Author Topic: Motrya  (Read 7851 times)


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« on: September 17, 2013, 07:51:20 PM »
Hello... I have not posted here in a long time, but I actually still read the forums regularly to hear you guys' thoughts on new games and such (I have yet to find a community with a more knowledgeable userbase on eastern RPGs).  I always wish I had been more social here, but what can I say?  Anyway,  I have been working on a game for a while now and recently released a new Chapter.  I figured some people here may be interested.  It's for PC but also works on Mac and Linux.  (I'm at work on an Android version, but it's on the backburner a little)

Download here:

Motrya started out in 2003 as an idea I had for a game about a wizard who couldn't use magic. He'd be able to read magic scrolls and all his friends could use spells, but he couldn't. From this idea, I created the world of Rieyath and a story about its three races, some gifted in the art of Forlae (magic) and some not. As of now, I have released the game with two of its eventual four chapters complete. There are presently about six hours of content.

The main gameplay gimmick of Motrya is that every battle is challenging and significant, from the "generic" mobs of enemies to the important storyline battles. You may die in what appears to be a simple fight, but will have the chance to retry and use a different strategy. There are three difficulty levels for different kinds of players (I would recommend Veteran for most players here).


It's the day of Murlor's graduation from Yormus Academy, a school that teaches its students the art of Forlae. He's been unable to use any of the techniques taught, and is very nervous about the final practical exam. However, Murlor soon learns that the practical should be the last of his worries, as a dark secret has been discovered that will not only explain his shortcomings, but affect the fate of everything he knows. With his goofy best friend Dayang and the brilliant, lovely Icebird at his side, Murlor must travel the world and find the secrets of the past before an evil menace can.

Reasons you should play

- Old school ATB-style battles with challenging enemies that encourage strategy
- Simple equipment and statistics that will let you focus on what's really important
- A fully-implemented card game played by most people in the world. Collect them all!
- All-original graphics and soundtrack
- A story with several dark twists and a sense of humor your dad would appreciate
- Three difficulty levels to choose from

Trailer here:;v=-AE99ppJj2I

Thanks for at least taking the time to read the post... I have found it very difficult to "sell" people on playing games of this style, as most of them expect typical cookie-cutter RPG Maker stuff.  All I can promise is that this game isn't one of those.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 02:29:07 AM by jsh357 »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 05:03:57 AM »
Just posting to say I have read your post and am interested. I may give this a spin if the right mood strikes me. :) Is this a one-man project?

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2013, 05:14:33 AM »
Just posting to say I have read your post and am interested. I may give this a spin if the right mood strikes me. :) Is this a one-man project?

No, I have a couple of people working with me (listed in the Staff section on the website, not that you'd probably know any of them).  I'm a terrible artist and not musically inclined.  I used to make games on my own, but I've learned over the years that it's foolhardy unless you're naturally good at everything.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2013, 05:33:11 AM »
Looks cool! :) I definitely like the concept of all of the fights being challenging; it's one of my biggest beefs with the genre.
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2013, 05:02:45 PM »
Downloading, will play in a bit.

Wanted to toss out a question, though. On your site, it has a download for chapter 2, and a download for a save from the end of chapter 1....but I see no download to actually PLAY chapter 1. Is that included in the download of chapter 2? Or something separate that I just didn't see?
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2013, 05:18:02 PM »
Downloading, will play in a bit.

Wanted to toss out a question, though. On your site, it has a download for chapter 2, and a download for a save from the end of chapter 1....but I see no download to actually PLAY chapter 1. Is that included in the download of chapter 2? Or something separate that I just didn't see?

It's in the same file... I had named it "50%" and thought that might be discouraging people, but it seems I didn't prepare for this particular confusion.


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Re: Motrya
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2013, 10:43:09 PM »
Okay, finished through the end of the academy bit. Since we don't seem to have spoiler tags here(why DON'T we have spoiler tags?) should I PM my thoughts or just post here in the topic with a spoiler warning or something?
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2013, 10:49:04 PM »
You could use

Code: [Select]
Or just tiny text, like so.
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2013, 11:09:42 PM »
Don't worry, you won't spoil me. 


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Re: Motrya
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2013, 11:52:32 PM »
I'm not worried about spoiling you, I'm worried about spoiling other people playing. >_>;

But sure, I'll just talk. If anyone else following this topic wants to avoid spoilers, then don't read this post.

Anyway, thoughts on the game through end of the thief town(I played more~).

Character/Story Notes
Everything here is pretty solid, easy to understand and follow, pacing moves well, characters are at least vaguely interesting and the other classmates mostly have gimmicks that make them memorable enough for minor NPCs. Dunno how much role any of them might play later, but it works.

Only o_O thing is Icebird's name. When her parents have what seem to be perfectly normal names. And in fact nobody else at all seems to have that style of name, so it stands out as out of place. My suggestion would be to give one of her parents a similar style name, so that even if nobody else in the world has names like that it at least comes off as consistent with her family.

Core gameplay system works well. I like the scrolls as low-powered versions of the MP costing spells. The ability to change scrolls in combat would be nice, but with how you setup the retry system I can understand why you didn't. As in many games, so far speed feels like the god stat, I'll see if that continues being true down the line.

I will admit to facepalming when you get the Scan spell and the very first things you get to fight after that, you scan to see the weakness of and the weakness is......the only element you don't have! .....yeah. That was kinda lame. Also Icebird being named, well, "ICEbird" and her card being Ice element and she starts with....Water and Fire. Makes 0 sense. Why not start her with Ice instead of Water there? It fits every other thematic thing about her plus avoids the above mentioned facepalm moment.

Swamp area: .....this area cheesed me off. Bad. Suddenly, you stop regening after battle(you are at least told this will be a problem), there are damage tiles on the ground(you are not told this is a thing that exists, and the damage tiles don't look like anything obviously damaging before you walk over them and find out the hard way), and I wandered around awhile before realizing you were supposed to walk over the turtle to proceed.

But all this pales to one fight I got in with the herons. Where Windbro got silenced....and could not take a turn. The lack of a skip turn command was really glaring here. While silenced, Dayang couldn't cast a spell, couldn't use his options were use a consumable of which you have a very limited supply and nobody even needed one at the time, or run away. I could have won that battle just fine attacking with the main's knife stabs and having Dayang skip turn until he needed to use a healing item or something, but that wasn't even an option. And what would you do if you have no consumables to use? Get silenced, forced to run because one char cannot take their turn? I'd really suggest either letting scrolls be still used with a massive power down so they are effectively useless during silence, or adding in a skip turn or defend command.

Thief town was fine, hunting for the hidden item amused me(+1 for out of battle scan use, by the way. Plot/gameplay integration, yay~), it was a good spot for more lyte snap to be played, a break from the annoying swamp section, nothing else really to comment on.

More comments later when I play more of the game.

EDIT: Since on a reread I feel like it comes across as me not liking the game, I'll clarify a bit. Overall, highly enjoying the game. It cannot be overstated how hard it is for games to get pacing right, which this is doing with both plot AND gameplay. Pacing is probably the single biggest strength of the game right now. Even when you have to redo a battle 3-4 times to find a winning strategy(or just to avoid RNG screwage), it doesn't feel like a slog because the game plays at that great speed where it's fast enough that battles never drag but not so fast that it feels hard to keep up. You hit the sweet spot for battle speed without making the game boringly easy, which is hard to do. I'll probably consume the rest of the content the game has right now tomorrow and will look forward to further releases.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 12:04:47 AM by Gatewalker »
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2013, 12:03:06 AM »
You can actually pass turns by holding Alt.  (It's in the manual but apparently not obvious enough in-game.)  I should probably add a controls section to the main menu, that might help people avoid running in to this issue.

The swamp's meant to be a big kick in the balls, but I'm of course willing to make changes to it. (and have made several up to this point...)  Knowing you can skip turns will help in the battle you mentioned.  I actually wrote in a warning about the spikes; apparently I never placed the text in the game and somehow never noticed in testing.  Well. 
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 12:07:38 AM by jsh357 »


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Re: Motrya
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 12:08:58 AM »
Actually it's not in the manual! I checked, and unless it's somewhere besides where the rest of the controls are and not findable with ctrl+f for the word "alt", it is not there. It tells you that Alt/Escape is "menu/cancel" and that holding Esc will let you flee from battle. But does not say holding Alt will pass turn. I opened up the manual to try to find a pass turn command during that battle, even.

EDIT: A controls option on the main menu would be great. I am a big fan of instructions for things being in-game, even if it's just in a tutorial/controls/etc option on the main menu.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 12:11:37 AM by Gatewalker »
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 12:11:17 AM »
Actually it's not in the manual! I checked, and unless it's somewhere besides where the rest of the controls are, it is not there. It tells you that Alt/Escape is "menu/cancel" and that holding Esc will let you flee from battle. But does not say holding Alt will pass turn. I opened up the manual to try to find a pass turn command during that battle, even.

Ah.  This is probably a product of that one time i ragequit working on the game after a hard drive crash and lost a bunch of work (This was right after my first artist left the project too).  Well, I'll update the file tonight or tomorrow with these changes.


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Re: Motrya
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 12:12:04 AM »
;_; Hard drive crashes are the worst thing. Oi.
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2013, 04:23:55 AM »
You could use

Code: [Select]
Or just tiny text, like so.

I can certainly read what's inside the code tags. Maybe it depends on the skin you use or something? Tiny text is what I usually use for spoiler tags here.

Although honestly just putting a spoiler warning at the top of your post works fine for me!

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2013, 06:48:47 AM »
Started this today. Playing in OSX and I can confirm the game seems to be fully functional there, which is always good times. One hour in, spoilers for the first hour as per Gate's disclaimer above:

-To be clear on where I am, I am saved at the graduation dinner.
-Mostly I second Gate's thoughts and won't bring up any points he brings up again. I notice you've added control documentation in-game which is yay.
-Characterisation is pretty good so far. I have no idea if this setting remains relevant later in the game but I feel the need to point out that you do a better job with characterising the minor secondary students than Mana Khemia did in a full game, so good for you there. <.<
-Fights are pretty fun. So far it's mostly just guessing elemental affinities and rolling with that, but it works well enough for an opening area. I found the "boss" of the first area easier than almost any other fight, dunno if that's intentional or what.
-Although it's not a big deal, I do wish there was some way to pause the game, as sending it to the background causes the music / other processes to still run. Dunno how much control you have over this or if it's an engine thing that is out of your reach.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2013, 11:56:36 AM »
Characterization: This is actually the most consistent positive comment I get apart from people enjoying the card game.  I'm glad for it, though I can't say I expected it.   I guess my English degree counts for something at least.  I try to write characters as if they've already had lots of conversations.  Nailing voices is the hardest part.

Pausing: This is one of the engine's greatest flaws, and I actually don't even have a scripting command that can check if you are tabbed out, minimized, or anything.  It is feasible to add a pause button, but it doesn't work in battles or in scenes, so the value of this is questionable (and it's actually quite a bit more of a pain to implement than it should be.)  The only suggestions I can even make are weird things that only work sometimes, like sometimes if I Alt-Tab out and open other programs that use sound, the game pauses.  It's one of the reasons I added the ability to save anywhere.  On the bright side, the Android version (which I sadly won't be releasing until the game is done in all likelihood) totally pauses when you move out of it like other apps, so that's nice.

I will bring it up with the engine developer, though.  I agree it's a big problem, but he's pretty busy with other features and has probably heard it before.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2013, 03:22:04 AM »
Up to the desert now. Pretty fun overall. Unlike Gate I enjoyed the swamp, though reading his comments it looks like it has changed some since then. Boss fight was pretty fun, won by a hair (though would have been better if I refought knowing the gimmick), and the fixed fights make the resource watching of the dungeon seem fair.

The desert so far has largely annoyed me though, unless I'm missing something. Bomb Cactuses: take very little damage, outright immune (or close to it) what two of four PCs do so they just get to sit around looking pretty or healing (and scroll healing is awful), regen, they unavoidably(?) paralyse you on counters, and you fight six of them at once. Steel Vulture: same thing basically except it's one 6000-HP enemy (and okay, more enjoyable because it lacks the paralysis and it came with a magic-vulnerable enemy to give the others something to do). Poison helps but still. These fights both feel too long and RNG-reliant, and aren't much fun because of the very low damage figures and two PCs being useless. (Incidentally, is there a way to restore lytes in this area? It happened automatically in cutscenes, I haven't checked if you can return to town and do it, yet.)

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2013, 03:34:33 AM »
Up to the desert now. Pretty fun overall. Unlike Gate I enjoyed the swamp, though reading his comments it looks like it has changed some since then. Boss fight was pretty fun, won by a hair (though would have been better if I refought knowing the gimmick), and the fixed fights make the resource watching of the dungeon seem fair.

The desert so far has largely annoyed me though, unless I'm missing something. Bomb Cactuses: take very little damage, outright immune (or close to it) what two of four PCs do so they just get to sit around looking pretty or healing (and scroll healing is awful), regen, they unavoidably(?) paralyse you on counters, and you fight six of them at once. Steel Vulture: same thing basically except it's one 6000-HP enemy (and okay, more enjoyable because it lacks the paralysis and it came with a magic-vulnerable enemy to give the others something to do). Poison helps but still. These fights both feel too long and RNG-reliant, and aren't much fun because of the very low damage figures and two PCs being useless. (Incidentally, is there a way to restore lytes in this area? It happened automatically in cutscenes, I haven't checked if you can return to town and do it, yet.)

I actually only made one change to the swamp: a bit of text explaining the spikes are harm tiles. 

You can heal at the lemonade stand in Tantalus.

In most of the desert battles, Laara's the star player as I recall.  Boomerang hits have a bonus vs flying and Poison is the best way to damage several enemies.  I'm not sure why two of the PCs would be useless?  Guess it depends on the set-up you're using.  I can't remember every gimmick offhand, sadly.  Since all of the desert battles are optional, I made them a bit more challenging than usual.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2013, 01:42:44 AM »
Well, two PCs are nearly useless when you face things immune to magic, unless there's a way to give them non-joke physical offence I'm aware of. It's mostly an issue for the one with no healing, of course.

Anyway I beat those fights, vulture took a couple tries to get done well (and it did involve some luck with who it targetted), it drops a power upgrade for Laara, with that power upgrade the bombs aren't too bad, though still longer than I'd like to there being six of them and all the counter-paralysis.

Babel Ruins were pretty fun, a couple fights here took me 2 tries. Good array of reasonably varied fights, and I liked switching things up from solo to duo to the full team. Boss itself was quite fun, hitting quite hard, but the varying tricks got to see play here and it helped a lot. Definitely enjoyed this.

Other random comments:
-I've gotten used to it, but if it were up to me I'd make the walking speed on the field a bit faster. Since areas aren't too large this isn't actually a big deal though, mostly just at first it was slower than I'm used to.
-I should mention how much I like there being a "give up" (escape) command, it's great if the battle goes downhill and you don't want to wait for the final PC who sucks at doing damage to die, or whatever. It feels a bit awkward how you need to hold it down for a while (like an FF escape, which I assume is what it's 'hacked' from?) but it's easy enough to get used to.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2013, 01:47:07 AM »
Yeah, I agree on both counts.  I kind of wonder how hard it would be to change the walking speed at this point... it would actually involve changing the scripting in various scenes.  I need to think of an alternative, like, maybe some variant on teleporting like in Persona 4.  I can't modify the built-in escape function; there's one way I could do it a little better (add an Escape command to everyone's battle menu) but I worry about people accidentally choosing it.  I'll run these ideas over with my team and see what they think.  They're kinda low priority but would be nice.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2013, 01:53:52 AM »
To be very clear, the walking speed is not such a big deal that I would even consider suggesting you rescript scenes in order to adjust it.

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2013, 02:52:45 AM »
As a note, I haven't stalled out on this due to losing interest, I'm putting it off until I am in a less bad mood. DOn't like playing things I'm trying to seriously give feedback on while in foul moods, as it does color my judgement and makes me less patient overall.
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Re: Motrya
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2013, 02:55:18 AM »
No problem, man.  I know how it is.  I took several months off the game due to depression even. 

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Re: Motrya
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2013, 03:02:11 AM »
And finished! Pretty enjoyable overall, definitely. Keep up the good work!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.