Author Topic: Redoing an old season: S2, W1. With Aeris vs Palmer in a clash of the titans!  (Read 2257 times)


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super requested tiebreaks so:

Antenora (WA2) vs Milda (G1)
Doesn't G1 have a storebought all status blocker anyway before you even recruit Milda?  It's in Zil Padon.  Not to mention that Milda might win anyway if Antenora is unlucky on the statuses even if this is denied her.


Rena (SO2) vs Brey (DQ4)
Close fight, but SO2 Rena ally AI is less stupid than DQ4o AI, so seems as good a tiebreak as any.


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Erim (Lufias) vs Claude (SO2): Smash. Even L3 Erim loses here.
Berle (SO2) vs Kuja (FF9): Kuja's healing!!!! ... Does nothing.
Menardi (GS) vs Maxim (Lufia 2)
Myria (BoFs) vs Arc (AtLC): Myria3 wins pretty easily.


Adel (FF8) vs Solo (DQ4)
Liete (G1) vs Todd (WA3)
Dario  (CC) vs Luc (Suikos)
Alena (DQ4) vs Alhazad (WA1)


Mystina (VP1) vs Ramsus (XG)
Tifa (FF7) vs Spar (BoF2): Starts halfway to an L2. That should be fatal. Spar's best bet would be to Atk-Up and win that way, but I doubt it?
Antenora (WA2) vs Milda (G1): Snowfire works.
Shana (LoD) vs Samus (S3)


Aeris (FF7) vs Palmer (FF7)
Rena (SO2) vs Brey (DQ4)
Jaro (SF2) vs Gobi (BoF1)
Jean (BoF2) vs Jogurt (SF1)

Dark Holy Elf

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It's not as if Antenora is winning via status according to anyone in this topic! She's just pretty good at slugfesting here because she's reasonably durable and because Milda's damage takes a dive after her OPB move (drops to 4HKO).

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.