
Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 229074 times)

Random Consonant

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #175 on: January 24, 2014, 09:27:14 PM »
That's Heroin Hero, not Quest.  Also note the extra e.  Trying too hard there.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #176 on: January 25, 2014, 12:10:59 AM »
That's Heroin Hero, not Quest.  Also note the extra e.  Trying too hard there.

The use of similar words for comedic effect makes up an entire genre of humor.  Please don't act like you need it explained to you, Mr. Tryhard.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #177 on: January 25, 2014, 01:02:10 AM »
My apologies for expressing a clear lack of humor towards inelegantly shoehorned South Park references, in the future I will try to find them utterly hilarious.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #178 on: January 25, 2014, 01:46:09 AM »
Soppy was just living down to the thread's standard of posting statements that nobody cares about.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #179 on: January 25, 2014, 02:33:03 AM »
Ladies, ladies, please. You're just confirming stereotypes by fighting over me.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #180 on: January 25, 2014, 05:50:37 PM »
Heroine Quest: Well this game is QfG1 as fuck.

Being a fan of the QfG series, I am now compelled to look this Heroine Quest up.
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #181 on: January 25, 2014, 11:53:39 PM »
Sophia thinks she's a melee character (that's her throwing her staff in off from the side) ~

(final boss spoilers)

Playing around. Thinking of recording a mandatory fight only run~
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 11:55:33 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #182 on: January 25, 2014, 11:59:39 PM » Heroine Quest, linked it in Misc Links the moment I heard about it pretty much aimed at you, but um you may have been busy with stuff.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - So I had picked this up for cheap after listening to some people talk about it.  I had in my head that this was the best one, but starting up the campaign and cheating through it just to get a taste without committing many many hours to it, i had forgot how minimal the original campaigns were for this.  They might get bigger and more involved in the expansions though, but like the Knights one is 3 maps long and in my memory Heroes campaigns are huge 10+ map commitments with a good chunk of progressing plot.  This is not that.  I may be conflating 2 and 4 and theirs broad plots with 3s superior gameplay.

For anyone interested though there is a Russian made mod to scale resolution up that is a bit clunky but does the job.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #183 on: January 26, 2014, 12:14:48 AM »
Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies: Finished, including the DLC.  The game is Phoenix Wright, you know what to expect, and it's a good one at that!  Compared to the rest of the series, don't really have any complaints for this game that weren't in the others.  Good things though?  Streamlined investigations, removing Penalty system for things like Psychelocks just saves time, "Notes" system in case you get lost, the multiple PC angle, Mayor Tenma, last two cases showing how you handle an over-arching plot thread in the series without being too convoluted, and Simon Blackquill is certainly worthy of being a Phoenix Wright antagonistic Prosecutor, being unique and amusing. 

I guess one thing I was disappointed about was the DLC case having Simon though.  Make no mistake; I like him and he's a good character, but being a DLC case, I felt it was a missed opportunity to use someone else as the opponent, as you paid money for it, they should have rewarded those who bought it with a guest star by someone like Fran.  Again, I like Simon Blackquill, and he this case was certainly good usage of him, just felt like a missed opportunity.

Valkyria Chronicles: December, I bought a PS3 because there was a stupid good sale on old used PS3s that with coupons, I could knock the price to below 3 digits.  Given this is one of the few exclusives I wanted for the PS3, it made sense to go for this game first.  Completed and game didn't really disappoint.  It's not perfect, but it certainly is a good game through and through.  Combat is different, writing is good, plot is pretty basic but in a way that keeps the game from overstepping it's boundaries, so yeah.

I won't go TOO into depth because I don't want to devolve into unintelligible garbage but might as well say thoughts on individual things:

-Welkin worked for a "nerdy protagonist" type.  He was a brainy person, but he wasn't a loser about it, which is something I notice happens a lot.  It was more "has a weird passion for nature that his squad thought was weird", though because he found unique means of making use of it, the team rarely mocks him.  Also, despite a large number of females in the main cast, the game deserves props for NOT turning into some harem experience, as really only one female develops feelings for him in this way...

-Alicia.  A character who well illustrates a bunch of positive female qualities that aren't geared around "pretty face for men to fap over."  She's a kind, motherly figure who is capable of standing on her own two feet.  Her relationship with Welkin felt legitimate, and game deserves points for actually making it go somewhere and not leaving it in the "Yes, they hook up after game!" ambiguity thing.  Also, being a Sergeant, and the second in command of Squad 7, helped keep her seem relevant.

-Isara managed to sidestep the "weak female childhood friend/sibling" archtype as well, illustrated early on when she is forced to kill a soldier to save someone else.  Yes, she hesitated, but she still had enough resolve to pull the trigger.  It's enough of an establishing scene to show "She's capable for war, though probably not best for wielding a gun", so the Engineer who DRIVES THE TANK was certainly a good way to keep her useful.  The interaction with Rosie early on was kind of annoying, though at least it served a purpose other than "Darcsen's are hated, Isara feels bad for being hated, don't hate!"  And Her Death was probably one of the better handled murder scenes in the genre.  It accomplished what I feel Aerith's scene failed to do.  First off, it didn't rely on overly dramatic music for force out an emotion, just a simple vocal that was actually tied in with the plot.  Next off, it happened at a very shocking moment; nice feel good moment completely turned upside down.  It just felt handled very well, and didn't try to force the emotions out, thus more natural...also montage flashback during the funeral does get me at times.  YES I NEARLY CRIED AT THE BYE BYE BUTTERFREE MOMENT IN POKEMON ANIME, DEAL WITH IT!

-I'll just be brief with Rosie, Largo, Zaka and Varrot and say they all handled their roles pretty adequately with decent enough personalities.  I guess I might as well note that Rosie is one of the better "Racist who slowly realizes how dumb that viewpoint is" characters out there (an archetype that is usually boring and silly pulled off; Wakka's the only one to mind who made it work otherwise.)

-I was not a fan of the Valkyrur aspect of the game.  It felt kind of shoe-horned in to make the setting more interesting other than just a simple fictional version of WW2.  It felt out of place and "Hey look at our super powered females, cool, right!?"  Sorry, but the moments I found myself not enjoying the game as much was anytime they'd go into the Valkyrur stuff, and it never was actually fully meaningful either.  The Marmota, for example, could have been handled through, say, some special weapon developed by Isara's dad that was kept under-wraps for years and decided to use it NOW because all other options were exhausted.  The Final boss?  Just some science-y explanation of "He's drawing power like a Lightning Rod into himself from the ship."  It felt like the writers had this idea they were fond of and felt they had to put it in somewhere and forced it.  Would have preferred the Valkyrur just being invaders from centuries ago, rather than mysterious people from north with something resembling super powers.

-Speaking of which, while I feel the Heroes were all good, and the females do a good job at bucking negative female stereotypes, sans princess Cordelia who I don't feel like covering because lazy, the villains left something to be desired.  Not enough screen time outside of Maximillian and Selvaria, and those two are summed up as "Megalomaniac driven mad because he lost what he feels is his birthright" and "Super Powered Female who is completely subservient to her master, no questions asked."  Selvaria especially rubbed me the wrong way, because while the females were all pretty good at bucking trends on the good guys side, Selvaria was a straight up female stereotype henchman villain.  "I'll do anything for him because blind loyalty!"  But it's cool, because they gave her super powers and made her a general right?  No, not really; that's just adding more TO the stereotype, as it's saying "despite her super powers, she's still Maximillian's complete and total bitch."  You could argue she's Alicia's foil, hence the contrast I guess, in that Alicia talked to Welkin as an equal (Welkin outranked her, but that rarely came out as meaningful other than "Welkin attends War Meetings"), and was not defined by such things.  Sorry, but just not feeling her; feels like they just wanted to make a badass female soldier with her, and fell into all the traps.  Again, it's ashame as VC was doing so good at making competent females.

-If you're wondering, I never lost a character permanently; I did get a lot of wounded characters, but no one perma-died.  I also played every skirmish available once, on Normal Mode, and got every chapter I could unlock via Ellet done as well.

So yeah good game, sounds like VC2 does compromise a fair amount of what I liked from VC1 in terms of writing, which is ashame.  Dunno if I'll try it or not, but regardless, good game.  Thinking 8/10 offhand? 
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 01:10:51 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #184 on: January 26, 2014, 01:41:49 AM »
KH3DS - Completed The Grid. The game remains brutally incoherent - particularly gameplay-wise, where all the subsystems make the fights so chaotic I don't even understand what they were aiming for at times, though the normal enemy design actually -tries-, which makes fighting randoms pretty fun in the midst of madness. Magic being good like in BBS is also nice. Boss designs are strange, though - the fight with Rinzler is pretty decent (rewards you for actually blocking attacks, which the series -rarely- do), but the upside-down gimmick is a pain in the ass. Meanwhile, Riku's fight with Crimmantis is downright trivial: the existence of a rail in the arena means you just jump into it and press A until it dies f- Reality Shift pauses when the game prompts you to notwithstanding - without you even getting noticeably hurt.

The Drop system remains a goddamn rhythm-breaking blight whose very existence is nothing short of inexcusable.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #185 on: January 26, 2014, 01:58:48 AM »
Sophia thinks she's a melee character (that's her throwing her staff in off from the side) ~

(final boss spoilers)

I know it's been ages since I played SO3, but how did I never realize Luther is in fact Manos Hands of Fate.


FONV: Abusing NCR trust for Legion rep. Still can't take Quarry Junction. Sneak attack almost killed momma deathclaw in one hit, but then the alpha ran over and ripped my head off. Will have to come back later with the perks, all the perks.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #186 on: January 26, 2014, 02:28:57 AM »
The Banner Saga: A couple hours into this. Pretty fun. Gorgeous art, a neat setting and a battle system that has a lot going on, but comes together well. I just wish there was some way to heal, even a rare or expensive one; your current HP is also your attack power, so when enemies start to whittle you down a battle can go south very fast and very irrevocably.

I can't figure out whether I like the story segments or not. There are a metric shit-ton of dialog choices between battles that may or may not lead to stuff like bonus items, extra money/exp/resources, optional characters joining you, that sort of thing, but the choices aren't very clearly delineated - a lot of the time it's more like rolling dice than role-playing. Not unlike life, I guess. And the game does make it easy to save-scum if you really want to go back and undo a bad choice.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #187 on: January 26, 2014, 03:09:42 AM »
KH3DS - Completed The Grid. The game remains brutally incoherent - particularly gameplay-wise, where all the subsystems make the fights so chaotic I don't even understand what they were aiming for at times, though the normal enemy design actually -tries-, which makes fighting randoms pretty fun in the midst of madness.

What Nomura has always been doing with KH, cramming everything in regardless it make sense or not. Which is something he really should stop doing. He toned down a little bit in BBS, yet revert back to his old ways in DDD.
But in the end I decide to let it be. After all, DDD simplified a portion of skill system and have the decency of putting good skills in chest, which really reduce the necessity on grinding. The dreameaters are actually worthwhile companions (A Holy or Dark Firega spamming legion? Hell yes!), more so than Donal and Goofy, so it actually feels rewarding to devote time on raising them despite the system is pretty stupid.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #188 on: January 26, 2014, 07:57:10 AM »
Besides, you get to tummy rub dream Pokemon.  Can't say no to that man.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #189 on: January 26, 2014, 09:46:34 AM »
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy - Finished Hero 30 and all of the 'Neo' modes outside Hero 3 (assuming there are no hidden modes after it)


'Neo' graphics mode, the default, is so disappealing it actually repels me. That doesn't happen often! Swapped to 'Retro' graphics mode after the first map.

Hero 30 is fairly entertaining. Not spectacular. Maybe a little long, but not too much. I was looking forward to seeing what would be different in the other two modes which had become available when I swapped to 'Retro' graphics, which I initially assumed was a bug.

Calamity! They're both nothing like Hero 30 and I hate both of them. I wouldn't enjoy the first of the two even in without the time limit, and while the second is better it suffers from the fact that for some bizarre reason the default key mappings have S and X as left and right, and C and Z as up and down. It's possible the keys can be rebound, but I didn't try as I didn't care for it anyway.

And of course the remaining three modes are locked. Do I really need to play through those to unlock them? The internet says that the modes are completely different in 'Neo' graphics mode, which sounds stupid, but I go check those out. And they are. What. Who does that. Probably the same people who set up the key mappings mentioned earlier.

They seem to have tried to shoehorn the modes in question into Hero 30 style gameplay, except that they've taken all of the speed out of it which makes them terrible, albeit not as terrible as the 'Retro' versions of the modes because of one single saving grace - they've compressed the modes down to a single level each. Which is good because I don't know if I could have taken more than a single level of those graphics each. Beat both the modes there, and both of the modes which were unlocked following those, and went back to Retro to see if the following modes had been unlocked there.

Of course they hadn't.

I tried Hero 3 in 'Neo' several times, but my reflexes aren't up to it... there were numerous times in Hero 30 that I only avoided failing because of the comparatively generous time limit.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #190 on: January 26, 2014, 02:18:23 PM »
FF13-3: Played the demo. My response: lol

A more in depth commentary: The plot make absolutely no fucking sense (A tradition of FF games of late). Lightning is Jesus, Snow is the evil villain who rules over a city of eternal partying before the end of the world while being emo and wearing all black. !NotSerah summons the demons, laughs evilly. Square is still desperately trying to turn Lightning into Cloud and FF13 into FF7's world.  It was incredibly not subtle here- the demo video even ended with the game shilling a fucking Cloud DLC costume for Light for preordering the game!  Of course, FF7 had a fascinating world that they explored to you and told you about, rather than flinging you from point to point with  no coherent plotting. Ahem.

The gameplay was a mix of FF13's system and 10-2's system. You flip between classes, you can customize classes as well. It's interesting enough, except that Lightning is your only PC. The game is trying to go for a pseudo action game feel in general. Battles are real time, you don't automatically heal outside of battle and you have limited item slots.  I thought the gameplay was fun enough, but it definitely felt shallow to me. 

Square is trying to sell the game as a big budget movie title/action game, rather than RPG. Everything from the gameplay to the overly cinematic intro point to that. *shrug* not going to spend any money to play this, that's for sure.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #191 on: January 26, 2014, 10:09:23 PM »
Several good RPGs (and the Witcher 2) on sale for ~$5.00 on Xbox for the next couple of days.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #192 on: January 26, 2014, 11:29:12 PM »
Bone: The Great Cow Race - played through

Bone: Out From Boneville - played through

Crushingly mediocre. Actually makes me kinda relieved that they stopped making the series after only two games, assuming that the other one isn't going to have a dramatic jump in quality.

And... it did dramatically jump in quality. Damn it. Now I'm annoyed that they stopped making it.

The main improvement is that Smiley Bone is considerably more involved in this episode than in the previous episode, and he is great. There's more characters to interact with in general, and they're typically more interesting than the ones from the first episode. There's less minigames, and none of them are as terrible as the ones in the first episode.

Of course it's still not on the level of TTG's S&M games or anything... but definitely feels like it was worth playing, unlike the first episode.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #193 on: January 26, 2014, 11:55:02 PM »
FONV: A man chooses, a Securitron obeys.

Aw god Courier 6 why you gotta hold the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion at an angle like that. Well fine a little neck strain is a small price to pay for fashion.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #194 on: January 27, 2014, 02:32:01 AM »
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy - Finished Hero 30 and all of the 'Neo' modes outside Hero 3 (assuming there are no hidden modes after it)


'Neo' graphics mode, the default, is so disappealing it actually repels me. That doesn't happen often! Swapped to 'Retro' graphics mode after the first map.

As a fan of the PSP version of this, I was surprised to hear there was a re-release with updated graphics! *One GIS later* Kill it with fire.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #195 on: January 27, 2014, 05:33:03 AM »
Fallou new Vegas: New character time because I clearly don't have problems.  Gonna do a VATS-centric character with Cowboy guns/badass preacher type.  So looking through the wiki for AP+ armor, I see the Legion Duster doing that.  Huh.  So Cowboy Legionnaire go.

Anyway, level 1 run to the clinic.  Ended up with an extra thousand since I only needed to sell one combat armor.  Trying to shoot some fiends winds up with me dying because having 2 strength means I can't use crap.  Also I got stuck on geometry.  So I instead go and grab the Abilene Kid LE BB gun and use its 1 STR requirements and crits to deal with enemies.  It is surprisingly workable.  After scavenging enough I go and gamble at the Atomic Wrangler to get a Luck implant.  Then I break the bank there.  Then I go run around doing weird things like palling with Powder Gangers.  I do some stuff at Cottonwood Cove to get some Legion rep before going and bothering Benny back in the Stripe.  He's somehow at the top of the stairs instead of by his corner but whatever, I talk to him and leave and gain access to the Fort.  I die once in the Arena because Stella's a boss, but then I go chat up the tent dudes.  Next stop, the bunker... tomorrow.  And I'm only level 8 lol.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #196 on: January 27, 2014, 05:36:44 AM »
You should do a run doing as few quests as possible sometime just to see what level you get.  I assume its go straight to the Strip, get in via money from spending 1 dollar at the Wrangler on a chip, assassinate Benny then do House ending?  You thinking like level 6?
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #197 on: January 27, 2014, 06:08:12 AM »
You should do a run doing as few quests as possible sometime just to see what level you get.  I assume its go straight to the Strip, get in via money from spending 1 dollar at the Wrangler on a chip, assassinate Benny then do House ending?  You thinking like level 6?

Oooo good idea.  Yes Man ending since House would require you to gain cooperation or kill and Yes Man let's you get away with just meeting dudes.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #198 on: January 27, 2014, 08:57:39 AM »
RSMS- Beat with Hawke.  Don't really intend to play more stories.

This game is goddamned infuriating.  Like, one of the reasons I stuck with it was I felt sure if I didn't beat it now, I'd never go back to it.
That's unfair though.  Romancing SaGa not only does a lot right, but everything I disliked about it was very much intentional design.  It is exactly the game it wants to be, and for the right person it's probably the absolute best game in its vein you're likely to find.  There's quite a lot of polish going on, and the SaGa-ness of the game has a lot of thought put behind it, compared to SaGa Frontier which often feels like it's functioning entirely on accident.  While I do think the magic system is a bit wonky (it's all storebought, in a game very much built on resource starvation?  Aside from a token healer, the only use for the stuff is the FAQ-bait rather broken fusion spells) and something akin to Frontier's Gift system would have really balanced out character builds, there's generally pretty clear patterns to what's going on and the game makes sense as you go.

Trouble is the quest system is completely counter to anything that makes sense to me.  Like any SaGa game, how many battles you fight and how strong yoru characters are will beef up enemies throughout the game.  There's a mechanism in-game that gives you a hint when this happens beyond enemies themselves even.  Trouble is that quests open and closer based on this system, meaning that if you get distracted by a quest too high of level for you, you might lock yourself out of vital early quests that open up good midgame/endgame quests.  the game expects you to a) open up the entire world map before really doing many quests and b) to immediately upon game start invest in the evade enemies skills (once you're in an encounter, running from enemies is both difficult and an immensely bad idea ANYWAY, so straight up not getting in fights is vital and generally you're not going to be very successful at that without the proper skills).  As my earlier post will attest, I legitimately thought I'd screwed myself over because I'd levelled past most of the early-midgame quests and couldn't tell if bosses were truly fixed stats or if they were getting stronger, meaning any further grinding or questing would leave me underpowered forever.  Fortunately boss stats are indeed fixed.  Still, I very much felt the game was just punishing me for playing normally rather than immediately picking up on its rules, which is just not fun.

For all that it didn't click with me though, there's just a lot of charm to the game.  Some of it is clearly leftover from the original SNES game, but even then it's kinda like playing a late-era PS1 game more than anything and it's just kinda goofily earnest.  The endgame, once you're actually in a position to stand a chance with it, is pretty good as well, and unlike earlier bits of the game it was generally the right kind of hard, where you would lose, and lose a lot, but never because nothing you did mattered: you just made a mistake, or didn't anticipate something, or attrition got to you.  Stuff you can rework strategy around.

I pondered the score a bit, but despite the game finishing reasonably strong I spent a little too much time ready to pitch a controller to tweak the score up for it.  5/10.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #199 on: January 27, 2014, 12:15:15 PM »
Banner Saga - This is game full of horny giants with amazing beards.

I am so in.

Unfortunately it is another good seeming PC strategy game that I think Elf would dig (pending further play! But it hits some of the right beats mechanically) that you can't undo movement and movement is important and finicky.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.