
Author Topic: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.  (Read 895 times)


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PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:34:20 PM »
Hugo: 44-24
Aima: 29-23
Raquel: 44-41
Estelle: 12-24

Lans- High damage and good defenses. He's a total bastard, but that doesn't make him less competent.
Liete- Probably the best dueler from Grandia with Feena respect on the wane. Enclose is nasty.
Terrakion- My Gen 5 pick. Nasty offense on paper.

Lanselot Tartaros (TO) vs Chaz (PS4)
Lanselot vs Marcello (DQ8)
Lanselot vs Sync (TotA)
Lanselot vs Chris (S3)
Lanselot vs Jenova (FF7) 
Lanselot vs Purim (SoM)
Lanselot vs Fogel (OB)
Lanselot vs Sasarai (S3)
Lanselot vs Mario (SMRPG)
Lanselot vs Lang (LoL2)
Lanselot vs Zerase (S5)
Lanselot vs Bruiser (ToD)

Liete (G1) vs Chaz (PS4)
Liete vs Marcello (DQ8)
Liete vs Sync (TotA)
Liete vs Chris (S3)
Liete vs Jenova (FF7) 
Liete vs Purim (SoM)
Liete vs Fogel (OB)
Liete vs Sasarai (S3)
Liete vs Mario (SMRPG)
Liete vs Lang (LoL2)
Liete vs Zerase (S5)
Liete vs Bruiser (ToD)

Terraikon (PKMN) vs Chaz (PS4)
Terraikon vs Marcello (DQ8)
Terraikon vs Sync (TotA)
Terraikon vs Chris (S3)
Terraikon vs Jenova (FF7) 
Terraikon vs Purim (SoM)
Terraikon vs Fogel (OB)
Terraikon vs Sasarai (S3)
Terraikon vs Mario (SMRPG)
Terraikon vs Lang (LoL2)
Terraikon vs Zerase (S5)
Terraikon vs Bruiser (ToD)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 10:56:32 PM »
Lanselot Tartaros (TO) vs Chaz (PS4): Shield Chaz can tank a Rending Gale, but has trouble doing damage. Nazan will outrace Lans' healing, but not quickly enough that Chaz doesn't run out of MP before killing. (He only has nine shots.) Other Chaz builds all die to Rending Gale I think. Rayblade/Megid being resisted really hurts here. It feels like he should win this - Chaz doesn't lose often when he's faster facing someone who can neither status him nor OHKO - but the cards line up just right for Lans, I think.
Lanselot vs Marcello (DQ8): Marcello can three-round with wind magic, and is faster. Lans isn't 2HKOing.
Lanselot vs Sync (TotA): Hm. Sync can do 26% (after factoring in an estimated 1/3 parry rate) physical, or 23% magical here. Lans can heal 16% on most turns that aren't the first. Physical just gives Rending Gale too quickly the way TP gains work, but magic... yeah that's just good enough. Obviously Lans can't go for attacking or Sync gets real damage, Harrowing Gale just OHKOs. Hm, maybe if he takes one swing and then tanks the improved physicals? Actually... yeah, that does it. Sync still can't afford to use even the improved physicals, they give Lans too much TP. And the TP Lans gains from that one swing gets him to Rending Gale before Sync can kill with magic. A bit more speed respect for Sync would swing this the other way probably, but whatever, when in doubt go for the one who isn't a pile of fail in-game.
Lanselot vs Chris (S3): Wow, Chris pdur is even better than I thought. Lans has an anti-parry ability, parries and counters himself, and just... fails to scare her offensively. Chris' damage is reduced but not by enough to make Lans healing viable.
Lanselot vs Jenova (FF7): Same as Marcello, only Jenova is even faster.
Lanselot vs Purim (SoM): Purim can survive nearly forever here (defence buff, offence debuff, that shield spell) but can she kill? She... has some problems there definitely, the magic doesn't outrace Lans' healing really. Physicals are a better bet, after buffs are in place she can do some monster charge swings.
Lanselot vs Sasarai (S3): Finally an easy win. Lans 2HKOs and isn't 2HKOed (except by slow Land of Eternity).
Lanselot vs Mario (SMRPG): Another mage, this one who does 27%. ... except the MP is too limited to kill with that. Anything weaker than Ultra Jump just doesn't hit hard enough. And that's assuming Lans misses the 4HKO, which he probably doesn't to me.
Lanselot vs Lang (LoL2): Lang can build to 100 AP immediately then sit ready for his MA? But no, Lans can just stall until he can kill with Rending Gale, so that's out. So Lang has to blitz Lans down. Magic definiteiy isn't cutting it, physicals... trigger counters and run into healing. WAIT COUNTERS can Lang trigger those deliberately to get off a MA? Well I guess Lans will just never attack, but if Lang can find a setup such that 3 counters knocks him below half HP (with no regen) and a fatal blow doesn't kill after that... eh, seems unlikely he can get that much durability without the regen, and with it Lans gets too much time.
Lanselot vs Zerase (S5): 2HKOs and isn't 2HKOed. Lans T mdur strikes again.

Unshockingly, TO TP gains go very well with someone who has high MDef. He's a lot of fun, if rather tricky to vote on, because he has that "versatile PC" feel; he may win by stalling you out of healing or OHKOing with Rending Gale. Out of his depth against top-tier heavy sluggers and physical tanks, though.

Liete (G1) vs Chaz (PS4): Shield Chaz can just survive an Enclose combo, is faster... but has trouble putting Liete away since she is so magic resistant. On the other hand he has a 3-2 barely... but wait, Star Symphony wards that off. Did I just actually hype that? Okay. Yeah, this is kinda reminscent of Chaz vs. Lans... he just struggles against a magically tanky death-immune who has too much one-shot damage for him to use anything but shields against.
Liete vs Marcello (DQ8): Kneejerk his durability as high enough. Magic resistance actually helps (holy shit, explode resistance, haha).
Liete vs Sync (TotA): Liete barely, barely misses out on one-rounding, and Sync does too much damage even at full HP here, 2HKOing and being much faster.
Liete vs Chris (S3): Silent Lake does its thing.
Liete vs Jenova (FF7): Quite possibly instant doubles, but 2HKOs anyway. Liete's fire resistance is useless since it's only 20% and kicks out a 20% magic resistance equip.
Liete vs Purim (SoM): Her "I win" trick comes out faster.
Liete vs Sasarai (S3): Sasarai can try to turtle with Canopy Defence, but it gets met with Star Symphony (a use for that AGAIN). Sas' best bet seems to be to heal-lock with Earthquake and kill with Land of Eternity, and hope he is magically tanky enough to survive an Enclose combo... but even if he is this likely won't work as he only has six EQs and the turns don't seem to line up properly. I don't see Magic Repel working on Enclose.
Liete vs Mario (SMRPG): Nothing Mario does can 2HKO her and he's not that fast, so she can Star Symphony him into oblivion, with Enclose to seal the deal of course.
Liete vs Lang (LoL2): Super, two things: (a) Liete isn't too bothered by lightning resist. Enclose is non-elemental and she has varied options for her damage while the target is tied up, although the one shot of lightning is her best. (b) Nope, Lang can't resist lightning! HP's not good enough here.
Liete vs Zerase (S5): Enclose + two Red Shocks is fatal. Enclose being ITD is a big help here, as is Zerase's pdur.

Interesting. She's about as good as you can be with average physical durability and 77% average speed. It's easier to survive her getting a turn than it is against Millenia's similar gimmick, but on the other side her magic durability + statusblocking + healing/buffing sneaks her some wins, more than I was expecting actually.

Terraikon (PKMN) vs Chaz (PS4): Explode.
Terraikon vs Marcello (DQ8): Has a 2HKO with wind magic, and Terrakion can't kill in two hits.
Terraikon vs Sync (TotA): Gah, Terrakion just misses the OHKO after one Sword Dance. Is Sync going to barely survive a second time in a row? ... apparently not, since Sync can't 2HKO. Absolute is apparently ice, not water, according to a wiki entry I found (I don't think I saw it), so his only weakness-hitting is with ground magic... which fails to 2HKO the slightly tanky Terrakion anyway. So yeah, Swords Dance twice, tank two hits of whatever, unleash overkill. Satisfying.
Terraikon vs Chris (S3): Terrakion needs three Swords Dance to OHKO Chris, but... what is she going to do in the meantime? She probably 5HKOs and is slower, and I don't respect silent lake against any pokemon, let alone a physical one.
Terraikon vs Jenova (FF7): Finally, someone faster than Terrakion. Jenova 3HKOs, Terrakion... yeah, can't 2HKO back.
Terraikon vs Purim (SoM): Terrakion's big flaw as a dueller; he doesn't win on turn 1 much of ever, so against opponents who do...
Terraikon vs Sasarai (S3): Surprised at how durable Sasarai is, he's not too close to being OHKOed here. Anyway OVERKILL EARTH MAGIC AGAINST A ROCK POKEMON.
Terraikon vs Mario (SMRPG): He's faster and isn't 2HKOed, so he gets three turns... and Sacred Sword ignores the Ghost Medal. Ouch.
Terraikon vs Lang (LoL2): Swords Dance then smite. No MA, and rock typing means he isn't too worried about two shots (if it even needs to be that much) of regular Lang damage.
Terraikon vs Zerase (S5): Misses the OHKO on Zerase, but since Zerase isn't an earth or water mage, she also misses the OHKO back.

Fun, straightforward dueller. I feel like he was dealt a bad hand in this field but it still establishes he's on the heavy side of the heavy/godlike border. Great stats and great at blasting away limits and healers, but he really wanted something decisive on turn 1, or some sort of defensive buff/healing to seal the deal. Still one of the best non-uber pokemon in the DL.

Lanselot 6-4
Liete 5-5
Terrakion 5-5
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 02:39:50 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2013, 11:24:50 PM »
 Liete (G1) vs Chaz (PS4)- Don't think Chaz can tank through Enclose offhand.
Liete vs Marcello (DQ8)- Strong kneejerk.
Liete vs Sync (TotA)- Also a strong kneejerk.
Liete vs Chris (S3)- Silent Lake.
Liete vs Jenova (FF7)- Don't remember Jenova's final form being anything but awful.
Liete vs Purim (SoM)- Faster.
Liete vs Fogel (OB)- Tanks through enclose, splatters.
Liete vs Sasarai (S3)- Magic resist keeps Liete alive through an LoE. Sas's defensive options aren't going to cut it here otherwise.  Magic repel doesn't tip things either.
Liete vs Mario (SMRPG)-E: Right, Liete could buff.
Liete vs Lang (LoL2)- Surely he has thunder defense. E: He doesn't! That makes this easy.
Liete vs Zerase (S5)- Zerase Pdef saves the day.
Liete vs Bruiser (ToD)- Avoids a OHKO.

Liete: 7-5

Some of these I'm unsure on.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 07:51:05 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 04:45:56 AM »
What Elf said for Liete & Lans (technically minus duelers I can't vote.)

Closest to flipping is Lans vs. Sync (Played TotA on Hard, 'sup, all my boss respect is inflated) but whatever, Lans has a solid argument regardless.

(Side comment: Leveling up to stand a chance for the Ozma sidequest beforehand, which the game seemingly expects you to have done, made Lans a total joke on Law, so I'm pretty much going with the stat topic for him entirely.  Good ol' TO encounter scaling.  Oh well it could have been DIEGO which is just there to taunt completionists and be used with the World Tarot.  Yes let's fight Level 21 enemies at the start of Chapter 4 and then have hte encounter disappear if you wait.)

EDIT: super is apparently morally obligated not to C&P Elf's totals or the like so:
Lanselot 6-4
Liete 5-5
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 05:40:10 PM by SnowFire »

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 06:13:38 AM »
Lanselot Tartaros (TO) vs Chaz (PS4)
Lanselot vs Marcello (DQ8)
Lanselot vs Sync (TotA)
Lanselot vs Chris (S3)
Lanselot vs Jenova (FF7) 
Lanselot vs Fogel (OB)
Lanselot vs Sasarai (S3)
Lanselot vs Mario (SMRPG)
Lanselot vs Lang (LoL2)
Lanselot vs Zerase (S5)

Terraikon (PKMN) vs Chaz (PS4)
Terraikon vs Marcello (DQ8)
Terraikon vs Sync (TotA)
Terraikon vs Chris (S3)
Terraikon vs Jenova (FF7)
Terraikon vs Fogel (OB)
Terraikon vs Sasarai (S3)
Terraikon vs Mario (SMRPG)
Terraikon vs Lang (LoL2)
Terraikon vs Zerase (S5)
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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Random Consonant

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Re: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 08:26:41 PM »
Liete (G1) vs Chaz (PS4) - sure.
Liete vs Jenova (FF7)
Liete vs Purim (SoM)
Liete vs Mario (SMRPG)
Liete vs Bruiser (ToD) - huh she actually can take a Ballistic, go figure.

Terraikon (PKMN) vs Chaz (PS4) - Explode.
Terraikon vs Jenova (FF7)
Terraikon vs Purim (SoM)
Terraikon vs Mario (SMRPG)
Terraikon vs Bruiser (ToD) - Sword Dance -> Close Combat just misses an OHKO here near as I can tell.  Bruiser isn't failing to 2HKO.


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Re: PG Week 4 Heavy: Lanselot is the hero Lodis deserves.
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2013, 01:08:10 AM »
Lanselot Tartaros (TO) vs Chaz (PS4)
Lanselot vs Marcello (DQ8)
Lanselot vs Sync (TotA)
Lanselot vs Chris (S3)
Lanselot vs Jenova (FF7) 
Lanselot vs Purim (SoM)
Lanselot vs Fogel (OB)
Lanselot vs Sasarai (S3)
Lanselot vs Mario (SMRPG)
Lanselot vs Lang (LoL2)
Lanselot vs Zerase (S5)
Lanselot vs Bruiser (ToD)

Liete (G1) vs Chaz (PS4)
Liete vs Marcello (DQ8)
Liete vs Sync (TotA)
Liete vs Chris (S3)
Liete vs Jenova (FF7)
Liete vs Purim (SoM)
Liete vs Fogel (OB)
Liete vs Sasarai (S3)
Liete vs Mario (SMRPG)
Liete vs Lang (LoL2)
Liete vs Zerase (S5)
Liete vs Bruiser (ToD)

Terrakion (PKMN) vs Chaz (PS4)
Terrakion vs Marcello (DQ8)
Terrakion vs Sync (TotA)
Terrakion vs Chris (S3)
Terrakion vs Jenova (FF7) 
Terrakion vs Purim (SoM)
Terrakion vs Fogel (OB)
Terrakion vs Sasarai (S3)
Terrakion vs Mario (SMRPG)
Terrakion vs Lang (LoL2)
Terrakion vs Zerase (S5)
Terrakion vs Bruiser (ToD)

I'll note that the Heavy/Godlike thing for Terrakion was because he was one of the earlier comments and I figured a few things like the damage curve and what not would go down a bit.  Was a little off there, for all that he's still clearly strong dueller in his division.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 01:10:08 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A