Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A  (Read 1049 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« on: June 20, 2014, 06:15:58 PM »
Round 1 - Group A

Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
This event is as old as cash.  Namely, it's where our contestants will try and gain as much moolah as possible in a week.  Whoever comes out of this the richest wins!

Napoleon the Pig may not have opposable thumbs, and is going to face the huge handicap of not being human.  But, he's coming into this with a proven track record of success, as well as a top notch skillset of manipulation, propaganda, and doublespeak, as well as having already managed to amass a fair amount of wealth after a hostile takeover of a farm.  But it won't be as easy as he'd like it to be, as his opposition is one of the best self-promoters in modern wrestling, The Rock.  The Rock is a noted performer in an already theatrical sports league.  So he too is a proven money maker.  The only question is, which of these two will prove better at picking up capital.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
The notion of a nonsense contest is to be able to participate in a conversation all the while continuing the conversation in non-sequetirs, random asides, and straight up proclaimations of the sort that would make Cthulu squeal with glee at their burbling insanity.  Things that aren't allowed?  Responces that makes sense in or out of context.  Repeating yourself.  And, of course, stalling out and taking too long to reply.  This match is all about a limber and quick mind.

And while we may not have top notch minds for this, we do have two top line thinkers.  First up we have Selina Kyle, also known as the notorious Catwoman.  Criminals are already pretty good at having snakey lines of thought, but she hangs out with the denizens of Gotham's underworld, a group that is notoriously unstable.  Gadget comes into this with the downside of being a fairly un mad scientist.  But, she does hang out with those minor avatars of confusion Chip and Dale, which should give her a handle on how to deal with this competition.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Perhaps it's because they have a great need, that only infernal power can help them achieve.  Maybe they just have a lust for power that has to be slaked at any cost.  Or, perhaps the Devil's just hanging out and offering that bit of temptation you just can't say no to.  No matter how it happened, the result is the same.  Now you have to deal with the Devil, and your immortal soul is on the line.  The name of this game is, whoever can get out of this snare with their soul still in their possession, wins. If both of our contestants succeed (or, perhaps more realistically, if they both fail) then whoever manages to come out of it with the most perks, benefits, and other sorts of gain will be the winner.

And this match, this is going to be a fine match indeed.  Our first contender is no stranger to the dark side of the street, seeing as he's a vampire straight from the Hellmouth.  That's right, Spike comes into this with pretty much everything he needs to excell except, perhaps, a soul.  Of course, perhaps that's why he's making the deal.  Opposing him is the nefarious mastermind Dr. Wily, who seems to be looking for a new edge in his never ending battle against Mega Man.  Can he get his eight shiny new robot masters and still keep his soul?

Event 4: Burning Heretics
What's the deal with Heretics.  Why they gotta be backing unorthadox and just plain wrong views?  That said, they do have their uses.  I mean, nothing brings a community together quite like tossing a few heretics on the bonfires.  And our winner will be the one who's best able to round up, and then toss on the heretics in question.

While Ichabod Crane may be a humble school teacher, he does have a huge advantage in having been born and raised in a culture that's all about burning heathens at the stake.  Granted, most of the ones he'd know about would be of the witch variety, it's still something that's accepted by his peers.  Of course, just because he may be ok with it, doesn't mean he'll be any good at it.  Anna, of Fire Emblem fame, has the skills.  After all, she seems to know how to be everywhere, and she's got combat skills when she chooses to join the fight.  The next question is, how easily will she burn unbelievers?

Pair Event 1: Three Legged Race
While most racing events focus on singular excellence, the Three Legged Race is less about how good any single member of the team is, and a lot more about how well the two runners can work together.

This leaves our first team in a bit of a pickle, as we have Kamek, loyal employee of the princess kidnapping Bowser working with Princess Zelda.  And even if they can work together, there's the slight issue of how well can Kamek run when he's probably used to floating everywhere.  What is certain is that if they want to have any hope of victory they'll have to work together because they're up against the team of Knight of the Grail, Sir Lancelotte the Brave, and Cecilia Lynn Adelbert.  Of course, given that this Lancelotte is from Monty Python's Holy Grail, perhaps he might be hung up on his princess partner and how to treat her properly.  Regardless, this is going to be an interest race...

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Four racers, Two carts, One Winner.  It's time to go go kart racing Double Dash style. As always, teammates can swap positions quickly and easily to ensure the best driver, or best items, are always raring to go.

Our first team comes into this with an odd advantage.  Matt Engarde is a modern day movie star, who'll have some idea of how to drive from his Hollywood lifestyle.  Watching his back will be Inspector Javert, who may not know how to handle a horseless carriage, but who probably will have a good idea how to draw a bead on the opposition, and level a good offense at them.  Of course, they're going at this as a pair of mortals daring to face off against a pair of divine beings.  Queen Zeal may not have started divine, but after kinda sorta merging with Lavos, she might as well be.  Having lived from ancient times to the future, she's undoubtedly seen a lot of stuff, and that experience will serve her well here.  Working alongside her will be the Goddess Palutena who's certain to know her way in hectic situations, though her driving skills are unknown.  After all, she hasn't gotten her invite to the kart circuit yet.

Quick Vote Form

Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs)

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2014, 06:20:27 PM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)- The Rock character made the WWE millions and millions and is super charsmatic to boot.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)- Easy enough.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily- Spike works for a satanic law firm at one point IIRC.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2014, 06:33:48 PM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)

I feel bad for Napoleon here since he's legitimately good at this, with a proven track record of bringing financial success (and evil autocracy, but who's keeping track) to Animal Farm. But... yeah, The Rock's scale of money-making is just far grander.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Voting for the one from the zanier source material. Gadget could just start reciting the plots of various Rescue Rangers episodes and possibly win. Catwoman... yeah drawing on Batman villains isn't a bad idea, but she herself always felt relatively serious and Batman isn't super-zany by comic book standards.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily

I feel I should know Spike better than I do / than wikis can fill me in to vote here. Dr. Wily does seem the type to pretend to offer his soul but word things such that Satan ends up with the "soul" of one of his robotic clones, so that's something. But he also fails a lot so someone else could easily be better than him at this.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)

I'm unsure. Crane certainly is from the right setting and should know how to handle a torch. On the one hand Anna can reclass to Sage, pick up some fire tomes and literally burn heretics herself. That... probably works better.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs)

Kamek is a total anchor here. Lancelotte may be comically inept, but so is Kamek, and we have no evidence he has good use of his legs. Cecilia vs. Zelda feel like they might be about easily matched (princesses, but pretty athletic ones) although Cecilia's spell list mgiht tilt things.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)

Thinking on this one. On the one hand, Matt is probably the only one with actual, real-life-driving experience. On the other hand we know Palutena actually plays video games and has very likely played Double Dash itself, and can grant the power of flight to their car (only for five minutes, but that's probably enough). Both back-seat types seem capable too. Really depends how much I value real driving experience vs. divine super-powers here, it's close.

edit: Just remembered that Matt may not actually have much driving experience; he notoriously uses assistants for everything and I suspect that may include driving? He does have a motorbike in his room but that could be for show... now leaning towards Zeal/Palutena though.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 06:45:22 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2014, 06:35:17 PM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)
In all likelyhood.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily
Sure I guess.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)
Anna has Mage in her class set and is in a game where the hero goes around fighting evil cultists.  That is enough for me given the competition.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs)
Can't really imagine Kamek being much more than a hinderance here.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2014, 10:26:42 PM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)
Napoleon is good at this; The Rock (especially in fictionalized form) is great.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily
SPIKE DOES NOT HAVE A SOUL.  Spoiled before the match even begins.  Against someone truly incompetent, I might hype Spike somehow "stealing" another's soul to sell to the Devil, but Wily doesn't seem terrible at this kind of thing.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)
Taken in their more restricted forms, neither are very good / interested in it.  Anna is a merchant who fights bandits, Crane is a superstitious schoolteacher who'd fear heretics but not necessarily fight them.  Broaden things up and sure, Anna Second Seals to Sage and plays up her time fighting the Grimleal (which isn't exactly her thing, but sure, she's part of the party), but Crane accesses his TV-show form who is *really* suited to this, blowing up colonial arms depots to set resurrected evil witches on fire.  It's close, but I'm going to have to tiebreak for Crane; in either form, he seems like the kind of person who'd *want* to go hunt down heretics and set them on fire, while Anna takes nothing other than making money seriously, it'd just be a hobby for her. 

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelsomething (Wild ARMs)
Played fair, team 2 wins.  If Zelda / Kamek break out a bunch of magic...  well Cecilia has magic too, and we're getting away from the spirit of the contest anyway.

Also I'm pretty sure it's "Adelhyde", Japan thinks all fantasy royalty are named after their kingdom Yamato-style.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)
Javert is a very dedicated, fanatical sort.  He's probably the better driver here anyway despite lack of experience.  Really depends on Palutena here, royalty like Zeal does not strike me as good training for being a driver.  EDIT: Sure I'll go for Javert hype.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 02:13:20 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2014, 07:44:04 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)- FINALLY!  THE ROCK!  HAS COME BACK! ... to Animal Farm.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)- Technobabble is a form of nonsense.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily- Spike's won his soul in trial by combat before, and he's got plenty of experience fucking over demonic bargains.  Dr. Wily's too specialized for this.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)- The Ichabod I'm familiar with most is the Johnny Depp version, who about fainted from shock from a little blood.  Setting someone on fire is way beyond him.  Anna has no such compunctions.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs)- Kneejerk.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2014, 08:52:44 AM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)
  Had it been making wealth and keeping it, this would be a more even contest.  As only making the money is needed, the Rock has this hands down.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)
  What Gadget finds interesting to converse about (technobabble for the sake of convenience), Catwoman would call nonsense.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily
  Interesting matchup with qualified contestants.  Going with the cronyism vote.  There's no restriction on the Devil playing favorites and it likes Spike more than Wily.  Wily would have more success if the Devil decided to be impartial though.  None of Spike's tricks would work on the one who invented them and could see right through them.  It would be like Zio taking on the Profound Darkness again.  Wily is more persistent than a cockroach and could probably cheat his way to something.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)
  Heretics.  The thing about most heretics is that they are uncooperative about being rounded up.  When they know someone is coming to capture them for a public execution, they fight like their lives depends on winning.  Due to some practical joker, the very first batch of heretics the contestants tried to capture were Ramza, Orlandu, Beowulf, Reis, and Cloud.  After they had been gaining key abilities from other jobs.  Both were pasted before they could take a single offensive action.  With my interps, Anna gets the win by virtue of needing more effort to take her down.

Pair Event 1: Three Legged Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde (Wild ARMs)
  Assuming Kamek gets over Zelda having stronger magical powers than him, there is the issue of him being about as tall as Zelda's waist.  This won't end well.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)
None have ever driven those karts before.  Palutena strikes me as being able to learn the quickest whether by a practice period beforehand to familiarize with the controls or everyone being thrown in blind and the kartwrecks that ensue.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 09:39:23 PM by DragonKnight Zero »

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2014, 01:10:24 AM »

Quick Vote Form

Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Throwing a vote Catwoman's way here. Gadget was the fairly no-nonsense person in the cast, zany source material aside.

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)

Crane nearly peed his pants from a ghost story. I can't picture him inflicting burnination on anyone. Brom Bull on the other hand...

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde (Wild ARMs)

Cecilia unleashes her full spell list on the marquee for misspelling her name, then wins the race with a simple Quick spell.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2014, 04:36:18 AM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)
Talking pig kind of works...but the he'd get assassinated for being a communist by some random nutjob. 

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily
First off...Spike has a soul, so that's a blatant lie in the match description.  Second, souls are not needed to make deals with the devil, they have just been popularized that way (I mean, how else do you explain Justin Bieber?).  Third, Spike has experience with Wolfram and Hart, a demonic law firm that specializes in this shit.  Yeah, I...don't really think Wily can make this work.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series)
Modern Ichabod Crane has experience with weapons, and clearly burned a heretical witch in episode 2.  Easy advantage here.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs)
Running away is a definite skill here.  Especially with Quick enhancement.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U)
I can't imagine Zeal being into this.  Or Palutena, for that matter.  The more real world people should win this.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2014, 05:12:43 AM »
Alright folks, this group closes and the next one opens tomorrow!  Get your votes in now!


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2014, 01:58:50 AM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling) - Yeah the guy's a professional at this.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) - No vote on this one, it reads like a coinflip to me though?

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily - Experience, definitely.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series) - Heretics are potential customers for Anna, I don't see her offing 'em easily.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde (Wild ARMs) - They're not good at this but I think Kamek/Zelda are worse.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U) - No vote.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2014, 02:28:47 AM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling): Napoleon may be good in long term strategy, but there's really no faster way sans winning the lottery than being a massive celebrity, which the Rock is.  He goes into one wrestling or signs up for one movie, and makes millions right there and then.  Considering it's "Get Rich Quick", the short term is all that matters.

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers): Pretty sure she's good with words considering how she can seduce Batman; that has to help here!

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily: If nothing else, Dr. Wily has always been a "do it yourself" guy; even if it's getting a giant ancient robot, he has to fix the robot up himself so he can claim it's his own.  As a result, making a deal with the devil is something he wouldn't do, let alone succeed at.  Don't know Spike, but this logic works.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series): Complete kneejerk on how I feel a Merchant is better at this than a guy whose purpose in the folktale is to eventually die.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs): Team A is basically completely screwed; we have Kamek, who is a typical henchman that regularly fails at everything no matter how brilliant his strategies may be (...not that he has any...), and Zelda, who has an absolutely attrocious Track record at everything she does if Link isn't involved.  Victory to the other team.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U): There is no way in hell Matt Engarde and Javert would work together.  Javert had problems co-operating with Val Jean who very much reformed and a good person, no way would he be able to co-operate with an open scumbag.
MEANWHILE, Palutena has worked with Villains successfully in the past, so I'm sure she'll find some common ground to make Queen Zeal work.  Also, Palutena has super powers letting them basically cheat.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-A
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2014, 02:29:39 AM »
Event 1: Getting Rich Quick
Napoleon (Animal Farm) vs. The Rock (Wrestling)

Event 2: Nonsense Contest
Selina Kyle (catwoman) vs. Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Event 3: Dealing with the Devil
Spike (Buffy:tVS) vs. Dr. Wily - They both lose the deal, but Wily asks for more and more and more things from it.

Event 4: Burning Heretics
Ichabod Crane (Folktale) vs. Anna (FE Series) - Anna gets burned for being a witch instead. Oops.

Pair Event 1: Hand Cart Race
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) & Zelda (The Legend of) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG) & Cecilia Lynn Adelbert (Wild ARMs) - Kamek is the weak link here.

Pair Event 2: Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) & Inspector Javert (Les Misreables) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) & Palutena (KI:U) - Seems like something Palutena would randomly be good at.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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