Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 207023 times)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2850 on: December 11, 2014, 04:19:21 AM »
-I'd forgotten the Fake Zanarkand segment immediately at the start of the game began with voiceover narration by someone who wasn't Tidus. What was that even about? I wandered offscreen and cut it off by mistake before the dude finished talking.

It was a sports announcer.  If you listen long enough, he goes "Sorry to reminisce folks, let's talk about the big game going on!"  and basically explains the game, complete with labelling Tidus as the Star Player of the Abes, which just supports his constant "STAR PLAYER OF THE ZANARKAND ABES!" declarations.  It's more just giving a sense of the setting of Zanarkand and little else beyond that, like "yes, Jecht really was that big a deal." 
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2851 on: December 11, 2014, 09:01:49 AM »
Sounds like a great way to open your game, with something that doesn't mean very much.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2852 on: December 11, 2014, 03:03:54 PM »
@Shale:  I'm enjoying the hell out of Fantasy Life right now.  It's not deep or anything, it's just fun and you can play it for any length of time that you have available.  Already logged 70 hours on it.  I also recommend getting the 4 extra games for Streetpass Mii Plaza.  Three of them are actually good once they get going.  Warrior's Way sucks but you get it free with the other three so why not.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2853 on: December 11, 2014, 06:27:01 PM »
Thanks for the recommendations, everybody! This is helpful. And possibly expensive. But mainly helpful.

Super Layton Bros.: Case 4 done. It was already Phoenix Lite, but when the hotel owner named Micah Sasucasa showed up, that removed any doubt that Level 5 knew exactly what they were doing.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 05:20:15 PM by Shale »
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2854 on: December 12, 2014, 09:19:17 AM »
Guilty Gear Xrd - Finished reading the story mode today... and wow, did Daisuke planned all these out from the very beginning? He managed to answer almost all the questions that the fans had been asking for the past 10 years with the simple answer "it is all enlightenment's fault" and it is making total sense. No, this is not a sarcasm.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2855 on: December 12, 2014, 10:35:25 PM »
Breath of Fire 3 Magic Only Challenge: Success! Honestly this was not very difficult. The hardest fight was Gaist and I think that the primary because I couldn't use Defense Formation. I didn't have a whole lot of offensive options for Gaist so my strategy for him was spamming items while hoping he didn't use Howling and Sanctuary back to back.

Most of the other bosses where really shut down by defensive buffs. The most memorable moment was doing 1500+ to Chimaera with a  2x Meditate +3x Enlighten Myollnir from Nina. 

Myria was frustrating at first with Sanctuary, but I was able to wear her down to the non sanctuary phase and easily beat her from there. It's kind of neat to have Nina spamming spells for 400-500 damage while Myria can't break 100 damage over the whole team.

As a whole, it was a pretty interesting challenge, and damage potential of magic really surprised me (I was able to deal over 3000+ to one of the enemies in Station Maria). That being said it did expose some of the big restrictions to damage being competitive to physical attacks.
-The primary one is that Nina learns her spells really late. If she learned all her 3rd level spells about 5 levels earlier she would remain competitive with all the other party members. As it is now, there's about a 10 level gap between Lightning and Blizzard which is just ridiculous.Especially, since a lot of characters can just level up with Deis to get the 3rd level spells before Nina gets them naturally.

Slightly less significant, but it's really stupid that Enlighten is self target only when Might can target whomever.

Of course the biggest advantage physical attacks have over spells is their transformation bonuses. There's no way spells can compete with the ridiculous bonuses WereTiger, or Myrmidon and other Dragon transformations provide. Which is kind of a shame because aside from that, physical and magical attacks seem decently balanced in Bof3.

Also, one minor DL relevant note: healing spells seem to get a speed buff. Could be helpful for Ryu and Momo in a long winded battle.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 12:31:34 AM by dude789 »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2856 on: December 12, 2014, 10:48:18 PM »
Then, in the next room, where I didn't bother to save for some damn reason, I dig up a random loot pile and the entire party explodes for like 5x PCHP for no obvious reason.

LOL, this sounds like my brother's experience with FF12:

"What's this random chest here?"

*chest explodes*


*never plays game again*

FFXII deserves that kind of treatment. It's really odd here, though--Divinity drops floor traps all the time, but they usually don't explode the entire world.

FFX: Seymour's bodyguards both bought it at the paws of a toy cat. And Ixion actually lived through Oblivion! The aeon defend command is pretty boss. Anyway after beating up Seymour I stopped for a while in disgust because more cloisters.

You know what took a surprisingly long time to get used to again? Fixed perspective camera. Maybe it's just playing too much Souls games for too long (I definitely have), but it felt really odd going back to that at first. Like I was back in Shadow Hearts 2 and I had to mash X like mad everywhere I went because floor pie, it can be anywhere (apparently this is also true of FFX).

So the first time I played this game I didn't get anyone's ultimate anything. The only thing I had breaking the damage limit was Bahamut's overdrive, and consequently the only way I could beat BFA was summon maxed overdrive Bahamut -> grand summon Bahamut to blast through the boss's second form before I could get hit with an overdrive myself. So out of idle curiosity I just decided to look up how to actually get people's ultimate weapons.

...Holy hell why does everything good have to be hidden behind half a dozen layers of obscura in this game, Square?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2857 on: December 12, 2014, 11:17:27 PM »
(I definitely have)

Right stick for camera in third person games really only started becoming standard near the end of the PS2.
It's at least less weird that pre Halo console FPSs like Goldeneye, which are utterly unplayable now. The camera rarely gets in the way in FFX.

If you want to do the FFX aftergame, try to forget that any character besides Yuna/Rikku/Auron exists. (+ Wakka if you really like blitzball)

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2858 on: December 12, 2014, 11:29:05 PM »
Tidus/Kimahri/Lulu aren't -that- bad but depend on your patience/skill with the mini-games in question. (I don't find Lulu's bad at all, but this depends on the person and also needs a TV that doesn't lag.) That said you certainly don't need 'em if your goal is just to beat down the final boss.

Getting Wakka's is just crazy though, and I did like blitzball! You need to play 26 games of it to get the celestial, though, and that's if you know all the corner-cutting tricks; if you do it just blindly it's closer to 100 on average IIRC.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2859 on: December 13, 2014, 12:53:49 AM »
Getting Wakka's weapon is pretty long but can be fun in a "football manager" kind of way? It's not really for me but I see the value in it. Thunder dodging 200 times is just anti-fun though. I don't think there's a real reason to use more than 3 characters in the postgame anyway (unless one of those three characters is not Yuna)

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2860 on: December 13, 2014, 01:28:04 AM »
I dunno, I like football manager-like games well enough but blitzball's really breaks down eventually (the game is not balanced for high levels, the AI doesn't level fast enough, etc.). The game itself is fun enough but for me at least it just couldn't hold up -that- long. I actually quite like lightning dodging, it's different and a test of focus which is fun in its own way. And is really short by comparison (a successful run is like 15 minutes).

For the Omega Ruins it helps to play roles same as the rest of the game, but you still don't reaaally need celestials there. Past that yeah you can roughly get away with three, although Shinryu does require a specific team. And I did that fine without Wakka's Celestial (he's mostly about Attack Reels in the aftergame anyway, just customised him a Triple Overdrive weapon... as a bonus you can actually put Piercing on good non-celestial weapons, which is helpful against quite a few of the bosses).

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2861 on: December 13, 2014, 11:01:19 AM »
Jeanne d'Arc: Run ended.  Probably.  Technically not complete, but I got to the final boss & second-to-last stage, so close enough.  Don't think I'll take a 3rd go at the boss so.

Gameplay spoilers for the final boss ahoy, but this was lame-o.  So first, a minor rant about variable difficulty.  JDA is swingy here.  JDA has a turn limit every battle, which is an okay idea in theory, especially since it makes more 'passive' enemy AI acceptable, you gotta move forward & engage or time out, so it nerfs slow snipey strats some.  But it's quite random; some battles in close succession I switched between "crush on turn 5/20" to "barely win on turn 20/20."  Notably, the 20/20 one earlier was interestingly designed, but a little too brutal to standard strats.  You have Jeanne corner by a Zodiac Demon who has HP regen, so the party has to catch up with her, and there are two corridors.  In retrospect, I guess the game wants you to rush just one corridor and leave the goodies & drops from the other, but I did two out of completionism, and just barely finished off the demon in time - he regens a good amount every turn, so you really need the beatdown of a lot of people on him.  But fine, whatever, a little scary but I get the idea, and if I'd timed out I'm pretty sure I could have handled the fight no problem.

For the final battles, they are for the most part curbstomps against easy enemies, especially if you FAQ'd and found out that running a free stage a 2nd time inexplicably opens up better items in its shop (there is 0 hint in-game to this effect).  Also gives you lots of free levels for your archer (enemies there are level 60 but trapped on roofs and basically free kills at range, so Marcel went from L51->57 in a single battle or the like).  So...  why am I whining?  The final boss is like a Fire Emblem tank in that he's got tons of subtractive defense and tons of subtractive magic defense.  And tons of HP.  And 20% HP regen.  Yeah, he can't really threaten me at all, but I can't threaten HIM, similar to the !Zodiac earlier, so I'll just time out and lose despite being in good health.  Regen is tricky on bosses - even FFX Jecht's fairly scrubby healing is reasonably notable for keeping you honest.  Too much regen just risks locking you out of ever winning.  FE Radiant Dawn Dheginsea might have crazy healing, but he also has comparatively bad HP and elemental/weapon weaknesses.  Now, yes, JDA has defense & MDef debuffing as well as attack buffing, but you also only have 6 skill slots, and these abilities aren't normally a winning play the rest of the game.  If I ran axe dudes then I'd have Helm Splitter, but I don't, and I shouldn't be forced to run the inaccurate plotless wonders who can break defense, so I get to just marvel at the 0-30 damage I can do per character untransformed against 338 HP healed per round.  Transforming & using Burning Auras allows me to keep up with the regen, but not really beat it, and then it runs out.  And invoking GRIND2WIN would mean having to replay the earlier fight in the final battle sequence, something I have increasingly less patience for, especially since JDA fights don't particularly speed up when you're OP (still get to order your merry troupe to walk around the map and wait on enemy turns).  Screw this.

Plot commentary: I held off chatting more about this since after my previous post on the topic, I was rewarded by CK unintentionally spoiling the game for me despite him not even playing it.  ("Oh, is the plot twist this element in the midgame that you haven't got to yet that you wouldn't expect to be in the midgame?  I read the spoilers!"  Okay, done whining, it's JDA plot, whatevs. ;-) )  Anyway...  I guess I'm somewhat unique in that I'm not someone who thinks the plot ended up a total disaster, but don't think it was nearly as good as Dhyerwolf does, and don't agree with Pyro that it gets worse toward the end.  For me, the second half plot is way better.  The first half of the game fundamentally fails at everything not related to the Liane / Roger / Jeanne / France love square.  The midgame (Chapter 4) is the best by a mile (kilometer?), and the last half of the game is at least acceptable generic JRPG fantasy (rather than uninspired political historical fiction).  Gilvaroth gets to ham it up, you go fight demon lords, etc.  Nothing special, but tolerable.  Spoilers: Of course, IMHO, the obvious historical plot point would have best come at the END of the game rather than in the middle...    I guess it sorta works where it is, but come on, this is a rare excuse for a good tragic ending.

Anyway, character worth is something like Liane > Roger >>> everyone else.  The side PC characters are almost all lame, uninteresting, and plotless; I guess La Hire & Beatrix gets little backstory arcs at least, but it's some sad work here.  Early villains are all lame despite getting tons of screentime.  e.g. Talbot - come on, for someone who fights you so much, he should have more presence than freakin' FF13 Rosch.  I guess the 3 Therions are mildly better.  The biggest problem is Jeanne; she's the main character, she needs to carry here, but she doesn't.  She's a Mary Sue, which is fine, but she's a really bland and uninteresting one, which is hugely disappointing.  She doesn't have to have weird quirks or craziness or flaws to be interesting, just give her *something*.  She's also decreed to be charismatic kind of by fiat; she never really sold *actual charisma* to me.   The fact that most of the "play Jeanne up" comments come from Gilles, who is correctly portrayed as a bit of a creeper, doesn't help; he's a biased source as to just how awesome we should believe Jeanne is.  After Jeanne (for reasons I won't go into) loses the ability to hear "the Voice" (aka her historical alleged divine visions), Gilles has a snappy cheer-Jeanne-up rhetorical question:  "Do you really think people followed you just because you heard The Voice?"  A nice line if I could figure out a reason in-game, but nope!  She's the leader precisely because she's claiming to be God's prophet and a super transforming magic knight girl, not anything of her own.  Sigh.

To end on a positive note, Jeanne does work very nicely to set up a foil for Liane, at least.  Jeanne gets all the generic heroic / idealistic lines, while Liane is allowed to make mistakes, be pragmatic, scared, vary between berserk courage and cowardice, etc.  It makes for a nice contrast!  So yeah, there are some good things in JDA's writing, which was a pleasant surprise after the slog that was the early writing.  And despite the whining above, JDA's a reasonable enough strat RPG most of the time, so it was enjoyable enough if you're the type who likes strat RPGs.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 11:12:20 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2862 on: December 13, 2014, 06:18:45 PM »
I thought all Mary Sues were bland and uninteresting ?
I read about the plot twist and it's pretty nice. I then watched the ending on Youtube and laughed for 5 minutes.

Freedom Wars: Oooh the game is trying to be difficult now!
Now I have a lot of basic rights and rarely get punished (Unless I grab forbidden loot after battle like Lenneth in VP1, which I always do). Last time was for standing still for a few minutes. Weak.
The plot is kinda getting in the way now, every prisoner is super nice with each other despite the prison being the worst shithole ever. Too bad. I would have liked Oz: the RPG very much. An atmosphere of constant mistrust maybe just doesn't fit JRPGs well I guess?

Banner Saga: I restarted to give ALL the kills to Ganulf which got him 3 levels.
I'm sure I'll screw up and he'll die later on.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2863 on: December 13, 2014, 08:30:32 PM »
ToS - started this up, am currently headed to Hima to get to Palmacosta the long wat.  Going for Eternal Apprentice as well.  Cokcatrice keep wrecking my shit though.  I was going for I hate Gels as well until I actually looked up how far that is you have to go without using Orange Gels, lol I.  I remember beating Sword a Dancer first time I ran into him on my first play through, but I think I was a higher level than I am now.  I think it would be doable knock down drag out style with an All Divide, but meh' will come back later.

Things I had forgot about ToS
- Lloyd is a better character than I remembered.  He generally knows his limits and takes ownership of his problems.  Would be 10/10 Tales Main of the year every year if he was an actual Dwarf instead of secret angel baby raised by Dirk.
- Collette's plot with the twist is actually pretty fun and they go all in with it from the start.  They fuck it up with the set up for it with "what if Jesus went to regular school in a small village with the main charcter".  I get that the whole point is that she isn't actually that special, but you do that by making the character humanised, not by making the world treat her that way in the face of all logic of the setting.
- the combat system is crazy slow.  Early Tales games are always slower than the modern ones, but I swear this one is slower than Eternia is.  It might be around the same speed as Destiny which is pretty rough. I think even ToP PSX remake might be quicker than this.
- the 3D component to the combat system is a total mess.  It isn't just the lack of free run, later games in the series do a lot more to let you manage enemies to keep them away from your back line.  I'm this, holy shit you have no control over anything, dudes will just run all over the shop and fuck shit up.  I should really stop using Genis I guess.  Also the battle fields are tiny and your lack of control can put you in really shitty situations.  In the first Sheena fight while I was killing the Wind Guardian she and Raine had decided to go into the bottom right hand corner of the square.  There is literally no way I could get Sheena out of that corner and the angle we were on was a diagonal right up close into the corner, so I couldn't even really back up to force the angle to change.  This is less forgot that it happened and more I had forgot just how much it happened.
- dungeons in this are crazy short at first at least.  I remembered the game being really really long.  This could have been a mix of fighting everything I saw and remembering how much ground the game covers, but not how much content there is to individual components.  So far most dungeons are like 3 screens, I think the Ifrit dungeon was the biggest at 4 and they aren't even very big screens.  It makes for a surprisingly breezy Tales game really.  You cover a lot of ground really quickly and the scenery moves at a blur honestly.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2864 on: December 13, 2014, 09:11:11 PM »
I remember Symphonia being the first Tales game in which dungeon exploration takes a backseat compared to world map + town exploration (also seen in Abyss, maybe Legendia)

It's what turned me away from the series, because Dragon Quest 8 this isn't.
(also, the animeness got out of hand)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 09:13:41 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2865 on: December 13, 2014, 10:55:46 PM »
FFX: I fell through the ice of a frozen lake and woke up in a desert.

Look, Square, just because you showed us an Indiana Jones travel map doesn't mean it makes any more sense.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2866 on: December 13, 2014, 11:06:15 PM »
Lloyd Irving gets 10/10 character of the year, but NieR gets a huge hate rant? Grefter, why do you hurt me so?

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2867 on: December 13, 2014, 11:45:44 PM »
FFX: I fell through the ice of a frozen lake and woke up in a desert.

Look, Square, just because you showed us an Indiana Jones travel map doesn't mean it makes any more sense.

Sin did it.

Which admittedly is only a quarter-step better than a wizard doing it.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2868 on: December 14, 2014, 01:09:50 AM »


I caved and bought a Wii U. Please let me know when you are ready to get Falcon PAUNCH'd. kthx.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2869 on: December 14, 2014, 01:34:17 AM »
JShe's a Mary Sue, which is fine, but she's a really bland and uninteresting one, which is hugely disappointing.  She doesn't have to have weird quirks or craziness or flaws to be interesting, just give her *something*.

I would definitely say that Jeanne was at least slightly unbalanced. She got herself hyped up, believed in her own infallibility and she fell down hard and lost big because of it. If she was smarter or more level headed things probably would have turned off differently. Not to say that she was super interesting, but she definitely had a notable flaw that the plot capitalized on.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2870 on: December 14, 2014, 03:31:34 AM »
I remember how much of a pain in the rear the JDA final boss was!

I also remember how satisfying it was to beat his head in (on try #2) with the power of  DOG (Dog was awesome, don't know why, but he was).

Then the game froze and I got no ending. At least I got a laugh out of the situation.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2871 on: December 14, 2014, 03:55:07 AM »
FFX: I fell through the ice of a frozen lake and woke up in a desert.

Look, Square, just because you showed us an Indiana Jones travel map doesn't mean it makes any more sense.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2872 on: December 14, 2014, 05:17:02 AM »
Also in fairness, Axeman accuracy is bad...but they get a super cheap skill that boosts their accuracy (And is the best skill in the game because of this). That one dog is game MVP because that damage/durability combo is insane.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2873 on: December 14, 2014, 05:32:43 AM »
See also:

If I ever have kids, I will do everything in my power to ensure that The Emperor's New Groove is the Disney movie they want to watch 100 billion times.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2874 on: December 14, 2014, 02:52:22 PM »
Lloyd being good is entirely an early thing DJ.  When the story is about Collette becoming an Angel and saving the world your point of view character is a young guy who is generally quite practical, isn't particularly book smart but knows it.  He goes out of his way to help people which gets him in trouble, but he is always doing it for good reasons.  Even at the start of the game when the plan at the ranch is designed to take responsibility on to himself. "it is okay they won't see my face and I will run away from the village" is a bad plan for a bad situation, he is actively trying to deflect trouble away from Genis and the town.  It doesn't work for two parts, Genis is an uncoordinated fuck and mostly because it was a shitty plan for a shitty situation.

Any time they are talking about learning and stuff he makes reference to being good at PE and starts to mention Art.  He is good at at least two things and one of them is actually incredibly practical and clearly comes from the fact that Dirk trains him in his craft.  Lloyd is the one that repairs the Ex Sphere Raine uses for the entire game.

Then all of this goes the fuck away and Lloyd is a secret angel baby and drives everyone to save the world by sheer gumption and force of will and let's do this thing that is stupid and doesn't make any sense you guys because reasons!

Also the key part was IF HE WAS A DWARF he would be cool.  Instead he is a kid who dual wieldz and wears steampunk cosplayers rejected outfit.

ToS - I can't tell if I am bad at this game or if ToS is hard in ways I had completely forgot about.  I don't remember this game being much different than your normal Tales roflstomp on Normal, but holy shit, the back to back fight with the thing in the Wind temple and then Sheena wrecked me and took a lot of tries, some actual time investment to grind up gear locally to get everything up to date.  Finally beat the back to back boss fight there and now suffering the same problem with the boss of Tower of Mana.  I am now level 20ish so I don't think Ii am under levelled any more, just getting my face kicked in by a giant horse.

Wow, I am bad at video games.
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