
Bonus match!

The Prophets are ignored.  With the Xorn Fossil's help, Emelious wins the championship and all love perishes, creating a new paradise.
0 (0%)
In confusion, Emelious abandons everyone.  With no guidance, he wanders the Verse Realm for eternity.
2 (33.3%)
Kornell & Violetta are dismissed.  Following the Prophets' advice, Emelious is devoured by the Lavos Fossil.
4 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: Bonus match: The new Prophets  (Read 675 times)


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Bonus match: The new Prophets
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:29:10 AM »

"I - uh - wait a moment.  I'm…   I'm sorry, I've been a bit confused lately."  Emelious shuddered.  What was going on again?  Who were these people with him now?  And why was there a cute rabbit-looking animal on his shoulder?  He felt terrible.

"It's quite simple," the man in the black robes said.  "We are the Prophets, and we proclaim good news!  You shall succeed in your mighty quest."  The purple-haired woman nodded.  "Your rival, Raven…  Team Gryph…  even the Elite Four, the feared Yuki and his friends…  all shall fall by your hand."  The rabbit bounced along as well, although all Emelious could hear were a thousand shadowy whispers whenever the rabbit seemed to communicate.  The woman spoke again - "All you need do is obey our commands from now on, and your victory is preordained."

"I - one moment."  Emelious idly opened his inventory and checked for his beloved trinkets - especially the shard of Xorn he'd retrieved from the Verse Realm that had guided him so far.  But it didn't seem to be there - all he could see was the Lift Key to the elevator at Surmania Tower.  Emelious was on his own.

"Start with dismissing VIOLETTA and KORNELL.  I'll grant they were useful enough getting you this far, but now that you have us, there's simply no need for them.  LA-ILIM too is no longer necessary; he cannot comprehend the 65-million year old reptite fossil he commands."  As the hooded man talked, the shadowy voices emanating from the rabbit increased in volume, like a low roar dominating the entire scene.

Emelious was confused.  "But...  they've served me loyally and well!  Why, KORNELL called Yuki a peabrain once!  And VIOLETTA helped me earn my 4 Great Spirit Badges when we defeated the Guardians!"

The woman stepped forward.  "It is no matter.  Our decision is absolute; the only thing left is to comply."  Emelious felt himself unconsciously nodding "yes".  A haunted man, Emelious had began his journey almost a week ago, and had been almost continuously travelling since then, never pausing to sleep.  He unsteadily lurched across the room, swerving into his desk and nearby plants several times in his exhaustion, toward his PC, all while hearing the rabbit's constant whispers...


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Re: Bonus match: The new Prophets
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2014, 02:33:14 AM »
In the unlikely event you don't know WTF I'm smoking:

Also, while the bonus match is the most interesting part of course, I'll throw in a few standard DL team matches anyway because why not.

Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Charmeleon, Ratatta, Hitmonlee, Zubat (Pokemon)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Virginia, Gallows, Jet, Clive (Wild Arms 3)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Zeal 2 (Chrono Trigger, unscaled)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Oracle (FFT), Oracle (LFT), Oracle (FF5)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Luke, Natalia, Asch, Mohs (TotA)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Zio (PS4, unscaled)

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Re: Bonus match: The new Prophets
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 02:59:22 AM »
Well Emelious is dumb enough to trust some random beret man for no apparent reason and get suckered into doing what he ends up wanting (despite non-existant buildup), so 3 is closest to the outcome I'd kneejerk.

Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Charmeleon, Ratatta, Hitmonlee, Zubat (Pokemon) - In the spirit of well... what inspired this little event I'm going to be assuming Gen1 here.  Magus risks soloing this shit, Hitmonlee's Mdef gets him OHKO'd by Dark Matter and there isn't much reason to believe Ratatta and Zubat would fare better.  Charmeleon can't deal with this himself.
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Virginia, Gallows, Jet, Clive (Wild Arms 3)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Zeal 2 (Chrono Trigger, unscaled) - Wee bit too durable here.
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Oracle (FFT), Oracle (LFT), Oracle (FF5)
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Zio (PS4, unscaled) - *Definitely* too durable here.

other two later.


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Re: Bonus match: The new Prophets
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 01:54:28 AM »
I figured that this kind of setup would only make even a lick of sense with a mentally unstable main character.  Said character also needed 2-3 henchmen, a rival, and an elite four, so.  Yeah, Emelious is pretty crazy.

Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Charmeleon, Ratatta, Hitmonlee, Zubat (Pokemon) - MWAHAHAHAHA.
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Virginia, Gallows, Jet, Clive (Wild Arms 3) - Kneejerk.  Regardless of how many targets Magus's ID can potentially hit, just #YOLOing Dark Matter works pretty well here, he needs to be priority #1 for the other team, and WA3 has some turn 1 damage issues.  Even if Magus doesn't live to turn 2, the damage has been done, Flareon & Melody can mop up.  Reasonably close though.
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Zeal 2 (Chrono Trigger, unscaled) - Hexagon Mist is physical?  Weird, I'd forgotten that, Magus's magic tankiness helps less than usual.  And of course it's super-effective against Flareon.  Also Magus is stuck spamming Dark Bomb since Dark Matter would activate the hand counters, and MP-0 is kinda problematic.  Zeal isn't THAT scary but she does well enough here.
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Luke, Natalia, Asch, Mohs (TotA)
This I'm less sure of, I think the ID blitz strategy is more important due to Natalia's healing after Magus gets zerg'd down.
Flareon (PKMN), PC Magus (CT), Melody (WA3) vs. Zio (PS4, unscaled)
No PS4, but yeah, this is more flavor since Zio's a Dark Prophet as well or the like apparently.  He seems pretty likely to steamroll here.


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Re: Bonus match: The new Prophets
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2014, 03:03:18 AM »
The Xorn Fossil never wins.

(This is the best bonus match :3 )

Prophets vs TPP - Praise be the Flareon
Prophets vs Drifters - Dark Matter cleans up nicely. Maybe if the Drifters had some Medium Fossils...
Prophets vs Zeal - MP Busting kinda screws Magus and Flareon. Melody isn't soloing this.
Prophets vs. Oracles - Wait... FF5 had an Oracle class?
Prophets vs. FOFs - Natalia solo hype? And actually letting TotA characters fight in the same team means access to FOF-change combos that can be infinite... Leaning this way for lulz.
Prophets vs. Zio - Maybe if this was Gen5!Espeon, Boss Magus, and all three WA3 prophets this would be a fight...