Author Topic: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!  (Read 1136 times)


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Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« on: August 26, 2013, 08:57:57 PM »
Vyse- Effective against healers and physical fighters.Plus a pirate, that is cool.
Ness- A supertank preteen with some offense issues.
Lucina-Token FE13 character.

Vyse vs Kurando (SH2)
Vyse vs Lashiec (PS4)
Vyse vs Id (XG)
Vyse vs Lloyd (LoD)
Vyse vs Fang (FF13)
Vyse vs Zeal (CT)
Vyse vs Sasarai (S3)
Vyse vs Momo (BoF3)
Vyse vs Gau (FF6)
Vyse vs Lyn (FE7)
Vyse vs Maya (WA3)
Vyse vs Garnet (FF9)

Ness vs Kurando (SH2)
Ness vs Lashiec (PS4)
Ness vs Id (XG)
Ness vs Lloyd (LoD)
Ness vs Fang (FF13)
Ness vs Zeal (CT)
Ness vs Sasarai (S3)
Ness vs Momo (BoF3)
Ness vs Gau (FF6)
Ness vs Lyn (FE7)
Ness vs Maya (WA3)
Ness vs Garnet (FF9)

Lucina vs Kurando (SH2)
Lucina vs Lashiec (PS4)
Lucina vs Id (XG)
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD)
Lucina vs Fang (FF13)
Lucina vs Zeal (CT)
Lucina vs Sasarai (S3)
Lucina vs Momo (BoF3)
Lucina vs Gau (FF6)
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7)
Lucina vs Maya (WA3)
Lucina vs Garnet (FF9)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 10:27:23 PM »
Vyse vs Kurando (SH2)- Vyse is competent, but Kurando is on a different level.
Vyse vs Lashiec (PS4)- Magic.
Vyse vs Id (XG)- If Id's ether damage was better, maybe. But kneejerking this way.
Vyse vs Lloyd (LoD)- Death counter should get Vyse.
Vyse vs Fang (FF13)- Status.
Vyse vs Zeal (CT)- Think so. Zeal wasn't great but she did have speed.
Vyse vs Sasarai (S3)-OHKO, Vyse is dead average against magic.
Vyse vs Momo (BoF3)- Too much pressure. I don't think Momo can blunt Vyse's offense enough.
Vyse vs Gau (FF6)- Nightshade.
Vyse vs Lyn (FE7)- Counterstance.
Vyse vs Maya (WA3)- Can blitz past her danger range.
Vyse vs Garnet (FF9)- Garnet status respect isn't high.

Vyse: 5-7
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 06:36:47 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 11:04:58 PM »
Lucina vs Kurando (SH2): Depends how I feel about fusions warding off doubles, probably. I'll say sure, they do, for today. This is still a highly problematic match for Kurando, though. Everything he does will periodically miss, Lucina can heal off his magic and counter his physicals (which he can't afford). Well, Heavenquake is probably ranged I suppose. Still his MP and SP are both resources and blitzing Lucina is a hard task for him. I'm not sure.
Lucina vs Lashiec (PS4): Thunder Halberd is ITE, and that + Another Gate is barely a 2HKO against Lucina, with >50% of success. Lucina isn't going to 2HKO. Although wait, this doesn't work, as Lucina can heal off Thunder Halberd. But... Lashiec can open with Another Gate, force Lucina to heal, Another Gate again. Think this works but not certain.
Lucina vs Id (XG): Raijin triggering melee counters. Yeah.
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD): Lucina 3HKOs. Lloyd gets two Wingly Spheres, one 25% counter, and one attempt at a killing blow. Lloyd needs to land three hits pretty much, including both Wingly Spheres. Odds seem somewhat against that before any considerations for Aether.
Lucina vs Fang (FF13): I think Pain x3 is enough?
Lucina vs Zeal (CT): Probably. Does too much damage, don't think Zeal is quiite fast enough to avoid being doubled though it is close.
Lucina vs Sasarai (S3): OHKOs.
Lucina vs Momo (BoF3): And again.
Lucina vs Gau (FF6): Gau can take a hit, and with Veteran he has a 50% chance to win every turn he gets, and goes first.
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7): They're kinda similar! Lyn, to her credit, is more evasive. But Lucina has almost half again more durability and damage, and the chance of Aether. Just feels like she has most of the advantages.
Lucina vs Maya (WA3): Unforged Javelin is less than 1/3 of a Brave Sword, so if Lucina fails to one-round (which is my kneejerk), then Javelin is safe to chip with.
Lucina vs Garnet (FF9): OHKOs. Yeah, Garnet can tank with Protect, but it doesn't matter, and her status isn't turn 1 to me.

Lucina 8-3

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 01:33:17 AM »
(Usual no PS4 disclaimer) Elf, if Another Gate + Thunder Halberd is "barely" a 2HKO to Lucina, she's surely not bothering to heal if Lashiec opens with Another Gate and it hits.  She's YOLO attacking and hoping for the weak healing off Aether.  At a 29% rate off 4 attacks, that's a 75% chance of it kicking in at least once.  Rough eyeballing Lashiec, he looks like around 2.25 PCHP to me from the stat topic (wildly guessing 200 damage per character consistently), which goes up to 3 PCHP+ for you....   but I'm not sure it's enough to stop a Lucina 3HKO when she's going first, Lucina damage is pretty nuts what with the on-average more than 1 Aether per round (hey, for killing bosses fast, 2 Aethers helps).

Basically, to win if Lucina 3HKOs, Lashiec must either hit 2 Another Gates in a row, or else hit the first Another Gate and then have Lucina fail to Aether to follow up with Thunder Halberd.  Seems chancy.  He might STILL lose if Lucina 4HKOs though the odds surely get better.

If I don't say anything, see Elf/super pretty much.

Vyse vs Kurando (SH2)
Vyse vs Id (XG) - if you respect Id enough to see an instant double beating out Counterstance, then he probably wins thanks to the damage from that free attack, but meh to that.
Vyse vs Lloyd (LoD)
Vyse vs Fang (FF13)
Vyse vs Zeal (CT) - Close, though.
Vyse vs Sasarai (S3)
Vyse vs Gau (FF6) - Aw crap do I have to look up Gau rages.  I only let Gau use starting rages which usually means I can safely auto-vote against him as more of a High Middle, but he's still a physical tank and that isn't a bad start vs. Vyse, and he's got some dinky magic damage to keep pressure on that might kill before Pirate's Wrath.
Vyse vs Lyn (FE7)
Vyse vs Maya (WA3)
Vyse vs Garnet (FF9) - Aw crap.  They're pretty much in a strict tie for speed and if one of them is seen as consistently goes first, they win for sure.  Normally I would tiebreak for the nominally ATB character, but gah, FF9 speed.  Vyse consistently wins on turn 2 (if Garnet doesn't go for Protect on turn 1 at least), but Garnet can randomly win on turn 1.  Abstain.

Lucina vs Kurando (SH2) - The evasion + healing is just too problematic here, yeah.
Lucina vs Id (XG)
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD) - but Lloyd can win if he gets lucky, sure.
Lucina vs Fang (FF13) - Even if Fang isn't allowed to cut her chain short, Lucina's comparatively short move range makes me disinclined to tiebreak for her.  (Lucina is probably candidate #1 for the Boots and all.)
Lucina vs Zeal (CT)
Lucina vs Sasarai (S3)
Lucina vs Gau (FF6) - Better offense than Vyse + Aether halving Gau's defense means that starting rages Gau is considerably more screwed here.
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7)
Lucina vs Maya (WA3)
Lucina vs Garnet (FF9)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 01:53:09 AM »
As per a post in CKDL, Lashiec is 4PCHP to me (which should be around 2.8 to you FWIW, our scalings are easy to convert!). If Lucina could reliably get in 3 attacking turns I would be inclined to vote for her, yes, due to Aethers and so on helping (she four-rounds without it), but in general I will never vote for a turn 1 Aether under my current views of FE which take a dark view of activated skills and crits.

I'm not sure it matters, but I think "starting rages only" is extremely inconsistent with how duellers are taken. While I'm fine with saying "what the hell, Gau has over 200 skills, fuck getting them all. Relying on individual skills can burn"... I am somewhat less okay with assuming Gau makes no progress ever.

For instance, the skill Gau needs most against Lucina is instant death. Now, I hyped Roulette, which is ITE and usable off only a single enemy, so I can absolutely understand if you don't want to allow that. But consider the following. Gau has:

-1 rage with Roulette (perfect accuracy ID)
-6 rages with Doom (ID which makes a stamina check, taken as 71% in the stat thread)
-5 rages with Break (petrify which makes a stamind check, taken as 90% in the stat thread)
-1 rage with Snare (ID, taken as 75%)
-1 rage with Dread (petrify, ignores stamina, 75% hit rate)

That's without counting rages with X-Zone, which is less accurate. Anyway, the argument I'm going to make is, you should definitely allow at least one of the above list. There are 14 entries, and encountering ~2 distinct enemies per fight, you can expect to pick up one of these rages within your first ten fights on the Veldt. (This is even true on your first trip there, if you're curious, as 4 of these enemies exist prior to recruiting Gau.)

Does this matter for the Lucina fight? Quite possibly not! It's pretty reasonable to say that after combining the innate accuracy problems of the above moves with Gau's 50% chance of "fight", that his status drops to turn 3, particularly if you let Lucina evade most of the above moves (and none save Roulette are ITE, so...). But in general, it certainly could matter in many other fights, and I think it's quite unfair to Gau to ban all of them given how easy it is to get (at least one of) the above, compared to many other PCs' optional skills which we usually allow unless they are egregious.

A similar argument would give Gau a rage with third-tier black magic, although his direct offence is never likely to win him many fights.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 01:55:12 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 02:25:51 AM »
4 PCHP is 4HKOed, sure.  (I suppose perhaps all those 200 damage figures I see in the stat topic aren't spammable.)  I was assuming that even for your figures it'd be more like 3.4 PCHP or thereabouts which Lucina usually 3HKOs.

Re Gau: I agree it screws over Gau, but I'm sort of okay with that since the DL screws over a lot of characters (Relm!) and grabbing an ID rage is still more effort than slapping an Esper on someone and learning an equivalent spell by end-game.  I guess it's "more unique" but it encourages a Gau-in-the-DL style I would never do in-game, where even if he's slashed to a random 30 Rages of his 200 set per fight, he can grab a FAQ and absorb the right element and randomly win.  (Heck, even off starting rages he can absorb Poison, Water, and Lightning I want to say?  Been awhile.)  Also picking X/200 rages to be legal in any fight is kind of a headache for voting, seems cleaner to do either "allow them all, or at least the top 20 most DL relevant ones" or "starting only."  Starting only is not so bad, it's what SH3 characters get for magic and all.

It's more that getting Gau rages is very "selfish" in-game.  At least if you're getting Strago lores, you're getting the rest of the party XP, you're basically just bringing Strago everywhere and occasionally visiting an old dungeon for ~10 minutes.  Getting most of the rages means spending anywhere from 2-3 hours on the Veldt just for Gau and getting nothin' for anyone else.  If I sent a single character with an EXP Egg to grind dinosaurs for 3 hours in the WoR, they'd be at level awesome and ready to slaughter everything anyway, so meh to letting Gau do his thing while not allowing other characters something comparable.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 03:10:52 AM »
Well, I'm not proposing he get most of the rages (well, for you). Indeed, I'm proposing he gets what, less than 15 minutes of game time? One rage with a fatal status, one rage with a 108+ power move (any level 3 spell, Holy, Giga Volt, Flare, Aero, Flare Star, Shock, etc.)... I dunno, as you pointed out he probably doesn't even need much as far as elements go as you noted (on top of what you listed, he has a floating rage and naturally spoils fire/ice via equips) and he his third way of winning fights, stalling, requires a very specific rage so is out. Maybe one of the "immunes most statuses" rages but I'd have to see how many of those there are.

Regardless, this is an incredibly paltry amount of effort by DL standards for legal skills. Certainly much less time than it takes to get all of Strago's lores, some of which are extreme FAQ-bait ('sup Big Guard, you're actually unlikely to get that one without the Rage, since the other way is Sketch).

The Veldt doesn't give Exp (nor do many other sidequesty things in RPGs), but the Veldt does give AP and gold. It's also the best way to get a number of Lores, and a requirement for getting the ultimate armours of Gau/Relm/Strago/Mog (need to refight SrBehemoth, who fortunately shows up 1-2 times per Veldt Cycle). But even if there were no further rewards, it is a very small amount of time to get something which is unique to a PC. That stuff's legal, unless you want to start punting things which take considerably more time to get (Seraphic Radiance in both games, for an easy example), and in many cases are considerably more FAQ-bait, may be blocked off by points of no return, and/or are vastly inefficient and out-of-the-way for a playthrough to pick up.

Also, as a purely in-game thing, while slapping on an esper to learn an ID spell is faster than hunting down an ID rage on the Veldt (though it's not all that far apart!), this is certainly not the case earlygame. Gau's the only person with ID from the time you get him until you finish the Vector arc (aside from a select few enemies who will ID each other when confused), which is kinda cool against a few enemies. This argument could be applied to other skills too (in some cases with a lot more force behind it, such as for Edgar's Air Anchor, which you get long after you have many other ways to inflict ID, without giving the target a turn first).

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 03:40:37 AM »
Ness vs Kurando (SH2)
Ness vs Lashiec (PS4)
Ness vs Id (XG)
Ness vs Lloyd (LoD)
Ness vs Fang (FF13)
Ness vs Zeal (CT)
Ness vs Sasarai (S3)
Ness vs Momo (BoF3)
Ness vs Gau (FF6)
Ness vs Lyn (FE7)
Ness vs Maya (WA3)
Ness vs Garnet (FF9)

Lucina vs Kurando (SH2) - I'll bite.
Lucina vs Lashiec (PS4) - Lashiec sits about 3.47x PCHP to me, before defenses (granted his defenses shouldn't change much).  Those 200+ damage figures are occasionally with weaknesses baked in, so yeah, average is more around 180.  If Lucina doubles and averages one aether per go, she hits about 1.41 PCHP to me, which is a problem as I doubt Lashiec's speed is poor enough for a 3-2 to crop up.  It's possible I could see one Another Gate missing as I don't give that automatic ITE credit, but on the other hand it's also possible that she'd fail to land an aether at the wrong time.  On the other hand if he *does* miss then Lucina only needs two Aethers to win.  *On the gripping hand* PS4 bosses have stupid accuracy which I'm willing to let carry over to physical techs and Another Gate + Thunder Halberd *does* kill so #yolo strats aren't actually a good idea here, and 2x Another Gate landing kills her from full HP, healing or no, so what this basically boils down to is: can Lucina dodge a second Another Gate, and can she stall until a double, according to elf lassy is about -0.9 SD, so no, she kind of needs to 4-3 here since she ain't that dodgy and I'm not very much in favor of skill proc hype.

Lucina vs Id (XG) - Yep.
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD)
Lucina vs Zeal (CT)
Lucina vs Momo (BoF3)
Lucina vs Gau (FF6) - Surely has something I'd permit.
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7)
Lucina vs Maya (WA3) - May well one round, can certainly use javelin chipping.
Lucina vs Garnet (FF9)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 04:07:42 AM by Random Consonant »

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2013, 04:33:38 AM »
Ness vs Kurando Inugami (SH2) - The resource depth disparity is nothing less than gross. Shield alone makes it very problematic for Kurando to make any leeway even with the insane speed split (3.44x PC HP against physicals? wtffffffff) and the SP clock just keeps ticking. Even if Kurando could keep a steady heal-lock, it doesn't really... matter.
Ness vs Lashiec (PS4) - EDIT: wait, no, Lashiec probably scrapes a 2HKO with his low HP buff and Ness can't really muster a blitz at that point (Lashiec becomes FASTER, Ness curses this with all his might). EVIL EYE of all things is a problematic stalling measure for him to boot, since he gives Lassy so much time to land a lucky string.
Ness vs Id (XG) - Shield. Id is so pressuring Ness with his ethers.
Ness vs Lloyd (LoD) - Wingly Spheres being counters just give Ness way too much control here.
Ness vs Oerba Yun Fang (FF13) - Fog utterly mangles Ness. Afterwards, saboteur debuffing => smash everything.
Ness vs Queen Zeal (CT) - Ness' inability to dodge Zeal's Hallation/MP Buster phase is hilarious. His best offense even triggers the PC-killing counters!
Ness vs Sasarai (S3) - Simple outresourcing.
Ness vs Momo (BoF3) - Status.
Ness vs Gau (FF6) - Gau.
Ness vs Lyn (FE7) - Shield.
Ness vs Maya Schroedinger (WA3) - Shield.
Ness vs Garnet Til Alexandros (FF9) - Status. Garnet can even pile Reflect on herself to troll Ness and alternate Berserk castings with Reflect refreshes.

6-6. Ness in Godlike, in retrospect, just didn't make a ton of sense because of how vulnerable he is against status even when he was seen as better (more damage and hypable status rates). Being on the wrong side of average for speed with -that- status protection draw is painful in Godlike. His offense being considerably worse than previously thought and actual lack of decisive early battle options badly testify against him, though: he curses that Flash actually isn't much good (even though it didn't -matter- for this pool, though Psi Rockin' being a 4HKO machine rather than a 3HKO -did-). Pretty much a capable Heavy but not much else, he relies entirely on his amazing durability in practice. He's like bizarro Nina4, and Nina's edges are more significant than his. ALTERNATIVELY, his worth reminds me of Suicune: he's good against duellers without tricks, but sorta bad against those -with- (at least Ness doesn't fail miserably against Heavy healers without status - on the other hand, Ness is an underwhelming slugger).

Lucina vs Kurando Inugami (SH2) - Yeah, even without doubles, Lucina puts a lot of pressure on Kurando.
Lucina vs Lashiec (PS4) - I'll bite.
Lucina vs Id (XG) - OHKOs and isn't OHKOed back.
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD) - Yeah, evade makes this fight problematic for Lloyd
Lucina vs Oerba Yun Fang (FF13) - Opens with Sentinel in case she goes last, Paradigm Shifts to Saboteur and spams Pain. If she goes first, this isn't even a question.
Lucina vs Zeal (CT) - Blitzes. Zeal probably gets two-rounded even without any Aethers in the mix.
Lucina vs Sasarai (S3) - One-rounds, isn't OHKOed even with Land of Eternity - which goes -last-.
Lucina vs Momo (BoF3) - One-rounds.
Lucina vs Gau (FF6) - Gau.
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7) - Better.
Lucina vs Maya Schroedinger (WA3) - Even if Lucina fails to one-round, she has plenty of damage control. Pretty easy.
Lucina vs Garnet Til Alexandros (FF9) - One-rounds before Protect, one-rounds if Aethers proc with Protect up anyway, none of Garnet's relevant status is turn one post-evade.

9-3. Pretty much a top-tier Heavy off the stat spread and offense. Unsurprising performance.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 08:14:42 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2013, 06:43:33 AM »
Vyse vs Kurando (SH2)
Vyse vs Lashiec (PS4)
Vyse vs Id (XG)- Not giving TB initiative that much respect.
Vyse vs Lloyd (LoD)
Vyse vs Fang (FF13)
Vyse vs Zeal (CT)
Vyse vs Sasarai (S3)- Abstain. Sasarai OHKOs...but Gilder/Drachma should probably lose some levels
Vyse vs Momo (BoF3)- Not sure on Confuse effect because it likely hinges on that
Vyse vs Gau (FF6)
Vyse vs Lyn (FE7)- Evade
Vyse vs Maya (WA3)
Vyse vs Garnet (FF9)

Ness vs Kurando (SH2)
Ness vs Lashiec (PS4)
Ness vs Id (XG)- Perfect boss AI wins this since getting 2 turns before Ness goes.
Ness vs Lloyd (LoD)
Ness vs Fang (FF13)
Ness vs Zeal (CT)
Ness vs Sasarai (S3)
Ness vs Momo (BoF3)
Ness vs Gau (FF6)
Ness vs Lyn (FE7)- This is really close though
Ness vs Maya (WA3)
Ness vs Garnet (FF9)

Ness 5-7 (Hates losing some of that status accuracy)
Vyse 2-8
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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2013, 07:12:05 AM »
Lucina vs Kurando (SH2)
Lucina vs Lashiec (PS4)
Lucina vs Id (XG)
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD)
Lucina vs Fang (FF13)
Lucina vs Zeal (CT)
Lucina vs Sasarai (S3)
Lucina vs Momo (BoF3)
Lucina vs Gau (FF6)
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7)
Lucina vs Maya (WA3)
Lucina vs Garnet (FF9)

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2013, 03:08:56 PM »
Vyse vs Momo (BoF3)- Not sure on Confuse effect because it likely hinges on that

BoF3 Confuse relegates enemies to spamming basic physicals, but they cannot self-target. It gets undone by any damage, so it's mostly a measure for Momo to stall for buffing turns against people with crap physical damage.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2013, 05:48:32 PM »
Does it naturally wear off? Vyse's basic physical doesn't 2HKO her (...I think off of the top of my head), so endless buffing could work maybe.
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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2013, 07:14:27 PM »
That I don't know. I think BoF4 Confuse doesn't, and the two function similarly (BoF4's better, though, since it has a high chance of the confused character just wasting turns in addition to physicals), but.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Baseball bats and pirates!
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2013, 03:08:38 AM »
Vyse vs Kurando (SH2)
Vyse vs Lashiec (PS4)
Vyse vs Id (XG)
Vyse vs Lloyd (LoD)
Vyse vs Fang (FF13)
Vyse vs Zeal (CT)
Vyse vs Sasarai (S3)
Vyse vs Momo (BoF3)
Vyse vs Gau (FF6)
Vyse vs Lyn (FE7)
Vyse vs Maya (WA3)
Vyse vs Garnet (FF9)

Ness vs Kurando (SH2)
Ness vs Lashiec (PS4)
Ness vs Id (XG)
Ness vs Lloyd (LoD)
Ness vs Fang (FF13)
Ness vs Zeal (CT)
Ness vs Sasarai (S3)
Ness vs Momo (BoF3)
Ness vs Gau (FF6)
Ness vs Lyn (FE7)
Ness vs Maya (WA3)
Ness vs Garnet (FF9)

Lucina vs Kurando (SH2)
Lucina vs Lashiec (PS4)
Lucina vs Id (XG)
Lucina vs Lloyd (LoD)
Lucina vs Fang (FF13)
Lucina vs Zeal (CT)
Lucina vs Sasarai (S3)
Lucina vs Momo (BoF3)
Lucina vs Gau (FF6)
Lucina vs Lyn (FE7)
Lucina vs Maya (WA3)
Lucina vs Garnet (FF9)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A