Elf: Okay, yeah, fair enough, no worky on Dragon = no worky on Dragon. It was a thought.
Jo'ou: I dunno about "everyone" allowing Guard Scorpion to spam its counter stance, or at least some people who do also penalize GS holistically for sucking (aka all those wasted Search Scope turns). The Guard Scorp notes were on the old boards, but checking a FAQ... GS halves all physical damage in his counter stance, reduces magic damage a bit more, and has 800 HP, which ain't bad when his Lightning weakness isn't baked in and is only facing 2 characters. (Unless you use Elf-style always assume 3.5 PC characters or the like.) I also seem to recall his counter being a high 3HKO, not a 3-4HKO. So yeah, GS with spammable Tail Up is potentially badass depending on interp - I can easily see him as ~2 PCHP, which becomes 4 PCHP for physical sluggers without Lightning to try and hack through. No idea what his speed is, since they'd obviously like to get a hit in before the defense buff & counter. (Of course, due to the hilarity that is NR Light, GS does okay there anyway, but against "special" opposition.) Heavy might be too much, but he surely ends up a decent Middle with that, and he'll even beat some mages without healing or buffing too in Middle if they're too frail or slow. (Of course, I am perfectly happy if you think GS is Light, as I certainly agree. Although I do think his counter stance comes in handy vs. bosses / berserkers... I think he beat RIEV that way. Stupid FE bosses suicide attacking!)