Memories of SNES games very hazy, memories of PSX era sorta fuzzy, memories of PS2 era and FF5 crystal clear.
Favorite FF game: FF5. I find it much more succinct, replayable, and enjoyable than most any other game in the series. FFX runner up, it's fun but it's slow to get going (Guadosalam is the point where I start caring/when the game stops tutorialing you more or less?)
Least favorite FF game: FF4. I think I have tried replaying it six times and stop before becoming za paladino ultomato each time since... can't bring myself to continue? This'd be FF3DS but that got entertaining endgame I guess.
Favorite FF dungeon: ... prrrrrrobably the one super-optional and really tough area in FF12 where you go to get the Zodiac Spear if you FAQ'd it, actually? Like, there's actually a lot of places in FF12 I really liked the feel of but that place was easily one of my favorites. Runner up to Kefka's Tower, though.
Favorite main character: Does Yuna count? If not, Terra (and if she doesn't count, I pass)
Least favorite FF dungeon: WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT IDENTICAL MAZE OF ROOMS IN FF12 WAS, FUCK THAT PLACE TO HELL capslock off but christ I can't describe how much i hate that dungeon. Also it says something about FF12 naming scheme that I can't recall the name of -any- of the locations I guess.
Favorite final boss: uhhhm. let's go the three dudes leading up to Kefka if I can cheat and not pick Kefka himself. would be a lot more interesting in a tougher game, and was still really interesting/stylish in the game itself.
Favorite FF game plot: FF6. most concrete and interesting turn of the game, with an excellent transfer to the second half. Runnerup to FF10, but the earlygame drags on me.
Favorite weapon (Can list more than one): Gonna order based on favorites, note I'm not a fan of a lot of the standard stuff.
Blitzball (FFX) > Combs (FF7) > Dolls (FFX) > Dualguns (FF13) > Tools (FF6) > Staff/dreamcatcher (FF13) > martial artist characters minus Snow > the rest, offhand? > Snow (how is your weapon the fucking symbol on your back, you are hitting with your fists, stop this bloody nonsense)
Game you use the most status in: FFXII. Thanks, reverse Remedies!
Game you use the least status in: I was about to say FF9, but then I remembered Tent abuse existed. Uh, probably FF7 then. FF6 runner up.
Game with the best challenge: FF5, probably? Going for non-breaking runs makes it pretty threatening pretty often. Runner-up to FF13.
Game you've replayed the most: FF5, easily.
Game that has aged the best: FF6. FF5... the GBA version helps but the graphics are still dry. FF6, oddly enough, still feels pretty impressive for the software it's on, to me.
Game that has aged the worst: Two way tie for me: FF7 for graphics, FF9 for gameplay.
Favorite summon: Tie between FF8 Doomtrain and FFX Valefor/FFX summons in general. Honestly both games did summons in ways I like (too bad FF8 is broken by stiff winds...)
Favorite dungeons by game:
FF3: No.
FF4: Final dungeon.
FF5: Ronka Ruins works, sure.
FF6: Kefka's Tower.
FF7: The mansion, actually, I think. Neat case of optional stuff and non-optional stuff merged well and sanely.
FF8: This game had dungeons? Uh, final dungeon works.
FF9: Something from disc 1.
FF10: Yes.
FF12: The super-optional hard zone. A lot of the game had fun design here, though.
FF13: Pulse, by dint of being the only thing that wasn't a corridor.
Least favorite dungeons by game:
FF3: Yes.
FF4: One of the many early caves. Choose one and it'll be my least favorite for today.
FF5: oof. Uh... Fork Tower.
FF6: The place where you re-recruit Strago. Yes game I get your point this is tall, congrats, penis size of developer compensated for
FF7: I recall a lot of places being weirdly hard to navigate? We'll go with the one optional dungeon that had a lot of weird puzzle stuff to get through it, though.
FF8: Iiiii don't recall anything other than the Minotaur/Sacred thing being all -that- annoying... so let's go with that dungeon.
FF9: Discs 3 and 4, offhand.
FF10: No.
FF12: That one goddamn "everything is all the same" dungeon.
FF13: Pulse, by dint of being the only thing that wasn't a corridor.