 1. Izanami has inaccurate Silence status but that's not a problem because Bartz and Hilda and Marco immune it and have healing for it and such. Their MT damage is met with plentiful durability buffing and healing. With their speed halved, the team's doubled, and durability doubling Mixes/Carbuncles around, it isn't scary. When one of the bosses is form-shifted into it's next form, the team blitzes the fuck out of it to quickly polish it off. Nyx can safely be saved for last and is NOT a threat to this team alone. Moonless Gown is a limit in the last form that I will be blasting past via buffing/debuffing. Most of Bartz' mix buffs are actually undispellable too.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 11:48:07 PM »
No final aftergame bonus for Team Pyro?  I see.

Team Pyro should easily defeat fight 1 (SH3) with Bartz blitzing.  Fight 3 is also doable, tentatively - Damage Split is an issue but Pyro should be able to kill Quek & Hash, and then turtle against Altima2 while Wall is up.

I am really not sure Pyro can handle Ragu or Margaret, though.  Ragu losing his first two turns = Bartz BARELY gets the first turn, but Ragu gets like 2 more turns anyway before the rest of the party goes.  So Bartz needs to use Hastega, and even then, Ragu is still insanely fast and I don't believe that Team Pyro can stop him from 2HKOing whoever he wants.  (WDP doesn't work because he has a backup physical, and Marco's buffs aren't good enough to stop the 2HKO.)  Basically, if it's even possible to keep up with Ragu's damage, it will be tying up all of Team Pyro's turns, and now they ahve a 10-turn limit on the fight to actually win.  Maybe Bartz has a broken mix to help here?

Margaret - I don't see Summon in Bartz's set, so that means no Golem.  If Margaret has enough HP, once she "limits" at 50% HP, Team Pyro is going to eat Power Charge -> Hassou Tobi -> oops everyone's dead.  I guess Eiko can save one, maybe two people with Protect...  or maybe Quick / Meteo / Meteo / Meteo / Meteo / Meteo spam is just crazy enough to blitz Margaret out....  that seems fairly possible, actually, Margaret is only 9 PCHP or so, so blitzing past 4.5 PCHP in 2 turns might be doable with Marco on Turn Shifting duty.  Still seems closeish.

The Persona fight is only worth thinking about if Pyro can beat Ragu & Margaret.  Awaiting arguments.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 11:52:24 PM »
Pyro: I seem to recall Tide saying that Ragu was immune to every single status effect in WA4.  If what you mean is "Ragu is affected by hex status such as Slow Down," that only would work for stat debuffs, not an actual status like Slow.  So no Slow hype here.  Likely the same with Margaret, she's vulnerable to P4 stat debuffs, but is she vulnerable to FF5 status?  Not exactly the same thing.  (Same reason as, say, Grandia status immunity on PCs never catching stat debuffs in those games...)

How is Bartz giving ID immunity / Heavy status out?  A Mix I assume, but which one, what's it require, etc.?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 12:07:53 AM »
FF5 Slow is very very good. Few enemies or even bosses immune it and I see no reason whatsoever to give Ragu a pass on that.

Life Guard mix grants ID immunity off storeboughts. Dragon Kiss grants Heavy status with a Dragon Fang, which are a 100% drop from an abundant enemy.

Bartz also has a mix (Dragon Armor) that gives Shell/Protect/reflect that does not wear off with time (reflect does)

Giant Drink Mix is the only questionable Mix as it uses an Elixer. But it is not like I need it except MAYBE against Ragu? And it is Floor 10. And if Bartz does that he has up to ~5x durability with effectively full Regen... A gigantic 'fuck you' to any fight.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 12:14:18 AM »
Ragu immunes literally everything in WA4, so I see no reason to see him NOT immune to it.

Hex-based things work on everything and aren't really comparable.

Random Consonant

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 12:46:54 AM »
Team Pyro | Bartz, Hilda, Eiko, Jean, Marco (Body Charge)
[Bartz: (Mime) !X-Magic !Mix !Time (Red Mage) (Ninja) (Monk) (Samurai)]
Floor 10: Monad
"Ah, but this wouldn't be any fun if you just lost immediately, would it? Let's see your hopes dashed against the rocks."
*Bartz has Hermes Sandals and Jean has White Dragon Protect
***Ragu loses his first two actions and may not use One Trillion Degrees until the 10th average speed turn.
Team Pyro vs. Lady, Malice Gilbert and Malice Killer
Team Pyro vs. Ragu O Ragola (WA4)
Team Pyro vs. Laggy Fantasy Tactics Altima, Queklain & Hashmalum
Team Pyro vs. Margaret (P4)
Team Pyro vs. Nyarlathotep, Nyx Avatar, Erebus (P3:FES) and Izanami - Well I'm convinced.

Team Random | Yuna, Lucian, Shiho, Rune and Mew(MT)
Floor 2b: Magical Mystery
[Mew: Brick Break, Shock Wave, Water Pulse, Aerial Ace]
Team Random vs. FFT Wizard, FF1 Black Wizard, FF5 Black Mage and Vivi - Well the prevailing thought here was "well Brick Break is 75 power that's gotta be pretty good by F2 standards and Mew stats still good so let's have Mew+Rune MT smash stuff"
Team Random vs. Nina1, Nina2 and Nina3 - Well Nina1 probably does something here but I don't think it's likely to stick to any chance-ruining effect.
Team Random vs. Lemina, Mia, Ronfar, Jessica and Luna - 3/5ths of these people are basically useless.
Team Random vs. Sarah (S3), Cleo and Bernadette - Well I'm pretty sure that these people don't make a lot of headway.
Team Random vs. Lyon and Nergal - Mew+Rune MT smash stuff again.

Team Dune | Tir, Orlandu, Maxim, BoF3 Nina and FFT Priest (SSL)
Floor 3a: Unified Strength
**On this floor, party and enemy HP is pooled together and increased by 2x. Status still works as normal in order to knock people out. If someone is fatally statused, likewise if a character is hit with gravity, that health should be removed from the pool.
Team Dune vs. Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo and Ayla
Team Dune vs. FFT Knight, Samurai, Time Mage and Chemist
Team Dune vs. Citan, Billy, Bart and Rico
Team Dune vs. Adramelk, Velius and Queklain
Team Dune vs. Zog and Sara - Unless some of the stuff needed here is earlier than I think it is, this seems like a questionable prospect.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 05:19:28 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 01:06:03 AM »

vs. Guv (no Call Team)- Think Ted has a shot of judgement. *boom*
Tia and Chemist vs. Krin and Karn- Krin/Karn can't really overwhelm auto potion. They can frag Tia, but it's not enough. Chemist revives Tia before the end.
Zerase and Ninja vs. Rand, Ox and Momo- Zerase should splatter everyone but Rand. Ninja can finish Rand off.
Team Super vs. Barubary- Barubary shouldn't be able to threaten a whole team.
Team Super vs. Shadow Yukiko- BREATH OF ICE HYPE YES Actually no. Chemist restores MP, Ted/Zerase murder puny boss.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2013, 01:10:15 AM »
Slow is utterly awesome and works on near-every boss in the game, WA4 Slow-Down works on near every boss in the game (including Ragu). The parallel makes itself. And classifying something as a 'Hex status' and thus declaring that it bypasses all immunities while the bosses that get hit with it are suddenly immune to very similar/the same status from other games that also hits bosses is kind of cheating the system.

Assuming Ragu isn't subject to Slow... The entire team is Hasted, Bartz Doubles his HP/Grants himself Shell/Protect/Regen/Fire Absorption and has ~500% durabilty. Not even Ragu is busting through that much shit. Alternatively he may kill Ragu with Meteos/Reset? It's not like killing Ragu fast and hard isn't a perfectly viable strategy In-Game.

As far as fighting him without the one Giant Potion... WDP makes his magic less viable while Armor/Shell/Carbuncle makes his damage stick less. And Hastega is a wonderful thing to have. Since I have 4 full-healers and 4 revivers I stand a better chance than anything else I can think of. Ragu's goal would be to kill Bartz, But Double-durability Bartz takes 4 Agony Effects to down (and has Flat Block %evade/pdur to screw with his physicals, and automatically regens all HP on any turn he casts Quick (Quick+Regen status = Full Regen). Since Ragu doesn't Triple Bartz, he can't really take him down except by *maybe* getting really lucky on his physical string. And Bartz has team-mates too! I should note that OTD is NOT A THREAT to the team, as Bartz's Fire Absorption mix lasts forever, even after being Killed-revived (same thing with Giant Potion, Heavy Status, and ID Immunity mix)

Margaret has no way to get rid of buffs, which include FF5's damage halving Protect (no mixes even required, it comes with X-Magic). She won't be a problem.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 01:13:13 AM by Pyro »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2013, 01:25:12 AM »
Slow does not work on near-every boss in the game, closer to about half of them past world 1 (and there's a few more it works on but has awful hit rates against). In particular, it has about a 1% hit rate on Shinryu and Omega, who feel like the relevant comparison points here.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2013, 01:36:40 AM »
Alternatively, Bartz can Giant Potion (which is not dispellable and hence does not trigger Lost Progress)

I think you win this fight anyway, but why would you think that?  Lost Progress triggers on any buff and then tosses a dispel + damage that way.  Are there undispellable SH3 buffs that don't trigger LP?

For Ragu, there's a semi-reasonable argument - I'm hesitant to hype G1 Feena as slow-immune when what passes for Grandia slow works on her.  However, if *some* enemies in FF5 immune Slow, that really gives me cause to think Ragu would immune Slow as well - it's an immunable status, Ragu immunes all immunable status.

That said.  Okay, Mix hax might deal with Ragu, since it seems Pyro does have a way to buff against the 2HKO that's better than Eiko (who will be busy on healing duty + her buff duration is crap and all). 
Bartz: Hastega.
Ragux2: Kill Marco.  (Needs to knock the Haste off the turn-shifter.)
Jean: Twiddle thumbs.  (WDP doesn't help, attacking triggers deadly counters.)
Eiko: Summon Madeen Carbuncle?  (Not really useful unless Shell is up too, but why not, this party's healing ignores Reflect.)
Hilda: Revive Marco.
Ragu: Hit Bartz.
Bartz: Wants to sneak Giant Drink/Dragon Armor in on himself, but if Ragu gets 2x turns before a healer gets their turn, Bartz will just die anyway.  (684% speed!)  If he can sneak a buff in - this fight starts looking good as Bartz Dragon Armors everyone and is 4HKO'd, occasionally recasting Hastega, then sets up the fire immunity on everyone before One Trillion Degrees, then uses MP-restore mixes, then sloooowly grinds it out.  Flip side if Bartz would die here - I guess he Dragon Armors Eiko?  Will have to actually math out the turns I suspect to do this properly.

For the Margaret fight - okay so Bartz does have a reliable way of having the team be able to eat Hassou Tobi (Megiadolan was dealt with via White Dragon Protect).  So that's a pass.

For Nyarlathotep, is there any way to immune his ID in-game?  If it's immunity-ignoring ID, I'm not sure why Heavy status would help.  (As Magic Lamp Odin hax proves, Heavy status may not be enough.)  And...  I see, there is a random robe in FF5 that immunes Silence, and Bartz probably doesn't take a big defense hit to equip it.  That will help...  as will Jean spamming White Dragon Protects so long as she isn't Silenced.  I'll note that Meteo is seriously bad in that fight though, since it'll just wake up Nyx Avatar.

Ninja'd by Pyro.  The problem is Bartz SURVIVING to set up all the buffs, I agree he wins if eh does, but Ragu has an insane blitzing game and Bartz cannot afford to open with !Mix.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 01:39:00 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2013, 01:42:55 AM »
Actually, as far as Pyro surviving to setup...  on second thought, WDP isn't useless when it teams up with Eiko's Carbuncle, which adds Protect to everyone.  For a time.  (A time that is probably still short with how FF9 buffs work, e.g., the fact that everyone is hasted doesn't mean the buff lasts any longer).  Still, when Pyro is frantically trying to knock insane-speed 2HKOs to 3HKOs, making Ragu break a WDP shell is still worthwhile.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2013, 01:52:12 AM »
Bosses in the game Slow does not work on: Liquiflame, Atmos (Auto-Haste so yeah), Shoat, the Great Trench boss fight, Apocalypse, and Neo X-death's parts 1/2 (3/4 are vulnerable). That is inclusive enough to justify hitting Ragu, who can be Slow Down'd.
If you want to give him average enemy MEvade that's cool, but not a problem since Reset exists. If Ragu were awesome enough to be "Mocks even status that hits most bosses" he would immune Slow Down and that'd be that, but he doesn't.

Other stuff:

Okay Bartz can do this kind of stuff with his turn, Snowfire:
Hastega -> Quick -> X-Mag(Protect Eiko -> Protect Jean) -> Mix: Dragon Armor (Protect + Shell + Wall) himself. THAT Protect and Shell do not wear off. And all that is 1 turn. Or a single Elixer allowed for Mix would give... Hastega->Quick-> Giant Potion -> Dragon Armor = ~5x Durability, 230% speed himself, fullheals every time he gets a turn, and he just hasted his entire team. Do not underestimate the buffing options available to Time/X-Mag/Mix. They are legion.

And of course Marco can give Bartz a turn to do the same kinds of things anytime he gets a turn. And Bartz could just give him Dragon Armor (Shell+Protect) too instead of buffing Eiko/Jean.

Eiko's Carbuncle can be set up to grant BOTH Shell+Protect. Or Vanish+Protect, Or Reflect+Protect. Any of those three is a viable option. (WDP+Vanish is pretty cool, btw)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 01:59:48 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2013, 01:57:47 AM »
Except, as noted, that Ragu being vulnerable to Slow Down means about as much as Ragu being vulnerable to Fire Emblem tile defense bonuses & penalties.  (Okay, a little more, because WA4 Poison tiles do affect bosses & regular enemies differently.)  Reaaaaaaaaaaally not buying that argument.

That said.  I forgot Quick allows any actions rather than just more spells, and also forgot that Bartz got the Red Mage White Magic spells.  Okay, fine, if Bartz goes first and knocks Ragu down to 4HKOing himself, then sure, he's got it.  (He definitely doesn't bother spreading Protect though, I'd think Quick -> Dragon Armor on himself & Marco would be a higher priority.)  So okay, Team Pyro does probably defeat Ragu.

The question on Nyarlathotep stands though - anyone know how that lowest-level ID works and if it is immunity bypassing?

EDIT: I see that Pyro ninja'd in an edit.  The impression I get from the stat topic is that Carbuncle is *always* Reflect, and if Shell is added it'd replace Protect.  Not that I'd necessarily be inclined to hype that kind of item switching anyway.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2013, 02:00:57 AM »
'Except, as noted, that Ragu being vulnerable to Slow Down means about as much as Ragu being vulnerable to Fire Emblem tile defense bonuses & penalties.  (Okay, a little more, because WA4 Poison tiles do affect bosses & regular enemies differently.)  Reaaaaaaaaaaally not buying that argument.'

If FE chars could generate "Defense->0" tiles on top of enemies by themselves, would you argue the boss is still immune to defense busts from other games because it's a tile effect and not a 'status', which he/she is otherwise immune to? Feels like the more valid comparison.

Shell or Vanish replace Reflect, not Protect. Kind of silly but there you go. And Eiko would just need to pick which one she wanted for the floor.

--       : Ruby Light    = Reflect (+ Protect if full animation)
  Emerald  : Emerald Light = Haste   (+ Protect if full animation)
  Diamond  : Diamond Light = Vanish  (+ Protect if full animation)
  Moonstone: Pearl Light   = Shell   (+ Protect if full animation)

Haste is actually in there too, but I really don't care for obvious reasons.

If Nyarly's ID were 'byass immunity' (which for Persona would be Dark elemental res?) I'd use Dragon Kiss instead of Life Shield, which grants ID Immunity to stuff that normally beats out other kinds of ID Immunity (also grants immunity to Field Removal like Encircle, which is pretty badass, also Gravity).
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 02:08:24 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2013, 02:19:42 AM »
Team Random | Yuna, Lucian, Shiho, Rune and Mew(MT)
Floor 2b: Magical Mystery
[Mew: Brick Break, Shock Wave, Water Pulse, Aerial Ace]
Team Random vs. FFT Wizard, FF1 Black Wizard, FF5 Black Mage and Vivi: Vivi and the FFT Wizard can survive through elemental gimmicks probably. But they can't win by themselves and Lucian KO's one of them anyway.
Team Random vs. Nina1, Nina2 and Nina3: Nina1 can stop a spell once on Nina2. Doesn't matter. Lucian KO's her anyway and Rune/Mew do the rest.
Team Random vs. Lemina, Mia, Ronfar, Jessica and Luna: MT blitz does magic here.
Team Random vs. Sarah (S3), Cleo and Bernadette: Rune has ID, no? BoI+Explosion probably doesn't kill anyway, especially since Yuna can NulFire or something.
Team Random vs. Lyon and Nergal: Lucian KO's you long long time. And then one boss does not scare this team.

Team Dune | Tir, Orlandu, Maxim, BoF3 Nina and FFT Priest (SSL)
Floor 3a: Unified Strength
**On this floor, party and enemy HP is pooled together and increased by 2x. Status still works as normal in order to knock people out. If someone is fatally statused, likewise if a character is hit with gravity, that health should be removed from the pool.
Team Dune vs. Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo and Ayla: Orlandu Armor Breaks Marle or Lucca so his next hit breaks the world. Tir ID's someone who may be annoying (Robo? Anyone really). Or Black Shadow's MT helps. Orlandu is insta-doubling Marle and Lucca here too...
Team Dune vs. FFT Knight, Samurai, Time Mage and Chemist: Orlandu Armor Breaks FFT Knight for additional damage shenanigans (does his damage, and breaks the armor, which does double the normal effect). Tir can't ID anyone but hey Black Shadow is cool. Maxim and Priest healing should manage.
Team Dune vs. Citan, Billy, Bart and Rico: Citan has his weapon broken. Healing handles the rest. Also MP busting. SSL removes Bart's stat busting stuff.
Team Dune vs. Adramelk, Velius and Queklain: The healing is good enough.
Team Dune vs. Zog and Sara: Is the healing good enough? I don't know. Night Sword and Maxim and Priest help, but that's a god awful lot of HP to go through, and Gale spam is pretty mean. Numbers must be crunched.

Team Super | Ted, Zerase, Chemist (MT), Ninja, Tia
Floor 3b: Divide and Conquer
**On this floor, any characters that lose their battles may not be used on the final two fights of the floor. Characters go to the final fights at whatever stats they were when their fight ended.
Ted vs. Guv (no Call Team): Judgement.
Tia and Chemist vs. Krin and Karn: Not so sure here. Krin and Karn together KO Tia. They have a harder time with Chemist, who may solo them. And he can Phoenix Down Tia at opportune times (i.e. where she would get a turn and Krin/Karn wouldn't have a chance to KO her in the interim)
Zerase and Ninja vs. Rand, Ox and Momo: Boomstick -> Ninja cleans up.
Team Super vs. Barubary
Team Super vs. Shadow Yukiko: Neither of these two bosses is that scary for the team.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2013, 02:29:45 AM »
There is no way to resist or block Nyarlathotep's Instant Death.

EDIT2: It might be possible if you block Darkness? But even Reflect: Magic didn't prevent it in-game.

EDIT: also worth noting, Megidolaon goes through Makarakarn in P4 and P3, , I'd see it as piercing WDP and Reflect mechanics.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 02:36:45 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2013, 02:42:55 AM »
I'm pretty sure no numbers need be crunched at all, since Orlandu should solo Sara & Zog handily even if they're allowed to spam their best damage.  (Excalibur from F1 now, and all.)  Dune passes.  EDIT: Or I could misread Unified Strength.  No, Orlandu can't solo those fights.  Abstain for now, although tentatively should still be doable.

I'll buy the Random hype, he also passes.

I'm not sure Chemist > Krin & Karn on Floor 3, Chemist damage is kind of awful, Auto-Potion doesn't kick in consistently in the Dungeon, I'd inflict an item limit < 99 on Chemist for self-healing when Auto-Potion misses since resources are not entirely plentiful on F3.  That said.  Even with Chemist & Tia dead...  does it matter?  This is where Zerase is best, and she gets nukes off pretty fast to clean up Yukiko's helpers, etc. while Ted heals.  So tentative pass for now.

Pyro: I'll let the matter drop since I think you defeat Ragu anyway, but just to go over it again:
WA4 Slow Down: Targets a hex, affects everything in the game that stands on the hex.
FF5 Slow: Targets a character.  Is immuned, is hit by high MBlock, etc.
Ragu: Affected by a hex Slow effect that affects everything in the game.  Not affected by anything that affects some enemies but not others.

Ergo Ragu immunes FF5 Slow, but I'd see him hit by, say, Speed stat debuffs that can't be immuned in their home-game (FFT Knight's Speed Break or Grandia / SMT slow type effects).
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 04:43:32 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2013, 03:57:35 AM »
Nyarly can beat out reflect fine, but WDP is a steps up from regular reflect (way more inclusive in what it gets) and you would need more to bypass that then unreflectable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2013, 04:01:46 AM »
Based on what criteria, exactly? You seem to be arguing that everything you have is superior to other game's evidence in regards to how abilities work.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2013, 04:11:34 AM »
Reflect typically does not work on enemy only or pseudomagic (Jerin's mirror is a good counter example which is why it gets a lot of hype despite being st and short lived)

WDP is similarly very inclusive and hence gets hyped (and P3 has examples of invulnerability that protects against it via fusions? P2 have similar?).

And there is no sin in drawing parallels between WA4 Slow Down and Slow. Here I was arguing that Ragu has an exploitable hole in his status defense (Slow).

Advocating for your team is part of how this works right (haven't really gotten into an argument about pass/fail till now). I won't abandon a possible venue of victory if I can (reasonably) argue it. I feel I have several reasonable paths.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 04:14:29 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2013, 04:47:04 AM »
So how exactly does Unified Strength work? I mean...if party HP is pooled together and then doubled, does that mean that enemies effectively have to do 10 PC HP thereabouts to knock everyone out and that everyone gets knocked out at once? Does MT damage have 5x the effect? How about MT healing?

If FF 5 Slow had trouble with FF 5 bosses, probably wouldn't extend it to WA 4 bosses, but as is, the case is pretty strong for it hitting Ragu (The flip is that I would let Ragu take a turn to move away I guess. Not like that would all that helpful.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2013, 04:56:20 AM »
Unified Strength requires you to deal 10 PCHP to an average 5 person team to KO them. ID and status can still be used individually though. Neph indicated that MT does get multiplied by 5.

That makes Zog/Sara a HELL of a slog, since they have a lot of HP and MT damage between them.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2013, 05:13:24 AM »
I guess enemies are assumed to hit the weakest defense consistently too.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 104
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2013, 05:16:31 AM »
With ST I guess. Hi Nina?