
Author Topic: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3  (Read 1050 times)


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Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« on: February 24, 2014, 05:09:00 AM »
Event 12: Oil Wrestling

Greased up competitors grappling, flipping, trying to dominate one another, sweat breaking from their brows, b...what were we talking about again?  Anyway, the winner is determined by getting the opponent to submit.

Gilgamesh, the famed swordsman, Exdeath's minion, except when he's not.  He's big and extra arms can't hurt, but they might not help that much either.

Ronald McDonald.  The mascot clown has some sort of magical powers usually.  And he's definitely an expert on grease at least.

Event 13: Euchre

A simple card game!  If you're not familiar, Euchre is a trick-taking game played with a partner.  If that doesn't help, uh look it up I guess.

Our first team is Zuko, Prince of the Fire nation, and Judge Doom of Toontown.  I'm not entirely sure what to make of this team, although Zuko in a card game certainly doesn't play to his strengths, and Doom's inscrutability makes it hard to exploit teamwork.  On the other hand, he's also not afraid to go for the gold and seems like he'd know a good hand when he had it.

They face Archer, of the Nasuverse, and Ned Flanders.  A card game like this is exactly the sort of thing Ned Flanders would be really awesome at just because it embarrasses Homer, but Archer doesn't seem like he'd be in his element to say the least.

Event 14: Achieving Enlightenment

Make of that what you will.

Alexei Stukov could use some enlightenment.  Betrayed by his commander, left for dead, infested, inexplicably not killed off by the Queen Bitch of the Universe?  Something to make sense of it all would be nice.

Steve Rogers spent a few months dead recently.  Maybe he has some insight for us?  Of course, one could say his attitude was always pretty enlightened.

Event 15: The Iron Chef

Perennial CK favorite.  You have one hour to guide your sous chefs and prepare a five course meal for our panel of expert judges.  Each dish will be judged on flavor, presentation, and creative use of our secret ingredient.  And today's secret ingredient is... ROAST.  BEEF!

Delita Hyral is always a wildcard in any event.  He never displays direct knowledge of cooking, but would you really be surprised that he could?  Didn't think so.

Aquaman is a king, so he has some knowledge of finery.  Of course, he's king of Atlantis, so roasted land mammal might be a bit beyond him.  He'd probably kill for a fish dish.

Event 16: In the Name of the Moon...

Henshin a go-go, baby!  Contestants are tasked with presenting the most believable super hero transformation.  They don't have to do any super heroics, they just have to have a cool, memorable, and easily recycled transformation sequence.

Soma Cruz, the reincarnated soul of Dracula.  Well, god knows transformation sequences are in his blood, but can he turn that power to good?

King Radical, the most radical man in the Radical Lands.  Being deemed the most radical of the radical, one assumes that this sort of thing is right up his alley.  On the other hand, he's pretty much always 'in costume' so to speak, so he may not even have a non-transformed state to start in.

Event 17: A Bad Enough Dude

The President has been kidnapped by ninjas!!  Our contestants will be divided into teams, and each taken into a parallel universe in which President Regan has been kidnapped by ninjas.  Using their wits, skill, teamwork, and baditude, they must prove themselves Bad Enough Dudes to rescue the president!

Dr. John Watson and Bonta-kun.  'nuff said.

Solid Snake and Master Splinter.  'nuff said.

Short Form

Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)
Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)
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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 05:23:23 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot) - I think it's a pretty clear win here.  He has too many limbs for Ronald to keep track of.  Now, if Ronald could tag in Grimace, he may have a shot.

Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons) - Abstain.  Only familiar with Zuko here.  His experience watching Iroh play Pai Sho may come in handy?

Iron Chef: Delita

Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise) - So I think both teams are probably rather good at this, but come on.  Snake alone can carry this mission, and Splinter seals the deal.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 03:12:54 PM by jsh357 »


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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 05:35:23 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
Multiple arms.  McDonalds can supply the oil, sure, but that would have been around anyway, helping set the event up doesn't actually help win it here.
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
uhhhhhhhhhh.  Not real familiar with Euchre, but off general trick-taking card game knowledge...  Massive fail on all sides because yeah, Ned seems like the only one who'd have any competence here, but partner teams tend to have the strength of the worst partner, so his team still isn't great.  I'm not sure I'd be willing to hype Doom or Zuko as much here - Doom is a question mark, Zuko is impatient and gets frustrated.  I'll change my vote if the Fate people say that Archer would be totally incompetent and an active liability, but I'll presume that isn't true for now.

Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)
Most superheroes would be awful at this, but the movie at least played up Rogers' humility as one of his strengths, and if there's one trait that leads to enlightenment it's that.
Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
Royalty is bad at this, EXCEPT Delita grew up low-class, so he probably learned to cook.  While Aquaman was presumably born a Prince?  (I have no idea.)
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Okay, King Radical sounds incredibly good at this actually, but come on.  Some Cruz is an actual Japanese high schooler who awakens to amazing powers and a sweet trench coat, and his portrait does actually change at one point in AoS!  Drawing on the strengths of various monsters can't hurt here either.  Oh and there's always a giant moon in the background of his Castlevania games too for dramatic backdrop.
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)
Okay, the last two matches have totally insanely good teams at them.  I'm pretty sure the terrorists are toast to either of these teams, but....  Solid Snake & Splinter?  While the mission might get weird and philosophical, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be completed in success.


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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 05:40:40 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)- I think Gilgamesh's extra arms seal this.
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)- Rogers is over 90 years old by now. He survived Nazi Germany, an ice prison, and that unspeakable movie he starred in 1990. He's a wise, tough dude and can handle business here.
Iron Chef:Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)- Squires were traditionally manservants for Knights. Delita should thus be at least competent at preparing food.
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)- Soma was born for this event.
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)

Master Splinter and Solid Snake? This is the ugliest match I've seen in Tourney of random events since the time Moiraine and Xanatos got to scheme together.
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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2014, 06:06:10 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot) - Yeaaaah, I'd bet on the clown against alot of opponents in this, but not Gilgamesh.
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons) - Archer is probably willing to follow Ned's lead for the win here. Zuko and Doom likely can't cooperate, especially as Zuko is in fact a cartoon.
Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics) - Dunno Alexi.
Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics) - Sure, I'll buy that Delita can at least make something worth a damn here. Aquaman prolly not. And why is he listed as "Orin" anyway?
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja) - Yup.
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise) - Watson and Bonta-kun are WAY too good at this event to get manhandled this badly, but so it goes.
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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2014, 06:06:40 AM »
Short Form

Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
Seems obvious enough.

Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)

Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)
I don't recall Stukov achieving much aside from getting himself killed.

Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
In all likelyhood.

In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)

Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)
What everyone else said.


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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 07:25:03 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons) Archer's eyesight is sharp enough he can just count cards and he's a cynical enough bastard to do so.  Ned's pretty good too.  Doom meanwhile will be surrounded by what he hates and probably get disqualified if he wasn't smote by one of the others.
Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)" Stukov rebels against the enlightenment of the Zerg.
Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise) Now that's a match!


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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2014, 03:09:16 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
I wouldn't want to square off against Gilgamesh in any kind of wrestling. Those extra arms are going to tie Ronald up into a big greasy pretzel.

Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Yeah, sure, I'll go along with the "Zuko and Doom won't get along" line of thinking.

Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)
He's probably closer to enlightenment anyway.

Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
Aquaman won't know what to do with the secret ingredient and all his dishes end up being seafood dishes with some beef thrown in. Delita's dishes aren't fantastic, but they make better use of the secret ingredient.

In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Spoiler alert for those of you who aren't up-to-date with your Dr. McNinja lore: King Radical is Chuck Goodrich from the future, so he does have something to transform from. Soma, being a pretty-boy anime bishie type, seems like he'd have the edge at first glance, but his transformation sequence will seem bland and by-the-numbers compared to the totally awesome and radical transformation sequence that K-Rad is gonna bust out. Will Soma's transformation have flamethrowers, dune buggies, luchador masks, mohawks made out of fire, and grizzly bears with gatling guns for arms? No? Didn't think so.

Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)
Rescuing the president? All in a day's work for Snake.

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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2014, 07:29:22 AM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
All those extra arms tip this.  This is assuming Ronald even shows up; doubt McDonald's Corp. would allow their mascot for young kids to even participate.

Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Gonna go with Archer as a card counter and Ned being competent.  Ned's interesting to interpret; he can be anywhere from skilled to extreme fundementalist who refuses to participate.

Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)
Total fail?  Not this time.  As entertaining of an idea it is to suggest, I see Cap as having enough humility to reach the goal here.  Now for extreme cases like a marksmanship contest between an Imperial Stormtrooper and a Shinra grunt...

Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
  Scouting the nom topic shows Orin from Odin Sphere.  Still, since the voting is based on Aquaman, Delita has this.  There aren't cows in Ivalice (maybe) but panther and bull demon are closer than anything Aquaman is familiar with.

In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Going with the kneejerk here.  King Radical is really good at this contest as well so it's close.

Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)
Busting up Foot Soldiers by the dozens is routine for Ninja Turtles.  Their teacher is on one of the teams?  Ha ha ha, that's crazy advantage there.  The other half of the team is such a legend that it was an intentional design decision to not have him playable in MGS2; he's too good.  One could argue Snake might unintentionally kill the President (FOXDIE) but has a teammate can take care of escorting Reagan safely to the White House.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 11:20:20 PM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2014, 07:49:34 AM »
Don't just skip to the short forms when voting.  Orin is the proper name of Aquaman, which I used in keeping with how I identified other comic characters (Invisible Woman is Sue Richards, Captain America is Steve Rogers).  My thinking is that multiple characters use a given super hero name, so real names would be less ambiguous.
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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2014, 09:16:03 PM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)
Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics)
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)

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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2014, 07:35:43 PM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot): Has experience in physical combat, plus those arms.

Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons): If I'm recalling correctly, Ned is an avid bridge player, and I have to think the skillset would translate. Archer doesn't sound like any more of a hindrance than Judge Doom, who is the only other character I actually know here.

Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics): abstain

Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Orin (DC Comics): Sure.

In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series) vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja): Dunno the opponent but yeah Soma is top-tier at this.

Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise): Snake is OP in this event.

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Re: Tourney of Random Events: Round 1, Week 3
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2014, 06:56:45 PM »
Oil Wrestling: Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V)- iiiiiiiiii vs Ronald McDonald (Mascot)
Euchre: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) vs Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)- iiiiiii
Achieve Enlightenment: Alexei Stukov (StarCraft Series) vs Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics)- iiiiii
Iron Chef: Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics)- iiiiiiiii vs Orin (DC Comics)
In the Name of the Moon...: Soma Cruz (Castlevania Series)- iiiiiii vs King Radical (The Adventures of Dr. McNinja)- i
Bad Enough Dude: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes Series) and Bonta-kun (Full Metal Panic?! Fumoffu) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series) and Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise)- iiiiiiiii
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.