Kefka Palazzo (FF6) vs Zophar (Lunar:EBC) - Sigh. EBO.
Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Geno (SMRPG) - Boosted Geno should survive two Slices and 2HKOs with magic back. Question is whether he gets lapped before the 2HKO, though. Which... eh, I'll give him enough credit.
Mizuki (S4) vs Tiamat (FF1) - I actually mathed this out last week! Go boredom. Going by the 421 average (the harshest average you can have without delving into factoring in damage that can't be used DL-legally, which gets the lolest of lols from me), Mizuki deals 46% to average and 4-3s Tiamat (she does it to average under my SD conventions, 1.95 SD = nearly 150% average. Of course, 15% SDs = that doesn't happen, but barely). Tiamat 3HKOs back: she doesn't 2HKO average and Mizuki is above average durability across the board. So, before Tiamat can kill, Mizuki can get in... 1.86x PC HP. Yeah, she comfortably outslugs to me. Get some goddamned HP, Tiamat.
Rose, False Althena, Jecht, Claude, Geno
Althena > Jecht > Geno > Claude > Rose, as far as I can see. Althena ruthlessly slaughters the field, while Jecht's delay handles the fights where he can't just petrify. Geno beats Claude this week and also handles Rose: she needs a turn to get started and has 0.72 pdur, which just gets her 2HKOed by his average damage physical before anything happens. Claude horrifyingly overkills her with Holy-elemental physicals and that's that. Geno up, Rose down.
Poo, Wren, Roufas, Kanon, Mizuki, Tiamat
Kanon > Wren > Roufas > Mizuki > Poo > Tiamat. Boss Kanon shreds the pool to tiny ribbons - even Wren just gets heal-locked with the constant 3-2ing. Wren handles the rest - Roufas just gets outresourced (Awakening is a bad idea due to how much it taxes his resources and he sucks at pressuring Wren. He doesn't even get DeadEnd, which would at least give him a shred of a fighting chance), and the other fights are trivial. Roufas manhandles the rest pretty easily. Mizuki, on her turn, 2HKOs Poo forever and is faster, which completely wrecks him. She already beat Tiamat. Then, there's Tiamat vs. Poo, which is awful because Poo just 2HKOs first (._.). Poo probably goes down while Mizuki may go up. Tiamat should never upgrade to Heavy ever again.
Dominia, Ryudo, Blanca, Gryz
Blanca > Gryz > Ryudo > Dominia. The hardest fight for Blanca is Gryz, but it works out: he 4HKOs Gryz with physical x3 + Red Comet and 4-3s. Meanwhile, Gryz even 2HKOs post-War Cry, but 3HKOs otherwise and that damns him. Dominia 3HKOs and gets 2HKOed back while not 3-2ing. And Ryudo is what he is against healing. Meanwhile, Gryz manhandles both Ryudo and Dominia (Dominia borderlines insta-doubles but juuuuuuuust eats a OHKO because you have no idea how much I mock sub-Grahf HP at fucking disc 2. Ryudo eats Crash). Ryudo, at his end of the telescope, OHKOs Dominia, who just fails.