Author Topic: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade  (Read 7703 times)


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Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« on: July 16, 2014, 05:52:11 AM »

A new stat topic for Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, also known as Fire Emblem 6, Fire Emblem: The Sword of Seals, Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword, Fire Emblem: Fūin no Tsurugi, etc.  It's the epic tale of a young man who travels the continent killing bad people, taking their legendary weapons, rescuing his blue-haired sorta girlfriend, and getting his own personal awesome sword.

First of all, huge thanks to Jo'ou Ranbu's old FE6 stat topic and to the charts at Serenes Forest.  Without that previous work, this topic would have been impossible, or at least required 10 times as much effort.  So...  what is different about this stat topic compared to the old one?

* I've used the Awakening DLC "official" translations for the characters this exists for.  Other characters still use the fan-translation name.
* Levels are subtly lower, with 20/13 as the baseline rather than 20/15.
* This topic is somewhere between an equal-XP topic and an equal-levels topic - characters are given level bonuses & penalties for their join level, but not to the extent an equal-XP topic would, on the assumption that you'd at least somewhat favor low-level characters if you wanted to use them at all.  It turns out this only matters for 1 character, and everyone else is taken at equal-XP values.
* This topic is much harsher on weapon levels than the previous topic, which assumed A rank everything.
* Enemy stat figures used are different - 15 Def, 12 Res, 9 Luck, 120 Hit, and 34 Avoid, and 32 raw damage for durability figures.  (The old topic used 10 Def, 5 Res, 10 Luck, 125 Hit.)  These numbers are based on enemies in C22 & C23, the toughest humans in the game.
* The combination of lower levels, higher defensive stats, & being harsher on weapon choice has reduced the damage scale considerably - the DL killpoint is now 45, which is comparable to enemies you fight in-game.
* Default weapon choice is a bit more diverse now.  I've taken both accuracy and criticals into account - but I've tried to avoid an FE8-with-killers situation of the entire cast using Killer weapons and having a very high killpoint, but still acknowledging that characters who have obscene 75% crit rates should probably have that reflected in the averages as it's what they'll use it in the DL.


Most characters are taken at Level 13 promoted.  This topic has been edited to now basically use Elf's equal-XP levels with 1 exception and 1 interp split.  Non-13 characters are below:
  • Lilina, Wendy, Fir, Shin, Gonzales (10A), Tate, Raigh, Miredy, Igrene, and Garret all join notably underlevel.  They are penalized -1 level (12).
  • Sophia, Hugh, & Zeiss all have issues - Sophia & Zeiss are catastrophically underlevel, and Sophia has severe accuracy issues getting going.  Hugh is underlevel and also robs your coffers for money that could be used for stat-ups.  They are penalized 2 levels (11).
  • Marcus, Zealot, Perceval, Douglas, & Juno all join overlevel, and get +1 level (14).
  • Niime, Dayan, Yodel, & Karel all join hugely overlevel.  Dayan is given +3 levels (16).  Niime joins at L18 with several maps to go and the ability to use staves, so she is taken at L20; Yodel joins at L20; Karel joins at L19.
  • Bishops & Valkyries [Ellen, Saul, Clarine, Cecilia] get a special XP bonus that only matters if used in combat.  If lightly used for combat, they'll probably be L13; if used as nearly combat-exclusive units, they can hit L20.  I've given them a +2 level bonus (15).
  • Chad, Astol, Cath, & Fa can't promote.  The thieves are taken at unpromoted L20; Fa is taken at L17 due to weapon charge woes (see Appendix below).
  • Roy can't promote until Chapter 22, by which point he'll be vastly underlevel (20/1 vs. 20/8-20/12).  He does get a super-sword that makes catching him up not so bad, at least.  Roy gets a 4 level penalty (9) to reflect that by the time he's caught up, the game's basically over.

If you're interested in the equal-XP figures for Roy (harsher) and for combat Bishops/Valks (more generous), see the appendix.

Stats and formulas

Physical damage = Strength + Weapon might - Def (assumed enemy Def = 15)
Magical Damage = Magic + Weapon might - Res (assumed enemy Res = 12)
Attack speed: If Weapon Weight <= Con: Speed (no change)
If Weapon Weight > Con: Speed - (Weapon Weight - Con) (weighed down by the difference)
Hit = Skill*2 + Luck/2 + Weapon Hit
Avoid = Attack Speed*2 + Luck
Crit = Skill/2 + Weapon Crit + (30 if class is Swordmaster/Berserker)
Critical Evade = Luck
Magical Status Hit =  30 + [(Magic - Resistance) x 6] + Skill - Distance.  (No legal PC status attacks, but Resistance matters for status defense.)
If Attack Speed >= Attack Speed + 4, the faster character double attacks.
If a critical triggers, the attack does triple damage.

Note that unlike FE7/FE10/etc., hitting an S rank does nothing other than let you equip DL-illegal legendaries, so A vs. S isn't relevant.

The weapon & magic triangle are the same as FE7 - Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword, Light > Dark > Arcane > Light.  Good Weapon triangle is +10 Hit & +1 damage; bad weapon triangle is -10 Hit & -1 damage.

For the character writeups below, Avoid is referred to as "RawAvoid" so as to avoid confusion.

Derived stats:
PCHP: The character's HP divided by the HP average.
DefMult, ResMult: Multipliers for changing subtractive defense into multiplicative defense, for those who do that.  Lower is better (e.g. 0.5 = takes half damage, 2.0 = takes double damage)  Assumes an attack of 32 raw power for both physical & magic damage.
PDur, MDur: The character's PCHP divided by their DefMult & ResMult.
Accuracy %: How often the PC's weapon actually hits a 34 RawAvoid enemy.  Uses the average of two random numbers.
Evasion %: How often a character actually dodges vs. a 120 Hit enemy.  Uses the average of two random numbers.


Note that the majority of the cast can hit Knight/General weakness (Sword, Lance, and Axe users all can), which might cause uniqueness issues.  Up to you.

Swords (Swordmaster, Hero, Thief, Master Lord, Falcon Knight, Paladin, Nomadic Trooper, Wyvern Lord)

Slim Sword — E Rank, 2 Weight, 95 Accuracy, 3 Might, 5 Critical, 30 Charges.
Iron Sword — E Rank, 5 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 46 Charges.
Steel Sword — D Rank, 10 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges.
Armorslayer — D Rank, 11 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 18 Charges. Effective against Knights/Generals.
Killing Edge — C Rank, 7 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 9 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges.
Silver Sword — A Rank, 8 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 13 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges.

Rapier — Prf. Weapon, 5 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 5 Might, 10 Critical, 25 Charges. Roy only. Effective against Knights/Generals, Cavaliers/Paladins.
Sword of Seals — Prf. Weapon, 8 Weight, 95 Accuracy, 18 Might, 10 Critical, Defense +5, Res +5, 20 Charges (but surely less in the DL, see below - 10 charges?). Roy only, 1-2 range.  Use as an item to heal 30 HP, self-only.
Wo Dao — D Rank, 5 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 8 Might, 40 Critical, 18 Charges. Fir/Karel only. (Technically, Rutger can use one, too. But Karel and Fir are the only characters who start with a Wo Dao, and there’s only one other Wo Dao in the game besides the ones in Karel and Fir’s hands)
Light Brand — C Rank, 9 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 9 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Charges.  1-2 range; when used at 2 range, it is a fixed 10 damage Light-typed magical attack (has WTA against Dark Magic, and WTD against Anima).  Only storebought in C23 which is very late; make of that what you will.

Lances (Paladin, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord, General)

Slim Lance — E Rank, 4 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 4 Might, 5 Critical, 30 Charges.
Iron Lance — E Rank, 8 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 45 Charges.
Javelin — E Rank, 11 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 6 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Has 1-2 range.
Steel Lance — D Rank, 13 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges.
Heavy Spear — D Rank, 13 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 11 Might, 0 Critical, 16 Charges. Effective against Knights/Generals.
Killer Lance — C Rank, 9 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 10 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges.
Silver Lance — A Rank, 10 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 14 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges.

Axes (Berserker, Warrior, General, Paladin)

Iron Axe — E Rank, 10 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 45 Charges.
Hand Axe — E Rank, 12 Weight, 50 Accuracy, 7 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Has 1-2 range.
Steel Axe — D Rank, 15 Weight, 50 Accuracy, 11 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges.
Hammer — D Rank, 15 Weight, 45 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against Knights/Generals.
Halberd — D Rank, 15 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 18 Charges. Effective against Cavaliers/Paladins.
Killer Axe — C Rank, 11 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 11 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges.
Silver Axe — A Rank, 12 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 15 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges.

Brave Axe — B Rank, 16 Weight, 55 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. Double-attack. (Either Geese's or Bartre’s starting weapon, depending on the route chosen in chapter 9. If you don't get the chapter where you recruit Bartre, Geese'll start with it. If you do, however, Geese will just start with a Hand Axe and a Steel Axe. Whether you allow the Brave Axe to either of them or not, it's your call.)

Bows (Sniper, Nomad Trooper, Warrior)

Iron Bow — E Rank, 5 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 6 Might, 0 Critical, 45 Charges. Effective against flying units (Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Rider, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord). Range 2.
Short Bow — D Rank, 3 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 5 Might, 10 Critical, 22 Charges. Effective against flying units. Range 2.
Steel Bow — D Rank, 9 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 9 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. Effective against flying units. Range 2.
Killer Bow — C Rank, 7 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 9 Might, 30 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against flying units. Range 2.
Silver Bow — A Rank, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 13 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against flying units. Range 2.

Anima Magic (Sage, Valkyrie)

Fire — E Rank, 1 Weight, 95 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. 1-2 range.
Thunder — D Rank, 2 Weight, 80 Accuracy, 6 Might, 5 Critical, 25 Charges. 1-2 range.
Elfire — C Rank, 4 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. 1-2 range.
Aircalibur — B Rank, 2 Weight, 85 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Effective against flying units. 1-2 range.

Light Magic (Bishop)

Lightning — E Rank, 1 Weight, 75 Accuracy, 5 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. 1-2 range.
Divine — C Rank, 3 Weight, 65 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 25 Charges. 1-2 range.

Dark Magic (Druid)

Flux — D Rank, 5 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 8 Might, 0 Critical, 30 Charges. 1-2 range.
Nosferatu — C Rank, 6 Weight, 70 Accuracy, 10 Might, 0 Critical, 20 Charges. Parasitic healing (all damage done to the enemy heals caster for the equivalent HP). 1-2 range.

Eclipse — B Rank, 9 Weight, 10 Accuracy, 0 Might, 0 Critical, 5 Charges. 3-10 Range. HP->1. (Initial weapon for Niime)

Dragonstones (Manakete)
Divinestone - Prf. Weapon, 0 Weight, 100 Accuracy, 16 Might, 15 Critical, 30 initial charges.  Fa-only.  Str +12, Skl +12, Def +15, Res +20 when equipped.  Effective against Manaketes/Dragons.  Will surely have fewer charges left in the DL - 5-10 or so?

Staves (Bishop, Druid, Sage, Valkyrie)
None DL-relevant.  (Yodel's starting staff is heal-everyone-but-him, not heal everyone.)

Weapon ranks

Characters who gain a new weapon type at E rank upon class promotion are assumed to only hit D rank in the new type.  Bishops gain Light magic at D rank upon promotion and are assumed to hit C rank in it.  Pre-promoted characters usually start with sufficient weapon levels, but Bartre is assumed to only hit B in Bows (starts with D), Juno hits D in Swords (starts with E and very few missions left), & Dayan a B in Swords (starts with C and very few missions left).  Note that Arms Scrolls don't exist in FE6, using better weapons doesn't provide more WExp, and a very common "unlock the side level needed for good ending" requirement is "didn't take a huge number of turns grinding," all of which lead me to be extra-harsh.

Damage average & default weapons
I've provided 3 damage averages: a naive damage average based on the default weapon choices in this topic, an accuracy-adjusted damage average, and an accuracy and critical adjusted damage average (recommended).  Default weapons usually optimized the with-accuracy-and-crits damage, barring cases of attack speed loss that didn't seem to compensate for any damage gain.

*Damage average: The usual.
*Accuracy-adjusted average: The character's damage multiplied by their in-game Hit rate.  So a character with 10 damage and 85% actual accuracy would have 8.5 ADmg.
*Critical & accuracy adjusted average: I set a critical threshold of 35 - aka character is very likely to critical in 3 attacks, the DL usual, so it'd show up in a psuedo-3 turn average. If Crit < 35 , CDmg = ADmg (true for the vast majority of the cast).  If Crit >= 35, include crits; CDmg = (100 - Crit)% * ADmg + Crit% * ADmg * 3.

Note that randomly grabbing a Killer Weapon for most of the cast won't break the 35 crit threshold (it's just +30), so most of the cast sticks to Silver Weapons.  Also note that if you prefer to use the no-crits average, the averages should be slightly higher as Swordmasters drop Killers for Silvers (although not really Berserkers, oddly enough...  Silver Axe accuracy issues), + ~.3 to the accuracy-adjusted average I believe.


Roy & Fa's stat boosts from equipment are included.

HP:  44.2
Skill: 19.3
Speed (raw): 19.7
Luck: 15.3
Defense: 13.0
Resistance: 10.9
Constitution: 9
Move: 6.6

Atk. Speed: 19.2
RawAvoid: 53.7
Evasion: 24.5%
Hit: 84.1
Accuracy: 91.9%

Damage: 17.5 (2.5x killpoint: 43.5)
Damage, w/ accuracy: 16.0 (2.5x killpoint: 40.0)
Damage, w/ accuracy & criticals: 18.2 (2.5x killpoint: 45.4)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 08:41:19 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 05:54:50 AM »
Plot-relevant PCs first.

Roy, Lvl 9 Master Lord
44 HP, 18 Str, 22 Skl, 20 Spd, 14 (19) Def, 13 (18) Res, 23 Luck, 8 Con, 6 Mov
1.00 PCHP, 0.68 DefMult, 0.66 ResMult, 1.47 PDurability, 1.52 MDurability, 63 Raw Avoid, 36.5% Evasion

Sword of Seals: 21 damage (12% Critical), 116 Hit, 100% Accuracy, Range 1-2, +5 Def/+5 Res.  Use as item for 30 HP healing, self-only, consumes a charge, does not require SoS to be equipped.  57 damage vs. Manaketes & Dragons.
Silver Sword: 16 damage (2% Critical), 96 Hit, 99.7% Accuracy
Killing Edge: 12 damage (32% Critical), 101 Hit, 100% Accuracy
Rapier: 8 damage (12% Critical), 106 Hit, 100% Accuracy.  18 damage vs. Knights/Generals & Cavaliers/Paladins.

Counter-healing is pretty good, I hear.  On the downside, the SoS is quite limited - I limit the Sword of Seals charges Roy can expend in a single match to 10, and even 5 is reasonable.  So Roy fears characters with their own healing, but he's quite at home in a slugfest off that tankiness + evasion.  Misses the 2HKO to average, though, which hurts, as does the loss of much of his tankiness when the SoS runs out.  Low Heavy.

If you're curious, 20/13 Roy doesn't change THAT much; 22 damage, 1.68 PDur, 1.71 MDur, 45.6% Evasion.  It'll help, but it's not gonna take him to a Heavy Championship or anything.

Lilina, Lvl 12 Sage
33 HP, 30 Mag, 14 Skl, 18 Spd, 6 Def, 20 Res, 19 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.75 PCHP, 1.37 DefMult, 0.57 ResMult, 0.55 PDurability, 1.32 MDurability, 55 Raw Avoid, 24.1% Evasion

Aircalibur: 26 damage, 88 Hit, 97.2% Accuracy

Lilina's pretty direct.  She has a solid 2HKO but can't really take a hit, unlike daddy Hector.  Good resistance, though, and thanks to range 1-2 counters she'll just kill some duelers off counter + attack.  Low Middle, fears fast thiefy types even if they have weak damage.

Like all mages, Lilina can fall back to Thunder or Fire if Wind is resisted at little loss in damage.

Merlinus, Lvl 1 Transporter not in averages
15 HP, 0 Str, 3 Skl, 3 Spd, 3 Def, 0 Res, 10 Luck, 25 Con, 5 Mov
0.34 PCHP, 1.53 DefMult, 1.51 ResMult, 0.22 PDurability, 0.23 MDurability, 16 Raw Avoid, 0% Evasion

Allows access to items in storage to adjacent units.

Merlinus, over the course of two games, has seen things you people wouldn't believe...  munitions wagons on fire off the shoulders of Bern.  He's watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Dragon's Gate.  All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain, if Merlinus is attacked by basically anything, because for all intents and purposes he can't get XP and thus will never level up.  Time to die.

Elphin (/ Elffin), Lvl 20 Bard not in averages
30 HP, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 20 Spd, 9 Def, 11 Res, 23 Luck, 6 Con, 5 Mov
0.68 PCHP, 1.21 DefMult, 0.99 ResMult, 0.56 PDurability, 0.69 MDurability, 63 Raw Avoid, 36.5% Evasion

Play: Refresh an adjacent party member who has acted already to be able to act again.

The party's harpist / loremaster / fortune-teller / exiled prince / resistance-leader, Elphin is unfortunately blind, so it wouldn't really be advised to have him attack someone.  Safety first!


You think I'm kidding, but no, the chattiest characters on the PC side in the plot scenes are Roy, Merlinus, Elphin, and Guinevere.  Guess they were clearly nervous about handing out too many deathless flags, or didn't want to include multiple versions of these conversations. 

Everybody else:

Characters with portraits have some additional comments below in the appendix.  I'm lazy and didn't list all the weapon options for each character.  Note that lighter/heavier weapons which change Attack Speed will adjust the listed evasion rate as well; the listed evasion value is with their default weapon.

Roy - see above

Marcus, Lvl 14 Paladin
40 HP, 12 Str, 17 Skl, 14 Spd, 11 Def, 11 Res, 13 Luck, 11 Con, 8 Mov
0.91 PCHP, 1.11 DefMult, 0.99 ResMult, 0.82 PDurability, 0.92 MDurability, 41 Raw Avoid, 8.6% Evasion

Silver Sword: 10 damage, 81 Hit, 93% Accuracy
Javelin: 3 damage, 61 Hit, 70% Accuracy

Alan, Lvl 13 Paladin
50 HP, 23 Str, 18 Skl, 22 Spd, 16 Def, 6 Res, 15 Luck, 11 Con, 8 Mov
1.13 PCHP, 0.84 DefMult, 1.23 ResMult, 1.35 PDurability, 0.92 MDurability, 59 Raw Avoid, 30% Evasion

Silver Sword: 21 damage, 84 Hit, 95% Accuracy
Javelin: 14 damage, 64 Hit, 74.4% Accuracy

Lance, Lvl 13 Paladin
48 HP, 19 Str, 22 Skl, 25 Spd, 14 Def, 8 Res, 13 Luck, 11 Con, 8 Mov
1.09 PCHP, 0.95 DefMult, 1.13 ResMult, 1.15 PDurability, 0.96 MDurability, 63 Raw Avoid, 36.5% Evasion

Silver Lance: 18 damage (2% Critical), 81 Hit, 93% Accuracy
Javelin: 10 damage (2% Critical), 71 Hit, 83.5% Accuracy

Wolt, Lvl 13 Sniper
46 HP, 19 Str, 23 Skl, 19 Spd, 12 Def, 5 Res, 14 Luck, 8 Con, 6 Mov
1.04 PCHP, 1.05 DefMult, 1.27 ResMult, 0.99 PDurability, 0.82 MDurability, 52 Raw Avoid, 20.2% Evasion

Silver Bow: 17 damage (2% Critical), 89 Hit, 97.7% Accuracy

Bors, Lvl 13 General
52 HP, 19 Str, 15 Skl, 18 Spd, 26 Def, 6 Res, 20 Luck, 16 Con, 5 Mov
1.18 PCHP, 0.32 DefMult, 1.23 ResMult, 3.69 PDurability, 0.96 MDurability, 56 Raw Avoid, 25.6% Evasion

Silver Lance: 18 damage, 71 Hit, 83.5% Accuracy
Javelin: 10 damage, 61 Hit, 70% Accuracy

Ellen, Lvl 15 Bishop
33 HP, 20 Mag, 19 Skl, 16 Spd, 4 Def, 28 Res, 30 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.75 PCHP, 1.47 DefMult, 0.22 ResMult, 0.51 PDurability, 3.41 MDurability, 62 Raw Avoid, 34.9% Evasion

Divine: 16 damage, 84 Hit, 95% Accuracy

Dieck, Lvl 13 Hero
54 HP, 22 Str, 24 Skl, 20 Spd, 15 Def, 7 Res, 14 Luck, 14 Con, 6 Mov
1.22 PCHP, 0.89 DefMult, 1.18 ResMult, 1.37 PDurability, 1.03 MDurability, 54 Raw Avoid, 22.8% Evasion

Silver Sword: 20 damage (3% Critical), 96 Hit, 99.7% Accuracy

Ward, Lvl 13 Warrior
59 HP, 26 Str, 20 Skl, 13 Spd, 15 Def, 2 Res, 18 Luck, 15 Con, 6 Mov
1.34 PCHP, 0.89 DefMult, 1.42 ResMult, 1.51 PDurability, 0.94 MDurability, 44 Raw Avoid, 11.3% Evasion

Silver Axe: 26 damage (1% Critical), 70 Hit, 82.3% Accuracy
Steel Bow: 20 damage (1% Critical), 80 Hit, 92.2% Accuracy

Lot, Lvl 13 Warrior
60 HP, 19 Str, 18 Skl, 19 Spd, 19 Def, 5 Res, 11 Luck, 14 Con, 6 Mov
1.36 PCHP, 0.68 DefMult, 1.27 ResMult, 2.00 PDurability, 1.07 MDurability, 49 Raw Avoid, 16.5% Evasion

Silver Axe: 19 damage, 62 Hit, 71.5% Accuracy
Steel Bow: 13 damage, 72 Hit, 84.6% Accuracy

Shanna, Lvl 13 Falcon Knight
37 HP, 15 Str, 25 Skl, 28 (23) Spd, 11 Def, 15 Res, 24 Luck, 5 Con, 8 Mov
0.84 PCHP, 1.11 DefMult, 0.80 ResMult, 0.76 PDurability, 1.05 MDurability, 70 Raw Avoid, 49.5% Evasion

Silver Lance: 14 damage (3% Critical), 93 Hit, 99.1% Accuracy, AS 23
Killer Lance: 10 damage (33% Critical), 103 Hit, 100% Accuracy, AS 24
Iron Lance: 7 damage (3% Critical), 98 Hit, 99.9% Accuracy, AS 25
Javelin: 6 damage (3% Critical), 83 Hit, 94.4% Accuracy, AS 22
Iron Sword: 5 damage (3% Critical), 113 Hit, 100% Accuracy, AS 28

Chad, Lvl 20 Thief
32 HP, 13 Str, 13 Skl, 20 (17) Spd, 7 Def, 3 Res, 15 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.72 PCHP, 1.32 DefMult, 1.37 ResMult, 0.55 PDurability, 0.53 MDurability, 49 Raw Avoid, 16.5% Evasion

Silver Sword: 11 damage, 74 Hit, 86.7% Accuracy

Lugh, Lvl 13 Sage
36 HP, 20 Mag, 23 Skl, 23 Spd, 10 Def, 16 Res, 16 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.81 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 0.75 ResMult, 0.70 PDurability, 1.08 MDurability, 62 Raw Avoid, 34.9% Evasion

Aircalibur: 16 damage (2% Critical), 105 Hit, 100% Accuracy

Clarine, Lvl 15 Valkyrie
32 HP, 15 Mag, 20 Skl, 25 Spd, 7 Def, 21 Res, 29 Luck, 6 Con, 8 Mov
0.72 PCHP, 1.32 DefMult, 0.52 ResMult, 0.55 PDurability, 1.38 MDurability, 79 Raw Avoid, 66% Evasion

Thunder: 9 damage (6% Critical), 100 Hit, 100% Accuracy
Elfire: 11 damage (1% Critical), 95 Hit, 99.6% Accuracy (Requires C rank)

Rutger, Lvl 13 Swordmaster
49 HP, 17 Str, 29 Skl, 27 Spd, 14 Def, 8 Res, 10 Luck, 8 Con, 6 Mov
1.11 PCHP, 0.95 DefMult, 1.13 ResMult, 1.17 PDurability, 0.98 MDurability, 64 Raw Avoid, 38.3% Evasion

Killing Edge: 11 damage (65% Critical), 109 Hit, 100% Accuracy
Silver Sword: 15 damage (35% Critical), 104 Hit, 100% Accuracy

Saul, Lvl 15 Bishop
40 HP, 19 Mag, 22 Skl, 25 Spd, 8 Def, 23 Res, 6 Luck, 7 Con, 6 Mov
0.91 PCHP, 1.26 DefMult, 0.42 ResMult, 0.72 PDurability, 2.17 MDurability, 56 Raw Avoid, 25.6% Evasion

Divine: 15 damage (2% Critical), 78 Hit, 90.5% Accuracy

Dorothy, Lvl 13 Sniper
46 HP, 23 Str, 22 Skl, 22 Spd, 10 Def, 9 Res, 13 Luck, 7 Con, 6 Mov
1.04 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 1.08 ResMult, 0.90 PDurability, 0.96 MDurability, 57 Raw Avoid, 27% Evasion

Silver Bow: 21 damage (2% Critical), 86 Hit, 96.2% Accuracy

Sue, Lvl 13 Nomad Trooper
41 HP, 16 Str, 25 Skl, 29 Spd, 10 Def, 9 Res, 20 Luck, 6 Con, 8 Mov
0.93 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 1.08 ResMult, 0.80 PDurability, 0.86 MDurability, 78 Raw Avoid, 64.3% Evasion

Silver Bow: 14 damage (3% Critical), 96 Hit, 99.7% Accuracy
Iron Sword: 6 damage (3% Critical), 111 Hit, 100% Accuracy
Steel Sword: 9 damage (3% Critical), 96 Hit, 99.7% Accuracy, AS 25

Zealot (/ Zelot), Lvl 14 Paladin
45 HP, 13 Str, 15 Skl, 16 Spd, 15 Def, 9 Res, 7 Luck, 11 Con, 8 Mov
1.02 PCHP, 0.89 DefMult, 1.08 ResMult, 1.15 PDurability, 0.94 MDurability, 39 Raw Avoid, 7% Evasion

Silver Sword: 11 damage, 74 Hit, 86.7% Accuracy
Javelin: 4 damage, 54 Hit, 58.1% Accuracy

Treck (/ Trec), Lvl 13 Paladin
52 HP, 21 Str, 16 Skl, 19 Spd, 18 Def, 4 Res, 19 Luck, 11 Con, 8 Mov
1.18 PCHP, 0.74 DefMult, 1.32 ResMult, 1.59 PDurability, 0.89 MDurability, 57 Raw Avoid, 27% Evasion

Silver Sword: 19 damage, 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy
Javelin: 12 damage, 62 Hit, 71.5% Accuracy

Noah, Lvl 13 Paladin
49 HP, 18 Str, 20 Skl, 19 Spd, 17 Def, 7 Res, 16 Luck, 12 Con, 8 Mov
1.11 PCHP, 0.79 DefMult, 1.18 ResMult, 1.41 PDurability, 0.94 MDurability, 54 Raw Avoid, 22.8% Evasion

Silver Sword: 16 damage (1% Critical), 89 Hit, 97.7% Accuracy
Javelin: 9 damage (1% Critical), 69 Hit, 81.1% Accuracy

Astol (/ Astolfo), Lvl 20 Thief
34 HP, 11 Str, 12 Skl, 20 Spd, 9 Def, 5 Res, 13 Luck, 8 Con, 6 Mov
0.77 PCHP, 1.21 DefMult, 1.27 ResMult, 0.64 PDurability, 0.61 MDurability, 53 Raw Avoid, 21.4% Evasion

Silver Sword: 9 damage, 71 Hit, 83.5% Accuracy

Lilina - See above

Wendy (/ Gwendolyn), Lvl 12 General
49 HP, 20 Str, 17 Skl, 19 Spd, 20 Def, 7 Res, 20 Luck, 11 Con, 5 Mov
1.11 PCHP, 0.63 DefMult, 1.18 ResMult, 1.76 PDurability, 0.94 MDurability, 58 Raw Avoid, 28.5% Evasion

Silver Lance: 19 damage, 75 Hit, 87.8% Accuracy

Barth, Lvl 13 General
52 HP, 27 Str, 14 Skl, 13 Spd, 27 Def, 4 Res, 7 Luck, 18 Con, 5 Mov
1.18 PCHP, 0.26 DefMult, 1.32 ResMult, 4.54 PDurability, 0.89 MDurability, 33 Raw Avoid, 3.2% Evasion

Silver Lance: 26 damage, 62 Hit, 71.5% Accuracy

Oujay (/ Ogier), Lvl 13 Hero
53 HP, 21 Str, 20 Skl, 24 Spd, 14 Def, 6 Res, 22 Luck, 9 Con, 6 Mov
1.20 PCHP, 0.95 DefMult, 1.23 ResMult, 1.26 PDurability, 0.98 MDurability, 70 Raw Avoid, 49.5% Evasion

Silver Sword: 19 damage (1% Critical), 92 Hit, 98.8% Accuracy

Fir, Lvl 12 Swordmaster
46 HP, 17 Str, 26 Skl, 28 Spd, 11 Def, 9 Res, 18 Luck, 6 Con, 6 Mov
1.04 PCHP, 1.11 DefMult, 1.08 ResMult, 0.94 PDurability, 0.96 MDurability, 74 Raw Avoid, 57.2% Evasion

Wo Dao: 10 damage (74% Critical), 102 Hit, 100% Accuracy, AS 28
Silver Sword: 15 damage (34% Critical), 102 Hit, 100% Accuracy, AS 26

Shin (/ Sin), Lvl 12 Nomad Trooper
49 HP, 21 Str, 23 Skl, 25 Spd, 12 Def, 7 Res, 13 Luck, 8 Con, 8 Mov
1.11 PCHP, 1.05 DefMult, 1.18 ResMult, 1.06 PDurability, 0.94 MDurability, 63 Raw Avoid, 36.5% Evasion

Silver Bow: 19 damage (2% Critical), 88 Hit, 97.2% Accuracy, AS 25
Iron Sword: 11 damage (2% Critical), 103 Hit, 100% Accuracy, AS 25
Steel Sword: 14 damage (2% Critical), 88 Hit, 97.2% Accuracy, AS 23

Gonzales, Lvl 12 Berserker
60 HP, 29 Str, 14 Skl, 24 Spd, 16 Def, 1 Res, 14 Luck, 15 Con, 6 Mov
1.36 PCHP, 0.84 DefMult, 1.46 ResMult, 1.62 PDurability, 0.93 MDurability, 62 Raw Avoid, 34.9% Evasion

Killer Axe: 25 damage (58% Critical), 66 Hit, 77.2% Accuracy
Hand Axe: 21 damage (28% Critical), 51 Hit, 52.5% Accuracy

Assumes 10A Gonzales; Gonzales is much worse on B path.

Geese, Lvl 13 Berserker
57 HP, 24 Str, 20 Skl, 19 Spd, 15 Def, 2 Res, 18 Luck, 14 Con, 6 Mov
1.29 PCHP, 0.89 DefMult, 1.42 ResMult, 1.45 PDurability, 0.91 MDurability, 56 Raw Avoid, 25.6% Evasion

Killer Axe: 20 damage (61% Critical), 80 Hit, 92.2% Accuracy
Hand Axe: 16 damage (31% Critical), 65 Hit, 75.9% Accuracy

Klein, Lvl 13 Sniper
34 HP, 17 Str, 18 Skl, 16 Spd, 10 Def, 9 Res, 16 Luck, 7 Con, 6 Mov
0.77 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 1.08 ResMult, 0.66 PDurability, 0.71 MDurability, 48 Raw Avoid, 15.4% Evasion

Silver Bow: 15 damage, 80 Hit, 92.2% Accuracy

Tate (/ Thite), Lvl 12 Falcon Knight
42 HP, 17 Str, 20 Skl, 26 (22) Spd, 12 Def, 13 Res, 12 Luck, 6 Con, 8 Mov
0.95 PCHP, 1.05 DefMult, 0.90 ResMult, 0.90 PDurability, 1.06 MDurability, 56 Raw Avoid, 25.6% Evasion

Silver Lance: 16 damage (1% Critical), 77 Hit, 89.7% Accuracy, AS 22
Iron Lance: 9 damage (1% Critical), 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy, AS 24
Javelin: 8 damage (1% Critical), 67 Hit, 78.6% Accuracy, AS 21
Iron Sword: 7 damage (1% Critical), 97 Hit, 99.9% Accuracy, AS 26

Echidna, Lvl 13 Hero
44 HP, 17 Str, 22 Skl, 22 Spd, 10 Def, 9 Res, 8 Luck, 9 Con, 6 Mov
1.00 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 1.08 ResMult, 0.86 PDurability, 0.93 MDurability, 52 Raw Avoid, 20.2% Evasion

Silver Sword: 15 damage (2% Critical), 89 Hit, 97.7% Accuracy

Bartre, Lvl 13 Warrior
56 HP, 27 Str, 13 Skl, 14 Spd, 12 Def, 4 Res, 16 Luck, 14 Con, 6 Mov
1.27 PCHP, 1.05 DefMult, 1.32 ResMult, 1.21 PDurability, 0.96 MDurability, 44 Raw Avoid, 11.3% Evasion

Killer Bow: 21 damage (27% Critical), 80 Hit, 92.2% Accuracy
Killer Axe: 23 damage (27% Critical), 65 Hit, 75.9% Accuracy
Silver Axe: 27 damage, 55 Hit, 60% Accuracy
Hand Axe: 19 damage, 50 Hit, 50.5% Accuracy
Brave Axe: 22 damage, 55 Hit, 60% Accuracy, AS 12.  Attacks twice.  Starting equipment.  Probably not legal.

Raigh, Lvl 12 Druid
36 HP, 25 Mag, 21 Skl, 19 (18) Spd, 10 Def, 19 Res, 9 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.81 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 0.61 ResMult, 0.70 PDurability, 1.33 MDurability, 45 Raw Avoid, 12.2% Evasion

Nosferatu: 23 damage (1% Critical), 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy, AS 18
Flux: 21 damage (1% Critical), 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy, AS 19

Cath, Lvl 20 Thief
28 HP, 9 Str, 14 Skl, 20 (17) Spd, 4 Def, 4 Res, 16 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.63 PCHP, 1.47 DefMult, 1.32 ResMult, 0.43 PDurability, 0.48 MDurability, 50 Raw Avoid, 17.7% Evasion

Silver Sword: 7 damage, 77 Hit, 89.7% Accuracy, AS 17
Killing Edge: 3 damage (28% Critical), 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy, AS 18
Iron Sword: 0 [-1] damage, 87 Hit, 96.8% Accuracy, AS 20

Miledy (/ Melady), Lvl 12 Wyvern Lord
51 HP, 25 Str, 24 Skl, 21 Spd, 19 Def, 6 Res, 10 Luck, 10 Con, 8 Mov
1.15 PCHP, 0.68 DefMult, 1.23 ResMult, 1.69 PDurability, 0.93 MDurability, 52 Raw Avoid, 20.2% Evasion

Silver Lance: 24 damage (3% Critical), 84 Hit, 95% Accuracy, AS 21
Javelin: 16 damage (3% Critical), 74 Hit, 86.7% Accuracy, AS 20
Steel Sword: 18 damage (3% Critical), 89 Hit, 97.7% Accuracy, AS 21

Perceval, Lvl 14 Paladin
50 HP, 20 Str, 15 Skl, 21 Spd, 16 Def, 12 Res, 14 Luck, 12 Con, 8 Mov
1.13 PCHP, 0.84 DefMult, 0.94 ResMult, 1.35 PDurability, 1.20 MDurability, 56 Raw Avoid, 25.6% Evasion

Silver Sword: 18 damage, 78 Hit, 90.5% Accuracy
Javelin: 11 damage, 58 Hit, 65.1% Accuracy

Assumes Perceval is recruited as early as possible, in Chapter 13

Cecilia, Lvl 15 Valkyrie
38 HP, 16 Mag, 13 Skl, 14 Spd, 10 Def, 17 Res, 14 Luck, 6 Con, 8 Mov
0.86 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 0.71 ResMult, 0.74 PDurability, 1.21 MDurability, 42 Raw Avoid, 9.5% Evasion

Aircalibur: 12 damage, 84 Hit, 95% Accuracy

Sophia, Lvl 11 Druid
34 HP, 26 Mag, 16 Skl, 16 (14) Spd, 9 Def, 26 Res, 9 Luck, 4 Con, 6 Mov
0.77 PCHP, 1.21 DefMult, 0.28 ResMult, 0.64 PDurability, 2.75 MDurability, 37 Raw Avoid, 5.6% Evasion

Nosferatu: 24 damage, 72 Hit, 84.6% Accuracy, AS 14
Flux: 22 damage, 72 Hit, 84.6% Accuracy, AS 15

Igrene, Lvl 12 Sniper
40 HP, 20 Str, 21 Skl, 19 Spd, 12 Def, 11 Res, 11 Luck, 7 Con, 6 Mov
0.91 PCHP, 1.05 DefMult, 0.99 ResMult, 0.87 PDurability, 0.92 MDurability, 49 Raw Avoid, 16.5% Evasion

Silver Bow: 18 damage (1% Critical), 83 Hit, 94.4% Accuracy

Garret, Lvl 12 Berserker
57 HP, 22 Str, 16 Skl, 13 Spd, 11 Def, 5 Res, 14 Luck, 13 Con, 6 Mov
1.29 PCHP, 1.11 DefMult, 1.27 ResMult, 1.16 PDurability, 1.02 MDurability, 40 Raw Avoid, 7.8% Evasion

Killer Axe: 18 damage (59% Critical), 70 Hit, 82.3% Accuracy
Silver Axe: 22 damage (29% Critical), 60 Hit, 68.4% Accuracy
Hand Axe: 14 damage (29% Critical), 55 Hit, 60% Accuracy

Fa, Lvl 17 Manakete
37 HP, 28 Str, 28 Skl, 13 Spd, 22 Def, 34 Res, 30 Luck, 1 Con, 5 Mov
0.84 PCHP, 0.53 DefMult, 0.06 ResMult, 1.58 PDurability, 14.00 MDurability, 56 Raw Avoid, 25.6% Evasion

Divinestone: 29 damage (20% Critical), 137 Hit, 100% Accuracy.  ? weapon charges remain (5-10?).  61 damage vs. Manaketes & Dragons.

Hugh, Lvl 11 Sage
41 HP, 22 Mag, 18 Skl, 20 Spd, 14 Def, 13 Res, 14 Luck, 8 Con, 6 Mov
0.93 PCHP, 0.95 DefMult, 0.90 ResMult, 0.98 PDurability, 1.03 MDurability, 54 Raw Avoid, 22.8% Evasion

Aircalibur: 18 damage, 94 Hit, 99.3% Accuracy

Assumes Hugh is paid the maximum, 10,000G

Zeiss, Lvl 11 Wyvern Lord
51 HP, 26 Str, 23 Skl, 18 Spd, 20 Def, 4 Res, 11 Luck, 11 Con, 8 Mov
1.15 PCHP, 0.63 DefMult, 1.32 ResMult, 1.83 PDurability, 0.87 MDurability, 47 Raw Avoid, 14.3% Evasion

Silver Lance: 25 damage (2% Critical), 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy
Javelin: 17 damage (2% Critical), 72 Hit, 84.6% Accuracy
Steel Sword: 19 damage (2% Critical), 87 Hit, 96.8% Accuracy

Douglas, Lvl 14 General
50 HP, 21 Str, 15 Skl, 10 Spd, 22 Def, 5 Res, 12 Luck, 17 Con, 5 Mov
1.13 PCHP, 0.53 DefMult, 1.27 ResMult, 2.13 PDurability, 0.89 MDurability, 32 Raw Avoid, 2.8% Evasion

Silver Lance: 20 damage, 67 Hit, 78.6% Accuracy
Javelin: 12 damage, 57 Hit, 63.5% Accuracy

Niime, Lvl 20 Druid
26 HP, 21 Mag, 20 Skl, 16 (14) Spd, 5 Def, 18 Res, 15 Luck, 4 Con, 6 Mov
0.59 PCHP, 1.42 DefMult, 0.66 ResMult, 0.42 PDurability, 0.89 MDurability, 43 Raw Avoid, 10.3% Evasion

Nosferatu: 19 damage (1% Critical), 83 Hit, 94.4% Accuracy, AS 14
Flux: 17 damage (1% Critical), 83 Hit, 94.4% Accuracy, AS 15

Dayan, Lvl 16 Nomad Trooper
45 HP, 15 Str, 17 Skl, 21 Spd, 10 Def, 12 Res, 13 Luck, 9 Con, 8 Mov
1.02 PCHP, 1.16 DefMult, 0.94 ResMult, 0.88 PDurability, 1.09 MDurability, 55 Raw Avoid, 24.1% Evasion

Silver Bow: 13 damage, 76 Hit, 88.7% Accuracy
Killing Edge: 9 damage (29% Critical), 86 Hit, 96.2% Accuracy

Juno, Lvl 14 Falcon Knight
36 HP, 12 Str, 16 Skl, 18 (15) Spd, 9 Def, 13 Res, 16 Luck, 7 Con, 8 Mov
0.81 PCHP, 1.21 DefMult, 0.90 ResMult, 0.67 PDurability, 0.90 MDurability, 46 Raw Avoid, 13.3% Evasion

Silver Lance: 11 damage, 71 Hit, 83.5% Accuracy, AS 15
Javelin: 3 damage, 61 Hit, 70% Accuracy, AS 14
Iron Lance: 4 damage, 76 Hit, 88.7% Accuracy, AS 17
Iron Sword: 2 damage, 91 Hit, 98.5% Accuracy, AS 18

Yodel (/ Yoder), Lvl 20 Bishop
35 HP, 19 Mag, 18 Skl, 14 Spd, 5 Def, 30 Res, 11 Luck, 6 Con, 6 Mov
0.79 PCHP, 1.42 DefMult, 0.09 ResMult, 0.56 PDurability, 8.78 MDurability, 39 Raw Avoid, 7% Evasion

Divine: 15 damage, 72 Hit, 84.6% Accuracy

Karel, Lvl 19 Swordmaster
44 HP, 20 Str, 28 Skl, 23 Spd, 15 Def, 13 Res, 18 Luck, 9 Con, 6 Mov
1.00 PCHP, 0.89 DefMult, 0.90 ResMult, 1.12 PDurability, 1.11 MDurability, 64 Raw Avoid, 38.3% Evasion

Wo Dao: 13 damage (75% Critical), 106 Hit, 100% Accuracy
Silver Sword: 18 damage (35% Critical), 106 Hit, 100% Accuracy


See OK's notes here:,364.msg7962.html#msg7962

Only thing to add is that "Narshen" has been officially translated "Narcian." 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2017, 05:14:58 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 05:55:59 AM »
Ranked damage & default weapons chart:

1)  41.7 Gonzales: Killer Axe, 25 damage (58% Critical), 77.2% Accuracy, 24 AS
2)  40.8 Geese: Killer Axe, 20 damage (61% Critical), 92.2% Accuracy, 19 AS
3)  32.5 Karel: Wo Dao, 13 damage (75% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 23 AS
4)  32.3 Garret: Killer Axe, 18 damage (59% Critical), 82.3% Accuracy, 13 AS
5)  29.0 Fa: Divinestone, 29 damage (20% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 13 AS
6)  25.3 Rutger: Killing Edge, 11 damage (65% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 27 AS
7)  25.3 Lilina: Aircalibur, 26 damage, 97.2% Accuracy, 18 AS
8)  24.8 Fir: Wo Dao, 10 damage (74% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 28 AS
9)  23.4 Zeiss: Silver Lance, 25 damage (2% Critical), 93.7% Accuracy, 18 AS
10) 22.8 Miledy: Silver Lance, 24 damage (3% Critical), 95% Accuracy, 21 AS
11) 21.6 Raigh: Nosferatu, 23 damage (1% Critical), 93.7% Accuracy, 18 AS
12) 21.4 Ward: Silver Axe, 26 damage (1% Critical), 82.3% Accuracy, 13 AS
13) 21.0 Roy: Sword of Seals, 21 damage (12% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 20 AS
14) 20.3 Sophia: Nosferatu, 24 damage, 84.6% Accuracy, 14 AS
15) 20.2 Dorothy: Silver Bow, 21 damage (2% Critical), 96.2% Accuracy, 22 AS
16) 20.0 Alan: Silver Sword, 21 damage, 95% Accuracy, 22 AS
17) 19.9 Dieck: Silver Sword, 20 damage (3% Critical), 99.7% Accuracy, 20 AS
18) 19.4 Bartre: Killer Bow, 21 damage (27% Critical), 92.2% Accuracy, 14 AS
19) 18.8 Oujay: Silver Sword, 19 damage (1% Critical), 98.8% Accuracy, 24 AS
20) 18.6 Barth: Silver Lance, 26 damage, 71.5% Accuracy, 13 AS
21) 18.5 Shin: Silver Bow, 19 damage (2% Critical), 97.2% Accuracy, 25 AS
22) 17.9 Hugh: Aircalibur, 18 damage, 99.3% Accuracy, 20 AS
23) 17.9 Niime: Nosferatu, 19 damage (1% Critical), 94.4% Accuracy, 14 AS
24) 17.8 Treck: Silver Sword, 19 damage, 93.7% Accuracy, 19 AS
25) 17.0 Igrene: Silver Bow, 18 damage (1% Critical), 94.4% Accuracy, 19 AS
26) 16.7 Lance: Silver Lance, 18 damage (2% Critical), 93% Accuracy, 25 AS
27) 16.7 Wendy: Silver Lance, 19 damage, 87.8% Accuracy, 19 AS
28) 16.6 Wolt: Silver Bow, 17 damage (2% Critical), 97.7% Accuracy, 19 AS
29) 16.3 Perceval: Silver Sword, 18 damage, 90.5% Accuracy, 21 AS
30) 16.0 Lugh: Aircalibur, 16 damage (2% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 23 AS
31) 15.7 Douglas: Silver Lance, 20 damage, 78.6% Accuracy, 10 AS
32) 15.6 Noah: Silver Sword, 16 damage (1% Critical), 97.7% Accuracy, 19 AS
33) 15.2 Ellen: Divine, 16 damage, 95% Accuracy, 16 AS
34) 15.0 Bors: Silver Lance, 18 damage, 83.5% Accuracy, 18 AS
35) 14.7 Echidna: Silver Sword, 15 damage (2% Critical), 97.7% Accuracy, 22 AS
36) 14.4 Tate: Silver Lance, 16 damage (1% Critical), 89.7% Accuracy, 22 AS
37) 14.0 Sue: Silver Bow, 14 damage (3% Critical), 99.7% Accuracy, 29 AS
38) 13.9 Shanna: Silver Lance, 14 damage (3% Critical), 99.1% Accuracy, 23 AS
39) 13.8 Klein: Silver Bow, 15 damage, 92.2% Accuracy, 16 AS
40) 13.6 Lot: Silver Axe, 19 damage, 71.5% Accuracy, 19 AS
41) 13.6 Saul: Divine, 15 damage (2% Critical), 90.5% Accuracy, 25 AS
42) 12.7 Yodel: Divine, 15 damage, 84.6% Accuracy, 14 AS
43) 11.5 Dayan: Silver Bow, 13 damage, 88.7% Accuracy, 21 AS
44) 11.4 Cecilia: Aircalibur, 12 damage, 95% Accuracy, 14 AS
45)  9.5 Chad: Silver Sword, 11 damage, 86.7% Accuracy, 17 AS
46)  9.5 Zealot: Silver Sword, 11 damage, 86.7% Accuracy, 16 AS
47)  9.3 Marcus: Silver Sword, 10 damage, 93% Accuracy, 14 AS
48)  9.2 Juno: Silver Lance, 11 damage, 83.5% Accuracy, 15 AS
49)  9.0 Clarine: Thunder, 9 damage (6% Critical), 100% Accuracy, 25 AS
50)  7.5 Astol: Silver Sword, 9 damage, 83.5% Accuracy, 20 AS
51)  6.3 Cath: Silver Sword, 7 damage, 89.7% Accuracy, 17 AS

Damage: 17.5 (2.5x killpoint: 43.5)
Damage, w/ accuracy: 16.0 (2.5x killpoint: 40.0)
Damage, w/ accuracy & criticals: 18.2 (2.5x killpoint: 45.4)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 06:25:05 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2014, 05:57:32 AM »

Just some notes & comments that didn't need to clutter up the section above, feel free to skip.

My assumption is that this stat topic is a snapshot of the start of C23, hence using 20/13 for levels rather than 20/15.  (Okay, in Roy's case, perhaps call it "middle of C23".)  Chapter 24 is weird, easy, and more defined by dusting off the DL-illegal divine weapons to smash draconic weak points for massive damage with a smaller deploy limit.  So C23 feels like the last "real level", and there's a diversity of opponents that DL-legal equipment is used for.  Additionally, L13 makes stat caps matter slightly less, which is good, as stat caps have little relevance in-game; reward the characters with good growths who cap early & all.  Using beginning of C23 also makes the Light Brand only quasi-legal, which seems right; sword-users won't generally have a range 1-2 option, which is the only thing keeping swords in check (they're still the best of the 4 physical weapon types anyway).

This topic uses Normal Mode stats.  Some of the characters get badly needed stat boosts on Hard Mode, but Hard Mode is locked behind after completing the game once.

Enemy Stats

As noted above, I've used 15 Def, 12 Res, 9 Luck, 120 Hit, 34 Avoid, and 32 raw damage for this topic, based on the averages of C23 enemies and Zephiel's throne room enemies.  Note that I only averaged 1 representative of each class and didn't give credit for multiples; otherwise the 18 level 20 unpromoted Wyvern Riders would have a huge influence.  (Instead, the 1 random Bishop and his giant Res has perhaps too much influence.)  Anyway, Zephiel and an L12 Druid, L11 Sniper, L12 Bishop, & L12 Hero from his throne room in C22 are in; so is Brunya and a Manakete, a L14 Wyvern Lord, and an L20 Wyvern Rider from C23.  (C23 also has Druids & Snipers, but they're worse than the C22 versions.)

The ones I fudged a bit were Hit, Avoid, and Res. 
If you use 110 Enemy Hit, the enemy average based on the above, the PC cast averages an amazing 39.1% dodge rate.  I've used 120 Hit to rein that in some, which is better than any normal enemy except Manaketes (140 Hit), but worse than the bosses (Zephiel has 137, Brunya 124).  The cast now averages 24.4% dodging which is still impressive.

Avoid averages 37 w/ Throne & Gate bonuses and 30 without them; 34 seems a fair middle ground.

Resistance averaged to 13, but this is something of an artifact of the averages.  Most FE6 enemies have miserable resistance (those 18 Wyvern Riders with a mighty 2 Res at endgame, or the 6 Wyvern Lords with 3!), but the ones with good resistance have it really good (Throne Zephiel has 29 Res and laughs heartily at mages, Brunya has 25 Res, a rando-Bishop has 21 Res), so the variability is extreme.  I've used 12 Res.

If you prefer doubled / doubled by rates, large amounts of the cast will have 100% double rate.  FE6 NM enemies are pretty sluggish, my average came out to 12.5 average raw speed - and it's probably slightly worse than that for attack speed due to unwise heavy weapon selection.

Resistance mults
Note that I didn't exactly use a 32 power attack straight-up for Resistance (I did in the first go, though).  Instead I used a 32, 38, and 26 power attack averaged together.  For almost the entire cast, this result is identical, but it makes certain very high Res PCs look somewhat worse (Fa, Yodel, Ellen).  Fa goes from "0 damage, is magic immune" to 0+0+(38-34) / 3 = 1.3 damage taken, for example, and thus merely is seen as cutting magic damage by 1/20 rather than immuning it entirely.  The effect is quite minor.

True Equal Experience characters
Since it's only a level or so difference at most, I basically adopted Elf's equal XP levels in the topic above.  Exceptions were Roy & Bishops / Valks if they're assumed to enter heavy combat.  Changes to the general averages are super-minor and I'm not sure I'd be really comfortable with holding the combat form of the healers against the cast anyway.  Regardless, here's the characters who change (held against the new average for them of course, which is barely different, because 51 person cast).  Fear Saul the Slayer, Commando Cecilia, Executioner Ellen, and Crazed Clarine.

Roy, Lvl 5 Master Lord
40 HP, 16 Str, 20 Skl, 18 Spd, 13 (18) Def, 12 (17) Res, 21 Luck, 8 Con, 6 Mov
0.90 PCHP, 0.74 DefMult, 0.71 ResMult, 1.22 PDurability, 1.27 MDurability, 57 Raw Avoid, 27% Evasion

Sword of Seals: 19 damage (11% Critical), 111 Hit, 100% Accuracy.  +5 Def/+5 Res.  Use as item for 30 HP healing, self-only, consumes a charge, does not require SoS to be equipped.  55 damage vs. Manaketes & Dragons.
Silver Sword: 14 damage (1% Critical), 91 Hit, 98.5% Accuracy
Killing Edge: 10 damage (31% Critical), 96 Hit, 99.7% Accuracy

Ellen, Lvl 20 Bishop
36 HP, 23 Mag, 20 Skl, 17 Spd, 4 Def, 30 Res, 30 Luck, 5 Con, 6 Mov
0.81 PCHP, 1.48 DefMult, 0.16 ResMult, 0.55 PDurability, 5.06 MDurability, 64 Raw Avoid, 38.3% Evasion

Divine: 19 damage (1% Critical), 86 Hit, 96.2% Accuracy

Clarine, Lvl 20 Valkyrie
34 HP, 16 Mag, 22 Skl, 25 Spd, 8 Def, 23 Res, 30 Luck, 6 Con, 8 Mov
0.77 PCHP, 1.27 DefMult, 0.43 ResMult, 0.61 PDurability, 1.79 MDurability, 80 Raw Avoid, 67.6% Evasion

Thunder: 10 damage (7% Critical), 105 Hit, 100% Accuracy
Elfire: 12 damage (2% Critical), 100 Hit, 100% Accuracy, requires C rank

Saul, Lvl 20 Bishop
43 HP, 21 Mag, 24 Skl, 25 Spd, 9 Def, 25 Res, 7 Luck, 7 Con, 6 Mov
0.97 PCHP, 1.22 DefMult, 0.33 ResMult, 0.80 PDurability, 2.94 MDurability, 57 Raw Avoid, 27% Evasion

Divine: 17 damage (3% Critical), 82 Hit, 93.7% Accuracy

Cecilia, Lvl 20 Valkyrie
41 HP, 18 Mag, 16 Skl, 15 Spd, 11 Def, 18 Res, 15 Luck, 6 Con, 8 Mov
0.93 PCHP, 1.11 DefMult, 0.66 ResMult, 0.84 PDurability, 1.41 MDurability, 45 Raw Avoid, 12.2% Evasion

Aircalibur: 14 damage, 90 Hit, 98.1% Accuracy

True Equal XP damage average: 17.6, accuracy-average 16.1, accuracy-and-crits average 18.3 (Killpoint 45.8).

PC-specific notes

Roy is sadly a bit of a headache; I hope that this version is a fair compromise.  I'm in favor of letting him "catch up fast" since I suspect most players bother to kill-feed Roy some, but as this is made sane/safe by the Sword of Seals, I'm also strongly in favor of not letting him have all 20 charges.  A Roy that never uses the SoS in C22 is going to be Level 5 or so rather than 7-8, at least if you're not stalling and playing super-defensive, because he won't be getting as many big kills SoS allows.  I'm also against not letting Roy use the healing on his weapon; if you theoretically had Elixir-less Roy with no healers supporting fighting in-game (aka his DL situation), the 30 HP healing would rule.  It's kept in check by the small number of charges, same as in-game.  SoS is also unique to Roy, so having it be important in the DL is fine by me.  Anyway, I think I'd use 10 charges on the SoS in the DL, but seeing it as 5 is also fair (20/4 = 5 charges a match over a season), and 5 puts a sharp limit on the healing spam quite effectively.  Note also that a Hammerne staff exists, and while 3 charges spread among ~12 relevant characters means each character can only claim .25 Hammerne uses or so, even +5 charges after levelling helps a lot. (In-game, SoS is probably target #1 for Hammerne.)

Fa is her own special DNRy headache.  As noted in the weapons, the Divinestone has 30 charges, period, for the entire game, no Hammerne.  So while Fa can *hit* level 20, she'll have broken her weapon doing so without careful kill-feeding, and be useless.  And since enemy phase action exists, she's gonna waste some charges on non-kills if you use her in a not total-coward fashion.  Thus DL Fa perversely wants to be lower level so she can save some weapon charges.  It isn't fair to the rest of the cast, either, for there to be a seeming stat goddess in the averages who's actually nigh-useless and has to win in the DL off 2 attacks or the like if she was taken at L20.

If you are generous, you could possibly give Aureola to Yodel?  He's got a plot tie to it (it's the holy weapon of his own church in his sacred tower) and he starts with an A in Light, and Ellen/Saul aren't going to make it to S rank Light without some serious grinding + using them more as combat units than healers.  But not sure anyone cares about Yodel anyway.  All the other legendaries have too many potential users even if restricted to plot ties - 3 Peg Knights want Malte, 3 Nomads want Miurge, etc.


A few characters that either have notable stat-builds or lots of boss conversations or some tie-in to FE7 or just get used by IntSys in the Awakening DLC maps.  (There are 51 characters in the averages, most of them 100% plotless, so not doing write-ups for everyone!)  Okay I'll also throw in some funny Punies too.

Age has dulled not only his reflexes, but taken his tongue.  Eliwood would listen to his advice, but his son only cares about Merlinus.  Anyway…  basically has no dialogue, and will want his FE7 form 100% of the time.  Low Light, maybe even Puny.

Wolt is the averagist character to average.  He's got averagish damage, averagish attack speed, averagish durability, and averagish evade for the cast.  Light.  Considering he's a low-bases and high-growths character who theoretically blossoms at endgame, that's kinda disappointing.  I can only presume him being buds with Roy is why he merits showing up in Awakening DLC and getting a bow named after him.

Peg knight in a Japanese school uniform?  I guess.  Her damage is kinda meh, which forces her to weigh herself down with the Silver Lance, but she still doubles average and has coinflip evade, so don't feel too sorry for her.  And she can speed herself up if needed at the cost of lots of damage.  High Middle?

Lugh & Raigh
Nino's twin sons, also (EDIT) vaguely related to Niime & Hugh via marriage, maybe (Canas's wife = Nino's sister?).  Side note: What is up with this family?  Nino was raised by the Black Fang (presumably away from her parents), her kids are raised in an orphanage that gets attacked and made to be child soldiers by Roy...  some kind of lineage curse.  Anyway, Lugh doubles average speed which gives him some effective offense, but is physically frail, but might be saved by evasion.  Middle.  Raigh was in the CKDL where he clobbered Middle, so Low Heavy off haxy draining and a 2HKO.  Raigh doesn't particularly like how he isn't full-healed by Nosferatu anymore, though, so things are slightly brighter for his opposition than "OHKO or GTFO" - it is more possible to double & kill through the healing counter in this topic, especially for magically resistant duelers.
Relevant quote from FE Awakening DLC, by the way:
Lugh - This land doesn't belong to you! I'll defend it with my life!
Gangrel - Yes, all six years of it! Stupid brat. Play hero somewhere else!

You look at the damage and think she's bad, then you notice she caps Speed & Luck faster than anyone else in the game, which makes her the dodgiest character in the cast.  Sure, she's got a 6HKO (almost a 5HKO at least), but backed by 66% evasion, range 1-2 counters, and doubles, she's perfectly respectable in Middle.

Bartre is split-path in FE6, and also in the path nobody wants to take, so, um.  Still, anyone metal enough to name their daughter "fear" deserves some consideration.  He's got some accuracy problems, and is super-slow as usual, but his attacks do hurt.  High Light?  If you let him have the Brave Axe, he makes it to Low Middle, but meh, there's a ton of other axe-wielders who want that.

Fir is Bartre & Karla's daughter, and Karel's niece.  She also is tied for fastest character in the cast, doubling those who double average *with room to spare*.  Oh and a 74% critical rate, that sounds fair, she hacks off 2.22 PCHP in 3 crits & 1 regular attack.  And did I mention the 57.2% evasion?!  Her durability isn't even bad if she takes a hit, just averagish.  Heavy / Godlike borderline and cast-best dueler.

Fire Emblem has its own weird tropes, including the oddly specific "red haired wyvern knight female from the kingdom we're fighting who is sympathetic", which Minerva, Miledy, Jill, & Cherche all fall into to varying degrees.  Anyway, Miledy is pretty badass.  Fast, damaging, & tanky.  Low Heavy?  (EDIT: Maybe more like High Middle on second thought, going from L13-L12 hurt her more than most.)

Perceval, Cecilia, & Douglas
These three are the Generals of Eturia.  Perceval is fine; vanilla FE cavalier on the tanky side but with averageish damage.  Low Middle, the counterattacks mess up Light fighters as usual.  The problems start with the other two - the fact that their *combined* AS is comparable to Perceval's is warning sign #1.  Douglas is at least damaging & a genuine physical tank, despite cast-worst attack speed; Light, cries vs. mages, but can clean up some low-damage fighters.  Cecilia, meanwhile, just sucks.  Whatever talents got her the job, they weren't her skills in a duel - she's miserably slow, undamaging, and frail.  Puny.

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, a slow Peg Knight?!  Probably the worst Peg Knight in the entire series (at least from FE6 forward), with FESD Est the only one in competition?  Gets doubled and killed by everything.  Can be only a little sluggish rather than doubled by average if she chops her damage to a 12HKO!  Puny.  At least she can console herself that she isn't cast-worst dueler…  no, that honor goes to someone else…

FE6, in its infinite wisdom, decreed that thieves don't need to promote.  So all thieves eventually start sucking, but Cath, who joins latest and underlevel, never can get a moment in the sun.  She can't catch up due to no promotion, as the combat thief's time has already passed.  Cath joins FE9 Sothe weeping bitter tears and being resigned to treasure chest and sight-in-fog-of-war duty.  Nearly KO'd by average damage, weighed down by her weapon to be slow, having awful damage anyway…  it's rough.  Juno provokes anger; Cath, pity.

Might as well end on a high note, the legendary Sword Saint blah blah with dat 75% critical rate.  Karel isn't quite as fast as his niece Fir, but he takes hits better and hits harder, notably solidly KO'ing average durability off of a crit + regular attack (1.16 PCHP).  This'll score Karel a few more deaths on round 1, but the fact he "only" doubles averageish speed and below rather than nearly everyone makes it seem like he got the worse end of the deal.  He's still really, really good.  Heavy.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 10:49:35 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 02:15:33 PM »
That's some great work. I will note I disagree with the Res average in a vaccuum, though - I remember using initially 10 Res as the threshold to use for the damage averages and people chiming in noting it was -way too high- and entirely unrepresentative of FE6 magic in-game (hence the 5 figure ultimately used for the original topic, which was also discussed way back when). That average is higher than the number used for FE7. Iunno, I'd honestly split the difference between the 12 figure you got and the old number for a compromise and adjust the averages accordingly.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 03:18:51 PM »
Yeah, it's tricky - per my comments, the majority-by-number of FE6 enemies have trashy Resistance (Generals, Wyverns), but there do *exist* high Res units, notably the two bosses.  There's a few regulars in the middle (Druids with 15 Res, Manaketes with 11 Res) too.  It's a similar issue for evasion - how much do you care there are some really accurate units like Zephiel, even if his hordes have real trouble connecting a blow.  I was kinda surprised myself the Res average came out that high.

If you're curious, Res 11 -> Average Damage 18.2 -> 45.5 killpoint; Res 10 -> Average damage 18.4 -> 46 killpoint.  And then add 1 or 2 damage to all the mages.

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2014, 03:28:05 PM »
Yeah, I wholly understand that. But I'm probably going to take a Res average of 8 for the median between 12 and 5 (and since I decided to use the accuracy-adjusted averages as well...), and likely take that value for my own reference.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2014, 04:30:36 PM »
Only penalizing Sophia two levels, wtf blatant favoritism

(seriously though good work man)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2014, 05:28:11 PM »
Only penalizing Sophia two levels, wtf blatant favoritism

(seriously though good work man)

This pretty much. (Also emphasising the parenthesised part, good work.)

I'd probably take equal exp more literally myself but it's not a big deal to adjust for. I will note that some classes (Valkyrie certainly... I think Bishop as well?) get an Exp boost and this should probably be reflected in the DL, so Clarine is even better! (Still lacks damage.)

On the healer note there's really no reason that they can't hit at least C in their weapons. E->D is the fastest weapon rank gain, and they promote way before the likes of Juno join your team (who already earned one rank in your notes). I guess this also goes for anyone else who promotes into an E rank, but I dunno how many people would want a C-rank weapon when they have an A in something else. (Maybe pegs would want a Killing Edge?) Checking my own file, Dark Holy "five stars in Tactics or gtfo" Elf has Clarine with a B in Anima and Saul just short of a C in Light, sooo...

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2014, 01:18:02 AM »
The Nomads would definately appreciate Killing Edge as an option for melee counters if allowed.

I'd definately allow Clarine a C in Anima; unlike with fighters it's not competing with a second weapon type for enemy phase exp, and promoted Clarine is someone whom I'm used to letting dodgetank lots of stuff lategame. Maybe even a B, although Aircalibur vs Elfire really only matters for elemental resists. The Bishops get a D on promotion instead of an E so a C for them feels pretty non-controversial and there's nothing storebought past C.

E->D is exactly 50 points like every other weapon rank in FE6, unlike later FEs. Not sure where I stand on allowing Cs for post-promotion weapon types; there's definately enough time to build up weaon rank that much in theory, but FE6 enemies don't get ORKO'd by Iron as easily as their 7 and 8 counterparts, so I often preferred to stick to their primary weapon type.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 02:32:34 AM by hinode »


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2014, 02:17:44 AM »
Weapon ranks: Yeah, Sue & Shin would really love to be able to slash up melee with the Killing Edge given their high speeds and the fact it has the combination of power, not too much weight, and long-term surprise death potential (which when you're doubling comes on hit #4 = the 2nd attack).  Peg Knights kinda want the Killing Edge too, it's better than Killer Lance usually for them.  Juno & Dayan got a rank-up mostly out of pity / consistency, agree it's sketchy for them to even get 1 rank up, not that it really matters, since Steel Sword for Juno sucks & Dayan already has his Killing Edge.  Also, per hinode:
Looks like it's just 50 WExp constantly to advance to the next level.  50 WExp I didn't personally get, a lot, hence my harshness.  That said, didn't notice that Bishops got the D on promotion, that does help their case for hitting C...  I'll edit in the Divine damages into the topic for 'em at least.
EDIT: Eh, I'm convinced.  The principle is +1 weapon rank on promotion, so sure, Bishops can go from D->C and get their Divine.  Fear the still lackluster but marginally better holy smiting.

Random data point: At the start of C23 for me, for relevant characters with off-weapons, I have an L12 Shanna with an E in Swords (halfway to D); L13 Lugh & Lilina are both 4/5 of the way from E to D in Staves (DL-irrelevant); L15 Miledy just barely has a D in Swords; L12 Clarine is 3/4 of the way from D->C in Arcane [but still at D]; L15 Shin is halfway from E->D in Swords but still stuck on E like Shanna; L7 Saul *almost* got to C in Light but not quite (the bar is ever so near full); and Alan barely hustled it out to A in both Swords & Spears despite having access to both from the start of the game.  (Lance has a B in Swords, but come on, his name is Lance).


Jo'ou: For whatever it's worth, the damage average vs. 8 enemy Resistance is 18.2, the accuracy-adjusted damage average is 16.7, & the accuracy & crits damage average is 18.8.

Sophiagate: Sophia actually shows up in the Awakening DLC (hey, the more dark mages the merrier, they translate well to Awakening), so she's among the FE6 characters blessed as "notable"/interesting by IntSys, but yeah hell no to using her FE6 form in the DL ever.  True Equal-XP Sophia is lying in a ditch on the side of a road somewhere in Eturia bleeding out, if you don't kill feed her but deploy her anyway she is 100% guaranteed to die as best I can tell.

Bishops & Valkyries: I don't have a good sense of the actual impact of the XP bonus they apparently get, though I see it now looking at the formula.  Is it worth tossing them an extra level in the topic?  Won't be too hard to re-calculate if so.  (Although Clarine, having already capped two of her stats, doesn't benefit as much as you might think!)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 12:44:57 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2014, 02:40:27 AM »
Note that with Awakening spotpass characters IntSys sometimes went for Japanese fandom popularity and memes rather than plot relevance or in-game performance. IIRC that's why Arden and Moulder got in, for instance. I believe Nino won a popularity poll for FE7 so she got in on more conventional popularity; wouldn't surprise me if Sophia got in because she got a bunch of fanboys who think she's cute.


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2014, 04:14:13 AM »
Enemy Stats

As noted above, I've used 15 Def, 12 Res, 9 Luck, 120 Hit, and 34 Avoid, and 32 raw damage for this topic, based on the averages of C23 enemies and Zephiel's throne room enemies.  Note that I only averaged 1 representative of each class and didn't give credit for multiples; otherwise the 18 level 20 unpromoted Wyvern Riders would have a huge influence.  (Instead, the 1 random Bishop and his giant Res has perhaps too much influence.)  Anyway, Zephiel and an L12 Druid, L11 Sniper, L12 Bishop, & L12 Hero from his throne room in C22 are in; so is Brunya and a Manakete, a L14 Wyvern Lord, and an L20 Wyvern Rider from C23.  (C23 also has Druids & Snipers, but they're worse than the C22 versions.)

Sorry, but this makes no sense. As you mentioned, you took out 18 enemies because they are duplicates, but the fact that there are 18 of them means that they probably have the largest effect on how good someone is on tackling that map. Now, if you want to throw out an enemy because they are bad, it's a completely different story (after, with FE 8, I threw out enemies on basically the last couple of maps because they tail off so insanely when monsters are introduced). I haven't played FE 6, so I can't really say, but that's the only reason I would throw out (so say the 6 Wyvern Lords and their 3 Res would still be in).

Also not a big deal, but I sometimes like to go back a couple of maps to at least get a better enemy proportion. It's not unusual for a map or two to be really heavy on certain enemy types (It definitely jumps out that there are no Paladin types. Maybe that's true of all FE 6, but going back a few maps gives you more realistic in game proportions- scaling up a little for earlier maps).

If you use 110 Enemy Hit, the enemy average based on the above, the PC cast averages an amazing 39.1% dodge rate.  I've used 120 Hit to rein that in some, which is better than any normal enemy except Manaketes (140 Hit), but worse than the bosses (Zephiel has 137, Brunya 124).  The cast now averages 24.4% dodging which is still impressive.

Here is where evasion scaling hype fits in perfectly. If you feel you need to throw on an extra evade amount because the average evade is too high, it would make more sense to scale. Scaling actually tends to help high evaders in comparison (aka, the people who are really worth it in game), and punishes the medium and low evaders in comparison (Low evaders typically being dropped and medium evaders meaning their evade can't be counted to keep them alive in game. As such, it shouldn't in the DL). Then you can use whatever normal enemy hit comes out too and further reward the people who are actually good at it.

IIRC, the FE 8 average was like 60%. 60%!.

I also like to take evasion against a few different hit levels and average it myself (most games wouldn't need it, but FE's super misleading evade rates cause such a large difference, and generally there will be tiers of enemy evasion).

Resistance averaged to 13, but this is something of an artifact of the averages.  Most FE6 enemies have miserable resistance (those 18 Wyvern Riders with a mighty 2 Res at endgame, or the 6 Wyvern Lords with 3!), but the ones with good resistance have it really good (Throne Zephiel has 29 Res and laughs heartily at mages, Brunya has 25 Res, a rando-Bishop has 21 Res), so the variability is extreme.  I've used 12 Res.

On bosses, I tend to have them make of 25% of the stats I consider. This feels like a decent weighing. Of course, this may come out similar to the way you have now to some degree, but the mooks average is very off balance.

If you prefer doubled / doubled by rates, large amounts of the cast will have 100% double rate.  FE6 NM enemies are pretty sluggish, my average came out to 12.5 average raw speed - and it's probably slightly worse than that for attack speed due to unwise heavy weapon selection.

AS is another stat where enemy average doesn't mean a lot necessary. Most FEs average an extremely high double rate (70-80% for FE 8 I think). Looking at bosses a few chapters back, there's definitely some decent speed, so most people won't be at 100%. You need at least 27 Speed to double one of the split path bosses, with will be equivalent to 28-29 Speed at endgame, so it could be that only Sue and Fir would actually be at a true 100% (Assuming you pick 28 Speed and not 29, in which case no one doubles that enemy!).

Anyways, lower level PCs may tend to be fed kills by some...but they are also more likely to die and get much less EXP. As such, I like full equal EXP far more than averaging equal levels (which really has no bearing in actual fairness)...although since I think the previous topic was equal levels, this is still much better.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 04:16:21 AM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2014, 12:17:13 PM »
Okay yeah fair enough about the 50 WExp thing, I forgot that FE6 was different. That makes me more likely to be harsh to the other fighters for the reasons hinode gave; them falling short of C is fine by me. I'm still giving Clarine a C as per my own experiences.

The Exp boost of the promoted healers probably translates to around 3 extra levels, though as you note it's not -that- big a deal.

Sadly for Sophia her FE6 form is her only clearly legal one, and it probably should be down by more than two levels? Not -that- far down though, since IIRC FE6 uses the same exp formula as FE8 which makes catch-up relatively easy (on that note, a few of the PCs who you gave penalties, like Sue and Oujay, probably shouldn't have one at all by endgame, but I'd have to run numbers to be sure). She's an awful PC but we don't hand out an exp penalty just for being awful. On the other hand -4 is probably too generous for Roy, especially if you are taking numbers at the start of C23 instead of the end. As usual this isn't a big deal for me to adjust for mentally if need be.

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2014, 10:24:35 PM »
Okay, I ran the equal exp numbers. Here are the results, using the start of chapter 23 to be consistent with Snowfire.

Everyone is Level 13 promoted, except:

All Thieves: Level 20, naturally
All Bishops and Valkyries: Level 20

Roy: Level 5

Niime: Level 20
Dayan: Level 16
Marcus, Zealot, Percival, Douglas, Juno: Level 14
Lilina, Wendy, Fir, Shin, Gonzales, Tate, Raigh, Miredy, Igrene, Garret: Level 12
Sophia, Hugh: Level 11
Zeiss: Level 10

I didn't calculate Fa.

Anyway this more or less lines up with Snowfire's assumptions (sigh, Sophia caught up more than I'd hoped she would). A few are off by a level (as I suspected, Sue really didn't need a level penalty; Miredy really did, despite her in-game performance). The only ones which feel significantly off are:

-Roy. Taking things at the start of C23 makes him real bad. If you take things at the end of C23, idly, things improve for him, but not that much, he'll catch up another couple levels and will still be ~7 back of the pack. Being unpromoted at the start of chapter 22 - which is possibly even the last chapter of the game! - is horrible, and he deserves to be punished more than Eliwood was in FE7.

-The Bishops and Valkyries. Okay, the Exp bonus ended up a big deal. I'm not too surprised since I have gotten Clarine to 20/20 before (and nobody else except people who start at 18+) but I still imagine most people won't get the healers that high? The main reason for this is that there's a tendency to have them heal a lot, and healing gives bad Exp after promotion. In the DL, though, I can't say I feel like punishing them for having a useful skill which doesn't translate... if you turn them into primary combat units they will hit Level 20. At least Cecilia embarasses her plot hype less, now!

-Marcus. That level lead he has doesn't survive 28 chapters of being battered by the FE6 exp formula, and his lead over the main pack should be minor at best. With his stat growths, though, this won't be a major change...

-Hugh. It's a minor quibble (two levels instead of one), but Hugh being caught up with everyone else is a bit nonsensical, seeing as he joins unpromoted well after the entire rest of your army (barring Roy and a straggler or two if you use 3+ of certain promotion item types) is promoted. Hugh arguably deserves more of a respect hit due to that money thing (if you pay him less, his stats will suck, and since he competes with storebought stat-boosters on his very joining map...) but since nobody cares about Hugh it doesn't matter.

-Zeiss. Again just off by two levels. He's kinda the game's Nino, though obviously not as extreme: Level 7 unpromoted late. Sadly this is in fact notably worse than Sophia who has three full chapters on him (and, if used, will easily gain more than 6 levels in those chapters. Not that there's a good reason to use her besides self-hatred, mind!).

If anyone's curious, the methodology:

I got enemy info from a list of HM enemies. Yeah yeah, I'd use NM, but the NM FAQs all stop giving them after a few chapters. For what it's worth, HM of FE6 doesn't seem to change enemy number of level (Cross-checking with the FAQ) so the data should be identical. The reference I was using was missing C21x and C22x but I found another resource which wasn't -much- worse and did some extrapolating, so things should be valid.

-Nobody can promote until two of their promotion item has come available. This didn't actually end up mattering! It's quite possible for other characters to be affected by this if you use 3+ Hero Crest or Knight Crest users, but I'm ignoring this.

-Kills are distributed evenly among available unit slots *except* that...
---Two unit slots are set aside for healers and/or dancers, unless the deployment slot count is 10 or less, in which case only one slot is. This figure drops to one once 2/3 healers are promoted (the dancer never promotes of course) and can gain combat exp normally. Saul counts as one of two healers in C6 for anyone keeping track.
---One unit slot is set aside for a bard/dancer, when available
---One unit slot is set aside for Roy once he hits Level 20 until he promotes (I assume he avoids taking kills at that point).
---One unit slot is set aside for a Level 20 Thief on maps with treasure, once they are Level 20, for the same reason as Roy. (If the maps lack treasure I assume they are not deployed.)
--Yodel doesn't count.

-Enemies take 1.5 attacks to kill. Might be a bit low for FE6, I'll monkey with this if need be.

-Reinforcements which appear after the turn limit for getting an A in Tactics are not included. FE6 is extremely generous about this so this may overestimate the number of enemies killed (should offset the point above at least?). I assume that healers are able to heal on two thirds of the turns allowed by this restriction. (I generally find the number is higher in practice, but I also find the Tactics requirements in this game lenient, so whatever.)

-The enemy notes I'm using cover the Echidna route (which most people do anyway) and Ilia. I'd assume the other two routes are similar enough that it makes little difference.

As usual, mild playstyle differences may result in overall different levels, but the trends and relative gaps are interesting to see.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 11:15:56 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2014, 03:34:51 AM »
Dhyer: Short version is, well, that's all fine.  I did include the average evade rate for people who use it, and I myself will use scaled evade sometimes (it's pretty helpful for figuring out what happens with characters from other systems with a straight-up accuracy stat so that double penalization doesn't happen).  As for enemy stats, all I can say is that my method makes sense to me, and if you have numbers you'd rather use for enemy Def / Res I'd be happy to give you the resulting averages (it takes 2 seconds).  As for earlier bosses, I personally took Ilia route, where the bosses were lol.  (Don't be fooled by that 18 Speed on the Peg Knight boss, she's weighed down by her weapon to be more like 16.  As if it matters, even if she had infinite speed you could just effortlessly snipe her stationary position with a longbow for massive damage.)  Dunno why the game remembered to have speedy enemies in Sacae route then forgot in Bern.  As for what happened to Bern's Paladins, FE likes their themed maps, so you can find them in C21, clustering around a little patch of forest...

hinode: Edited in before, but sure, I'm convinced for the Bishops & Divine.  Principle is +1 weapon rank on promotion, and since Bishops get that D, suppose I can't in good faith deny 'em the C (even if I personally didn't get it).

Elf: Huh, I was closer to equal-XP than I thought.  Vast majority exactly the same, and only off by 2 levels or more on Marcus / Hugh / Zeiss, with Roy & the Bishops/Valks something of a special case (I knew that 'true' equal XP Roy would be even worse off, but am explicitly assuming some player catch-up.  Hey, Roy was skipping out on all those kills from C14-C21 to let others level, time to cash the debt in by taking more than his share in C22?)  Hugh was just me derping up, I don't care about him either and just plain forgot / didn't notice he was underlevel.  I'd probably have kneejerked at L12, but sure, holistic punishment for robbing your coffers means I'm cool with L11.  And mwahahaha at nailing Sophia perfectly.

I'm kinda surprised that Oujay evades the level penalty but Wendy/Lilina/Shin get one, since Oujay joins at L3 on the same map as L1 Lilina & Wendy, and Shin joins at L5 the next map (well, next-next map including the bonus stage).  Suppose he must be razor's edge, though.  Sue I always knew was borderline - the way I came up with my figures was more a holistic "joins underlevel / joins overlevel," and while Sue joins underlevel, she does have a really long time to catch up.

Anyway I'm pretty fine with just mostly adopting equal-XP since it ended up so similar and usually just a single level difference from what I had before.  Exceptions per the principle noted before - I'd give Zeiss L11 (so a 2 level penalty, not a 3 level one, if you want to use him you'd catch him up a bit - although he is farther behind than I'd kneejerked before) and Roy stays at L9 (which is still a horrific and deserved 4 level penalty, but yeah, explicitly throwing Roy a bone that it isn't an even larger penalty.  Holistically, even if I prefer to use start of C23 for everyone else, Roy is pretty good for C24 for whatever it's worth, even if that's true of 'anyone with a legendary,' so willing to special case him and his screwy promotion a little.)  As for the bishops & valks...  the concern for me is A) as you noted, most people probably will have them at roughly the same level in-game due to all the healing?  So ~L13 is more accurate to usual experience, and B) As far as the averages are concerned, if you made combat Saul or whatever, you probably had to devote Lilina or Raigh (etc.) to staff duty.  So...  somebody's going to come in underlevel and thus underwhelming, dragging the averages back down.  Basically, in-game someone will heal and thus indirectly make everyone else look better at combat stats, while assuming everyone is in combat mode will result in a slightly inflated average.  Anyway, it is a good point about the XP boost, so tentatively, I think L15 in the averages is fair (+2 levels)?  Less swingy than L20, at least, between "expected / normal play" and "all combat healers all the time."

Of course, I'll be happy to post the L20 statistics for Bishops / Valks & L4 Roy stats too, so everyone can get their favored interp.

Anyway, consider this the last call for other suggestions - I'll repost the stats w/ Elf's levels on Monday or so (except for Roy / Zeiss / Bishops / Valks), which isn't very much work, but after that I'll probably close it down. ( for the current version of the spreadsheet.)

(Fun fact: Garret loses absolutely nothing between L12 & L13, while Miledy loses a crucial point of speed.  Alas...)

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2014, 11:14:57 AM »
I should note that I forgot to raise Roy from Level 20 to 21 so yeah he reaches 20/5, which is eight levels back of the median. The gap closes to 7 by the end of C23.

Oujay/Wendy/Lilina are all indeed pretty close to the border, as are Lugh and Treck. (Shin is actually lower than any of 'em... 8x counts for more than you are probably kneejerking?) The border is of course pretty arbitrary, I intentionally set it so that things would line up closely with your numbers.

I tend to end up with the healers at ~3 levels above the regular folks for what it's worth (I'd imagine Cecilia would do a bit better). It's not really a big deal, though I do think they deserve some boost.

I'd really like to see fully-penalised Roy in the stat topic (though I can always add him myself) since yeah that's how I vote on him. He's already overrated in the DL as is thanks to getting that broken sword last-minute, so I see no reason to do him any special favours. Even if you give him some boost for Sword of Seals making it easier to level him up, remember that it's only 20 uses and he'll likely need 4 of those to gain a level (two kills needed for a level, not much he one-shots without doubling) unless other PCs are setting enemies up for him (in which case he deserves no favours ever). So yeah I don't think that argument is going to fly unless he wants the sword itself to be already broken for his DL matches.

I'm also extremely against allowing him to use the Sword of Seals for healing, since if I want to trade a limited resource for self-healing I will use an Elixir, and anyone can do that (and Elixirs are storebought and heal even more so they're a better option than using a shot of a highly limited weapon IMO). Of course this is an easy thing to adjust for, but obviously I'm not the only one who feels this way so it'd be pretty cool if you at least put a DL-questionable asterisk on the healing.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 11:17:29 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2014, 11:02:01 PM »
I can sympathize with that argument against SoS healing, though a part of me feels the sheer concept of an FE character being able to self-heal is an interesting enough novelty in and of itself to consider it legal; it makes him stand out amongst all the other FE characters in the DL who generally lack that option.  (I think the only other FE PC with DL-legal self-healing is Lucina?)

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2014, 11:07:18 PM »
Lucina and Chrom both have that ability (and since it doesn't use any resource it is actually unique and a worthwhile option in-game).

EDIT: While it's not quite the same, Fiona's Imbue has a similar practical effect, as does Libra/War Cleric Lissa's Renewal. A few bosses also have very potent healing, mostly from FE10.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 11:09:05 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2014, 11:47:53 PM »
DHE: Yeah, I'll include an equal XP appendix for Roy/Bishops/Valks, so this can be both the Elf interps & SnowFire interps topic at once. 

Not much to say other than I did cover Roy's healing in the Appendix, which seems the proper place for such notes.  I personally can't even understand why Roy's healing is seen as controversial, although I wholly endorse limiting the SoS charges Roy can spend in a single match (although, interestingly enough, true equal XP Roy probably has more charges to play with, since we're not assuming him getting a bunch of C22 kills!).  Yes, Sword of Seals charges is a limited resource, but it's explicitly Roy's limited resource to spend.  There is no difference at all between spending weapon charges on attacks & weapon charges on healing - limiting one is the same as limiting the other, and nobody seems to want to ban him from using the SoS for attacking.  Dunno why Elixirs are brought up; the DL routinely allows character-specific healing / abilities that compete with far more plentiful storebought items in-game than Elixirs are in FE6, so the argument is if anything even stronger for hyping them over the rarer FE6 Elixirs (storebought in C23 but no earlier).  Chrono Trigger healers like Robo & Marle compete with Elixirs & Megalixirs; SoA healers like Aika compete with cheap storebought full healing items; whatever.  And, as pointed out before, if Roy was in his DL situation - no Elixirs, no healers - the SoS healing would totally rule.  It's not fair to say "you can't use this because I'd use an Elixir instead in-game, but also you're not allowed to use an Elixir, yet you still can't use this ability."  Make Roy face the same concern he does in-game - running out of charges.  If he's hesitant to blow it on healing because he'll run out, that'll accurately mirror in-game.

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2014, 10:22:18 AM »
There is no difference at all between spending weapon charges on attacks & weapon charges on healing - limiting one is the same as limiting the other, and nobody seems to want to ban him from using the SoS for attacking.

The argument is basically that
(a) The Sword of Seals in on extremely shaky grounds already. Even at equal exp he should get at most 5 shots per season. There's a decent case for banning anything so limited entirely. However, hey, it is unique and subject to a bunch of plot, so I guess it should be allowed in some fashion...
(b) What's unique about the Sword of Seals? Being an 18 power, 1-2 range sword. What isn't unique about the Sword of Seals? Being able to heal yourself (hi Elixirs). It seems okay to allow only the unique properties of something on such shaky ground to me.

Totally get why you'd allow the healing, mind, but I'm not really tempted to. It probably doesn't help that the game doesn't actually tell you about the healing, IIRC, and I've certainly never used it in-game myself. I'm also less amenable than you to "unique by technicality but not in actuality" situations... see: your allowing (IIRC?) BD Merchant to buy healing items in-battle since it's a unique command, but I don't since it's functionally the same as an option the entire cast has. I can't think of many other comparable situations: most healing spells, even if kind of crappy in-game (Chrono Trigger, etc.), at least consume less resources than storebought items.

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2014, 08:20:22 AM »
Insert usual "think happy thoughts" disclaimer now that I've found myself in a classic DL interp dispute long after the DL has shuffled into its current half-alive half-dead state.  Pre-emptive apologies if any of the below sounds too flamethrowery, but  I really disagree here!

Your recollection is correct on BD merchant, FWIW.  (Given however much money he has, I can't see a reason to not let him spend it the way he wants, not that his healing game will ever matter.)  For whatever it's worth, sorry to use it as an example because I know you haven't played it but it's what comes to mind...  Skies of Arcadia healing items are named after the healing spells.  (I'm sure there are other games I'm forgetting that do this too.)  So a Sacrulen Crystal casts the same Sacrulen that Aika does, which is why it's hard to understate how shitty Aika's magical healing is come endgame - gee spend 6 SP & 1 MP for Sacrulen full-healing, or spend 0 SP and 0 MP and one of your 99 Sacrulen Crystals, HMMM.  Nevertheless, so far as I know, nobody disallows Aika's healing game in the DL because the items have the same name, or because it's strictly worse than the item-healing game (somewhat like Roy, although Roy's SoS healing [somehow] compares favorably to Aika's, as inventory size is a bigger concern for him!).

Lucina and Chrom both have that ability (and since it doesn't use any resource it is actually unique and a worthwhile option in-game).

Not really on the worthwhile note - at least not in situations comparable to the DL, where in both cases you should just drink an elixir.  (Sure, the Awakening Falchion is better if you took some chip damage and have nothing better to do, but if you're in a tough combat and don't have a friendly healer to help out, Roy's healing is a larger percentage of his health than Lucina or Chrom get.)  As for unique, well, it's exactly as unique as Roy's, except it doesn't run out.  Which is reflected in the DL, Roy's runs out, Chrom's doesn't.

The Sword of Seals in on extremely shaky grounds already

Heh, I'm more cool with Roy's late power burst then lots of other characters who get insanely late power bursts (Lenneth, Sanaki, etc.).  At least Roy lets you use his super-sword for 3 maps designed to show it off, and in-game Hammerne does exist.

What's unique about the Sword of Seals? Being an 18 power, 1-2 range sword.  What isn't unique about the Sword of Seals? Being able to heal yourself (hi Elixirs).   It seems okay to allow only the unique properties of something on such shaky ground to me.

I disagree with the assertion that the healing isn't unique.  Sword of Seals != Elixirs, which aren't even DL-legal anyway.  Roy's sword is certainly different than an Elixir - more shots of healing and can be refreshed by Hammerne, but can't be bought.  It's a losing trade of course, but it's still clearly *different*, if for some reason Roy needed to heal repeatedly in-game but only needed 30 HP healing.  No other weapon heals its user, no other self-healing item has 20 charges and stat boosts, and Roy will have this ability no matter what.  To be sure I share a bit of frustration elsewhere in the DL where something usually irrelevant and obscure in-game becomes randomly important in the DL (that one status option nobody tried that had 80% hit rate on randoms you can OHKO anyway), and I'm willing to hit Roy a bit for this by restricting his SoS charges, but in terms of uniqueness SoS is on solid ground.

Suspect we're going in circles and will have to agree to disagree, but let me rephrase your two points the way I'm understanding them:

1. Sword of Seals healing is on shaky grounds because it consumes a SoS charge, a rare and hard-to-replenish resource.
2. Sword of Seals healing is on shaky grounds because it competes with DL-illegal and non-trivial to stockpile items in-game that the entire cast can use that do the same thing.

The first concern is 100% valid.  I'm totally cool with sharply restricting the SoS charges Roy can spend in a match.  Of course, this applies equally to spending a charge on attacking someone.

The second concern is at variance with every precedent in the DL.  Hordes, hordes of casts all use tricks unique to their characters that are strictly worse than easily obtainable items in-game, and even more so when expanded to items whose availability is comparable to pre-C23 Elixirs.  It isn't just healing; it's attack items, status-attack items, unique effects off items, etc.  For starters, if the 2nd concern is taken seriously, Lucina & Chrom's healing you approvingly mentioned before goes out the window - it's worse than cast-wide Elixirs, more so than Roy's (their healing heals them for less, comparatively, and Elixirs are storebought much earlier).  There's zillions of examples here, RH items better than RH healers, CSTW potions, practically any Final Fantasy.  I won't go through 'em all.

If Roy's unique sword having healing is a "technicality" then the same is true for Chrom.  Point #2, alone, should either allow both or deny both.  Okay, I'll be fair, you did say that the combination of (a) & (b) means heightened scrutiny, "allow only the unique properties of something on such shaky ground."  Fine.  But this is where I go back to my reply above - SoS healing is unique, just as unique as Celes's Cure1 / WA1 Jack's healing / hordes of other stuff that doesn't get really used at endgame but gets used in the DL.  Items don't matter in the DL.  Endgame Roy will have this ability, everyone else won't.  Sounds unique to me!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 08:27:15 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2014, 12:34:32 PM »
Okay, I'll be fair, you did say that the combination of (a) & (b) means heightened scrutiny, "allow only the unique properties of something on such shaky ground."

Yup, pretty much.

RH, Chrono Trigger, etc., aren't comparable to me because in all those cases the universal option (items) consumes more resources than the "unique" one. That's a valid advantage, if a small one. (In the Aht debates of yesteryear, you defended her healing on just such grounds, after all.) In the Sword of Seals' case, Elixirs felt to me a strictly less valuable resource - I'd much rather use one than a Sword of Seals charge to heal, even on Roy, which is telling.

I could probably be talked into allowing it if Roy gets no level boost and only 5 shots of the SoS per battle, though, since what makes it really egregious is the resource limitation, and imposing a strict 5 limit (with no Exp favours for having it, since that would be doublecredit) seems fair. (You can bump it to 6 out of some 0.25 Hammerne charge argument, although I personally am not feeling it.)

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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2014, 10:55:49 PM »
5 per battle more or less assumes he got a Hammerne charge already, which I'm pretty okay with (the Sword of Seals is obviously one of the best Hammerne targets in-game and all). 

I think it would actually be more interesting as a 20 per season limit rather than a 5 per battle limit (allow him to spend more in an early round to win, at the risk of not having enough left to win later) but that's *really squirrely on interps so the reasons to limit it by battle are pretty obvious.

tl;dr I absolutely don't allow him unlimited use of it, that's not a thing he has in game, but as noted it certainly feels more relevant than the Falchion's healing in FE13 by sheer percentages (Sword of Seals heals around 75% or so if my guess at L5 Roy's stats is right, the Falchion heals like 40% at best?)


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Re: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2014, 07:20:05 AM »
The topic has now been updated.  Despite not really intending to be an equal-XP topic, it now is, as well as the SF topic at the same time, since there's really so few points of notable contention (Roy & that's it).  Changes:

* Various characters whose level was subtly altered by Elf's notes.  (Marcus & Zealot are sad, Sue is happy as the new undisputed fastest dueler.)
* Damage average is now subtly higher (45.4 new killpoint, sigh, I liked 45.0 as it was nice & clean) and HP average is subtly lower.
* There's an equal-XP section in the Appendix for Elf and others interested in the true equal XP experience.  (Zeiss barely changes between L11 & L12, it's almost totally irrelevant.)
* Very slightly changed the formula for calculating Resistance multipliers to be harsher on very-high Res characters (Fa, Yodel, Ellen, etc.).
* Most important: new picture of the Sword of Seals.  It looked like some spindly rapier before with a huge handle and barely any sword!