
Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 247735 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1850 on: July 26, 2014, 09:07:54 PM »
Started Star Ocean 4 in the meantime.

...Why?  To make ToV look really really good by comparison?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1851 on: July 27, 2014, 09:58:06 AM »
999- Fin.

This game.  One of the things I tend to get passionate about occasionally is video games as a storytelling medium.  I know, I'm dumb.  And no small number of conversations on the matter come back to "video games have to tell stories through gameplay because that's what they have!" and it annoys me no end.

This game is a great example of why it annoys me.  Someone looked at other VNs and said "wait, we should be integrating these gameplay mechanics like NG+ and story branching into the plots."  And they wrote a story around that.  It's a pretty good plot even.  But they're so hung up about remaining true to that original concept and maintaining that connection between gameplay mechanics and the plot that they sacrifice all meaningful storytelling conventions.  Aside from the first escape being pretty decent as an introduction the game managed to completely lose me about halfway through and never got me back because I knew the rough shape of the plot twists coming up ahead.  And nothing in the telling of those twists was really all that interesting.

This is the sort of thing I mean if I've ever mentioned "indy bullshit" in relation to gaming.  And yes 999 is not technically an indy production.  But it has the stuff that I don't like about a lot of independent development.  Being too caught up in your concept to have good solid fundamentals.  Being concerned with verisimilitude and adherence to themes over having engaging writing.  Sacrificing both gameplay to plot and storytelling to gameplay simultaneously.

999 isn't really a bad game.  It's just also not a good game, and it's not-a-good-game in a way that ticks me off for personal reasons.  Still, I also chewed right through all 16 hours I ended up playing it for, so can't be that harsh on it.  And at least it didn't have me half convinced I irrevocably screwed myself over.  5/10.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1852 on: July 27, 2014, 02:32:20 PM »
FE13- Vaike is at 31 speed at L9 warrior. So shiny. It makes up for Chrom being slow. Just finished L13, recruited a couple of the kids. I might use them a little, but not a huge fan of project PC's. Not even bothering with Lucina.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1853 on: July 28, 2014, 04:30:13 AM »
The Wind Waker HD: Just got to the big Deku Tree Island thing. 

Well, I'll give the game one thing that I didn't expect:

Link comes off as an actual character, or at least, as much as you can expect a Silent Protagonist to have.  He has actual emotions that extend beyond


No seriously, look at any other 3D Link, everything he does in those scenes can be summed up by those two faces with the rare instance of a smile.

I can see why they chose the Toon style thinking it was a good idea for the time; making it unrealistic allows for far more creative, exaggerated emotions without worrying about the "HYPER REALISTIC!" look.  So when Link is caught in an awkward yet dangerous situation, his reaction being basically...well...

actually works!  It'd come off as extremely awkward otherwise.  Also, because of the art style, there's definitely a sense of light heartedness in this game; it seems to want to sell "ADVENTURE HO! Have fun!" and less "EPIC STORY!!!" like Twilight Princess (which I've seen the LP of) seemed to try.

Also, branching from that, game seems to be doing a good job of NOT making Link the "CHOSEN HERO!", but rather an incidental one.  Look at OoT where the Deku Tree is like "by the way, Link, I think you're the legendary hero...go save the world!"  and it's basically "Wait, why this kid?  What's so special about him?" and the game sort of dances around why Link is special.  In Wind Waker, Link isn't special; he just had his Bar Mitzvah, went to go see something weird happening in the woods so he stole borrowed the one sword in the village, and things sort of snowball from there until "Oh crap, my sister has been kidnapped, better go save her!" which leads to

This makes the story actually more meaningful than "CHOSEN HERO!" simply because there's a legitimate motive.  The motive here is "Save your sister" contrast to OoT where it was "Go save the world...that isn't actually in danger...and will only be in danger because you're trying to save know, this entire crisis could be prevented if you just stayed home..."

Bravely Default: Ringabel was not happy about someone outdoing him at what he's best at, so naturally, he murders him dead, takes his soul for his own, and in the process earns a modicum of respect from Edea.  Also, a Water demon died...I guess that is sort of important...
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 11:33:41 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1854 on: July 29, 2014, 02:19:10 PM »
SaGa 2: Goddess Of Destiny - played through

Pretty entertaining for a while, starts decaying around the point of Venus's world, levels off in Japanland, then nosedives in Valhalla and doesn't look back. I ended up dodging/running from pretty much every battle in Valhalla onwards because they were so obnoxious. (This was not really one thing leading to another as the members of my party with stat growths were at or near the caps in the relevant stats already.)

Had endless trouble with Odin until I was alerted to the Aegis Shield being A Thing, which just made me more annoyed at the fight apparently expecting you to spam it. Before I started using it, typically half my party would be dead by the end of the first turn.

Party was Human/Esper/Robot/Monster. Monster was proooobably the weakest link in the chain for most of the game, although it could vary wildly. Esper had Blaze pretty much the entire game but sadly the time it stopped being particularly effective coincided with the time that enemy numbers started reaching absurd levels, so that wasn't a fun set of adjusting to have to deal with. Also hardly ever got any speed, depressingly, so that was another nail in the kill-everything-before-it-moves coffin. Psychoguns were pretty rad! But then I found out that they were ultra-rare, and then Human got the absurdly powerful infinite-use Excalibur :S

Final Defence System was also a fight that took me far more attempts than I would have preferred. In this case the tricks were mainly that circlets could be used to block paralysis and that I should give up any hope of the Esper getting a chance to do any shooting in favour of it spamming heal staves the entire battle, with the turn order adjusted to ensure that they went as last-most as possible. Succeeded on the first attempt under these, despite the Human managing to get killed during phase 2. Hadn't seen phase 3 before this attempt either! Monster was a Scylla for the fight... which spent most of phase 2 paralysed... but when it was actually attacking it was fair enough, not as powerful as the Robot but closeish.

I kind of wonder what Final Defence System was actually supposed to be defending! I'll have to read an LP of FFL2 I guess.

Never touched any of the destiny thread stuff because I wasn't in the mood for trying to figure out what it was for, didn't bother actually looking that up until I was in Valhalla and decided that I couldn't be bothered starting with it. Maybe it makes all the difference in the game difficulty. Apparently this indirectly caused me to be locked out of getting any rank 5 monster, which was saddening.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 02:21:48 PM by Twilkitri »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1855 on: July 29, 2014, 08:43:51 PM »
FEA- Mission 19 is mean. Vaike still rules though.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1856 on: July 30, 2014, 01:40:30 AM »
Penny Arcade Rainslick etc 4 (Insane mode):

In Yggdrasil. This is breezy. I think the story / plot / humour are noticeably worse than in all other 3 games? The gameplay is even better than in 3 though. It just feels like a stream of boss battles. A rare case of an RPG with no 0 filler battkes. Insane mode is an awesome challenge, but you need some RNG luck (enemies not targeting the wrong ally) for the first two dungeons or so. Afterwards, pro stratz are enough.

I've spent almost all my money (About 85%) on items and by items I mean molotov bottles. They're already maxed at this point. I gave Vendorr all the fire boosting items + Robespierre and I now have Fuschia boost his fire damage at the beginning of battles. Vendorr is GOD now. (He's also my favourite so I'm happy)

Monster balance seems all over the place, there are some uber monsters like Vendorr, Philosofly and Mr Beaks, and then there are monsters like Infinitoad or Grouchopon which bring basically nothing?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1857 on: July 30, 2014, 04:05:46 AM »
I have been waiting for this since it came out.

(He's also my favourite so I'm happy)

This is why I had been waiting.  This makes me so happy that it makes you so happy.  Vendorr love for everybody.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1858 on: July 30, 2014, 10:28:04 AM »
DS2: Yeah still dicking around with DLC. Hey man I've got a lot of characters to try here right. Stuff:

-Holy crap they nerfed the hell out of some magic with the last few patches. I mean, this might be everything in the DLC having nutty elemental defense and me being on NG+ (or NG++)...but also the Abyss Seal barely provides any damage boost now and Great Resonant Soul got its damage cut back. Also Great Lightning Spear now gives you half as many charges and does like half as much damage. I know it was too good before but jesus it's not even worth using against anything in the DLC. R1 > lightning bolts now. God From did Thor run over your dog or something.
-Ring of Jeff Daniels is weird, turns out the attack bonus runs off maximum available equip burden rather than weight of current equipment. I mean same result either way since most of my characters have no more than starting levels of VIT, but I've realized equipping it basically turns me into Latona and I am totally okay with that.
-I have by now soloed Sorceressjerk (daggers) and Dragonjerk (katanas, Not!Sinner, spinspinspin). The NPC trio still scare the shit out of me, though.
-Turns out for one of the sub-areas in the DLC, players without the DLC itself can drop a summon sign outside of the (locked) DLC entrance and have their sign appear for NPC bastard fight. The value of summoning such players is sometimes dubious since it may be assumed they don't know the area as well as a player who's been there and can manually place a sign (non-DLC player signs appear on specific gravestones). It took me a while to puzzle out why there were so many "Be wary of beggar" messages here.
-Speaking of, I think From deliberately placed no bonfire in that opening room just to make restocking spells/flasks after a failed summon run a hassle for people dropping signs. Hey guys you ready to just buy the damn DLC yet?
-*Host stands across the arena watching 2x sunbro beat up Dragonjerk for him* *Host occasionally runs when targeted by boss* *Post-victory, host performs warcry gesture* That's nice work, Lou.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1859 on: July 30, 2014, 01:11:12 PM »
Kid Icarus Uprising - Chugging along in this, now in Chapter 17. I don't really have a lot to say about the game; it's goofy and fourth wall breaking in plot, its gameplay is reasonably fun, and its cast is awesome.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1860 on: July 30, 2014, 02:20:25 PM »
Bravely Default: Damn it, Tiz! Just because you're a jRPG protagonist doesn't mean you have to play main character and find an excuse to join a war!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1861 on: July 30, 2014, 02:41:05 PM »
 FE13- Finished! Final time was 20ish hours. I didn't recruit many of the kids, just didn't see the point. I did use Owain (He started with 19 STR and 26 speed, dear god in heaven) and Lucina, almost entirely because Owain amused me and had such amazing stats. Anyway. Listing PC's I used. S supports were Chrom/Sumia, Lissa/Vaike, Robin/Sully, Lucina/Owain (Goddamn it Japan), Nowi/Gaius (JAAAAAPAAAAAAAAAAN), and Libra/Miriel.

Chrom- Started decent, then turned into trash by the end of the game. He was pretty average excepting one stat, speed. Was -8 speed by the time I started the final map. (20 speed at 20/15). *Punt* Got my silver medal for kills at least, though I had 6~ PC's in the 80 to 120 range (Chrom was 121 or so)

Robin- Mage who could take a hit, so useful by default. I didn't use his swords. Speed was on the low side but still useful. Got my bronze star for kills. Ended the game at 20/18.

Lissa- Only staff user, so useful by default. Her stats were garbage, but hey she promotes to Sage so that's cool. Also staves are super useful and she's your only one early.

Vaike- MVP, 253 kills. He was faster than Gangrel to give you an idea how stupid fast he was. Insane offense, he carried my team in the second half of the game. Only issue is that Lissa is a pretty terrible S support, though having Robin/Chrom supporting him works. He (With Robin as his pairup) soloed the final boss.  Take Dorcas and give him Guy's speed and you have the result, IE unending slaughter.

Sully- Good early, trailed off later in the game. Mobility is always nice. Her offense was never very good without doubling, which she stopped reliably doing. Oh well.

Miriel- Unremarkable stats other than DEF (I got a slow, high def miriel). Still useful because she's a mage. Should've dumped her for Tharja but was too lazy to change my party around.

Sumia- Awful at first (too fragile), then awesome in the midgame due to stupid high stats. She changed from being an offensive dynamo to a mobile, somewhat durable healer late- she didn't really gain STR for her first 10 promoted levels which brought her in line with her normal STR growth. Still super useful!

Libra- Trashy stats but prepromo staff user who can use axes? SOLD. Offense was useless after midgame but who cares, durable healer.

Gaius-Glass cannon. He got STR on almost every single level before promotion, just lacked Vaike's HP and DEF. He generally murdered things and was super fast in doing so.

Nowi- Useful when teaming with Gaius and durable to physicals. Offense frankly was lacking due to speed woes, and she did not like mages at all.

Lucina- Decided to favor her mom and not gain STR for a while. Oh well. Still useful just for the speed and skills.

Owain- Vaike spawn=god stats. Used him just for my own amusement.

Olivia- Useful for dancing once or twice before being vaporized.

Anyway, game's a 4 or 5, depending on how I'm feeling. I do not like one of the core concepts of the game (Ninja reinforcements) and no amount of side content can make up for that. Nowi as a character is enough to cost it a point as well.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1862 on: July 30, 2014, 04:33:19 PM »
FF6 Eviltype -

I have a couple of resets at the start of the World of Ruin. I prepare to rant about how Sage scaled up this part way too much. Then I notice I forgot to equip any armour. Well then. After that this area isn't too bad, strats like Wall Ring + Golem work well.

Collapsing House - Scorpions are jerks. But oh well stuff can be run from here, so it's not too bad. I get Sabin who has no spells learned, so he plays catchup for a bit.

1 reset on the overworld Serpent Trench, as I learn that Buffalax's Riot combo hurts like hell. Another reset in the Figaro area overworld, as Maligas also hurt a lot.

Figaro Cave - 2 resets here. The enemy offence can gun down two PCs pretty darn quickly. One reset is due to that as I try to fumble my way through a Neckhunter/Cruller/2 Humpty fight. Another reset is due to learning that Humpties, once no longer vanished, have auto-reflect. Whoops.

Tentacles - Not bad with the two Running Shoes and Bio Blaster to wreck things. I also run Ribbon/Star Pendant to not have to deal with the annoying poison.

I get Edgar who is Edgar and therefore awesome, and Setzer who has no spells. Like Sabin he plays catchup and at least his primary skill lets him output some damage even if it's not great.

Daryl's Tomb - Revivifies can deal with everything here which is a nice get-out-of-jail free card. I try not to use them too much. Unless PowerDemons show up. PowerDemons are colossal dicks who not only hit really hard, but have an innate runic status so you can't actually cast magic (on any target) while they're around. In FF6. Yeah. And they are immune to the key Tools status. Never do beat one of them "fairly" but oh well.

Presenter - 5 resets against Whelk 2.0. This fight is nasty and there are a lot of nuances I could mention about it but I get the handle on them and ultimately none of them matter except one: hitting the Shell triggers a Merton counter which with my current levels/gear is a MT OHKO. So the fight is like Whelk, except it's random how long the head stays targettable and even one timing mishap means death. Sadly the counter works against Rasp too, so that's out, and his former weakness to petrify is also gone. Anyway I don't actually win this; I could have but it involves a bit too much luck / patience for me right now, especially since only Celes can do decent damage here.

Dullahan - Seems nasty. Then I discover Runic destroys him. So Runic, cast Rasp with other PCs as soon as he uses a spell, repeat.

Phunbaba 1 - I didn't feel like fighting him ASAP. He's easy with a full party, Bio to the rescue.

I grab Palidor and Bum Rush, and get Gau back and grab a few rages. I also buy Crystal Shields which are pretty great.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1863 on: July 30, 2014, 07:55:16 PM »
Popping up to say yay for games I really liked that others finished.

999, re CK: Just for the record I still think this game is totally awesome.  Don't spoil yourself though per Fenrir.  Maybe I'm misinterpreting CK, but he seems to be complaining about the opposite of an issue with 999 I had?  To me, 999's 'gameplay' is practically irrelevant side puzzles that are done & dispensed with.  You're actually buying a visual novel which I found pretty gripping and well-written.  CK seems to be complaining that the gameplay & story are too integrated?  Huh?  They aren't integrated at all.

Awakening, re super: Ninja reinforcements are lame-o, but you played Casual, right?  They're kinda irrelevant on Casual.  Ninja pops up, kills someone, and...  oh well.  Okay if it's Chrom/Robin that's bad, but you back up 2-3 turns to your in-battle save, no big.  I tried to play Classic-ish in spirit my first time - if a character died due to my own stupidity, I reset, but if a character died due to ninja strike, I just continued, and then it didn't matter.  And with less pride, I can definitely attest to Lunatic Casual deathmarches with half the team dead by the end.  In the same way, no argument that Nowi is ick, but she also has like 3 lines if you don't use her, so whatever.  Also, you skip treasure chests or the like?  If you didn't use Tiki you should definitely have had spare Dragonstone+s, and even if you missed the chests it's storebought eventually and a good investment, and it's also a pretty RNG-proof way to make Nowi mock mages forever.

I think I also saw you in chat saying that you thought the map design dived in C21 and beyond.  Not much to say other than I really disagree.  To take a step back, your vanilla Fire Emblem map (FE7-FE10) is something like either "move around in a mob, walk just into range of two enemies, watch them suicidally charge forward into their counters waiting for them, mop up, repeat" or "defend the base by sticking tanks at some chokepoints and healing a lot."  Awakening is very good about either having the enemies dive you in a big group, or else giving you an incentive to move fast and not just slowly draw out enemies 1-2 at a time, and more generally setting up diverse and interesting 'feels' to each map.  C21 is supposed to be an exciting escape map, so they force you to move forward quickly by the Sorcs, but also lure you to linger for awhile with treasure chests.  That's cool (and you can also play it real slow if you want too - see Ciato's Lunatic strat if you truly hate the Mire spam).  C22 gives you just a few really badass enemies with skills & Brave weapons & Legendaries, and they come for you in two waves - no taking 'em on 1 at a time at your leisure.  But that's it on the map, so no frustration if you lose early, you don't lose any progress.  That's also neat. C23 is just a fantastic sense of style with great music - the actual *plot* might be silly, but emotionally it's great and it's a nice callback to the prologue & fits the themes they're selling.  Ninjas are also less of an issue than usual because there's just a few staircases which are easily covered.  C24 is also interesting - a bunch of cavaliers bogged down in the forest, with a small plain area on top for your own cavaliers to fight on the open field if you want.  Then throw in enemy Wyvern Lords who laugh at the puny terrain restrictions and threaten to assasinate your back line.  C25 is short but also actually provides an incentive for you to hurry it on up, and the reinforcements usually spawn on the edge of the map or in obvious forts, so it's a well-done vanilla FE map.  Final map is fantastic and how every FE final should work - barring the stupid ninja reinforcements that can spawn right next to the final, since it's super-lame to be in combat with the final and then get ganked by surprise reinforcements.  But if they'd redone the map so that there was a constant flow of reinforcements NOT on top of the final boss that your allies needed to fight to keep them off the main heros back as they deal with the final, it'd be perfect, and it's still way better than the "1 big enemy" style of FE finals.  So...  yeah, I suppose the point is that I really like Awakening map design and think it's hugely better than the rest of the series, even if ninjas + hax draining can compromise it somewhat.  (Worst map from a design perspective is probably C19 on Lunatic?  There is just no sane way to deal with it other than send out Henry & Tharja to spend 120 Nosferatu charges or the like.  No terrain, no blockades, no safe spots, just have your tankiest / drainiest units kill infinite cavalry reinforcements forever, attempting to use someone else will get them run down.)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1864 on: July 30, 2014, 08:30:36 PM »
Things I have played recently:

Muramasa Rebirth - Fun game, glad I didn't really pay money for it. Mash square solves most problems, though things do get dicey in lategame and aftergame fights. Trying to finish up Sisuke's third ending, but grinding him up to equip the Oboro Muramasa is taking forever, esp because the final swords are weighted towards Momohime in their stat requirements(they need higher Vit than they do Str, and she is the high Vit of the two. Sisuke is high Str, lower Vit).

Amusingly, on the subject of another game being talked about, the trophy I got for getting a 999 hit combo was called "Hours, Persons, Doors".

Bravely Default - Got one of the endings. Kinda stalling out on doing more aftergame stuff since talking to Snowfire at con makes alot of it sound less than fun.

Bit.Trip Presents - Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien! - I just wanted to type out the full name. This game has the best name ever. Fun rhythm platformer, played it a bunch, got 100%, gonna play stages on hard when bored from time to time. Captain Video for best character, because he has the best dancing. Whetfart Cheesborger is pretty close though, for the name and for being a sentient cheesburger man. Also fuck Extralogic with a rusty spoon.

Child of Light - Bought this for random playings. It's....not hooking me, honestly. Like, it's fun enough, but I kinda have to force myself to play it. Not sure why.


On the subject of 999, I played that awhile ago myself. Got Knife ending which was pretty lame considering...yeah, I had no idea where I went wrong to get that. Got back up to the 3/7/8 split on NG+ and just...sorta lost steam. I'd like to play through the rest of it, but it's hard to get back into it after that end. I'm 90% certain I figured out who the one behind the knife ending was, but couldn't really find any options in the NG+ that would let me prevent that from happening again, even though I thought of a few things. SHould get back to it at some point, Hard to regain interest.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1865 on: July 30, 2014, 08:45:09 PM »
Dragonstone+ is only 2 res on the regular version, so it shouldn't make or break the character's performance against mages. Manaketes should be tough against magic though, blah blah blah RNG applies.

I basically think Super is entirely right about ninja reinforcements. If they don't matter on Casual, you're pretty much saying none of your decisions matter either, since losing someone apparently isn't a big deal. At which point uh why are you even playing this game? <_< Obviously Casual isn't really my thing so take my comments with a grain of salt, though I will say that on Lunatic Casual I found them very significant (and FAQed them to raise my enjoyment of the game). As a general design thing I think ninja reinforcements encourage the player to approach things degenerately (e.g. grinding out a powerful team, moving slowly in a large blob which constantly covers all suspicious entry points) rather than considering the threats visible and planning accordingly. I have a similar problem with fog of war in some of the earlier games although at least torches could alleviate that (and hey, it was a perk for thieves/Janaff).

As far as lategame FE13 map design goes I think it's all over the place. C26 so good, C21 so bad. Broadly speaking throughout the game I feel the game could badly use more primary objective variety and secondary objectives (e.g. villages and chests which you need to race thieves/bandits for), and sometimes goes a bit light on terrain for my tastes (C19 and C23 are both bland open areas) but gets most of the fundamentals done well (good job with enemy placement in particular... as you note you'll almost never face 1-2 enemies at a time). It ends up around the middle of FE map design for me.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 08:51:54 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1866 on: July 30, 2014, 09:07:32 PM »
I basically think Super is entirely right about ninja reinforcements. If they don't matter on Casual, you're pretty much saying none of your decisions matter either, since losing someone apparently isn't a big deal. At which point uh why are you even playing this game? <_< Obviously Casual isn't really my thing so take my comments with

Hey, I said ninja reinforcements suck too!  But I pretty well already said how I at least played Hard Casual 1st time- my decisions DID matter, but there was a safety net for surprise ninja bullshit which I wouldn't feel like accepting a reset for.  I didn't overuse the degenerate strategies you agree are unfun, but also didn't have to reset constantly.  Win-win!  It's exactly the same as you saying that you played X-COM in psuedo-Ironman style - but don't none of your decisions matter then??? 

EDIT: To be extra-explicit, a Classic runthrough makes ninjas horrible, and I get the appeal of Classic of course, so I'd understand you complaining about ninjas of course.  Casual just really dulls the ninja's blades to me - it's still bad design but it's now less relevant bad design re super.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 03:43:13 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1867 on: July 30, 2014, 09:21:22 PM »
Yeah that's fair. You can indeed mitigate the ninja stuff with timely save/reload as you note, it just feels inelegant to do so. I withdraw the larger complaint though.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1868 on: July 30, 2014, 09:31:05 PM »
Snowfire: *shrug* there's not much to say. I don't find the way the game's structured after a point to be interesting. It's all about dealing with reinforcements. I like that there are a lot of enemies, but for the most part it's about turtling the first wave and being careful about reinforcements. 13 has far, far more polish than FE7 outside of that issue. I'd still rather play 7 hard mode rather than 13 lunatic because of that, it just annoys me.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1869 on: July 31, 2014, 03:41:53 AM »
Wind Waker HD: Ok, 2 pearls down, what dungeon is the 3rd going to force on me no-...

"Hey, big fish, can you give this kid a Pearl?  He kind of needs it to do important stuff."

*You got Nayru's Pearl*

...well, can't say I was expecting THAT.  Anyway, ONTO THE TOWER!  Also, got the Swift Sail, and I have to say, playing the game long enough without it already gives me this impression of "How the **** did people stomach the original version?"  Not only is the speed boost immediately obvious, just being able to turn without losing speed or changing wind currents is so damned nice.

Bravely Default: So I'm going to kill a Chemist Salve Maker now...or at least find some toxin he used to undo his killingness...then probably kill him and eat his soul so we can become Chemists Salve Makers too.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1870 on: July 31, 2014, 09:38:37 PM »
Kid Icarus: Uprising – Finished. It’s the first action game I’ve played in pretty much forever, and I quite enjoyed it. Half of it reminds me of Touhou and other shooters of that ilk and the other half reminds me of KH. Definitely love the game’s writing, very silly and I like how it has dialogue interspersed with the gameplay. Favorite character is probably Hades, he is a Grade A troll. Difficulty mode settings are quite nice; it means you can play the game at your own level or to your enjoyment. My biggest complaint is that the game seems to take a bit of time to get rolling (feels like it hits its stride in Chapter 10 or so) and that the control scheme is a bit awkward, for all that it works pretty well once you get used to it. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes humorous writing and can tolerate some shooter/action gameplay. 8/10.

Next we will tackle DKCR! Xer made me excited by showing off Tropical Freeze at DLCon, but I should probably play the one I own first. :P
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1871 on: August 01, 2014, 02:47:59 AM »
Well, Chapter 1-9 basically existed for the trailer.  I mean, they're nothing but references to the original games for the most part, and the trailers for the game consisted entirely of that, basically for the purpose of "look at all those classic characters coming back!"

So yeah, the game doesn't really begin until Chapter 10, when it stops being fanservice for the first game.  That, and Hades and Viridi get introduced there, so it's less Pit/Palutena/Villain of the week in every stage, and now a sense of consistency in cast.

Bravely Default: I killed a Bunny Girl and took her soul! ...except she didn't actually die in plot, which I find oddly strange...power of pop prevails except when it doesn't?

Wind Waker: I got the Master Sword and proceeded immediately and stop playing because timing!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1872 on: August 01, 2014, 09:23:32 PM »
FTL: Beat the game on normal with Mantis B. Not a big accomplishment since Mantis B is overpowered.

The first fight against the flagship ended up being annoying. It hacked my weapons and between the cloak and the hacking, I could never even fire my weapons. The flagship couldn't hurt me though. I also made the mistake of hacking the shields since I'm used to having less fire power and therefore the shields often are a bigger problem than the cloak. Eventually I could kill off most of the crew by trapping them in the shield room and with most of them dead, I could injure the hacking system enough so that I could get my shoots off.

Hacking is overpowered. Often if an enemy poses a threat, they have one single component that can be removed to get rid of the threat. Hacking does exactly that. Heck, even when I screwed up and hacked the wrong system, the mere fact that hacking locks the doors could easily be exploited. Mind control, the other advance system, is extremely weak in comparison. Never mind the fact that hacking counters mind control while mind control doesn't counter hacking.

Has anyone ever been lucky enough to outfit a ship with four Burst Laser II?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1873 on: August 02, 2014, 02:56:45 AM »
And now, SF reports back on the Alex-approved-platformers-with-limited-flying genre.

Cave Story+: Beat this a ~month or so ago.  It's fun!  I can see why they had to + it, though.  No Achievements in the original version?  I can only imagine how people who wasted so much time on the original feel, knowing that their accomplishments were futile and will never be given a Steam pop-up of recognition, especially in a game with so much random weird stuff to do.

Anyway, I like Metroid games, and CS is basically indie Metroid, except actually better in a lot of ways (if a tad smaller in scope?).  Reminds me a bit of Metroid Fusion in that it's not very exploration focused - here's your next stage, go run it - and also has a plot, although CS's plot is way more enjoyable than Fusion's of course (a low bar to clear).  The combat is pretty enjoyable, which is nice (played on Classic difficulty, not wimp difficulty).  I already mentioned this in chat, but this is definitely a game whose difficulty curve amps steeply upward - I felt challenged-but-in-control most of the game, defeating some bosses & stages the first try, and occasionally taking a 2nd or 3rd shot when needed.  Then the Egg Chamber revisited shows up, and owowowowowow what stop the pain (#$%^ Sisters Dragons right after non-trivial stage w/ no healing).  The prison & island's edge were legit, the plantation's easiness put me off my guard, then ZOMGwat the Final Cave, and then the final boss sequence of dying repeatedly.  (Of which Malice (?!!) probably picked up the most kills, yes.)  Still, hey, that made winning very rewarding.  And apparently if I enjoy pain even more, I can do the final cave without the machine gun and with all my weapon levels reduced to 1 if I'm aiming to do the bonus dungeon + true final?  Yeesh the difficulty really does keep going up.

The weapon damage mechanic is…  interesting, but I'm glad most games don't have it.  It makes things very swingy - you get punished for getting hit in losing life, and then you get punished further by nerfing your weapon.  It's not a huge deal for the first half of the game, but by the second half when getting hit = losing the godly lvl. 3 Machine Gun of controllable air-dancing, yikes.  Like, say, hypothetically after bumping into a spike in the final cave.  Hypothetically.  Reminds me a bit of how Demon's Souls allegedly punished you a bit for dying.

The plot was…  actually rather charming.  Killer robots vs. killer bunnies vs. evil sorceress?  It's weird, sure, and switches tone a bunch (zany hijinks!  comic relief bosses!  search for lost puppies!  find out the tragic history of 10 years ago!  watch your friends die and/or be transformed into horrible beasts!), but dang, it actually works.  The funny parts were funny, the sad parts were sad, the menacing parts were actually properly scary & built up.  The one thing I could do without were the two bits where your character gets artificially cutscene 'captured' and sent somewhere inconvenient - surely there's a better way to do that?

Anyway, fun game with rewarding bosses.  Not really in a hurry to do the extra content but the fact it's there is cool.  Definitely recommended for the odd person out there who hasn't played it yet.  (Use a gamepad of course - I used my trusty PS2 controller.)

Touhouvania 2: I don't like Touhou, but I do like Castlevania, and the fact that one Sir Alex helped localize it piqued my interest.  It's pretty good!  Neat levels, neat boss design, and adding limited flying to the Castlevania formula was definitely an interesting twist.  Visually, the game is a fantastic love letter to Castlevania - they really nailed a lot of the iconic Symphony of the Nightish environments while adding their own twist.  I'm impressed at the visuals & play-control for a doujin game - it's really professional (except perhaps the fact each character usually only has 1 portrait)  The music was okay, but a tad disappointing?  Touhou games usually get hype for their music, but nothing super-memorable…  except the final boss music, which is awesome and sounds like a Gust final ripoff, and that is a compliment.  Okay, the arena stage music was pretty cool too.

Subweapons were strikingly powerful.  However, since they are also very helpful vs. the bosses, and you don't get hearts back if you die vs. the boss (well, except the 50 minimum),  there was an incentive not to cheese the regular stages too hard with subweapons, except the super-cheap Dagger.  Definitely one of the best Daggers in a Castlevania, as a side note.  Subweapons were also a tad kept under control for some of the later bosses because they potentially blocked your view of what the heck was going on, which was death.

As another semi-random fact, the damage knockback in this game felt gigantic, especially if you were airborne at the time.  Whee go soaring across half the screen.  Definitely was the potential for chain lock-ups here, although less likely in normal stages…  on the bright side, the invincibility-post-damage time was quite long as well.

Difficulty curve…  well, see Cave Story+.  With 7 lives per continue, I steadily advanced through the stages; usually something like die to boss, continue, defeat boss, get through next stage on remaining life stock, die to boss, redo stage + boss with 7 lives, die next stage, repeat.  I didn't have to learn the boss patterns too deeply because just plain trading damage to get in was often times viable, and then finish with daggers or the axe summon.  Alex encouraged 20 lives no shame by !Richter's Arena stage, which helped, but she still wasn't so bad comparatively.  The difficulty for stage 7 & 8, though, ouch.  S7 Evil butterfly girl slaughtered me repeatedly until I figured out a conservative enough style to get damage in without trading (I did manage to double-KO against her twice, for all that this doesn't count!).  Still I must have died a good 40-50 times figuring it out, so pretty respectable.  For the final stage, I cranked it down to a more honorable 12 lives per continue to make the stakes a tad higher.  S8 !Drac1 was a good fight in that it killed me a bunch early on, but was very clearly 'learnable' - if you don't get hit by beams of doom or the blood-suck attack, all of which are very evadable, the fight's pretty easy.  Yukari is just plain easy - she goes down fast and it's very easy to play conservatively vs. her.  By later continues, I easily 1-lifed both of these.  !Dracula2, however…  OW.  That was a lot of me just dying and then dying again as doom lasers damage knocked me around the screen into more doom lasers.  If you foolishly knock off some of the barriers, I think there are even new beam patterns to learn & die to!  Anyway, slowly, agonizingly, I learned the safe spots and how to get to them, and flight patterns that kept me alive and ones that got me dead.  The fight is pretty routinized, at least, so I really could feel like I was learning as I went.  Oh and running out of magic is of course hilarious instant death usually, so don't accidentally use the spread sword attack or jump kick.  So after a ton of deaths (much faster than Cave Story's final sequence at least?) I triumphed, which was properly rewarding, as it was definitely a different kind of Castlevania final battle.  More to the point, it didn't feel like a "keep trying till you get lucky" deal; you really have to learn it, and I'd be much more confident in my abilities to defeat her again. 

Sadly, if there's a part I didn't like, it'd be the script - sorry Alex!  While *visually* the game is totally a Castlevania, the dialogue & plot end up clearly Touhou (with the occasional exception - thanks for 'take you to a good place' at least).  I obviously can't complain too much about this - press start to skip & all - but meh.  If Cave Story succeeded in being both serious & silly, Touhouvania 2 tried to alternate between them as well, and usually whiffed at both.  I will say that as far as menace goes, at least evil butterfly girl succeeded: direct, threatening, to the point, "water the ground with my blood" indeed.  The whole style of the fight + music amped up Srs Bizness tension too, nothing like a slow moving instant-death red butterfly to keep you on edge. In the same way, some of the early bosses had some amusing goofball moments (the Marisa battle perhaps?).  However, too much time is spent on lame plot exposition of a pretty weak plot (where's my mistress?  what's going on?  oh something about fighting and unlocking ultimate power, 'k).  I think I'd have tried to pick between either straight silliness or tension; and if I went for tension, I'd have actually had there be some sort of evil plot with consequences, and amped up the melodrama for Sakuya betraying her boss.  Instead, the game is theoretically serious by the end, except !Drac *wants* Sakuya to fight her, which kills the tension.  Like, either Remilia has gone mad with power and Sakuya decides she needs to be put down (srs) OR do the silly case ("let's training!  I call vampire lord!!1!  isn't this outfit crazy, Sakuya?")   I can't blame Alex for any of this, of course, I imagine localizers are somewhat locked down when every other word out of Sakuya's mouth is "Ojou-sama" for the final bits.

Anyway, the above whining is not really relevant to the game and totally skippable, and the game itself was pretty fun.  I never liked how the shooter Touhou games seemed to just encourage holding down the fire button and concentrating on nothing but dodging; give the main character a sword and tell 'em that if they want to do damage, they have to get in on enemies, endless dodging won't cut it.  So yeah, solid game with good bosses, I approve.  Now if only the extra phantasm stage will stop slaughtering me...


On the note of the above two games, this is a silly idea, but since I've been playing a fair amount of League of Legends lately...  LoL is based a lot around dodging 'skillshots', so it seems like it'd make an interesting Metroidvania itself, if Riot ever wanted to dangerously branch out.  Which they probably won't (contract it out to someone else, assume lots of brand risk; do it yourself, and risk getting distracted from the true cash cow that is the MOBA).  But plenty of LoL characters translate very well to bosses; whee dodging Lux lasers (apparently a Touhou reference anyway, a fact I learned thanks to GlenVeil) or pretty much any other character with fun attacks (Katarina dagger storm?!), and later in the game you get to fight more than one character at once.  Rig it so the main character is someone who doesn't really have an ultimate and who has both ranged & close-range attacks - Jayce or Blitzcrank I guess? - then they get to dodge various telegraphed AI ultimates while collecting new weapon upgrades themselves in the castle.   And of course in the final boss sequence, there can be the horror in Riven being turned by the evil summoner into her Battle Bunny Riven form if they want to do Cave Story callbacks…  well I'm amused thinking about it, at least.  Rito pls.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1874 on: August 02, 2014, 03:25:06 AM »
Penny Arcade 4: Took me hours to figure out how to beat the four shadow PCs and Cthulhu on Insane.

Ultimate pro strats:

- Vendorr under Hestia (item boost). Spams Nihilators, throws a potion when things get terrible.
- Coral Golem under Hestia, he becomes Defend Monster of Defend. He gets all sorts of stat bonuses and protects the team and regens Hps and shit when he defends (Honestly at this point I don't know what all the bonuses are. I just know that they are many), so basically he defends the entire battle.
- Fuschia under Moira with Clean Energite (Always at 2 MPs -> Can spam MT healing). Uses Friendship (boosts magic stats) before actually spamming MT healing
- Philosofly under Moira with Wind Boosting Item. Uses Let's Positive Thinking!! for constant healing, then spams its 1MP MT wind attack which does crazy damage thanks to all the boosts from everything.

The rest of the game was easy afterwards. I only got a reset against the final boss. That's kinda the problem with Zeboydgame: Once you've got a good strategy, you rarely need to change it and can use it every battle.

Vendorr isn't that great by the end of the game unfortunately, Brodent with Moira is probably a better choice against solo enemies. Brodent just doesn't stop getting turns. I liked setting up his POIZN attack against the final boss, (Perforate + Cheese + Buffz + Coral Golem defending. THEN poizn) so it could do 5000 Damage per turn and vastly outdamage any summon I could get.

I've also decided whether I was too old for Fish Force.
I'm not.