
Author Topic: Shift Tourney: Week 2  (Read 3583 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2013, 12:30:28 AM »
Remind me again what non-elemental magic existed in CT?  IIRC the last time it came up (Retinite), there's a single Triple Tech that has it (Poyozo Dance?!) that requires Ayla, so is there anyway to check?  (Or was there some other non-elemental magic option?)

Poyozo Dance and Tail Spin are both non-elemental and magical.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2013, 03:01:35 AM »
1) Magus' barrier has two properties. One, high physical defence (but not high magic defence). Two, elemental absorption. Logic dictates that neither of these would stop non-elemental ITD (or for that matter, non-elemental magic) damage.
2) You can test for yourself that non-elemental magic works just fine against Lavos!Magus.

Combine these facts and the situation doesn't seem terribly arguable. I'm a pretty big Magus fan but saying his barrier stops non-typed attacks? Not cool with me.

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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2013, 05:03:34 AM »
Well, when I saw Jo'ou's post, my exact next question would have been "So what about Lavos!Magus."  So...  obscure, but pretty clear.  (If Lavos!Magus didn't exist, it'd be pretty easy to assume the barrier just required you hit it with the right element.)  And...  to be clear, even if the Barrier did anything vs. G. Dragon, if I wasn't clear before, I think Ryu would probably win anyway.


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2013, 08:03:42 AM »
Question: Viola's Shield blocks 4 hits according to the stat topic. How does Ghaleon do damage to her? Isn't his physical two hits, then Hell Wave one?

I see it like this: Viola's shield is a separate enemy target, which has 4 HP and takes 1 damage from everything.

That 4 HP total gets scaled down because all enemy targets get their HP scaled down.


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2013, 07:32:23 PM »
TimeLord (Saga Frontier) vs. Shinryuu (Final Fantasy 5): Forgive me for not having much sympathy for time magic raping Shinryuu.
Ryu3 (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4): Belial beats every PC ever woo go her. Or something.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Viola (Radiant Historia): Yeah the difference in durability here is massive.
Zophar (Lunar 2) vs. Yuna (Final Fantasy X): All parts/status ball can pull this off. Probably.


Berle (Star Ocean 2) vs. Wugui (Shadow Hearts): Ouch.
Millenia (Grandia 2) vs. Yaridovich (Super Mario RPG): I... guess?
Jack van Burace (Wild Arms) vs. Wakka (Final Fantasy X): ID, Paralysis, or Confusion works.
Jowy Atreides (Suikoden II) vs. Jessica Albert (Dragon Quest 8): Jowy OHKOs and goes first?

Fang (Final Fantasy XIII) vs. Gades (Lufia series): Not what Fang wanted, a competent boss.
Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Legretta (Tales of the Abyss): Moonlight -> Intrude.
Magus (Chrono Trigger) vs. Ryu Bateson (Breath of Fire 2): Shut up and Explode.
Purim (Secret of Mana) vs. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz): Purim's pretty screwed over by Mirror Skin. Well, she could give herself a status physical, but by then she'll already have died to a bunch of Meltdowns.


Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Ashley Winchester (Wild Arms 2): As I still do Boss Scaling to SRPG bosses Lyon dies to two Fantom Fangs.
Basilio (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs. Poo (Earthbound)
Marle (Chrono Trigger) vs. Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX)
Eiko (Final Fantasy 9) vs. Lazlo (Suikoden IV): Should heal lock with a physical at worst...

Sara (Breath of Fire) vs. Rune Walsh (Phantasy Star IV): Too much durability.
Eruca (Radiant Historia) vs. Princess Toadstool (Super Mario RPG): Block the status and wins with the shield.
Alfina (Grandia III) vs. Tengaar (Suikoden series): Stunshot -> Win?
Klein (Atelier Iris) vs. Yukiko (Persona 4): Klein has good fire durability and healing and various tricks to get her with (Living Item, and so on).

Basically this. Grr at the Millenia/Yari fight...


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2013, 04:03:59 AM »
Last call for edits / votes, this closes tomrorrow.

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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2013, 09:31:57 AM »

Jack van Burace (Wild Arms) vs. Wakka (Final Fantasy X) - Jack's faster with enough variety in his status tricks to down Wakka

Magus (Chrono Trigger) vs. Ryu Bateson (Breath of Fire 2) - Right type of offense


Marle (Chrono Trigger) vs. Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX) - Not Freya's kind of fight.
Eiko (Final Fantasy 9) vs. Lazlo (Suikoden IV) - Nor Eiko's.


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2013, 09:32:38 AM »

TimeLord (Saga Frontier) vs. Shinryuu (Final Fantasy 5)
Zophar (Lunar 2) vs. Yuna (Final Fantasy X)


Jack van Burace (Wild Arms) vs. Wakka (Final Fantasy X)
Jowy Atreides (Suikoden II) vs. Jessica Albert (Dragon Quest 8)


Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Ashley Winchester (Wild Arms 2)
Basilio (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs. Poo (Earthbound) - Basilio 2HKOs, Poo 3HKOs and is faster. Basilio spoils Shield Beta adequately, with bows or Killer crits. So Poo needs Brainshock to hit and to work. Stat topic puts it at 80% accuracy, debatably higher against Basilio's Res, and the EB wiki says that strangeness is more likely to change an attack's target than to keep it. One misfire is catastrophic for Basilio, and that's that.
Marle (Chrono Trigger) vs. Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX)
Eiko (Final Fantasy 9) vs. Lazlo (Suikoden IV)


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2013, 05:57:22 PM »

TimeLord (Saga Frontier) vs. Shinryuu (Final Fantasy 5)
Ryu3 (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4)
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Viola (Radiant Historia)
Zophar (Lunar 2) vs. Yuna (Final Fantasy X)


Berle (Star Ocean 2) vs. Wugui (Shadow Hearts)
Millenia (Grandia 2) vs. Yaridovich (Super Mario RPG)
Jack van Burace (Wild Arms) vs. Wakka (Final Fantasy X)
Jowy Atreides (Suikoden II) vs. Jessica Albert (Dragon Quest 8)

Fang (Final Fantasy XIII) vs. Gades (Lufia series)
Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Legretta (Tales of the Abyss)
Magus (Chrono Trigger) vs. Ryu Bateson (Breath of Fire 2)
Purim (Secret of Mana) vs. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)


Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Ashley Winchester (Wild Arms 2)
Basilio (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs. Poo (Earthbound)
Marle (Chrono Trigger) vs. Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX)
Eiko (Final Fantasy 9) vs. Lazlo (Suikoden IV)

Sara (Breath of Fire) vs. Rune Walsh (Phantasy Star IV)
Eruca (Radiant Historia) vs. Princess Toadstool (Super Mario RPG)
Alfina (Grandia III) vs. Tengaar (Suikoden series)
Klein (Atelier Iris) vs. Yukiko (Persona 4)


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2013, 11:21:02 PM »

TimeLord (Saga Frontier) vs. Shinryuu (Final Fantasy 5)
Zophar (Lunar 2) vs. Yuna (Final Fantasy X)


Millenia (Grandia 2) vs. Yaridovich (Super Mario RPG): While it doesn't matter for this match, I assume competent but not perfect timed defense (so, basically, always getting the half-damage, but almost never getting the 0, consistent with my own actual SMRPG play). 
Jack van Burace (Wild Arms) vs. Wakka (Final Fantasy X)
Jowy Atreides (Suikoden II) vs. Jessica Albert (Dragon Quest 8): Rocket tag and Jowy wins initiative.

Fang (Final Fantasy XIII) vs. Gades (Lufia series): Gades1 probably wins this, Gades2 probably doesn't.  For that matter Gades2 doesn't belong in this division, so by that logic - being one of the nominators - I feel obligated to vote on Gades1.  Sorry, Fang.
Magus (Chrono Trigger) vs. Ryu Bateson (Breath of Fire 2): G.Dragon, yawn.  Doesn't really matter whether it's PC or boss Magus. 


Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Ashley Winchester (Wild Arms 2)
Basilio (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs. Poo (Earthbound): I don't buy the Brainshock hype or that it's really 80%.
Marle (Chrono Trigger) vs. Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX)

Sara (Breath of Fire) vs. Rune Walsh (Phantasy Star IV)
Alfina (Grandia III) vs. Tengaar (Suikoden series): Now this is a close match.  I think I hew towards Dhyer's interp here; Tengaar opens with Canopy Defense, Alfina uses Stun Force three times.  Dhyer's notes suggest that high speed on the paralyzed target works against Alfina here; if that's correct, she gets two Meteor Strikes in, one of which gets nulled.  Alfina would need two more Meteor Strikes to win and she won't get them before Tengaar earthquakes her twice.


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2013, 11:28:51 PM »
I will note that G3 has a mechanic for different recharge times/different speeds on moves (IP gauge positioning upon completion of a tech/attack/spell). Which move the enemy used last does not affect how long Stun Force lasts, so only base speed should matter for that...


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Re: Shift Tourney: Week 2
« Reply #36 on: June 27, 2013, 12:28:39 AM »
Results.  Only Heroes had close matches voting-wise this week.  (Fang vs. Gades in Demigods was close too, but was blatantly a "did you play Lufia 1" formchoice check, pretty clear Gades2 loses and Gades 1 wins.)

TimeLord (Saga Frontier) vs. Shinryuu (Final Fantasy 5)
Ryu3 (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4)
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Viola (Radiant Historia)
Zophar (Lunar 2) vs. Yuna (Final Fantasy X)


Berle (Star Ocean 2) vs. Wugui (Shadow Hearts)
Millenia (Grandia 2) vs. Yaridovich (Super Mario RPG)
Jack van Burace (Wild Arms) vs. Wakka (Final Fantasy X)
Jowy Atreides (Suikoden II) vs. Jessica Albert (Dragon Quest 8) (8-2)

Fang (Final Fantasy XIII) vs. Gades (Lufia series) (6-5)
Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Legretta (Tales of the Abyss)
Magus (Chrono Trigger) vs. Ryu Bateson (Breath of Fire 2)
Purim (Secret of Mana) vs. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)


Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Ashley Winchester (Wild Arms 2)
Basilio (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs. Poo (Earthbound) (3-1)
Marle (Chrono Trigger) vs. Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX)
Eiko (Final Fantasy 9) vs. Lazlo (Suikoden IV)

Sara (Breath of Fire) vs. Rune Walsh (Phantasy Star IV)
Eruca (Radiant Historia) vs. Princess Toadstool (Super Mario RPG) (4-4) (python tiebreak due to no Hatbot)
>>> princesses = ["Gun Princess", "Frying Pan Princess"]
>>> random.choice(princesses)
'Gun Princess'
Alfina (Grandia III) vs. Tengaar (Suikoden series) (6-5)
Klein (Atelier Iris) vs. Yukiko (Persona 4)