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DLC8 aftermath
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:49:01 AM »
This is unproofed and typed up in the middle of the night, so apologies for lack of coherence.

This con was a little different than normal, as I lived in the area. Instead of flying in, DLC started wtih a pickup. I volunteered to pick up a batch of people from LAX on Thursday. The airport itself was a pain in the ass to navigate, but I can deal with that with some choice profanity. I end up walking through a couple of terminals and meeting up wtih the first group. Tide, Gate, and Cmdr are already there waiting in baggage claim; Tal is there a few minutes later. Tide gets introduced to people, we make a ten minute walk back to the car. I spend most of this time chatting with Gate, catching up and talking about how not wonderful LAX is.

The drive is pretty easy once we get out of LAX. We make good time across the freeway. We stop to eat at a sandwich place in Monterey park. Thanks to the usual stellar DL planning, there is much waffling over where to eat. The threat of Taco Bell (This will be a recurring theme) got people to pick a place to eat. We then head to the Floral Inn. Several people are already there. Djinn is miserably ill, but everyone else was doing well enough.We get to Niu's place. I settle in with a game of spades with Tide, Tal, and Cmdr. Team Tide/Super goes down in glorious defeat in what was an otherwise tight game. I mostly spend the rest of the evening talking and playing board games. Kappa, Snow, and I are all crashing at Dhyer's place for the con. We get back at 12:30 and stay up till 2am chatting.

I get up the next morning and give Snow/Nitori a brief walking tour of West Hollywood.  Snow gets his coffee and nicotine fix and I get my photography fix. After that it's off to Fogo de Chao. The food was good, but I don't enjoy steak enough to pay for that more than once in a blue moon. After that, we four make a quick sidetrip to pack up and head back to Niu's.

It's a little before 3pm when we get going, and the drive was miserable. There was a fuckton of traffic for basically the entire drive. Even by LA standards, that was a shitty drive. We were stuck an hour in traffic, most of which is spent with me profanely describing how dumb some of the drivers are and Dhyer wanting to stab someone.

We get to Niu's place eventually. I bounce around and settle in with a game of Hearts with Nitori/Tide/Dhyer, which ended in victory. There was much pestering of Tonfa intersparsed as well. Tide runs through Elsa's final map in FM4 with one of my NG+ saves because why not. I spend some time talking with Ashley and Grefter. After that it's basically waiting till 10pm to go with Laggy to pick up Elf/Ciato at the airport. MC literally pulls in at this point and happily hops in the car ride to the airport. I spend most of the ride listening to MC being super bubbly and Laggy bouncing off that. Ciato and Elf get in, we ride back. I start feeling tired/surly at this point. I entirely blame MC, she was way too perky'/happy for someone who worked like a million hours last week! *nod* Surliness aside, I spend the last hour or two of Friday's DLC talking with people.  The ride back to Dhyer's parents is an adventure, due to a dead phone/no GPS. We get in at 2am, and crash almost instantly.

We (Dhyer/myself/Nitori/Snow) don't get out the door till noon on Saturday. There are various misadventures with lying GPSes, lost wallets, and shitty traffic. We get to Niu's mid afternoon. The music quiz happens almost as soon as we get here.  It's on the obscure side this year, but is fun enough. It's then off to downtown LA for lunch for some people and a bookstore trip for the rest. As the bookstore is in downtown LA, there is vile profanity and hate from the driver (me).  The bookstore was mostly Japanese import stuff, which is neat enough. I then get a ice cream float while Niu/Gate/MC eat lunch.  We go back and take group photos. I play spades with Ciato/MC/Dhyer, lose on the last hand, and hang out some. It's then bowling time! I decide to avoid going. I spend the next few hours hanging out with Alex and Niu, looking at art books and making fun of how bad Growlanser art is.


Also the Essence of Saga book is fantastic.

There is more hanging out, and then it's off to the Floral Inn to talk and bullshit. A bunch of us stay up, have a few drinks, and talk till 3am.  Dhyer's dad makes us pancakes (yay!), we don't get out the door until noon (boo).  I run DL Jeopardy and have a fantastic lunch at a local sub shop near Niu's house. There is more cards-Hearts, this time. Poor Gate kept eating the bitch. I may be at fault for this!

I run Elf/Ciato/Nitori/Djinn to the airport. We get there super early since traffic was mercifully thin for once. I don't get back to Niu's parents place until late. About half of us head to a Japanese place for dinner. I eat with Djinn/Snow/Cmdr/VSM. After that, it's heading back to Niu's and cleaning up.  I end up going back to the hotel room with Djinn/Dhyer/Snow/Meeple/VSM. We all BS for a while until 11, and then head back.Tomorrow will be taking a group of people to the airport, and then it's done.

It was, as always, a positive experience. There were still a few issues. LA traffic in general was a serious problem, it was compounded by how difficult it was to get to the airport. Niu and his parents were amazing hosts, but his place was pretty isolated- you could not really walk to anything from there. Staying at Dhyer's parents place would have helped but not eliminated the problem.  Three things I take away from this: 1. LAX sucks. 2. More cars at cons. LA was an extreme example, but more drivers at cons is good. It means less stress for those who are driving, easier movement for everyone, and gives people some flexiblity.  I don't think it's people being irresponsible or cheap, it's more just being oblivious.   I include myself in this category, as I never realized just how big a burden people like Ashley and OK took on by doing so much con driving.  3. Holy crap we've been doing this for eight years now as a group now. All of us have changed, but at the core DLC is still a bunch of people with nerdy interests from all over the world hanging out. This is still amazingly cool.

Normally at cons I spend a lot of time with certain people (Ashley, OK, Jim). It didn't really work out that way this time. I hung out with Nitori/Snow quite a bit, along with Tide and Alex. had a blast getting to talk with different people. I also took tons of photos on various people's cameras (Soppy, Cmdr, Ciato, Snow) so go post those!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 10:50:55 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 10:48:00 PM »
ate food

photographed food

ate more food

traffic is awful


richard is king of maids

gin and 7up is alright

should have eaten more food
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 03:29:57 AM »
Back at work home. Usual list of events/highlights since that's easier to jot down the paragraphs of text.

Day 1:
- I arrive at the airport, am confused that there is no immigration/customs check at LAX. I speak to the attendant at the information desk to figure out if I was missing anything. I then proceed to call Tal because I see absolutely no one and didn't have the right number for Super. He eventually shows up, introduces me to CK and Gate. Tal eventually arrives after walking from to gate 4...only to find out we had to walk back to gate 2 again.
- Navigation adventures. Using Tal's phone, we boot up the GPS, while I give directions and Gate helps Super navigate. We still end up almost missing a couple of exits because Super drives like a mad man and LA traffic is like Toronto DVP; only instead of one part of the freeway, it applies to the entire freeway at all points.
- Super asks what people want for lunch, to which no one really made a decision. He then suggested Taco Bell at which point we all said no and voted to throw him out of the car if we went to one. So instead, we got sandwiches from Togo.
- Check in, then arrive at Niu's. Took some photos of the view from Niu's yard, which was gorgeous. People already started with a couple of games, so Super got me, Tal and CK together for a game of Spades. PS: Having Super as your partner in Spades is a thing. Also, I almost succeeded in going Nil with a hand that has 4 spades, one being the Queen and starting with the two of clubs. Afterwards, we did a quick game of hearts. Tal gets wrecked by a couple of hands and ends the short game before being pulled into Mahjong with Laggy and co.
- Dinner. Niu takes a few of us that wanted food to a teppanyaki place. Everyone else either ate pizza or decided to starve themselves for tomorrow. The food was pretty good. Ended up having a conversation with Ashley and Niu regarding the weirdest things we've eaten/seen being cooked. Most of these ended up revolving around China.
- Rest of the evening was spent talking to various people/watching various people play board games. The best conversation we had was an in-depth talk regarding speedrunning XF between me, Snow, Super and CK. Unfortunately, we never got around to the talk again with NEB present. Boo.
- We finally return to our room to find that the towel rack is broken, there is no shampoo and a general lack of toiletries sans the toilet paper and soap. But hey, at least it flushes.

Day 2:
- With most of us deciding to head to the meat dimension, we spend the morning without breakfast and chat amongst ourselves. Gate pulls up FE: A, takes a look at street pass team and generally agrees with the name and introduction message "Get ready 2 wipe" that I left.
- Meat dimension was glorious and exactly as advertised by the Laggy. Meat, meat and more meat everywhere! Head my steak fill for the trip from that one meal. Most of us skipped dessert, but user RICHARD decides to order a cake. He promptly proceeds to wreck cake. RICHARD op.
- Super grabs me, Dhyer and Nitori for a game of Hearts. As a whole, we do not coordinate well and Super wins. Final scores being something like 71, 100+, 77, 36 (Me, Nitori, Dhyer, Super respectively).
- I watch Niu play dammaku fighter against Djinn, and then Gate. I should get a copy of this game because it looks pretty fun. Japan only though sadly.
- Since I had nothing to do, I boot up my speedrun for a bit, review the last fight. Still can't come up with the solution to my problem. Somewhere along the way, I also boot up Third Strike.
- I leave for Karaoke with Djinn, Ashely, Andy, Grefter, Soppy and Snow. No alcohol, but entertaining nonetheless. We also purposely picked some joke tracks. Unfortunately, one of the joke tracks (Linkin Park) had a FF9 Anime Music Video showing as its music video. Thankfully for Grefter, this wasn't FF4.
- Dinner was light due to still feeling the effects of meat. We had crepes. I got a veggie one to help with all the meat.

Day 3:
- Arrive at Niu's, play 7 Wonders with Tal, Grefter, Soppy, CK, Ashley and Andy. Andy curses life as his two neighbors don't bother getting much resources. Soppy builds nothing but military and crushes everyone in terms of military strength. Grefter builds pretty much nothing but Science because that is all he kept getting. I win the game with 54 points by scoring in pretty much every category decently sans Science and Economy
- We then played Dominion but with Maids. Tal leaves and so does Soppy halfway through for music quiz. MC, Nitori and Mr. VSM join. I eventually find a way to run a fairly effective deck drawing engine that basically discards a Silver for +3 cards, which has to be done at the beginning before playing any cards. This was fine since there was a card on field that exchanged essentially Coppers into Silvers. I win with 36 points or so.
- MC and I expressed interest in heading down with Niu to the bookstore he was going to. But since we just finished our game, we got directions from Andy and left with Meeple, NEB and Ciato. Car ride was quite fun as we did some mocking of FFT JP costs (namely 5000 JP FLY) and general chatting.
- We arrive, thanks to MC and NEB doing the navigating. I call Tal to get directions to the bookstore. I look for a copy of the WA4 OST and find nothing :(. Sigh.
- Ramen for lunch. I wuss out along with user RICHARD from going big because I did not want to destroy my stomach (and Niu's bathroom).
- We return to Niu's. Fell asleep in the car at some point. Group photo after and then watched Ciato and MC make a dramatic come back against Super and Dhyer at Spades. Spades with Super always proves to be long as you're not his actual partner.
- I also brought Arnaud's jacket. People took a look, photos as well as there was copious amounts of touching. I found out later that night the jacket now has some rips and irrepairable scratches :/. I am deciding to custom order a new one as a result. This is also why despite liking the jacket, I don't bother wearing itthat much. It is much too fragile.
- People go bowling. I stay behind, watch RICHARD become the KING OF MAIDS and have dinner with Laggy, RICHARD, Nitori and Archmage due to needing actual food. Laggy takes us a Schezuan Chinese place behind a sketchy looking laundromat. I use my leet Mandarin skills to help with some requests (namely checking to see the dishes came with rice, getting ice water, etc). Food was pretty darn good! Also thanks to Archmage, I am now RICHARD's private maid.
- Return to Niu's and chatted with people. Namely, Gate, Meeple, NEB and Ciato about various games (Satan FFT, FE10, Brawlz) before heading back for bed.

Day 4:
- I check with Ashley and Niu to make sure Niu was picking me up. Breakfast with Gate, Meeple, CK, Tal and RICHARD before they see me off to the airport. Light chatting with Niu before getting dropped off at LAX
- 30 minute delay on the flight. Arrive at home at 10:00 pm. Crash for the night shortly after.

Overall, pretty awesome. I basically hung out with various groups of people at various times. I think I spent the most time with Ashely/Andy and Super, but not 100% certain on that. Generally meeting everyone in person was pretty cool!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 03:32:32 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2013, 05:54:42 AM »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 03:29:17 PM »
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 03:30:40 PM »
As for me, the trip was a very hectic 48 hours. I had a lot of fun chatting with people and going out for food, but it was entirely too short. And for fuck's sake what was wrong with that bowling alley??
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2013, 04:28:31 PM »
Super: you now have a new theme song:

Various Mahjong peoples:  RON!  HERMIONE!  HARRY POTTER!


Ciato/Elfboy: I've determined that Hipster Panties are actually pretty awesome.

Gate: God damn your YOLO pair of queens *shakes fist*


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 05:38:21 PM »

Let's Play Judge Everybody By Their Physical Appearances:

Omg nitori grew out of his larval stage <3

Niu looks significantly more pissed off, and like he is explaining why my dry cleaning isn't done by the date he told me even though I need that suit for a job interview.

Laggy is Handsome. This is a surprise (no it isn't). If that's not Laggy, that's Tide, in which case Tide is handsome. Goddamn I'm racist (aznz).

Goddamn, Grefter. The gym is payin' off. You look like a whole new man. A whole new man that can bench me.

Who the fuck is that guy in the shirt with the pills? I don't know you, so I don't like you. QED.

The rest of you didn't change. At all. To the point where I don't feel like I missed anything regarding this year's DLC.

This concludes "Let's Play Judge Everybody By Their Physical Appearances"


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 05:58:12 PM »
Ciato: I am reminded of why I hate pictures of me. I look like a damn giant goofy hunchback. >_<

MC: ^_____^

Anyway, con was great as always. Meeting Tide was awesome, glad I got to room with him. Though I should prooooobably make sure my roommates for the next con are people who also wake up early. Tal and Tonfa had more then enough of my waking up at 6-7 bullshit. I also need to figure out how long streetpass teams stick around. Tide's team needs to stay forever if at all least until I can actually BEAT it(ahahahahahahahahahahano). I may try, though. And there will be glorious wiping.

Niu has excellent taste in food. And music. And is in fact an evil overlord. There was much fufufu. Often at poor Djinn's expense.

On the subject of food, the meat dimension was amazing. So good. So very very good. That garlic beef was divine and I want more of it. Also, Richard > Cake.

I am forgetting a bunch of things that were awesome, I'm sure. Still only half alive, will be in ZombieGate mode for the next few days as I get back into the swing of things here.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2013, 05:59:53 PM »
Clearly you should have stayed with the morning person brigade. We all got up at 7. <_< (Of course, we all arrived Friday...)
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2013, 07:14:50 PM »
- Navigation adventures. Using Tal's phone, we boot up the GPS, while I give directions and Gate helps Super navigate. We still end up almost missing a couple of exits because Super drives like a mad man and LA traffic is like Toronto DVP; only instead of one part of the freeway, it applies to the entire freeway at all points.

I am a pretty conservative driver; that is just LA being LA. Driving like someone with sanity gets you nowhere.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2013, 10:04:46 PM »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2013, 03:59:39 AM »
The eighth DL Con, but only the third one I've had the privilege of attending, has certainly been an experience. Apart from some decidedly negative experiences with food poisoning and its lingering effects, it was a great trip.

My flights over were uneventful, which when you consider the alternatives are all universally negative, means I had a great airline experience! Got to play Project X Zone pretty much the entire time, and learned that my 3DS has a pretty solid battery life. I'm on chapter 9 now and it's great fun but I'm already getting a little tired of it, think I'll switch to FE13 for the flight home.

My first stop was in San Francisco, where Ashley and the others met us at the airport, then immediately drove Snow and I to the Castro District for a night of unspeakable debauchery. Notably, we were dropped off at a Karaoke bar, and despite visiting 4 separate karaoke places, never got a chance to actually sing. The world weeps, I'm sure. We also managed to visit "The Sleaziest Motel in Castro District", clearly a place so sleazy it is worthy of being a tourist attraction in its own right.

After somehow finding our way back to Ashley's like a pair of lost puppies, we got to meet SnowFire for the first time. He is p. cool dude who boardgames well. We played some Mafia-esque boardgame wherein a bunch of DL Knights went off to discover the true nature of evil (it's indigestion), and to find the Holy Grail of Pepto Bismol. Alex and I were traitorous scum on the side of indigestion, and ended up winning. But clearly our evil master would inevitably betray us!

The next day was a long trip to LA by car, but we finally made it to the Floral Inn near Niu's place and a bunch of us gathered together to get dinner in a decidedly low-rent part of town. Some Mexican food place with pretty bland food in general, but don't worry it comes with a big surprise at the end: delicious food poisoning! Yes, I spent roughly a third of the con vomiting in the middle of the night while everyone else slept. I'm not sure if this counts as ironic or not. It might just be coincidental. Certainly the fact that later on when I felt better I ended up eating on a street called "Montezuma Avenue" is.

Seriously, I am never playing Mafia again.

Highlights of the con for me:

Getting to check out Niu's sprawling library of Japanese video game companion guides. Seriously, he has the Essence of SaGa Frontier, which is possibly the rarest book on the planet.

The Music Quiz, wherein I finally got ALL the Nier songs, and somehow won second place thanks to an obscure bonus question by Meeple.
Super's DL Jeopardy was similar, where I somehow ended up victorious in an exciting come-from-behind win during Final Jeopardy involving bullshit Japanese guessing.

DL Bowling where I got to hang out with Metroid Composite's friend Mike. I completely forgot to bring socks, so I skipped all bowling entirely, and got drunk with some attractive women at the bar. Then Mike, MC, Snow and I went out to a seedy restaurant because -hunger-.

Meeting Niu's mom. She's a really nice, inviting lady. I can understand why she wouldn't have wanted to hang around with us the whole time, but at the end of the con, she seemed like she had enjoyed meeting her son's friends from around the world and actually liked talking with us.

Disneyland. It is Disneyworld Lite and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, but it's still a Disney Theme Park, so it's pretty awesome.  I got my picture taken with Chip and Dale, so now that's something I can cross off my bucket list.

People (in order that I remember seeing them):

Brian/Archmage ended up being on the exact same flight as me for the second leg of my trip, which was a nice surprise, but the plane was too packed for us to sit together and nerd out. This is probably for the best since while I recognized his face immediately, I couldn't remember his name or handle at all. Sorry, man! >_<;; Glad we got to hang out pre-con a bit since he was consumed by Mahjong shortly afterwards.

Andy and Ashley were the best for basically being Con Mom and Con Dad and taking responsibility for all of us, for organization, for planning, and for driving. I'm seriously not sure if DLCon would have worked without them. We got to spend some time playing board games pre-con, and we got to talk about Game Design and Balance quite a lot the first con night. I even got to sit down and draw some satisfactory sketches for Disquiet! I think we have a male lead that doesn't look terrible now!

Luis/Snow was there to greet us at the airport, of course, so we could go clubbing right after arrival. It was good seeing him again so soon after his visit to Florida! Our adventures in debauchery were legendary, but probably best left undescribed here.

Peter/SnowFire was the first of the new people I got to meet. It was his Mafia-like game that inevitably cursed me to a con full of stomach problems. Apart from this flaw, he's a cool guy who let me have a quick tour around the Google main office so I could finally see how people who enjoy their work spend their time.

Alex was my trecherous partner-in-crime in the Mafia-like. He is nefariously good at gaming the system and a lot more conniving than I would have given him credit for before seeing him in action. A very cool partner to have and I'm sad we didn't get to play more board games together during the con proper.

Ken/Tide was the other newbie I got to meet. He wore his Arnaud jacket and was the most stylish guy from the neck up! We got to talk a bit throughout the con, particularly about the various artbooks in Niu's library, and he tagged along with us for a few car rides of hijinks, but overall I wish I'd gotten to talk with him more, particularly about actual gaming.

Kevin/Soppy was part of most of the gatherings I ended up in, but we always seemed to end up on opposite ends of said groupings. We Disney'd together and he was really helpful in visualizing some of the character designs I was working on with Andy for Disquiet. He's got a good design sense and is really good at explaining his artistic vision with examples and comparisons in terms that someone who is drawing can actually pick up on. Think of him as the perfect mediator between Andy's nebulous descriptive style and my hard-line cartooning background for design.

Casey/Grefter was also another regular in my gatherings. Particularly since we all ended up in the same hotel, we saw a lot of eachother. He did make a good call when he convinced Ashley to take him out one morning for an hour-long session to the gym. The three of us basically stole fitness that day since we didn't have memberships nor day passes, but nobody stopped us, so I will say that I paid my fee in sweat. Casey makes a great gym partner and honestly I wish I had a friend as dedicated to fitness as him back home. Round of applause for toughing out the dynamic planking with me, man~!

Brett/Meeple was one of the Cool Dudes(TM) in my room. Meeple is Meeple is very Meeple. Whenever I was bored or tired (or engaged or alert), I could always count on him to engage me in endless non sequitur to make all my troubles go away. We talked a lot about games, meta-gaming, game design, and storytelling, which is par for the course for daily DL interaction, but it was pretty fun to do it in person, and DLCon wouldn't be proper DLCon without it, so I'm glad Meeple was around to endlessly bring the conversation back to our shared hobby whenever we'd get too off-topic. It helped strike a good balance between DLCon's natural tendency to ramble about social small talk that always awkwardly ends in silence... and actual gaming talk.

Billy/VSM was another of the Cool Dudes(TM), and the other half of the endless stream of conversation that naturally arises whenever he and Meeple are in a room. Whereas Brett existed to create randomness and nerd-talk, Billy existed to leave himself open to snarky jokes and bring some daily-life small-talk color to the flow. We also volunteered him to sleep in a bed with Luis and me so he can say he slept in a pile of half-naked sexy flesh when he gets home.

Tony/CK was the final regular member of the Cool Dudes(TM), and we all unanimously decided that he is the One True Kellam, able to disappear in plain sight at will! He described his ability to do this at his workplace whenever someone would state to themselves a need for something like ketchup and Tony would make it appear next to them as if by magic. Similarly, he has a tendancy to be quite silent in the larger DL gatherings that he sometimes got overlooked. I did get to play some P4 Arena with him and we talked a lot about Project X Zone. He was also always quick to join in on the snark whenever Billy would leave himself open, so clearly he's a man of good sense.

Calvin Niu was our gracious con host with a cool mom. I felt a little weird being in their house for so long without actually meeting any of his family (except for his mom towards the very end of the con). But Niu didn't let little things like awkwardness ruin his good time! I definitely played the most games with -him- since he played a lot of Japanese-only games and I was one of the only ones equipped to follow what was going on. We played Marl de Puzzle, Tales of Xillia 2, and best of all: 3-player Tales of Graces F bonus dungeon fights! He also has very good taste in JRPG soundtracks so I enjoyed riding with him whenever there were car trips to get a sampling of new stuff here and there.

Alan/Gate spent a lot of time hanging out with me, and although I pissed him off by making him watch some of Spoony's FF13 review, it really started a lot of discussion on the nature of storytelling and various people's ideas/tastes on what's important in good storytelling. As this is one of my favorite topics of all time, I found myself drawn into conversations with Gate quite a few times throughout the con.

Adam/Dhyer I got to hang out with for basically the first time ever. We've been to DLCons together before, but we never really hung around eachother much. This time, we actually got a chance to hang out during the Saturday evening drinking session, where we discussed: as Ashley put it "gay things" and "DL nerd things" at length, which was quite enjoyable. He also helped me design a proper Nyarlie's Dungeon team, complete with Djinn-esque headache-inducing gimmick! (So blame him, NEB, not me)

Dhyer's Friend John: Random friend of Dhyer's showed up one evening to hang out with us nerds. He is a 3D animator and seems like a p. cool dude. I hope he decides to come hang out on IRC with us sometime to talk nerdy art stuff with. I am mildy amused that Dhyer has someone he can introduce as his childhood friend.

Steven/Super was one of the first people I got to spend any time with at the con proper, since he came to get me shortly after I recovered from the first fight with food poisoning. His driving skills are exactly as advertised, but I really appreciate him taking me out to Subway when my stomach hurt, and also driving me out of the airport to pick up my rental car. By the by, driving in LA -sucks-, but I surprised myself at how quickly I adapted to it once I got the car.

Amy/Ciato was her completely-different-from-her-DL-self, being bubbly and friendly and generally positive. How is this person the Ice Cream Pope Supervillainous we've all come to know and love? Clearly a fraud. She -did- start my new favorite game of "Hey let's stop being negative and try saying something -nice- about a game for once". That was a fun game, let's try it more often.

David/Elfboy I spent a decent amount of time debating FF13 with as well. That game is far more polarizing than it has any right to be. It was pretty fun hanging with him during the Persona 4 Arena times, getting his reactions. I feel bad we never managed to get the Canadians to a proper US game store so they could buy cheap games, particularly since they finally seem ready to play Tales of Vesperia.

Katelyn/Metroid Composite was full of happy and hugs! We talked about the games industry a bit, and she was instrumental in helping us get everyone organized for bowling. I miss Katelyn already :(

MC's Friend Mike was a pretty cool guy who has played quite a large number of RPGs himself. Apparently he knows Laggy through some online play. He seemed a bit bewildered by the RPGDL phenomenon, though also impressed. Apparently this thing we've been doing for almost 10 years is something to be envied? He is apparently a huge SRW fan, too, and said he would be interested in joining the IRC channel. Who knows, maybe he'll actually do it?

Tal, Nitori, Tonfa, and Laggy were the people I didn't get to interact with hardly at all. I played DL Jeopardy with Tal, Nitori fell asleep in my room once apparently, Tonfa already owned the gift I had prepared for him, and Laggy... played Mahjong. Seriously, I got to talk to -Niu- more than Laggy, WTF?

Overall: 9/10 - Great cast, the plot was a little thin, but the villain was certainly effective. Gameplay was so-so, but it had good pacing. Worth the price point. Would certainly get the next sequel!

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2013, 04:11:49 PM »
One of my Canadian friends owns ToV, so we can just borrow his copy! Forgot about that.
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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2013, 05:03:22 PM »
Not going to do a big "aftermath" post yet, just posting here to say "I returned, I am alive, and have just woken from taking a nap!"

Also, I still feel a certain someone hasn't suffered enough for not finishing a certain egg related breakfast he deemed the greatest ever.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2013, 08:57:42 PM »
going for a new format.  Maybe it'll be less dry, or at least less regimented.

Travel, Logistics, and Similar Concerns

As usual for DLCon, I'm a silly person who works nights and gets early flights, so I generally just pull an all-nighter and do day one sleep deprived.  This year was the most extreme example, where I got home from work about 2 am, had to drive to the airport so left home about 3 am, got there in plenty of time and promptly played three hours of PXZ waiting for my 8:30 flight.  And then landed and spent an hour realizing that LAX is three completely separate buildings in which they expect you to know you have to walk outside along a sidewalk to move between them.

In a bit of spoilers, I don't think LA DLCon is something I want to repeat, and it's 100% because of travel logistics.  The city just isn't suitable for a group our size; even with more cars, the fact we have to car to do anything, even grab lunch, means we lost just ages of time throughout the con.  Despite personally being there longer than any other previous con, I felt like I got to do just barely as much con as average.

In an absolute first, I got hit with major delay on the way home.  Scheduled 11 am flight got in the air after 7 pm.  Fortunately, there were five of us so I got to kill time before security and stalk people after.  Although that did mean a lot of walking back and forth through the terminals.  I choose to blame LAX for all of this though.


If you can't see those and really want to, I'll deal with that later.


As often happens, there was a distinct split going on, and fundamentally there were about 6 or 7 people I just did not see all con at all.

Among everyone else, this year full-group activities were largely limited.  There was never quite one full-con dining experience, and the con staple bowling and music quiz were relatively tame.  Although in the former case, some of that was the shop being dicks.  We should totally spam them with negative feedback *nodnod*.

I only did a little gaming-type things.  Played some P4A but little else for videogames.  I largely abstained from boardgame aside from friday while the bulk of the group Fugo'd.  The Super Totally Not Puzzle Fighter Original Characters Do Not Steal game was actually really great and I probably should have done a few more games, but I think people wanted to try more 1v1 because that has to change teh game massively.

However it was rather a chill con in general.  A lot of times activity was just a medium for bullshitting, rather than a goal unto itself, and while this has always been the case to an extent it was a lot more pronounced here. 


Fucking blast.  I kinda feel bad we weren't able to hang with Ashley for the full park experience, but the weekend of sleep deprivation just kinda precluded 16 hours of theme park I'm afraid.  I'm not sure the non-grefter people present know just how much of a Star Wars nerd I actually am, so it's probably kinda weird how goddamned much I enjoyed the Star Tours thing.  It was just amazing.  The other standout (but rest assured, just seeing the park and the iconic rides was awesome and justified the trip for me) was probably Captain EO of all things.  I sat next to snow you see.  The look was amazing.

DLCon: Food Nerd Edition

So DLC8 is going to stand out to me first and foremost as the con of food nerding.  Like, no, this wasn't a thing where maybe groups of four tried to get cool food while everyone else did whatever, basically everyone was going to places Niu recommended basically all the time and it was great.  Meals in order as best I remember them.

- Togo.  This was just a "well we're trying to get turned around getting back from the airport, let's lunch" stop, but it was pretty solid, quality sandwich shop.  The daily special was basically what I was going to order anyway, the guy behind the counter noticed I was fried and just said "wanna get everything on it", all that good stuff. 
- The one where they make your food at the table.  (This is going to be a thing, I have no memory for place names in other languages).  Damned good, although if I'd known they made the fried rice at the table I definitely would have sprung for the upgrade.  I've seen flashier shows at these places before, but the actual food quality was pretty sterling (aside from the soup I guess, it was blandish) so that makes up for it.
- Niu's sandwich shop.  Due to car space I just told Sopko to get me "whatever he was having", except derp we had to split a sandwich.  I forgot to ask what it actually was, although I think it was a pork cutlet in a tomato sauce?  It was a few days ago, sue me.  Good, the bread had a good level of crust.
- The yakitori place.  Udoun is filling, they had a good little table spice selection, so acceptable.  I should have ordered like twice as many yakitori though, what I got were amazingly juicy and well seasoned.
- Ramen.  I've never had actual ramen.  Ramen is soooo up my alley I want more ramen I wonder if you need specific noodles or if you average supermarket has viable stuff mmmmm noodle bowls.  I ended up only eating the once Saturday as I recall so the "portal to the noodle dimension" portioning was a godsend.  I went with a 3 spice, which... I could have handled more but probably not while also finishing the bowl.
- Denny's.  They like RAN OUT of the apple pie french toast I wanted, was sad, got generic skillet instead.  I almost never do Denny's so it was technically unusual but it's fairly standard stuff, at least what I got.  Perhaps the Vice President's AMERICA platter was mroe distinctive.
- I think a subway lunch was here.
- Sushi place.  the teriyaki and tempura combo I got was fine, although I think going djinn's route and doing multiple sushi rolls might've been better because it IS a sushi place (also while the meat was quality the sides were pretty unimpressive at this place.)
- Storyteller's.  Amazing spread.  One of the best omlette's I've ever had.  I wish breakfast wasn't so filling I totally wanted to go through again just to TRY shit.  Also I did not see mickey waffles in the buffet, I feel lied to.
- Blue Bayou.  This was the most I have ever spent on one meal.  I have to say, I think I could maybe produce a similar quality jambalaya on my own, with a few attempts and a lot of shopping.  But it was just such a fucking cool place, the other stuff looked equally amazing, I don't regret at all springing for the non-alcoholic cocktail, just great.  This place was the most I've ever spent on a single meal.  While I can't say with complete confidence it was worth it on the food alone, the quality of service and atmosphere?  fuck yes.  Worth.  It.
- And at this point it was fast food all the way, end of trip and stuck in airport and all that.


Niu- Despite Niu still being Niu, I got the feeling he had a blast being able to show people his favorite joints and such.  Also I'd forgotten how much fun it is to watch him walk around.
Dhyer- The only thing I really remember Dhyer doing most of con was snarking about Djinn and Snow's Big Gay Adventure.  Which was pretty worth it so.
Tallychu- God, maybe we should have raided Niu's music collection just to nerd out about it.  We never really sat down to do anything beyond some spades otherwise.
LD- Seemed to be wrecked most of the con.  Wish we could have done some more Arbitrary Nice Gestures for her.
Andrew- Only really saw him at drinking, where he kept to himself.  Fair enough.
Gate- we were airport buddies during arrival.  Mostly just caught up on life, apparently I am Salty re: my profession.  Hopefully you and Jenna can work out better living arrangements soon.
Laggy- Uh... he found the sushi place?  Didn't interact with Laggy at all.
Alex- Laser is not difficult.  Stealth bear hugs.
Tonfa- Was Richard.  Seemed wrecked, but he flew almost literally halfway across the world.  You are allowed to be wrecked for an 11 hour Time Zones.
Grefter- This con marks the first time, to my knowledge, I was not informed I had to 'Talk more'.  I'm scared.
Archmage- we had one conversation-ish thing I do not remember.  I feel bad now.
Sopko- We got to beer nerd.  I should look through the pics and find that first one, I legitimately liked it and should try some similar stuff.
Snow- Oh god.  I keep half adopting your accent for some damn reason.
CK- sucks.
VSM- Since we were int he Sexy Meeple Room, there was a lot of bullshit bantering with VSM.  I believe we had the exchange "It's really too bad you're straight" "I KNOW!" at least twice.
Djinn- I spent most of the con sleeping with djinn and still remember more conversing with VSM.  Fuckin' weird man.
MEEPLE- MEEPLE.  Also thanks for running all the fuck over the airport to kill time with me.
Nitori- aside from watching him hangover I don't think we interacted at all.
Super- Iowa.  Grave marked only with middle finger.  You know it to be true.  It is your destiny.
Tide- It's really too bad Tide had that early flight.  He was the only new (actual DLer) there, at least for me, so it's too bad I didn't get to stalk him more.  That said, I'm going to be using "get wrecked" as part of my standard vocabulary for MONTHS and I blame you.
Elfboy- We... talked about FFXIII again?  Way lamer than LoD PLOT PLOOOOOT.
Metroid- Was around.  >.>
Ciato- Ciato had the least con time and had to catch up, especially with kaitlyn, sooooo just some basic chitchat this year.  ... sometimes I consider that I need to get rich and ditch this "obligations" and "what do you mean I can't spend three weeks hanging out with internet nerds" shit.


LA roads can get bent.
Needs more Idun.
Get wrecked.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 07:16:28 AM by Cmdr_King »
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2013, 12:34:56 AM »
DLCon, a Driving Saga:

I drove. Then I drove to pick someone up. Then I drove home. Then I drove to pick more people up. Then I drove to drop them off. Then I drove for a long, long time. Then I drove between two cities. Then I drove through four cities/towns. Then I drove between the hotel and the house. Then I did that two more times. Then I drove to the restaurant, then I drove to bowling, then I drove to In N Out, then I drove to the gym, then I drove between the hotel and the house two more times, then I drove to Disneyland.

Then I drove some more. Then I drove up a mountain. Then I drove down a mountain. Then I drove to San Diego. Then I drove around San Diego. Then I drove to Miramar. Then I stopped at Starbucks.

Tomorrow I will drive someone to the airport. Then I will drive to San Diego again. And then I will do so three more times.

Then I will drive from San Diego to San Jose, and I will stop driving.

I think I hate cars now.
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2013, 06:50:57 AM »
I think I hate cars now.

This is a natural reaction to driving in LA.

(In other news, the first three pictures I saw of myself, I was hugging someone with my eyes closed...).


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2013, 08:46:46 AM »
The problem with proper ramen isn't the noodles. It is the broth. The broth takes like three days to make, and it isn't three days of waiting, either. It is three days of mixing and adding shit at the proper time and agh not worth it.


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2013, 06:37:48 PM »
Tepanyaki place was Shuba Shuba Shin Sen Gumi
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2013, 07:48:01 PM »
I think the teppenyaki place was just Benihana?  The Yakitori-Shabu-Shabu Shin-sen-gumi was where the late night Friday crowd went.  Too long of a wait outside, but once we got in it was delicious!  (this is Alex btw, too lazy to remember my password)
I should've gotten more beef yakitori, like CK said, it was great.  But oh well, my fried octopus with lemon juice was wonderful too.  Also Tallychu opened (another) portal to the Meat Dimension.

That was the only intentional food nerdery I did, though.  Going out all the time just takes way too long, there are more important things to do like mahjong and Dominion variants.

Short version of my con experience?  Chill and relaxed.  Knew pretty much everyone there, most people were the same as always, which is not a bad thing.  Wish I'd gotten to talk to Tide more - I spent a lot of Thursday trying not to bother him thinking he was one of Niu's family members.  Oops!

The person who was most notably different was Niu himself, who is amazing, I feel like I understand him a lot better now and really enjoyed talking and interacting with him.  Usually con hosts spend the whole weekend tired and ragged, but Niu was the opposite and powered up into talkative bubbly super-Niu, it was great!  I got to talk with his father too, who was also great and remarkably chill about the massive crowd invading his super swank house.  Massive thanks to Niu and family!

Games were fun.  Got one good mahjong hand, won one game of puzzle strike and otherwise got wrecked at all games, it's great.  Wish Senko no Ronde was on PC.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2013, 10:14:03 PM »
Alex is right.
The tepanyaki place is King's Wood
The yakitori place is Shin Sen Gumi

DLCon: Food Nerd Edition


Though, I could have done more if I can break people up into smaller groups.
The number of people going to Little Tokyo exceeded my expectations.


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2013, 02:34:47 AM »
General Con thoughts:

Well, this con felt a LOT shorter than the other two I'd been to, even though I was in LA for an amount of time in between what I spent at the other two cons. A lot of this was, as people said, driving. The time felt shorter either because we were all in cars, or because everyone else was in cars and we were waiting for them. LA is not a particularly well designed city.

I agree with what the Commander said about this being Food Con. Even as picky as I am (and I think that became very apparent at least one or two times during the con), I still found myself eating a few things I normally don't, and also Teriyaki Beef and Sushi, both of which I never had. So that worked out fairly well for me.

Generally sat around and volunteered to play whatever games were opening up when I was there. Turned down a couple. Don't think I won anything this year, but I generally had a decent showing in everything but the maid game.

Post con Disney trip was a lot of fun. Really only freaked out a little at Space mountain, since I have terrible anxiety. After that, everything was golden, unless you count my money woes. We ran into HONORARY ZENNY. Some guy that had a similar face and beard and bright red hair was randomly behind us in line. I was dancing because I was bored, then I turned to Sopko and said "I apologize for my dancing", and random dude says "As well you should." Him and Sopko proceed to banter back and forth about my dancing. Later a little girl bounced into me, and gets super embarrassed. "I'm so sorry," she says. "I didn't see you there." Her father responds with "Really? You couldn't see those socks?" Disneyland: 2 VSM:0

1. Niu
~Niu is easily the person I interacted with least this con, possibly because he was host, possibly because he was always driving a vehicle I was not in, and driving was like, a huge part of the Con. I feel a bit ashamed that I didn't talk to him more, as I wanted to show my appreciation for having all of us there. I also would like to extend my thanks to his parents for putting up with everyone. I debated buying a card, but :effort:

2. Dhyerwolf
~Most of my interaction with Dhyer was him picking me up from the airport, and being peripheral in conversations that he was having with Djinn or Super. I didn't really learn anything new about him, but it's always a pleasure to see him, and his sense of humor is the sharp, biting kind that I adore.

3. Tallychu
~Played some mahjong with, or watched him play. Generally shot the shit about mahjong. Can't remember what we/the other mahjonger's mostly talked about, but I remember laughing so much my belly hurt, so it was definitely fun.

4. Ashley
~Was fried from all the driving. Interacted with her often, because I was usually in her car, otherwise known as the cool people car, for most of the driving. Wrecked us at whatever the Warhammer game was called, her and Sopko had a sound plan for how to move through Disney.

5. Andrew
~Brought lots of cool games and was also in the cool kids' car. Was always around Ashley for some unknown reason. Anyhow, gaming! It's super awesome fun time. Applying Andrew's philosophy of "Fuck it" made the Con much easier, when things got complicated. Thanks Andy!

6. Gatewalker
~Much like last year, I found myself talking to Gate a lot. We have just a silly amount of stuff in common, and our personalities mesh really well. It surprised me last year, because we never really interacted all that much, but this year, it was just, "Hey, it's Gate. I like talking to Gate." And then I proceeded to talk to Gate. Like, a lot.

7. Laggy
~Played Mahjong, the way men play Mahjong. Laggy's Going for it kept ripping my sides up, and generally made everything better.

8. Alex
~Also had games/taught me games. Generally was a good teacher. Alex opened up a lot more this con and seemed more relaxed, which is great, because a relaxed Alex is incredibly funny and fun to be around.

9. Tonfa
~First person at the Con I got to see. Tonfa overheard me talking to Dhyer on my cell phone trying to find him, and then I was like, staring at Tonfa, telling Dhyer, "Yep. I'm looking right at him, and he's looking at me like I'm an idiot." Didn't interact all that much outside of Mahjong. I was told, though, by others, that I have a challenger to the Meat Throne, and assuming I have money next time we meet, I'll have to defend my honor.

10. Grefter
~Looks like the guy who kicked the previous Grefter's ass and took his place. It's great having someone around who is very laid back and centered. Even when things are frustrating to Gref, he takes a deep breath and generally does the mature-person thing, regardless of situation. Always really good for a well-timed one liner. His interaction with Sopko is a joy to watch.

11. Archmage
~I didn't get to share his Gin, and that makes me REALLY SAD, because it seemed higher quality than what I usually drink. (Beefeater being prolly the top end of what I spring for). Played Mahjong and a few other games.

12. Soppy
~His mastery of theme parks helped a lot on the Disney trip, and he stepped in a few times to organize things when other people were waffling. Sopko was also in the Cool Kids' car, and thus we interacted fairly often for most of the trip. I'm thankful he dragged us to Captain EO, because that was the single greatest thing I have ever seen. God damn it, Hooter.

13. Jo'Ou
~Needs to realize that he is a dear friend and I want him to be happy/feel good. We didn't interact that heavily, this year, even spending quite a good deal apart during the Disney trip for whatever reason. Nonetheless, it's always a great pleasure to see him, and I'm glad he continues to find his way all the way to the States.

14. Cmdr King
~Unlike the Austin Con, I spent a great deal of time with and talking to CK in this con, as we shared a room, both did Disney, and generally were hanging around the house instead of going out to do things. It was usually very fun to get to know him better, and I owe him and Djinn and Snow for convincing me to try Sushi, and for doing it in a way that made me comfortable. CK's flight delay meant that he was the last person I got to see at the Con, and it was nice to be able to have someone to shoot the shit with in the airport. He really didn't like our room's towel rack. Gave me a free game.

15. VSM
~Didn't put on his best during the Con. Could not, for the life of him, Wreck, and instead, Got Wrecked. Also, I fear that others' perceptions of me won't be as awesome as last year's con, where at least two people said I was sexy, and a third said they were sure I was packing heat. That was a fun aftermath topic. I miss it.

16. Djinn
~Spent a long time with Djinn, for similar reasons to why I was around CK a lot this year. Had to take a cab with him one day, and he had to rent a car to get our room to Disneyland. Was clearly irritated for part of the Con, but in addition to being a driver for the second half, he had food poisoning for the first half. Poor Djinn. When bad things weren't repeatedly happening to him, he was/had fun. Thanks again for introducing me to Sushi in a way that made me comfortable and not super nervous. Oh, and thanks for the game.

17. Meep
~Shared a room with Meeple, too. Meep and I always get along really well, and this Con was no different. I sort of Defaulted to hanging out with Meeple if I wasn't playing games or in someone else's car. Spent a long time talking to him at Disney, as well. Thanks for the comic.

18. Nitori
~Wins the Seamstress award for pointing out that I have an orange stitch, and a green stitch, and a white stitch, and another white stitch. Played lots of Mahjong and other games.

19. Super
~Got to shoot the shit with Super during the mandatory drinking night, and the night before Disney. And at the Sushi place. Otherwise, interacted a surprisingly small amount with him. I think it was largely because I spent most of my time at Niu's playing assorted board games, and he was doing, uh, whatever the people inside were doing. NOT board games, I guess. Anyhow, Super somehow managed to hit his face on Niu's hanging lights than CK knocked down our bathroom's towel rack, and that is goddamn impressive

20. Tide
~Speaking of board/card games, Tide is freakishly good at them, and generally wrecked shit. In addition:
Wish I'd gotten to talk to Tide more - I spent a lot of Thursday trying not to bother him thinking he was one of Niu's family members.  Oops!
THANK CHRIST I'm not the only one.
Additionally, Tide has the same voice as my fake cousin Cole, and it took me until after the con to realize who he reminded me of and why.

21. Elf
~After Niu, I spent the least amount of time with the Elf, and it's no real surprise why. He/Ciato were around for a very small amount of time, and generally weren't into the board gaming thing. I wish we could have talked more, but perhaps next time.

22. MC
~Also wished she could be around longer. However, she usually either watched board games or Mahjong, so we talked at least a little bit. Still not as much as last year, though.

23. Ciato
~Though I talked to her more than the previous two, it's never enough Ciato. Still, I'll take any interaction with her, the Elf, and Met, as it's definitely better than nothing. Felt pretty bad about taking away her Persona 4 arena casual crown, but in my defense, it gave me a pretty solid reason to interact with her that I otherwise didn't have.

In conclusion, a good con. Not my favorite con, but I still got that glurgy "I'm home because this is where my friends are" feeling I always get. I've been super confident/attractive since I've gotten home, and I feel like I can do some writing. Cons recharge my batteries like nothing else does, and it's always the best part of my year. I cannot wait until I can meet up with you guys again.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 02:38:44 AM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2013, 02:19:04 AM »

Sad to have missed it...and probably the next 2 years of cons.  But hopefully not.  Good to hear people enjoyed it and had fun. 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: DLC8 aftermath
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2013, 07:43:03 AM »
Booooooowling time! Sadly, the scores of the second game of some people had to be estimated, cause the bowling alley was a bag of dicks. (They didn't get to finish AND the scores up to that point were lost). Those are noted with *'s. 

Good news was that I didn't choke this year! Hooray! This is what happens when the music is too loud to hear Andy's taunting.

Game 1
1. Gate - 139
2. Tal - 129
3. Soppy - 125
4. Meeple - 119
5. Grefter - 113
6. VSM - 109
7. NEB - 96
8. Ciato - 95
9. Dhyer - 87
10. Ash - 84
11. CK - 79
12t. Andy - 72
12t. Snow - 72
14. mc - 42

Game 1 Average - 97.2 (Just barely comes behind last year for best Game 1 ever, with 5 more people bowling, no less!)

Game 2
1. Tal - 120*
2t. Dhyer - 116*
2t. Soppy - 116
4t. Ash - 110
4t. Gate - 110*
4t. NEB - 110*
7. VSM - 84
8. Andy - 81
9. Meeple - 80
10t. CK - 74
10t. Grefter - 74
12. Ciato - 60*
13t. mc - DNB
13t. Snow - DNB

Game 2 Average - 86

Best Single Game
1. Gate - 139 (1)
2. Tal - 129 (1)
3. Soppy - 125 (1)
4. Meeple - 119 (1)
5. Dhyer - 116* (2)
6. Grefter - 113 (1)
7t. Ash - 110 (2)
7t. NEB - 110* (2)
9. VSM - 109 (1)
10. Ciato - 95 (1)
11. Andy - 81 (2)
12. CK - 79 (1)
13. Snow - 72 (1)
14. mc - 42 (1)

Best Game Average - 102.8

Total Combined Scores
1t. Gate - 249
1t. Tal - 249
3. Soppy - 241
4. NEB - 206
5. Dhyer - 203
6. Meeple - 199
7. Ash - 194
8. VSM - 193
9. Grefter - 187
10. Ciato - 155
11t. CK - 153
11t. Andy - 153

Total Combined Scores Average - 198.5 (Again, another DL-Con best, though I might have included people who did not bowl a second game in averages for previous cons)

And now to update the DL-Con Recordbook! Also adding in the ones from last con, since I never ended up making a bowling post.

Best Single Game
1. Tal - 152 (DLC4)
2. OK - 147 (DLC3)
3. Grefter - 146 (DLC4)
4t. OK - 139 (DLC7)
4t. Gate - 139 (DLC8)
5. Soppy - 135 (DLC3)

Best Overall Score
1. Tal - 252 (DLC5)
2. Idun - 250 (DLC7)
3t. Tal - 249 (DLC4)
3t. Tal - 249 (DLC8)
3t. Gate - 249 (DLC8)
4. Dhyer - 247 (DLC5)
5t. Grefter - 246 (DLC4)
5t. NEB - 246 (DLC5)