
Author Topic: Rate that OST!!!  (Read 8687 times)


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2008, 02:59:17 AM »
Favorite Song: City of Flickering Destruction.
Least Favorite Song: Uh...Earth Painting I guess? Exact kind of style of song I don't like.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Pain the Universe.  mostly want this to be different than the above.
Worst Stand Alone Song: Earth Painting again, for reasons above.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Final Dungeon of Dragon Emperor's lair.
Worst In Game use of a Song: None off the top of my head.

Most Memorable Song: Pain the Universe.  I say this PURELY based off how I heard the song before I played LoM, so its kind of unfair here.
Favorite Melody: None of the melodies stick out to me.

Quality of OST: Good.

Other Thoughts: Not really the massive fanboy of it the way some people are...but its decent.

Overall Rating: 8/10.  Good OST and all that, but like I said, not the massive fan of it the way some people are.
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2008, 03:25:25 AM »
Legend of Mana Overall Rating: 9.72

Moving on in the chain and such or whatever you wanna call our pattern thing...

Xenosaga 2: Jenseits Von Gut und Bose

Favorite Song:
Least Favorite Song:

Favorite Stand Alone Song:
Worst Stand Alone Song:

Favorite In Game use of a Song:
Worst In Game use of a Song:

Most Memorable Song:
Favorite Melody:

Quality of OST:

Other Thoughts:

Overall Rating:
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2008, 04:16:02 AM »
Favorite Song: Sweet Song
Least Favorite Song: Can't think of one, but there is a lot of lackluster piece

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Sweet Song
Worst Stand Alone Song:

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Labyrintho, Battle on Elsa, Here She Comes (KOS-MOS), A Field of Battle~Bitter#2
Worst In Game use of a Song:

Most Memorable Song: Image Theme of XS2
Favorite Melody: Final Battle, Jr.#4

Quality of OST: Way to uneven in quality, it goes up and down constantly. It'll be much better if they just let Yuki Kajura compose the whole thing. Not trying to say Shinji Hosoe is entirely bad, but most of his piece aren't really that inspiring

Other Thoughts: Kajura's tracks really fits with the cut scenes, I must say it s even better than what she had done for XS3. Oh, Sweet Song is godsent, it just has so much yaoi in it.

Overall Rating: 6/10


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2008, 05:14:54 AM »
Favorite Song: Uh... dang.  I like the whole soundtrack.  If I had to pick one...  the XS2 opening theme is amazing and set up a lot of variations on it later on. 
Least Favorite Song: Second Miltia. Whee Phantasy Star music in the PS2 era.  Robot Academy & Records are sadly close seconds, but at least they work in-context.  If we're going just from Kaijura's work...  uh, this is hard.  Every single song on the soundtrack is at least an 8/10.  I guess Final crisis, which is still pretty good, but kind of repetitive.

Favorite Stand Alone Song, Worst Stand Alone Song: See above, pretty much.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Here She Comes (KOS-MOS) was used pretty well.  Same with Fatal fight (Jin & Margulis).  I like Kaijura's remix of the Song of Nephilim, too.  The slowness and erraticness, making it feel more like a solo than something with a conductor, makes it even more eerie.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Second Miltia.  It's a bad song and they play it in a pretty darn important place you visit a fair amount.  There's also a blackeye to the game for NOT USING KAIJURA'S STUFF ENOUGH.  I mean, she wrote some great themes for the Jin-Margulis duels if nothing else; play them during the system battle, too!

Most Memorable Song: Tricky.  The regular battle music is the trivial answer since you get to hear it a lot, but eh.  Song of Nephilim is a strong contender, but it appears in all three games and also is kind of cheaty.  I'll say Sweet Song / the various Sakura themes, even if they're in some ways not as good as the main opening theme.
Favorite Melody: The Opening Theme again, seen in many other places.

Quality of OST: When I first heard Kaijura's work before the game came out, I was actually kinda underwhelmed.  It seemed...  boring?  It certainly didn't have the aggressive vocals that Kaijura's standouts from the .hack, Noir, and Madlax had.  And with a few exceptions, it wasn't the bombastic orchestral Wagnerian stuff from XS1, even taking into account that she wasn't writing battle themes.

I put it aside for a bit...  and then a friend who's more of a music nut than I listened to the soundtrack and thought it was fantastic.  I figured it was worth another listen.  Listening more closely, I did like it more.  And then I actually played the game and saw it use in context.  My major complaint was that they didn't use the event music more - it was awesome whenever it did play.  Furthermore...  this is one of those soundtracks that not only didn't go stale with every listen, but kept getting better.  Reminds me a bit of good classical music that can take one theme and play around with it in 4 different ways; different versions of the same themes for different purposes and all.  I'm not normally a huge piano & strings fan, but Kaijura certainly uses them effectively.  The vocals are also surprisingly solid too, and it's always backed by strong percussion - unlike some other composers, it doesn't feel like she mailed in the background.

About my only complaint with the Kaijura soundtrack is that it isn't exactly hummable - there aren't many pieces with strong, strident melodies that are easily memorable, unlike, say, Uematsu.  Also, since it's a somewhat short soundtrack that plays around with a lot of the same melodies, it isn't high on sheer diversity.

Anyway, as noted above, basically the entire soundtrack is great.  There isn't a piece on it I don't like.  Being short helps, but this can be said of few soundtracks.  (Actually, Legend of Mana, discussed above, comes close - it's also very consistent).

From Hosoe's part of the soundtrack...  well, it was actually pretty good in parts, just erratic and having to compete with one of my three favorite current composers.  His battle themes were all pretty good.  Considering how long and potentially boring many of the regular fights are, the fact that the regular battle theme was quite active and almost pompous was actually appreciated to help keep interest in them.  His dungeon themes were decent too.  I have a certain weakness for the Ormus Stronghold music (feels almost last-dungeony, then gets remixed once the bomb is set), the MOMO's subconscious pieces were fitting, and the Old Miltia pieces sound vaguely Metroidy - creepy and empty.  (Side rant: Why the heck did you fight no Gnosis in Old Miltia and only U-TIC robots and stuff?  Didn't the Gnosis destroy Old Miltia and there's actually a solid plot excuse for them to hang around?  ...whatever.)  So yeah, Hosoe can do dramatic and/or creepy, but anything happy he failed at with only a few exceptions.

Other Thoughts: Why didn't they have Kaijura do the whole thing?  Well, they fixed that in XS3, at least.

Overall Rating: Combined?  9/10.  Kaijura only: 9.5. Hosoe only: 7/10.


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2008, 02:02:49 PM »
Rating: 3/10. Ormus is the only track I remember liking at all, the rest were a mix of bland and unlistenable. (Second Milita). Boring as hell. It's a shame, everything else about the game's presentation was great.
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2008, 04:58:43 PM »
Favorite Song: Winter SC domain? Mmm. Sure.
Least Favorite Song: On my recently started replay, I've been making a point to listen to the music. A lot of the background filler that I didn't prviously notice during FMVs is in fact... really bad. Not sure which to pick!

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Winter again? Hmm, not sure.
Worst Stand Alone Song: Fatal Fight, or whatever it is. Graahh. If this is what people hype about Kaijura, I don't want more, thanks.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Minor Boss Battle. Good stuff.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Second Miltia. Really, really drags.

Most Memorable Song: Final dungeon theme, because it reminds me way too much of a twisted version of the FF7 main theme. I find this amusing.
Favorite Melody: Dunno.

Quality of OST: Bleh. The clash of styles between the two composers did not work well.

Other Thoughts: Heh, definitely prefer Hosoe's work on this one to Kaijura's. Not that he's great (Second Miltia!) but at least the mix of dungeon and battle themes is respectable overall. Cutscene music is shit.

Overall Rating: 3.5/10.

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2008, 06:40:10 PM »
Because I don't remember most music and such...

Overall Rating: 3/10. Works ok in game, but its generally boring and uninspired I feel!

I don't like being halfassed in my own topic <_<:
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2008, 12:48:26 AM »
Favorite Song: Sweet Song
Least Favorite Song: Don't know.  Probably one of Hosoe's.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Sweet Song
Worst Stand Alone Song: Don't know.  Probably one of Hosoe's.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Sweet Song
Worst In Game use of a Song: Don't know.

Most Memorable Song: Sweet Song
Favorite Melody: Sweet Song

Overall Rating: 8/10


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2008, 05:08:00 AM »
Xenosaga 2: Jenseits Von Gut und Bose Overall Rating: 5.42

Moving on, etc.  It occured to me that for the next game in the cycle, and obvious set of games has yet to be used, as such, we will remedy that...NOW!

Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Favorite Song:
Least Favorite Song:

Favorite Stand Alone Song:
Worst Stand Alone Song:

Favorite In Game use of a Song:
Worst In Game use of a Song:

Most Memorable Song:
Favorite Melody:

Quality of OST:

Other Thoughts:

Overall Rating:

(Naturally, I cannot rate this ;_; )
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2008, 06:02:15 AM »
Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Favorite Song: The Capitol City of Flowers in the Sky
More or less self-explanatory; there are several I could just as easily put here.  Playing stage 4 for the first time and hearing this is around the moment I started truly loving the game, and we all know what that led to.

Least Favorite Song: Crystallized Silver
Not much to say about it.  Least noteworthy piece in the soundtrack (and it still isn't all that bad!)

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Necrofantasia
One of the biggest criticisms that can be applied to Touhou music is that much of it is designed to work with the game, and is a bit shakier as standalone, and PCB is probably the worst game about this.  Necrofantasia, Sumizome and Doll Judgment are the only songs I'd say really work as standalones, and this is clearly the best of them.

Worst Stand Alone Song:  Till When?
Works very, very well for the PCB Youmu fight and absolutely not anywhere else.  Even ZUN agreed, and gave Youmu her stage theme instead of this in PoFV.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Stage 6. 
All three songs.  Ultimate Truth if Meeple must count only one.  Self evident.

Worst In Game use of a Song: Phantom Ensemble
I don't really like Phantom Ensemble.  Everyone else loves it and I just don't see why.  All the other songs mesh perfectly with what's going on in the game, but this one clashes with the battle it's played over most of the time.  It's still not terrible or anything but I can't see any other track for this slot.

Most Memorable Song:  Capitol City of Flowers in the Sky, again. 
See above.

Favorite Melody: Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome etc the title is too long it's really Border of Life but nobody calls it that because that's the abbreviated title of the remix that plays for Resurrection Butterfly.
Probably the best melody and composition in the entire series.  The instrumentation used brings it down a bit from what it could be, I'll admit that, but the melody is just that good.

Quality of OST:
Top notch.  Absolutely amazing.  The consistency of quality should be noted - for every one of those positive categories I could list most of the OST and back it up just as well.  The game is literally synchronized to the music and vice versa, creating a highly effective continuous aesthetic experience.  The composition is fantastic all around; the instruments are maybe not everyone's favorites but they have their charm and work in context, so I've no problems with em.   Every game should be blessed with a soundtrack as lovingly crafted as this.

Other Thoughts:
Not only are the game events and music synched up in a timing and pacing sense, the pieces themselves match the characters, battles, etc they play for nigh-perfectly.  It's hard to explain if you haven't played it, but you can actually discern the personalities of the characters from their music, even moreso than you can from the dialog. 

Overall Rating: 10/10


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2008, 06:31:24 AM »
Ye gods, an OST I can actually rate!

Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Favorite Song: Doll Judgement. It was a toss-up between this and Necrofantasia for my favorite, but this won out.
Least Favorite Song: The Capitol City of Flowers in the Sky. This means I'm on stage 4. This means I am about to DIE HORRIBLY. ;_;

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Doll Judgement. See Alex, only with me liking Doll Judgement more then Necrofantasia.
Worst Stand Alone Song: Till When. See Alex again. When I'm playing the PCB soundtrack, this is the song I end up tuning out the most often. It's just not catchy.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Ancient Temple. Just like the song in general, and think it's an excellent fit for it's stage.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Crystallized Silver. Not a huge fan of it, feels kinda harsh after the pleasant tune of Deep Mountain.

Most Memorable Song: Deep Mountain. The opening notes of this song make me reflexively unfocus my eyes in preperation to play, even when I'm not playing the game.
Favorite Melody: Doll Judgement. Maybe I'm not a music buff enough to get what the difference between "Favorite Song" and "Favorite Melody" is supposed to be. <_<

Quality of OST: All around very good, but suffers when compared to the MoF and IN OSTs to me.

Other Thoughts: Not really.

Overall Rating: 8/10.
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2008, 09:55:32 AM »
(Naturally, I cannot rate this ;_; )

If you don't rate / Just overcompensate.  Anyway, let's do this.

Perfect Cherry Blossom

Favorite Song: Haha, anything I choose here will be incredibly arbitrary.  I'll go with Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms etc. today.  Yuyu's a fun fight.
Least Favorite Song: Mmm, I actually like Crystallized Silver fine for what it is (it's short by necessity).  I'll say Necrofantasia actually.  I liked Necro-Fantasy (Ran's music) a lot better; I think Necrofantasia starts out way too busy and then alternates between that and not doing anything at all.  Notable because I leave PCB's music on when running Extra but will often queue up stuff on winamp if I want to play Phantasm.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Hmm, hard to say.  Ancient Temple's good though.  Works perfectly in-game but very pleasant outside of it, for me anyway.
Worst Stand Alone Song: Till When has a good argument but I'm actually thinking Charming Domination here.  Sounds very very wrong to me when I'm not actually running Extra.  I could also say Necrofantasia but I already used it in a negative category.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Capital City of Flowers in the Sky.  Stage 4!
Worst In Game use of a Song: Eh.  The game's music is very woven into it, to the point where I can't say "this music doesn't fit this part" because that music is that part, for me.  Uh, let's say Japanize Dream (the credits music) just because.

Most Memorable Song: Hmm.  Doll Judgment!
Favorite Melody: Bloom Nobly etc. again I guess.

Quality of OST: It's super good!  In-game.  But when are you going to listen to it out of the game anyway?  Why aren't you spending that time playing PCB again?

Other Thoughts: I feel obliged to mention the ending music, Dream of a Spring Breeze!  It's short and not part of the real game and so probably doesn't really qualify for anything in particular but I like it anyway.  Possibly just because I like hearing it in-game because it means I've cleared the game.  But it definitely provides good backup for ZUN's stylish artistic displays in the endings.

Overall Rating: 9/10.  As I say, it's super good.  In-game.  It's hard for me to assign a rating to the listening experience outside of that because I don't listen to the tracks in any other context.


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2008, 05:44:31 AM »

Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Favorite Song: Phantom Ensemble. <3~
Least Favorite Song: Till When? Never really liked it much even in game.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Phantom Ensemble. This is purely me here.
Worst Stand Alone Song: Till When? Uh yeah.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Phantom Ensemble. Instantly makes stage 4 memorable.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Japanize Dream. Copying Otter always wins.

Most Memorable Song: Phantom Ensemble. I admit fanboyism.
Favorite Melody: Necro-Fantasy. Let's go with something different.

Quality of OST: Really good~! Works by far the best ingame but I can enjoy some of the better tracks individually.

Other Thoughts: The early boss themes tend to be surprisingly overlooked. Withered Leaf wins at life and Crystallized Silver antihype is utterly baffling.

Overall Rating: 10/10~
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2008, 04:22:19 AM »
Favorite Song: Phantom Ensemble
Least Favorite Song:

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Necro Fantasy
Worst Stand Alone Song:

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Doll Maker of Buchestri
Worst In Game use of a Song:

Most Memorable Song: Phantom Ensemble
Favorite Melody: ^

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2008, 06:53:41 PM »
Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Favorite Song: Mystic Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple - Phantom Ensemble of Sumizone are pretty close though!
Least Favorite Song: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? - Works.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Bloom nobly, cherry blossoms of Sumizone ~ Border of Life - Ancient Temple and Phantom Ensemble are close!
Worst Stand Alone Song: Ultimate Truth - Just... doesn't work as well outside.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Phantom Ensemble - Ancient Temple is really good in-game as well.  Just about everything is though, but those two are most worth noting.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? - Overwrites the superior Ancient Temple.  Fail.

Most Memorable Song: Phantom Ensemble - Yeah I think so.
Favorite Melody: Bloom nobly, cherry blossoms of Sumizone ~ Border of Life - Probably.

Quality of OST: Amazing.  One of the few soundtracks that most of its songs are outright great and not only that, but they work amazing well in-game as well.

Other Thoughts: Lots of things could go in those "good" categories anyways.

Overall Rating: 10/10

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2008, 01:53:08 AM »
Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Favorite Song: Capital City of Flowers in the Sky. I dunno, I just love the stage 4 song.
Least Favorite Song: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? Yeah.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Boll Maker of Buccuresti. Dunno why, besides Alice fangirlism.
Worst Stand Alone Song: Ultimate Truth - Just... doesn't work as well outside.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Phantom Ensemble. It just fits the sisters like nothing else would.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? - Overwrites the superior Ancient Temple.  Fail. (Shameless Tally-chu ripping for truth both on worst standalone and in-game use.)

Most Memorable Song: Necrofantasia. Just oddly iconic.
Favorite Melody: Capital City of Flowers in the Sky

Quality of OST: Synth is a bit poor and loud, albeit notably improved from EoSD. The composition is simply superb, though.

Other Thoughts: I find this OST just the most fitting in the series. May not be the best standalone, but just works very well everywhere.

Overall Rating: 9/10
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #41 on: August 06, 2008, 04:48:43 PM »
Perfect Cherry Blossom's overall rating: 9.29

Next game!

Fire Emblem 7: The Blazing Sword

Favorite Song:
Least Favorite Song:

Favorite Stand Alone Song:
Worst Stand Alone Song:

Favorite In Game use of a Song:
Worst In Game use of a Song:

Most Memorable Song:
Favorite Melody:

Quality of OST:

Other Thoughts:

Overall Rating:

(for those still confused, this is the first FE we got in the US, aka the one with Lyn, Hector, Batta, Denning, etc.)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 04:52:37 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2009, 08:43:49 PM »
Fire Emblem 7: The Blazing Sword

Favorite Song: Unshakable Faith.
Least Favorite Song: Everything into the Dark.

Favorite Stand Alone Song: Fire Emblem.  Moreso for other games' versions though.
Worst Stand Alone Song: blah, too much qualifies.  Reuse Everything into the Dark I guess.

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Unshakable Faith.  I dunno, despite GBA quality it's still a pretty effective "Now is the time!" style thing.
Worst In Game use of a Song: Winning Road.  Jeez, I'm winning and I get that?  Bah.

Most Memorable Song: Ninian's theme.  The reuse it so many times...
Favorite Melody: Fire Emblem.  Duh.

Quality of OST: well, could be worse?  GBA.

Other Thoughts:

Overall Rating: 4/10.
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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2009, 09:04:23 PM »
Fire Emblem 7: The Blazing Sword

Favorite Song: FE7 had a soundtrack?
Least Favorite Song: FE7 had a soundtrack?

Favorite Stand Alone Song: See above.
Worst Stand Alone Song: And once again!

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Once again, see above.
Worst In Game use of a Song: And above once more.

Most Memorable Song: And yet again!
Favorite Melody: And yet yet again!

Quality of OST: I have no idea.

Other Thoughts:
FE7 had a soundtrack?

Overall Rating: FE7 had a soundtrack?/10. Objectively, though, if it's that unmemorable, it can't be any better than 4/10. I feel generous, so use this score for the averages.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2009, 09:33:01 PM »
Seconding Snow. I don't remember a single song from FE7.

Edit: 4/10.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 02:17:26 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2009, 11:04:23 PM »
Fire Emblem 7: The Blazing Sword

Favorite Song: FE7 had a soundtrack?
Least Favorite Song: FE7 had a soundtrack?

Favorite Stand Alone Song: See above.
Worst Stand Alone Song: And once again!

Favorite In Game use of a Song: Once again, see above.
Worst In Game use of a Song: And above once more.

Most Memorable Song: And yet again!
Favorite Melody: And yet yet again!

Quality of OST: I have no idea.

Other Thoughts:
FE7 had a soundtrack?

Overall Rating: FE7 had a soundtrack?/10.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 03:35:37 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2009, 11:06:49 PM »
FE7 has a cool full version of FE's main theme.  Uh, and that's about how far I played.


But the theme's good!!
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2009, 11:20:05 PM »
Look people, I don't mind laziness, be it "What he said" or just quoting what someone else said...

But could you at LEAST put forth the effort to throw a numerical ranking (...a serious one, even if its just like "5/10-Whatever" thing.  I just mean don't be cute like "-19/10!!") in there?  The less you guys do that, the longer these worthless games stay up there <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2009, 12:25:47 AM »
Hey, I provided a numeric score!
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Rate that OST!!!
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2009, 12:28:11 AM »
And my statement doesn't apply to you for that reason!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A