Author Topic: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.  (Read 2353 times)


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Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:21:55 PM »
Haven't had one of these in a while! Time for super's noisy questions. These are holiday themed but not every question pertains to the holidays.

1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 10:30:27 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
Going to see Andy's parents this weekend. Otherwise, just home with him and our tiny Christmas tree.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )
I wanna say I was 4 or 5? I was a pretty skeptical child. I'm also a really light sleeper. Sooo.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
Yes, though I can't listen to it repeatedly like I do with other music. I pretty much just go through the list a couple of times, pick out a few favorites, and ignore the rest.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?
No. It might be cold enough that, were we to actually get rain during the winter around here, it would've.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?
Yes. More than Andrew, usually, because I'm a control freak. Sadly I only drive automatic. I've wanted to learn manual, but there are so few opportunities to do that (or use that skill).

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
I'm a failure. I should stop setting goals so I stop giving my self-loathing more ammunition.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?
See above. But I'd like to achieve some semblance of stability.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?
This year was loooooong. I don't have a clue and can't remember enough.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?
If the former would be larger than the latter, I would probably take the former. Mostly I would just clear out my debts and, if anything was left over, save the rest. I make enough money that, once that was done, I could do my own world-wide trip.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
I like all the seasons. I just prefer they'd change more often. Sometimes, living in California drives me mad. The weather's pretty same-y much of the year. (I know, I know, but you have no idea how disconcerting it is to have the weather be 73 and sunny 270 days a year. It's just fucking unnatural.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?
Nope. Probably just seeing friends, as usual.
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 10:35:10 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
Spending time with family. Ciato's away until the 1st, and most of my friends are busy or away this time of year, so family definitely gets the focus.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )
I dunno, probably when I was around 7? I just remember it wasn't really any sort of big reveal for me, as Santa never really made that much sense even when I was a child.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?
Just the continued love and companionship from those dear to me.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
I enjoy a little of it since it evokes some good nostalgia, especially the more traditional stuff. The type of music that plays in shopping malls I get sick of pretty quickly.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?
We just got snow today, so... it's possible!

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?
Yes, manual. No in the sense that I don't own a car or intend to, hooray city living.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
Not that I recall. A couple months ago I set for myself the goal of finishing the first chapter of the game I'm working on but that's probably not going to happen.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?
Guess that's something to think about. Overall I'm pretty happy with the way my life's going though.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?
Book - Plenty of good ones this year, with a special shout-out to A Memory of Light for finishing off what may be my favourite book series... but nah, To Kill a Mockingbird has this, I'm pretty sure.
Game - Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies. No standouts this year for me, so a solid Ace Attorney game is able to rise above a solid Pokemon game and claim top spot.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not gigantic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?
I'm assuming the former isn't large enough to cover all the expenses of the latter, right? Then the latter.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
I'm ready for there to be more than 9 hours of daylight a day again.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?
May try to see what some friends are doing, but probably not. I don't like parties much.

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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 10:37:29 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
Working and dodging family gatherings.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real?
Never thought he was.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?
Friends, money.  Nothing specifically material.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
I don't enjoy overplayed pop songs.  Christmas music that is actual music can be great.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?
I can't not read that as sexual innuendo.  (if you're talking about snow, it's Texas, so no.)

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?
Yes and yes.  Wait, what does this have to do with Christmas or New Year's?

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
I had goals.  They were not met.  I'm no longer sure I would have wanted them to be.  Depressing year.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?
To Be Or Not To Be / Knytt Underground / Aku no Hana

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not gigantic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
It beats summer for sure.  What little rainy season we get is the best.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?


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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 10:47:37 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

See Ash.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

I don't actually remember. Sometime in Elementary school?

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

Tons of stuff, but nothing special.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Ja. it just gets you into the spirit, and it is generally feel good with a war and fuzzy message.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Nope. Bay Area, bro.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

Yosh. It has been a while, but I can probably still drive manual without utterly destroying the transmission.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

Don't think so. Made some strides in some areas, failed in others. Progressing some still.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Finish Disquiet Episode 1, finish The Adventurers and get a rejection letter at least, get a better job, lose some weight, reach Diamond in League, monetize my blog...

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

It has been a long year. Let's just go with the S3 finale of MLP (Magical Mystery Cure). Stands out to me. Mass Effect 3 gets an honorable mention here, as well, ending aside.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

Ash's logic works for this one.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

Yeah. I prefer cold to heat.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

Games with friends, prolly.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 11:02:04 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2013, 10:49:33 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
Taking time off work.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )
Can't remember. Probably early in primary school. Didn't have much contact with other people my age before then.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?
Not particularly.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
Sure, if it's good. No, if it isn't. Because it's good or because it isn't good.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?
Yes. Manual. I fear automatics for reasons which are probably entirely unfounded.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
I guess I had a goal of getting a (non-portable) air conditioner before summer. Failed.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?
To get a (non-portable) air conditioner before next summer.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?
Virtue's Last Reward.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?
I have little to no interest in travelling the world so the former.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
I hate the weather this time of year, and Autumn's weather isn't really much of an improvement.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?


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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2013, 12:06:45 AM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Spending it wih my family at parents place because they have a pool.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

Learn to spoiler text properly Super.  Also Mark may be Red and have an zing beard but he isn't Santa.
4 or 5.  Does it matter?  Also I love that you post something that will explicitly show up in a google search for this terms.  I assume there is enough out there anyway but it shows class.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

A soul, food is always good around Christmas.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

No.  Christmas music isn't universally without value, but what isn't completely void of musical worth is twofer by association and Little Drummer Boy is the sound that will directly cause the end of the universe.  When the human race dies out it is not because of whatever caused it, it is just delayed retribution for Katherine Davis penning this atrocity.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

I will probably have a white middle class secular holiday.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

Andy what do you think? I think I drive stick and wouldn't want our relationship to be at the point where it is just Automatic.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

I didn't get to 80kg like we set, but doing so much weight training and getting sick in the last couple of weeks of training for the year and getting a kilo or two away is pretty good.  So I am happy failure.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Get to 30 and beyond without topping myself.  Try really hard not to have a mental breakdown full of self loathing at my complete failure to achieve anything I wanted in life so I could work for a large soulless company that weekly shows a callous lack of soul due to universal innate flaws in corporate structures that both highlight how amazing human enginuity is for getting any customer requests delivered at all and the astounding depths of incompetence, offhand callousness and lack of compassion of large groups of people towards other human beings.

Maybe lose another 5 kilos or so.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

The Sword in general and Empire of the Sun's new album are the stand out new find and new Album to the year for me.  I can't remember what I played this year other than Warframe and I was playing that last year in closed beta /hipster. Payday 2 pretty great though.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

Money.  I would rather do round the world couch surfing with people that would have me and travel to meet people I know than to do things in strange places with someone from home.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

No.  Summer is terrible and could die in a fire if it wasn't already actually dying in a fire.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 01:07:32 AM by Grefter »
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2013, 01:41:03 AM »
1. Housesitting for little bro, spending time with the family otherwise.

2. 8 or so? I think. Just was a hunch.

3. My car to not catch fire.

4. I enjoy Christmas music, but I've never had to work in a retail setting where dealt with it constantly.

5. No. It's snowed twice on Christmas in my lifetime, this area's too far south and too close to the water to get snow much. It looks like it will be flipping cold (48) though.

6. Alex- The reason I asked is just my mind wandering while thinking of this while driving today. And I can't drive stick, would like to pick up the habit.

7. I graduated from college and got a job, but that kinda blew up in my face. Goal for 2014: Get another job. I actually failed pretty miserably at everything besides graduating college this year.

8. Get a decent paying job.

9. A memory of light by default.

10.  Former just because of school loans. If I didn't have those I'd take the latter in  a heartbeat though.

11. It's okay. It doesn't get too cold here, so winter's easy to deal with.

12. Nope!
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2013, 01:47:13 AM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Probably home stuff because Christmas is ironically father's birthday.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

I'm Jewish so...uhh...immediately <_<?

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

N/A beause jewish.  if Hannukah applies, well, I already got a watch which is more than what I was expecting!

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
Hate it.  It's overplayed, and when it comes down to it, a lot of it is uninspired repetitive things, and several songs don't even sound festive; there were cases where I noted some of them if you took out the lyrics, they'd be some of the most depressing melodies around.

That and Christmas parody songs are even worse.  No, taking Mr. Sandman and going "Mr. Santa" is not clever or amusing, it's just dumb.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Snow's melting slowly here, so I suspect it will be at least to some degree.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

Yes and automatic.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

My goals were to get actually onto a path that'd help my career as a teacher, and quit Target.  Latter happened in February when I became a Substitute, and I started Grad School so...yeah, I'll say they succeeded.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Not offhand.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

Probably Xenoblade Chronicles, if I had to pick one game.  Day of the Doctor was also pretty awesome even if it doesn't count as a movie, though I don't think that's the "best" (even among Doctor Who) just something memorable and recent.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

Large sum of money.  I'm not big on traveling a lot, so yeah, easy for me.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

Weather this year during the winter hasn't been too bad outside of one major cold snap.  It really depends on the Winter.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

Sit at home and watch the ball drop, not much else.
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2013, 01:57:25 AM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
Being at home. Cooking things. Prolly gaming alot since Jenna is taking the rest of Dec and half of Jan off after today.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )
Can't remember. prolly 4-5 ish.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?
Someone else to do the cleaning after I do the cooking.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
Some. The christmas hymns, some of the really classical stuff, that stuff is nice. Stuff like "Here comes Santa Claus" is terrible, and christmas pop songs can go die in a hole. So basically I do like some, but none of the shit they play in stores ever.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?
Bay area, bro.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
Probably set some. Probably did not meet them. Hell if I can remember now.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?
No, because I am incapable of actually completing something.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?
Uhhhh....I have no idea. Pokemon X maybe? Prolly not, it's just all that's coming to mind.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?
Jenna hates travelling with the fury of a million suns. So the former, sadly. Since I'd love the latter, but she would hate it and I'm not about to travel the world without her, so.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
What is weather. Can you eat it.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?
Probably play DnD. Does that count as special?
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2013, 03:02:14 AM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
No travel because Donna has to work, so I'm staying at home, doing a bit of work myself, and putting together the new home theater setup we got ourselves for Christmas.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )
I connected the dots when I, I think?

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?
I already got a 60-inch TV and a new computer that will hook up to it.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
I pay $80 to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra every year. So yes. Yes I do.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?
Forecast for this weekend is 70 degrees. Fuck no.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?
Automatic. I do nooooooot have the reaction speed for manual.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
I mainly just wanted to enjoy life after a super hectic 2012. So far so good.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?
Not really.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?
The Way of Kings, probably.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?
Trip around the world would be great. We don't do enough travel to new places and I haven't left the country in almost 20 years.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
I am always ready for spring to start. Winter is too cold, summer is too hot, and fall is the time when everything starts to die. Fuck other seasons, spring forever.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 03:04:24 AM by Shale »
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2013, 06:10:59 AM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Gonna watch my nephews open their presents, then eat a lot

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )


3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

I need a new headset for my computer, also been looking at getting a PS3 cheap

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Like most music there are some good songs, a bunch of mediocre ones, and a few truly terrible songs.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Almost certainly yes

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

Yes, but just automatic

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

I really don't set personal goals like that

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

See above

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

Book: The Lies of Locke Lamora

Game: Hotline Miami

Piece of Media: Breaking Bad, I guess?

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

The money

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

Considering it's freezing rain outside, the latter

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

No, but that's not set in stone.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 07:58:10 AM by AAA »
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 06:50:07 AM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Family bruha.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

I'm not sure I believed in santa per se, so much as I didn't question where the presents came from and by the time I cared it was fairly obvious.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

Nothing I"m likely to get.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Not especially.  I enjoy music around christmas time, but the traditional songs tend to either be stupid or dreary.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Good question.  There was pretty heavy snowfall last week, then today it was 40 and drizzling all day, so a lot of it washed out.  Even if it cooled back down, we'd have to get another snowfall to patch things up to be properly white.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?


7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?  8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Taking these two together.  My only real goal I formed this year was to finish up the last classes I need by the end of 2014.  It's looking pretty unlikely at the moment though, the way class availability is falling.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

hum.  I don't know that anything I watched, played, or read this year rates above an 8/10.  *skim* Oh, Memory of Light came out like the first week of January.  P...robably that then.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

Depends.  If I take the money, it'd have to be enough to get a new car and pay off the rest of my classes with some left over for savings, since that would get me much, much closer to tackling trips and such on my own terms.  If it wasn't sufficient funds for that, I'd just take the trip.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)


12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

Presumably working.  Else, not a fuckin' thing.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2013, 12:33:25 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Doing the same thing I do every year: go visit my family.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

I...really don't recall. I just stopped believing one day.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

While I already know what I'm getting, my true wish is to get a job I can handle and like. A fool's dream.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Yes. because I was raised on Motown Christmas songs Christmas songs.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

It's Texas. Then again, stranger things have happened.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

Why do you want to know this?! (Yes, I drive Manual)

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

Yes and no, I met NONE of my goals, sadly.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

I have 3: To get a job, To earn enough money to buy a new computer and other devices, and to lose weight. *sighs* I got a lot to do.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

Personally? Um...I'd say LoL, but that broke my mind. So I'd say...I really don't know. (FF14 ARR I just remembered).

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

Darn. Hmm. If I had money, I could help out mom with her bills and I could afford what I want. But after this year, I'd like to work for my money. I'll take the trip around the world with my boyfriend, just so I can get over my overbearing fear of airplanes and I could have one last hurrah before I start working officially if I could.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

Fall and Spring make me I enjoy the Winter weather.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

I...well...I don't know. I haven't done anything for New Year's Eve for years.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 12:37:35 PM by Meiousei »

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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2013, 01:38:54 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

I pissed off my best friend and my family are either dead, nutjobs, or self-entitled assholes so probably alone.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real?

Like 5? I believed in the tooth fairy until I was ten.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

Crazy, stupid soccer moms to not hit my car. Happened last year.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Not really. I like Christmas movies. Fuck yeah Die Hard.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Last week was 10 degrees. Today is 52.  Monday is 13.  I have no clue.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

Yes, it's drive or die.  I can drive stick but not much point with my daily commute.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

Kind of. My goal this year was to not get fired/laidoff and not get robbed from my family members.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Probably more ass kissing for job advancement.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

The best game I played this year was Tales of Xillia.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?


11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start?

I don't like winter because driving on ice sucks.  I like winter because the goddamn spiders are on vacation. I don't know.  :-\

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?



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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2013, 01:20:35 AM »
Haven't had one of these in a while! Time for super's noisy questions. These are holiday themed but not every question pertains to the holidays.

1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?
Christmas with the family.  It's the big yearly event for us, and it's stressful in the leadup but I love it dearly.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real?
Don't recall.  My impression is that my parents never hid the fact that at least some of the presents were from them, so I guess I never thought it was a big deal.  Not a big enough deal to remember, at any rate.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?
See Gate.  I dearly love playing or singing Christmas music, but approximately 100% of what you hear in malls is painful to me.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?
Probably not, but we can always hope.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?
Automati--wait, what the hell does this have to do with the end of the year?  You trying to find a victim to inherit the Jeep?

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?
I'm sure I did.  I'm employed but also weigh more than last year, so I figure I went 1 for 2.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?
New job, lose weight.  Shocking, I know.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

There was probably something else.  I'll put it in when I remember what.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)
I love it.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?
Church for the Christmas eve service, followed by playing trombone for caroling on the town lawn, same as every year.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2013, 04:47:59 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Will be spending some time at my mum's with her and her boyfriend.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )


... *cough* ...

Eh, I had my little sister so I kind of believed/half believed for a while trying to keep the magic going for her. Also she swore for years that we both saw Santa and the sleigh in the sky up high one time from our top floor flat window. I think I must have said that, and convinced her, and then she almost had me convinced >_> Oops. Well who knows eh? ^_~

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

Haven't really thought about it much. Nothing big really, will be happy with what I get from family and friends =)

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Sometimes, it helps with the atmosphere/making things feel more like Christmas sometimes.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

There has been snow in some places in the country but a lot of rain/flooding/gales/etc as well >_> It's not impossible it might snow where I am, but I dunno.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

No, N/A

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

I'm still in my own tenancy, and managed to get things done to the house/garden.  Maintained good relationships/friendships mostly. Serious slacking on other things otherwise >_>

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Getting more modifications to the house, and I want to lose weight, and go on holiday.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

I liked Catching Fire at the movies, Tales of Xillia and Day of the Doctor too. Also cats, alll the cats~

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

The latter.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

Not enjoying it much this year. It causes people a lot of problems too.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

I'm going shopping to get groceries in. Nothing much planned otherwise. Haven't really thought about it.
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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2013, 08:04:11 PM »
I like talking about myself, so I'll answer these so you can choose to not read it.

1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Not travelling this year, so yeah basically that, exercise, and then some socialization toward New Year's.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

6 or 7?

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

Jack and shit. It's actually getting bothersome to answer this question from relatives, so I've started to ask them to just donate to charity because I don't really need anything.

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

Nah, I dislike things that get played over and over. For a month straight. I actually enjoy a lot of US pop music now because I'm not hearing it day in and day out.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Hahahaha no. Amakusa gets less snow than Albuquerque, and that says a lot.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

I think Super may be having car troubles on his mind. Yes.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

Two goals, finish the Heisig method for Kanji and lose weight. Failed the first because I lose all motivation to study when I'm in a bad mood, and it's been a bad year. In spirit, I met the second goal, thanks to P90X. I haven't lost any weight from when I started (still 80 kg last I checked), but have lost a lot of fat and gained a lot of muscle, so...

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 in July, have a short story published in a literary journal before the end of the year.

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

Book: Watership Down. Read it for a multilingual book club project and was pleasantly surprised by it. Quite smart (if obnoxiously misogynistic) for a children's book. 1Q84 would have taken this spot had it not fizzled out hard toward the end.

Game: The Walking Dead. Games that tell stories, WTF? Leans heavily on the Illusion of Choice to carry the narrative but that only becomes clear if you replay it or save scum, but if you do neither it's quite enjoyable.  Second place is Hotline Miami. Opposite end of the spectrum, murder simulator with terrible story.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not giganic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

Assuming that the second has a time limit and I can't just be a bum for the rest of my life... The first, to put toward the second. Even on a modest amount of large money (let's say $50k all at once, or to even things out $50k+whatever it takes to pay off the rest of your college expenses/student loans/debt) you can invest most of it to get a recurring income every month, buy a plane ticket and work your way through travelling the world on the remainder plus your recurring income. I'd much rather travel like that, and get a feel for each area I settle down in for a few weeks before moving on.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

I hate every season except for spring. At least at this time of year I can keep veggies in the fridge for more than a couple of days before they rot.

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

Going to Fukuoka with a couple other people to party.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 08:35:56 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: Christmas/End of the year polling 2013.
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2013, 11:37:49 PM »
1. What are you doing for Christmas/The holidays in general?

Spending time with mom, then dad, then the gfs family.

2. When did you find out that Santa isn't real? (Spoiler for Grefter: Santa's not real.:( )

er, I was... 6 or 7 maybe? I think some kid at school told me I was really stupid to still believe in that kind of stuff.

3. Is there anything you want for Christmas?

A new car. Which I did not get!

4. Do you enjoy Christmas music? Why or why not?

I enjoy it enough. I find myself singing it from time to time.

5. Christmas is less than a week away. Are you expecting to get a White Christmas?

Ha! no.

6. Do you drive? If do drive, can you drive manual/stick or just automatic?

I can do both, or at least I could. Might need to practice driving stick again. Been awhile.

7. The year's almost over. Did you have any goals you set for yourself at the start of 2013, and did you meet them?

I was supposed to lose some weight. Instead I stayed pretty much where I started in 2013.

8. Do you have any resolutions/goals for 2014?

Lose some gawd damn weight already!

9. What was the best new book/game/piece of media you consumed this year?

I started the Game of Throne books this year. Those are fun. Littlefinger is the man.

10. What would you rather receive: A large but not gigantic sum of money, or an all expenses paid trip (This includes paying your rent back at home) around the world with one other person of your choice?

The world trip. The large (but not too large) sum of money seems lame and also not as extravagant.

11. Do you enjoy the weather this time of year, or are you ready for spring to start? (Flip this for the godless heathens in the southern hemisphere)

I want snow dag nabbit!

12. Going to do anything special for New Year's Eve?

Get drunk, unless I have to work the next day...and I do, then watch people get drunk.
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