Politics matter, so I don't see anything wrong with feeling out some views on a first date. Your own list (and mine) is not the same as the author's, but I can say that for me personally, someone who denied the Holoucaust, or thinks that global warming is a myth, or thinks that a woman's place is to be subservient to her man, would be someone I 100% would not date. Some things are just deal-breakers and getting those figured out sooner rather than later saves everyone time. It's up to each individual to decide what the deal-breakers are.
The article frustrates me for a different reason, because it implicitly puts forward the toxic belief that "you're not a feminist unless you also support unrelated A, B, C, and D", which is an outstanding way to drive people away from your movement. If I weren't already firm in my feminist views an article telling me that I have to hate capitalism or be anti-Israel in order to be a feminist might well drive me away; be assured that it has for others.