Hey all, been...a long while my life has been.....very entertaining the past year or so! My gaming has been steadily declining lately, but has been partially salvaged thanks to a few gems I just found a few days ago! ONTO THEM!
Currently playing
7th Dragon
Nintendo DS title I stumbled across today. OH MAN. I love the "it's to hard for Americans" games that don't get brought over. (still waiting on that magical vacation english patch tho!). A PITY I CAN ONLY COMPREHEND KANJI. Playing a bugged english patch version
. Excited for the game crash or if I will quit out of difficulty level frustration before then!
Fortuna Magus
Has a bromantic overtone at the beginning between the drive of the story's main characters (whom you do not play as! (yet?! im not far into it!)
I'll have a review forth coming in my topic once I am a bit deeper in the game
Band of Monsters
LOL this is pretty awesome, another i'm only 10 minutes into it and hooked and I haven't even seen the combat system yet!
WOW been waiting for a 2D(2.5D) MMORPG style game for awhile that does it well. Shockingly good story. Gonna be getting same treatment as Fortuna Magus. Its "hard" in the "MMORPG" sense in that you will die a LOT to monsters all the time and it will cost you xp and gold(which you need a lot of often).
EpicHearts PLUS
This...This has been the game I have been waiting to exist since I first played through Secret of Mana with my brother when it first came out. Its getting big slow treatment by me, looks like there will be at least 3 play through (1 of which i will skip entirely probably since I don't like that character's player style or archtype), has an online auction house between players so it shirks normal freemium "pay for it too" games. THIS brought me back into gaming. And I am only about 20 minutes in. SOOO fun though the characters move around a bit TOO speedily, pretty shocking for a mana style action-rpg. One of the characters moves twice as fast as the one I'm playing so its CRAZY fast. Perfect and ideal graphics for me as well. At most I am gonna need 300 or the 500 "coin" they gave me for starting the game to "complete" it ;) (bought the "plus" version so I wouldn't be inundated with adverts).
It am engendered in me the old feelings of wanting to design my own game, now I know its feasible since this has all the features I wanted with the ultra high quality 2D/isometric mix (think Legend of Mana if it was sized for mobile) and the financial feasibility to both give it away free WHILE making an income off it when I succeed. Just have to "acquire" the engine they used to build it and slow down the movement a bit... pretty excited, I haven't worked on much video game design since...I went to school for it...so this will be fun now that tech and platforms are "at that point" ! LAZINESS ALWAYS PAYING OFF OH MAN. Hahah!
Recently finished playing "World of Warcraft" Finally beat the game forever!
Thinking about Starting up Super Mario RPG: Lotss
Thinking about picking up Super Smash 3DS and Kirby Triple Deluxe.
Has it...occurred to anyone that Kirby is basically an organic Vacuum machine and one of/the most famous vacuum company of history was "Kirby" as well. COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS MAN, break free of that hive mind.
DAT PS4 though...Nickola Tesla as a steampunk Order associate?! Humina Humina!
GRAPHICS SUPERIOR TO REAL LIFE? yes please! Oh...that price tag tho.... pass!