That helps a lot!
Monk- Durable, hair below average speed, 45% Damage
Songstress- Silence, Blind
Meru- Few turns to build up to Dragoon form for some magic damage, otherwise horrid base damage and Pdur, Good Speed
Lucia- MT Healing of some sort (No clue how much; average HP is probably like 145 but nothing notes what the base healing is)+ Revival. Maybe can use 7 times before MP runs out?
Peppita- So...some damage+Confuse+MP Damage. We'll say the damage is about average (on the 840%, does that combo?)
Team Tranquil | Bartz (Monk*), Songstress, Peppita, Meru, Lucia (Life), Nall
[Floor 1: Starting off Again (Beginning of the game)]
Team Tranquil vs. Big Joe, Evil Gaia, 10 Jogurts, VP1 Hrist, Euram Barrows, Gobi, Sinspawn Ammes, Garland and Igglanova (PS4)- So yeah, double Sinspawn Ammes reduces Lucia to 56% HP. Gobi and Jogurts are hamstrung by Blind. Evil Gaia can chip in enough to get Lucia down to like 50%.
Oh wait, Sinspawn Ames is actually closer to 2.2 PC HP by the topic (since NEB scales about 3.5 PCs, but there are actually 2). So Lucia is probably at 38%, assuming that nothing else gets through.
Team Tranquil vs. Cecil, Cid and Rosa- Well, Cecil will probably just go for Confuse blocking, Rosa blocks Confuse and Silence. Rosa is 80% Pdur. So...Peppita and Monk take her out. At this point, the match probably takes long enough that Cid or Cecil might actually land a hit, which may kill Lucia (until Nall)
Team Tranquil vs. Augus and Joker (BoF2)- Joker has that ITE? pretty durable minus to Meru's spells. 2 PC HP even counting the weakness, and about halves physicals. Going to still get Lucia out pretty quickly and unless Songstress ignores that status resistance for Augus. I still have trouble seeing this one go well. I guess it depends on Peppita status hype. For all that I don't really think of status as mattering for BoF 2 bosses, I guess it technically is. Just...minus the status they immune, it's so trashy. Granted, both of them are relatively status resistant compared to randoms. So...hmm.
There's a decent chance that Lucia is out on Joker's first turn (Really only needs 1 other thing to land first from some enemy first). If Augus isn't statused out turn 1, he can one turn Songstress. Or...he and Joker's MT probably show Peppita the door too. Yeah, can't see this one working out well enough given their durability and the extreme paucity of healing. More open to it now that I'm at least abstaining for now, but needs status to land turn 1 (and after playing around with BoF 2, tending to respect good MS as resisting status).