Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 212391 times)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1300 on: May 10, 2014, 03:45:53 AM »
Yes, the innocent black dude I mentioned killing at the beginning of every game is the one wearing this set. Killing him is the only way to get it.
I use all of it PLUS the Covetous Serpent Ring +1 (which can be gotten before killing even one boss) for way too many souls. I also sometimes wear all of it + The Archdrake Robe. Less souls but more fashion.

Which stats are you raising Cid? I'm already pretty much set, with 20 Endurance 40 dex and 25 vit honestly. I wouldn't mind having to raise some strength at all at this point. Right now I'm just going for more vitality and adaptability, but meh.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1301 on: May 10, 2014, 03:49:19 AM »
Wiki I poke for details says Drops from Hollowed Spiders(Prisoners with spiders on their back) within the Brightstone Cove area for Tseldora's.  But lol random drops.

Your alternative is pretty swag.

BD - I haven't progressed, I have just done some optional fights when I am getting ready in the morning for work waiting for food to cook.  These fights are super frustrating in how inconsistent they are.  Sometimes enemies have new weapons to steal or nice items.  Sometimes they have nothing.  Sometimes they just have consumables.  Sometimes they give no experience or money.  Sometimes they do.  They always give a boatload of JP I guess.

Having bad luck on RNG on Black Mage boss to not get his Wizard Rod until like 6 rounds after I could have easily destroyed him was annoying.  Thanks for a 3 chapter out of date piece of equipment?  What?  Why?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 05:30:03 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1302 on: May 10, 2014, 04:20:22 PM »
Pokemon XY All Starter Playthrough vs the E4:

Here's how this went down, because reasons!

Of course, this requires MUSIC to go along with it!

Drasna is first!  Not much to say here; Empoleon and Greninja did most of the work hurling Ice Beams.  I said it in the past, but that Altaria needed to be a Flygon; no wouldn't save her here because still gets murdered by Ice Beam, but the rest of the E4 has no redundant typing Pokemon, she has 2 Dragon/Flyings.  Noivern is kind of a must because Gen 6 Flier, but Altaria is just dumb.  Flygon would be something different at least.

Malva gets pasted easily.  Mostly Greninja just sweeping most of her team effortlessly, Emboar getting OHKOed by Talonflame's Bravebird, and dying to Empoleon, nothing much here.

Siebold was next! Open with Sceptile to face the Clawncher.  It survives Energy Ball, Dragon Pulse, Sceptile survives with sub-33% HP.  Oh look, Overgrow kicks in!  Sceptile starts going on a murder spree...then comes out Gyarados, Sceptile returns because Overgrow bonus stays so no worries, and then Gyarados comes out!  Ok, so I throw Meganium at it to hopefully Toxic, and maybe get some damage in too.  It gets the Toxic, Ice Fang causes Rocky Helmet damage, and Gyarados is at like 40% when Meganium dies.  Ok, so Charizard X should have no problems beating this.  Things seem to go well as, expected, it uses Waterfall as it's opening move, Charizard X Mega Evolves and takes the brunt of the force.  Ok, so he should be able to kill it with Dragon Claw, right?  NOPE! FLINCH HAX!  Then Full Restore thanks to Toxic, insult to injjury, Rock Slide misses, Earthquake, Zard X dies, I realize I am not winning this.

Ok, looking back at what happened, I lost because of that Aqua Tail flinch, and that Rock Slide is really stupid on Zard X if he's not hitting a Fire/Flying type because anything else that has a W4 to Rock has a W2 to Fire, at least (So Flare Blitz is better), and W2 = STAB Dragon Claw w/ Tough Nails is better.  Ok, NEVER USING ROCK SLIDE AGAIN!  So I do exactly what I did before again, and win this time because no Waterfall flinch hax, and Sceptile murders the rest of the team.

Wikstrom last!  Being a steel type, Emboar beats up Klefki with Flamethrower and Probopass with Hammer Arm.   Aegislash beats him because stance change, King's Shield, etc.  He's a jerk.  I think Aegislash beats another one, but then Greninja finishes off Aegislash because NINJA FROG.  He brings out Scizor.  Oh dear, how will I ever beat that...

*Mega Charizard X Flare Blitz*

Yeah, that was not hard in the slightest!

Now, onto the Champion! This time, I'm going to do it in EPIC PLAY BY PLAY FASHION!  I'll note I lose the first time, because while I beat most of her team fine, her last Pokemon just ripped me apart.  So here's the WINNING RUN!

First off obligatory Music Change!


I didn't know what she was opening with my first time I fought her, and when I saw Hawlucha, my first reaction was "SHIT! How do I deal with that!?"  Especially because I took of Extrasensory on Greninja.  Then I realized Charizard was my best openner, who my first fight I coincidentally opened with because he has Fly. 

Charizard goes , uses Fly.  Hawlucha uses Sword Dance twice in the interim, gets smashed in the face.   Hawlucha falls!  I was thinking about finding an image of Hawlucha being defeated but hell if I know where to start looking for that.


If you ever wanted to see a Mechanical Penguin Fighting a T-Rex, this is the probably the only place you'll see it, and you should worship Pokemon as a result!  Empoleon summons up his Inner and fires Ice Beams at the Dinosaur, who Earthquakes, then gets a Full Restore...followed by a 2nd Ice Beam...and a 3rd...and Empoleon wins. know, on hindsight, maybe he isn't as much like Chill Penguin as I thought, since Empoleon actually won.


First fight, I threw Sceptile at it and hoped Dragon Claw would do it.  Sceptile's attack proved not enough and Goodra has Fire Blast I believe, so oops, who'd think the LIQUID DRAGON WHO GETS POWERED UP BY THE RAIN would breathe fire?  I then Ice Beam'd and that didn't work so well because Special Defense.

Winning run?  I just throw my own badass Dragon at it.  Tough Nails STAB Dragon Claw hitting weakness vs. averagish defenses, Goodra goes splat. 


Flaming Sumo Pig is faster, goes first, Hammer Arms, W4 from high attack with STAB, I don't think I need to say what happens to the dinosaur.


Emboar tries to fry the Pumpkin, it doesn't work as well as expected, it sets up Ghost typing, then Phantom Forces!  Ninja Frog swaps in, takes the hit, Dark Pulses for the win.


Ok, Gardevoir downright destroyed me last game.  It's faster than Zard X so a quick OHKO won't work, it does enough damage to murder Meganium in a shot before getting Light Screen up.  Greninja and Sceptile are my only hopes for outspeeding it.  Thankfully, there's Confide TM, which I give to both!

Sceptile goes in first, because he hasn't been used yet.  He goes first, uses Confide!  Gardevoir uses Moon Blast, Sceptile barely survives.  Ok, cool, I can get a 2nd in, right?
Nope, Gardevoir goes first next turn, and kills Sceptile; yes, they were equal speed clearly.  I fear for Greninja until I remember that Sceptile had a negative Speed nature, so it's going to be notably slower than Greninja instead of slightly below and basically, I know I didn't futz up EVs so much there, so yeah, Greninja goes in, uses Confide, then still gets OHKOed by Moon Blast because Greninja durability is a thing and Moon Blast hits weakness.

Next up, Meganium.  Ok, this is my most durable Pokemon easily, and it has Light Screen, which is the obvious first action.  Moon Blast takes off not so much because of two confides, Light Screen, Toxic, I get off like 3 bulldozes due to Light Screen + eventually lapping it in turns.  Ok, now that it's sufficiently weakened on Speed, Megazard X comes out!

Megazard X near as I can tell is not weak to any of Gardevoir's attacks, so there's no way he's getting KO'd.  Charizard has Shadow Claw for this fight, which while yes, weaker than Flare Blitz, the last thing I want to do is make Charizard potentially easier to kill in case he fails to OHKO.  Shadow Claw hitting weakness beats out Dragon Claw, so it's my best bet here; plus there's the Crit Rate.   So Charizard uses it, attack does like 90% damage!  And that wasn't even a crit

...well, I guess any thoughts about Flare Blitz failing to OHKO just went RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW, because STAB Flare Blitz is so much stronger.  As expected, she Moon Blasts, Zard survives, full restores, Flare Blitz, VICTORY!

Fun playthrough in any event, though a few things that bugged me were HMs, mostly Emboar being stuck with Strength and Sceptile wtih Cut a large part of the game, as well as an instance where Greninja needed to use Waterfall over Surf because even with the -Attack EVs, his Attack > Empoleon's.



Also, Music change:
Probably most appropriate song for this

MVP, no questions asked.  Charmander stage, he's generic but he joins at level 10 so he's only that for 6 levels.  Charmeleon gets Dragon Rage one level after Evolving, which is stupidly overpowered that early.  As that starts to stop being broken, he gets Fire Fang and a few levels later, Flame Burst, so his STABs improve significantly, which holds him over long enough til he evolves.

Charizard...well, Mega Charizard X is ridiculous.  High in both offensive stats, so you can be flexible, Tough Claws makes him better at physicals of course, physical tanks, good typing both offensive and defensive, and once he reaches Move Relearner, he gets access to Dragon Claw AND Flare Blitz, steamrolling over things.  There were a number of moments where my strategy was just throw Charizard at something and watch him murder things.  He was also my only Sky Battle viable character, which the only time I ran into a problem was against Aerodactyl, aka something faster than him with STAB Stone Edge, jerk <_<

On paper, Meganium shouldn't be that good relative tot his team.  He's a tank, but doesn't really do much with it.  He ended up being a pleasant surprise.  The tanking made him good for just stalling things with Poison Powder/Toxic, having Reflect + Rocky Helmet made him good for just sitting there and taking damage while hitting someone with a stat lowering move (like Bulldoze).  Nature Power works at intervals for some offensive variety too.

The thing that stands out about Meganium is that it often just gets moves earlier than expected and ends up being better offensively as a result.  Most obvious is the early Razor Leaf, where it has 55 Power STAB Crit move when everyone else is using 40 power moves.  On top of that, it evolves to final form earlier than most and gets Petal Dance, aka 120 Power STAB, stupid early.  It would struggle a bit against other Grass types and Flying types, granted, especially pre-Toxic when it couldn't use Poison Powder, but ultimately, as you saw above, was key for beating Mega Gardevoir.

I had a slightly botched Sceptile due to lowered Speed nature.  Thankfully, he still outsped most opponents, so wasn't a big deal, though mattered against Mega Gardevoir.

One thing that held Sceptile back was being forced to have Cut for a large part of the game because there's so many goodies you get with it throughout the entire game.  That was annoying.  Another thing is how Sceptile has to wait quite a while to get a decent Grass STAB; it's stuck with Absorb for a while which is awful, it can use Nature Power during outside segments for Energy Ball, but then you use it somewhere else, and suddenly it's Earth Power or Power Gem and THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU WANT so unreliable.  It gets cool stuff like Fury Cutter and X-scissor at least, but yeah, held back by that STAB.  Acrobatics didn't hurt either though meant he couldn't use an item.

He gets a lot better at level 29 when Leaf Blade kicks in of course, because ACTUAL GRASS STAB!  Sure, running off his weaker offensive stat, but it's good enough to last him until you get the Grass Pledge tutor, which is his primary source of offense until the Energy Ball TM.  Of all starters, Sceptile is the most grateful of the Pledge Boost; while 4 of my Pokemon made use of it to some degree, Sceptile is the one who needed it most desperately; yeah, Leaf Blade is cool, but 80 Power running off a much higher offensive stat > 90 Power.  Oh, did I forget to mention Sceptile had a +SpA Nature? 

Really wishes Flash cannon wasn't aftergame, but hey, it could use other stuff to compensate.  Getting Flying type attacks like Drill Peck, even if off the weaker offensive stat, let him deal with some nuisances, Shadow Claw let him beat up Psychics and Ghosts, and of course STAB Surf off high SpA is always nice.  It of course got better once Ice Beam popped up (it was using Blizzard before this), and...uh, yeah, it's Empoleon.  Interesting typing, good defensive stats, solid offense, it performed about as well as expected.

Inability to bust Fairies because of the Flash Cannon thing was annoying though, but it could tank them at least.

I kept overselling this guys durability, stupid highest HP of my team by a long shot!  That said, Emboar is oddly good at overcoming Speed issues thanks to stuff like Bulldoze and Flame Charge, though this didn't come up as often as you'd think.  One thing that is annoying is that his STAB Fire Physicals sort of end at Flame Charge for worth; Heat Crash exists but it's wildly inconsistent, and doesn't really do him any favors on lots of things he hits weaknesses on.  As a result, I gave him Flamethrower, and he was my primary source of Special Fire offense, despite Charizard being better at it.   Thing is, Charizard is just better than him at all forms of offense, so not a fair comparison, and Emboar's SpA isn't even bad at all (100), so this ended up working out.

Emboar also had some weird quirks in that consistently he was the only one capable of learning a bunch of key TMs.  Heck, both Poison Jab AND Gyro Ball were only learnable by him, so he was my best Fairy Buster, which didn't come up often.  He also does get a good Fighting STAB in Hammer Arm, which while makes him slower, after a point I felt it wasn't worth wasting time dealing with his speed so the less Speed aspect didn't really come up. 

Basically, he didn't stand out much but he was effective when I needed him.

The disappointment, sadly.  The game is just so randomly geared against Greninja throughout a large part of the game.  His good moves don't pop up until a little too late, and he really cannot take hits at all, so he often needs that OHKO.  Also enemies seem really good at hitting his Dark typing weakness, having a Fighting or Fairy move often (Psychic types were huge offenders of this.)  The other thing is his offense isn't as high as you'd expect.

He gets much better once Dark Pulse, Ice Beam and Extrasensory are gotten, but they're all late, and before then he has legitimate issues.  On paper, he really shouldn't be worse than Sceptile at all, but for some reason, the game just seems so geared against him, and the the slight durability difference the two had seemed to make a notable difference, at least to special, as well as Fighting moves seemingly being everywhere.  True, Empoleon had a similar issue there but Empoleon can actually take a hit, and in some cases would get Torrent activated as a result, which made all the difference.

In any event, it was fun, and I kind of want to do another themed play-through but by the time I feel like playing Pokemon again more seriously (I am doing some aftergame stuff too anyway), Alpha Sapphire will be out and well GIGA RAYQUAZA!!!! (yes that is a thing even if it's not)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1303 on: May 11, 2014, 01:35:43 AM »
Duck Tales Remastered - Welp, beat Hard. The game actually -isn't- terribly hard once you get the hang of the controls and stage design! Now, I just have to deal with Extreme and unlock all the extras. Only TV show art left.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1304 on: May 11, 2014, 03:06:14 AM »
Which stats are you raising Cid? I'm already pretty much set, with 20 Endurance 40 dex and 25 vit honestly. I wouldn't mind having to raise some strength at all at this point. Right now I'm just going for more vitality and adaptability, but meh.

There wasn't anything I really needed after 20 VIG/END and 50 DEX + some decent ADP, but because I was well short of my self-imposed limit of SL150, I kept on going as long as the game kept throwing boss souls at me. 40 VIG, 50 END/DEX, 20ish ADP, and finally dumped the last ten levels into Faith (we'll get to why). The extra stamina was appreciated, having enough to fire four arrows means I can get poison out in the initial barrage and then switch to straight damage arrows. And you really don't care about strength unless you're going to use like Dragonrider Bow or something (it requires a decent amount and I think scales from it). Or I guess composite bow but meh, why dump dozens of levels into STR to make that slightly better then Hunter's Blackbow when I could just main DEX and be 99% as awesome with that instead?

In related news, POIZN SOULS is done. Let's go through the remaining bosses!

Demon of Song is not immune to poison. Velstadt is not immune to poison. Guardian Dragon is not immune to poison. Giant Lord is not immune to poison. Throne jerks are not immune to poison. None of these should take you more than 4-6 arrows for the status to start ticking away. Final boss is not immune to poison but so highly resistant that it probably took more than a dozen shots for the status to land. Now I wonder if I should've just kept trying with Freja (or focused on one head?)

Anyway I decided to give Bow of Waifu a try after that because it looks pretty snazzy on paper. A-scaling in DEX? Could be decent. Also it's got a goddamn bell on it for some reason. So I dump all my dragonbones on it and equip to compare. ...I now have an extra hundred attack power to play with. At the minimum Faith requirement. It's slower than what I've been using and uses more stamina, but only a hair slower (not like Dragonrider Bow don't-make-any-fucking-plans slow) and that's a perfectly fair trade for 40-80 extra damage per shot (depending on the enemy). It can shoot lightning bolts, too! (Which do less damage than regular arrows and keep you completely immobilized, but come on man that's style.) And because the game doesn't count boss/unique weapons with elemental damage as elemental weapons, I still get the full bonus from Ring of Blades. This thing's awesome and I could actually call archer damage commendable if you had access to it at any normal time during the game. If only I had something to use it on! (Oh right NG+.)

Oh wait, I never killed Royal Rat jerks. Let's give that a try. Vanguard dies in one attack sequence, poison test invalid. Royal Rat Authority rather shockingly is not immune to poison, but it's not worth bothering trying it on him. He's so heavily resistant that if I'd been focusing on fire arrows instead, he would've been dead by the equivalent time the poison actually took hold. Last deaths--

10 & 11: Guardian Dragon and drake failure. I have soiled myself. How embarrassing.

12: Throne jerks. This was going very well until I walked off a cliff.

Twelve deaths is a decent amount I think? (My best for DS1 was four.) Especially for something that comes off as a horrible challenge mode when you're just starting the game. You are so astonishingly incompetent for the first few zones of the game and are only sort of passably functional for the bulk of it. Once you finally get an upgrade over the shortbow and have free access to poison arrows, though, challenge really goes downhill.

I ran some phantom mode after all that to get the souls to stock up on elemental arrows, though, and as useful as poison is single-player, it is almost completely a waste of time in multiplayer. The defense buff enemies get from extra players does jack up their status resist too; you're likely to take two or three times as much time trying to get status to hit and are probably better off just sticking to pure damage. Which, you know, you suck at because you're an archer.

Wiki I poke for details says Drops from Hollowed Spiders(Prisoners with spiders on their back) within the Brightstone Cove area for Tseldora's.  But lol random drops.

Yeah, ghetto pope outfit is pretty swanky so I decided to give that a shot after seeing this post (I was getting tired of exhibitionist mail). But I wasn't about to kill an NPC for it, because murdering someone just because they have something I want is like the most un-Cid thing (in DS1 I killed the undead merchant once for his sword then immediately felt like a horrible person and never did it again). Instead I committed spiderman genocide and only got half of it. Bah. I actually ended up running with the Priestess Skirt (Kindalur dropped it) alone, as this actually looks fairly decent by itself. I'd prefer to have the whole set but dammit, there's very little in the game that's more of a pain in the ass to get than that.

I'm usually at least wearing something. If I'm running naked, it's either a novelty run, or for practical reasons when I'm using heavy weapons (because of the weight, Dude, the ringer cannot look empty). That said, my priorities are straightforward: does it look nice Y/N; if N -> don't use it; if Y, is it light enough not to impair mobility Y/N; if N -> don't use it; if Y -> score! I'll fiddle with stats a little to make something cool-but-sorta-heavy work, but I certainly won't restructure a character build around it.

All this is facilitated in DS2 by the simple fact that I don't like virtually all of the game's medium/heavy armors. They really dropped the ball on visual design this time around, there's a decent amount of snazzy-looking light clothes and such but genuine armor is almost all just blandly functional (and you know realistic armor has its place and all, but where's my brass set you guys?)

Defensive stats never ever enter into consideration. Secondary effects are nice but ultimately just a bonus. Aesthetics are a moral imperative.

Anyway if we're talking about clothes so much then the true Fashion Souls starts here. This is what I've gone with on previous characters:

Kirika (I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING initial run): Desert Sorceress (Earthen Peak pyrogirl) set because it is the sexiest. And if you're surprised by this point at me taking the opportunity to dress as a sexy harem dancer, you haven't been paying attention.

Altena (cleric): Saint's (Licia's) set. This is actually really drab and I wore it for thematic appropriateness (manipulative, backstabbing priestess), but I do like how obviously used and trailworn it is. I should acknowledge that a lot of DS2's clothes actually demonstrate wear and tear suggestive of a world running down, and flow in a very natural way in response to slight movements and actions (DS1's clothes were very stiffly modeled).

Mireille (sorcerer): Black Witch set. Oh wait I was wrong up there with the first one. Backless, just a tasteful display of legs--this is sexy and classy! Definitely the best.

Chloe (let's powerstancing!): Judgement set (DS1 Velka's). Again, lack of surprise that one of the nicest looking outfits in DS2 originated from DS1. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Johnny Cash.

Roberta (PUGILISM SOULS): naked for NG, Singer's Dress (torn up Milfanito gown) for NG+ because it does convey a certain don't-push-me-cause-I'm-close-to-the-edge degree of damage. Also cleavage.

Sawyer (scythehexer): Bone King set. This is 100% goth princess mode.

Balalaika (katanasouls): Throne Watcher set. This is basically the only instance of me wearing genuine clanky armor in DS2 (and you get it from the penultimate boss fight). I'm still unnerved by the sound because I associate it with enemy movement rather than my own. I dunno, it's simple and austere, but I like it.

Iris (Not!Sinner): Penal set. Iron mask, straightjacket, manacles, only the penitent (wo)man will pass. This is one of those cases where I had to boost carrying capacity a lot to make it work, but anything for a theme!

If you're wikiing random things now then behold the spell of Grefters:

I love that spell description. "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."


Intermission, I loaded up my lowest soul memory character (this turned out to be katanasouls) and tried giving Looking Glass Knight summons another shot. In between gankers and normal invasions (in which I realize that there is something uniquely satisfying about murdering anyone who uses the Moonlight Greatsword), I actually got three successes this time! Which all ended ignominiously one way or another (the one victory was in no way my doing). It seems like people always call in help for this fight. Geez, is that how normal people play this game?


So with all that out of the way there was one more thing I wanted to try (and yeah, hitting the character limit here, so definitely it for NG). And that thing would be...the Great Demon's Hammer! It takes me about an hour of restarts to finally get the damn thing (might've been quicker if I'd gone for a generic character model but I had to fiddle with sliders to get just the right green skintone for SHULK MASH). Turns out I need to dump twenty levels into strength before I can even two-hand it...but you guys, three hundred base attack power! A couple hours of standard club shenanigans ensue before I can equip the damn thing, but at last! And just as in DS1, it takes up so much visual real estate that it's actually a liability, and if anything is even more unwieldy, and I have to dump a bunch of levels into VIT to be able to keep a decent roll speed with it equipped...but hey, that beats having to use Havel's Ring just for fast roll, and you just can't argue with 400+ attack power at base requirements and no upgrades just a couple hours into the game.

So let's road test this baby! Skeleton lords get OHKO'd; Jabba actually seems to take like half damage from it (holy crap something in DS2 actually resists strike damage?); Mytha goes pretty well until she backstepsslithers out of the killing blow and murders me with a full combo. I'm pretty cheesed off about this so I figure, you know what, the Sentinels don't like blunt damage, let's see how badly this thing wrecks them.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Press R2 -> press R2 again -> Sentinel is now staggered, press R1 to kill -> repeat two more times -> collect thirty thousand souls. Best Sentinels run ever.

I'm going to put the gargoyles off as long as possible to see if I can kill them in one hit this time.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 03:15:18 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1305 on: May 11, 2014, 03:27:47 AM »
Ciddy your dark souls addiction is surpassing your Civ addiction. No more deaths!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1306 on: May 11, 2014, 10:04:29 AM »
I have seen Immolation and heard stories of how well it mixes with Oil.

(Also FYI for everyone Dark Souls 2 has Oil "status").

Fashion Souls is legit a good way to play the game and nearly a reason to play the game in and of itself.  That said, just browsing I don't mind some of the heavy armour sets, but I have boners for functional armour in my games. But only when they don't have shoulders or waists as wide as a house or have helmets that look either literally or figuratively like butt holes.

Edit - That said, Smelter Demon Armour has serious possibilities without the helmet for a Sexy Greven il-Vec cosplay.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 10:08:06 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1307 on: May 11, 2014, 12:33:45 PM »
Ciddy your dark souls addiction is surpassing your Civ addiction. No more deaths!

Go back to nuking Japan, Supreme Dictator for Life.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1308 on: May 11, 2014, 04:50:56 PM »
That wasn't nukes, that was just a moderately large stack of bombers and the will to use them. I normally run mostly peaceful empires with super high happiness! Really!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1309 on: May 12, 2014, 04:11:32 AM »
Mega Man Xtreme: Beat it!  Then played Hard mode and beat that!

Ok, Hard mode is a nice way to make sure you get a full Mega man experience out of it because it makes effectively 8 Mavericks in the game, though they really needed to alter the Final Boss sequence, or at least, change the boss fights so you're not just fighting the same things with more weapons, health, etc.  Not sure if I'll do EXTREME!!!! mode.

Overall, I am pleasantly surprised at how they converted an MMX game to GBC format; it didn't feel as watered down as I was expected, and the game is even pretty good graphically if you remember "This is made on the Gameboy Color!"  I can see why this won the fan-vote for first Mega Man game to be released in May.  If MMI and MMII were any indicators, the other games would feel like notably watered down versions of the NES games; this game, despite being based off SNES games (MMX1 and MMX2), managed to be closer in quality despite the bigger gap in technology, and thus shows more effort as a result.

(Yes, I know MMV is suppose to be legitimately good because it's basically it's own thing instead of a cheap splicing of 2 NES games, but I was referring to MMI-IV)

Kirby Dream Land 3: Up to World 5, gotten every Heart Star so far.  Game so far is...basically more of KDL2; not as bad to be fair, but still has a lot of the same issues, and Heart Stars are annoying to collect at times (and unintuitive on what you need to do.)  I'll get a more in-depth review once I beat the game, which I'm not far off from!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1310 on: May 12, 2014, 04:28:34 AM »
Courageous Bankruptcy.

Been slowing down a bit with this, but still moving on.  Mostly finally managed to get all the Ch3 classes, and am moving on to Chapter 4.  The one battle I've done there so far showed a huge JP growth, which is nice since it suggests I am closer than ever to having my Pirate Swordmaster Edea up and running.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1311 on: May 12, 2014, 04:39:10 AM »
Soul Nomad - Raksha. Ahahahahaha, that was great. Disappointed that the game seems to be moving onto a much more boring villain now, but we'll see. Also, the battle against ("real") Yavis and Parin was perhaps the first legitimately challenging one in the game! I actually had to think about things like positioning. My earlier squads are probably pretty wussy now, but I am too lazy to redo them.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1312 on: May 12, 2014, 12:14:32 PM »
Re: Fashion Souls
There's a barrel armor in game but no one knows how to get it. Maybe it's cut content!! Or future DLC!!

This doomed archery playthrough, I lit up a torch while I was covered in oil. Perhaps not the greatest idea I've had. The damage wasn't fatal though.
Instead I just got Smeltered. Dude I till the hardest boss. I tried to roll diagonally to the left but he didn't give a fuck. Couldn't dodge any of these  flame trail attacks. He never did that jump slash + Explosion thing with a ton of recovery time, and just did a metric ton of three slash combos instead.
I still got pretty far, I beat DDF and Sinner Waifu.

I rolled a mage instead and it really feels like EZ mode so far compared to archery. The only (extremely minor) problem is the lower range, but you can still snipe with binoculars, which I'm doing a lot.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 01:12:23 PM by Fenrir »

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1313 on: May 12, 2014, 06:00:20 PM »
Link's Awakening - Also known as "Where the fuck am I supposed to go now?". I guess this is why Zelda is popular on GameFAQs. I have certainly used GF for this game more than I have for anything in a long time. Just got the fifth instrument.

Super Metroid - Obtained the Power Bomb so now I can open yellow doors~

Trails in the Sky - Got the ambigiously gay Olivier and met up with the legendary cunt General Morgan.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1314 on: May 13, 2014, 02:35:09 AM »
Kirby Dream Land 3: Completed with all Heart Stars.  So here's my thoughts on the game...

While it's not as bad as KDL2, it has a lot of the same problems and feels soulless.  The thing about KDL2 though was that at the time, there were only two Kirby games before it.  KDL1 was about as barebones a platformer as you can get, and intended to be "Child's First Platformer" in a sense, so really, Kirby Adventure was the only strong entry in the franchise to go off of, so I can understand the hiccup there, and they wanted to give KDL2 it's own identity with animal helpers and such to expand upon was a misfire make no mistake, but at least the angle makes sense.

KDL3 doesn't have this excuse; it was released after Kirby Super Star, which took just about everything KA had to the next level.  Now yes, KDL3 shouldn't be a clone of KSS and do it's own thing, but instead it regressed in just about every area.  Let's look at each area in and of themselves:

Aesthetics:  The game is a clear downgrade from KSS.  Kirby and enemy sprites are smaller and less detailed, the backgrounds aren't as colored, and animations are just plain simpler.  Let's do a quick comparison shall we:



If I didn't know better, I'd say KDL3 came out first but that's not the case.  On top of that, enemy designs felt regularly very un-Kirby like.  Basic enemies were just generic grunts you'd see everything, given a slight Kirby Artstyle.  Oh sure, we had a few mainstays like Waddle Dees, the bird things, Gordos, Scarfies, etc. but we were also missing on a few key things, most obviously offhand were Waddle Doos, and instead we got...Kappas, Witches, Birds and Bats.  Now I don't mind having new enemies, but they should at least stand out; Kirby enemies regularly have a certain style to them and these new enemies regularly failed to capture that.

The Minibosses were even worse.  KDL2 already had this problem, bringing back only Mr. know, this guy:

Which made the other minibosses stand out as that much more less inspired.  Let's look at Mr. Frosty alone to display the point.  He's clearly a blue polar-bear guy, giving the obvious Ice Relations, but has a "cute" look despite his big appearance and even seems to be wearing overalls at that.  It's a simple yet effective and memorable design.  Kirby tends to reuse Minibosses throughout the series, but frankly considering his copy ability and the way the games function, it works pretty well.

KDL2 and 3, however, everything but him are basically just "Make it a living version of the elemental power!"  See, Mr. Frosty is related to his powers pretty clearly, but he isn't a literal manifestation of his powers.  In KDL3, the Fire Miniboss is literally a Walking Fireball.  The Spike Miniboss is an oversized Gordo (Gordo's being glorified hazards more so than enemies).

Where as other Kirby Games gave us things like this for Suplex and Hammer:

Quite a contrast, wouldn't you say?  Also, DeDeDe just looked kind of off this game.  Like, yeah, it was him, but he was more round with a smaller head, instead of...well, a huge round head with a slimmer (but still bulky) body.  I seem to recall K64 having a similar DeDeDe build.

So yeah, game just seemed to lack that Kirby feel at aesthetics, and instead just felt very generic by comparison.

Powers: Ok, this is the thing that stood out the most.  Kirby's powers in this game suck.  Every game has come up with a new power to get, or in some cases, has a new mechanic to make the power more interesting (K64's Power Mixing for example).  This game has one new power and that is Broom, which may be the single worst Kirby ability ever.

A short range attack that has no aerial worth whatsoever, was this a joke power?  Thing is, game makes you need it for multiple Heart Stars.  Animal Helpers have good versions right?  Not really;  outside of Pitch's Waterpail, they're all similarly bad.

The other powers...well...talking about Kirby himself...
Cutter is fine, I'll give it that.  It's pretty much unchanged.  Parasol received an unnecessary nerf in losing the slow fall properties, Spike and Spark have no range whatsoever, even by defensive move standards and worse, Spike stops your ascension.  Stone...HOW DO YOU MAKE STONE WORSE!?  Stone was always a highly one dimensional ability, but you know what? It worked.  It stopped you in mid-air and brought you straight down, which was good for getting on precise spots while staying protected.,  This game decides to remove Stone's trademark use of Freefall, and just kind of makes your fall at a sharper angle...while causing a slight roll too...umm...why would I want this?
Fireball seems cool at first, but then you realize how inconsistent the range is and it took away the "Smash against wall to bounce up" property and it's not that great.  Ice feels too slow and unwieldly.

To give the game credit, at least these powers do damage to bosses, so they're not as useless as they were in KDL2.

Animal Powers are an entirely other game, in that 90% of them are extremely awkward to use and just field unwieldly.  Not going to get into details, but many a time I hated using animals because their variants of powers just felt so much harder to make use of than the base one, and then there were really weird cases of the straight forward ones feeling underpowered.  Rick + Spark = Classic Beam.  ok, cool...BUT THEN THEY NERFED BEAM WHAT THE HELL?  Beam was in no way overpowered in KA, and even with the all the boosts it got in KSS, it was balanced, why did it need to be nerfed in trajectory?

To the game's credit again, at least the Heart Rod or whatever felt like a legitimate ultimate power...yeah, it was literally just the Star Rod all over again, but after the Rainbow Sword of KDL2, I don't mind reusing the same idea.

Also, the game has a lack of some key powers that were big in KA and/or KSS, like Sword, Hammer, Fighter, etc.  It had the very basic ones and that's it.  At least this game, he had his Dash (which felt awkward to use at times though) and the Slide back.  They also gave every animal some gimmick for platforming at least, like Rick can wall climb, or Nago has a Triple Jump, to not make them feel completely worse than Kirby who can fly.    And hey, they didn't force Kine on you a lot which is a plus!

Stage Design: Ok, there wasn't as much Gordo usage or self scrolling stages as KDL2, but stages still were poorly designed and uninspired.  The Heart Star idea was a pain because if you screw up ONCE you gotta restart the stage from the beginning and unlike KDL2, these stages are not short at all.  Heart Stars are not obvious in requirements and sometimes you have to do the opposite of expectations.

The fact that they are so patterened got old too.  Every World is structured like this:
Stage 1: Flower related
Stage 2: Power Related
Stage 3: Mini Game related (The last minigame can bite me on that note)
Stage 4: Collect Single Item
Stage 5: Have proper animal buddy
Stage 6: Collect x amount of whatever items

THAT'S IT.  There was no creative spin or anything like that, it was all that exact same pattern.  The patterned style just further shows how bland this was.

Also, while it held off on Self Scrolling stages compared to KDL2, there were a lot of segments which makes the stages that much longer, which is why I hate Self Scrolling Stages.  No, they aren't harder, they just make everything A LOT SLOWER.  They work in Mario mostly because Mario is paced in a way that self scrolling compliments it, but Kirby not so much; the games are designed that you can either try to blitz through them or take your time, forcing a pace on you just clashes with the game.  The game still loved underwater segments too, though the current segments were lowered a lot, thankfully, so a lot less "YOU MUST USE KINE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" nonsense. 

Oh, speaking of animal helpers, ChuChu can go die.  She's about as useless as they come, having some of the most awkward abilities and her platforming never came in handy.  Thankfully, you almost never have to use her, but when you do, it was the biggest chore.

Music: The game had like 3 main Kirby themes I recognized, one is Gourmet Race, the Hyper Theme, and DeDeDe's theme.  While yes, original themes are needed, you need to use some of the mainstays to help give that feel of the franchise.  The main Kirby theme (Stage 1 of KDL1 IOWs) was nowhere to be found, and the new songs just felt so generic too; I wouldn't say they were "Anti-Kirby" per se, just kind of there.  The only reason I would remember a song is because I was stuck having to do a stage multiple times for a Heart Star.

Also, I blame this game for the reason why they pretended Gourmet Race was the Kirby theme and people think that song was there since the beginning.  No, that song first appeared in KSS, hence why the name of the song is Gourmet Race; I know K64 brings it back but K64 uses it for Minigames...which is more or less where the song originated from!  Ok really, it's Smash 64's fault, but shhh!!!

So yeah, this is definitely a Kirby game I will probably never touch again.  It's like they took everything they learned in KSS and decided to use none of it, instead deciding KDL2 was the GOLDEN STANDARD.  After playing both KDL2 and KDL3, I can see why they didn't bring back the animal helper system.  Neat in theory, but in practice it just doesn't work out, and it's easier to just make more powers to run off of (or in K64, mix and match powers to allow fun combinations.)  Shame it sounds like it took until Return to Dream Land for them to bring back legitimate Power Movesets like KSS had; glad to hear K3D followed suit and recognized Powers having variety in and of themselves = Good!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1315 on: May 13, 2014, 12:59:40 PM »
Roguesouls 2: I think I underestimated fist weapons because I keep coming back to double caestuses and keep having better results than with anything else.

They're not really a lategame weapon at all, or require that much investment actually. Raise that strength stat to 40 ASAP and dual wield them and you're good to go. (This takes liek 3 bosses? Dragonrider, Last Giant, Skellies. Boom) At this point early on you are totally awesome but can't really improve anymore: Investing in str or dex only improves AR by 1 or 2, and upgrades by like 5.

Maybe the best midgame weapons after the imba Great Hammers.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1316 on: May 13, 2014, 10:03:38 PM »
I wouldn't hesitate to call them one of the best weapons. One of the easiest runs I've had through the game and definitely the most enjoyable (if I just feel like wasting some bosses as a phantom instead of making genuine progress, this is the file I generally load up). Damage can stack up very quickly off of low-commitment attacks. Don't have to worry about weight or endurance at all. I just ramped STR up to 50 and DEX up to 40 (41-50 does get you some diminishing results in DS2, it's 51+ that you really start needing multiple levels to see a single point of damage increase). Nothing else I cared about save HP and enough ADP to not get stabbed while healing. The only point against them I'd say is their inability to connect with some of the wonkier boss hitboxes (and this is the fault of boss designers more than the weapon). This was a problem for Velstadt and basically got me killed; I couldn't practically hit Throne Defender at all, so have a backup plan if you make it that far.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1317 on: May 13, 2014, 11:02:08 PM »
How feasible is a single one or is the move set too shitty with just one?  Because the idea of running around with a shield and punching shit is pretty great but also if it is a shallow investment (like SL40-50 when I understand "end game" or accepted PVP levels is 150 or so) or you could grab a Talisman or somethiing then it could pinch hit into Caster stuff fairly easy yeah?  Asking for a friend obviously.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1318 on: May 13, 2014, 11:24:40 PM »
Caestus has really low requirements of just 10/7 STR/DEX and two classes have those stats to start and two more classes would only need one level to use them.  Even the class with the worst comparable stats would only end up SL18 to use a caestus.  The lightest 100% PHYS reduce shield takes 12 STR, but it's a few bosses in and there's one earlier that takes 16 STR.

Don't know about the one caestus moveset.  It's been too long since I recall it.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1319 on: May 13, 2014, 11:46:00 PM »
How feasible is a single one or is the move set too shitty with just one?  Because the idea of running around with a shield and punching shit is pretty great but also if it is a shallow investment (like SL40-50 when I understand "end game" or accepted PVP levels is 150 or so) or you could grab a Talisman or somethiing then it could pinch hit into Caster stuff fairly easy yeah?  Asking for a friend obviously.

Dual wield is more fun but I give that a solid Viable/10.
You get one ultra fast punch and one slightly slower more damaging punch (that gets chained into an uppercut!!)
You can also wield it in both hands to do that weird catch move, but meh.

The shield might actually complement the caestus well, since fist weapons use very little stamina.
Still, blocking a hit drains stamina so you need 20 End at some point. (this isn't necessary early on)
40 Str is also the bare minimum for a good caestus and you need this ASAP.
I'd also get at least 20 VIT (This is the HP stat) fairly soon.
ADP is less useful with a shield, I'd keep it very low.
VIG lets you carry more stuff, it's kind of cool but armor doesn't matter that much, and you can keep it low too.

You can still invest in some other stats, like Attunement. Get that to like 20 once you finally find that pyro flame, and you'll get four spell slots? Pyromancy basically costs nothing but spell slots and items you find by exploring, so you get a niiice complement to that caestus for a low cost.

So yeah I'd suggest grabbing a caestus, the biggest shield you can find (Or just the Wicked Eye Greatshield which is just way too cool) and a pyro flame. Tank every hit then punch/burn everything.
Eat all the boss souls.
Cool ass build actually.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 12:06:51 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1320 on: May 14, 2014, 12:33:38 AM »
Sinner and Rotten down.
40 STR, 40 VIT, 40 ADP, 15 DEX

Also using a Sea Bow.

I should have kept track of all my deaths in roguelike mode. Most come from underestimating the opponent because I can't possibly be on guard 100% of the time.
Just going from memory here (All these meant having to restart the game entirely):

- Forest of Giants: 2x "Well I'm just not going to die in the first level"
- Forest of Giants: 2x "Well i'm just not going to die against the first boss" *gets turned into a pancacke*
- Forest of Giants: 2x "I'll fight the Pursuer on the rooftop, I'll just escape if I get hurt too much. Wait... Let me roll out of the way... DAMN IT"

- Tower of Flame: 2x "Those combos actually hurt more than I remem- WAIT NO"
- Tower of Flame: 1x rolling into the water

- Majula: 2x "Allright with 10 VIT and the Cat's Ring I should probably survive that fall..."
- Majula: 2x "Allright with 20 VIT and the Cat's Ring I should probably survive that fall... .......Oh shit I forgot to equip the Cat's Ring!!"

- Grave of Saints: 2x "I know I'm doing that level straight away isntead of later, but hey, it's just RRA. I can't lose right?"

- The Gutter: 2x rolling or getting pushed into a bottomless pits
- The Gutter: 1x "Sliding down that ladder wheeee WHAT WHY"
- The Gutter: 1x "Regular zombie-types. Cute."
- No Man's Wharf: 1x "Shallow water. My favourite kind of water" *Falls into the bottomless water straight ahead*

- Belfry Luna: 2x "Dwarves. LOL"

- Lost Bastille: 2x Super Sentinel Helicopter

- Huntsman's Copse: 1x *gets teleported into a bottomless pit* WHAT
- Huntsman's Copse: 2x red phantom death
- Huntsman's Copse: 1x "There's some Uber Bone Dust there, I need to make that jump. Thankfully I've never actually failed it.
- Huntsman's Copse: 1x "There's some Uber Bone Dust there, I need to make that jump. Thankfully I've only actually failed it that one other time

- Shaded Woods: 2x deaths agains the Disgusting Penis Demon ambush
- Shaded Woods: 2x backstabs trying to get the Cloranthy Ring
- Shaded Woods: 1x death against Flexile redux

- Iron Keep: 2x "Allright, Smelter is mean, but THIS TIME I COME WITH 50 VIT... "
- Iron Keep: 1x "That turtle trap is so cute. I don't see how ... NO"
- Iron Keep: 1x "Allright, not underestimating that turtle trap this time. Oh crap get out of the way. NONONOOOO"

- Brightstone Cove: 1x Prowling Magus defeat. Such embarassment.

- Shrine of Amana: 1x "The hardest part of the game right here. ... Wait the fighters' aggro range is this close? RUUUUUUUN"


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1321 on: May 14, 2014, 12:34:00 AM »
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Finished Act V.  Haven't really messed with Adventure Mode or Rifts or anything.  There's a lot positive to say about D3's later evolution - the magical items are more interesting than D3's "here have a big pile of stats", smart loot by class and canning the auction house is great, the runes & skills were nicely rebalanced, etc.  The boss fights in Act V are pretty well designed, too - lots of area-denial & telegraphed-but-not-too-much attacks, I approve.  That said, there's still a problem.

Enemy damage has been nerfed just too damn much.  Especially regular enemies.  Okay dying to a sudden lag spike in D3 1.03/1.04 wasn't tons of fun, but classic D3 was certainly exciting.  Enemies would actually punish you if you screwed up.  I tested this out, and my Demon Hunter - the most mobile-but-fragile class - can just sit there and facetank randoms 24/7, getting a ton of auto-dodges + life-on-hit healing to stay afloat.  Okay, fine, I have a rather conservative build for a DH, but this still shouldn't work except on the easiest difficulties.  So...  why not just be a Tallychu and play Torment 4 then or whatever to get your jollies, you ask?  The problem is that enemy HP is still comparatively excellent.  Especially, again, randoms!  It takes *eons* to kill stuff at Torment 1 (possibly the fault of a not aggreesive enough build / item loadout).  It's still really slow at Master.  It's plain not fun to have to actually worry about dying AND take forever to kill anything - let me just maul randoms and have it still take "too long" while never being in peril.  It's a shame, because the gameplay is still solid, just having bullet-sponge enemies who tap you gently with their attacks is a combo for zzzzzzzzzzz.  Give me enemies who die fast but also kill me fast.  Damn casuals who want to never be threatened but still feel like they've achieved something so look how much HP I took down.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1322 on: May 14, 2014, 02:01:24 AM »
- Majula: 2x "Allright with 20 VIT and the Cat's Ring I should probably survive that fall... .......Oh shit I forgot to equip the Cat's Ring!!"

I feel like this has to have been the worst.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1323 on: May 14, 2014, 04:34:28 AM »
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Started this game, not much to say other than I can already tell there's a large dose of NOMURA!!!! running through this put things lightly...

Kirby 64: The crystal Shards: Just beat Rock Star.  You know, this game really comes off as them really wanting to make good on ideas they had KDL3 but make them not suck at the same time.  They're succeeding too!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1324 on: May 14, 2014, 06:21:01 AM »
Now I am trying to understand how some stat scaling works.

So if you went Fire Cestus/Pyro Flame, Pyro Flame has Fire Scaling.  Does that boost the Fire damage on the Cestus (Fire Bonus?  Is Fire Bonus just from Int/Faith scaling?)
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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