@ Meeple re; Graces, if the scenes I told you about (Emotive Pianoist sidequest, play/play related skits) didn't change your mind any then I'm not sure the F arc will help either. For other characters I don't know, well at least for F arc you get
RICHARD as a PC and you can get the role play dolls so you can use him in Zhonecage and NG+ too, and RICHARD alone is worth the the F arc I think
There is also more humor with combined Richard/Malik trolling if that's your thing, also some Pascal/Hubert humor, etc The gameplay potential/battle mechanics also improve with the additions of Accel modes which helps for making playstyles more unique/etc, and also the dolls for using two or more multiples of the same character if you want, etc, etc~
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles/ToS Cleared the Earth Temple. I am happy because I have Colette back and the gameplay/battle system is really gelling now. I've been playing Hard mode (but not really because Poison Hammer is sooo good~) My team -
Colette L44 (main)/Lunar Ring/Lunar Guard/Mythril Circlet/Bridal Gloves/Rabbit's Foot/Rabbit's Foot
HP - 2734, TP - 343, ATK - 687, STR - 187, INT - 160, DEF - 152, ACC - 109, EVA - 106, LUCK - 189 (w/th equipment and inn RNG combo)
Title - Little Pickpocket (from L21, but could have got it earlier)
Skill set up - Pow Hammer/Toss (Poison) Hammer (alternative Item Rover), Para Ball (alternative Grand Chariot), Whirlwind Rush, Triple Ray Satellite, Holy Song, S-Seal: Wind (Sheena) (alternative, Judgement)
EX Skills - Sharp Eyed, Vitality, Spirit, Stat Boost
Compound/bonus EX skills - Life Thief, Spirit Thief (alternatives with different 1/2/3/4 EX gem skill combos, Life Up, Pow Hammer (counter), Reprise, Item Getter (for 100% stealings~)
Zelos L44/Flame Dagger/Mythril Armor/Duel Helm/Mythril Shield/Stone Charm/Rabbit's Foot
HP - 2704, TP - 278, ATK - 748, STR - 218, INT - 203, DEF - 196, ACC - 122, EVA - 93
Title - Casanova
Skill pool - T Type
Elements - Attack - Fire, Defence - Earth (Reduce)
Status - Nullify Petrify, Nullify Heavy
EX Skills - Dodge, Vitality, Magical, Eternal
Compound/bonus EX skills - EX Defend, Life Up (alternatives Reprise)
Extras - Added damage to beasts
Regal L44/Bear Claw/Battle Cloak/Pointed Hat/Angel Bracelet/Aquamarine/Stone Charm
HP - 2814, TP - 262, ATK - 759, STR - 224, INT - 172, DEF - 174, ACC - 138, EVA - 124
Title - Battle Artist
Skill pool - S Type
Elements - Attack - Water, Defence - Water (Reduce), Earth (Reduce)
Status - Nullify Petrify, Nullify Heavy
EX Skills - Tough, Dash, Vitality, Eternal
Compound/bonus EX skills - HP Recover, Quick Turn, Life Up
Extras - Added damage to immaterials
Sheena L45/Card of Earth/Witch's Robe/Pretty Ribbon/Mythril Bracelet/Flare Cape/Stone Charm (alternate Card of Ice)
HP - 2359, TP - 350, ATK - 440 (630 w/th Card of Ice), STR - 200, INT - 173, DEF - 176, ACC - 116, EVA - 115
Title - Acrobat
Skill pool - S type
Elements - Attack - Earth, Defence - Fire (Reduce), Earth (Invalid), (Attack - Ice, Defence - Ice/Fire/Earth Reduce w/th Card of Ice equipped instead)
Status - Nullify Petrify, Nullify Heavy
EX Skills - Strong, Tough, Dash, Prolong
Compound/bonus EX skills - EX Attack, Hard Hit
Extras - Added damage to plants (w/th Card of Earth), Added damage to humans (w/th Card of Ice)
Summons - Fire/Efreet, Water/Undine, Wind/Sylph, Earth/Gnome, Lightning/Volt
Colette has better equipment for defense/defense boosting, DEF stat is 188 w/th Mythril Guard/Pretty Ribbon/Mythril Bracelet but I've mostly been running a Luck tinked set up with her so far~
All the other characters are pretty much all up to date with equipment more or less too (I think Lloyd still needs the more powerful weapon from the resort town though), all are equipped with four EX Gems of various levels, and have shinies like EX Attack/Critical Up (Lloyd), Magic Boost (Raine) and Randomizer (Genis) I am maxxed out on EX Gem L3s from stealing them with Colette and I also have 20 All Divides now from stealing them from the Fake in the sewers as well. I have four Devil Arms so far, for Lloyd, Colette, Zelos, and Sheena but their power has not been unlocked yet. Nuu~ Nuuu~ Nuuuu~ I'm having fun~
To the Temple of Ice!~