
Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 212044 times)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1425 on: May 23, 2014, 12:48:37 AM »
Transistor: Marathoned.  It was... ok.  Good, even.  But not nearly as good as Bastion, and unfortunately that is a comparison the developers heavily invited on themselves, advertising and selling the game entirely on the strengths of "from the makers of Bastion!  With Logan Cunningham!" etc.   In addition to making parts of the game strongly resemble Bastion when they didn't have to, particularly the Backdoor hub area.  So it's hard to get away from that when talking about it.

The gameplay at least is very fun and not much like Bastion's, despite appearing similar at first glance.  It's more like... I dunno, SRPG DDS, or Frozen Synapse if anyone else played that.  There are really two battle systems going on at once, and you can choose to use either or both: A. basic realtime run around and hit things, wherein individual skills have their own cooldowns, and B. the Turn() system, which lets you stop time and queue up a sequence of movement and attacks which you then execute near-instantly.  The catch is that coming out of Turn() has a long cooldown during which you can do nothing but walk around.

Turn() is super awesome and fun, lets you constantly feel like you're stopping time and omnislashing crowds to death, or surgical striking certain targets, or whatever you please.  It's not the best choice in every situation, though, and your Turn is not *quite* instantaneous or uninterruptible.  Certain enemies can teleport away or counterattack even in the middle of a Turn, and lategame opponents have their own Turn system they can use against you - quite dangerous!

The actual skills and attacks you use are... well the system is complicated to explain but not that bad to set up in practice.  You have some number of slots for active skills, active skills can have other skills attached to them to modify and boost their effects (like materia links, or Diablo 3 runes), there's a max Memory limit keeping your total abilities in check, and on top of all this your skills are also your party members and using them more unlocks more bios and conversations with them.  Quite a lot of builds and customizations are possible, but each individual skill is pretty easy to grasp.

Fights themselves are kind of lacking though, after a while, and while many builds are possible, if you have any amount of basic gaming skill and some rudimentary Turn() strategy it's not hard to hack through everything using whatever you want.  Getting "killed" doesn't even kill you, it just disables one of your active skills until the next save point or two.  I guess you could die if you ran out of all skills but that seems very difficult to do, I only got skill broken a couple of times across the whole game.

Atmosphere and aesthetics are, of course, the game's other major selling point, and on this point it definitely delivers.  Music and visual design are A+++++, the atmosphere is incredible, lots of lavish little touches, very immersive, neat world, general praise.  This is where it certainly exceeds Bastion, even.  There's even some online integration, you can see ghostly flickers of other players walking around sometimes, and interact with them (sort of) by humming and dancing.

Characters and story though... not... so much.  Transistor takes the "start in media res, explain nothing" style of narrative up to 11, and while I respect that style, it does come with some risks and I think the game does run afoul of those.  Especially compared to Bastion, which did the same thing but much better.  By the end of Bastion, I was emotionally sold on caring about all the characters to some extent, and they all had some depth except for The Kid.  By the end of Transistor, I was sold on Red (the protagonist), but... that was about it.  She has some depth, but all the other characters are mostly one-note, even the Logan Cunningham Narrator Plot Device Sword. 

And, avoiding spoilers, but... that ending... the ending is bad.  The depth that Red does have feels like it's concealed from the player and only comes out at the very end, making for a very jarring "wait, what just happened?" conclusion.  Bastion offered 2 x2 choices in the endgame, and all options felt real and valid and like the player could "own" their actions, even though there was one clearly encouraged path.  Transistor offers no choices at all to the player, Red acts on her own, and the actions she chooses made me seriously reconsider the connection and understanding I had felt with her up until then.  This was a big deal to me and had a significant impact on my enjoyment of the game when immediately looking back on it.

Transistor is also short.  Very short.  Like 4 hours short.  I wish it was about 1.5x to 2x as long, both in gameplay and story.  There isn't enough meat there to fully explore either the combat ("Oh come on, enemies just started getting Turn()!  We're out of the tutorial now, things are just getting interesting!") or the storyline ("Oh, finally, a hint to an actual plot and some explanation - wait it's over?").  Other than the incredible amount of polish on the aesthetics, it feels more like an amateur tech demo than a complete game, like we should be waiting for "Bastion, from the makers of Transistor!" rather than vice versa.  There are "limiters," which are like Bastion's challenge idols but less fleshed out.  There are challenge rooms for survival and skill training, like Bastion's but less fleshed out (too easy, and they close after beating them once, unlike Bastion's which you could replay endlessly). 

It's pretty.  It's fun.  I certainly don't regret playing Transistor, and taking it on its own it's probably a solid 7/10 or so.  But I also can't help but feel disappointed at the amount of unrealized potential, and the constant comparison to Bastion *really* pushes that in your face.  Final verdict: a fine game that could and probably should have been more than fine.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1426 on: May 23, 2014, 12:53:08 AM »
Two-Handed only doubles the -wielded weapon power-, I thought. Doubling the actual -attack- stat post-weapon modifiers is a different ballpark.

That said, Natural Talent's still a terrible skill, it exists only for shiny numbers.

Can't equip weapons with it.  Minor functional difference .  Fuck the skill and it should feel bad for being terrible.  If it let you equip accessories or more FFT monk style stripped your Helm slot it would maybe be okay.

Level 14 skill like it is though?  lol.  I could use it if I wanted to stay in Monk forever I guess.  Which I have no inclination to do.  Monk blows and is boring.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1427 on: May 23, 2014, 12:54:55 AM »
Child of Light: Girl, you'll be a woman soon.

The POWER OF THE MOON is now mine. Presently under the sea (because that's the solution to everything). I actually had a gameover today! "*MT magic* -> Oh that's right, these guys counter magic. *casts another spell at critical HP because surely this one will finish the enemies, right? It doesn't*" Total stupidity on my part. Hard mode does tend to peg the better bosses 'round the level of "Crap, the whole party's out of MP, this guy better die in the next couple attacks or I'll have to actually use an item. *Boss dies in the next couple attacks*" Which I think is a fine place for boss difficulty to be. Forgot to mention it before, but hard mode also appears to take away the in-battle healing/MP restoration you get with flowers. This actually matters for bosses! (Not so much for randoms since you level up constantly and the game swipes the whole full-heals-on-levelup thing from P2.)

Last progress for a few days since going out of town tomorrow.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1428 on: May 23, 2014, 01:01:42 AM »
Two-Handed only doubles the -wielded weapon power-, I thought. Doubling the actual -attack- stat post-weapon modifiers is a different ballpark.

That said, Natural Talent's still a terrible skill, it exists only for shiny numbers.

Can't equip weapons with it.  Minor functional difference .  Fuck the skill and it should feel bad for being terrible.  If it let you equip accessories or more FFT monk style stripped your Helm slot it would maybe be okay.

Level 14 skill like it is though?  lol.  I could use it if I wanted to stay in Monk forever I guess.  Which I have no inclination to do.  Monk blows and is boring.

It also adds the power of fists (which, with Knuckle Lore, as you mentioned, actually -matters-, since it's a Level*affinity power weapon with that). Without that, though, it'd be useless even as a shiny number depository.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1429 on: May 23, 2014, 01:08:36 AM »
Yes.  And that opportunity cost is still dumb and bad and needs to die in a fire.  Too lazy to math it out, but knee jerk is saying that needs it only starts to outpace the boosts of Double Hand at like post level 50 at the cost of an extra skill slot where you could just as easily place P.atk + 10%, so they are competing with that too, bumps it +5 or 10 levels on top. 

A super late game skill that comes at the cost of literally all your defense is so very very bad.

You are right at the end there.  Did you get Gen?  You can get her straight after the Giant fight and I didn't realise so missed her because I thought there was going to be more game... (not that this bothers me.  She is still boring and is filling in holes left behind).
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1430 on: May 23, 2014, 03:05:47 AM »
Natural Talent is a 1 CP skill, and is better than anyting else for boosting offense assuming you use fists (which you can in Monk by default). If you are looking for big shiny offense it can definitely help. You can certainly hit the damage cap with other gimmicks, but Natural Talent is useful if you are of a mind to just out and out KO a boss with Bravely Second. Otherwise you can play around with that + See You In Hell/Revive or Auto-Phoenix for some amusing ways of messing with enemies. It's there if you feel you really must have one PC capable of laying down 70K+ damage/turn in various twisted ways (Rages, SEe you in Hell, etc). And I've played around to OHKO the final boss with relatively minimal effort buffing and a single SP. You can probably use it as a part of a setup to blitz the final boss fight's 2 'real' portions. Unfortunately it is harder to do this with the penultimate boss because of the HP buffering.

Zone of the Enders HD:
Played through 2nd Runner. The translation remains absolutely terrible and no good too. The visuals aren't impressive enough to warrant mention in this day and age, having no real artistic value either. The gameplay is interesting because being able to teleport and throw around mechs like baseballs is amusing. Two bosses stand out as really quite annoying this time. Both the Viola AI fight and the "Damaged Jehuty" Anubis showdown were frustrating due to rather stupid limits for fairly difficult fights (Viola randomly decides to destroy herself and cause a game-over! Anubis can KO you in a single combo and the mechanics of fighting it are wonky due to the teleportation!) Otherwise it's enjoyable enough but I can't recommend this game series anymore.

MVP Subweapon is Gauntlet. Because it is just so dang useful in a variety of missions that would otherwise be incredibly frustrating. City defense, Tunnel train fight, War sequence....
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 03:13:32 AM by Pyro »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1431 on: May 23, 2014, 03:06:59 AM »
Fishgirl was acquired (I am extremely thorough! I fight everything and loot everything I can find before moving on.) She's okay as an enemy delaying mechanism, obviously not outshining Slow or anything but functional enough. Haven't tried her other skills at all. I should maybe use paralysis more since nothing seems to immune status in this game. Standard party tends to be something like Aurora + either happy clown or capitalist rodent to interrupt enemies, sub in Finn for one or the other if I need elemental nukes. I have barely used sad clown because slowing enemies > hasting party given how frequently you might be swapping party members, or the slow bruisers (although Oengus could be useful as a distraction I guess?) which is pretty par for the course with me in games where speed actually matters.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1432 on: May 23, 2014, 03:43:35 AM »
On normal at least Oengus was pretty amazing, especially if you use Sad Clown to buff him.  Between mixing Taunt + defend and his basic physical being pretty solid in late game environment where Magic is sometimes punished he is a solid performer.

The best use I found for Haste was buffing Sad Clown so he could dump interrupt ignore and defense buffs on people better.  Slow is hands down the better status, but Haste being significantly cheaper lasting 8 turns and off Sad Clown competing with Slow from Mouse being expensive and only lasting a couple made it significantly more competitive.  That said Haste was something I found that I would apply tactically while Slow was something you would just slap on universally.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1433 on: May 23, 2014, 04:51:33 AM »
KH3D: Congrats, for finishing the first set of worlds you get to...GO BACK TO TRAVERSE TOWN BECAUSE TWEWY!

...what?  That's pretty much what happened, honest!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1434 on: May 23, 2014, 07:23:16 AM »
Any time I see more than three sentences from Meep I just assume I'll be bored and skip it so maybe try that.

In my defense I was reading from my phone scrolling upward and unfortunately didn't realize it was Meeple until I got the jist of the post. Really, it is my own fault.

Does it hurt to be that far up your own ass?  What is this, second grade?  You need a time out?

Oh no I'm not paying equal attention to everyone and also not giving everyone a valentine on Valentine's Day.  How terrible of me.  What do you expect me to do, read a bunch of words about shit that doesn't interest me because everyone is special?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 07:26:56 AM by Anthony Edward Stark »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1435 on: May 23, 2014, 07:45:26 AM »
What I expect is that you keep being an ass.  What I hope is that you be a bit quieter about it.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1436 on: May 23, 2014, 08:13:37 AM »
Oh no I'm not paying equal attention to everyone and also not giving everyone a valentine on Valentine's Day.  How terrible of me.  What do you expect me to do, read a bunch of words about shit that doesn't interest me because everyone is special?

Wait... I'm not getting a Valentine from you? I am outraged! As punishment, you have to play Dawn of Mana.

Child of Light: Finished. Quick game, the best kind of game for my schedule. Helps that it is highly polished and a lot of fun at base. I didn't manage to find the "Golem" PC. No idea where to look, and I only know it exists due to gamefaqs. Still, despite that, great game overall. The three main bosses were all decently challenging and a lot of fun throwing all the different PCs at them. The 'equipment' system in the game is a little bit at odds with the idea of using all the PCs though. I ended up using Sad Clown and Bulky Mask the most, with Aurora being a primary switch-in.

After beating the game, you're sent back to the beginning with all your PCs and stats, but apparently this is not the same as NG+, where you just keep your stats. Not quite sure the point of the 'epilogue' there. Game needs more documentation online. 8/10-9/10 game.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1437 on: May 23, 2014, 11:13:09 AM »
Epilogue appears to just be for doing stuff you missed.  I have no idea of a "Golem" PC.

Edit - It is DLC.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1438 on: May 23, 2014, 12:48:46 PM »
This is the second best DLC golem PC I've ever seen

I don't know why I want to do it melee Cid. Magic just feels kind of boring. Will do it if I fail too many times. I'm done with the Murakumo for now, it's too stupid. I'll try getting something that sounds almost as equally dangerous to get at the beginning of the game instead; the Great Scythe.

Grefter you have to die against Seath once in some BS unbeatable fight unless you use do some insanely tricky and dangerous (and unintented obviously) jump to completely skip it.

I think I'll just practice the jump with another character
Then fail it with my main No Deaths character
And say "Ok whatever, fuck the first fight with Seath, it doesn't count"

Zenny: Guessing you're getting the second one? Did you play the first one?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 11:01:35 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1439 on: May 23, 2014, 02:01:53 PM »
Civ 5- Immortal game, default settings, using Polynesia. The only change I made was turning off diplomatic wins and kept policy saving on. This is unusual, as I usually have barbs/CS/ancient ruins off and play with my setup some.  I'm halfway through the renaissance and competitive in tech; which means I'll probably win the game.

I was able to build the Great Library and the Temple of Artemis, which is amazingly lucky on Immortal. A lot of that was stumbling over El Dorado first and getting lucky on finding survivors in ancient ruins, but still. The AI completely ignored both wonders, I turned on IGE and checked- the closest civ was 10 turns away from building the library. Still, yay, good start right? Nope. The neighbors make up for it.

Polynesia's UA was actually pretty important here. I met most of the CSes first, so that was an appreciable jump in gold.

I have Rome to my north (They literally went hostile to me on the third turn after I met them), Japan to my east, and Persia to my west. The first reset is where I go to war, lose my westernmost city, and have Rome *and* Japan DoW me midway through the process. Yeah. Turns out I saved a turn before Persia backstabbed me and declares war, so I have to monkey around a bit. Thankfully all three civs are deceptive/friendly rather than hostile. I sell some luxuries to Persia for all their cash before war starts and use the money to bribe Rome into DoWing Gandhi. This is super criticial, as Rome has a direct border with my capital city.  Japan will only declare war if they see weakness, so thankfully they don't DoW me.  I end up forcing a stalemale, but have to switch from wonder whoring to building military to prevent from getting steamrolled by the AI.

 I end up getting into a two front war with Rome and Persia in the late Medieval era, but I have a Great General at that point so a Citadel+archer in Captial means Rome can't do shit besides annoy me until artillery. The western front with Persia was a bloody meatgrinder again, but thankfully I only lose 3-4 units and not a city. I'm not worried about Persia after this war, as they have Austria on their borders and are a small empire. I am pretty appreciably outteching them already, just they had a lot of bodies to throw at me.

Besides that, Austria has a giant ass empire I an mercifully unconnected with. I am going to have DoW them as soon as I get planes, they are buying up CS at an alarming rate and I'm not going to be able to win the space race against them.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1440 on: May 24, 2014, 03:48:24 AM »
Kingdom Hearts 3D: So ok, I knew Mickey was a total bad ass in the Kingdom Hearts universe; anyone who has played KH2 knows that.  What I didn't know is that the KH universe actually ACKNOWLEDGES how bad ass he is.

Case in point: Maleficent and Pete have to kidnap Minnie in hopes to blackmail Mickey into giving up a macguffin.  When this fails, does Maleficent try to go for "Plan B: TAKE BY FORCE!"?  Hell no, she presses the abort button and gets out of there, pretty much acknowledging she'd get her ass kicked.  Granted, he had support in the form of a few others, but still, this pretty much confirms that Maleficent fears Mickey Mouse.  Yes, Maleficent, the top evil Disney villain the KH-verse, is running scared of Mickey Mouse.

Say what you will about KH Universe plot, this is one thing it has done oh so right.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1441 on: May 24, 2014, 03:54:57 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions: into chapter 2 now.  Game is really feeling like a significantly harder (but still not amazingly hard) FF5 with moderately worse execution mechanically (some of which I know about because I FAQed).

I am somewhat strongly unfond of e.g. the way the game seems to emphasize fusion abilities as the best skills in game, doesn't tell you how to get any of them, and then compounds the problem by capping all job levels at 3 unless you spend a finite* resource (blindly) to increase those caps; it seems entirely likely that without FAQs, you'll miss most of the good F-abilities outright as a lot of them aren't exactly intuitive combinations.  It's also compounded a fair bit that a number of core optimization abiltiies are very deep in some jobs, really limiting your options for building characters if you don't want them to be terrible (examples: any magic user, whether offensive or healer, who doesn't have Black Mage 20 is awful; missing Paladin 14 on any light-side melee halves your damage potential; missing Ninja 20 on any dark-side melee similarly halves your damage potential).  It reminds me of the worse aspects of Diablo 2 character building and feels very stifling in a job-system game.

That all said, still enjoying the game.  I feel a bit overleveled though.

(* said resource is not finite in aftergame if you feel like grinding your balls off)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1442 on: May 24, 2014, 09:02:46 AM »
Bravely Default: Chapter 5.
Cleaned out the asterisk fights (despite the fact that it's not really clear that Eternia is in the wrong anymore...?  Well the part about the wind/water/fire dying is certainly bad and Agnes fixes it, but nobody seems very interested in how that worked.)  Then cleaned out the dragons, then did the Vampire asterisk and figured out where the game was going since he clues you in pretty well.  Haha, that's interesting.  Okay, fine, I wanted to bust a crystal anyway but Orthos & Rusalka gave me Genomes I didn't want to have to repeat getting again, and oh look Sage Yulyana confirms Agnes is the angel and says everything is going like it did in the BAD version.  Well now I even have an excuse in-character to bust a crystal to vary things up.  So I do it after Chaugmar (who is EZ) and - hooray, plot confirmed, that's pretty fun (if aggravating in that Our Villain is correct in WHY DIDN'T PEOPLE ASK MORE QUESTIONS EARLIER).  Except it also rushed me straight to the Finale, and not Finale Bravely Default.  Should I reset, or let autosave take its course?  I don't want to have to replay the game to get Finale Bravely Defualt, and if there's an NG+ option I don't want to make C6-C8 super EZ from having to level enough to beat the final bosses.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1443 on: May 24, 2014, 09:44:02 AM »
Zenny: Guessing you're getting the second one? Did you play the first one?

I actually hadn't decided yet.

Then Steam put Dark Souls 1 on sale for 7 dollars.

So I have that now and am trying to avoid installing it asap.

Any time I see more than three sentences from Meep I just assume I'll be bored and skip it so maybe try that.

In my defense I was reading from my phone scrolling upward and unfortunately didn't realize it was Meeple until I got the jist of the post. Really, it is my own fault.

Does it hurt to be that far up your own ass?  What is this, second grade?  You need a time out?

Oh no I'm not paying equal attention to everyone and also not giving everyone a valentine on Valentine's Day.  How terrible of me.  What do you expect me to do, read a bunch of words about shit that doesn't interest me because everyone is special?
What I expect is that you keep being an ass.  What I hope is that you be a bit quieter about it.

Yep now is where I point out that Meeple is acting more mature than all of us at this very moment.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 09:50:18 AM by Makkotah »

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1444 on: May 24, 2014, 03:33:20 PM »
@Snowfire, you don't need to reset, it takes you back to where you left off afterward.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1445 on: May 24, 2014, 05:52:22 PM »
FF Dimensions: No really notable progress since the last post.  I mostly play it not at home and I haven't been not at home.

Pokemon Flawless Platinum: This is a ROM hack of Pokemon Platinum, pretty much the usual sort of thing - makes all 493 pokemon catchable, rebalances the pokemon to make more (all?) of them much more viable endgame choices, rebalances trainers' teams etc. etc. difficulty hack.  Comes in two flavors, regular and Challenge Mode (challenge mode has progressively higher level curve and trainers have progressively larger teams throughout the game).  I'm playing the Challenge Mode variety.  Looking at the documentation, almost every final evolution has been boosted up to at least 500 BST (there's a few in the 480-500 range, but generally speaking 500).

Took Piplup as starter.  The net sum of changes to him in this hack: his Ability is now a 50/50 shot of either Torrent or Swift Swim (I got Swift Swim).  Perhaps I should plain on strategies involving rain.  As for the rest, he's seen very slight shifts to his bases bringing him (along with all other starters) to 545 BST at Empoleon, who has also seen his typing change to Water/Ice.  As the moveset goes, he trades out Brine, Metal Claw and Aqua Jet for Aurora Beam, Icy Wind and Ice Shard respectively, which strikes me as a net positive... if only barely, that typing change hurts.

Lost to Barry.  At this early stage of the game, all trainers have +1 level over the hack's normal mode, and Barry was no exception, hitting me with L6 Turtwig.  Withdraw > Growl in this situation.

Now considering what sort of team I want to shoot for.  A rain team might be an idea, using a Drizzle Politoed to set up; Water's probably one of the types that's least bad to run duplicates of, and there's plenty of dual-types for coverage to be had.  Empoleon itself would handle grass types well with Ice Shard.  Other Swift Swimmers at my disposal include Lumineon, Floatzel, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Ludicolo, Kingdra, Mantine, Qwilfish, Omastar, Kabutops, and Seaking.  Food for thought, anyway.

Labyrinth of Touhou: Started a new game of this, which will amount to I believe my fourth run of the game now, maybe third, I dunno.  Regular new game rather than NG+, attempting a challenge run where I only recruit and use the 14 PCs the game forces on you.  This means I get no status removal all game, which is sure to be joyful.  Currently walled on the 2F boss fight with Youmu; I'm pretty sure I just flat out need another level to have a reasonable chance of beating her.  So I'll grind more later.  In a normal run I could probably take her at this level, but in a normal run I'd have things like potent ST healing and a backup tank that I don't get here. 

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1446 on: May 24, 2014, 06:10:50 PM »
Legend of Dragoon- Minimalist/Story run. Beat Grand Jewel. Meru just went up two dragoon levels in one fight, hilarious~
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1447 on: May 24, 2014, 06:50:53 PM »
Zenny: Guessing you're getting the second one? Did you play the first one?

I actually hadn't decided yet.

Then Steam put Dark Souls 1 on sale for 7 dollars.

So I have that now and am trying to avoid installing it asap.

You could at least install it now and patch DSFix to save you the hassle later.
Also you'll need a controller, apparently it's horrible with KB+M
And remember that upgrading your weapon is a lot more important than levelling up.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1448 on: May 24, 2014, 09:18:51 PM »
Captain K: Fair enough.  I'd been assuming before that the "bad ending" referred to by others was to blindly follow and re-enact the previous world's events, and the "good ending" would be what I got onto via breaking the crystal.  Oh well, it's still cool that the game at least lets you respond to its hints and take it off the rails.

On a more random BD note, checking a FAQ, I see that White Wind is basically an easter egg - to get it you need to not only Charm one specific enemy at low HP, but it needs to either be in C4 (aka before I even had Vampire) or in the final dungeon (whew for that to not enrage completionists at least).  I suppose some ability had to be in there as a reward for the obscura-hunters.  (And in fairness attempting to run Vampirism as your only group healing is asking for trouble anyway when big MT attacks are one of the dangers you face and exactly where WW is potentially bad.)

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1449 on: May 24, 2014, 09:58:41 PM »
Captain K: Fair enough.  I'd been assuming before that the "bad ending" referred to by others was to blindly follow and re-enact the previous world's events, and the "good ending" would be what I got onto via breaking the crystal.  Oh well, it's still cool that the game at least lets you respond to its hints and take it off the rails.

That would make a lot more sense than what they actually did.

And yeah you're pretty much correct about White Wind. Oh well, not like there haven't been easter egg-like blue magic spells before.

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