
Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Awakening  (Read 11861 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2013, 01:47:19 AM »
Don't really agree there. Lots of people use a single fixed party (adding/subtracting people when superior new recruits come along or old ones die, but otherwise sticking with the current team).

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2013, 10:37:55 PM »
Don't really agree there. Lots of people use a single fixed party (adding/subtracting people when superior new recruits come along or old ones die, but otherwise sticking with the current team).

This is more or less how I approach FE replays, yeah.  That said, the only reason I wondered about the paralogues was for the seal count, not for EXP count, anyway.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2013, 09:50:51 PM »
Additional note: characters who are level 30 (which excludes most classes) can use a Second Seal to reclass directly into a promoted class. If you limit characters to one seal of any type, Olivia and Donnel want to take advantage of this. It does mean limited weapon ranks for Donnel, but 30/10 Villager->Hero Donnel exceeds his Merc caps by 8-11 points in Str/Spd/Def, soooo. I haven't looked into whether or not this is a good idea for the stone users.

If you allow multiple seals, Donnel likely wants to promote to Hero as soon as you will allow, as 15/10 Villager/Merc Donnel has already capped Speed (and Luck) while being 1 level away from capping Strength.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2013, 07:11:59 AM »
Okay, stat topic has been updated to reflect some changes. In particular:

-Robin has a +Spd -Lck build, which is her most overall beneficial build in the DL. +Spd is obvious. -Lck drops a relatively DL-meaningless stat and the small hits to str/mag are acceptable.
-Robin also has 3 extra levels due to Veteran hype. This change and the previous sum up to make Robin considerably faster and slightly more durable, with unchanged damage (and uh lower critical evade).
-For the PCs who don't promote, I eventually settled on a view which is the average of the two extremes. 30/10 is the absolute minimum they could have to be fair, equal levels to everyone else. Equal exp paints them more as around 30/16 to 30/18. I ended up going with 30/13... i.e. 3 extra levels compared to average, to match them with Robin, as a compromise. The exception is Tiki who is lower-levelled and as such is taken as 30/10 (i.e. equal levels to average). Tiki's still the best PC of this type anyway, she can deal. <.<
-Basilio and Flavia were dropped two levels. I decided not to bother with the 1-level adjustments to the other PCs because they barely matter and I am lazy, plus some views would normalize them a bit anyway. Feel free to randomly tiebreak for/against the PCs in question who could be slightly higher or lower, if you care.

I re-did all the durabilities to account for the new averages (everyone gets a bit worse, since aside from Basilio/Flavia the other changes caused the averages to rise). I won't be doing this again any time soon, i.e. you can consider this PC stat topic to be relatively finalised at this point. If you have other views you want to put forward (e.g. reclassing to different classes) then you'll have to do it yourself or ask very, very nicely.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2013, 11:03:33 PM »
Awesome!  Thanks for the update.

Now, to the asking for stuff part. ;-)  Can you re-include "neutral" Robin in the main stat block as well (even if not included in your averages), and boldly mark the given [+SPD, -LCK] default form as such?  All of the non-promoted recruits already have two stat blocks, so it shouldn't be that confusing.  For those who allow asset / flaw rotation it makes it easier to calculate Robin's potential stats; for those who disallow picking a specific asset / flaw at all, the use is obvious.  (I'd definitely be in favor of using neutral or meta-Robin the averages, but whatever, the cast is so large that it means the speed average is .2 higher than it would normally be, pretty easy to correct for.)

It might also be interesting to have a few sample alternate Robin forms somewhere for the asset rotation case, but obviously they shouldn't all be crammed in the main stat block.  Notably, when Robin wants to max out his or her offense and doubling isn't a concern so +SPD can safely be dropped, [+STR, -MAG] and [+MAG, -STR] come up.  Compared with [+SPD, -LCK], these offer +8 STR or +8 MAG, so Robin's Brave Sword would rise to (38+16=) 54 damage with the beatdown build, and Bolganonne goes to (25+8=) 33 in the mage build.  Note also that picking MAG as a flaw hurts Robin's speed in addition to the obvious dropping SPD as an asset, so beatdown Robin may want to sack a defensive stat instead if that would change doubling math (-HP, -DEF, or -RES).  For Mage Robin, MAG as an asset means speed doesn't drop quite as much as it normally would (-4 Speed, not -6).  All this doesn't matter against the slow-as-molasses or the lightning fast of course.

I'm still not entirely a fan of using Brave weapons - they're storebought for literally one mission, they're expensive and get used up quickly, and the damage average ends up "too high" compared to in-game.  (Nasty enemies do actually take about two & a half hits to kill, so I'd hope for a 2.5 killpoint ignoring doubles of around 60-75 HP.)  Okay, in fairness, you can get them in small quantities a bit earlier from Anna's shops, and - since your conduct in the final mission is never saved anyway - even if you want to do aftergame content, there's nothing stopping you from saving, selling all your old weaponry, using the funds to outfit everyone with Brave weaponry, and who cares if you're broke and have few weapon charges left at the end of the final mission.  But yeah, meh, even if the C24 shop selling B-rank tomes is banned as well (they're storebought for twice as many missions!  Henry & Tharja love you if you allow this but not Braves!), this would make magic more properly scary like it is through most of the game.  My main qualm with this approach is that most of the cast now grabs Killer weapons / Ruin, which also has the potential to do weird things to the average (and/or make the cast totally awesome if ignored in the averages).  If expense is being used as part of the reason to exclude Braves, then Panne & Nowi's XStone+ become a bit more questionable, too (Tiki starts with a Dragonstone+, so she doesn't care).  That said, there's something to be said for consistency of interps, so maybe not worth it to split the votership some more, and allowing Brave weaponry is far from unreasonable considering some of the other crazy endgame inversions the DL has.

I won't be doing this again any time soon, i.e. you can consider this PC stat topic to be relatively finalised at this point. If you have other views you want to put forward (e.g. reclassing to different classes) then you'll have to do it yourself or ask very, very nicely.

Right, let's add the following highly reliable interps to the topic as well:

* "Can I axe you a question."  All characters able to Second Seal to a class capable of using axes are assumed to do so as early as possible (or SS to a class that promotes to a second-tier class that can use axes, etc.).  All characters unable to use axes even with Second Seal use refuse to promote in SHAME and stay stuck at lvl. 20, or their starting level if prepromos.

* "Invisible ties."  All characters are assumed to S-Support Robin and have a Robin paired up with them in the DL, but using switch is banned (this is the dueling league, after all).  They additionally have 3 characters with A-Supports standing next to them (if the character has enough potential supports, of course!  Sorry Anna...) leaving room for the one foolish enemy to attack this band of friends.  Use the solo stat averages to compare them against, of course.  Robin can pick whatever S-support he or she wants.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?  (okay not really.)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 08:04:36 PM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only)
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2013, 12:41:19 AM »
Added some of the more important bosses. Also Cervantes because he was on the same map as other plot important bosses his whiskers compelled me. With science.

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Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only)
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2013, 08:04:31 AM »
Snowfire new interps clearly hatin' on Anna, 0/10
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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only)
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2013, 07:22:41 PM »
SPOILERS blah blah don't read if you don't want to know the identity of the final.

Hmm, the boss topic has a glaring omission...  by which I mean the final boss, of course.  Okay, not really, it's not that close to rankable (unless you're OK) with all sorts of weird legality issues.  Not to mention that there's a perfectly respectable PC form to use instead that's less headachey and used much more of the game, with fewer plot complications involving alternate worlds for those who care.  Anyway, for the fun of it, to get our favorite character out of Low Middle, here's some stats.  A brief comment on the Dragonskin skill first, since it's generally applicable (I guess Validar is listed as having it from Elf's list, though meh to Validar in the DL).  Its damage halving is -absolute-.  There exist psuedo-ITD skills in-game like Luna & Aether, and Dragonskin still works against them.  e.g. you hit a 50 DEF enemy with Dragonskin, Luna proc's, you do an additional 12 damage, not an additional 25 damage.  It just halves absolutely every damage you can throw at it (and rounds down).  As such, I would not see vanilla ITD as negating Dragonskin (it'd still help reduce the Defense stat), and arguably even gravity might not work as usual depending on the home game.  (One of the notable enemies with Dragonskin has a specific weakness only the Exalted Falchion & Parallel Falchion hit, but the swords are not ignoring Dragonskin, they're just getting a huge damage boost.)  Additionally, since Dragonskin stops the "cheese" ways to win that involve rolling the dice and hoping for the best in FEA, I'd see it as putting any enemy with Dragonskin under the "assume boss immunity to disabling statuses" hat.  There's something to it; other Fire Emblem games that actually had status in them tended to have status just fail against enemies who immuned instant death, and sometimes against even more than that (I think Elf claimed Thrones would grant status immunity in some of the FE games.)  YRMV, but figure I'd just throw that out here.










PC averages for SnowFire, 18 mostly stat-capped battle PCs with Limit Breaker skill, no pair-up, no Rally Spectrum [figures in brackets are full average of 20 PCs include 2x healers without Limit Breaker]:
HP: 80 [80]
SPD: 56 [55]
DEF: 50 [47]
* Note that I used some pre-battle Gaius's Confects on most characters but not all, below, giving many characters +2 STR / +2 SPD / +2 SKL.  It's included.  (If I'd been smart, I'd have dumped all the temporary stat boosts on everyone.  Oh well.)
Knock SPD & DEF up ~4-5 points to incorporate pair-up (varies by class, but around that), although fewer total PCs are active then.  Knock all stats up by 4 to incorporate Rally Spectrum (and remove another ~2 PCs from consideration).  See below for damage details.

99 HP
60 STR / 50 MAG / 70 SKL / 70 SPD / 65 LCK / 55 DEF / 55 RES (on 1st turn, effective 58 DEF / 58 RES)
Aether, Counter, Dragonskin, Rightful God, Vantage+
Slightly more than halves all damage.  Reflects effective damage taken at melee range back to the user (i.e. with Dragonskin baked in).  Immune to instant death / "Counter" skill / arguably "status."  Always strikes first when attacked.  65% chance of Aether proc. thanks to Rightful God; first hit restores half the damage it deals to Anna, second hit halves the target's defense.
Durability, with Dragonskin included: Anywhere from .40-.90 PCHP depending on how you scale your Fire Emblem bosses.  See below for details.

Damage below is *ignoring* doubles, figure out if Anna doubles or not according to your own favorite system.  (Speed is listed anyway for evasion purposes.)
* Uberforged Spear: 16 Mt, 90 Hit, Range 1-2.
** vs. 50 DEF, 56 SPD: 26 (.33 PCHP) damage per hit.  ~120% hit chance.  65% chance of Aether -> (26 damage + 13 HP healing) + 51 damage = 77 (.96 PCHP).
** vs. 55 DEF, 61 SPD: 21 (.26 PCHP) damage per hit.  ~110% hit chance.  65% chance of Aether -> (21 damage + 10 HP healing) + 48 damage = 69 (.86 PCHP).
* Uberforged Brave Lance: 18 Mt, 90 Hit, Range 1.  Attacks twice.  Each attack can proc. Aether independently.
** vs. 50 DEF, 56 SPD: 28 (.35 PCHP) damage per hit.  ~120% hit chance.  65% chance of Aether -> (28 damage + 14 HP healing) + 53 damage = 81 (.96 PCHP).  Over 2 attacks, 1.49 PCHP on average.
** vs. 55 DEF, 61 SPD: 23 (.29 PCHP) damage per hit.  ~110% hit chance.  65% chance of Aether -> (23 damage + 11 HP healing) + 50 damage = 73 (.91 PCHP).  Over 2 attacks, 1.39 PCHP on average.

Anna starts with the forged Spear equipped.  (And yes, Anna's forges are impossible for a player to duplicate.)

Starts on a throne [+3 DEF/RES, +20 avoid, +20% max HP regen per turn = 19 HP], but moves once someone enters within range 2 of her.  (aka she still deserves Last Strike, but w/ Throne credit, since she won't go hunting you.)

Evasion: First turn, evades ~55% of attacks vs. solo characters (or pair-up attack activations), ~45% of attacks vs. paired-up leads with nearby characters, ~40% if Rally Spectrum is up.  (This all assumes the Throne.)  Knock 20% off that after the first turn (so ~15% evade vs. Paired-up characters w/ Rally Spectrum, which might become 0% evade vs. an axe.)  Anna's high Luck means she's practically immune to critical hits.  (Excalibur, a tome with +30 Crit, along with a support bonus of +10 Crit, had a 3% chance of triggering a crit on her.  Further area support bonuses could have knocked that to 8% or 13%, I guess.)

Time limit: If Anna & her crew are not defeated within 7 turns, she claims the power of the Supreme Fire Emblem for herself and corners the market on Vulneraries, FOREVER the fight is over.  (You're kicked back to the world map and would have to repeat the entire 5 battle sequence that just ate hundreds of thousands of gold worth of weapon charges, and some extremely-annoying-to-replace regalia weapon charges.  But it's not a Game Over.  I'd still call it a defeat.)

Scaling / Support: Fights 20 PCs (counted singly).  However, she has very significant support in 13 powerful enemies scattered around the map, and the battle occurs only at the end of a 5-battle chain.  Your best weapons are very likely ground down after 4 battles with 'em, especially the forged Brave weapons.  Details: The player starts in the middle; there are 2 Helswath Berserkers who start nearby Anna to the north, 6 Nosferatu Sorcerer tanks to both the east & west (that are super-annoying thanks to Hawkeye, Vengeance, Miracle, Vantage, & Dragonskin of course), and 5 Snipers to the south (don't laugh, they have Counter to mess with closing on them at range 1, Luna+ to make their shots 2HKO everyone, and one of them has the ol' 70 Spd / 70 Def / Brave Bow / Luna+ / Aegis+ / Pavise+ / Vantage+ combo of oh god no).  None of these will charge the player, and they're about two turns of movement away in 3 different directions.  Basically, you CAN send lures to bring 'em closer and use Rescue Staves to shuffle troops around, but with opposition this badass, it's not really trivial to munch through 'em all and then send everyone to face Anna at the end.  (I basically had 2 turns left to kill Anna, 1 to bait her into equipping the Brave Lance with a sacrificial lamb, and the other to kill her at range.  Don't try that on Classic.)

Accuracy: While Anna's accuracy might look good (I'm not entirely sure how to express "overkill hit"), it's beatable in-game, so don't hype it too much.  First off, Dual Guards are kind of like a miss, and you should fight Anna with happily married couples, so there's a flat ~30% chance in-game of her damage just getting nulled in-game.  Additionally, Lancebreaker exists (as does +10-20 Avoid bonuses from Pair-Up / Proximity), and the combo of Lancebreaker + support can knock her down to around a 50% base hit chance even ignoring Dual Guards.  Lancebreaker + support + wielding an Axe is even better.

Damage: Lots of options here, unfortunately, depending on how harsh you want to be.  Assuming you YOLO into the Counter skill for more damage with a Brave Axe rather than hang back at range with a Tomahawk or the like.  [bracket averages include healers]
Damage w/ unforged 9 power Brave weapon (e.g. Brave Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow, Waste, or 4-power Celica's Gale for healers) or Dragonstone+ to 55 DEF / 55 RES (pre-Dragonskin, no skill procs, no evasion, ignoring weapon triangle): 17 [15] (Anna dies to 12.4 PC actions)
Damage w/ forged 14 power Brave weapon (e.g. Brave Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow, Waste, or 9-power Celica's Gale for healers) or Dragonstone+ to 55 DEF / 55 RES (pre-Dragonskin, no skill procs, no evasion, ignoring weapon triangle): 28 [27] (Anna dies to 7.1 PC actions)
Damage w/ forged 14 power Brave weapon (e.g. Brave Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow, Waste, or 9-power Celica's Gale for healers) or Dragonstone+ to 55 DEF / 55 RES (pre-Dragonskin, no evasion, ignoring weapon triangle) if everyone sets Luna and has 55 SKL for 55% trigger chance: 56 [54] (Anna dies to 3.5 PC actions)
Damage w/ forged 14 power Brave weapon (e.g. Brave Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow, Waste, or 9-power Celica's Gale for healers) or Dragonstone+ to 55 DEF / 55 RES (pre-Dragonskin, no evasion, ignoring weapon triangle) if everyone sets Luna and has 55 SKL for 55% trigger chance, has a pair-up for +5 power: 65 [64] (Anna dies to 3.1 PC actions)
Damage w/ forged 14 power Brave weapon (e.g. Brave Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow, Waste, or 9-power Celica's Gale for healers) or Dragonstone+ to 55 DEF / 55 RES (pre-Dragonskin, no evasion, ignoring weapon triangle) if everyone sets Luna and has 55 SKL for 55% trigger chance, has a pair-up for +5 power, and their pair-up attacks 85% of the time: 89 [87] (Anna dies to 2.3 PC actions)

Decide for yourself Anna's durability (and remember that it's slightly higher on the first turn where she has +3 DEF/+3 RES).  The one thing I would recommend that as you "move up" the averages, you reduce the total number of PCs you hold against Anna.  The benefit of Pair-up / Rally / etc. is better stats, but the price is fewer actions.  Also note above comments on support credit distracting some PCs.  Anyway, sample durability scalings:
* "Lenient" - Forged weapons, 4 PCs: (7.1/4) = 1.78 rounds of PC offense = .71 PCHP (.36 without damage-halving) (on turn 1, effective ~0.90 PCHP)
* "Harsh" - Forged weapons + skill procs + pair-up stats + attack, 3 PCs: (2.3 /3) = .77 rounds of PC offense =  .31 PCHP (.16 without damage-halving) (on turn 1, effective ~.34 PCHP)
I personally would probably see Anna as around ~.50 PCHP (~.55 on first turn).

This was all a long way to say "I sure hope you OHKO" here.  Oh and your OHKO better have good accuracy, since Anna's evade is excellent on turn 1.  And not involve a Sword unless it's ITE (lol 35% listed chance to hit, which is even worse due to True Hit).  And you better be able to tank a Vantage'd Aether'd Spear too which is nearly a OHKO.  If you're not inclined to let Dragonskin stop ID-like statuses like Petrify, I guess she mildly fears status whores, though her Resistance is quite good (Dark Fliers were assumed to use their Brave Lances in the damage average, not Celica's Gale or Waste, for good reason).  Anyway, Anna is problematic in-game for reasons that don't exactly translate to the DL, like "needing to slowly and inaccurately chip at her gives her lots of chances to Aether for healing + a delicious corpse" if you want to kill her in a single turn.  Regardless, 70 Speed means she is doubling everyone short of WA4 bosses, and you are going to like it.  Let her get a turn to put a Brave Lance in your skull, and you're looking at 2.8-3.0 PCHP damage or so.  Buffers with anything short of perfect evasion or physical immunity are in trouble.

Low Godlike.  Despite the HP woes, deceptively good; the combination of turn 1 evade and Vantage+ means that even duelers who'd OHKO her either die first or miss rather often.  Fears MT damage and ITE damage, though.

More ramblings:
Everyone having Luna is obviously unrealistic and impossible, some characters will have more than 1 proc and Rightful King, others will have none, but I picked that just because it makes calculations easy, and it's actually rather good in the postgame (after SUCKING HARD in the normal game).

To talk more about Pair-up attacks, the pair-up attacker has a 80-90% chance of joining in (~80% if A-Support, ~90% if S-Support, 50% if no support).  Also note that the damage average probably overstates Sorc damage, as they're affected by accuracy woes worse than everyone else and probably should forge to 13 Power / 70 Acc instead. Even with maximum upgraded accuracy, an A support, and Anathema for -10 AVD for Anna, Henry has like a 42% hit rate; w/ Rally Spectrum it's 55%.  Swordfaire users are also badly off; I have 3x Swordfaire users in the average, but in actual practice vs. Anna on a throne they all want to fall back to some other weapon.  And needless to say, the unforged weapons vs. Anna will have -15 to -25 HIT, which is a bad place to be unless you decide to bait her off the throne first.

I have no idea how to take Anna's defense / resistance as far as "compared to other enemies" like Elf did for his bosses.  You can look up the stats of her goons in the 5 Apotheosis secret battles at Serenes Forest here:
However, a DEF/RES average of these would still be misleading, because huge amounts of these enemies have Aegis+/Pavise+ which makes their durability much better than it might look like at first glance stat-wise (and some have BOTH, which is just another layer of damage-halving after Dragonskin.  Well, except for Pair-up attacks.).

I didn't bother to mention it, but PC Anna's damage above was using a Forged Levin Sword rather than tinking with a Brave Sword.  Damage was still pretty bad since no doubles.  (She was really a 3rd healer who could jump in and help kill something in a pinch if need be.)  No, there isn't special dialogue for the clash of Light and Shadow that is Anna vs. Anna, alas.  For the curious, the PCs I did use (assume married unless stated otherwise) were Paladin Chrom + Sorcerer Robin; Sorc Henry + Falcon Knight Cordelia (not married, just A-support); Manakete Tiki + Assassin Say'ri (A support); Great Lord Lucina + Wyvern Lord Gerome; Paladin Owain + Manakete Nah; Dark Flier Cynthia + Swordmaster Morgan; Sorcerer Laurent + Assassin Severa; Aversa + DLC Ike (no support); DLC Catria as a free-agent who could theoretically Rally Spectrum (if I'd remembered to set it) or team up with Anna to kill stuff; Trickster Anna (mostly a healer), Valkyrie Lissa, Valkyrie Emmeryn (both strict healers / Rescue Staff users, stats irrelevant).

Snowfire new interps clearly hatin' on Anna, 0/10



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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2014, 04:37:40 PM »
EDIT: Revised 7/8/2014 in some regards slightly.  Added confirmation that lunatic hit EXP penalty can result in hit EXP of 0, added dance EXP.

Glancing over at the Serenes Forest forums, it looks like most of the EXP formula for Awakening has been cracked, so here it is roughly (I don't know how thoroughly they tested everything, and there were some notes where observed results were off by 1 point in some cases - rounding error?)  Credit goes to Remnant Sage and Tables from Serenes and everyone else that posted in the thread (

Note: all mentions of PC level here mean internal level.  Internal level is calculated as follows:

(Displayed Level + Promotion Bonus + Stored Levels)

Promotion Bonus is 20 if the unit is promoted.  Stored Levels comes from Second Sealing units - whenever you use a Second Seal, (Displayed Level + Promotion Bonus) is added to Stored Levels.  Stored Levels caps at 20 on Normal Mode, 30 on Hard Mode, and 50 on Lunatic/Lunatic+ Mode.

So, here we go.  It's a bit complicated.  LD is short for level difference and is calculated as (Enemy Level - PC Level).  All decimals are truncated at each step (i.e. round down).

If LD >= 0:
Hit EXP = (31 + LD) / 3
Kill EXP = 20 + LD*3 + Character Bonus + Boss Bonus

If LD = -1:
Hit EXP = 10
Kill EXP = 20 + Character Bonus + Boss Bonus

If LD <= -2:
Hit EXP = (33 + LD) / 3
Kill EXP = 26 + LD*3 + Character Bonus + Boss Bonus

On Normal and Hard modes, minimum hit EXP is 1, minimum kill EXP is 7.  Killing blows give the sum of their hit EXP and kill EXP, so in practice, the minimum EXP you can get from killing an enemy in a single blow is 8.  Maximum EXP from a single action is 100.

Lunatic (and Lunatic+) Mode introduces a scaling penalty to hit EXP (but not to kill EXP): for every time a unit is hit after the third, reduce hit EXP by 1.  This is applied at the end of all calculations.  It can reduce hit EXP to 0, so it is possible for a kill on Lunatic to be only 7 EXP.

Character Bonus is the *lower* of (Unit Bonus + Class Bonus) and Unit Bonus alone.  This means that, for example, a Thief in a character DLC map (unit bonus 20, class bonus 20) has a character bonus of 20, but a Troubadour in such a map (unit bonus 20, class bonus -10) has a character bonus of 10.
Unit Bonus is 20 for Deadlords in chapter 22 and the Infinite Regalia DLC and all enemies in character DLC maps (Champions of Yore, Lost Bloodlines, Smash Brethren and Rogues & Redeemers), and 0 for any enemy in Harvest Scramble excluding the boss.  If the enemy is not included in one of these categories, Unit Bonus is ignored.  (The net effect of this is that the Harvest Scramble unit bonus of 0 overrides the normal class bonus for Revenants.)
Class Bonus is 80 for Revenants, 20 for Thieves/Assassins/Tricksters/Conquerors, and -10 for Troubadours/Clerics/Priests; for all other classes it is 0.
Boss Bonus is 20 for all bosses.

Staff EXP ~= Base EXP + max(Level - 5, 0)/3 + unpromoted bonus

Base EXP varies by staff: 17 for heal, 22 for mend, 30 for physic, 40 for recover, 60 for fortify, 100 for goddess staff, 40 for rescue, 30 for ward, 50 for hammerne, 12 for kneader, 22 for balmwood staff, 35 for catharsis.
Unpromoted Bonus is 8 on Normal Mode, 3 on Hard Mode, and 0 on Lunatic and Lunatic+ Mode.
Dance EXP is calculated the same as staff EXP with a base of 17.  Dancers are NOT considered to be an unpromoted class, so they get no bonus on Normal or Hard mode.

This formula is not exact: it is off by one point at levels 8, 11, and 30 in one direction or another.  The thread theorizes that the game actually internally uses a lookup table for the EXP penalty by level rather than a formula and the values in the table are just typoed at those levels, since staff EXP almost always goes down by 1 at every third level yet levels 27, 28, 29, and 30 all have the same staff EXP (base-8).  To be specific, the formula error is: levels 8 and 11 give 1 less EXP than expected, and level 30 gives 1 more EXP than expected.

Pair Up EXP = Hit EXP * Kill Factor, minimum 1 (This is the EXP gained by a pair up partner after a partner attack hits.  The partner attack must actually happen AND must hit.)

Kill Factor = 1 if the support's attack killed the target, 0.5 if the target was not killed or the main unit's second attack killed the target after the partner attack.

Veteran is applied at the very end of all calculations.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:50:16 PM by Reiska »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2014, 10:05:55 AM »
So the FE13 ROM's been cracked now and we can get exact growths on PCs.

Well, almost.  Like FE12 the values are ciphered and the precise formula for the cipher is not known.  Using the values derived from the guidebook, though, *most* of the data's been puzzled out.  The guidebook presented character growths in the form of a radar graph with each multiple of 5 between 10 and 70 clearly delineated.  A few characters went past 10 or 70 and thus their values had to be estimated; these values are still unknowns since there's no concrete way to verify them until the hackers crack the cipher properly. 

Class growths, which are added on top of the base character growths, are ciphered differently and are not yet confirmed.

The cipher values for all multiples of 5 between 10 and 70 inclusive are known.  The unknowns are:

1) Vaike's RES growth.  Serenes estimated this at 5.  It's clearly low.
2) Flavia's SPD growth.  Serenes estimated this at 45, which it clearly is not.  VincentASM (who's been doing the ROM diving) suspects the actual value is not a multiple of 5.
3) Basilio's SPD growth and Tiki's SKL growth (both are the same value).  Serenes estimated this at 35, which it clearly is not.  VincentASM suspects the actual value is not a multiple of 5.
4) Maribelle/Lucina/Donnel/Anna/Tiki/Prince Marth's LCK growth and Tiki/Priam's HP growth (all of these are the same value).  Serenes estimated this at 80.  It could well be 75, and there's no way to verify since no class has an HP growth of 25.  There is a non-negligible chance this is actually 85 as people have supposedly documented +2 LCK growths on Prince Marth, which would only be possible if this value were 81 or higher.  However, this could also be explained by DLC Marth's asset/flaw - which all DLC/cameo PCs have - being applied to the unique growths assigned to him, as well (he's +Luck/-HP).  More on this in a moment.
5) Gangrel's STR growth.  Serenes previously estimated this at 45.  It's not 45.  It's also not the same as Flavia's SPD growth.  Probably not a multiple of 5.
6) Walhart's HP growth.  Serenes previously estimated this at 75, which it could well be.
7) Gangrel's MAG growth.  Serenes previously estimated this at 30.  It's not 30.  Probably not a multiple of 5.
8) Tiki's SPD growth.  Serenes previously estimated this at 30.  It's not 30.  It's also not the same as Gangrel's MAG growth.  Probably not a multiple of 5.


1) All non-cameo SpotPass PCs have unique growth rates (Gangrel, Walhart, Emmeryn, Yen'fay, Aversa, Priam).  DLC Marth also has unique growth rates.  Marth's Asset/Flaw still apply to his growths, even though he has his own rather than sharing Robin's (thanks to Magey for testing this by verifying Marth can get +0 HP levels).
2) Since there is no internal growth rate data for cameo SpotPass or DLC PCs other than Marth, it can probably be safely assumed that they all use Robin's growths.
3) With the exceptions of the unverifiable numbers above that seem to not be divisible by 5, the growths Serenes originally posted were 100% accurate.

Here's the base growths for the SpotPass PCs and Prince Marth DLC, where known:

Gangrel: HP 40, Str ??, Mag ??, Skl 50, Spd 50, Lck 30, Def 30, Res 30
Walhart: HP ??, Str 60, Mag 10, Skl 30, Spd 30, Lck 45, Def 45, Res 25
Emmeryn: HP 45, Str 10, Mag 55, Skl 40, Spd 40, Lck 70, Def 25, Res 35
Yen'fay: HP 60, Str 45, Mag 10, Skl 45, Spd 50, Lck 60, Def 30, Res 20
Aversa: HP 45, Str 25, Mag 45, Skl 35, Spd 40, Lck 65, Def 30, Res 30
Priam: HP ??, Str 60, Mag 10, Skl 40, Spd 30, Lck 50, Def 40, Res 10
Marth: HP 45, Str 40, Mag 20, Skl 45, Spd 45, Lck ??, Def 35, Res 25 (before the boost from the skill he shares with Donnel)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 08:46:27 PM by Reiska »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2014, 08:49:26 PM »
Here's FE13's DLC characters.  These shouldn't be considered legal for standard tournaments but I figured I may as well document them for specialized tournaments/etc.

The acquirability of all DLC characters varies widely, but the majority of them can effectively be considered aftergame.  I've thus elected to treat them all in a manner which makes them easiest to compare to the normal PC averages for FE13.  Therefore, the following assumptions are made:

* With the exception of Prince Marth, all DLC characters share Robin's growths, up to and including Asset/Flaw calculations.  They are not clones of Robin, strictly speaking, since they do have unique base stats, but definite patterns in the stats will likely be noticeable.
* Prince Marth has his own special growths.  However, he still has an Asset and a Flaw like the other DLC characters and it still modifies his growths.  Prince Marth's base Luck growth is assumed to be 80 (boosted by his Asset to 90).
* All characters are taken at either 20/20 or 30/13, as is appropriate for their class.  Second Seals are not considered except for the purpose of resetting level on non-promoting PCs.  I've chosen these level points so that they can compare (sort of) fairly to the normal PCs' averages.  Ephraim, Celica, Ike, Catria, Palla and Katarina all join at level 20 promoted and thus just get their base stats (which they don't terribly mind).
* Regarding weapon ranks: I've made the same assumptions as the normal topic - unpromoted characters get A in their base weapons and B in any weapons they promote into, and promoted characters or non-promoting characters get A in everything.
* DLC and SpotPass characters are always recruited with empty inventories.  However, I'm inclined to consider any equipment they get while appearing as an enemy in their recruitment battle (both SpotPass and paid DLC versions) legal for them.  This may not matter a whole lot for most of them, as a lot of it is probably inferior to Braves, but I'll note what items apply here regardless for each PC.  Items that are already legal normally aren't listed.

I'll need someone else to calculate the scaled evade/pdur/mdur/double rates (or give me the formula by which Elfboy calculated those in the main topic) and such since I'm not really sure how to go about doing that, though.

DLC Marth (Lodestar)
HP 54.7, Str 39.7, Mag 15.2, Skl 40.05, Spd 40.05, Lck 44.3, Def 25.15, Res 19.5
Skills: Aptitude, Charm (Lodestar does not learn any skills, this is what he starts with.)
Weapon Ranks: Sword A
* Noble Rapier (8 Mt, 85 Hit, 10 Crit, effective vs. mounted and armored, 25 uses)
* King Marth in Lost Bloodlines 3 wields the Exalted Falchion, if you want to consider this.

Roy (Hero)
HP 54.8, Str 29.4, Mag 11.8, Skl 34.2, Spd 30.4, Lck 21.4, Def 22.2, Res 10
Skills: Dual Strike+, Aegis, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Axe B
* Roy's Blade (8 Mt, 95 Hit, 5 Crit, 25 uses)

Roy (Bow Knight)
HP 57.75, Str 29.4, Mag 10.8, Skl 33.2, Spd 30.4, Lck 21.4, Def 18.6, Res 9
Skills: Dual Strike+, Aegis, Patience, Rally Skill, Bowbreaker
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Bow B
* Roy's Blade (8 Mt, 95 Hit, 5 Crit, 25 uses)

Micaiah (Sorcerer)
HP 54.35, Str 14.2, Mag 33.15, Skl 27.5, Spd 26.85, Lck 27.5, Def 18.1, Res 22.1
Skills: Shadowgift, Rally Luck, Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker
Weapon Ranks: Tome A
* Micaiah's Pyre (13 Mt, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 15 uses; grants +2 Def/Res)

Micaiah (Dark Knight)
HP 57.3, Str 19.05, Mag 31.2, Skl 29.5, Spd 27.85, Lck 27.5, Def 20.1, Res 19.15
Skills: Shadowgift, Rally Luck, Anathema, Slow Burn, Lifetaker
Weapon Ranks: Tome A, Sword B
* Micaiah's Pyre (13 Mt, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 15 uses; grants +2 Def/Res)
* note that unlike regular PC Dark Knights, Micaiah can still use dark tomes because of Shadowgift

Leif (Trickster)
HP 54.25, Str 30.55, Mag 29.5, Skl 35.45, Spd 40.35, Lck 35.4, Def 22.7, Res 17.7
Skills: Underdog, Locktouch, Renewal, Lucky Seven, Acrobat
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Staff A
* Levin Sword (10 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses; Mag-based)
* Leif's Blade (4 Mt, 95 Hit, 30 Crit, 20 uses; grants Despoil skill)

Alm (Dread Fighter)
[stats to be filled in later; class growths not available]
Skills: Resistance +10, Aggressor, Rally Resistance
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Axe A, Tome A
* Alm's Blade (15 Mt, 75 Hit, 10 Crit, 10 uses)

Seliph (Swordmaster)
HP 57.4, Str 34.6, Mag 17.3, Skl 33.8, Spd 37, Lck 34, Def 26.2, Res 17.4
Skills: Galeforce, Avoid +10, Charm, Astra, Swordfaire
Weapon Ranks: Sword A
* Seliph's Blade (12 Mt, 90 Hit, 15 Crit, 15 uses; grants +2 Spd/Res)

Elincia (Falcon Knight)
HP 49.1, Str 23.7, Mag 25.7, Skl 32.4, Spd 34.1, Lck 26.7, Def 16.2, Res 23.2
Skills: Charm, Rally Speed, Dual Support+, Renewal, Lancefaire
Weapon Ranks: Spear A, Staff A
Equipment: nothing relevant

Eirika (Bride)
[stats to be filled in later; class growths not available]
Skills: Rally Heart, Bond, Luck +4, Miracle
Weapon Ranks: Lance A, Bow A, Staff A
Equipment: nothing relevant
* She has Eirika's Blade in her Spotpass chapter, but Bride can't equip that.

Lyn (Swordmaster)
HP 53.6, Str 30.2, Mag 12.2, Skl 38.8, Spd 44.4, Lck 27.6, Def 17, Res 15
Skills: Avoid +10, Zeal, Acrobat, Astra, Swordfaire
Weapon Ranks: Sword A
* Sol Katti (8 Mt, 100 Hit, 50 Crit, 25 uses; grants +5 Res)

Ephraim (Great Knight)
HP 71, Str 40, Mag 3, Skl 35, Spd 33, Lck 31, Def 36, Res 10
Skills: Conquest, Outdoor Fighter, Luna, Deliverer, Defender
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Lance A, Axe A
* Ephraim's Lance (11 Mt, 80 Hit, 10 Crit, 20 uses; grants +2 Str/Spd)

Celica (Sage)
HP 53, Str 6, Mag 35, Skl 31, Spd 31, Lck 34, Def 21, Res 25
Skills: Rightful King, Tomefaire, Miracle, Aegis, Dual Support+
Weapon Ranks: Tome A, Staff A
* Celica's Gale (4 Mt, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, effective vs. flying, 20 uses; attacks twice)

Ike (Hero)
HP 76, Str 41, Mag 16, Skl 38, Spd 37, Lck 30, Def 33, Res 18
Skills: Aether, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker, Luna
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Axe A
* Ragnell (15 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses; grants +5 Def)

Eldigan (Paladin)
HP 59.1, Str 30.6, Mag 9.8, Skl 37.9, Spd 29.3, Lck 13.7, Def 31.7, Res 32.8
Skills: Outdoor Fighter, Defender, Charm, Swordfaire, Aegis
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Lance A
* Mystletainn (14 Mt, 85 Hit, 15 Crit, 25 uses; grants +5 Skl)

Est (Falcon Knight)
HP 58, Str 36.9, Mag 20.95, Skl 38.9, Spd 41.5, Lck 36.5, Def 30.4, Res 24.3
Skills: Choose 5 of Galeforce, Aptitude, Underdog, Luck +4, Luna, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire
Weapon Ranks: Lance A, Staff A
Equipment: nothing special
* I'm not bothering to list Dark Flier for Est because there's no reason for her to ever consider it.

Catria (Dark Flier)
HP 58, Str 31, Mag 24, Skl 34, Spd 44, Lck 34, Def 24, Res 18
Skills: Galeforce, Dual Strike+, Lancefaire, Tomefaire, Astra
Weapon Ranks: Lance A, Tome A
Equipment: nothing special

Palla (Falcon Knight)
HP 60, Str 38, Mag 27, Skl 45, Spd 40, Lck 25, Def 27, Res 22
Skills: Galeforce, Counter, Rally Strength, Rally Speed, Sol
Weapon Ranks: Lance A, Staff A
Equipment: nothing special

Katarina (Grandmaster)
HP 56, Str 12, Mag 37, Skl 36, Spd 35, Lck 34, Def 24, Res 25
Skills: Shadowgift, Rally Strength, Rally Magic, Rally Speed, Rally Spectrum
Weapon Ranks: Sword A, Tome A
* Katarina's Bolt (11 Mt, 75 Hit, 30 Crit, 20 uses)
* Note that she can use Dark tomes because of Shadowgift
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 12:55:11 PM by Reiska »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2014, 02:00:32 PM »
More fun!  I haven't started crunching stats on kids yet.  However, the complete support table has been dumped from the ROM.  From this, we can confirm what the fastest cross-gender S-Rank support is for all characters - I think this would be a reasonable benchmark for determining DL parenting of children characters.

Robin requires 22 support points to reach S rank with any opposite-gendered character.

For every other female PC, there is a single male PC with whom they reach S rank at 18 support points, and 0-2 male PCs with whom they reach S rank at 20 support points.  All other cross-gender pairings are 22 points.

Female          18 pts.         20 pts.
Lissa           Vaike           Frederick
Sully           Kellam          Chrom/Stahl
Miriel          Stahl           Kellam
Sumia           Chrom           --
Maribelle       Frederick       Chrom
Panne           Ricken          Libra
Cordelia        Libra           Gaius
Nowi            Gregor          Vaike
Tharja          Gaius           Henry
Olivia          Henry           Gregor
Cherche         Virion          Ricken

There are also 18-point pairings for the children themselves, though these are only relevant for flavor:

Female          18 pts.
Lucina          Laurent
Kjelle          Owain
Cynthia         Inigo
Severa          Brady
Noire           Yarne
Nah             Gerome

How supports actually work

FE13 tracks two separate values relating to supports.  Tables on the Serenes Forest forums called them "support points" and "battle points," and I will use this same nomenclature for breaking down the mechanics.

Battle points are earned based on actions taken in battle as follows: when you damage or kill an enemy while paired up with another character, the pair gains 3 battle points; when you damage or kill an enemy while adjacent to other allies, each applicable pair of the attacker and adjacent ally gains 1 battle point; when you use a staff on or dance for an ally, the pair gains 1 battle point; and if a Dual Strike or Dual Guard is activated, the pair gains 1 battle point.  At the end of a chapter, the game checks how many battle points have been earned for all supportable character pairs present in the battle; if 3-6 battle points were earned then 1 support point is awarded, if 7-11 battle points were earned then 2 support points are awarded, and if 12 or more battle points were earned then 3 support points are awarded.  (No support points are awarded for 2 or fewer battle points.)  You cannot earn more than 3 support points from battle points in a single chapter, and battle points start from 0 at the beginning of each chapter.

Support points are what the game actually tracks for advancing support ranks.  There are five different possible advancement rates for support ranks - three are used for romantic pairings, and two for non-romantic.  The romantic advancement rates are as follows:

Fast - C 3, B 8, A 13, S 18
Normal - C 4, B 9, A 14, S 20
Slow - C 5, B 10, A 16, S 22

Non-romantic support advancement is always C 4, B 10, A 18 by default.  However, this is overridden for pairings consisting of a first generation PC and their child, or two second generation PCs who are siblings, with a rate of C 1, B 6, A 16.

Besides the aforementioned conversion of battle points to support points, you can gain support points directly from a few things, all of which award 1 support point: stepping on an event tile while paired up and getting a support bonus, having a barracks conversation between two PCs, using a Seed of Trust while paired up, and viewing a support conversation.

Support points cap at one less point than the requirement for that rank listed above.  For example, Chrom and Sumia have "Fast" romantic advancement.  With no support rank, they cannot earn more than 2 support points with each other.  When they reach 2 support points, the support conversation will be unlocked; when it is viewed, they will gain a support point and now be at C rank with 3 support points.  (This is a little confusing, but it is how it works internally.)

Robin and Morgan both use the 'slow' rate for all romantic pairings.  In practice, assuming one always earns the maximum number of battle points each battle and never gets event tiles or barracks conversations, it will take 6 chapters to reach S rank on any non-romantic pairing, 7 chapters to reach S rank on a "Fast" or "Normal" romantic pairing, and 8 chapters to reach S rank on a "Slow" romantic pairing.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 04:19:26 PM by Reiska »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2014, 06:16:20 AM »

apohteosis is the reason why i find snipers and sorcerers extremely versatile.  (i.e. double bows and dark tomes [ forged aversa's night is no doubt the strongest tome next to val flame's 16+5, and a unit with a luck 50 or more means a weapon that is supposed to have 10 uses is virtually indestructible. that means staff users will not have to waste a turn repairing it with a hammerne staff] :D).
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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2014, 03:08:44 AM »
AbyssPaladin: Nooot exactly relevant to the stat topic, but the only problem with Aversa's Night is having to switch over to Mercenary to get Armsthrift thanks to the crippling 10 charges issue.  Mercenary isn't real common as an option for Sorcs (it's certainly out for Henry & Tharja), and even when it is an option (Sorc Cordelia/Severa?  Laurent/Inigo with the right father?  DLC Micaiah or DLC Est?), it's kinda annoying since it means ~9 wasted level-ups where you're likely already stat-capped in Merc, then another 9 level-ups in Hero/Bow Knight which may or may not be useful before you can Second Seal out.  If you don't have Armsthrift on your Sorc, forged Nosferatu lasts much longer on Apotheosis, for all that the draining is bad anyway thanks to Dragonskin.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2015, 02:43:12 AM »
Okay, so this was talked about in chat, and I figured I might as well make a post on it.  I don't think I'd consider any of this legal by default, but it probably qualifies as a borderline interp in the same way, say, Norende gear for Bravely Default does.

Fire Emblem: Awakening features SpotPass functionality in the form of allowing you to potentially recruit up to ten cameo characters from each previous FE title.  However, this post isn't for them as characters, we don't care about them.  We care about them because when you summon the cameo characters to the map, you can, instead of fighting them or paying them to recruit them, buy stuff from them!  The only access requirement is that you must have had an internet connection on your 3DS for a long enough period of time to unlock the data (so basically, a minute).  I don't remember if it has to be newly reconnected on each playthrough or not.

Anyway, if one were to consider these as on the table, it opens storebought access to the following weapons (all will be listed, regardless of relevance; using the same format NEB used).  Costs are also listed.

Leif's Blade: 4 mt, 95 hit, 30 crit, 1 range, 20 uses, grants wielder Despoil skill (Luck% chance to get a Bullion S from a defeated enemy) (820G)
Roy's Blade: 8 mt, 95 hit, 5 crit, 1 range, 25 uses (900G)
Eliwood's Blade: 10 mt, 85 hit, 5 crit, 1 range, 20 uses (960G)
Eirika's Blade: 2 attacks, 6 mt, 95 hit, 10 crit, 1 range, 20 uses (1220G)
Armourslayer: 8 mt (x3 vs. armor), 80 hit, 1 range, 25 uses (1450G)
Wyrmslayer: 8 mt (x3 vs. dragons), 80 hit, 1 range, 25 uses (1500G)
Seliph's Blade: 12 mt, 90 hit, 15 crit, 1 range, 15 uses, +2 Spd/Res (1530G)
Levin Sword: Magic damage, 10 mt, 80 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses (1600G)
Alm's Blade: 15 mt, 75 hit, 10 crit, 1 range, 10 uses (1630G)

Finn's Lance: 8 mt, 85 hit, 10 crit, 1 range, 25 uses, +2 Def/Lck (950G)
Ephraim's Lance: 11 mt, 80 hit, 10 crit, 1 range, 20 uses, +2 Str/Spd (1220G)
Blessed Lance: 11 mt (x3 vs. revenants), 70 hit, 1 range, 35 uses, regenerates 10 HP/turn (1540G)
Short Spear: 5 mt, 75 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses (1600G)
Beast Killer: 9 mt (x3 vs. beasts), 70 hit, 1 range, 25 uses (1650G)
Sigurd's Lance: 14 mt, 85 hit, 15 crit, 1 range, 15 uses (1920G)
Spear: 8 mt, 70 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses (2400G)

Imposing Axe: 14 mt, 35 hit, 10 crit, 1 range, 10 uses (830G)
Titania's Axe: 12 mt, 80 hit, 10 crit, 1 range, 20 uses, grants wielder Patience skill (+10 Hit/Avoid during enemy turns) (1320G)
Short Axe: 7 mt, 65 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses (1750G)
Bolt Axe: Magic damage, 14 mt, 70 hit, 5 crit, 1-2 range, 30 uses (1920G)
Hector's Axe: 15 mt, 75 hit, 15 crit, 1 range, 15 uses, +2 Str/Def (2010G)
Tomahawk: 10 mt, 60 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses (2550G)

Wolt's Bow: 10 mt (x3 vs. flying), 85 hit, 5 crit, 2 range, 25 uses, can be used to recover 20 HP, which costs a use (950G)
Blessed Bow: 11 mt (x3 vs. flying/revenants), 70 hit, 2 range, 35 uses, regenerates 10 HP/turn (1540G)
Innes' Bow: 13 mt (x3 vs. flying), 115 hit, 10 crit, 2 range, 15 uses (1710G)
Longbow: 9 mt (x3 vs. flying), 70 hit, 2-3 range, 25 uses, only usable by Archers/Snipers (2150G)

Celica's Gale: 2 attacks, 4 mt (x3 vs. flying), 80 hit, 5 crit, 1-2 range, 20 uses (1720G)
Katarina's Bolt: 11 mt, 75 hit, 30 crit, 1-2 range, 20 uses (1920G)
Mire: 10 mt, 65 hit, 3-10 range, 10 uses, cannot double, negates user's offensive triggered skills and Dual Strikes (2000G)
Micaiah's Pyre: 13 mt, 85 hit, 5 crit, 1-2 range, 15 uses, +2 Def/Res (2130G)


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2016, 08:43:40 AM »
Awakening kidz!  Because why not, I was bored.

Awakening kids are horrible, horrible, DNR bait.  The main reason they're notable is because they get much wider class & skill selection than their parents, which gets totally tossed out the window in the DL.  Additionally, they vary quite a bit by playstyle and how much you care about the aftergame; recruited late, they are annoying to catch-up, especially on either no-grind runs or non-DLC Lunatic where you can't fight earlygame Risen easily, BUT are completely stompy OP once caught up.  But it gets worse!  The kids vary among each other about how soon it's reasonable to recruit them, although nothing stops you from delaying an early recruit and grabbing them later.  Characters like Kjelle or Cynthia can be recruited "early" and seem balanced for C13-15 pickups if you want; they won't be as amazing when caught-up, but will have a level edge.  Characters like Gerome or Nah have pretty tough maps and seem balanced for a C18-20 pickup; they'll be even farther behind with less time to catch up, but once they do, woof, because their stats-on-join will have been higher.

Anyway, this mini-topic will make the following wild assumptions:
* ALL kids are the spawn of a 20/5 Mother and a 20/5 skillless Avatar-M w/ neutral asset/flaw.  (Or, for Lucina, a 20/5 Chrom & 20/5 Avatar-F.  Olivia & Panne assumed at L24.)  This splits the difference between "early" recruits (20/1?) and "late" recruits (20/10?).  Also, technically, an average of all possible Fathers would probably be better, but...  lazy.  Note that this means that the kids *can* recruit an L5 advanced class skill from their mother.
* All kids are forcibly stuck in their "canon" forms from "The Future Past".  No flexibilty for them, no Second Seals despite them probably being buyable when you recruit 'em.  (As far as promotion options, Brady is probably the only character who doesn't like this.)
* Should the kids be taken at equal level and put the adults to shame?  Some kind of huge level penalty so that they suck?  Who knows, up to you.  I figured the most interesting level to take them at would be the one where all the stat averages come out roughly to their parents averages, so that the kids are easily comparable, with a minimum level of 20/15 so that the kids get their key L20/15 promoted skills.  Well, as it happens...  the L15 minimum does come into play, and even at L20/15, the kid averages are a tad above-par.  I've included both an only-kids stat average and a complete-cast average.  Kind of annoying, but not too big of a deal.  Also note that Yarne & Nah got +3 levels (27 levels gained total, not 24) on everyone else due to XP boost on their classes.
* Morgan is not included.  He/She is the most flexible character in the game, not only having access to every class in their gender, but also potentially *starting* as any class - including Tactician, Manakete, & Taguel.  Even less rankable!  So yeah, if people are direly interested, I can whip up hypothetical PC Morgan stats based on Morgan's Future Past forms, but those are a bit sketchy anyway (move the Avatar next to them and they'll retreat).  If you're curious, female Morgan is a Sorcerer equipped w/ Goetia with skills Anathema, Counter (!!!), & Tomebreaker.  Male Morgan is a Wyvern Lord equipped w/ Hauteclere (use as an item to restore all health) and has skills Anathema, Vantage, Pavise, & Bowbreaker.
* My usual inclination is to round stats to the nearest integer, but thanks to Brave 2x-hits making this swingy & the stat topic already using some decimals, I went with the nearest 0.5 instead.  (Reminder that the kid stats will actually vary more than this thanks to father concerns even if you have perfectly fixed growth, so yeah, the precision on these stats is not super-high.)

Lucina - L15 Great Lord   
57.5 HP, 33 Str, 11.5 Mag, 35 Skl, 35.5 Spd, 33 Lck, 25 Def, 15.5 Res
70 Avo, 22.8% evade, 0.98 PCHP, 0.97 PDur, 0.92 MDur   
Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King

-Lucina has a 26% chance to hit twice for each attack, the first one healing her for half the damage she deals and the second one ignoring half the target's defence (+11 damage)

Brave Sword: 44 dmg (2x hits of 22), 99 Hit, 100% accuracy
Parallel Falchion: 25 dmg (49 vs. dragons), 99 Hit, 100% accuracy; can also be used to heal 20 HP

Owain - L15 Swordmaster   
54.5 HP, 28.5 Str, 20 Mag, 35 Skl, 37 Spd, 29.5 Lck, 20.5 Def, 19.5 Res   
80 Avo, 38.3% evade, 0.93 PCHP, 0.78 PDur, 1.00 MDur   
Miracle, Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire   

-Owain has a 30% chance to survive a fatal attack with 1 HP, unless he already had 1 HP
-The non-double portion of Owain's counterattack becomes pre-emptive if he is below half HP
-Owain has a 18% chance to deal 5 hits at half damage, consuming one weapon use

Brave Sword: 45 dmg (2x hits of 22.5), 97 Hit, 99.9% accuracy
Levin Sword: 23 magic dmg, 97 Hit, 99.9% accuracy (quasi-legal, but he's as good with it as Anna thanks to Swordfaire & good Mag...)

Inigo - L15 Hero   
59.5 HP, 31.5 Str, 14 Mag, 37 Skl, 37 Spd, 34 Lck, 23 Def, 15 Res   
83 Avo, 43.7% evade, 1.01 PCHP, 0.92 PDur, 0.94 MDur   
Luck +4, Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker   

-Inigo has +10 hit and evade during enemy turns (evade factored in)
-Inigo has a 37% chance to heal half the damage he does with an attack
-Inigo has +50 hit and evade if his opponent has an axe equipped

Brave Sword: 41 dmg (2x hits of 20.5), 103 Hit, 100% accuracy

Brady - L15 War Monk   
58 HP, 22 Str, 28 Mag, 23.5 Skl, 25 Spd, 30.5 Lck, 20.5 Def, 25.5 Res   
53 Avo, 5.6% evade, 0.99 PCHP, 0.83 PDur, 1.34 MDur   
Resistance +2, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck, Renewal   

-Brady regens 30% HP at the start of each turn
-Brady has a 31% chance to survive a fatal attack with 1 HP, unless he already had 1 HP

Silver Axe: 14 dmg, 71 Hit, 83.5% accuracy
Killer Axe: 11 dmg, 76 Hit, 88.7% accuracy, 19% crit

Kjelle - L15 General   
66 HP, 37 Str, 12.5 Mag, 30 Skl, 26.5 Spd, 28.5 Lck, 36.5 Def, 15.5 Res   
54 Avo, 6.3% evade, 1.12 PCHP, 2.11 PDur, 1.06 MDur   
Luna, Defence +2, Indoor Fighter, Rally Defence, Pavise   

-Kjelle has a 30% chance to halve the target's defence for an attack (+11 damage)
-Kjelle has a 30% chance to halve damage from swords, lances, axes, and beasts

Brave Lance: 52 dmg (2x hits of 26), 84 Hit, 95% accuracy

Cynthia - L15 Falcon Knight
54.5 HP, 28.5 Str, 18 Mag, 36 Skl, 42.5 Spd, 32.5 Lck, 22 Def, 25.5 Res
80 Avo, 38.3% evade, 0.93 PCHP, 0.82 PDur, 1.26 MDur
Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire

Brave Lance: 45 dmg (2x hits of 22.5), 95 Hit, 99.6% accuracy

Severa - L15 Hero   
59 HP, 33 Str, 11.5 Mag, 36 Skl, 34.5 Spd, 23 Lck, 27 Def, 16 Res   
73 Avo, 27% evade, 1.01 PCHP, 1.09 PDur, 0.97 MDur
Speed +2, Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker   

-Severa has +10 hit and evade during enemy turns (evade factored in)
-Severa has a 36% chance to heal half the damage she does with an attack
-Severa has +50 hit and evade if her opponent has an axe equipped

Brave Sword: 44 dmg (2x hits of 22), 96 Hit, 99.7% accuracy

Gerome - L15 Wyvern Lord   
62.5 HP, 40.5 Str, 10 Mag, 28 Skl, 28 Spd, 21 Lck, 30 Def, 11 Res   
68 Avo, 20.2% evade (T1), 1.06 PCHP, 1.33 PDur, 0.88 MDur   
Strength +2, Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker   

-Gerome has +15 hit and evade on turn 1, lowers by 1 each turn
-Gerome has +50 hit and evade if her opponent has a sword equipped

Brave Axe: 61 dmg (2x hits of 30.5), 88 Hit (T1), 97.2% accuracy

Yarne - L30/8 Taguel   
65 HP, 36.5 Str, 11 Mag, 37 Skl, 38.5 Spd, 34 Lck, 30 Def, 13.5 Res   
75 Avo, 30% evade (47.5% on even turns), 1.11 PCHP, 1.39 PDur, 0.99 MDur   
Even Rhythm, Beastbane   

-Yarne has +10 hit and evade during even-numbered turns

Beaststone+: 23.5 dmg (43.5 vs. beasts), 93 Hit, 99.1% accuracy (on even: 103 Hit)

Laurent - L15 Sage   
54 HP, 14 Str, 34.5 Mag, 30 Skl, 30.5 Spd, 26.5 Lck, 18 Def, 21.5 Res   
59 Avo, 10.3% evade, 0.92 PCHP, 0.70 PDur, 1.06 MDur   
Magic +2, Focus, Rally Magic, Tomefaire   

Bolganone: 33.5 dmg, 88 Hit, 97.2% accuracy

Noire - L15 Sniper   
52.5 HP, 26.5 Str, 19.5 Mag, 35 Skl, 33 Spd, 21 Lck, 28 Def, 16.5 Res   
60 Avo, 11.3% evade, 0.89 PCHP, 1.00 PDur, 0.86 MDur   
Vengeance, Skill +2, Prescience, Hit Rate +20, Bowfaire   

-Noire has a 70% chance per hit of dealing extra damage equal to half her missing HP
-Noire has +15 hit and evade on his own turn

Brave Bow: 41 dmg (2x hits of 20.5), 123 Hit (own turn) / 108 Hit (enemy turn), 100% accuracy

Nah - L30/8 Manakete   
63 HP, 39 Str, 24.5 Mag, 29.5 Skl, 29 Spd, 31.5 Lck, 38 Def, 30 Res   
59 Avo, 10.3% evade (on odd: 24.1%), 1.07 PCHP, 2.33 PDur, 1.78 MDur   
Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane   

-Nah has +10 hit and evade during odd-numbered turns

Dragonstone+: 28 dmg (52 vs. dragons), 80 Hit, 92.2% accuracy (on odd: 90 Hit, 98.1% accuracy)


HP: 58.8 / 58.7 / 58.6 (kids / combined / adults)
Str: 30.8 / 29 / 28.3 (kids / combined / adults)
Mag: 17.9 / 16.1 / 15.4 (kids / combined / adults)
Skl: 32.7 / 32.1 / 31.9 (kids / combined / adults)
Spd: 33.1 / 31.7 / 31.2 (kids / combined / adults)
Lck: 28.8 / 27.1 / 26.5 (kids / combined / adults)
Def: 26.5 / 25.3 / 24.9 (kids / combined / adults)
Res: 18.8 / 17.4 / 16.8 (kids / combined / adults)

Damage: 39.5 / 37.7 / 37.0 (kill point: 98.8 / 94.3 / 92.5)
Damage, including accuracy: 38.6 / 35.9 / 34.9 (kill point: 96.5 / 89.8 / 87.3)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 12:58:06 AM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2016, 03:37:37 PM »
Nice work. As you noted the kids are really swingy but I think this works pretty well as a baseline.

Random thought is that Inigo should probably be a bit worse: either his mother will be lower-levelled when he's recruited (due to being Level 1 in Chapter 11 and initially woeful at combat so not even good at catching up for a long time), or he's recruited later and he himself is lower-levelled and probably doesn't hit A in his weapon rank. (I definitely thought Inigo was the worst of the sword-kids in-game, pretty much for this reason.) But this is just a note and not really a demand for you to change anything in the listed numbers. It's possible these comments could apply to a lesser extent to other kids of underlevelled mothers too, but nobody else is nearly that underlevelled so the effect would be very slight.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.