Author Topic: Jude vs. Heavy pt 1 - In which he fights teammates, FFs and Maverick hunters  (Read 1845 times)


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Snow asked, I deliver. Also, more WA4 so, this is a Tide approved topic *thumbs up*. Slightly different format in that I'm going to run the matches through by game instead of ranking. Feels more relevant any hand due to the actual DL being shut down and CKDL having slightly different allowable duellers. In any case, on with the show:

Jude vs. Malik Benedict   
Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez   
Jude vs. Lady Harken   
Jude vs. Jack van Burace   
Jude vs. Levin Brenton   
Jude vs. Kanon
Jude vs. Zed   
Jude vs. Anastasia Valeria   
Jude vs. Maya Schroedinger   
Jude vs. Antenora   
Jude vs. Alhazad   
Jude vs. Boomerang
Jude vs. Clive Winslett   
Jude vs. Kresnik Ahtreide
Jude vs. Todd Dukakis
Jude vs. Zeikfried
Jude vs. Ashley Winchester
Jude vs. Jeremy Non
Jude vs. Berserk
Jude vs. Janus Cascade   
Jude vs. Marivel Armitage

Jude vs. Lede
Jude vs. Worker 8
Jude vs. Edgar (FF6)
Jude vs. Ultros
Jude vs. Jenova
Jude vs. Tidus
Jude vs. Edge
Jude vs. Kary
Jude vs. Wakka
Jude vs. Cecil
Jude vs. Elmdor
Jude vs. Rofel
Jude vs. Zalbag
Jude vs. Reno
Jude vs. Edea
Jude vs. Auron
Jude vs. Steiner
Jude vs. Gau
Jude vs. Adel
Jude vs. Delita
Jude vs. Dycedarg
Jude vs. Delita
Jude vs. Sabin
Jude vs. Fujin
Jude vs. Celia
Jude vs. Garland
Jude vs. Knight
Jude vs. Garnet
Jude vs. Rydia
Jude vs. Tiamat
Jude vs. Izlude
Jude vs. Beowulf
Jude vs. Cloud
Jude vs. Agrias
Jude vs. Hojo
Jude vs. Freya
Jude vs. Cait Sith
Jude vs. Strago
Jude vs. Yuffie
Jude vs. Squall
Jude vs. Meliadoul

Jude vs. Zero
Jude vs. Axl
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


  • Malice Tears
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Jude vs. Malik Benedict - Hey, if you allowed mystic, he could mystic mega gems for like 10HKOs! 
Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez - Arnaud introduces Jude to the art of getting wrecked.
Jude vs. Lady Harken - Assault Buster against that speed? Also, Harken counters.
Jude vs. Jack van Burace - I...think. Not sure which form of Jack I vote on, but I know WAo should win and ACF Jack may win anyway, so tiebreak that way. 
Jude vs. Levin Brenton - Cancel strike isn't a good tactic since Jude himself is so fast and his physical defense is good. This leaves Levin with the almighty Blast to take care of Jude. Problem is, he can't resist Jude's damage and while I don't think the one-two punch of attack-AB is enough, Jude can always save the speed and poke Levin a few times so AB kills.
Jude vs. Kanon - Wipe 2 Boss Kanon.
Jude vs. Zed  - Debatable. I don't think PC Zed is really much better here off than Jude, and even if Assault Buster doesn't lead the way, Pile Bunker and Silver Launcher exists.
Jude vs. Anastasia Valeria - I don't think Ana has a consistent way to hit Mdef. Which is an issue when Jude 2-rounds easily enough.
Jude vs. Maya Schroedinger - EDIT: Same strat as Levin. Maya doesn't have a good damage source before Calamity Jane, so Jude can probably poke around a bit and then AB to clear the limit. Mind, if you see Maya as being notably durable, this fails.
Jude vs. Antenora  - Kneejerk.
Jude vs. Alhazad - ACF bugs wreck Jude so bad. Good thing too! Counter slaughter otherwise   
Jude vs. Boomerang - Boomerang sucks.
Jude vs. Clive Winslett - Maybe if Clive wasn't 65% average speed >_>
Jude vs. Kresnik Ahtreide -  This is immense failure. Adrenaline Rush seals AB dead so Jude is basically stuck trying to poke Kresnik because anything else he does for offense just depletes his MP. He can't make any headway because Haste-healing Kresnik cures all the damage he deals regardless. On the other hand? Kresnik fails to break Chtnoia Guard's special property, so he is literally dealing zero damage barring crits. I guess if you factor in Leypoints, Jude wins with LEYBOOST (...), good positioning and some timing. Otherwise, Kresnik eventually wins after getting like 20 crits in a row or something. This one literally takes ages either way.
Jude vs. Todd Dukakis - Todd's notable tricks are gravity and confuse. Neither of which matter here so he's getting outslugged.
Jude vs. Zeikfried - Zeik probably 3HKOs, but I don't think I see him durable enough to live that long.
Jude vs. Ashley Winchester - Basically better in everyway that matters for this fight.
Jude vs. Jeremy Non - Jeremy might not survive a poke from the Shapeshifter. This doesn't matter though, because he goes first, and drops 3x Vulcan Missiles against someone who can't evade. Ow.
Jude vs. Berserk - Probably survives a Berserk Break, which means he can set up AB. Like Maya, viewing Berserk as more durable would swing this the other way.
Jude vs. Janus Cascade  - Janus is about 10 different shades of awful. I guess Fortune Gear form may have an argument if you view the stat buffs as legit.
Jude vs. Marivel Armitage - I thought she had some match sealing status that was turn 1 okay :|?

Jude vs. Lede - Get. Wrecked.
Jude vs. Worker 8 - Kneejerk. Worker feels like he plays into all of Jude's strengths here.
Jude vs. Edgar (FF6) - One of Confuse or ID wins this I think. Jude blocks one, can't block the other and Edgar isn't instant doubled after Rapid Attack. AB might not OHKO anyway.
Jude vs. Ultros - Imp if nothing else wins this.
Jude vs. Jenova - Jenova: Continue being terrible since 1997
Jude vs. Tidus - Evade and Counter wrecks half of Jude's shit if not all.
Jude vs. Wakka - Get. Wrecked. Wakka also has Evade and Counter for shits and giggles to boot.
Jude vs. Cecil - Overwhelms if he tries to heal. Outslugged straight up otherwise.
Jude vs. Elmdor - AB against Genji Shield and BG is *psyduck*. AND Elmdor isn't a slug. Welp.
Jude vs. Rofel - lolshellbuststab. Not dying before then, and anything else after seals the deal
Jude vs. Zalbag - Doesn't instant double and Speed Ruin is turn 1 against that Mdef. Get wrecked.
Jude vs. Reno - TF7 Reno for gdlk btw
Jude vs. Edea - Block death, no risk at getting killed by Blizzaga before AB does the trick.
Jude vs. Auron - Failure. Auron goes first and Power Breaks. At this point, AB is probably neutered and Jude doesn't really have any other good offense options, so Auron proceeds to cheap things out through Sentinel and turn delaying for Shooting Star. The question is, does Jude have enough offense to punch through a more or less defending Auron with his strength halved before Auron gets a Shooting Star in place? Kneejerk is yes, because the speed difference is ridiculous and Jude won't be triggering counters by properly spacing himself before attacking is my guess.
Jude vs. Steiner - Boosted AB does the trick here though. Steiner has no real way to stop it.
Jude vs. Gau - Gau on the other hand? Many ways to stop it
Jude vs. Adel - Y'know, I normally kneejerk against FF8 bosses. But that RICHARD challenge showed me something. Focus'd Meteor hurts bro :(
Jude vs. Dycedarg - Shellbust stab + something. Equipping starting armor here is just asking to take a beating, so that idea is out.
Jude vs. Delita - Jude's Pdur means Delita 3HKOs here. Jude can't insta-double, but not getting 2HKO'd means he can attack -> attack -> AB and then get a follow up turn if he needs it.
Jude vs. Sabin - Both 2HKO, Jude is faster.
Jude vs. Fujin - Pain causes Jude issues. He needs to block both Blind and Silence to boot, which probably isn't working out for him
Jude vs. Celia - Is basically Lede in this fight anyway, so.
Jude vs. Garland - FF9 Garland wins this with Stop. No vote on FF1 Garland
Jude vs. Garnet - Blind is a big issue that Jude has no answer for. He's also at risk of a turn 1 Mini because dat Mdef.
Jude vs. Rydia - Using FF4a here, since that's the one I played. Jude, with Rapid Attack, instant doubles anyone who is 85% average speed or lower. Rydia is 67% average speed, and has about half the physical defenses as everyone else with no notable evade. So uh yeah. Get wrecked Rydia.
Jude vs. Izlude - FFT boss durability respect may vary; my kneejerk is that attack -> AB wins though. Good thing too because Speed Break fucks up Jude something fierce.
Jude vs. Beowulf - Beowulf is 80% average, so he gets one-two punched and doesn't have enough HP, even when optimizing for it to live. Jesus.
Jude vs. Cloud - Jude's at risk of triggering a L1, but physical into AB should kill. Good thing too, or he's in trouble.
Jude vs. Agrias - lolowned
Jude vs. Hojo - Hojo is also so bad.
Jude vs. Freya - God this is hilarious. Jude can't instant double Freya (she's slightly above average), but she also can't do anything back to him. If she applies Luna, she gets outslugged by Jude being much faster and tuning his ARM straight up for bullets against usability. Nothing else she has matters. She can try jumping to avoid a boosted AB, but she's basically delaying the inevitable here.
Jude vs. Cait Sith - Cait Sith introduces a mini-Jude action figure to the local toy store.
Jude vs. Strago - Insta-double attack into AB kills easily here. Strago's below average on every category that matters (defense, HP, speed and only meets par on evade), so no Bad Breath hype here.
Jude vs. Yuffie - Similar to Cloud; blows past a L1 that- could otherwise screw with his default strategy.
Jude vs. Squall - super lulz.
Jude vs. Meliadoul - Protect makes this tougher, but I don't see the Shapeshifter as being breakable and Meliadoul's offense is just so bad that even with initial armor, Jude probably still tanks 3 hits >_>.

Jude vs. Zero - Black Zero basically is better than Jude at everything and Zero really doesn't have too many reasons to not spend his turns in his Hyper Armor.
Jude vs. Axl - Kneejerk. Jude's not in his element when AB isn't in play (Axl's about the same speed, only a bit slower) and Axl's AT hits the right defense here IIRC. So yeah.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 01:00:53 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

Random Consonant

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Jude vs. Malik Benedict - :malik:
Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez - :arnaud:
Jude vs. Lady Harken - WA1o Harken sucks.
Jude vs. Jack van Burace - Uh probably.
Jude vs. Kanon- Boss Kanon, sure.  PC Kanon is a laughfest in the other direction.
Jude vs. Zed - WA1o Zed also sucks.
Jude vs. Anastasia Valeria - wut
Jude vs. Maya Schroedinger - Depends on Maya durability respect I suppose.  PCish means Jude doesn't really have a problem.
Jude vs. Antenora - Low odds status isn't what you want here off of that speed.
Jude vs. Alhazad - WA1o.
Jude vs. Boomerang
Jude vs. Clive Winslett - aaaaand no
Jude vs. Kresnik Ahtreide - Kresnik not winning through damage is an understatement, he flat out has none against Jude barring crits, and in a match like this I'd probably consider leypoints which favor Jude far more than the 1^10-100 or so chance Kresnik has of getting a lucky tear of crits.
Jude vs. Todd Dukakis- Todd kind of sucks.
Jude vs. Zeikfried - I assume.
Jude vs. Ashley Winchester - Surely.
Jude vs. Jeremy Non- Should just barely kill.  Jude may have an argument to surive buuuut eh not feeling it.
Jude vs. Berserk - WA1o bosses and boss-related products.
Jude vs. Janus Cascade - Janus is amazing.   
Jude vs. Marivel Armitage - The blue hell does Marivel do here?  Even allowing only one statusblocker, Jude can block sleep and the ID is turn 2, and Marivel's both slow and a touch frail.  Edit: oh right, missed silence.  Not really sure what I think about WA4 statblocker penalties, will probably hold vote where it is for now.

Jude vs. Lede - Status of some variety, surely she can manage.
Jude vs. Worker 8 - in all likelyhood
Jude vs. Edgar (FF6) - Edgar's slugfesting.
Jude vs. Ultros - Imp Song.
Jude vs. Jenova - Some form or another manages this, surely.
Jude vs. Tidus - E&C says hi
Jude vs. Edge
Jude vs. Kary - Hold.
Jude vs. Wakka - yo.
Jude vs. Cecil - Yep.
Jude vs. Elmdor - evade to the rescue
Jude vs. Rofel
Jude vs. Zalbag - Good lord Speed Ruin.
Jude vs. Reno - man how do I feel about Pyramid, I can never tell.
Jude vs. Auron - Power Break -> build to eject.
Jude vs. Steiner - Probably.
Jude vs. Gau - Surely has something that I'd allow that Jude lacks an answer to.
Jude vs. Delita
Jude vs. Dycedarg
Jude vs. Sabin - Sabin doesn't OHKO and he kind of has to.
Jude vs. Celia - See Lede
Jude vs. Garland - Stop.
Jude vs. Knight - I s'pose.
Jude vs. Garnet - blind has a hit rate the fuck
Jude vs. Rydia - At worst, Rapid Attack -> Assault Buster through instadoubling.  Assuming AB doesn't flat out OHKO Rydia the slow and frail.
Jude vs. Tiamat - DoS Tiamat blows.
Jude vs. Izlude
Jude vs. Beowulf - Beowulf status variety against Jude's lollertastic MDef.
Jude vs. Cloud
Jude vs. Agrias
Jude vs. Hojo - aww yeahs
Jude vs. Freya - Outslugs.
Jude vs. Cait Sith - Ribbit
Jude vs. Strago - Breath mints will be required
Jude vs. Yuffie
Jude vs. Squall
Jude vs. Meliadoul
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 05:18:27 AM by Random Consonant »


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I Should Mention that when Defending Jude is basically immune to physicals due to his unique guard boosts. This + doubles give him a pretty good bictory path vs. Pure physicals.

Jude vs. Malik Benedict  : Loss. status.
Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez  : Loss. magic and evade walls Jude's damage.
Jude vs. Lady Harken  : Abstain
Jude vs. Jack van Burace: Win. is faster and so ruin's Jack's damage. status isn't enough.
Jude vs. Levin Brenton   : Loss. Blast wins it for Levin, sad as that is.
Jude vs. Kanon: Loss. boss form.
Jude vs. Zed   : Win.
Jude vs. Anastasia Valeria   : Win. Ana does not OHKO and is killed before turn 2
Jude vs. Maya Schroedinger : Win. Maya was physical and slower no?
Jude vs. Antenora  : Win. blitz.
Jude vs. Alhazad   : Abstain.
Jude vs. Boomerang: Win.
Jude vs. Clive Winslett  : win. Clive may not 2HKO Jude and the speed is a double liability.
Jude vs. Kresnik Ahtreide: Win. defend means Kresnik can not damage Jude. Adreniline Rush wears off and. osts MP.
Jude vs. Todd Dukakis: Win.
Jude vs. Zeikfried: Win?
Jude vs. Ashley Winchester: Win. blitzes past any threat of full clip. Accelerator isn't saving Ashley.
Jude vs. Jeremy Non: Loss. It'd damage, No?
Jude vs. Berserk: Win. that is going to leave a mark.
Jude vs. Janus Cascade: Win?
Jude vs. Marivel Armitage: Win... I think he blocked the relevant status of sleep and silence?

Jude vs. Lede: Win. goes first and OHKOs.
Jude vs. Worker 8: Win. Speed diff is mean.
Jude vs. Edgar (FF6): Loss. No confuse protection?
Jude vs. Ultros: Loss. Imp?
Jude vs. Jenova: Loss. Stop.
Jude vs. Tidus: Loss. E&C along with ITD.
Jude vs. Edge: Win.
Jude vs. Kary: Loss. Hold.
Jude vs. Wakka: Loss
Jude vs. Cecil: Win.
Jude vs. Elmdor: Win, OHKO.
Jude vs. Rofel: Win.
Jude vs. Zalbag: Win.
Jude vs. Reno: Loss. Pyramid.
Jude vs. Edea: Win.
Jude vs. Auron: Auron's damage is ITD... but my god the speed diff. And blocker may kick in... Uh....
Jude vs. Steiner: Win.
Jude vs. Gau' Loss. Charm.
Jude vs. Adel: Win. Blitz.
Jude vs. Delita: Win. Pdur lets him carry it.
Jude vs. Dycedarg: Win. Mrh FFT human bosses.
Jude vs. Delita: repeat.
Jude vs. Sabin : Win. KOs first.
Jude vs. Fujin: Win. Blitz.
Jude vs. Celia: Win. KO before the bitch moves.
Jude vs. Garland: Loss. Stop.
Jude vs. Knight: Win. Knight runs into that Guard.
Jude vs. Garnet: Win. She doesn't OHKO or status before he kills her.
Jude vs. Rydia: Loss. She does.
Jude vs. Tiamat: Loss. Mage boss 2HKOs.
Jude vs. Izlude: Win. KO quick and lots of pdur.
Jude vs. Beowulf: Loss. MDef problems ahoy.
Jude vs. Cloud: Win. KOs first. gimmicks get around Limit.
Jude vs. Agrias: Win. Pdur and blitzing a slower PC.
Jude vs. Hojo
Jude vs. Freya: Win. Pdur.
Jude vs. Cait Sith: Loss. Status.
Jude vs. Strago: Loss. Status.
Jude vs. Yuffie: Win. Conformer was not ITD.
Jude vs. Squall: Win. pdur and blitzing past a limit.
Jude vs. Meliadoul: Loss. Uh... She breaks his armor and then OHKOs him? He probably does not kill before her.

Jude vs. Zero
Jude vs. Axl


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Jude vs. Malik Benedict  - No way to get around Distortion
Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez  - lolevade, lolstatus, lolmagic
Jude vs. Maya Schroedinger -  Calamity Jane's likely not getting through that HP, and even with boss HP respect, not sure Maya's QUITE Heavy-grade with her best damage being 3HKO or so.
Jude vs. Clive Winslett - WA3 PDEF sucks.  Clive's speed blows.  Do the math.
Jude vs. Kresnik Ahtreide - Melody Armor makes Kresnik suffer.  Jude can't break through healing without leypoints.  Not sure whether to allow them in general,  --until Adrenaline Boost runs out.  Jude can stall (read: do nothing) for this and kill in the time it'd take to recast it.
Jude vs. Todd Dukakis - Think confuse is good enough.  Also clearly no afros on fire.
Jude vs. Jeremy Non - ...ow.  This is not Jude's fight.
Jude vs. Janus Cascade   - CTB vs. TB speed notwithstanding, ow.  No dispel and Proton Beam means Jude cries.

Jude vs. Lede - Stop Bracelet
Jude vs. Worker 8 - This one feels oddly close to me.  RA->AB and then Circuit Break seems like Jude's best option.  But RA has to be used in close or else Jude can't Assault Buster the next turn--wait.  Two attacks from range, then Assault Buster after W8 moves in to Crush.  Guarantees next-hit kill.
Jude vs. Edgar (FF6) - not instadoubled, statused.
Jude vs. Ultros - Status
Jude vs. Jenova - Kneejerking by the stat topic, Life gets this with Aqualung.  Huh.
Jude vs. Edge - Status.
Jude vs. Kary - Hold.
Jude vs. Cecil - Kneejerk.  Cecil is nowhere NEAR as good of a tank as Knight, and Knight hits harder, too.
Jude vs. Elmdor - BLADE GRASP LOL no--Assault Buster gets around that nicely, though shields are a thing.  HP, Evade, and Muramasa might be enough to tip it in Elmdor's favor?  Kneejerking here.
Jude vs. Rofel - Hellcry, gg.
Jude vs. Zalbag - Boss form's the only one with listed stats I can see.  Defense Up+good HP by my interps, 11 Speed, and Destroy Sword utterly neutering any damage Jude has (5 PA is a big loss in FFT) puts Zalbag at a distinct advantage.
Jude vs. Reno - Pyramid.
Jude vs. Gau - if Jeremy gets a win on Gau thanks to Rage AI quirks (first action in Rage is always a basic physical), so does Jude.
Jude vs. Delita - Delita is basically a much better Agrias who can also defuse Jude's assault buster trick by moving.  Giving him the kneejerk here for now.
Jude vs. Dycedarg - Hellcry, gg
Jude vs. Sabin
Jude vs. Celia - Stop Bracelet, Part 2
Jude vs. Knight - Both hit each other's strong defenses.  Jude needs three boosted Assault Busters+physicals before Knight gets in three attacks.  And then the 10% evade cuts into the damage just a bit more.  Kneejerking Knight.
Jude vs. Rydia - Think Jude gets the double->Assault Buster without a problem.  Ow.
Jude vs. Tiamat - Does not have Hold.
Jude vs. Izlude - Izlude really wishes Weapon Break was Turn 1.  As-is, though he may make it to turn 2, not sure he'll have the HP/evade combo to live long after Assault Buster, even if he does land it Turn 2.
Jude vs. Beowulf - Beowulf survives an Assault Buster before he gets to move, statuses Jude out.
Jude vs. Cloud - Jude doesn't insta-double Cloud, but i'm pretty sure he can chip around the limit easily enough.  Otherwise he'd be eating Cross Slash paralysis.
Jude vs. Agrias - Not going to think about this too much.  Agrias has damage issues and basically hopes to hell she can land Stop.  It's not happening.
Jude vs. Hojo - :hojo:
Jude vs. Cait Sith - Transformation status, woo.
Jude vs. Yuffie - Limit chipping works better here, and Yuffie can't do or take as much damage.
Jude vs. Meliadoul - Hellcry, gg.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 04:02:27 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Jude vs. Malik Benedict  - lol
Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez - Jude is even accurate with his physical, but Illusion and Slow Down mean Jude just fails against everything. :arnaud:
Jude vs. Lady Harken - Harken is -faster- than Jude. Bad start. She also counters everything of his. It gets worse. And then, to finish it off, physicals mean Harken starts dealing really mean damage with Maximum Risk. Ouch.
Jude vs. Jack van Burace - hrmph. Jude needs to gamble a bit here - if he equips status blockers, his stats will take enough of a hit that I doubt he'll outpace Jack (one status means Jack has an argument to outspeed him, two mean Jude goes last period, and taking -that- much of a hit to his stats will make AB suck too). Jack being fast also means AB takes a considerable hit. On average, I suspect the status slinging will get him through if Jude doesn't block the threats and Jack just outslugs otherwise, because Jude takes a very considerable hit to his slugfesting.
Jude vs. Levin Brenton - noooooooooooooooooooo
Jude vs. Kanon - Boss Kanon, toodles.
Jude vs. Zed - Zed being faster than Jude is a problematic start. Jude doesn't even 3HKO him with Silver Launcher and certainly won't do much better with AB either, not with that much speed on Zed. Meanwhile, Zed himself 3HKOs solidly.
Jude vs. Anastasia Valeria - Christ. Ana gets -one- turn to do nothing of relevance at all.
Jude vs. Maya Schroedinger - Assault Buster does its magic.
Jude vs. Antenora - Jude instadoubles Antenora with Rapid Attack and Assault Buster against Brad-level speed is gonna -hurt-.   
Jude vs. Alhazad - eeeeeeeeeeew jude post-slow down
Jude vs. Boomerang - Jude is faster and Boomy only 3HKOs. Jude may not 3-2, but he doesn't have to, since he should 4-3 with RA and three physicals+one AB, even running against Boomerang speed, -should- be death because his durability is junk. -IN FACT-, Jude just physicals Boomy four times, that's 74% PC HP against Boomy's 67% pdur.
Jude vs. Clive Winslett - lulz. >_>
Jude vs. Kresnik Ahtreide - See Random. Even the crit strings are problematic because Jude can answer to actual damage with MYSTIC POTION BERRY.
Jude vs. Todd Dukakis - Todd just isn't very good.
Jude vs. Zeikfried - Zeik sucks.
Jude vs. Ashley Winchester - Death blocker, do the Jude.
Jude vs. Jeremy Non - juuuuuuuuuuust scrapes that one-rounding.
Jude vs. Berserk - Berserk fails to OHKO and Jude certainly doesn't fail to 3-2 and 3HKO.
Jude vs. Janus Cascade - :rhys :janus:   
Jude vs. Marivel Armitage - Even with the massive stat hit, Jude manages to outpace Marivel once both ID and Sleep are blocked.

Jude vs. Lede - Ow.
Jude vs. Worker 8 - Jude borderline insta-doubles -without- RA. With, it's just a slaughter. Worker certainly won't survive two RA => AB strings, and a counter+Work won't be enough to handle Jude either.
Jude vs. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - Edgar is so bad at slugfesting he probably gets outpaced by Jude even with both statusblockers in play. >_<
Jude vs. Ultros - Survives one AB string and 2HKOs no strings attached.
Jude vs. Jenova - On the other hand, Jenova DEATH just OHKOs Jude flat.
Jude vs. Tidus - caladblololololololololololololol
Jude vs. Edge - Faster even blocking Sleep. Edge gets locked into constantly recasting Image and his damage blows.
Jude vs. Kary - Hold.
Jude vs. Wakka - E&C claims yet another victim.
Jude vs. Cecil Harvey - Cecil just kinda sucks. He might not even -5HKO- Jude and Jude himself is applying pressure just fine.
Jude vs. Mesdoram Elmdor - Suspecting Elmdor has enough evade to not be OHKOed by a single Assault Buster and I'm willing to see Kiyomori as hitting Jude's egregious mdur.
Jude vs. Rofel Wodring - Elmdor situation, with the added issues of Rofel having Defense UP and Jude having to equip statusblockers that may be broken -anyway-. Not to mention breaking Jude's armor is going to be painful.
Jude vs. Zalbag Beoulve - Holy crap, Speed Ruin completely fucks Jude's shit.
Jude vs. Reno - Pyramid.
Jude vs. Edea Kramer - Edea is egregiously bad without instant death.
Jude vs. Auron - Power Break is actually a really good idea against Jude and he's constantly triggering ITD counters. I suspect Auron scrapes a win out of that.
Jude vs. Adelbert Steiner - Steiner 3HKOs Jude and gets 5-3, is my kneejerk. Bad combo.
Jude vs. Gau - :gau:
Jude vs. Adel - Willing to see Adel insta-doubled here, because otherwise she OHKOs Jude in no time.
Jude vs. Delita Hyral - Delita is kinda slow and fails the 2HKO. His best bet is ID, but nah.
Jude vs. Dycedarg Beoulve - This is a similar situation to Rofel, really. Rofel deals less damage and has less options, but eh.
Jude vs. Sabin Rene Figaro - Oooooow, buffed Assault Buster against Sabin durability.
Jude vs. Fujin - He might OHKO Fujin with a straight AB because holy crap that pdef+speed combo.
Jude vs. Celia - See Lede.
Jude vs. Garland - Stop.
Jude vs. Knight - Knight 3HKOs Jude. Jude probably fails to kill Knight in the -five or so- turns he'll get, which is impressive as hell.
Jude vs. Garnet Til Alexandros - BLIND of all things spoils Assault Buster. Holy crap Jude.
Jude vs. Rydia - Against Rydia def and speed, Assault Buster OHKOs pretty flat. Good thing too, because she obliterates Jude if she gets a turn.
Jude vs. Tiamat - 2HKOs and the defense does bad things to AB.
Jude vs. Izlude Tingel - Izlude's breaking is nowhere near as good as Dyce's or Rofel's.
Jude vs. Beowulf Kadmus - Jude -cannot- block all the problem status Beo can sling at once and he needs to block at least two if he wants to live. The mdef also makes the status turn almost always to boot. gj
Jude vs. Cloud Strife - Physical => AB. lol.
Jude vs. Agrias Oaks - Agrias is pretty much strictly worse as a slugger than Delita.
Jude vs. Hojo - By the time Hojo reaches the forms with the good status, Jude already ran circles around him anyway. He just pelts with physicals until then, because Hojo's first two forms have WA4 boss durability and get 2HKOed by those pelts.
Jude vs. Freya - Luna is suicide with Rapid Attack in tow and Jude easily outslugs otherwise.
Jude vs. Cait Sith - Froggy.
Jude vs. Strago Magus - Listerine.
Jude vs. Yuffie Kisaragi - The only FF7 PC Jude doesn't trivialize through Assault Buster shenanigans is Cait Sith.
Jude vs. Squall Leonhart - FF8 PCs don't fare any better either.
Jude vs. Meliadoul Tingel - I s'pose. Rofel and Dyce could do it. Meli's offense is considerably worse and so is her speed, but she risks being able to scrape a 2HKO anyway.

Jude vs. Zero - I don't think Jude can stop Zero from getting a second turn here.
Jude vs. Axl - Ninetails!
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Jude vs. Lede- Status.
Jude vs. Worker 8- Speed and avoiding counters.
Jude vs. Edgar (FF6)- Noiseblaster.
Jude vs. Ultros- Not much Ultros respect.
Jude v s. Jenova- Even less Jenova respect.
Jude vs. Tidus
Jude vs. Edge- Sleep.
Jude vs. Kary- Hold.
Jude vs. Wakka
vs. Cecil
Jude vs. Elmdor- Evasion.
Jude vs. Rofel- Defense and evasion. Jude no likely.
Jude vs. Zalbag- Crystal Shield/Speed ruin works for me.
Jude vs. Reno
Jude vs. Edea- Death.
Jude vs. Auron- The turn split here. My god. I think that overcomes power break.
Jude vs. Steiner- No clue. Abstain.
Jude vs. Gau- Defense, sure.
Jude vs. Adel- Splat.
Jude vs. Delita- Kneejerk. Shield helps but not enough.
Jude vs. Dycedarg- Hellcry.
Jude vs. Sabin
Jude vs. Fujin- Status.
Jude vs. Celia
Jude vs. Garland
Jude vs. Knight- Don't bring a gun to a swordfight with Knight.
Jude vs. Garnet- Huh, blind is accurate. Sucks for Jude.
Jude vs. Rydia- Rydia speed.
Jude vs. Tiamat- Jude Mdef.
Jude vs.Izlude-  Weapon break's turn two but it functionally cripples Jude. So thinking that Jude can squeeze it out? Izlude does have some evasion which helps, but I'm leaning this way.
Jude vs. Beowulf- Status.
Jude vs. Cloud- Cloud's a bad heavy. So it goes.
Jude vs. Agrias- Agrias is really slow and undamaging by Heavy standards.
Jude vs. Hojo- Hojo.
Jude vs. Freya- Freya's strictly a mage spoiler in Heavy.
Jude vs.Cait Sith- Status.
Jude vs. Strago- Status.
Jude vs. Yuffie- Jude has to be careful here, as Yuffie just 2HKOs him to me. That said, he should be able to chip around any danger and splatter Yuffie with a buffed Assault Buster.
Jude vs. Squall
Jude vs. Meliadoul- Defense up and a shield is bad news for Jude.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Jude vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez - Jude is even accurate with his physical, but Illusion and Slow Down mean Jude just fails against everything. :arnaud:

Even if you don't normally let enemy duelers move out of Arnaud's debuff hexes (I do, myself), you should definitely let Jude do so, and he even has a unique ability in his 2x move to make it even more legal!  I'm not sure it matters, though, Jude only has 4 hexes he can stand on that still have a shot against non-center Arnaud, so it's possible the duration is just long enough that Jude has no safe spot to go to briefly, and Arnaud might be manufacturing rare double turns off the MP expenditure of spamming Slow DOwn -> force Jude to move anyway.  That said, Arnaud evade, and if we're assuming a WA4 battlefield, Arnaud has a 3/7 chance (and is only a move away) from getting some sweet elemental Hi-Blasts for more damage against Jude's bad MDef.  (Maybe there's uh Wind LEY BOOST hype or something if we let Jude play with the same tools, but eh.)


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What's stopping Arnaud from just casting Shut Out in that case?
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<@Claude> yahtzee

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Dark Holy Elf

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It forces him to tank Attack x2 -> AB before Illusion kicks in, but thanks to evade he should do that pretty easily. For all that Arnaud stomps with just Slow Down spam, I think... he'll doubleturn, as Snowfire alludes to. Arnaud's fast enough that the CT Jude gains after moving can't compete with the CT he loses while slowed. And yeah, even if it didn't happen there would be 6 slows on the battlefield eventually. (They last 20 turns, so.)

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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Yeah, it's pretty much irrelevant in the boiling of eggs. Jude can only deal any meaningful damage with basic physicals before Illusion and Shut Out kills the fight dead -anyway-. I didn't even bother to go into WA4 mechanics specifics due to them only delaying the inevitable.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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No one is buying my defend hype for Jude? Unfortunate.  It should let him defeat Knight I think.

Jude has a unique skill so his defend is fundamentally different from other PCs (unique should imply allowable). It halves enemy atk. Tgis along with Jude's def should null physical damage. And then there is the 15% damage threshhold...

Dark Holy Elf

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I'd imagine most people who allow Defend will also allow Ruse (I allow neither, hooray for things which aren't unique enough to me + viewing all duels in CTB where anyone can wait for defend to end), and Knight with Ruse beats Jude with Defend, as perfect evade which Jude can't deal with < perfect defence which Knight pierces with criticals.

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I'd allow Defend, but see Elf about RUSE anyway, and I'd be strict on only letting characters defend for situations that would make sense in both games to prevent weird DL translation abuse.  Knight's not even consistently average speed in FF1; his initiative floats totally randomly around the turn order, so yeah, no Defend hype anyway, that'd only be allowed for something like a charge-up move like Kain's jump or various Pokemon one-turn charge dealies.

The slows last less than 20 turns to me, because it's any character's 20 turns, and I'm not a fan of all the buffs / debuffs magically lasting longer in the DL because there's only one character.  If we assume that the other 3 characters are dead, then Yulie should be getting huge Crisis RFX respect anyway, which no one gives, so there are phantom alive allies eating into the buff duration.  It's more like (4 PCs + 1 enemy) = 20/5 ~= 4 turns or so.  With 4 potential hexes that have a shot on Arnaud.  So...  still probably enough to get Arnaud occasional double turns, for all that Shut Out -> tank an AB probably is fine regardless.

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Crisis RFX requires characters to be specifically dead, so that doesn't really fly. And WA4 -does- have fights where characters fight alone to prove this (in fact, the entire PC cast).
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Not inclined to care too much since 99.9% of your fights are not Arena fights or the special Platapana fights.  (And while minor, worth noting that you can't voluntarily get rid of a character in WA4, nor even enter a battle with them dead!)  It's just like how the Chrono Cross cast (& CC bosses!) become really really weird if taken seriously as a duel, and not exactly comparable to the way they get used in a normal game.  So yeah, not inclined to respect buff duration from Arnaud / Yulie super-huge because if hypothetically everyone died, then their buffs would last longer.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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I'm not even getting into that, just about -why- Crisis RFX doesn't earn respect in a duel. The conditions for it don't involve being alone or not - they involve whether your allies are injured/dead or not. It specifically plays off team synergy and the state of your allies. I guess it works when Yulie's injured too, but the RFX boost for when she's hurt is so marginal it doesn't tide matches one way or another.

EDIT: Also, I don't see why establish arena fights as invalid for a duel environment, considering how, unlike FE arena fights, they run off -exactly the same mechanics and system schematics- as the rest of the game and don't create any sort of weird artificial inflation like, say, Necron or CC bosses do. But whatever floats your boat. I'm perfectly okay with the idea of running buff/debuff duration off a full party, though I'd scale it against the absolute minimum amount of characters an in-game non-arena fight can have (i.e. one enemy and the party members). This ends up being relevant mostly for Yulie (Shut Out and Extension pretty much cover Arnaud there).
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 01:57:17 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....