Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 206353 times)

Glen Veil

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1875 on: August 02, 2014, 06:03:47 AM »
Crystal: While I haven't gotten 4 Burst Mk II's, I HAVE gotten 2 Burst Mk2's and a Glaive Beam with pre igniter once, that was glorious.

So, I play games also.  Been playing a bunch of FTL recently also, right now on easy because I'm mostly focused on unlocking ships, only have the Stealth C and Crystal A & B left to unlock.  After a lot of initial failures with the earlier ships I've managed to get to the point where I consistently win even when trying out the new ships within the first or second run on easy.  Stealth B is looking like it will be hilarious if I can survive the first few sectors what with the starting Glaive Beam.  Favorite ships so far are the Fed A, Zoltan A,  Mantis B, and Lanius A.  Least favorite are Fed C, Rock A & B(Only Missiles to start? No Door system/venting capabilities? Horrible layout on both? FUUCK OFFFF) and Slug B.  Highlights include aforementioned duel Burst Mk II's + Glaive on Kestral C, complete Lucker drops on Slug B and Rock C that basically had me set to beat the flagship by Sector 2 in both runs, running into a ship with a beam drone my second jump in in sector 1 with Stealth A and having the game bend me over whilst it violated me without lube, and forgetting to remove 2 crew from the medbay for flagship 1 on my second run of Stealth A and watching them slowly die as the medbay gets hacked right at the start >.>.  Also, fucking space spiders in my earlier runs, I now avoid those guys like the plague without blue options.

Orcs Must Die: Picked this and OMD2 up because steam sale and craving a TD game recently, fun so far, can't wait to see ifI can pull off frue pathing shenanigans with the barriers.

Valkyria Chronicles 2:  I play this off and on when I'm watching streams and find a particular segment boring or something.  Basic gameplay is cool, class system and weapon upgrade system is pure bullshit, and I kind of just ignore the story.  Currently in November, just about done unlocking all the weapons that I can at this point, which requires replaying some levels like 7+ times.  Class balance was good at first, but is now rather broken.  Commandos are stupid overpowered, especially the ones that can access Max vs Personnel.  Flamethrowers being aoe, ignoring accuracy, being the only thing that reliably ohko's bunkers and towers and reliably ohko's infantry with the aforementioned potential(some even when they evade if you aim it right!) all with non fail durability and serviceable mobility is too good a package.

Scouts have become mostly useless because interception fire rips through them now and they can't reliably kill units without headshots.  Their sniper line has some uses mostly for boss unit slaying by attacking far enough away that they don't abuse their 80% evade.  Troopers have their commando branch, which is already covered, and the gunner side, which is good but generally outclassed by commando since flamethrower is just a more reliable aoe weapon the Gatling guns, they gain some favor for being the line you need to unlock max vs personnel in.  Lancers Kill tanks, while they can kill most infantry with headshots this can be hard and not something to be relied on, but killing tanks they are great at.  The Mortarer line just sucks and should be avoided because they're aoe is no better then commando/gunners and you basically want your lancers to be dealing with tanks 95% of the time anyways.  Engineers have been basically useless on both lines, they need headshots to ohko any infantry, have no way of decrouching enemies to do so if needed, have trash durability, and their healing/ammo resupplies are just not needed, I also haven't found a need for anthem corp/melodist buff/debuffs yet since commandos and lancers still ohko their primary targets handily enough.  Techs are...okay... the actual tech line is somewhat pointless, since laying mines is a waste of time and lancers, techs themselves, and to a lesser extent troopers can use enemy mines as a sort of rocket jump to move further with some hp expended instead of ap.  Their good side is their defense meaning they basically give no shits about interception fire, and the Fencer/Mauler line rip infantry/tanks to shreds respectively like nobodies business, too bad their mobility is awful and half the time they need to spend 2 cp to get to an enemy that any other class would only need 1 cp to get to.

So uh, yeah, guess I'm trying to say I like the game but can only play it in short spats due to awful class system/balance and whatnot.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1876 on: August 02, 2014, 09:04:52 AM »
And apparently if I enjoy pain even more, I can do the final cave without the machine gun and with all my weapon levels reduced to 1 if I'm aiming to do the bonus dungeon + true final?  Yeesh the difficulty really does keep going up.

No don't be silly.  You do a different, harder final cave.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1877 on: August 02, 2014, 11:03:14 AM »
The machinegun is amazing the first time you play the game, but the alternative you get for waiting until the end of the game to trade up is much more suitable for Frue Final Dungeon (and if you get the jetpack upgraded then you barely even miss machinegun hovercraft of some kind; what jetpack v.1.0 lacks in staying power it more than makes up for in maneuverability). The alternative is also a weapon that never downgrades and does single bursts of powerful damage instead of a billion shots of decent damage, which basically frees you up to take careful shots and otherwise focusing on dodging...which you will need to do an awful lot of vs Frue Final.

Hell lives up to its name. You thought final cave was bad? Hahahaha. (Final Cave is bad. Just, you know, Hell.) I can't comment on Wind Temple though because I never finished it. I dunno if there's even a boss because the precision platforming with lethal result for failure defied my patience.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 11:07:09 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1878 on: August 02, 2014, 04:26:45 PM »
Bravely Default: Time to kill a Chemist Salve Maker!  Would have done it already but pressed for time!

 The Wind Waker HD: Swift Sail is amazing.  I seriously cannot see how the game would have been barable without it, which is to say, I can see why sailing was such a big fuss in the Gamecube version.  Doubling Speed and always favorable wind makes a hell of a difference.  It still takes time to cross the entire map, but...

-That's what fast travel is for.  You still can't always go exactly where you want, but going even one panel on the normal sail was a pain, Swift Sail makes it completely tolerable.
-When you want to explore stuff, that's not a bad thing, and just having this thing called "Mobility" is great!

Also, nice that they address why, despite having the Master Sword, you don't feel like an invincible bad ass.  yeah, it's a cheap "not at full power" excuse, but at least it's addressed.  When you have a super awesome sword that's suppose to be able to rival the power of the Gods, you should feel like a bad ass, something OoT really failed to do.  Saying "oh, not fully awakened" at least shows there's still ways to get stronger despite having the best sword ever.

And again, I like how they are NOT acting like Link is the "CHOSEN ONE!" at all.  For example, they don't go "YOU HAVE THE TRIFORCE OF COURAGE!" but rather "Go find the Triforce of Courage!", as it gives more a sense of "Link proves himself a hero" rather than "Link is a hero because DIVINE RIGHT!" 

Yeah, being light hearted in a Zelda game definitely does it help it, and Link having actual body language makes him that much more enjoyable, at least compared to other 3D Links.
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Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1879 on: August 02, 2014, 04:39:03 PM »
Xenoblade Chronicles - I have met the ~joke character~. I know this because there is silly music.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1880 on: August 02, 2014, 10:37:16 PM »
DQ6 - I just finished the most amazing part of the game so far.  So we all know how Dragon Quest games take terrible jokes and drive them home as hard and far as possible right?  Well sometimes it is worth it.  This is one of those times.

The Castle of Swanstone has a Princess who has been cursed to be stuck in a mirror for a thousand years by an evil wizard called Speigel (German for Mirror).  The king of this castle has grown up pining for this princess.  He knows the spell to free the princess but it doesn't work.  He implores you to go find the tower that the evil wizard lives in and defeat him.

You climb to the top of Speigelspire and encounter Speigel, he reveals that the princess' name is Miralda (because of course it is) and that he can free her whenever he wants to, she just has to agree to become his bride.  You kill him obviously.

So you then go back to the castle and tell the king you have murdered the evil wizard for him.  He then goes and frees the princess from the mirror with the spell he knows.  As soon as she is out of the mirror he declares that they are getting married and she ........s and they walk away.

You can now talk to a bard who delivers this line
"He's starting with the princess in the mirror...~
She's been a victim of a selfish kind of love....~"

And that is the greatest joke a Dragon Quest game has ever had and now I know what I am going to listen to for the rest of the day.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1881 on: August 02, 2014, 11:52:25 PM »
SaGa 2: Goddess Of Destiny - played through

Pretty entertaining for a while, starts decaying around the point of Venus's world, levels off in Japanland, then nosedives in Valhalla and doesn't look back. I ended up dodging/running from pretty much every battle in Valhalla onwards because they were so obnoxious. (This was not really one thing leading to another as the members of my party with stat growths were at or near the caps in the relevant stats already.)

Had endless trouble with Odin until I was alerted to the Aegis Shield being A Thing, which just made me more annoyed at the fight apparently expecting you to spam it. Before I started using it, typically half my party would be dead by the end of the first turn.

Party was Human/Esper/Robot/Monster. Monster was proooobably the weakest link in the chain for most of the game, although it could vary wildly. Esper had Blaze pretty much the entire game but sadly the time it stopped being particularly effective coincided with the time that enemy numbers started reaching absurd levels, so that wasn't a fun set of adjusting to have to deal with. Also hardly ever got any speed, depressingly, so that was another nail in the kill-everything-before-it-moves coffin. Psychoguns were pretty rad! But then I found out that they were ultra-rare, and then Human got the absurdly powerful infinite-use Excalibur :S

Final Defence System was also a fight that took me far more attempts than I would have preferred. In this case the tricks were mainly that circlets could be used to block paralysis and that I should give up any hope of the Esper getting a chance to do any shooting in favour of it spamming heal staves the entire battle, with the turn order adjusted to ensure that they went as last-most as possible. Succeeded on the first attempt under these, despite the Human managing to get killed during phase 2. Hadn't seen phase 3 before this attempt either! Monster was a Scylla for the fight... which spent most of phase 2 paralysed... but when it was actually attacking it was fair enough, not as powerful as the Robot but closeish.

I kind of wonder what Final Defence System was actually supposed to be defending! I'll have to read an LP of FFL2 I guess.

Never touched any of the destiny thread stuff because I wasn't in the mood for trying to figure out what it was for, didn't bother actually looking that up until I was in Valhalla and decided that I couldn't be bothered starting with it. Maybe it makes all the difference in the game difficulty. Apparently this indirectly caused me to be locked out of getting any rank 5 monster, which was saddening.

Destiny threads are a mixed bag.  They're the one addition to the DS remake over the original GB game - if you ignore them, in fact, the gameplay of SaGa 2 DS is 100% identical to FFL2's - and, if used, they do make much of the mid-late game markedly easier.

There's a catch: there are actually two versions of the final boss.  If you don't use any threads ever the entire game, you get the final boss' normal form which is identical to the original FFL2 endboss mechanically.  If you did use threads, you get a powered up final boss that has like twice as many phases and is honestly probably the hardest final boss I've ever seen in a commercial RPG, mainstream OR doujin (Yes I'm saying it was harder than Genius of Sappheiros' final, _jesus_).

Quote from: SnowFire
I never liked how the shooter Touhou games seemed to just encourage holding down the fire button and concentrating on nothing but dodging

This describes pretty much every bullet hell shooter I've ever played, not just Touhou (in fact, other bullet hell games I've played feel _worse_ about it to me, since the bullets coming at you tend to be faster and rely more on rote memorization).  Dodging is very definitely the gameplay focus of every Touhou shooter though, yes (and, if you're not playing Reimu, staying vertically in line with the boss matters).  Positioning does matter somewhat but it's mostly a much-higher-level-play-than-me thing.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1882 on: August 03, 2014, 12:17:32 AM »
I actually beat that final boss with four robots!
Pretty hard but I had more trouble with other RPGs  (Arc the Lad 4, Atelier Iris, Fallout, Shadow Hearts 3? + The Egg / Battle of South Moundtop super-combo from SaGa Frontier 2)

Rogue Legacy: Oh yeah also beat this. Trying to beat the super bosses now, and I'm stuck on Alexander IV.
I really like roguelikes carrying over bonuses upon death but this might go too far? A starting character can't get anywhere lategame; death is pretty much inevitable.
Otherwise, the gameplay is randomly generated modern Castlevania.
The game got popular in part because of the random traits your characters can get, and I admit that they're pretty great.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1883 on: August 03, 2014, 12:19:17 AM »
Donkey Kong Country Returns - Got through World 1. It is very challenging so far! Reminds me more of a harder modern Mario than of the old DKC games, though.

Xenoblade Chronicles - I can't believe I forgot to mention Alvis, who seems to embody every bad stereotype of the stupid cryptic character. He doesn't answer any questions ever, he disappears randomly, and stands on a rock wistfully as his bishie hair blows in the wind. I'm really uncertain if this whole game is some kind of surreal comedy or what.

Mario Kart 8 - Back in the clutches. Trying to get three stars in Mirror Mode on all of the cups.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1884 on: August 03, 2014, 06:39:58 PM »
Mario Kart 8 - Two stars on everything, got the stickers for beating a cup with each racer.

Child of Light - In the undersea dungeon. Game's gotten a bit harder recently, the last two bosses were pretty legit. I may be a bit underlevelled though, since I've fought relatively few randoms throughout the game. The game remains quite fun gameplaywise and is neat aesthetically, although the writing hasn't really gotten me to care much.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1885 on: August 03, 2014, 11:22:00 PM »
DKCR - Beat down the World 2 boss, the Pinchin' Pirates! They are so cute. :)

MK8 - Definitely not addicted to this.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1886 on: August 04, 2014, 02:37:26 AM »
Bravely Default: mommy it hurts make the fire stop

Nice strategy, Ephraim, I'll definitely pretend I used that in my head.  Instead I attempted to use Elf's strat, but...  it didn't really work (Fire Bane happens too often, losing trade on turns).  So instead I used Elf's strat in combination with my really lame strats of sleep abuse + friend summon.  After spending ~20 SP or so later (hence the 2 week delay), I am pleased to announce I have 'won' via such massive cheating.  Hooray!  (Thanks, BD, for letting SP regen in the middle of battle...)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1887 on: August 04, 2014, 05:17:21 AM »
Bravely Default- Just beat Chaugmar. Bitch of a fight. It took a few resets, but I finally did manage to kill him (in a round after transform!) without seeing his big damage move. Two Valkyrie/Sword Fencer Combos+Special Moves+Healing Special Move that ups BP by 2. 4x Lightning Judgement=40,000+2 More Special Moves of 7,000+6,000 from Thundara. Fun fight though.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1888 on: August 04, 2014, 05:19:42 AM »
Xenoblade Chronicles Tales of Xillia - I can't believe I forgot to mention Alvis Alvin, who seems to embody every bad stereotype of the stupid cryptic character.

Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1889 on: August 04, 2014, 05:24:50 AM »
Xenoblade Chronicles Tales of Xillia - I can't believe I forgot to mention Alvis Alvin, who seems to embody every bad stereotype of the stupid cryptic character.


Nah, Alvin does belong to a separate category for clichés, but not that one.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1890 on: August 04, 2014, 05:37:03 AM »
Xenoblade Chronicles Tales of Xillia - I can't believe I forgot to mention Alvis Alvin, who seems to embody every bad stereotype of the stupid cryptic character.


Did ToX steal bad plot ideas from XBC??? Is there some reference that both is based on that I'm missing?
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1891 on: August 04, 2014, 05:42:30 AM »
Bravely Default: mommy it hurts make the fire stop

Nice strategy, Ephraim, I'll definitely pretend I used that in my head.  Instead I attempted to use Elf's strat, but...  it didn't really work (Fire Bane happens too often, losing trade on turns).  So instead I used Elf's strat in combination with my really lame strats of sleep abuse + friend summon.  After spending ~20 SP or so later (hence the 2 week delay), I am pleased to announce I have 'won' via such massive cheating.  Hooray!  (Thanks, BD, for letting SP regen in the middle of battle...)

Hmm. You need 3 BP worth of actions to undo Fire Bane, which shouldn't really be a problem at all if you have a Performer as well (or two Spiritmasters I suppose) to donate actions. If you have neither and Fire Bane comes often I suppose you might run out of actions on the appropriate PC though? I found that fight pretty easy once I hit on that strategy, personally.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1892 on: August 04, 2014, 05:46:25 AM »
Bravely Default: I finally killed the fat ass.  I need to play this game more often <_<
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1893 on: August 04, 2014, 07:23:55 AM »
Hrm?  3BP?  I am now curious as to how you come by that.

I am now also going to make a point of finishing that fight.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1894 on: August 04, 2014, 12:02:15 PM »
Alvin is a lot more charismatic than your average "MYSTERY PC!!!". He jokes around with the cast, he develops legitimate friendships and relationships, and so on. Teasing Jude is not an action that a 'normal' cliched mystery PC would take.

Yeah he belongs to another cliche.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1895 on: August 04, 2014, 03:12:48 PM »
Performer or massive Spiritmaster MP-BP abuse could have done the trick, it was more that I wanted the fight to take less time in-game, since my offense would have been *putrid* if I had both of my Spiritism users on constant anti-Firebane duty.  So by making the game take far more time outside of game, I wasn't locked into near-constant defense that could still get disrupted by a bad turnsplit (even slowed, Fire Bane wasn't always guaranteed to go last...).

I haven't set Singing lately, but fair point that My Hero is p. good in such situations.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1896 on: August 04, 2014, 03:55:26 PM »
I was thinking of Greater Spirit Ward which is 3 actions worth of BP (2 + the turn spent using it), though now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I was actually using Enigma for the nullification (which is 4). Regardless this doesn't need any sort of grand abuse. At least for me, Fire Bane wasn't coming more often than once every two turns on average, so between the BP generated by my Spiritmaster and the BP generated by my Performer (who used One More For You, btw, not My Hero, since only the Spiritmaster's BP matters here!) I was assured to always have enough. If Fire Bane had come even more often then I would have thrown in a second Performer probably. I was kind of fortunate though, since this was pretty much the makeup of my team anyway, since I was all about Performer/Spiritmaster to enable Dark Knight MT 9999 spam.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1897 on: August 04, 2014, 08:12:58 PM »
Rogue Legacy: Attempting to get the <15 deaths trophy. It's not going well.

Kero Blaster: Cave Story discussion reminded me of that game (which was made by the Cave Story guy)
It's not really Cave Story 2. it's a pretty short action game with levels. But it's neat. VERY neat. The opposite of Rogue Legacy, which is kind of a (lovable) mess.
I suggest playing it if you want what might very well be the Neatest game Of All Time.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1898 on: August 04, 2014, 08:55:38 PM »
DS2: Have by now soloed the graverobber trio (a couple times!) Actually not much of an issue*? Try Circling Around. The biggest problem is honestly just the greatbow sniper jerkass. Unless he's on the other side of the arena when he fires, he basically doesn't miss. The tracking on that thing is just way too good, rolling when he fires in melee-ish range just means you don't get knocked flat on your ass when he inevitably tags you because DS2 hitboxes and I-frames, they be a handful. And the computer prioritizes sniping and you can't reliably pin him down in melee because of his asshole buddies. Backstabs are awesome in this fight except for the fact that DS2 doesn't let you be invincible during the animation and Not!Alva can still inflict bleed on you while you're ganking Havel. Not cool. So yeah, looks scary because it's three-on-one, but whatevs, just run in circles and play hit-and-run. Even on NG+ they don't deal that much damage individually.

Basically done here until the next round comes out (on my birthday!)

(*Except for the part where I got greedy trying to land a killing blow, which missed because DS2 greatclubs hate lock-on, then I got knocked down to like 10% health and rolled into the pool with the petrification spitters in an attempt to escape for healing and everyone followed me and oh my god how did I live through this.)

Have succumbed to sudden urge to replay FFT because I dunno man it's been a couple years. Ramza's born on Bastille Day because why the fuck not. I have no idea what this means for zodiac compatibility because I never bothered to understand how that works (and then I wonder why my healers have crap hitrates).

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1899 on: August 04, 2014, 09:49:46 PM »
If you hit select while on a character's status screen and move the cursor to the zodiac sign, you can see a list of signs they have good or bad compatibility with. (Unfortunately you have to learn to recognise the zodiac signs, which out of all skills I have picked up while playing video games is the one I am most ashamed of.)

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.