
Author Topic: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!  (Read 4958 times)


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Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« on: December 22, 2013, 10:01:58 PM »
Yep, it's back, and this time it's...oh hell with it, let's just get into the nitty gritty.

We vote on what scene is best, but some scenes are hard to compare.  What is better? The scene that is a powerful dramatic moment, or a scene that made you laugh your ass off?  If you say the former, does not all scenes of the latter get put at an unfair advantage?  You get the idea.  As such, again, we have DIFFERENT CATEGORIES!

Drama: The scenes that are well done based on serious writing, execution, plot developments, etc.  It's the scenes that stand out to you in some serious manner.  It could be a majorly uplifting heroic moment where the main delivers a powerful speech, or a famous death scene with strong emotions.  Basically, anything that is "Serious" goes here.
If this division was a Movie, this would be your "Best Picture" award bait movies.

As a side note, the nature of this division has MANY spoilers involved.  If you want to justify why the scene is, either spoiler tag it, or don't specify events. 

Humor: The scene is good because it is funny.  Well, ok, there may be scenes that qualify here that aren't "Funny" but shh!  The idea is the scene was made to make you laugh, or at least crack a smile, and it succeeds gloriously at this.  I must emphasize this: This is intentional humor, not ironic, "So Bad It's Good", etc. humor.
If this division was a Movie, this would be your comedies, your parodies, etc. 

Style: This is where all those "Bad Ass" "Cool" "Awesome" and all that jazz.  These are the things that appeal to you on a shallow level.  It's not necessarily serious but not quite humorous; more just kind of "man, that was great!" moments. 
If this division was a Movie, this would be your action flicks, super hero movies, etc.

Wrong: There comes a time where you see something that you like but know you shouldn't.  You see something done so bad it is suddenly amazing.  Something happens that you know wasn't intended to be taken a certain way, but you can't help but love it for that wrong reason.  That's this division.   This is NOT about how bad the scene is, this is about how unintentionally awesome it is.
If it were a movie, this would be your Plan 9 From Outerspaces, and all that.

Fail: New category!  Simply put, THE WORST OF THE WORST.  Scenes are awful, and you can't believe they exist, and they actively make the game worse.  You know the drill.  In this division, you are voting on what scene is worse.

And yes, some scenes MAY cross into two divisions, as there are blurred lines.  I get that, however, I am adding a rule I didn't have this tournament:

A scene can only get into one division.  It can be nommed for multiple, but if it gets into a division, it is disqualified from the others.  Last tournament, it was getting ridiculous where people we'd have a scene up one week, then the following week that same scene would come up, and there was a sense of Anti-voting the scene.

Also, nom scenes, not a sequence of events.  No, just because they all happen consecutively does not make them the same scene.  Case in point, nomming "Don Corneo's Mansion" is not a scene.  There are multiple scenes that happen in this area.  Now, saying "Don Corneo Interrogation" is an isolated scene.  Also, chopping up one scene into smaller parts I will not allow this time.  None of this "I nom Yunalesca's rant about anti-hope!" when someone nommed "This is the time!" speech from Auron.  They're the exact same scene, they both qualify.  Feel free to give any reason you want of course!


Drama: Ferid/Arshtat (Suikoden 5)
Humor: Man Festival (Shadow Hearts Covenant)
Style: Evil Overlord Lesbian Asellus (SaGa Frontier)
Wrong: Chu-Chu Died For your Sins (Xenogears)
Fail: Anything from Xenosaga 3.

Why are they banned?  They won the previous tournament, so I feel it's only right they get "Retired."
As far as Fail goes, I banned Xenosaga 3 as to avoid over-saturation.  Whoever wins Fail will face off against what people agree is the worst scene in that I decide that is something I haven't quite figured out yet...

...and yes, I think I did forget to announce winners of previous tournament so consider that "Retired" list me announcing the winners like 4 years late or something <_<;

Also, I ask you to please consider the people voting on this.  There is one franchise, which I will not specify here, that got a large number of scenes in, which got god awful vote draws every single time, and it was a legitimate turn off to some people.  I urge you, PLEASE consider that before hand.  This is especially important in Drama, where both spoilers are a big deal, so people don't watch in hopes to avoid that, AND sometimes context is a big deal, and the scenes loses everything without knowing the context.

Additionally, make sure you can find a means to illustrate the scene.  If the scene can't be found on Youtube, or the script is unavailable, or whatever, do not nom it.  I can make exceptions for really well known scenes that no one needs to watch because they all know it, but don't assume yours qualifies.  If you nom a scene and I can't find an example of said scene, it is not getting in.

Lot of rules? Yes, yes there are!  Just get to nomming 4 to 6 per division, and I urge you to have a bit of variety in your noms; no oversaturizing with one game please.

EDIT: Forgot to note this, but Non-RPGs are allowed.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 09:43:25 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2013, 12:52:46 AM »

Weissman's reveal to Joshua (Tales in the Sky)
Joshua's reveal to Estelle (Tales in the Sky)


Ultros at the Opera, pre-fight and fight specifically (Final Fantasy 6)




Barret's Date (Final Fantasy 7)



I will add more to this as I think of them.


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 12:59:40 AM »

- (Odin Sphere) Gwendolyn hears out her sister's final words as she dies in her arms.
- (ToV): Yuri murders Cumore and is confronted by Flynn.
- (DQ5): Years pass by as a statue, with the game making clear that he was missing his children's lives.

- (WA3) Virginia extrapolates on Jet's status has her father's 'son'.
- (Mana Khemia 2) The cast makes a mockery of the Mana of Light upon meeting him.
- (Tales of Graces): BAZONGAS!
- (Trails in the Sky): The cast meets Olivier

- (Lufia 2): Erim slowly reconstructs the mirror of truth.
- Tales of Xillia: Opening
- Suikoden 3: Opening.
- Yuna summons Valefor mid-fall.

- (WA5) ASGARD, ITS YOUR ARM!!!!!!!!!
- (FF12) "All right! I've killed some rats, I'm ready for anything!"

- (FF8) Orphanage scene.
- (Grandia 3) Alfina stops the third guardian from KOing Emelious, thus prolonging the game like a retard.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 01:22:57 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2013, 01:22:05 AM »
Meeple: If you need scene links, just message me.


Luca Blight's last stand (S2)
Steiner and Beatrix hook up (FF9)
Tidus dies (FFX) (FUCK OFF FFX-2)
Cecil goes from Dark Knight to Paladin (FF4)
The end of the World of Balance (FF6)
Sephiroth kills Aeris (FF7)


Bluuuuuuuuuue! Yellllllllloooooooooow! (Disgaea)
The troll still burns (ToG).
Worker 8 smites Mustadio (FFT)
Warmage and Sorercess banter at the start of Hard Climb (OMD1)
Kyle breaks Xenobia's petrification spell (Lunar:SSSC)
Heat makes fun of Argilla re: Jinana's death (DDS)


E: I'll second Alex and second the nomination for the fight against Soma in Julius Mode (Dawn of Sorrow0
Dekar forgets how to lose (Lufia 2)
DDS1's intro (DDS1)
The mutations/fire start in the opera house (PE1)
Final Battle (Shadow of the Colossus)
Lezard kills Odin (VP2)


DIE MONSTER (Castlevania SotN)
Double Kain (TAY)
Exploding Frog (FFT)
Dart and Lavitz pratice swordfighting (LoD)
Cross's rant to Jack [I believe in me, etc] (RS)


Suicide fakeout (FF13)
MOMO pantyshots (XS1)
Human Jack in the volcano (RS)
Cecile and Cathe (XS2)
Kachua angsts about wanting in Denim's pants (TO)
7th Saga's ending (7S)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 03:51:02 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2013, 02:41:41 AM »

- (NieR): Ending D, letting the game delete your 100% savefile to give one character a chance at a happy life.
- (Bastion): The last walk out with Zulf.
- (FFT): Delita and Ovelia in the church ruins, in the midgame.
- (FFT): Delita and Ovelia in the church ruins, in the ending.
- (Silent Hill 2): James discovers the truth behind his wife's death.  (I assume this is the series Meeple was hating on, and I don't encourage any more SH noms, but come on, this is one of the most discussed scenes in gaming and its impact is the reason the series is A Thing at all.  I can't *not* nom it.)

- (Persona 4): The crossdressing beauty pageant.
- (Catherine): True Chaos ending.
- (The Typing and/or House of the Dead: Overkill): The ending.  And the whole game, really.  But mostly the ending.  Could go under Wrong, but it's intentional, so.

- (Earthbound): The final battle vs Giygas.
- (Bioshock): Confronting Andrew Ryan.
- (Chrono Trigger): Losing to Lavos.  (Yeah, losing.  Who didn't jump in the bucket immediately?  What gamer hasn't been motivated by the future refusing to change?)
- (CV: Dawn of Sorrow): Somacula fight at the end of Julius Mode.
- (FF6): The opening march.

- (Deus Ex (original flavor)): Oh my god JC, a bomb.
- (Ar Tonelico 3): The dramatic battle vs Cat-Mute, featuring magical cat polka.
- (Drakengard): Ending E.  ThAnK yOu FoR PlAyInG!

- (Disgaea): Zombie horse wiener.


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2013, 04:25:18 AM »

-"Here, dogs of the Chronicle!  Let the world feast on my soul!" (Radiant Historia)
- "The scene from your memory was the pier outside the Yakushima laboratory" (Persona 4 Arena)
- "Don't forget me, ya hear!" (Lost Odyssey)


- Tiki/Robin(F) A (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Royal Crablettes?! (Tales of Graces f)
- "Dreams are AWESOME!" (Persona 4 Arena)
- "What I'm really good at is BARKING!" (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)


- Rival: Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Generations)
- "Naga's power has focused elsewhere in response.  Do you know where?  Inside the remains of the Voice, which you were foolish enough to leave... Right here."  (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Cap'n Orla's Swashbucklers (Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies)
- Cabanela's Stairway Stroll (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 07:17:03 PM by Cmdr_King »
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2013, 04:34:58 AM »
What's this, a tournament I might pay attention to?


-Dark Souls: Post-AotA Sif intro. Bawwww.
-Demons' Souls: Astraea fight. "We live humble lives. Leave us be!"
-Fallout: New Vegas: Vault 11 finale. "What you are feeling is peace."
-Planescape: Torment: The saying-goodbye-to-all-your-friends ending.
-Valkyrie Profile: Yumei's recruitment scene.


-Fallout: New Vegas: Meeting the Think Tank in Old World Blues.
-Mass Effect 3: The Citadel party. Arguably a sequence, since it's in practice a string of conversations, but it is self-contained and unbroken by combat or other gameplay.
-Portal 2: Wheatley takes control of the facility.
-Suikoden IV: MY ARM. At least, I think that was intended to be comedic...
-Valkyrie Profile 2: Someone has to nom an SG dog scene...I'll look these up later and pick one.


-Grim Grimoire: Lillet cheats the devil at his own game.
-Shadow Hearts: Covenant: I am guessing the Cluster Amaryllis scene got plenty of exposure last round, so instead..."I wish you'd shove it. You know where."
-Suikoden III: The opening movie.
-Suikoden V: Yeah, Georg was just trolling you the whole time. He can see just fine!


-Digital Devil Saga 2: The pre-final-battle cutscene. I don't think they meant for me to laugh, but that's what happened.
-Mega Man X: Command Mission: GET YOUR HANDS OFF AILE'S SOUL
-Soul Nomad: Demon ending. Arguably could fall under other categories as well, but quite incontrovertibly wrong.


-Fallout 3: Heroic sacrifice at the last minute for no goddamn reason at all.
-Heavy Rain: Introduces its strong female lead with a rape nightmare.
-Wild Arms 5: Revelation of what was really driving Volsung the whole time!
-Xenogears: "And their long and dangerous night went on and on."
-Xenosaga 2: Albedo carried off by angels of his underage victims.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 11:30:29 PM by El Cideon »


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2013, 02:20:47 AM »
Many of the linked videos have spoilers. You have been warned.

Shadow Hearts Covenant -- Alice's resurrection (Link)
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future -- Claire says goodbye (Link)
Final Fantasy VI -- Kefka poisons Doma (Link)
Borderlands 2 -- Stealing the Vault Key (Link)
Katawa Shoujo -- Hanako's bad ending (Link)
Skullgirls -- Filia dooms herself to give Painwheel a new life (Link -- Scene starts at 5:37)

Psychonauts -- Welcome to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp (Link)
Psychonauts -- Dogan and the evil squirrels (Link)
Portal 2 -- Aristotle vs. Mashy Spike Plate (Link)
Portal 2 -- Jump into the pit (Link)
The Walking Dead -- "...I don't know." (Link)
Katawa Shoujo -- Kenji needs money (Link)

Bayonetta -- Opening cutscene (Link)
Bayonetta -- Punch God into the sun (Link)
Starcraft 2 -- "Hell, it's about time." (Link)
Chrono Trigger -- Frog cuts a mountain in half (Link)
Persona 3 FES: The Answer -- Fight your friends (Link)
Final Fantasy IX -- Assault of the White Dragons (Link)

Mega Man 8 -- "When we find dat meteow, we'ww find Doctah Wawwy." (Link)
Mega Man X4 -- "What am I fighting fooooooor?!" (Link)
Zelda: Wand of Gamelon -- "You've killed me!" "Good." (Link)
Zelda: Wand of Gamelon -- "Great! I can't wait to bomb some Dodongos!" (Link)
Infinite Undiscovery -- The Dinner Dance (Link)
Zero Wing -- "All your base are belong to us." (Link)

Star Ocean 4 -- Nappy Time (Link)
Indigo Prophecy -- Awkward end-of-the-world sex scene in a filthy underground hobo den with a freezing cold magically-revived dead guy that you barely know (Link)
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia -- The very definition of subtlety (Link)
Deadly Premonition -- The game's "big reveal" doesn't make any goddamn sense (Link)
Sonic '06 -- Elise kisses Sonic (Link)
Beyond Two Souls -- Alleyway scene (Link)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 10:47:59 PM by Lance »


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2013, 09:31:55 PM »
Meeple, do you happen to have a link to the noms from the old tournament (Just would want to pick kind of different stuff, but I can't really remember what was in last time)?
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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2013, 12:57:56 AM »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2013, 09:03:40 AM »
Hmmm, interesting


Disgaea: Big Sis Prinny departs.
Wild Arms 3: Clive's house, after Nebiros battle
Super Metroid: Hyper Beam.  Well, actually the spoileriffic scene leading up to it.


Final Fantasy 6: Relm and Uncle Ulty
Lunar EBC: Hot springs scene
Phantasy Star 4: Alys Brangwim's measurements
Zelda, Ocarina of Time: "How about a big Goron hug?"
Lufia 2: Magical Wife Selan
Shadow Hearts Covenant: Obtaining the Autumn Kimono


Street Fighter Alpha 3: Karin ending
Ninja Gaiden 3: Act 5 pre-boss cinema scene (most of the rest of the game's story seems to fit under Fail)
Xenogears: Hammer's MAD SKILLZ
Megaman X2: Zero trashes an imitation.


Final Fight SNES: "Oh my car."
Castlevania, Symphony of the Night: Meeting Maria in the chapel

Final Fantasy 8: Quistis goes to apologize to Rinoa in the middle of a time sensitive mission.
Star Ocean 2:  Rena and Claude lover's quarrel at Lacour Tourney.  (so many scenes to choose from).
Final Fantasy 9: Necron
Double Dragon: opening kidnapping
Front Mission 3: Inflatable wanzers
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 05:41:55 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2013, 03:18:40 PM »
Reading one of the noms, I do want to emphasize something that didn't occur to me:

For Wrongness, you can nom the scene for "serious" reasons, as rare as it is.  As in, if a character does something you're suppose to feel one way about, but instead you feel the complete opposite, and think the character is awesome for that, it's indeed wrong.  The scene screwed up, but in a way that made it good anyway, just not in the way the developers intended.

So yeah, if a villain comes up with a whole speech that you're intended to be "You're a horrible person!  I can't agree with that at all!" but your response is "That's brilliant! I completely agree!", then yeah, that qualifies as Wrong, albeit a more serious angle of it.

Also, might as well note this, because I didn't, and it came up in the previous topic:

The game/developers/etc. Trolling you, no matter how amazing, IS NOT WRONG.  Trolling is intentional, and thereby doesn't belong in this division.  That isn't to say it can't be used in another division, of course!  Just saying "Choose your noms and divisions carefully!" then hit the previous post with a tuna sub because SCIENCE!

If you're wondering why I focus so much on Wrong, it is because the previous tournament had a lot of people not understand the division,  so trying to avoid that.  This isn't to say if anyone has or hasn't fallen victim yet, just trying to help clarity.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2013, 03:23:52 PM »

So yeah, if a villain comes up with a whole speech that you're intended to be "You're a horrible person!  I can't agree with that at all!" but your response is "That's brilliant! I completely agree!", then yeah, that qualifies as Wrong, albeit a more serious angle of it.

aka: Cross owning Jack hardcore in the human path.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2013, 03:27:47 PM »
Well, yes, that would be the scene that made me think to acknowledge that "Serious Wrong" exists, but didn't want to single someone out.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2014, 08:13:03 PM »
Having trouble thinking of amazing stand out scenes at the mo, so this will continue updating.

In my restless dreams... (Silent Hill 2): Still think it is a better style nom, but the DL and I didn't see eye to eye on that last contest. So let's try it here.

Meeting Sif Again (Dark Souls): Because, by the rules, I can't nom the Maiden Astrea stuff from Demon's Souls and I want some Souls rep in my noms. Still good, though. You must always kill the things you love in the end.

The Very Model of a Scientist Salarian (Mass Effect 2): The full dialogue chain is kind of important and I'd certainly consider it part of the same scene, but if you think it can't be counted, then start at 2:10.

Succeeding you... father! (Warcraft 3:Reign of Chaos): Arthas was such a goddamn pimp. Plain and simple.

Irenicus ain't got time for that! ~0:55-2:47 (Baldur's Gate 2): Irenicus lets himself be arrested just to save time.


The Star Child (Mass Effect 3): It is rare that I see a narrative's themes and concepts derail quite as hard as this on the last step.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 07:03:57 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2014, 07:00:06 PM »
EDIT3: Added a style entry.
EDIT2: Added a style entry.  Switched the Second Drama Entry.
EDIT: Added a humor entry.

Yeah instead of waiting until I have a full list(which at the rate I'm taking will be sometime in 2015) I'll just throw out my noms now and edit in things probably never.

-(Fallout: New Vegas) Survivalist's Logs (probably not legal? since they're just in-game text logs, but they weave a coherent story all the way through)
-(Dawn of War 2 Retribution) A Guardsmen's Life is to Die

-(Persona 4): King's Game
-(Tales of Xillia): Of Monster Bondage

-(Ace Combat Zero): Opening Movie
-(Halo Wars): Monsters cutscene
-(Dark Souls): See how Gough hunts dragons
-(Warcraft 2): Hero of the Alliance


« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 11:20:28 AM by Fudozukushi »


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2014, 04:21:42 AM »
so...I should probably put a legitimate deadline on this, shouldn't I?

Let's the end of the month.  Yes, a 3 month nom period or something is crazy, but scenes aren't as easy to work with, so shhh!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2014, 02:53:38 PM »
Go submit noms, people!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Best Scene Tournament Mk 2: Noms!
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2014, 03:38:24 AM »

Dr. Shirakawa humiliates Zezenan in front of public.


Apocalypse (Venus & Brave)

Veil of Darkness (Venus & Brave)


Lalalala (Drakengard 1)

The Last Song (Drakengard 3)
Probably the worst crime that Yokotaro has committed against the player so far, yet this whole atrocity still has a sense of beauty to it.
What crime? A music game that has notes that change rhythm pattern every segment + has a camera that purposely blocks the view of the player + the BGM does not fit with the the actual rhythmic notes the players have to hit + has to hit two notes in complete darkness that is completely out of the rhythm.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 02:40:55 AM by Niu »