
Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 247102 times)

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #200 on: January 27, 2014, 05:18:19 PM »
Apollo Justice - oh my god

you should DEFINITELY as an adult man pawn your eight year old off on someone you barely know

This actually happened to my great grandmother! It was terrible!

Fuck you with a spiked dildo Zak.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 07:17:27 PM by Luther Lansfeld »
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #201 on: January 27, 2014, 07:05:38 PM »
Why do you know about your grandmother getting fucked with a spiked dildo?  Tell her to keep that shit to herself from now on.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #202 on: January 27, 2014, 07:16:26 PM »
Honestly, she would have totally told me that if it were true. >_> I shall change the order of that post though :)
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #203 on: January 28, 2014, 12:42:14 AM »
RSMS- Beat with Hawke.  Don't really intend to play more stories.

Nothing is vital, your OCD just got in the way. You're not really supposed to do everything in one playthrough.
(I still hate this game though)

FF2 (PSP): The story of Yattaf, Dead, Deader and XDead.
Just got Minwu's canoe. Also Minwu. But he teleported himself away immediately during his first random battle. Huh! Pretty weird guy!
Yattaf is such a perfect waifu she already excels at everything. I'm trying not to do the usual total FF2 smashing but it's hard. I don't think I ever played the game the normal way.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #204 on: January 28, 2014, 01:28:40 AM »
Bravely Default Demo: So decided to try this game out and see if it actually worth my time.

Well, it does seem to have fixed like all of FF4HoL's issues, that's for sure.  You can target, no limited inventory, job system actually remembered that sharing abilities is part of the fun of a job system, game actually tells you necessary info like weapon proficiency, even taking them into account when equipping stuff (So Sword Q may be better than Lance Z on a Knight, but the attack powers would be inverted on a the way, WHY IS IT A VALKYRIE!?  You've been liberally using Final Fantasy terms everywhere else, and that's fine if you want to buck the trend even if the job is blatantly a Dragoon, but VALKYRIE WAS NOT A GOOD CHOICE OF WORDS!  Last I checked, Valkyrie require 2 X Chromosomes, something half your team lacks!), speed up option for random encounters so you don't have to sit through enemies attacking you a bunch of times with boring animations...

...ok, this game may actually be worth paying attention too.  Dunno if I'll buy it at launch or anything, but I'll at least keep an eye out for it or something.  Definitely seems like it at least has potential to be decent. 

Also, it's more of a Final Fantasy game than FF4HoL thus far.  Not only does it use FF Terms everywhere (except Bard is Performer, which I guess is "Bard + Dancer in one job", Samurai is Swordmaster, and...see my Valkyrie thing above <_<), but actually remembers "FF games have good polish."  I'm not getting "Dragon Quest game in disguise" vibes here.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #205 on: January 28, 2014, 01:35:08 AM »

Nothing is vital, your OCD just got in the way. You're not really supposed to do everything in one playthrough.
(I still hate this game though)

Well, what I really mean is, missing out on Aquamarine and Moonstone makes a first playthrough noticeably harder and I probably could have beaten the game with less frustration had I not locked myself out of them because I didn't know the rules of the game.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #206 on: January 28, 2014, 02:45:44 AM »
I check misc links like once a week at best, really. Grabbed it and will give it a playthrough when I'm less fuzzyheaded.

Bravely Default Demo - decided to grab this to see what the game's like. Oh, it's the offspring of FF5. I am 100% okay with this.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #207 on: January 28, 2014, 04:35:05 AM »
Bayonetta Hard Mode: There were only 3 Gracious and Glorious pairings in the final chapter.  I was expecting like seven.  Still died plenty!

Final Bosses weren't any harder, frankly.  Jeane was improved, and I'd love to fight her again but GRAH to Chap 14's first half.  Pope Vader I should have done better against but I screwed up a QTE defense against the building and took a lot of damage, so I think that knocked me down from a Gold to a Silver ranking.  Final Boss...well, first deaths was remembering how to not die in the platforming sections.  Then I died a bunch to the stupid instant death attack due to activating the wrong move (NO! DO NOT TURN INTO BIRD! I WANT PANTHER!!!), and died a bunch to the STUPID PLANET SECTION GRRR!!

...yeah, it's about what you expect from a Hard Mode in these games.  If you played DMC1 Hard, DMC3 Very Hard, or any "Son of Sparda" mode, you know what to expect.  No, I don't think I'll be doing Climax Mode.  That scares me <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #208 on: January 28, 2014, 07:16:12 AM »

Nothing is vital, your OCD just got in the way. You're not really supposed to do everything in one playthrough.
(I still hate this game though)

Well, what I really mean is, missing out on Aquamarine and Moonstone makes a first playthrough noticeably harder and I probably could have beaten the game with less frustration had I not locked myself out of them because I didn't know the rules of the game.

Missing out on fire magic that Flammar teaches is even worse, frankly.  I'm assuming you missed out on it because you were saying that only synthesis magic is good instead of talking about how awesome Bird of Flame and Revive are.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #209 on: January 28, 2014, 08:31:58 AM »
Flammar sells you magic?  Huh.

But no, I didn't have any Pyrology users.  But I don't think "one school of magic plus fusion spells" is significantly different from "just fusion spells" in terms of making magic a good option throughout the game, just adds to its "pure FAQ-bait" status.  I feel like if you could spark spells and thus not have to drop serious money to get a new spell every time it'd help balance the game out.  But it's not a huge knock on the overall design, just an area that probably could have been better.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #210 on: January 28, 2014, 10:03:03 AM »
The gameplay was a mix of FF13's system and 10-2's system. You flip between classes, you can customize classes as well. It's interesting enough, except that Lightning is your only PC. The game is trying to go for a pseudo action game feel in general. Battles are real time, you don't automatically heal outside of battle and you have limited item slots.  I thought the gameplay was fun enough, but it definitely felt shallow to me.

The gameplay is actually pretty fun, probably better than both FF13 and 13-2 combined.

Despite the game's small arsenal of enemies, they are actually distinct enough that you have to adjust your set according to the enemies you are fighting. Eons better than FF13 that constantly puts me into sleep.
The combat is also much more rewarding thanks to the constant drop of new skills and materials, which in turn also makes you utilize the system. Which is another area FF13 and FF13-2 failed to do so.

BTW, you might not believe it, but FF13-3 actually has the most sensible plot and reasonable story progression than both FF13 and FF13-2. The character actually stayed true to themselves too.

While I do think the magic system is a bit wonky (it's all storebought, in a game very much built on resource starvation?  Aside from a token healer, the only use for the stuff is the FAQ-bait rather broken fusion spells) and something akin to Frontier's Gift system would have really balanced out character builds, there's generally pretty clear patterns to what's going on and the game makes sense as you go.

Being store bought is another balance to the lightbulb system.
It allows you access to spell like Fire Bird and Psycho Blast early if you are willing to spend the cash. And they can bail you out in a number of situation in early game if the player happens to be underpowered or tech depraved.
And out side spell fusion. There are things like Revive and Illusion Body, which can lead into a different world of brokenness.

Magic in SaGa is something you have to have to tackle it in a different perspective to make it useful, and it often is a beast once you do.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #211 on: January 28, 2014, 09:02:28 PM »
FF2 Yattaf solo:
Shit, I couldn't resist.
Wandered around the world map exploring every town as usual. Got to shield level 5 and thunder level 4. Spammed some Blink and Protect until level 2.
Went back to the undefeatable captains at the beginning with two shields + best armor. Blink, Protect, Thunder thunder thunder etc, lol OP gear is mine. I'll try not using it too much.
Still haven't entered the first dungeon.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #212 on: January 28, 2014, 09:17:45 PM »
DDS2 - Finished Airport, want to fight Michael, had tried to do before Airport and just didn't have the motivation to do knock down drag out use all my items to get through boss gauntlet just to see hi in motion.  So Airport done, I think I got like 10 levels in here or something.  After finishing I did a bit of grinding to round out skillsets bagging Lightning Resist for Gale and Bufudyne on Cielo so I should see an easier time getting through Uriel and Raphael.  Gabriel also should be fine as long as I remember the order to void again.  Will stick with Void Charm in phase 2 for her over Death because Charm worse than dying and Gale has Resist Death, so that plus Skull Ring should make it manageable.

Should get to Michael with only Fire weakness able to be hit and I rock Drain Fire for Raphael anyway.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #213 on: January 29, 2014, 03:34:14 AM »
Tales of Vesperia:  So Yuri wins Godlike as long as there are throwable rocks nearby?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #214 on: January 29, 2014, 04:04:23 AM »
Tales of Vesperia:  So Yuri wins

That's good enough right there.

The Last Story: Completed.

The Last Story is a rather generic JRPG that puts a few interesting twists on the formula such that it turns into something unique and enjoyable. It does not excel in anything such that the game warrants high praise, but it does make for an enjoyable romp that plays and feels different than a standard JRPG.

The formula: Young inexperienced protagonist who is naive and good-hearted.
The twist: Is in a world where this does NOT tend to work out well.
Zael checks in as a protagonist with a dream, a True Love interest princess, and a super-entity granted special power. This is rather standard stuff for a JRPG, but it is explored from a very different surrounding then standard. Zael is part of a mercenary squad that aims to make it big for themselves and has allied with the Count of the island they are staying on to do so. As Zael succeeds and puts rightfully earned notches into his belt he falls more under the not-so-benevolent control of Count Arganann. Zael becomes a hero that serves to further the ambitions of the Count as opposed to one who protects and serves people in need. This was fairly well done as a plot point and Zael's unease over the situation contrasts nicely with Dagran, his boss', desire to secure a steady life for his band of mercenaries that has been through hell.

One credit to the game's plot and writing is the character interaction. The mercenary group (which doesn't actually have a name) is composed of people with differing goals and friendliness, but from the start it is clear that these people work well together. As you traverse a dungeon, the team will constantly talk about the ongoings and discuss strategy for handling whatever obstacles/monsters may be in their path. The banter is written well enough, and as the game goes on it changes appropriately to reflect character development (this is especially apparent for Yurick, who starts the game off rather cold towards everyone). This flows rather nicely with combat and plot scenes. My one complaint would be that sometimes you can cut off the discussions if you screen-change while they are ongoing. But the fact that I found myself waiting at doorways and such to finish hearing the discussions is a testament to how much I enjoyed them. I was even surprised by how much I enjoyed the 'true love designee princess' character, as after her eyeroll-worthy introduction was likable enough.

The game's over-arching plot is extremely standard JRPG 'save-the-world' stuff, with a poorly characterized nonhuman villain. This was extremely disappointing considering the fact that the human cast was quite strong. More focus on a competent villain cast would have done wonders for the game. In some respects this is like a Tales game as far as the value of PC/villain casts go... excepting one twist at the end.

The combat system is fairly interesting in concept but suffers from a crippling lack of difficulty for a large section of the game, owing to the fact that the PCs auto-revive 5 times before they are finally put down. That said the game was not without strategy and required one to utilize the various combat systems to leverage easier/faster wins. The gameplay is one part ARPG and a larger part SRPG, with commands given to allies playing a large role in the outcome of the battle. The game emphasizes team synergy moreso than most ARPGs do, with positioning bonuses, the ability to combine magic and physical techs to have zone effects, and Zael's 'special power' being extremely team oriented. Zael's special power doesn't do much for HIM perse, but it does attract enemy attention to him and speed up spellcasters in his team. Utilizing this cleverly makes the difference between an easy battle and one that acts as a total slog. The game also encourages strategy in terms of how to start off fights or engage groups of enemies. Rushing in headfirst is rarely a wise decision even if you can make it work. Sniping enemy mages or paralyzing specific nasty targets usually saves some of those 5 lives you have. The game really picked up at the end when the last few bosses started putting up quality fights that required managing often hectic battlefields against bosses who could one-shot PCs.

The largest complaint I can level against the combat system is: Why the hell can't you switch PC control? The game has every other PC than Zael be controllable at some point (except Mirania the healer). It would not have been difficult to include the ability to switch control to other PCs. This was quite egregious!

An enjoyable game, but a bit too easy right up until the endgame.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #215 on: January 29, 2014, 04:38:38 AM »
A Link Between Worlds: I started this up, after about a 5 minute intro, which was probably only that long because I spent a lot of time murdering bushes and pots because DAMN IT! THEY WERE MOCKING ME! (...and had rupees, that may have had something to do with it too...), I get my sword, do tutorial dungeon actually begins!

It really is refreshing to play a game that doesn't waste your time and lets you get actual gameplay pretty fast.  About an hour in and finished the first real dungeon.  Not much else to say because early and such.

Well, I guess I should say here what I said in chat:

Why the hell do Royals in Hyrule keep thinking it's a good idea to name their princesses Zelda?  Every time there is a Princess Zelda, something always goes horribly wrong, requiring a savior.  Obviously, that name is cursed, and the entire issue can be prevented if they JUST STOP NAMING HER ZELDA!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 11:12:59 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #216 on: January 29, 2014, 06:01:54 AM »
Fallout New Vegas: Stuff happened.  Ran through the Fort Bunker effortlessly since my Science was just high enough to disable everything.  That got me to Liked with te Legion and thus getting me some Lucky Shades.  Hunted down ghouls with Maria for the challenge, and found out Feral Ghouls have no damage whatsoever apparently as they were constantly hitting my wondrous DT of -2.  Broke the Casino banks then went and implanted up.  Scourged up enough caps through other ventures to get Medicine Stick.  Went into Loansome Road to get phat caps.  Did so.  The ambush at the Laser Detonator was a brutal clash that nearly destroyed me and halved my medical supplies.  Then the game crashed and attempt two was effortless.  Killing dudes with a BB gun continues to be hilarious.  Went and grabbed a Ranger Sequoia and La Lounge Carbine to finish off what guns I want.  Yay.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #217 on: January 29, 2014, 07:58:34 AM »
The TLS comments strike me as largely spot on. I was a little more enamoured with the non-mercenary characters (Arganan, Calista, Jirall, Dagran) and a little less enamoured with the mercenaries relatively but otherwise I agree with pretty much the entire post. Good game (mostly on the writing front where it cheerily subverts some JRPG plot tropes), could have been better.

Ace Attorney Investigations - Beat this again. It's a very fun game, though I now think I do slightly prefer Dual Destinies... can certainly see the case for the reverse though! AAI's new cast isn't really that great (although all the killers save case 3's are solid at worst), but Edgeworth is wonderful to play as. The writers really nail the right balance with him; at times his genius borders on Gary Stu-ish, but his deliciously awkward social interactions keeps it from ever feeling grating. (<Larry> Hey! Keep saying things like that, and your already incredibly small number of friends will drop by one!) Franziska's also really excellent to watch in this game; the relationship the two of them have and how it relates back to their (horrible) upbringing at Manfred's hands is quite effective. The cases themselves (outside case 3) are all good fun, and the last case is pretty great, falling just short of the absolute top tier of cases for me. The last case being great is important because, checking my DS' clock, it's about 40% of the game. <_<

Civ 5 - Not much to say except I am still playing this (rate has fallen off though certainly).

Xenoblade - Also posting to note I am playing this. Leaving town after getting Dunban in my party. I'm not sure what I think about the game yet.

Xenogears - In what will probably be the final entry (for the near future) of "turn-of-the-century RPGs I have been intending to replay for ages", it will be interesting to see how this one holds up. Currently one hour in; Lahan just went boom. Dan is really something (hatch plan to have some random dude abduct your sister because you like him more than her fiance, try to tempt said dude with descriptions of your sister's bust size, okay then). My favourite scene in the first hour is probably the one where Citan plays a music box which is a relic from an ancient civilization and muses about all the very different people who would have heard this music. It's a surprisingly touching little scene and it and ones like it really help act as a contrast to the Citan we see increasingly later in the game who often comes off as a manipulative jerk. Even early it's pretty obvious there's some nuance in this game's writing which 80% of the genre (minimum) wishes it could reach. It's not all good, though, as a few scenes in an attempt to be cryptic end up just kind of ineffective; I've never really liked the scene where Fei destroys Lahan; it was confusing as hell on a first playthrough and even now feels awkwardly directed. Of course the scene prominently deals with giant robots and I am the weird XG fan who doesn't actually care for giant robots. (see also: my relationship with Evangelion)

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #218 on: January 29, 2014, 08:32:35 AM »
Ys Memories of Celcetta: What's worse: Having your brother kidnapped and mind controlled to beat the shit out of your dad and do unspecified other evil tasks in the future, or inferiority complex sibling drama?  Apparently the latter?  Okay, I'm fine with a light tone & humor even when the villainous plot is theoretically super-evil, but if you're gonna introduce some light-hearted angst, let's get our priorities straight about what to angst about.

Also I have totally failed in a mission but everyone acted like I succeeded and I got a PS Vita Trophy so hey I guess I did.  You do realize that Our Hero *lost* in that cutscene battle, right?  I guess "I'll kill you later" means "and I'll also stop doing my evil plan for a bit 'cause I'm a nice guy."

Defender's Quest: This game was a ton of fun if you're okay with an indie tower defense game.  I'm not a big player of the genre but I do enjoy it.  Features a script/plot authentically written by an English major (so it says on their website), is amusing and gets to the point, and has weirdly good music for a tower defense game.  (The guy who did it is allegedly collaborating with Uematsu for Project Phoenix.  I doubt it's that much, but among "fan composers grabbed off the Internet" it's absolutely top tier.)  The Steam description mentioning Final Fantasy Tactics is a little overblown - it's more like Diablo 2 in its mechanics for leveling up your characters.  There's a skill tree with 1 point per level-up, and you can invest multiple points in certain skills, but there isn't usually THAT much value in mixing up builds.  Sure you should build the archer that inflicts a really good poison, and the archer who inflicts a really good bleed, and maybe a straight damage-cannon archer based around crits, but the differences are fairly minute in general aside from straight-up misbuilding your character (e.g. Knights are about knockback & stun to tie enemies up for your other units, not damage, don't mis-invest.)

If I had a complaint, it's that within any one mission, the difficulty doesn't normally spike as hard toward the end as I'd expect - e.g. the final huge huge wave that Plants vs. Zombies will throw at you before closing out.  I usually felt like either I just plain lacked the DPS to deal with even the initial waves (and thus should go back and do other missions on Advanced or the like for fun-grinding where you're getting actually new stuff and they change the levels up a tad), or else survived the initial rush and the game didn't throw quite enough later to break me.  There were exceptions where units were trickling through to the bitter end, of course, and that was great when it happened, it just didn't happen quite enough.

On the bright side, the "boss" missions were totally great, if a tad too easy.  Your average tower defense game just makes a "boss" mission a DPS check against one uber-enemy; there's 1 mission like that, but the other boss missions are far more interesting and fun, except that as noted above, they don't quite punish you as much as I'd like for stalling.  Play 'em and see.

Anyway, good times.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #219 on: January 29, 2014, 08:47:50 AM »
Xenogears is just made by crazy people.  Like, the music box?  If you go back there on disc 2, you'll find out the thing has a dedication written on it.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #220 on: January 29, 2014, 09:11:11 AM »
Xenogears is just made by crazy people.  Like, the music box?  If you go back there on disc 2, you'll find out the thing has a dedication written on it.

And yet Yui completely disappears from the game without a trace.  They had some strange priorities after their budget got cut.  Also, I don't know who thought "zoom in super-close on the sprites so you can see how blocky they look up close any time there's a scene in a gear rather than have a different sprite" was a good idea but they are the craziest person of all.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #221 on: January 29, 2014, 09:56:10 AM »
Xenogears - In what will probably be the final entry (for the near future) of "turn-of-the-century RPGs I have been intending to replay for ages", it will be interesting to see how this one holds up.

I kind of wish we could get Torment on this list.  Yes that does mean I wish you would play it twice.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #222 on: January 29, 2014, 04:10:26 PM »
Xenogears is just made by crazy people.  Like, the music box?  If you go back there on disc 2, you'll find out the thing has a dedication written on it.

And yet Yui completely disappears from the game without a trace.  They had some strange priorities after their budget got cut.  Also, I don't know who thought "zoom in super-close on the sprites so you can see how blocky they look up close any time there's a scene in a gear rather than have a different sprite" was a good idea but they are the craziest person of all.

Isn't Yui psychic or something? Clearly she just had the presence of mind to know she didn't want to be associated with Xenogears Disc 2 in any way.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #223 on: January 29, 2014, 04:29:16 PM »
FFX- Highroad. Game is well put together but is definitely on the slow side to replay.  Also Kim's stating stat build is such shit. Nice Aurontastic speed there.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #224 on: January 29, 2014, 04:41:59 PM »
Xenogears is just made by crazy people.  Like, the music box?  If you go back there on disc 2, you'll find out the thing has a dedication written on it.

And yet Yui completely disappears from the game without a trace.  They had some strange priorities after their budget got cut.  Also, I don't know who thought "zoom in super-close on the sprites so you can see how blocky they look up close any time there's a scene in a gear rather than have a different sprite" was a good idea but they are the craziest person of all.

Isn't Yui psychic or something? Clearly she just had the presence of mind to know she didn't want to be associated with Xenogears Disc 2 in any way.

I think her hidden talent was that she was a really good sword fighter? If she could read minds she could have saved us a lot of fucking time by coming along.