Renault (FE7) vs Jake (FE11)
Shiho (VP1) vs Mustadio Bunanza (FFT)
Shiho deals .037 PCHP, so Shiho has a 26HKO. Gun-Mustadio deals .14 PCHP damage vs .81 PCHP. So Gunstadio 6HKOs. Shiho heals every 5 turns BUT Gunstadio is faster than average. So, um, Gunstadio pulls off a 6HKO with the help of a double? (11 Speed to 10 average Speed, he's getting 2 doubles in before Shiho kills, maybe 3.) Am I missing something?
Sothe (FE9) vs Garland (FF1)
From chat yesterday Garland has a high 4HKO (.30 PCHP or so?) that can be adjusted up to a 3HKO based on respect ( if you care about Fighter being in the #1 slot, not being able to heal up from L1->L2 for WM/RM-less parties, etc.). Doesn't actually matter here, he 2HKOs Sothe either way... except he also has a princely 75% accuracy, which is ramming into Sothe's 6% evasion (FE9 evasion.jpg), so Garland only connects 2 in a row 48% of the time. So Garland really has a 3HKO, but Sothe's horrible unpromoted move means he probably goes 2nd in the battle between average speeds. Does Sothe 4HKO? Sothe deals .15 PCHP a shot... possibly a tad more if you throw him a bone for not having forged everyone else +5 weapons in game... but no, I think Garland is like .80-.90 PCHP (you can two-round him, but 1-rounding him is tricky). So yeah, going with the kneejerk here.
Gades [Final form] (Lufia 2) vs Jagen (FE11)
Jagen is doubled.